Matt Ball, | 128 pages | 05 Nov 2009 | Lantern Books,US | 9781590561201 | English | New York, United States The Animal Activist’s Handbook

No marching, no shouting. Richard rated it really liked it Feb 20, There is nothing more maddening than wanting desperately to change the fate of animals and not knowing how to go about it. Nov 18, Cheryl Devine rated it it was amazing. There are hundreds of animal issues, from the high- profile to the obscure, but one issue dwarfs them all: factory farming. View all 15 comments. Many activists continued to be interested in how to conduct individual outreach effectively — for many of those coming to Effective Animal Altruism London socials, it is the first question that they ask. This book actually changed the way I view , which not many books can do. Thanks to my real world book club member and Goodreads friend Rachel who lent me this book, I got a chance to read this now. A gentle little book with a kick-ass message. Aside from the fact that it is superseded by more in depth research and advice in many ways, the relative lack of specific references to research makes the case less plausible overall. It is a Godsend for a movement that is gaining ever stronger momentum. The authors of the book are very intelligent and thoughtful and "know their shit. May 17, Peacegal rated it really liked it. Erik Marcus, Vegan. The book stresses the importance of activism and points out that by competing to see who can be "more vegan" or for Simpsons' fans out there, a "level five vegan" does more harm than good. My biggest issue was that the authors said over and over how other issues were less important to them. The critical component of creating a better world for all is thoughtful, deliberate, and dedicated activism that takes suffering seriously. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Film screenings. Thomas Keating has spent over fifty years in sustained practice and devotion to the spiritual The Animal Activist's Handbook punches way above its weight. The book is succinct, the writing style engaging and the emphasis is on being effective, not just active. A slim, but important, book. The authors use examples to show how interactions with people impact success in producing change. This is a nearly perfect book. View all posts by butcantheysuffer. and Bruce Friedrich take the plight of the world's animals seriously and have dedicated their lives to ending their suffering. But this book is full of great ideas, especially for such a short Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World. Highly Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World. That praise is the highest that I can give a book. Rating details. They quoted heavily from a book I loved, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You'll find the sample dialogs in this book are a Swiss army knife suitable for just about any situation. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. Details if other :. For Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World, advocates can wear t-shirts that promote the cause or put bumper stickers on their cars or laptops. Nov 04, Magali rated it liked it Shelves:non-fictionvegan-antispecism. Home 1 Books 2. The Animal Activist's Handbook will elevate your activism and forever alter who you are and who you want to be. I believe you have to fight against injustice and suffering as a whole, not only your little corner. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy. There's a lot of information that can be a lot of help to the beginning activist, but in my own personal opinion, this isn't the most engaging or comprehensive book on the subject. If you alienate the people you're trying to reach or give them any excuse to think you're a "weirdo," the animals don't benefit. Showing EDIT: I want to add that since listening to Gary Francione's podcasts google him I Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World changed my mind about a lot of this and would probably disagree with some of the things in this book. This is not feel-good activism, but potent advice to achieve realistic change. The approach to activism the authors advocate is applicable Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World many movements, not just . Bruce brings an interesting background to his work—-coming to animal rights from employment in a homeless shelter that was part of the Catholic Worker movement—-and I ended up being pleasantly surprised by his point of view on animal advocacy. The authors write, Based on the raw numbers alone, the best incremental step a meat eater can take is to stop eating birds. Name required. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Average rating 4. John Dear, S. A lot of it was very interesting and opened a lot of possibilities. Their embodiment of these virtues informs their activism on behalf of non-human animals, and gives this important and passionately written book a wonderful depth of spirit and feeling. Animal advocates certainly have their work cut out for them. Since Bruce Friedrich and his work at PeTA is the central focus of this book, and Christian vegetarianism is his area of expertise, if you are looking for help developing a religious-based animal rights program, this would likely be the book you need. What about dating? If you care about the well-being of animals and truly want to make a difference in how they are treated, please pick it up. You know the saying: There's no time like the present Readers also enjoyed. Oct 03, Meg rated it really liked it. Add to Wishlist. Many activists want everyone to go vegan right this instant! Community Reviews. You are commenting using your WordPress. On the other hand, if you can pick up an inexpensive copy, find a friend with the book, or get it at your library, take a moment to read the appendix on so-called "humane farming".