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Iix ! I a X GRUNDIG, WEST GERMANY Iiy ; A' a Y Lvl KONARK T.V i t DK3<5S20sSC^30s5<>I20t5<>a5052<^t5<>5<>E30MOsS<>t5<^S<>5X>SCa f w i' IA i WITH HIGH TECHNOLOGY FROM IIx ! i A X GRUNDIG, WEST GERMANY IIy ; A' A y lvl KONARK T.V. II X A y X COLOUR / BLACK AND WHITE : 8 V, I DISTRIBUTION AND SERVICE FOR KERALA AII ! y Aii ! 1 ; ?* III y ii x M/s. R. MANICKAM PILLAI A X X : IIA AII y iiA iA IIX i A general ^[erchant* and. tStocki*t* }cr : mA iv M/s. Hindustan Lever Limited and iiy i' i A M/s. Lipton India Limited Y A'( I V CHALAI, TRIVANDRUM X AII I y 8 iiA iiy 0|/ice and §octown : A ; ■ y i it A POWER HOUSE ROAD, TRIVANDRUM - 695 023 A X X IIA X ili IIA AII Phone : Shop: 73327, Godown & Office: 4475 &■ 4235, Res: 67810 8A V, X 'IA * i DEDICATED TO THE PILGRIM OF PEACE . ■ ! 1 HIS HOLINESS JOHN PAUL II II I u ■ » Jk r THE L0Y0L1TE 1986 ANNUAL LOYOLA SCHOOL TRIVANDRUM I EDITORIAL BOARD STAFF FR. JOHN MANIPADAM S. J. MR. P. K. SEBASTIAN MR. K. S. PILLAI MR. B. O. SEBASTIAN STUDENTS MASTER K. PREM KUMAR MASTER L. MOHAN KUMAR MASTER V. SREEDHARAN "ART WORK" MR. K. PARAMESWARAN Rainbow Advertising Consultants Sasthamangalam, Trivandrum. j y y li IIA Y KAUSAL KNIT WEAR II llA A X IIX 15A For A iiX iA A WORLD CLASS PURE COTTON i Y IIX 1 aA A ! I. S. I. COLOUR SPORTS WEAR IIY A8 A U/rite for free samples to : >1X XI A' «>A y, Post Box No. 275, iix A 2, Bungalow Road Extension, A Y 'I TIRUPUR - 638 602, Tamil Nadu IIIY «»A' A YXPHONE : 20531 15 ii A o»=3 <53«»£3<»E30=»€3e35SC eseassc Sea in ji JL.21.1 CONTENTS ENGLISH SECTION Page No 1. Principal’s Report Principal I 2. Profile of an Ideal Loyolite Students of the Moral Science Class X 5 3. My friend caterpillar L. Raraesh III B 6 4. The proud Princess and the Shepherd Boy Duby V. John IV A 6 5. The Grandma’s hat K. Sandeep IV B 7 6. Kites Bobby K. Mathew V B 7 7. Submarines A. Sriram V B 8 8. The pious panther A. Narain IV B 9 9. Newspaper reading Sudhin Kurian Thomas VI B 9 10. My trip to Kodaikanal Debashish Sarkar VI B 10 11. Aircraft A. Amal Kumar VII B 11 12. The Parrot Mrs. Sukku Joshi 12 13. The unexpected holidays Vipin S. Menon VIII B 13 14. The Dawn of a new era Vinod V. Menon VIII B 14 15. Robots A. Ananth VIII B 15 16. A nightmare Thomas Alex IX B 16 17. Communal Harmony in Kerala — Ramanathan Narayanan VIII B 18 18. An Tdeal Teacher — Cyriac Job IX A 18 19. A Man and his pets — Alex Ajith Philip IX A 19 20. Must I be tortured so ? — Sreenath Sreenivasan IX B 20 21. Adieu ! — Roy Vergis X B 21 22. Tips to success — Subin Thomas X B 23 23. Famous first words in Inventions— Abraham K. George X B 24 24. A memorable trip K. Premkumar X B 25 25. Save the world for tomorrow’s generations G. Anand X B 27 26. Apartheid—the talk of the day Dcepu John X B 28 27. Land of My Dreams Sreejith Sukumaran IX B 30 29. Animal Love R. Brijesh VII A 31 30. A visit to the Lakshadweep Island Randeep Rathindran VII A 31 31. Letter from an Ex-Loyolite P. Ram Mohan 33 32. Fr. Kuruvilla Transfered Staff and Students 34 ■ HINDI SECTION Page No. V. Sreedharan X B i 1. 2 2. ffortr Jifsft Abhijit Das TX B 3 3. S. Easwar X B Subin Thomas X B 4 4. fsTsn afk ^fcr f?mf»r 5 5. *rofir Rohit Bahl IX B 5 6- Saikat Ghosh VII B 7 7- sft% % wr tf?Ttr?T Thomas Alex IX B MALAYALAM SECTION 1 €fl>(JfOT0(5rcnoLD.U1CQJ^6)S ffi^S^ftODCfOo ---- m>£C(0nUo O®. VIII A 1 2 f3TDCfl£D, OJ1S<UHO£ — Co_i6Tu"lcr& 6tuT. n^cro°. X B 2 2 3 <\j6>co}an'lcmorcfl ojmcm^o raiTemoo fmoro^6n5 fB7&)(?>. IX A 4 61f0^ 6)<ihOnJ^«69LQ—CnO§jJ)«a»OCOOlQQJO(OTD)<0>LO ---- CTUfOl’lnM0 nQ). a£)CTO°. V A 3 5 CrUCDOCDOCDo cicDOnnaS «03^a)o^ X A 3 6 QiiO(fO) oocsnu" 6nj06nj£ IX A 4 7 CT)gaJ(0l(0)QJ^o gg^OauTOJOfO^fD^o . m^rog9l<0>cjoa3uGmcia ojI. VIII B 6 8 mraicru^GTODo memos” m<9>. VI B 7 9 n®f08O GaOOCTlil cruajlra^ 6)CTU6njom^°oo^oS IV A 8 10 6)<a»o(n)1<9«>^oJ«0»a)o {srosl 0^6ru1 ail. asoCTfl IV A 9 11 /aJl(Ol<0ffiOCTftO3OtfO)o ®0<0,Ai osorronJD0 IV A 9 12 coens eBj1(DGn& ail. V B 10 ! 13 fflOi9s>0CT)0(iJ0(0ra) cruoecijo cruoss^, ss^ojd” m<u)omlcn1«0>u VI B 10 14 tnjonj"lcr> Ccs>rogroKn'i0GJ aila^os^ocruo Si. t«J>'lOJ'U<0>mcfl fOKTUl 11 GAN I & CO. (Established in 1937) Paper Merchants, Stationers and Government Contractors CENTRAL STATION ROAD, TRIVANDRUM Phone : 4907 Distributors of: BALLARPUR PAPER MILL PRODUCTS Authorised dealers of: M/S. Ganges Printing Ink Factory Ltd. !: Suppliers of Ledgers, Registers and Stationery to The State Bank of Travancore and other Leading institutions : The cheapen house for all varieties of : PAPER. STATIONERY. STUDENTS' REQUISITES :j 1! ACCOUNT BOOKS ETC. i Makers of Superior Quality LEDGERS AND REGISTERS i Principal’s Report Rev. Dr. Thomas Kottarathil, Rev. first class since 5 of them could not make Fr. Rector, Respected Parents, Friends, it. Masters Satish R. and Rajesh Raj Well-wishers of Loyola, dear Colleagues, who scored the highest total marks in the Old Boys of Loyola and my dear Students. School in S.S.L.C. and I.C.S.E. respec­ tively, will be honoured this evening with I am indeed very happy to greet you gold medals. Along with them all the all on this pleasant occasion, our 24th 24 students out of a total of 74, who School Day, and 1 extend to all of you secured more than 500 marks will be a warm and cordial welcome. It is a presented with Merit Crests. Master great honour for us to have Fr. Thomas Deepu John who has been adjudged the Kottarathil with us today. As the Prin­ best Loyolite of this year also will be cipal of Mar Ivanios College and other­ awarded a gold medal. During the year wise, he has shown great interest in our under review, the Old Boys of Loyola School. I am grateful to you, Father, brought fresh laurels to the School. for gracing our School Day Celebration Sri Neelanjan P. (LCS.E. 1983) secured today. I extend to you, Father, a hearty the 2nd rank in P.D.C. Examinations welcome. Dear Parents and Guardians of Kerala University from Mar Ivanios of our Students, it is your co-operation College. Thirty-one boys from the 1983 and interest that inspire and sustain us batch secured admission to different in our work. The visits and good words professional courses this year on merit. of our Old Boys and our friends have Masters M. Jaisankar and Sandeep always been a source of inspiration and Mathews proved themselves worthy of the encouragement to us. Our Old Boys, National Talent Search Scholarship. many of whom have tales of adventure and achievement to share with their This year Mr. Joy Thomas rejoined Alma Mater, are always welcome here. the Staff after completing B.Ed. with a first Their enriching experiences are a real class. The other new faces on the Staff are boost to us to guide their younger Mr. Thrivikraman Thampi and Fr. Jose brothers in the pursuit of excellence, I Jacob. Messrs. C. N. K. Nair, Viswes- am very happy to welcome the Parents waran Nair and James Conway left the Well-wishers, Friends, Old Boys ol Staff on the expiry of their contract. In Loyola and all of you present here to the Office Mr. John S Nathan has taken this function. the place of Mr. V. Krishna Kumar who left Loyola for better prospects. Mrs. Since the School News Letter circula­ Alka Ghosh generously extends a helping ted every term gives you an account of the hand as a Substitute Teacher. various activities of the School, I wish to recall here only a few important points, I would like to recall some of the in this regard. As usual our S.S.L.C. outstanding achievements of our boys. baich secured 100% first class in March Master Deepu John lifted the first prize 1985. Our I.C.S.E. batch missed the 100% for Elocution in the recently held State Youth Festival at Trichur. Master conducted by the Indo-American Club at Biji B. R. and Manoj Mathew Varghcse Chengannoor. were in the Kerala State School Basket In the All-wings N. C. C. Training Ball Team. Master Rakesh Sekhar twice Camp at G. V. Raja School, Cadet SGT represented Kerala State in National Meets Roy Francis Basil and Siri P. were adjud­ in Badminton. Masters Debashish Sarkar ged the best and second-best cadets respec­ and Akil Alexander were selected to be tively. Cadet Adarsh Kumar proved his in the State Cricket Team for kids under worth as the best aeroraodeller. twelve In the Sub-District Sports held at Our New Basket Ball Court with Kaniyapuram, our Sub-Juniors became concrete floor and fibre-glass boards so the Champions.
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