2018 ANNUAL REPORT BIG QUESTIONS, BREAKTHROUGH SCIENCE In Memoriam Research, at its core, is about asking questions. Scientific inquiry has been an essential AFAR dedicates this Annual Report to physician-researcher Arti Hurria, MD, a 2005 Paul B. Beeson Emerging Leaders Career Development Awards in Aging scholar. element of the American Federation for Aging Research’s DNA from the beginning. As the promise of aging research gains more momentum and attention, many of us A founding member of the Cancer and Aging Research Group and trailblazer of geroscience, are increasingly curious about how and when this research will move from the labora- Dr. Hurria was well-regarded for her collaborative and innovative research in geriatric oncology. tory into our lives. She was committed not only to high quality patient-oriented research but also to training the next generation of geriatric oncology researchers. In AFAR’s 2018 Annual Report, we focus on three of the big questions most commonly We are grateful for her gifts to the field and inspired by her legacy. asked about aging research today: Will there be a pill to slow aging? What can I do now to stay healthier, longer? Is it ever too late to improve your health?

To answer these questions, we highlight a small sample of the breakthrough science led by AFAR investigators. The research AFAR supports is driving a new generation of bold and creative clinical trials designed to translate this knowledge into novel drugs and therapies. Researchers also are advancing the science that shows how exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle interventions can improve health, even late in life.

AFAR experts are leading the conversation on how we can stay healthier, for longer, as we grow older. This year marked an important milestone for aging research in the medical community: the esteemed Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) invited five AFAR experts to contribute articles on geroscience, the research paradigm that seeks to understand the genetic, molecular, and cellular mechanisms that make aging a major risk factor and driver of common chronic conditions and diseases of older people.

In his JAMA article, board member S. Jay Olshansky, PhD, argues that “life extension should no longer be the primary goal of medicine when applied to people over age 65.” Instead, he writes, “the principal outcome and most important metric of success should be the extension of healthspan.”

James L. Kirkland, MD, PhD, President-Elect and 2012 grantee, explains in JAMA the potential for senolytic drugs to “transform care of older adults and patients with mul- tiple chronic diseases that now can only be managed and have not been amenable to disease-modifying interventions.”

And Scientific Director Steven Austad, PhD, Deputy Scientific Director Nir Barzilai, MD, and 2000 grantee Ana Maria Cuervo, MD, PhD, note in a co-authored article: “The discovery of cellular and molecular pathways that modulate healthy aging in diverse species across great evolutionary distances offers an unprecedented opportunity for intervention.”

AFAR scientists are at the forefront of geroscience, and AFAR’s generous donors make possible the breakthrough science you will read about here. The investments we make in extraordinary scientists throughout their careers builds the pipeline of innovative research that will help us live healthier, longer. Championed by AFAR, the foundation of basic research in the biology of aging inspires new questions every day, and we are excited by the answers.

William J. Lipton Stephanie Lederman Chair, Board of Directors Executive Director

1 Will there be a pill to slow aging? There won’t be a single pill, but a number of drugs and compounds that—combined with exercise, diet, and other healthy behaviors—will help us live healthier, longer.

“Research into the basic biological processes of aging led by AFAR experts for nearly Fisetin, a natural product found in many fruits and vegetables, four decades has built a pipeline of about 50 compounds that show some degree of also extends health and lifespan in mice by clearing out senescent promise in targeting the biological processes of aging in animal models,”says AFAR cells, a 2018 study reported. Laura J. Niedernhofer, MD, PhD, President-Elect and grantee James L. Kirkland, MD, PhD. 2018 Vincent Cristofalo Rising Star Award in Aging Research

recipient, co-authored the study along with Kirkland and grantees We now know that aging is the major risk factor for most chronic diseases, including Christin Burd, PhD (right), and Ming Xu, PhD. cancer, stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. SS-31, a mitochondrial-targeted peptide, reverses age-related oxidation reduction Moving into Clinical Trials (redox) stress and improves tolerance of exercise in aged mice, according to a 2018 Currently, however, there is no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) indication for study co-authored by grantee David Marcinek, PhD. His research has already led di- treatments that specifically target aging, as opposed to individual diseases. rectly to human trials as he investigates whether shifts in the redox homeostasis of the cell are a key mechanism underlying loss of function and impaired stress response That’s why AFAR is planning a large clinical trial —Targeting Aging with age. with Metformin (TAME) — designed to establish proof-of-concept that the condition of aging is a treatable composite of age-relat- NAD boosters are molecules that restore levels of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), a compound found in all living cells that naturally decreases by half as we age. ed diseases. Led by AFAR Deputy Scientific Director and multi- A 2018 study led by and showed ple grantee Nir Barzilai, MD (left), the TAME trial will investigate AFAR board member grantee David A. Sinclair, PhD, whether participants who take metformin, a widely used type 2 that a NAD precursor, NMN, stimulates blood vessel growth and boosts stamina and diabetes drug, experience delayed development or progression of endurance in mice. An earlier study found that it also restores the ability of cells in old- age-related chronic diseases compared with those who take a placebo. er mice to repair DNA to youthful levels. NAD boosters are already in Phase 1 and 2 clinical trials to test their safety and effectiveness in humans. If the FDA considers aging an indication for treatment, the door would open to a range of drugs and compounds on the horizon to delay age-related diseases and Kirkland cautions that further research and clinical trials will determine whether these extend years of health. and other compounds, which have been shown to target the biological processes of aging in animals, will work in humans. In addition, researchers will also need to test Senolytic drugs, which target damaged or senescent cells that tend to accumulate as “intelligent combinations” of compounds and develop biomarkers to measure the we age, also are moving into clinical trials. Kirkland was part of the Mayo Clinic team effects of different approaches. that in 2015 reported the first senolytic drugs. In 2018, he was senior author on a study that found that a combination of the leukemia drug dasatinib and the supple- ment quercetin extended not just how long mice live, but also the time they live in good health. The first small pilot trial in humans was completed in early 2019, paving the way for larger trials. “AFAR researchers are spearheading drug therapies that show great In the Pipeline hope for delaying multiple age- AFAR experts are behind many of the scientific breakthroughs in aging research that related diseases and extending have occurred in recent years—one or more of which may lead to new interventions: healthspan.” Humanin, a mitochondria-derived peptide, prevents age-related cognitive decline in mice and is associated with improved cognitive age in humans, according to a 2018 – James L. Kirkland, MD, PhD study authored by grantee Pinchas Cohen, MD, and four other AFAR experts. AFAR President-Elect

2 3 What can I do now to stay healthier, longer? A lot, as it turns out. Research increasingly supports how exercise and nutrition can help you live independently and in good health as you age.

“Science shows that everyday lifestyle choices such as regular exercise and paying It’s not just What You Eat, but When attention to not only what you eat, but when you eat, can help you live longer and Groundbreaking research in nutrition, dietary timing, and caloric restriction is led by better,” says AFAR President and Beeson scholar Mark S. Lachs, MD, MPH. grantees Valter D. Longo, PhD, and Satchidananda Panda, PhD. AFAR-supported research is helping to deepen our understanding of the essential role Longo has pioneered research on a “fasting-mimicking diet” that includes periodically exercise and nutrition play in delaying the illnesses and ailments many of us associate reducing caloric intake for five days. His studies have shown that a diet that imitates with growing older. fasting by periodically reducing calories decreases risk factors for age-related diseases such as heart disease and cancer, among others. The Cellular Benefits of Exercise While the fact that exercise is good for our health is widely known, we’re just now Research by Panda (left) supports aligning our eating patterns with the beginning to appreciate the extent of the lifetime health benefits it bestows. Regular natural circadian rhythms that are programmed into our DNA. That moderate to vigorous physical activity lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabe- means limiting food intake to eight to 12 hours a day, and fasting tes, frailty, dementia, cancer, and early death. the rest of the time. Research with mice shows that adhering to time-restricted eating reduced fat mass, reduced inflammation, AFAR experts are blazing new trails by exploring the impact exercise has even at the reversed type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease, and increased en- cellular level as we age. durance—even when mice ate an unhealthy diet high in fat and sugar.

AFAR board member Rudy E. Tanzi, PhD, recently found that exercise can improve Three Beeson scholars are exploring the science behind the benefits cognition in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s. The study shows that exercise not only of the Mediterranean diet. A 2017 study authored by Claire McEvoy, turns on neurogenesis, inducing the production of new neurons in the brain, but also PhD (right), Kristine Yaffe, MD, and Kenneth Langa, MD, PhD, found cleans up the hostile inflammatory environment associated with Alzheimer’s—allowing that participants aged 50 and older with middle- to high-level adher- the new cells to survive and thrive. ence to the diet were less likely to have poor cognitive performance than those with lower adherence levels. A study by McEvoy and And the research of Beeson scholar Ozioma Okonkwo, PhD (right), shows that exercise can help protect people against Alzheimer’s Yaffe has since linked adult adherence to the Mediterranean diet disease, even if they are at high genetic risk. Okonkwo’s research to improved cognitive performance at midlife. has found that a moderate-intensity active lifestyle actually boosts We already know that lifestyle choices can extend healthspan. AFAR-supported neuronal function. This probably is a pathway through which exercise research is revealing the biological underpinnings of specific benefits from exercise prevents cognitive decline in middle life. and healthy eating habits. Research by grantee Ian R. Lanza, PhD, found that interval exercise in particular strengthens and increases mitochondria—the so-called powerhouses of cells— that had previously been weakened and reduced from aging. Exercise can even help protect against harmful consequences of unhealthy diets “AFAR experts are advancing the on a cellular level. A study led by grantee Nathan LeBrasseur, PhD, found that exer- science behind exercise, nutrition, cise helps prevent diabetes-like symptoms by decreasing the effects of an unhealthy and aging. What you do today diet as well as levels of premature senescent cell accumulation. can extend your health tomorrow.” – Mark S. Lachs, MD, MPH AFAR President

4 5 Is it ever too late to improve your health? In a word, no. Research shows that both drug therapies and lifestyle interventions can improve health, even late in life.

“In recent years, research has accumulated that shows how health can be transformed “In recent studies, transfusing blood or even serum of blood from young mice into in our later years through both lifestyle interventions and emerging drug therapies,” mice at the human equivalent of about 50 years old improved the health of their mus- notes AFAR Scientific Director Steven N. Austad, PhD. cles, hearts, and brains,” Austad says. “There’s no reason to think that similar effects wouldn’t be found in even older mice.” Some of the drugs now in the pipeline that target the biological processes of aging, such as senolytics and rapamycin, provide substantial benefits even when given very Reinvigorating Health through Exercise late in life, animal studies show. And changes in exercise and diet also can have a positive impact on health even into our eighth, ninth, or tenth decades. The benefits of exercise—even if started late in life—are well supported. One study of especially frail people in their 90s found that three months of weight training signifi- Lab Studies Turn Back Time cantly enhanced their strength, increased their walking speed, improved their balance, and prevented falls, even if they had previously been sedentary their whole lives. In a groundbreaking 2009 study co-authored by grantee Richard A. Miller, MD, PhD, mice that were given rapamycin in their food starting at the mouse equivalent of AFAR-funded scientists are conducting research that has implications for late-in-life about 60 human-years-old lived about 30 percent longer than untreated mice from exercise and muscle strength. the time they began receiving the drug. Grantee Troy J. Cross, PhD (left), is studying how neural information Another study, co-authored by multiple grantee Matt Kaeberlein, PhD, found that arising from breathing and limb muscles may be involved in increased mice that were given rapamycin at the human equivalent of 70 years old also showed perceptions of breathlessness and limb fatigue as we age. His re- health improvements. Kaeberlein, who is the Co-Director of the Nathan Shock Center search may identify new therapeutic targets that could reduce these of Excellence in the Biology of Aging at the University of Washington, is now explor- symptoms during physical activity, increasing the likelihood that ing rapamycin’s impact on canine longevity in order to better understand human older people will exercise more frequently, for longer periods, and healthspan through the Dog Aging Project. at higher intensities. Likewise, senolytic drugs, which reduce the number of senescent cells that accumulate Grantee Rizwan Qaisar, PhD, is studying age-related muscle weakness and atrophy throughout the body with age, have shown remarkable effects in older mice, improv- in mice, with a goal of using a compound called CND1163 or a related compound to ing kidney, heart, and lung functions, among other health benefits. help prevent muscle loss in people as they age. President-Elect James L. Kirkland, MD, PhD, and fiveAFAR grantees and/or awardees —Yuji Ikeno, MD, PhD, Nathan LeBrasseur, PhD, At any age, exercise and drug therapies can help people live healthier, science shows. Laura Niedernhofer, MD, PhD, Allyson Palmer, MD, PhD (right), and Ming Xu, PhD —found that in mice, senolytic drugs that clear away these so-called “zombie cells” can improve health and extend life. The team gave senolytics to mice who are naturally aging, roughly “AFAR investigators are exploring equivalent to 80 human years old. Compared to untreated mice, these how both drug and lifestyle very old mice had a lower risk of early death and their post-treatment lifespan interventions can revitalize health increased by about 36 percent. and reverse damage in our 60s, 70s, Studies exploring how blood from younger animals can rejuvenate the cells and 80s, or even 90s. We can improve tissues of older animals also hold promise. Much of this research has been led by board member and multiple grantee Thomas A. Rando, MD, PhD. our health even late in life.” – Steven N. Austad, PhD AFAR Scientific Director

6 7 BIOLOGY OF AGING GRANTS AFAR’s Biology of Aging grant programs fuel the pipeline of researchers working to understand the basic biology of aging and age-related diseases in order to extend 2018 AFAR GRANTS our years of health and decrease periods of sickness. Several grant programs help early career scientists acquire the knowledge, skills, and experience they need to AFAR supported 58 investigators with more than $3,300,000 obtain higher-level grants as they build a body of research. Just as critical are grants in funding through our Biology of Aging and Physician Training tailored to mid-career and senior investigators, which allow them to remain focused grants portfolio in 2018. on aging as they expand their research programs.

GLENN FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH AND AFAR AFAR grants are selected through a meticulous process. AFAR’s scientifically GRANTS FOR JUNIOR FACULTY rigorous grant reviews help ensure that only the most promising science re- Joshua Baker, MD, MSCE Kevin Wang, MD, PhD ceives our support. Members of our Scientific Review Committees are accom- Assistant Professor of Medicine, Assistant Professor, plished scientists representing a wide range of expertise in biomedical research University of Pennsylvania Stanford University School of Medicine on aging. They volunteer their time and expertise to review hundreds of grant Daniel Berry, PhD Deborah Winter, PhD applications each year and select scientists and research projects that have the Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, greatest likelihood of making significant contributions to help us stay healthier Cornell University Northwestern University, longer as we grow older. Many are also past AFAR grantees, and they play an Feinberg School of Medicine Benjamin Cosgrove, PhD important role in identifying the talent and research that AFAR supports. We are Assistant Professor, Nilay Yapici, PhD grateful for their contributions, which are essential in shaping the impact and Cornell University Assistant Professor, Cornell University reputation of AFAR’s grant programs. Isha Jain, PhD Sandler Faculty Fellow, Selection Committee University of California, San Francisco Pinchas Cohen, MD, Chair University of Southern California Since 1981, AFAR Kishore Kuchibhotla, PhD Assistant Professor, Steve Austad, PhD has provided more Johns Hopkins University University of Alabama at Birmingham than $178 million Po-Ru Loh, PhD Dena Dubal, MD, PhD Assistant Professor, University of California, San Francisco to more than 4,100 Brigham and Women’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School Henri Jasper, PhD The Buck Institute / Genentech investigators and Andreas Pfenning, PhD students. Assistant Professor, Salvatore Oddo, PhD Carnegie Mellon University Arizona State University School of Life Sciences Andrew Pickering, PhD Assistant Professor, Yousin Suh, PhD UT Health San Antonio Albert Einstein College of Medicine Vivek Venkatachalam, PhD Assistant Professor, Northeastern University AFAR is grateful to the Glenn Foundation for Medical Research for its support of this grant program.

Other major funders include: The AFAR Board of Directors, Proceeds from AFAR’s 2017 Luncheon and 2018 Dinner, Anonymous, The James A. and Dorothy R. Brunn Founda- above: 2000 AFAR grantee Ana Maria Cuervo, MD, PhD, mentors a new generation of tion, David W. Gore, The Hearst Foundation, The William G. researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Cuervo also received AFAR’s Vincent and Helen C. Hoffman Foundation, Diana Jacobs Kalman, Cristofalo Rising Star Award in Aging Research in 2008 and is Co-Director of Einstein’s Diane Nixon, and The Irving S. Wright Endowment Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging.

8 9 GLENN FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH left: AFAR’s annual scientific meetings bring together grantees, senior leaders in the field, POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS IN AGING RESEARCH and foundation representatives to discuss our investigators’ recent research and Joel Blanchard, PhD Jyung Mean Son, PhD emerging insights from the field. AFAR is Postdoctoral Associate, Postdoctoral Scholar, grateful to The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Southern California Foundation and the Glenn Foundation for Medical Research for supporting these Jorge Castillo-Quan, MD, PhD Kristoffer Svensson, PhD meetings, held in Santa Barbara, CA. Research Fellow, Postdoctoral Researcher, Harvard University University of California, San Diego

Ukrae Cho, PhD Stephen Treaster, PhD NEW INVESTIGATOR AWARDS IN ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Research Associate, Postdoctoral Fellow, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies Boston Children’s Hospital Xiaobo Mao, PhD Selection Committee Assistant Professor, Grace (Beth) Stutzmann, PhD, Chair Ching-Chieh Chou, PhD Selection Committee Johns Hopkins University Rosalind Franklin University Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Thomas A. Rando, MD, PhD, Chair Stanford University Stanford University Andrea Soranno, PhD Kim Green, PhD Assistant Professor, University of California, Irvine Susan Eliazer, PhD Rozalyn Anderson, PhD Washington University in St. Louis Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin University of California, San Francisco Itamar Kahn, PhD Vivek Swarup, PhD Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Catherine Kaczorowski, PhD Assistant Professor, Karl Miller, PhD The Jackson Laboratory University of California, Irvine Postdoctoral Associate, M. Paul Murphy, PhD University of Kentucky Sanford-Burnham Prebys Edward Koo, MD Medical Discovery Institute University of California, San Diego and National University of Singapore AFAR is grateful to The Rosalinde and Arthur Sean James Miller, PhD Gilbert Foundation for its support of this grant Postdoctoral Fellow, Meng Wang, PhD program. Stanford University School of Medicine Baylor College of Medicine

Sharon Owino, PhD, MSCR Ashley Webb, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow, Brown University Emory University SCHOLARSHIPS FOR RESEARCH IN THE BIOLOGY OF AGING

Andree-Anne Berhiaum Selection Committee Seattle Children’s Research Insitute / GLENN FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH Paul Agris, PhD, Chair The Medical University of South Carolina Duke University School of Medicine BREAKTHROUGHS IN GERONTOLOGY (BIG) AWARDS Ryan Castro Todd Cohen, PhD Peter Adams, PhD M. Brandon Westover, MD, PhD Virginia Polytechnic Institute and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Professor, Associate Professor of Neurology, State University School of Medicine Sanford-Burnham Prebys Massachusetts General Hospital Medical Discovery Institute Michael Cooney Anna Csiszár, MD, PhD Harvard University University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Veronica Galvan, PhD Selection Committee Albina Ibrayeva Bess Frost, PhD UT Health San Antonio Charlotte Peterson, PhD, Chair University of Southern California / UT Health San Antonio University of Kentucky The Buck Institute Vera Gorbunova, PhD Vyacheslav Labunskyy, PhD University of Rochester Lisa Ellerby, PhD Andrew Kane Boston University School of Medicine The Buck Institute Harvard University David Marcinek, PhD David Lombard, MD, PhD University of Washington Medical Center Gavin Pharaoh University of Michigan University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center John Newman, MD, PhD AFAR is grateful to the Glenn Foundation for Medical Jason Wan The Buck Institute and University of Research for its support of these grant programs. Georgia Institute of Technology California, San Francisco Xiaotian Wu Brown University

10 11 PHYSICIAN TRAINING GRANTS ADVANCING TRANSLATION, SUPPORTING POSTDOCS AFAR’s Physician Training grant programs help faculty researchers and medical students become academic and clinical leaders prepared to meet the increasing healthcare needs The Irene Diamond Fund and AFAR established a new award in 2017 to help advance of an ever-growing older population. The necessity to sensitize physicians to the needs of research poised for translation, led by early-career investigators. The Irene Diamond older patients could not be clearer, and AFAR’s Physician Training grants strengthen the Fund /AFAR Postdoctoral Transition Awards in Aging program focuses on basic aging research that will help older Americans stay healthier, longer. discoveries that have clearly articulated pathways toward clinical relevance and impact- ing the health and well-being of older adults. To date, the program has supported 15 postdoctoral fellows, whose research has implications for treating a range of age-related THE PAUL B. BEESON EMERGING LEADERS CAREER DEVELOPMENT issues including cognitive impairment, exercise intolerance, frailty and inflammation, AWARDS IN AGING (K76) immune health, muscle loss, osteoporosis, post-stroke recovery, and more. Rebecca Brown, MD, MPH Program Advisory Committee Research by 2018 Diamond /AFAR postdoctoral fellow Jenna Bartley, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Thomas Gill, MD, Chair for example, may translate to interventions that improve general immune University of Pennsylvania Yale University School of Medicine responses in older people. Bartley is studying whether the drug metformin can enhance T-cell function and boost the flu vaccine’s effectiveness in Kathryn Callahan, MD Liana Apostolova, MD, MSc, FAAN Assistant Professor, Indiana University School of Medicine vulnerable older adults. Reduced response to the flu vaccine leaves many Wake Forest School of Medicine people age 65 and older unprotected from influenza—one of the leading Malaz Boustani, MD killers of older adults. Andrew Cohen, MD, DPhil Indiana University School of Medicine Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Bartley notes that receiving this support at this point in her research path “will allow me (Geriatrics), Yale University Cynthia M. , MD, MS to develop my own independent research line and grow tremendously as a scientist. I University of Wisconsin School of Medicine believe this grant has helped solidify my future career in academia and will be integral Guido Falcone, MD, ScD, MPH and Public Health to my future success and transition to faculty.” Assistant Professor of Neurology, Yale School of Medicine Wes Ely, MD, MPH, FCCP AFAR is grateful to board member Peter Kimmelman for his leadership, on behalf of Vanderbilt University Andrea Gilmore-Bykovskyi, PhD, RN AFAR and the Irene Diamond Fund, in developing this program. Assistant Professor, Alison Moore, MD, MPH University of Wisconsin-Madison University of California, San Diego

Rasheeda Hall, MD Nicolas Musi, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine, UT Health San Antonio THE IRENE DIAMOND FUND /AFAR POSTDOCTORAL TRANSITION Duke University Medical Center AWARDS IN AGING Consuelo Wilkins, MD Biren Kamdar, MD, MBA, MHS Vanderbilt University Assistant Clinical Professor, Bumsoo Ahn, PhD Claire Gustafson, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, San Diego Kristine Yaffe, MD Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Stanford University School of Medicine University of California, San Francisco Jennifer Portz, PhD, MSW Jenna Bartley, PhD Emilie Reas, PhD 2018 Beeson Scholars are fully funded Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoctoral Fellow, Assistant Professor, Colorado State University through the National Institute on Aging University of Connecticut School of Medicine University of California, San Diego (NIA) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The Beeson Annual Meetings are Nancy Schoenborn, MD John Collins, PhD Selection Committee supported through The John A. Hartford Postdoctoral Fellow, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Jeremy Walston, MD, Chair Johns Hopkins University Foundation and the NIA. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Indranil Sinha, MD Troy Cross, PhD Julie Glowacki, PhD Assistant Professor of Surgery, Senior Research Fellow, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Mayo Clinic Harvard Medical School / Brigham and Women’s Hospital Angela Jefferson, PhD Shelli Farhadian, MD, PhD Vanderbilt University Medical Center Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University School of Medicine Kejal Kantarci, MD MEDICAL STUDENT TRAINING IN AGING RESEARCH (MSTAR) PROGRAM Mayo Clinic, Rochester MSTAR students privately funded at Weill Cornell Medicine Amy Gleichman, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow, Sean Leng, MD, PhD Sarah Dion - University of Cincinnati College of Medicine University of California, Los Angeles Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine James Gang, Max Morin, Tatiana Requijo - Weill Cornell Medicine

AFAR is grateful to The Irene Diamond Christian Sell, PhD Funded by Lile and John Gibbons, The John A. Hartford Foundation, John and Rebecca Fund for its support of this grant program. Drexel University College of Medicine Mach, Earl (Trip) and Allyson Samson, Norman Volk, and the Kathryn Wriston Fund.

12 13 CLARENCE PEARSON FELLOWSHIP IN GLOBAL HEALTH AND AGING NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COUNCIL (NSAC) AFAR is grateful for the committment of our NSAC members for lending their scientific expertise AFAR board member Clarence Pearson dedicated his to our grant review process. career to building relationships across the public, private, and nonprofit sectors in order to raise awareness about Peter Adams, PhD Danica Chen, PhD the impact of the growing aging population worldwide. Glasgow University University of California, Berkeley

In his honor, this fellowship provides graduate public Shawn Ahmed, PhD Zheng Chen, PhD health students the opportunity to gain deeper knowledge University of North Carolina University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston of scientific, clinical, and social science research in age- Mikhail Alexeyev, PhD Wallace Chick, PhD related health concerns. Antonella Fegan (left), an MPA University of South Alabama University of Colorado Denver candidate at Seton Hall University, analyzed messaging Richard Altschuler, PhD Harvey Jay Cohen, MD strategies of aging research organizations worldwide University of Michigan Duke University Medical Center

during her fall 2018 Pearson Fellowship. Rozalyn Anderson, PhD Lucio Comai, PhD University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Southern California Javier Apfeld, PhD Cheryl Conover, PhD Northeastern University Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

Rajendra Apte, MD, PhD Jon Corton, PhD WORKING WITH NIA TO FOSTER Washington University US Environmental Protection Agency Ottavio Arancio, MD, PhD Kelvin Davies, PhD RESEARCH COLLABORATIONS Columbia University University of Southern California

ACROSS DISCIPLINES Nicole Ashpole, PhD Abbe de Vallejo, PhD University of Mississippi, School of Pharmacy University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine The National Institute on Aging (NIA) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Kaveh Ashrafi, PhD Ferenc Deak, MD, PhD selected AFAR to serve as the Coordinating Center for the Nathan Shock Centers University of California, San Francisco University of Oklahoma Health Science Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging to strengthen coordination and coopera- Brian Bacskai, PhD Lucian Del Priore, MD, PhD tion among the Shock Centers as well as increase outreach to the aging research MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases Yale University field. Together with Wake Forest University School of Medicine, AFAR manages the Darren James Baker, PhD Fabio Demontis, PhD new Research Centers Collaborative Network (RCCN), which aims to catalyze cross- Mayo Clinic St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital disciplinary research across the six NIA Center Programs. Joseph Baur, PhD Nancy Dennis, PhD University of Pennsylvania The Pennsylvania State University AFAR has served as the Coordinating Center Narayan Bhat, PhD Vishwa Dixit, DVM, PhD for the Nathan Shock Centers (NSC), which is Medical University of South Carolina Yale University School of Medicine

funded by NIA’s Division of Aging Biology, since Paula Bickford, PhD Linda Dokas, PhD 2017. AFAR’s role as the NSC Coordinating University of South Florida University of Michigan Center includes: Gal Bitan, PhD Anthony Donato, PhD • Enhancing NSC external communications, expanding information resources, and Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA University of Utah serving as scientific exchange forum among NSC sites Andrea Bodnar, PhD Peter Douglas, PhD Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute UT Southwestern Medical Center • Working with the NSC directors to develop and implement data quality control and sharing between centers and with the scientific community at large Lynda Bonewald, PhD Isabelle Draper, PhD Indiana University Tufts Medical Center, Molecular Cardiology Research Institute • Providing logistical support to the NSCs for interactions with NIA staff Robert Brosh, Jr., PhD Monica Driscoll, PhD • Developing and implementing evaluation strategies for assessing the effectiveness National Institute on Aging, NIH Rutgers University of the NSCs and the Coordinating Center. Holly Brown-Borg, PhD Gustavo Duque, MD, PhD University of North Dakota SOM & Health Science University of Melbourne In 2018, the NIA selected AFAR and Wake Anne Brunet, PhD Atanu Duttaroy, PhD Forest School of Medicine to co-manage Stanford University Howard University the new RCCN. The RCCN supports multi- Christin Burd, PhD Joseph El Khoury, MD disciplinary efforts in aging research across Ohio State University Massachusetts General Hospital the NIA center programs through five complementary strategies: conferences, pilot Dongsheng Cai, MD, PhD Paul Eslinger, PhD programs, early career faculty education, web-based resource identification tools, Albert Einstein College of Medicine Penn State Hershey Medical Center and fundraising development. The NIA center programs include: Alzheimer’s Disease S. Thomas Carmichael, MD, PhD James Fadel, PhD Research Centers (ADRCs), Centers on the Demography and Economics of Aging Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA University of South Carolina School of Medicine (CDEAs), Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers (OAICs), Christy Carter PhD Roger Fielding, PhD, University of Florida Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research (RCMARs), and Roybal Centers for Tufts University Translational Research on Aging, as well as the Nathan Shock Centers. These NIA Jane Cauley, DrPH University of Pittsburgh Els Fieremans, PhD center programs include more than 80 individual centers. New York Univeristy of Medicine Yung Chang, PhD Through our leadership of these NIA programs, AFAR deepens its commitment to Arizona State University Caleb Finch, PhD University of Southern California interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research to improve the health of older adults. Ved Chauhan, PhD New York State Institute for Basic Research in Mark Fisher, MD Developmental Disabilites University of California Irvine Medical Center Visit and to learn more. 14 15 Alfred Fisher, MD, PhD Eric Howard, PhD Christiaan Leeuwenburgh, PhD Philipp Oberdoerffer, PhD UT Health San Antonio University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center University of Florida National Cancer Institute, NIH Tracy Fitzgerald, PhD Ao-Lin Hsu, PhD Sean Leng, MD, PhD Bradley Olwin, PhD National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication University of Michigan Johns Hopkins University University of Colorado Boulder Disorders / Division of Intramural Research, NIH Patrick Hu, MD, PhD Lisa Lesniewski, PhD David Orren, PhD Thomas Flatt, PhD Vanderbilt University School of Medicine University of Utah University of Kentucky College of Medicine University of Fribourg Xudong Huang, PhD Rodney Levine, MD, PhD Junko Oshima, MD, PhD Jerome Fleg, MD Massachusetts General Hospital National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH University of Washington School of Medicine National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH Karen Hubbard, PhD Harry LeVine, III, PhD Mary Ann Ottinger, PhD Sebastian Fugmann, PhD The City College of New York University of Kentucky University of Houston Chang Gung University Robert Hurst, PhD Sergiy Libert, PhD Adam Pack, PhD David Gardiner, PhD University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Cornell University Utica College University of California, Irvine Bradley Hyman, MD, PhD Jonathan Lin, MD, PhD Satchidananda Panda, PhD Arjumand Ghazi, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital University of California, San Diego Salk Institute University of Pittsburgh Yuji Ikeno, MD, PhD Su-Ju Lin, PhD Vassilios Papadopoulos, DPharm, PhD Jadwiga Giebultowicz, PhD UT Health San Antonio University of California, Davis University of Southern California Oregon State University Shin-ichiro Imai, MD, PhD Rui-Ming Liu, MD, PhD Amy Pasquinelli, PhD Matthew Gill, PhD Washington University School of Medicine University of Alabama at Birmingham University of California, San Diego The Scripps Research Institute-Scripps Florida Kailiang Jia, MD, PhD Richard Loeser, Jr., MD Hemal Patel, PhD Thomas Gill, MD Florida Atlantic University University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of California, San Diego Yale University School of Medicine Leanne Jones, PhD Jianyuan Luo, PhD Viviana Perez, PhD Julianne Glowacki, PhD University of California, Los Angeles Peking University Health Science Center Oregon State University Brigham and Women’s Hospital Jan Karlseder, PhD Fernando Macian, MD, PhD Daniel Perl, MD Todd Golde, MD, PhD Salk Institute for Biological Studies Albert Einstein College of Medicine Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences University of Florida Jason Karpac, PhD Kathy Magnusson, DVM, PhD Robert Petersen, PhD Scott Gordon, PhD Texas A&M University Health Science Center Oregon State University Central Michigan University Kennesaw State University Rajesh Khanna, PhD William Mair, PhD Daniel Peterson, PhD Andrea Gore, PhD University of Arizona Harvard School of Public Health Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science The University of Texas at Austin Konstantin Khrapko, PhD Goldis Malek, PhD Michael Petrascheck, PhD Jorg Goronzy, MD, PhD Northeastern University Duke University, Albert Eye Research Institute The Scripps Research Institute Emory University Mark Kindy, PhD David Marcinek, PhD Scott Pletcher, PhD Cheryl Grady, PhD University of South Florida College of Pharmacy University of Washington Medical Center University of Michigan Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Amos Korczyn, MD, MSc Mitch McVey, PhD Daniel Promislow, DPhil Kim Green, PhD Tel Aviv University Tufts University University of Washington University of California, Irvine Deborah Kristan, PhD Alicia Melendez, PhD Jacob Raber, PhD, Eric Greer, PhD California State University San Marcos Queens College-CUNY Oregon National Primate Research Center, Harvard Medical School / Oregon Health & Science University Children’s Hospital Boston George Kuchel, MD Keir Menzies, PhD University of Connecticut Health Center University of Ottawa Interdisciplinary School of Peter Rabinovitch, MD, PhD Lisbet Haglund, PhD Health Sciences University of Washington Montreal General Hospital Albert La Spada, MD, PhD, FACMG University of California, San Diego Dana Miller, PhD Jon Ramsey, PhD Marcia Haigis, PhD University of Washington University of California Harvard Medical School Vyacheslav Labunskyy, PhD Boston University School of Medicine James Mitchell, PhD Qitao Ran, PhD Jeffrey Hausdorff, MSME, PhD Harvard University UT Health San Antonio Harvard Medical School / Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Mary Jo LaDu, PhD University of Illinois at Chicago David Morgan, PhD P. Hemachandra Reddy, PhD Cole Haynes, PhD Michigan State University Texas Tech University Health Science Center University of Massachusetts Medical School Patrick Lajoie, PhD The University of Western Ontario Shin Murakami, PhD May Reed, MD Laura Haynes, PhD Touro University-California University of Washington School of Medicine University of Connecticut Health Center Ashish Lal, PhD National Cancer Institute, NIH M. Paul Murphy, PhD Michael Rich, MD Denise Head, PhD University of Kentucky Washington University School of Medicine Washington University Bruce Lamb, PhD Indiana University School of Medicine Radhika Muzumdar, MD Russell Richardson, PhD Janet Henderson, PhD Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of University of Utah Research Institute-McGill University Health Centre Dudley Lamming, PhD University of Pittsburgh Medical Center University of Wisconsin-Madison Arlan Richardson, PhD Ahmad Heydari, PhD Tim Nagy, PhD University of Oklahoma Health Science Center Wayne State University Thomas Lang, PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham University of California, San Francisco Paul Robbins, PhD Jason Hinman, MD, PhD James Nelson, PhD The Scripps Research Institute, Scripps Florida University of California, Los Angeles Matthew LaVoie, PhD UT Health San Antonio Brigham and Women’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School Jack Rogers, PhD Fuki Hisama, MD Laura Niedernhofer, MD, PhD Harvard Medical School University of Washington Frank Lee, MD, PhD University of Minnesota University of Pennsylvania Edwin Rubel, PhD Steve Horvath, PhD, ScD Kristy Nielson, PhD University of Washington University of California, Los Angeles William Lee, PhD Marquette University The David Axelrod Institute Olav Rueppell, PhD Darlene Howard, PhD Janko Nikolich-Zugich, MD, PhD University of North Carolina at Greensboro Georgetown University Menq-jer Lee, PhD University of Arizona College of Medicine Wayne State University School of Medicine Martin Sadowski, MD, PhD Mariana Nikolova-Karakashian, PhD New York University School of Medicine 16 University of Kentucky 17 Hiroshi Saito, PhD Nektarios Tavernarakis, PhD University of Kentucky College of Medicine Hellas Medical School, University of Crete Adam Salmon, PhD J. Andrew Taylor, PhD 2018 DONORS Barshop Institute / UT Health San Antonio Harvard Medical School / Spaulding Hospital Cambridge AFAR is deeply grateful to our donors Paul Salvaterra, PhD Qiang Tong, PhD Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope Baylor College of Medicine for their generous support. Their continued contributions enable us to fulfill our mission Andrew Samuelson, PhD John Tower, PhD University of Rochester Medical Center University of Southern California and strengthen our programs. Ann Marie Schmidt, MD Kelly Tremblay, PhD New York University Langone Medical Center University of Washington Steven Schreiber, MD R. Scott Turner, MD, PhD University of California, Irvine School of Medicine Georgetown University Medical Center Michael Seidman, PhD Dennis Turner, MD Laboratory of Molecular Gerontology, Duke University Medical Center National Institute on Aging, NIH AFAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS CORPORATIONS / FOUNDATIONS / Zoltan Ungvari, MD, PhD Steven N. Austad EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS / Christian Sell, PhD University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Laura Barzilai Drexel University ORGANIZATIONS Dario Riccardo Valenzano, PhD Nir Barzilai Anonymous Colin Selman, PhD Max Planck Institute for the Biology of Ageing and Barbara Beever University of Glasgow Alexandra Foundation Linda Van Eldik, PhD Richard Besdine The American Geriatrics Society Sudha Sharma, PhD University of Kentucky Caroline S. Blaum Howard University The Sidley Austin Foundation Holly Van Remmen, PhD Harvey Jay and Sandra Cohen Rose M. Badgeley Residuary Charitable Trust Zelton Sharp, PhD Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Mark Collins UT Health San Antonio Biohaven Pharmaceuticals Marc Vermulst, MSc, PhD Ann M. Connolly and Gordon Medenica Biophytis Eric Shelden, PhD University of Pennsylvania Nathaniel E. David Washington State University Bloomberg LP Ruben Vidal, PhD Alexandra L. Gatje The James A. and Dorothy R. Brunn Foundation Paul Shiels, PhD Indiana University School of Medicine Michael Hodin University of Glasgow Canton Games David Vilchez, PhD Thomas and Marilyn Kahn The Carwill Foundation Alan Shiels, PhD CECAD, University of Cologne Peter and Elbrun Kimmelman Washington University School of Medicine Charina Foundation, Inc. Amy Wagers, PhD Mark S. Lachs The Irene Diamond Fund Barbara Shukitt-Hale, PhD Harvard University Kevin Lee and Leslie Vosshall USDA, Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at The Charles Edison Fund Tufts University Meng Wang, PhD Dr. Carol M. and Mr. William J. Lipton The Lawrence Ellison Foundation Baylor College of Medicine Roger and Christine McCarter Josh Shulman, MD, PhD Family Management Corporation Baylor College of Medicine Xin Wang, PhD S. Jay Olshansky The Gerontological Society of America Brigham and Women’s Hospital Thomas A. Rando Einar Sigurdsson, PhD The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation New York University School of Medicine Huber Warner, PhD John Rhodes and Lucy Allen Glenn Foundation for Medical Research David A. Sinclair Meharavan Singh, PhD Gordon Warren, PhD Global Coalition on Aging University of North Texas Health Science Center Georgia State University Hume R. Steyer The Goode Family Charitable Foundation Pol Vandenbroucke Erik Snapp, PhD Ashley Webb, PhD The John A. Hartford Foundation Howard Hughes Medical Institute Brown University Terrie Fox Wetle The Lowell F. Johnson Foundation Joyce M. Yaeger William Sonntag, PhD Noah Weisleder, PhD The Marion Esser Kaufmann Foundation University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation John Sorkin, MD, PhD Edward Weiss, MSEd, PhD AFAR FORMER, HONORARY AND The Edward & Lucille Kimmel Foundation, Inc. University of Maryland School of Medicine Saint Louis University EMERITUS DIRECTORS The Jan M. & Eugenia Krol Charitable Foundation Alexander Soukas, MD Fletcher White, PhD Charles J. Fahey Life Biosciences, Inc. Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School Indiana University School of Medicine Hadley and Mary Ford Memic Joseph Starnes, PhD John Woodard, PhD Michael I. and Joan Murtagh Frankel The Ambrose Monell Foundation University of North Carolina at Greensboro Wayne State University Diana Jacobs Kalman JP MorganChase Foundation Randy Strong, PhD Dean Yamaguchi, MD, PhD George M. Martin MorganStanley CyberGrants Inc. University of Texas Health Science Center VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System Diane A. Nixon Princeton Wealth Advisors of Raymond James & Yousin Suh, PhD Andrew Yoo, PhD Richardson K. Noback Associates Albert Einstein College of Medicine Washington University School of Medicine Richard L. Sprott Pfizer Essential Health Patrick Sullivan, PhD Yixian Zheng, PhD William and Stutt Regeneron Genetics Center The University of Kentucky Chandler College of Medicine Carnegie Institution for Science Mary J. Veverka Mary Ann Sanford Revocable Trust Nathalie Sumien, PhD Shuanhu Zhou, PhD Patrick J. Waide, Jr. Charles and Mildred Schnurmacher Foundation University of North Texas Health Science Center Brigham and Women’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School Gary L. Zwerling Sinclair/Luikenhuis Charitable Fund

Yuxiang Sun, MD, PhD Nicholas Ziats, PhD UConn Health, Center on Aging Texas A&M University Case Western Reserve University UNITY Biotechnology Mark Supiano, MD Driss Zoukhri, PhD The George M. Van Cleave Family Foundation University of Utah Tufts University Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation Karen Swisshelm, PhD Weill Medical College of Cornell University University of Colorado Denver

18 19 INDIVIDUALS Claudia Gravekamp Jean Evans Rich Jay and Randi Vodofsky Anonymous Douglas Hamilton Michael D. Riley Norman Volk Itamar and Christine Abrass Adam Hanft Jo Anne Robbins and David Falk Jeremy D. Walston Matthew Adamowicz III Ellen Heffes Leonard Rokaw Barry Weisfeld Robert Adler Barbara C. Hevener Susan Ross Karen Wenderoff Benedict Albensi David M. Holtzman Ericka Rubenson Barbara West Sharon and Stephen Alpert Kathleen and Charles Howland Marilyn Sackett Rosalinde Westling Audrey S. Amdursky Chandra Ivey Earl and Allyson Dale Samson Cody Weston Eleanor H. Ascher Richard Johnson Marvin and Connie Schmeiser Terry A. Wigness Joyce and Ken Ball Audrey Kahane Eugenia L. Siegler Smith J. Williams, Jr. Andrzej Bartke and Tracy Evans Robert and Mimi Kahn Ron Skalberg Raymond Yung Janet and Henry Bartosch Karen Katen Matthew Slater Clarita Zeppie Ann Beck Elisabeth Keane David Smith Natalie Zimmer Joan Beck Jeffrey Kelling Joshua Speight Seymour Zises Robert D. Blank Garrett Kelley Paul Spiegel Frederica Blum Carolyn Dineen King Peter D. and Joan F. Stogis IRVING S. WRIGHT LEGACYSOCIETY SOCIETY Karen Bower and Joseph Pezzano Mary B. King Andrea Stottler We want to thank individuals who have named Douglas E. Brash Bonnie Kirkwood Natalie Stottler AFAR in their estate plans: Brandi Klein Cynthia Suga Michael Brown George E. Doty* Peter Brooke Klein Don Summa Dennis E. Buetow Dorothy Dillon Eweson* V. Wensley Koch Ernest Thomas Carmelita Caluag Mary and Hadley Ford Michael and Atsumi Kolba Michael Thomas Glenn Campbell and Melissa Dowling Barbara Wright Gatje Cindy Kosik Trygve Tollefsbol Henry Cannon Diana Jacobs Kalman Paul Krugler Richard Topper Raymond and Bonnie Carlson Robert and Bette Nielson Steve Latsch Andre Tusicisny Cynthia Carlsson Leonard Rokaw Stephanie Lederman Odette van der Willik Mary Lou Caspers Mary Ann Sanford* Richard Cecchi Janice Leitner William Vaughan *Deceased Harold Chapman Judith S. and Edwin Deane Leonard Eduardo Viegas Margaret F. Cristofalo Marc Levine Catherine Cullar Larry Leviton Janis Cummings Martha Maas Cara David John and Rebecca Mach Jefferson Davis Kathy Magnusson BREAKTHROUGHS IN HEALTHY AGING Thomas De Fazio Paul Malarik David Malouf START WITH YOUR SUPPORT Barbara Dillon David Dodd Edward R. Marcantonio and MaryAnn Wattendorf AFAR offers a range of giving opportunities: Linda Dokas Carl and Edith Markel Dwight Edwards and Hattie Herman Gemma Martinelli • Make a gift to underwrite or endow a named research David L. Eigen Robert Mathewson grant. Naming opportunities in support of AFAR research Donald Elrod Clara Mayer grants or disease-specific grants are available at multiple James Mellon Nigel Emmett levels of giving. AFAR can also help design grant programs. Susan Enger Karole Mendelsohn Gerald P. and Lydia M. Esmer Richard and Ronay Menschel • Make a gift to our annual fund, the central vehicle for supporting Jack Extract Helen Mitchell our core research grant programs. Gifts may be made annually, Brett Farina Vincent Monnier as well as monthly and quarterly as a sustaining donor. Stephanie and Michael Ferdman Cristina Montagna • Sponsor a scientific conferenceor public educational program. Opportunities for Alan Finn Alison A. Moore sponsorship are available at many levels. Trevor Frankel David Morgan Daniel and Linda Forman Elissa Moses and Mark Shornick • Make a planned gift as a member of the Irving S. Wright Legacy Society. Mr. and Mrs. Al Garland Jeffrey L. Neuman Daniel Marvin Garrett Ellery Newton • Make a memorial or a tribute gift to honor a loved one or special occasion. Barbara Wright Gatje Janko Nikolich-Zugich • Make a gift of stock or other tangible property. This is a win-win: while Robert Giaquinto Laurie Norris supporting aging research, you avoid paying capital gains taxes. Lile and John Gibbons Timothy O’Mara William and Gayle Glauz Mr. and Mrs. William O’Toole • Designate AFAR as the recipient of your donor advised fund. Karyn L. Gold Lynn Patinkin Andrew and Gail Goldberg Brad and Nancy Purifoy We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about how your gift can help Margaret Goldman Evelynn and William Putnam support AFAR’s work to advance research that will help us all live healthier, longer. Carl Golub Kathleen Rabbers For more information, please contact AFAR at 212.703.9977. Karen A. Goraleski Donna Regenstreif David W. Gore Jacquelyn Reingold To make a gift online, please visit AFAR’s secure website at 20 21 2018 BOARD OF DIRECTORS HONORING LEADERS IN INNOVATION Irving S. Wright, MD, William J. Lipton, JD, LLM, CPA Founder Chair, Board of Directors AFAR hosted its Annual Awards Dinner and Scientific Symposium on November 6, 2018 in New York City at Lotte New York Palace. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mark S. Lachs, MD, MPH Ann M. Connolly, MBA AFAR presented the George E. and Mary J. Doty Award to President Treasurer , Chairman and Co-Founder of Juvenescence Jim Mellon Harvey Jay Cohen, MD Charles Beever, MBA Limited. A UK-based entrepreneur, Mellon aims to develop Immediate Past President Secretary therapies for aging and the diseases of aging. Steven N. Austad, PhD Kevin J. Lee, PhD “It is an honor to be recognized by AFAR, an organization Scientific Director Roger J. McCarter, PhD that is a pioneer in aging research,” Mellon said. “The field Richard W. Besdine, MD John B. Rhodes, MBA Medical Officer could not have advanced to where we are today without Terrie Fox Wetle, PhD AFAR’s vision and willingness to take chances on funding the scientists who are conducting innovative studies that serve as the HONORARY AND EMERITI DIRECTORS basis for so many of the therapies that are being developed today.” Paul F. Agris, PhD Jeremiah Barondess, MD AFAR also recognized its Scientific Awards of Distinction recipients. Hadley C. Ford, ScB, MBA John Blass, MD, PhD Chair Emeritus Laura J. Niedernhofer, MD, PhD, of the University of Minnesota Carl Eisdorfer, MD, PhD was honored with the Vincent Cristofalo Rising Star Award in Diana Jacobs Kalman Rev. Msgr. Charles J. Fahey Chair Emerita Aging Research. We presented our Irving S. Wright Award to John W. Rowe, MD of Harvard Medical School, who shared George M. Martin, MD David A. Sinclair, PhD, Richard L. Sprott, PhD how his 2000 AFAR grant supported his research path. Scientific Director Emeritus Marc E. Weksler, MD Diane A. Nixon Emmy-Award winning producer Meredith Vice Chair Emerita Vieira served as Master of Ceremonies. Vieira also recently hosted the PBS documentary Incredible Aging, which features 14 AFAR experts. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laura M. Barzilai, JD, LLM James L. Kirkland, MD, PhD President-Elect New Therapies & Investment Opportunities Symposium Nir Barzilai, MD Deputy Scientific Director Preceding the dinner, AFAR hosted a scientific symposium discussing new Stefania Maggi, MD, PhD, MPH therapies in aging research and highlighting opportunities for investment. Caroline S. Blaum, MD, MS Roger J. McCarter, PhD Deputy Medical Officer The panel featured Deputy Scientific Director and multiple grantee Nir Barzilai, MD, AnnaRosa Miele Mark R. Collins BIG Award Selection Committee member Veronica Galvan, PhD, board member and S. Jay Olshansky, PhD multiple grantee Thomas A. Rando, MD, PhD, and the event’s honoree David Sinclair, Nathaniel E. David, PhD Thomas A. Rando, MD, PhD PhD. Board Member Pol Vandenbroucke, MD (Senior Vice President and Chief Devel- David L. Eigen opment Officer, Pfizer Essential Health) facilitated. David A. Sinclair, PhD Richard G.A. Faragher, PhD Rudolph E. Tanzi, PhD Alexandra L. Gatje Pol Vandenbroucke, MD Michael W. Hodin, PhD Joyce M. Yaeger Thomas G. Kahn, CFA Stephanie Lederman, EdM Peter Kimmelman Executive Director

2018 STAFF Stephanie Lederman, Executive Director Elizabeth Pritchett-Montavon, Riki Blum, Finance Director Grant Programs Assistant John Chaich, Director of Communications Karen Wenderoff, Director of Development Catherine Cullar, Administrative Manager Odette van der Willik, Deputy Executive Director and Director, Grant Programs Hattie Herman, Program Officer Morgan Long, Development and Communications Assistant

22 23 SUMMARIZED FINANCIAL INFORMATION Year Ended December 31, 2018

67% research grants SUMMARIZED OPERATING RESULTS and scholarships OPERATING REVENUE Contributions 5,139,575 83% Investment Income, Net 76,888 1% Endowment Earnings 305,426 5% Government Grants 705,632 11% Other – – Total Operating Revenue 6,227,521 100%

EXPENSES Research Grants and Scholarships 4,095,341 Meetings and Public Education 1,021,312 Total Program Expense 5,116,653 84% Management and General 458,366 7% Fundraising 574,476 9% Total Supporting Expense 1,032,842 16% Total Operating Expense 6,149,495 100% % 9 fundraising % Total Operating Income 78,026 1

7% management and general SUMMARIZED BALANCE SHEET Assets Cash 3,138,557 15% Contributions Receivable 4,134,737 20% Investments 12,474,700 59% Other 1,391,598 6% 17% meetings and public education Total Assets 21,139,592 100% Liabilities and Net Assets Research Grants and Scholarships Payable 1,712,975 8% Other 179,432 1%

Total Liabilities 1,892,407 9% AFAR is proud to Net Assets maintain high fiscal Net Assets without Donor Restrictions 5,601,346 29% standards internally, Net Assets with Donor Restrictions 13,645,839 71% and we require Total Net Assets 19,247,185 91% the same of our grantee institutions. Total Liabilities and Net Assets 21,139,592 100%

The above summarized financial information is derived from the organization’s audited financial statements, which are available at and upon request.

For the sixth consecutive year, AFAR has earned a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest and most-utilized independent evaluator of charities. This is the highest possible rating and shows that AFAR adheres to sector best Special thanks to all of the featured experts for lending their time and insights to this report. practices and executes its mission in a financially efficient way. AFAR 2018 Annual Report Creative Team: SCP Communications - Copywriting; Elizabeth Hanson - Copyediting; John Chaich, MFA - Design. Only 8% of the charities evaluated by Charity Navigator All photographs courtesy of AFAR or the featured expert, as well as Nir Arieli Photography (p.22), have received at least six consecutive 4-star evaluations, Albert Einstein College of Medicine (p. 2, 8), Chris Keeney Photography (p. 5), Mayo Clinic (p. 3, 6), indicating that AFAR outperforms most other charities and Ohio State University (p. 3), UConn School of Medicine (p. 12), University of Alabama at Birmingham (p. 7), and University of Wisconsin School of Medicine (p. 4). exceeds industry standards.

24 Our mission: to support and advance healthy aging through biomedical research.

55 West 39th Street, 16th Floor New York, New York 10018 212.703.9977