Interested in Writing MysMtAeG rA ZieI NsE V O L . 3, #2, I SS U E #9 for P U B L I S H E R , E D I T O R , A R T D I R E C T O R MYSTERIES Kim Guarnaccia:
[email protected] g MAGAZINE? A SS I S T A N T E D I T O R A N D E V E N T S E D I T O R Judith Kane:
[email protected] We are f looking for: a C O L U M N I S T S • Game reviewer Charles Rammelkamp Ken Mondschein • UFO expert Tim Swartz • Science writer F E A T U R E W R I T E R S Kelly Bell Mary Franz If you are interested in Alexandra Diaz Michael Newton submitting an article or R E V I E W E R S becoming a regular Kevin Filan reviewer, email Jeff Belanger Robert Goerman Kim Guarnaccia at Derek Anderson Richard Mackenzie j P R OO F R E A D E R S Alma Dizon Feature length: 3,000-5,000 wds Jocelyn Comendul Column length: 1,200 wds Book Reviews: 200-500 wds I LL U S T R A T O R Pay:.05/word upon publ. Steven Cartwright Published and printed in the United States of America. Mysteries Magazine, Volume 3 #2, Issue #9 is a publication of Phantom Press Publications, ISSN #1537-2928, and published four times a year SUBMISSION GUIDELINES in the U.S.