arXiv:math/0002010v2 [math.GR] 18 Dec 2000 hw ob nifiietringop ae n[r8]i a hw obe to shown was it [Gri84] group, in second later The group; growth. infinite intermediate an be to shown enwko hti lohsitreit rwh[G9 n nt widt finite and being [BG99] not growth for intermediate time has that also at it rejected that was know now but We 1979, in author second fgop.Aohripratae once oti rpryis property this to connected area finite important of Another groups. of ahmtcas eas ienweape fLeagba ffiiewidt finite of algebras above. Lie sev mentioned by of groups asked examples the question clas new to a o give the associated answers groups also from and of We origin groups examples new some mathematicians. provides completely that This a proving with width. of width finite method have a groups give branch to and width uhrtak h usa udfrFnaetlRsac,res Research, Fundamental for Fund support. Russian its the thanks author I EHD NGOT FGOP N GROUPS AND GROUPS OF GROWTH IN METHODS LIE h uhr xrs hi hnst h ws ainlSineFo Science National Swiss the to thanks their express authors The 1991 u neeti h nt it rprycmsfo h hoyo g of theory the from comes property width finite the in interest Our h rtgopw study, we group first The h anga fti ae st rsn e xmlso ruso fi of groups of examples new present to is paper this of goal main The ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject Mathematics rwho h group estimat the give of algebra this growth Poincar´e of the series of asymptotics The oyoilgot n rwho type of growth and growth polynomial ler sascae oeeygroup every to associated is algebra Abstract. n ecieterLeagba,itouiganto of notion a introducing algebras, Lie their describe and growth. exponential rus n ie xmlso ntl generated finitely of examples gives and groups, ueo utifiiegop ffiiewidth. finite of groups just-infinite of ot ture some di- groups. to and branch applicable of central method class lower general the their a from explicitly groups outline compute and We series, mensional algebras. Lie graded p ntescn at epouetoeape fgop ffiiewid finite of groups of examples two produce we part, second the In hs xmlspouecutrxmlst ojcueo the on conjecture a to counterexamples produce examples These gop n h hoyo pro- of theory the and -groups ARN ATOD N OTSA .GRIGORCHUK I. ROSTISLAV AND BARTHOLDI LAURENT ntefis,msl xoioy ato hsppr rddLie graded a paper, this of part expository, mostly first, the In G FFNT WIDTH FINITE OF hsetbihsteeitneo a between gap a of existence the establishes This . 1. G Introduction a osrce n[r8]weei was it where [Gri80] in constructed was , G 20F50,20F14,17B50,16P90. ie ihan with given p gop;se[h9b,[Sha95a, [Sha95b], see -groups; e G e √ n a led osdrdb the by considered already was , ntecaso residually– of class the in p N gop funiformly of –groups sre fsubgroups. of -series alygraph Cayley ac rn 1094for 01-00974 grant earch nain h second the undation; so the on es struc- h theory the her for th periodic. p finite f rowth nite eral of s § h. of 8] h 2 L Bartholdi and R I Grigorchuk and [KLP97] with its bibliography. More precisely, the following was dis- cussed by many mathematicians and stated by Zel’manov in Castelvecchio in 1996 [Zel96]: Conjecture 1.1. Let G be a just-infinite pro-p-group of finite width. Then G is either solvable, p-adic analytic, or commensurable to a positive part of a or to the Nottingham group. Our computations disprove this conjecture by providing a counter-example, the profinite completion of G (it is a pro-p-group with p = 2). Note that it exhibits a behaviour specific to positive characteristic: indeed it was proved by Martinez and Zel’manov in [MZ99] that unipotence and finite width imply local nilpotence. Before we give the definition of a group of finite width, let us recall a classical construction of Magnus [Mag40], described for instance in [HB82, Chapter VIII]. Given a group G and G ∞ an N-series (i.e. a series of { n}n=1 normal with G1 = G, Gn+1 Gn and [Gm,Gn] Gm+n for all m, n 1), there is a canonical way of associating≤ to G a graded≤ Lie ring ≥ ∞ (1) (G)= L , L n n=1 M where Ln = Gn/Gn+1 and the bracket operation is induced by commutation in G. Possible examples of N-series are the lower central series γ (G) ∞ ; { n }n=1 for an p, the lower p-central series given by P1(G)= G and Pn+1(G)= p Pn(G) [Pn(G),G]; and, for a field k, the series of k-dimension subgroups G ∞ defined by { n}n=1 G = g G g 1 ∆n , n =1, 2,... n { ∈ | − ∈ } where ∆ is the augmentation (or fundamental) ideal of the group algebra k[G]. Tensoring the Z-modules Ln with a suitable field k, we obtain in (1) a graded k(G). In case the N-series chosen satisfies the additional p L condition Gn Gpn, and k is a field of characteristic p, the algebra k(G) will then be a p-algebra≤ or restricted algebra; see [Jac41] or [Jac62, ChapterL V], the Frobenius operation on k(G) being induced by raising to the power p in L G. In this case the quotients Gn/Gn+1 are elementary p-groups. Many properties of a group are reflected in properties of its corresponding Lie algebra. For instance, one of the most important results obtained using the Lie method is the theorem of Zel’manov [Zel95a] asserting that if the Lie algebra Fp (G) associated to the dimension subgroups of a finitely generated periodicL residually-p group G satisfies a polynomial identity then the group G is finite (Fp is the prime field of characteristic p). This result gives in fact a positive solution to the Restricted Burnside Problem [VZ93, Zel95b, VZ96, Zel97]. Another example is the criterion of analyticity of pro-p-groups discovered by Lazard [Laz65]. Lie Methods in Growth of Groups 3 The Lie method also applies to the theory of growth of groups, as was first observed in [Gri89]. There the second author proved that in the class of residually-p groups there is a gap between polynomial growth and growth of type e√n. This result was then generalized in [LM91, Theorem D] to the class of residually-nilpotent groups, and in [CG97] the Lie method was also used to prove that certain one-relator groups with exponential-growth Lie algebra k(G) have uniformly exponential growth. If a group G is finitely L generated, then its Lie algebra k(G)= Ln k is also finitely generated, L ⊗ and the growth of k(G) is by definition the growth of the sequence bn = L L { dim(Ln k) n∞=1. The⊗ investigation} of the growth of graded algebras related to groups has its own interest and is related to other topics. One of the first results in this direction is the Golod-Shafarevich inequality [GS64] which plays an important role in group, number and field theories. The idea of Golod and Shafarevich was used by Lazard in the proof of the aforementioned criterion of analyticity (he even used the notation ‘gosha’ for the growth of the algebras). Vershik and Kaimanovich observed the relation between the growth of gosha, amenability, and asymptotic behaviour of random walks (see Section 4 below). For our purposes it will be sufficient to consider only the fields Q and Fp. Let Gn be the corresponding series of dimension subgroups, which is also an N-series, and let k(G) be the associated Lie algebra. If k(G) is of L L 1−1/(d+2) polynomial growth of degree d 0, then the growth of G is at least en , ≥ and if k(G) is of exponential growth, then G is of uniformly exponential growth.L If k = Q and G is residually-nilpotent and bn = 0 for some n, then G is nilpotent; indeed Gn must be finite for that n, whence γn(G) is finite too, and since k 1 γk(G) = 1 this implies that γN (G) = 1 for some N. It follows that G has polynomial≥ growth [Mil68]. In fact polynomial growth is equivalent to virtualT nilpotence [Gro81a]. If k = Fp and G is a residually-p group and bn = 0 for some n, then G is a over a field, by Lazard’s theorem [Laz65] and therefore has either polynomial or exponential growth, by the Tits alternative [Tit72]. Finally, if bn 1 for all n then, independent of k, the growth of G is at √n ≥ d least e . Keeping in mind that polynomial growth bn n of k(G) implies 1−1/(d+2) ∼ L a lower bound en for the growth of G, we conclude that examples of groups with growth exactly e√n are to be found amongst the class of groups for which the sequence bn n∞=1 is uniformly bounded, or at least bounded in average. This key observation{ } leads to the notion of groups of finite width. We present two versions of the definition:

Definition 1.2. Let G be a group and k Q, Fp a field. If k = Q, assume ∈{ } G is residually-nilpotent; if k = Fp, assume G is residually-p.

1. G has finite C-width if there is a constant K with [γn(G): γn+1(G)] K for all n. ≤ 4 L Bartholdi and R I Grigorchuk 2. G has finite D-width with respect to k if there is a constant K with bn K for all n, where bn n∞=1 is the growth of k(G) constructed from≤ the dimension subgroups.{ } L A third notion can be defined, that of finite averaged width; see [Gri89] or [KLP97, Definition I.1.ii]. From our point of view D-width is more natural; but the first notion is more commonly used in the theory of finite p-groups and pro-p-groups, see for instance [KLP97, Definition I.1.i]. The examples we will produce are of finite width according to both definitions. That one of our groups has finite width was conjectured in [Gri89]; it was proven that the numbers bn are bounded in average. Rozhkov then confirmed this con- jecture in [Roz96a] by computing explicitly the bn; but the proof had gaps, one of which was filled in [Roz96b]. We fix another gap in the “Technical Lemma 4.3.2” of [Roz96b] while simplifying and clarifying Rozhkov’s proof, and also outline a general method, connected to ideas of Kaloujnine [Kal46]. We recall in the next section known notions on algebras associated to groups, and construct in Section 3 a of uniformly exponential growth. Section 5 describes a class of groups acting on rooted trees, and the next two sections detail for two specific examples the indices of the lower central and dimensional series. More specifically, we compute in Theorem 6.6 and 7.6 the indices of these series for the group G and an overgroup G. We also obtain in the process the structure of the Lie algebras L(G) (associated G to the lower central series) and F2 ( ) (associated to the dimensione series) LG G in Theorem 6.7, and that of L( ) and F2 ( ) in Theorem 7.7. They are described using Cayley graphs of Lie algebras,L see Subsection 6.1. Throughout this paper groupse shall act one the left. We use the notational 1 1 y 1 conventions [x, y]= xyx− y− and x = yxy− . Both authors wish to thank Aner Shalev and Efim Zelmanov for their interest and generous contribution through discussions.

2. Growth of Groups and Associated Graded Algebras

Let G be a group, γn(G) ∞ the lower central series of G, k Q, Fp { }n=1 ∈ { } a prime field, ∆ = ker(ε) < k[G] the augmentation ideal, where ε( kigi)= ki is the augmentation map k[G] k, and Gn n∞=1 the series of dimension subgroups of G [Zas40, Jen41]. Recall→ that { } P P G = g G g 1 ∆n . n { ∈ | − ∈ } The restrictions we impose on k are not important, as Gn depends only on the characteristic of k. We suppose throughout that G is residually-nilpotent if k = Q and is residually-p if k = Fp. If k = Q, then Gn is the isolator of γn(G), as was proved in [Jen55] (see also [Pas77, Theorem 11.1.10] or [Pas79, Theorem IV.1.5]); i.e.

ℓ Gn = γn(G)= g G g γn(G) for an ℓ N . { ∈ | ∈ ∈ } p Lie Methods in Growth of Groups 5 Note that in [Pas77] these results are stated for finite p-groups. They never- theless hold in the more general setting of residually-nilpotent or residually-p groups. If k = Fp, then γn(G) Gn γn(G), and the Gn can be defined in several different ways, for instance≤ ≤ by the relation p pj Gn = γi (G) i pj n ·Y≥ due to Lazard [Laz53], or recursively as p (2) Gn = [G,Gn 1]G n/p , − ⌈ ⌉ where n/p is the least integer greater than or equal to n/p. In characteristic ⌈ ⌉ p, the series G ∞ is called the lower p-central, Brauer, Jennings, Lazard { n}n=1 or Zassenhaus series of G. The quotients Gn/Gn+1 are elementary abelian p-groups and define the fastest-decreasing central series with the property p Gn Gnp [Jen55]. Let≤ ∞ n n+1 (G)= k(G)= ∆ /∆ A A n=0 M be the associative graded algebra with product induced linearly from the group product (see [Pas77, Pas79] for more details). If k = Q, consider the following graded Lie algebras over k:

∞ ∞ (G)= Gn/Gn+1 Z Q , L(G)= γn(G)/γn+1(G) Z Q . L ⊗ ⊗ n=1 n=1 M  M  If k = Fp, consider the restricted Lie Fp-algebra

∞ (G)= G /G . Lp n n+1 n=1 M  Then Quillen’s Theorem [Qui68] asserts that (G) is the universal en- veloping algebra of (G) in characteristic 0 and isA the universal p-enveloping L algebra of p(G) in positive characteristic. Let us introduceL the following numbers: n n+1 an(G) = dimk(∆ /∆ ), bn(G) = rank(Gn/Gn+1). Here by the rank of the G-module M we mean the torsion-free rank dimQ(M Q) in characteristic 0 and the p-group rank dimFp (M Fp), equal to the⊗ minimal number of generators, in positive characteristic.⊗ Note that in zero-characteristic bn = rank(γn(G)/γn+1(G)), because the natural map γ (G)/γ (G) G /G n n+1 → n n+1 has finite and cokernel. 6 L Bartholdi and R I Grigorchuk

The following result is due to Jennings. The case k = Fp appears in [Jen41] and the case k = Q appears in [Jen55]; but see also [Pas77, Theorem 3.3.6 and 3.4.10].

pn bn(G) ∞ 1 t ∞ − n if k = Fp, (3) a (G)tn = n=1 1 t n −1 bn(G) ∞ n=0 ( n=1 1 tn  if k = Q. Q − X n The series n∞=0 an(G)t isQ the Hilbert-Poincar´eseries  of the graded al- gebra (G). The equation (3) expresses this series in terms of the numbers A P bn(G); the relation between the sequences an(G) n∞=0 and bn(G) n∞=1 is quite complicated. We shall be interested in asymptotic{ } growth{ of series,} in the fol- lowing sense:

Definition 2.1. Let f and g be two functions R+ R+. We write f - g if → there is a constant C > 0 such that f(x) C + Cg(Cx + C) for all x R+, and write f g if f - g and g - f. ≤ ∈ ∼ A series an n∞=0 defines a function f : R+ R+ by f(x) = a x , and for { } → ⌊ ⌋ two series a = an and b = bn we write a - b and a b when the same relations hold for{ their} associated{ } functions. ∼ The main facts are presented in the following statement:

Proposition 2.2. Let an and bn be connected by the one of the rela- tions (3). Then { } { } 1. b grows exponentially if and only if a does, and we have { n} { n} ln a ln b lim sup n = lim sup n . n n n n →∞ →∞ 2. If b nd then a en(d+1)/(d+2) . n ∼ n ∼ Proof. We first suppose k = Q, and prove Part 1 following [Ber83]. Let A = lim sup(ln an)/n and B = lim sup(ln bn)/n. Clearly A B as an bn for all n; we now prove that A B. Define ≥ ≥ ≤ ∞ nz bn f(z)= (1 e− )− , − n=1 Y viewed as a complex analytic function in the half-plane (z) > B. We have nz 1 n z 1 ℜ 1 e− − (1 e− ℜ )− , from which f(z) f( z). Now applying the Cauchy| − residue| ≤ formula,− | | ≤ ℜ π π 1 n(u+iv) 1 nu nu an = f(u + iv)e dv f(u + iv) e dv e f(u) 2π π ≤ 2π π | | ≤ Z− Z− for all u > B, so ln a ln f(u) A = lim sup n lim sup u + = B. n n ≤ u>B,n n →∞ →∞   For k = Fp, Part 1 holds a fortiori. Lie Methods in Growth of Groups 7 Part 2 for k = Q is a consequence of a result by Meinardus ([Mei54]; see d also [And76, Theorem 6.2]). More precisely, when bn = n , his result implies that − − ′ 1 2ζ( d) ζ ( d) 2+4d 1 e − (d + 1)!ζ(d + 2) n d+2 (d+1)!ζ(d+2) 1+2d a e d+1 ( n ) , n ≈ n 2π(d + 2)n   where ‘ ’ meansp that the quotient tends to 1 as n , and ζ is the Riemann zeta function.≈ →∞ d We sketch the proof for k = Q below: we suppose that bn n , so A = B = 0 by Part 1, and compute ∼ nu d+1 d ∞ ne− 1 ∞ (nu) ln f(u)= b − u du − n 1 e nu ∼ ud+2 enu 1 n=1 − − n=1 − X X d+1 1 ∞ w C dw = . ∼ ud+2 ew 1 ud+2 Z0 − Thus ln f(u) C/ud+1, and the inequality ∼ log a nu + log f(u) nu + C/ud+1 n ≤ ∼ is tight by the saddle-point principle when the right-hand side is minimized. 1/(d+2) 1 1/(d+2) This is done by choosing u = n− , whence as claimed log a n − . n ∼ Finally, we show that (3) yields the same asymptotics when k = Fp as when k = Q. Clearly

∞ ∞ ∞ n bn n (p 1)n bn n bn (1 + t ) (1 + t + + t − ) (1 + t + ... ) ≤ ··· ≤ n=1 n=1 n=1 Y Y Y n n for all p 2, where for two power series et and fnt the inequality n ≥ n et fnt means that en fn for all n. It thus suffices to consider the case p≤= 2. For this purpose define≤ P P P P ∞ nz bn g(z)= (1 + e− ) , n=1 Y z and compare the series developments of log(f) and log(g) in e− . From zn log(1 z)= n 1 n it follows that − − ≥ P nz 1 log f(z)= f e− , f = , n n d n 1 d n X≥ X| d+1 nz ( 1) log g(z)= g e− , g = − , n n d n 1 d n X≥ X| so both series have the same odd-degree coefficients, and thus log f log g. ∼ Their exponentials then have the same asymptotics; more precisely, fn z ≤ g2n 1 for all n, so e log f(2z) log g(z) termwise, and f(2z) g(z). − ≤ ≤ 8 L Bartholdi and R I Grigorchuk 2.1. Growth of Groups. Let G be a finitely generated group with a fixed semigroup system S of generators (i.e. such that every element g G can be S ∈ expressed a product g = s1 for some si S). Let γG(n) be the growth function of (G,S); recall that it is ∈ γS (n) = # g G g n , G { ∈ || | ≤ } where g is the minimal number of generators required to express g as a product.| | The following observations are well-known: Lemma 2.3. Let G be a group and consider two finite generating sets S and T . Then γS γT , with given in Definition 2.1. G ∼ G ∼ It is then meaningful to consider the growth γG of G, which is the - S ∼ equivalence class containing its growth functions γG. Lemma 2.4. Let G be a finitely generated group, H

Lemma 2.5 ([Gri89]). For any field k and any group G with generating set S the inequalities a (G) γS (n) hold for all n 0. n ≤ G ≥ Proof. Fix a generating set S. The identities 1 1 xy 1=(x 1)+(y 1)+(x 1)(y 1), x− 1= (x 1) (x 1)(x− 1) − − − − − − − − − − − show that 1 2 xy 1 (x 1)+(y 1), x− 1 (x 1) mod ∆ , − ≡ − − − ≡ − − so ∆n is generated over k by ∆n+1 and elements of the form x (s 1)x (s 1) ... (s 1)x , 0 1 − 1 2 − n − n n n+1 for all si S and xi k[G]. Now xi ε(xi) k modulo ∆, so ∆ /∆ is spanned by∈ the ∈ ≡ ∈ (s 1)(s 1) ... (s 1), s S. 1 − 2 − n − i ∈ All these elements are in the vector subspace Sn of k[G] spanned by products S of at most n generators, and by definition Sn is of dimension γG(n).

Corollary 2.6. a (G) ∞ - γ . { n }n=0 G Combining Proposition 2.2 and Lemma 2.5, we obtain as d Corollary 2.7. If there exist C > 0 and d 0 such that bn Cn for all n, 1 1/(d+2) ≥ ≥ √n then γ (n) % e − . In particular, if b =0 for all n, then γ (n) % e . G n 6 G √n We shall say a group G is of subradical growth if γG  e . Lie Methods in Growth of Groups 9 Theorem 2.8 ([Gri89]). Let G be a finitely generated residually-p group. If G is of subradical growth then G is virtually nilpotent and γ (n) nd for G ∼ some d N. ∈ Proof. By the previous corollary, bn(G) = 0 for some n. Consider the p- completion G of G. As Lie algebras, F (G) and F (G) coincide, so b (G)= L p L p n 0. By Lazard’s criterion G is an analytic pro-p-group [Laz65] and thus is linear over ab field. Since G is residually-p it embeds inbG so is also linear.b By the Tits alternative [Tit72]b either G contains a on two generators (contradicting the assumption on the growth of G) or Gb is virtually solvable. By the results of Milnor and Wolf every virtually is either of exponential growth or is virtually nilpotent [Mil68, Wol68]. The asymptotic growth is invariant under taking finite-index subgroups, and the growth of a is polynomial of degree k 1 kbk, as was shown by Guivarc’h and Bass [Gui70, Gui73, Bas72]. ≥ P In the class of residually-p groups, Theorem 2.8 improves Gromov’s re- sult [Gro81a] that a finitely generated group G having polynomial growth is virtually nilpotent, in that the assumption is weakened from ‘polynomial growth’ to ‘subradical growth’. Lubotzky and Mann have shown the same result for residually nilpotent groups of subradical growth. It is not known whether subradical growth does imply virtual nilpotence, and whether there exist groups of precisely radical growth. Certainly the right place to look for such examples is among groups of finite width, or groups satisfying some tight condition on the growth of their bn. Therefore new examples of groups of finite width are of special interest. Below we shall give two examples of such groups and outline a method of constructing new examples; but first a consequence of 2.8 is

Theorem 2.9. The growth γG of the group G satisfies

− √n n1/(1 log2 η) e - γG(n) - e , where η is the real root of X3 + X2 + X 2. − Proof. If G were nilpotent it would be finite, as it is finitely generated and torsion; since it is infinite 2.8 yields the left inequality. The right inequality was proven by the first author in [Bar98], using purely combinatorial techniques. Note that the estimate from below can be obtained directly as in [Gri84], by S showing that for an appropriate S the growth function γG satisfies γS (4n) γS (n)2. G ≥ G The second author conjectured in 1984 that the left inequality is in fact an equality, but Leonov recently announced that this is not the case [Leo98]. 10 L Bartholdi and R I Grigorchuk For our second example G it is only known that √n n e - γG  e , e as is shown in [BG99]. e Lemma 2.5 can also be used to study uniformly exponential growth, as was observed in [CG97]. Let

S n S ωG = lim γ (n) n G →∞ q be the base of exponential growth of G with respect to the generating set S S and let ωG = infS ωG, the infimum being taken over all finite generating sets.

Definition 2.10. The group G has uniformly exponential growth if ωG > 1. (See [Gro81b] for the original definition and motivations, and [GH97] for more details on this notion.) For instance, the free groups of rank 2, and more generally, the non-elementary hyperbolic groups have uniformly≥ exponential growth [Kou98]. It is currently not known whether there exists a group of exponential but not uniformly exponential growth.

Corollary 2.11. If for some k Q, Fp the algebra k(G) has exponential growth then G has uniformly exponential∈{ } growth. (WeA do not need here the assumption that G is residually-p or residually nilpotent.) In the next section we will combine this idea with the Golod-Shafarevich construction to produce examples of finitely generated residually finite p- groups of uniformly exponential growth.

3. Torsion Groups of Uniformly Exponential Growth As a reference to the Golod-Shafarevich construction we recommend the original paper [GS64], one of the books [Her94, Koc70], or [HB82, VIII.12]. § Consider the free associative algebra A over the field Fp on the generators x ,...,x for some d 2. The algebra A is graded: A = ∞ A where A 1 d ≥ n=0 n n is spanned by the monomials of degree n, with A0 = Fp1. Elements of the L subspace An are called homogeneous of degree n. Consider an ideal in A generated by r homogeneous elements of degree I 1 1, r2 of degree 2, etc. (We make this homogeneity assumption for simplicity; it is not necessary, as was indicated in [Koc70].) Let B = A/ . Then B I n is also a graded algebra: B = n∞=0 Bn and if HB(t) = n∞=0 dnt be the

Hilbert-Poincar´eseries of B, i.e. dn = dimFp Bn, then the Golod-Shafarevich inequality L P (4) H (t)(1 dt + H (t)) 1 B − R ≥ n holds; here HR(t) = n∞=1 rnt , and for the comparison of two power series the same agreement holds as in the previous section. P Lie Methods in Growth of Groups 11

Suppose that for some ξ (0, 1) the series HR(t) converges at ξ and 1 dξ + H (ξ) 0. Then the∈ series H (t) cannot converge at t = ξ, so the − R ≤ B coefficients dn of HB(t) grow exponentially and

n 1 lim sup dn . n ≥ ξ →∞ Golod proves in [Gol64] that canp be chosen in such a way that the ideal I = n∞=1 Bn will be a p-nilalgebra (i.e. for all y there is an n N such thatD ypn = 0). ∈D ∈ L The construction of the relators goes as follows: enumerate first as yk k∞=1 all elements of the algebra A (this is possible since A is countable). Start{ with} 0 = 0; then if yk is not a nilelement of A/ k 1 take ℓk 3 sufficiently large − I Ipℓk ≥ so that the least degree of monomials in yk is larger than all degrees of monomials in k 1. Construct k by adding to k 1 all homogeneous parts of I −pℓk I I − the polynomial yk . Let finally = n∞=0 n. I I 3 The numbers rk will then all be 0 or 1 with rk = 0 for k

Problem 4.1. 1. Let G be amenable. Does bn(G) grow subexponentially for any field k? 2. Suppose G is residually nilpotent (or residually-p) and bn(G) grows subex- ponentially for the field Q (or Fp). Is then the group G amenable? There is a chance that for at least one of these questions the answer is affirmative. For solvable groups (which are amenable) the associated algebras have subexponential growth, as follows from computations by Petrogradski˘ı[Pet93, Pet96]; his results are based on computations for free polynilpotent algebras by Bokut’ [Bok63]. See also Egorychev [Ego84] and Berezni˘ı[Ber83] for par- tial results. On the other hand there is some similarity between the asymptotics of random walks on solvable groups and the growth of bn(G) [Ka˘ı80] which gives a hope that subexponential growth of algebras implies (under the residuality hypothesis) subexponential decay of the probability of returning to the origin for symmetric random walks on a group. Then Kesten’s criterion [Kes59] can be invoked to imply the amenability of G.

5. Groups Acting on Rooted Trees We now consider examples of groups whose lower central series and dimen- sion series we can compute explicitly. Let Σ be a finite alphabet, and Σ∗ the set of finite sequences over Σ. This set has a natural rooted tree structure: the vertices are finite sequences, and the edges are all the (σ,σs) for σ Σ∗ ∈ and s Σ; the root vertex is , the empty sequence. By Aut(Σ∗) we mean ∈ ∅ the bijections of Σ∗ that preserve the tree structure, i.e. preserve length and prefixes. We write σΣ∗ for the subtree of Σ∗ below vertex σ: it is isomorphic to Σ∗ but rooted at σ. n Let G be a finitely generated of Aut(Σ∗) acting transitively on Σ for all n (such an action will be called spherically transitive.) We denote by StabG(σ) the stabilizer of the vertex σ in G, and by StabG(n) the stabilizer of all vertices of length n. An arbitrary element g Stab (n) can be identified ∈ G with a tuple (gσ) σ =n of tree automorphisms; we write this monomorphism | | .(∗φ : Stab (n) ֒ Aut(σΣ n G → σ Σn Y∈ We define the vertex group or rigid stabilizer RistG(σ) of the vertex σ by

Rist (σ)= g G gτ = τ τ Σ∗ σΣ∗ , G { ∈ | ∀ ∈ \ } and the nth rigid stabilizer as the group generated by the length-n vertex groups: Rist (n)= Rist (σ): σ = n . Since G acts transitively on Σn the G h G | | i vertex groups of vertices at level n are all conjugate. Therefore RistG(n) is a direct product of Σ n copies of Rist (σ) for a σ of length n. | | G Definition 5.1. A finitely generated group G is called a branch group if Lie Methods in Growth of Groups 13 n 1. G acts faithfully on Σ∗ and transitively on Σ for all n 0; 2. [G : Rist (n)] is finite for all n 0. ≥ G ≥ 5.1. The Modules Vn. Let G be a group acting on a regular rooted tree Σ∗, where Σ contains p elements for some prime p; for ease of notation suppose Σ= Fp. Assume moreover that at each vertex G acts as a power of the cyclic n permutation ǫ = (0, 1,...,p 1) of Σ. Let Vn = Fp[G/ StabG(0 )]; it is a vector space of dimension pn,− as G acts transitively on Σn, and has a natural n G-module structure coming from the action of G on G/ StabG(0 ). Identify n n G/ StabG(0 ) with the set Σ of vertices at level n, and also with the set of monomials over X ,...,X of degree

Vn Vn 1 V0 = Fp ···→ → − →···→ of G-modules, and at each step n a sequence of Vn-submodules pn pn pn−1 1 0 Vn =0 Vn − Vn Vn = Vn ⊂···⊂ ⊂···⊂ ⊂ − pn 1 i pn i each having codimension 1 in the next. Moreover Vn 1 − and Vn − are p− 1 pn pn−1 naturally isomorphic under multiplication by (1 Xn) − ; thus Vn − is 0 − isomorphic to Vn 1 = Vn 1 as a G-module. − − r r+1 Lemma 5.2. 1. The inclusion [G,Vn ] Vn holds for all n and all r. 2. If G contains for all m n an element⊂ g such that ≤ m m m 1 m 1 m 1 g (0 )=0 − 1, g (σx)= σ′x σ Σ − 0 − , x Σ m m ∀ ∈ \{ } ∈ r (where in the second condition σ′ is an arbitrary function of σ), then [G,Vn ]= r+1 Vn for all n and all r. A G-module V having the property dim V (n)/V (n+1) = 1 for all n, where the V (n) are defined inductively by V (0) = V and V (n+1) = [G,V (n)] is called uniserial. This notion was introduced by Leedham-Green [LG94]; see also [DdSMS91, page 111]. 14 L Bartholdi and R I Grigorchuk

Note that every element of G can be described by a colouring gσ σ Σ∗ of { } ∈ the vertices of Σ∗ by elements of the C = ǫ . The condition p h i in the lemma amounts to the existence, for all m, of an element gm whose colouring is ǫ at the vertex 0m, and is 1 on all other vertices of the m-th level as well as on all vertices 0i, for i < m. Note also that this implies that the action is spherically transitive.

Proof. We proceed by induction on (n, r) in lexicographic . For n = 0 the r r+1 claim holds trivially; suppose thus n 1. In order to prove [G,Vn ] Vn , it suffices to check that for all g G ≥we have [g, vr ] V r+1, as the V⊂r form ∈ n ∈ n n an ascending tower of subspaces. During the proof we will consider Vn 1 as − a subspace of Vn; beware though that it is not a submodule. We shall write ‘ ’ for the action of G on Vn 1 Vn, and ‘ ’ for that of G on Vn. ∗ − ⊂ i · i Observe that if v Vn 1 then g (vXn)=(g v)Xn. Thus g v g v is ∈ − · p · 1 s · − ∗ always divisible by 1 Xn because if g v = s=0− ΨsXn for some Ψs Vn 1 p 1 − · ∈ − then g v = − Ψ and ∗ s=0 s P p 1 P − s 1 (5) g v g v = (1 X ) Ψ (1 + X + + X − ). · − ∗ − n − s n ··· n s=1 X Write r = rn ...r1 in base p. For some Φ and Ψs in Vn 1, we may write − p 1 − vr = Φ(1 X )rn , g vr = Ψ Xs(1 X )rn . n − n · n s n − n s=0 X Then by induction

p 1 p 1 − − [g, vr ]= Φ Ψ (1 X )rn + Ψ (1 Xs)(1 X )rn , n − s − n s − n − n s=0 ! s=0 X X − − (r+1) mod pn 1 (rn+1)pn 1 r+1 V − V V ∈ n 1 ∈ n ⊆ n | {z V r+1} | {z } ∈ n

| {z s } rn rn+1 as in the second summand (1 Xn)(1 Xn) is divisible by (1 Xn) . This proves the first claim of the− lemma.− − Next, we prove [G,V r] V r+1 by showing that vr+1 [G,V r]. As above, n ⊃ n n ∈ n write r = rn ...r1 in base p. If(r1,...,rn 1) = (p 1,...,p 1), we have n−1 − n−1 r+1 r+1mod p rn 6 r+1mod− p − is vn = vn 1 (1 Xn) , and by induction vn 1 = s αs[gs, vn 1] − − n 1 − − for some αs Fp, gs G and is r mod p − . Then ∈ ∈ ≥ P n−1 n−1 r+1 is+rnp is+rnp is rn vn = αs gs, vn + αs gs vn (gs vn 1)(1 Xn) · − ∗ − − s s X h i X   r n−1 [G,Vn ] V (rn+1)p V r+2 [G,V r+1] [G,V r] ∈ ∈ n ⊆ n ⊆ n ⊆ n | {z } | {z } Lie Methods in Growth of Groups 15 where the last inclusions hold by (5) and induction. Finally, if r = (rn + n 1 1)p − 1, note that − r p 1 p 1 rn vn = (1+ X1 + + X1 − ) (1 + Xn 1 + + Xn−1)(1 Xn) ··· ··· − ··· − − = (1 X )rn + P (1 X )rn , − n − n σ1 σn where P = σ Σn−1 0n−1 X1 Xn is invariant under gn; thus ∈ \{ } ··· r+1 rn rn r r vP = (1 Xn) Xn(1 Xn) = [gn, v ] [G,V ]. n − − − n ∈ n

The strategy we follow to compute the lower central series or dimension series of G in the examples of Sections 6 and 7 is the following:

We recognize some γm(G) or Gm as a subgroup of G simply obtained • from rigid stabilizers in G. We identify a quotient γ (G)/N or G /N with a direct sum of copies • m m of the module Vn defined above, for an appropriate subgroup N. We show that N is a further term of the lower central or dimensional • series, allowing the process to repeat. Then the exact terms of the lower central or dimension series are obtained by r pulling back the appropriate Vn through the identification. 6. The Group G

Let Σ = F2, the field on two elements. For x F2 set x = 1 x, and ∈ − define the automorphisms a, b, c, d of Σ∗ as follows: a(xσ)= xσ,

b(0xσ)=0xσ, b(1σ)=1c(σ), c(0xσ)=0xσ, c(1σ)=1d(σ), d(0xσ)=0xσ, d(1σ)=1b(σ).

Thus for instance b acts on the subtree 0Σ∗ as c, while c acts on it as d, etc. Note that all generators are of order 2 and 1,b,c,d forms a Klein group. Set { } G = a,b,c,d . For ease of notation, we shall identify elements of StabG(n) h i with their under φn by writing φn(g)=(g1,...,g2n )n (omitting the subscript n if it is obvious from context); for instance we will write b =(a, c), c =(a, d) and d = (1, b). Set x = [a, b], and set K = x G = x, (x, 1), (1, x) . h i h i Note that (x, 1) = [b, da] and (1, x) = [ba,d]. Also, K is a subgroup of finite index (actually index 16) in G, and contains K K as a subgroup of finite index (actually index 4); for more details see [Har00]× or [BG99]. Set also T = x2 G = K2, and for any Q K define Q = Q Q (2m copies). h i ≤ m ×···× Clearly Q StabG(m) and acts on each subtree starting on level m by the m ≤ corresponding factor. For m 1 set Nm = Km Tm 1. ≥ · − 16 L Bartholdi and R I Grigorchuk

For m 2, we have RistG(m)= Km 2, so G is a branch group. ≥ − Lemma 6.1. The mapping

α β : Nm/Nm+1 Vm Vm 1 ⊕ −→ ⊕ − is an isomorphism for all m, where the Vm are the modules defined in Sub- section 5.1, α maps (1,..., 1, x, 1,..., 1) Km to the monomial in Vm corre- sponding to the vertex at the x’s position,∈ and β maps (1,..., 1, x2, 1,..., 1) ∈ Tm 1 to the corresponding monomial in Vm 1. − − 2 Proof. We first suppose m = 1. Then N1/N2 = x , (1, x), (x, 1) /N2; it is 4 2 2 h i easy to check that x = (x , x ) modulo K2, so all generators of N1/N2 are 2 2 of order 2. Further, [x , (1, x)] K2 and [x , (x, 1)] K2, so the quotient ∈ 3 ∈ N1/N2 is the elementary 2 , and α β is an isomorphism in that case. ⊕ For m> 1 it suffices to note that both sides of the isomorphism are direct m 1 sums of 2 − terms on each of which the lemma for m = 1 can be applied.

Lemma 6.2. The following equalities hold in G: [x, a]= x2, [x, b]= x2, 1 [x, c]= x(1, x− )x, [x, d]=(1, x), [x2, a]= x4 = ((U, V )x2, (V, U)x2), [x2, b]= x4, [x2,c]=((U, V )x2, (1, x)), [x2,d]=(1, (U, 1)x2), 1 1 1 where U = (1, x− )x and V =(x− , 1)x− are in K. Proof. Direct computation; see also [Roz96b], where different notations are used.

Lemma 6.3. If Q Nm+1 contains g = (x,...,x) Km, then [Q, G] ∈ ≥ Nm+1. m Proof. Let b b,c,d be such that it acts like b on 1 Σ∗. Then m ∈{ } h = [g, b ]=(1,..., 1, [x, b]) = (1,..., 1, x2) T . m m m ∈ m Conjugating h by elements of g yields all cyclic permutations of the above vector, so as [G, G] is normal in G it contains Tm. Likewise, let dm act like d m on 1 Σ∗. Then 2 [g,dm]=(1,..., 1, [x, a], [x, d])m = (1,..., 1, x , (1, x))m; using Tm [Q, G], we obtain (1,..., 1, (1, x))m = (1,..., 1, x)m+1 [Q, G], so by the≤ same conjugation argument [Q, G] K . ∈ ≥ m+1 Lie Methods in Growth of Groups 17 Theorem 6.4. For all m 1 we have: ≥ 1. γ2m+1(G)= Nm. G 1 r 1 r m 2. γ2m+1+r( )= Nm+1α− (Vm)β− (Vm 1) for r =0,..., 2 . 3. − 3 if n =1, 2 if n =2, rank(γ (G)/γ (G)) =  n n+1 2 if n =2m +1+ r, with 0 r< 2m 1,  −  m m≤ 1 m 1 if n =2 +1+ r, with 2 − r 2 . ≤ ≤  G  G G Proof. First compute γ2( ) = ′ = [a, d],K ; it is of index 8 in , with h i 2 quotient generated by a, b, c . Compute also γ3(G) = x = [x, a], (1, x) = G { } h 2 [x, d] = N1 of index 2 in γ2(G), with quotient generated by x , (1, x) . Thisi gives the basis of an induction on m 1 and 0

Lemma 6.5. For all m 1 and r 0,..., 2m 1 we have: ≥ ∈{ − } 1 r 2 1 r (α− V ) = β− (V ) N ; m m ≤ m+1 1 r 2 1 r+2m−1 (β− Vm 1) = β− (Vm ) Nm+1. − ≤ 1 r i1 i2m 1 r 2i1 2i2m Proof. Write α− (vm) = (x ,...,x ) or β− (vm) = (x ,...,x ) for some i 0, 1 . Then these claims follow immediately, using Lemma 6.2, from ∗ ∈ { }

1 r 2 i1 i2m 2 2i1 2i2m 1 r (α− vm) =(x ,...,x ) =(x ,...,x )= β− (vm), − − 1 r 2 2i1 2i2m 1 2 4i1 4i2m 1 (β− vm 1) =(x ,...,x ) =(x ,...,x ) − m−1 2i1 2i1 2i m−1 2i m−1 1 r+2 (x , x ,...,x 2 , x 2 )= β− (v ) mod N . ≡ m m+1

Theorem 6.6. For all m 1 we have: ≥ 1. G2m+1 = Nm. 2.

1 r 1 r/2 m Nm+1α− (Vm)β− (Vm 1) if 0 r 2 is even, G m − 2 +1+r = 1 r 1 (r 1)/2 ≤ ≤ m (Nm+1α− (Vm)β− (Vm −1 ) if 0 r 2 is odd. − ≤ ≤ 18 L Bartholdi and R I Grigorchuk 3. 3 if i =1, G G rank( i/ i+1)= 2 if i> 1 is even, 1 if i> 1 is odd. G G G G Proof. First compute 2 = γ2( ) and 3 = γ3( )= N1. This gives the basis m of an induction on m 1 and 0 r 2 . Assume G m = N . Consider ≥ ≤ ≤ 2 +1 m the sequence of quotients Qm,r = Nm+1G2m+1+r/Nm+1 for r 0. We have G 2 ≥ Qm,r = [ , Qm,r 1]Qm 1, r/2 by (2). Lemmata 6.1, 6.5 and 5.2 tell us that − − ⌊ ⌋ 1 r 1 r/2 1 2m 1 Qr = α− (Vm) β− (Vm⌊ 1⌋); in particular Qr (x,...,x) = α− (vm − ) for m ⊕ − ∋ m all r < 2 , and then Lemma 6.3 tells us that G2m+1+r Nm+1 for r 2 . m ≥ ≤ When r =2 we have G2m+1+1 = Nm+1 and the induction can continue.

6.1. Cayley graphs of Lie algebras. We introduce the notion of for graded Lie algebras. Let L = n∞=1 Ln be a graded Lie algebra gen- erated by a finite set S of degree one elements. Fix a basis (ℓn,1,...,ℓn,dim L ) L n of Ln for every n, and give each Ln an orthogonal scalar product ℓn,i ℓn,j = h | i 2 δi,j. The Cayley graph of L is defined as follows: its vertices are the (i, j) N ∈ with i 1 and 1 j dim Ln. For every s S and i, j, k N there is ≥ ≤ ≤ ∈ ∈ an edge from (i, j) to (i +1,k) labeled by s and with weight [ℓi,j,s] ℓi+1,k . By convention edges of weight 0 are not represented. Additionally,h if| L isi a p-algebra, there is an unlabeled edge of length (p 1)i from (i, j) to (pi,k) p − with weight ℓi,j ℓpi,k . Clearly, theh Cayley| i graph of a Lie algebra L determines the structure of L. It is a connected graph, because S is a generating set. The geometric growth of the graph is the same as the growth of the algebra. As a simple example, consider the Q = 1, i, j, k generated by i, j , and its dimension series Q = Q, Q = {±1 ±and±Q ±=1} { } 1 2 {± } 3 over the field F2. Then the Cayley graph of (Q) is L

h j

i h hj


³µ ³

³ − j i

We now describe the Cayley graphs of L and F2 associated respectively to the lower central and dimensional series of GL. Fix S = a,b,c,d as a { } generating set for G, and extend it to S = a, b, c, d, b , b , c . Define { { c } { d } { d }} the transformation σ on S∗ by σ(a)= a b a, σ(b)= d, σ(c)= b, σ(d)= b, { c } naturally extended to subsets. (For any fixed g G, one may obtain all ∈ elements h StabG(1) with φ(h)=(g, ) by computing σ(g) and making all possible∈ choices of a letter from the braced∗ symbols. This explains the definition of S.) Lie Methods in Growth of Groups 19 Theorem 6.7. The Cayley graph of L(G) is as follows:

2 h a a,b,c b h

³µ x

hj ³

³ 0 a 1 0 Û

b,c x h c,d c,d b,c


h z z z

³µ hj

³ 1 1 2



³ ³

³ 0 a 1 2 3 ···



h h a hj

hj x x x x

³µ h ³µ hj

1 1 ³ 2 2 ³ a c,d 0 1 ³ b,d 0 b,c b,c Û b,c

[a, d] x2 a x2 x3 ³µ

³ ··· d a r 1 r r 1 r where xm = α− (vm) and zm = β− (vm). The edge 2m 1 0 m c 2m 1 0 m b (xm − , xm+1) is labelled by σ d , the edge (xm − , zm) is labelled by σ d , 0 2m 1{ } 0 2m 1 m {1 } and the paths from xm to xm − and from zm to zm − are labelled by σ − (a). The Cayley graph of F (G) is as follows: L 2

h a b h

hj 2

2 0 1 Û

b,c x h · ³µ

h z z

hj x 1 1 ³

³ c,d 0 h a h

hj x

h ³µ

1 hj

c,d ³ a 1 0 1 2 3 0

Û Û Û Û b,c Û [a, d] x1 x2 a x2 x2 a x2 x3 ³µ b,c b,c b,d ³ ··· d a G r r with the same rule for labellings as for L( ); and power maps from xm to zm. Note that as we are in characteristic 2 the non-zero weights can only be 1 and thus are not indicated. 7. The Group G We describe here the lower central and dimension series for a group G containing the previous section’s group G as ae subgroup. More details about G can be found in [BG99]. e ˜ ˜ As in Section 6 set Σ = F2, and define automorphisms b,c ˜ and d of Σ∗ by e ˜b(0xσ)=0xσ, ˜b(1σ)=1˜c(σ), c˜(0σ)=0σ, c˜(1σ)=1d˜(σ), d˜(0σ)=0σ, d˜(1σ)=1˜b(σ). Note that all generators are of order 2 and ˜b, c,˜ d˜ generate the elementary { } abelian group 23. Set G = a, ˜b, c,˜ d˜ . Clearly, G = a, b = ˜bc,c˜ =c ˜d,˜ d = d˜˜b h i h i is a subgroup of G. Its index is infinite, because G is a torsion group while w = a˜bc˜d˜ has infinite order,e because w2 = (wa,w). Set x = [a, ˜b], y = [a, d˜], and e K˜ = x, y G. h i Then K˜ is a subgroup of finite index (actuallye index 32) in G, and contains K˜ K˜ as a subgroup of finite index (actually index 8). Set also T˜ = x2 G = × h i K˜ 2, and for any Q K˜ define Q = Q Q (2m copies). For m 1 set ≤ m ×···× ≥ N˜m = K˜m T˜m 1. · − 20 L Bartholdi and R I Grigorchuk

For m 2, we have RistG(m)= K˜m 2, so G is a branch group. ≥ − Lemma 7.1. The mapping e e α β γ : N˜m/N˜m+1 Vm Vm Vm 1 ⊕ ⊕ −→ ⊕ ⊕ − is an isomorphism for all m, where the Vm are the modules defined in Sub- section 5.1, α maps (1,...,x,..., 1) K˜ to the monomial in V corre- ∈ m m sponding to the vertex in x’s position, and β maps (1,...,y,..., 1) K˜m to 2 ∈ the corresponding vertex in Vm, and γ maps (1,...,x ,..., 1) T˜m 1 to the ∈ − corresponding monomial in Vm 1. − Proof. We first suppose m = 1. Then N˜ /N˜ = x2, (1, x), (x, 1), (1,y), (y, 1) /N˜ ; 1 2 h i 2 4 it is easy to check that x = 1, so all generators of N˜1/N˜2 are of order 2. Further, all commutators of generators belong to K˜2, so the quotient N˜1/N˜2 is the 25, and α β γ is an isomorphism in that case. ⊕ ⊕ For m> 1 it suffices to note that both sides of the isomorphism are direct m 1 sums of 2 − terms on each of which the lemma for m = 1 can be applied.

Lemma 7.2. The following equalities hold in G: [x, a]= x2, [x, ˜b]= x2 e [x, c˜]=(1,y), [x, d˜]=(1, x), [x2, a]=1, [x2, ˜b]=1, [x2, c˜]=1, [x2, d˜]=(1, x(x, 1)x), 1 [y, a]=1, [y, ˜b]=(x− , 1), [y, c˜]=1, [y, d˜]=1. Proof. Direct computation.

Lemma 7.3. If Q N˜m+1 contains g = (x,...,x) K˜m, then [Q, G] ∈ ≥ N˜m+1.

m e Proof. Let ˜b ˜b, c,˜ d˜ be such that it acts like ˜b on 1 Σ∗. Then m ∈{ } [g, ˜b ]=(1,..., 1, [x, ˜b]) = (1,..., 1, x2) T˜ , m m m ∈ m so by a conjugation argument [Q, G] T˜m. Likewise, letc ˜m and d˜m act like m ≥ c and d on 1 Σ∗. Then e 2 [g, c˜m]=(1,..., 1, [x, a], [x, c˜])m = (1,..., 1, x , (1,y))m,

[g, d˜m]=(1,..., 1, (1, x))m. Lie Methods in Growth of Groups 21 Using T˜ [Q, G], we obtain (1,..., 1, (1,y)) = (1,..., 1,y) [Q, G], m ≤ m m+1 ∈ so again by a conjugation argument [Q, G] K˜m+1. e ≥ e Theorem 7.4. For all m 1 we have: e ≥ 1. γ2m+1(G)= N˜m. G ˜ 1 r 1 r 1 r m 2. γ2m+1+r( )= Nm+1α− (Vm)β− (Vm)γ− (Vm 1) for r =0,..., 2 . 3. e − e 4 if n =1, 3 if n =2, rank(γ (G)/γ (G)) =  n n+1 3 if n =2m +1+ r, with 0 r< 2m 1,  −  m m≤ 1 m 2 if n =2 +1+ r, with 2 − r 2 . e e ≤ ≤  Proof. First compute γ2(G)= G′ = [a, c˜], K˜ , of index 16 in G, and γ3(G)= 2 G 2 h i x , (1, x), (1,y) = N˜1, with x = [x, a], (1, x) = [x, d˜] and (1,y) = [x, c˜]. h i m This gives the basise of ane inductione on m 1 and 0 r 2 e. e ≥ ≤ ≤ Assume that γ2m+1(G) = N˜m. Note that the hypothesis of Lemma 5.2 is satisfied for G, as it holds for G < G. Consider the sequence of quotients Qr = N˜m+1γ2m+1+r(G)/N˜m+1efor r 0. Lemmata 7.1 and 5.2 tell us that Qr = 1 r 1 r 1 r ≥ 1 2m 1 α− (Vm) βe− (Vm) γ− (Vm 1);e in particular Qr (x,...,x)= α− (vm − ) ⊕ m ⊕ − ∋ for all r < 2 e, and then Lemma 7.3 tells us that γ2m+1+r(G) N˜m+1 for m m ˜ ≥ r 2 . When r = 2 we have γ2m+1+1(G) = Nm+1 and the induction can continue.≤ e e Lemma 7.5. For all m 1 and r 0,..., 2m 1 we have: ≥ ∈{ − } 1 r 2 1 r (α− V ) = γ− (V ) N˜ ; m m ≤ m+1 1 r 2 (β− V ) =1 N˜ ; m ≤ m+1 1 r 2 1 r+2m−1 ˜ (γ− Vm 1) = γ− (Vm ) Nm+1. − ≤ 1 r i1 i2m 1 r i1 i2m Proof. Write α− (vm)=(x ,...,x ), β− (vm)=(y ,...,y ) or 1 r 2i1 2i2m γ− (vm)=(x ,...,x ) for some i 0, 1 . Then these claims follow immediately, using Lemma 7.2, from ∗ ∈ { }

1 r 2 i1 i2m 2 2i1 2i2m 1 r (α− vm) =(x ,...,x ) =(x ,...,x )= γ− (vm),

1 r 2 i1 i2m 2 2i1 2i2m (β− vm) =(y ,...,y ) =(y ,...,y )=(1,..., 1), − − 1 r 2 2i1 2i2m 1 2 4i1 4i2m 1 (γ− vm 1) =(x ,...,x ) =(x ,...,x ) − m−1 2i1 2i1 2i m−1 2i m−1 1 r+2 (x , x ,...,x 2 , x 2 )= γ− (v ) mod N˜ . ≡ m m+1

Theorem 7.6. For all m 1 we have: ≥ 1. G2m+1 = N˜m.

e 22 L Bartholdi and R I Grigorchuk 2.

˜ 1 r 1 r 1 r/2 m Nm+1α− (Vm)β− (Vm)γ− (Vm 1) if 0 r 2 is even, G m = − ≤ ≤ 2 +1+r ˜ 1 r 1 r 1 (r 1)/2 m (Nm+1α− (Vm)β− (Vm)γ− (Vm −1 ) if 0 r 2 is odd. − ≤ ≤ e 3. 4 if i =1, G G rank( i/ i+1)= 3 if i> 1 is even, 2 if i> 1 is odd. e e  Proof. First compute G2 = γ2(G) and G3 = γ3(G) = N˜1. This gives the m basis of an induction on m 1 and 0 r 2 . Assume G m = N˜ . ≥ ≤ ≤ 2 +1 m Consider the sequencee of quotientse Qm,re= N˜m+1Ge 2m+1+r/N˜m+1 for r 0. G 2 ≥ We have Qm,r = [ , Qm,r 1]Qm 1, r/2 by (2). Lemmata 7.1, 7.5 and 5.2 tell us − − ⌊ ⌋ 1 r 1 r 1 r/2 e that Qr = α− (Vm) β− (Vm) γ− (Vm⌊ 1⌋); in particular Qr (x,...,x)= 1 2m 1 e ⊕ m ⊕ − G ∋ ˜ α− (vm − ) for all r < 2 , and then Lemma 7.3 tells us that 2m+1+r Nm+1 m m ˜ ≥ for r 2 . When r = 2 we have G2m+1+1 = Nm+1 and the induction can continue.≤

7.1. The Lie Algebra Structures. We describe here the Cayley graphs of L and F associated respectively to the lower central and dimension series L p of G. Consider S˜ = a, ˜b, c,˜ d˜ and define the transformationσ ˜ on S˜∗ by { } e σ˜(a)= a˜ba, σ˜(˜b)= d,˜ σ˜(˜c)= ˜b, σ˜(d˜)= ˜b.

Theorem 7.7. The Cayley graph of L(G) is as follows:

˜ 2

˜ h a a,b e h

b ³µ x hj ³

³ ˜ ˜ 0 a 1 0 Û

x h d˜ b,d c,˜ d˜

h z z z



³ 1 1 2

³µ ³ ˜ ³

b ˜ 0 a 1 2 a 3 ˜ ···


h ˜ h b h b ˜ c˜ b hj

h x x x x

³µ h ³µ hj

d a 1 1 ³ 2 2 ³ hj ℄


³  ˜ 0 a 1 0 d˜ y d Û

³µ x x c˜ x


c˜ ³

2 2 ℄ 3

³ ℄


³ ³

³ 0 a 1 2 a 3 ··· Û ˜ Û a h b ˜

hj y y b y y

³µ ³µ 1 1 ˜ ³ 2 2 ˜ ³ b d c˜ 0 a 1 ³ 0

[a, c˜] y2 Û y2 y3 ³µ

³ ··· c˜ a

r 1 r r 1 r r 1 r where xm = α− (vm), ym = β− (vm) and zm = γ− (vm). The edge 2m 1 0 m ˜ 2m 1 0 2m 1 0 (xm − , xm+1) is labelled by σ˜ (d), the edges (xm − ,ym+1) and (xm − , zm) m ˜ 2m 1 0 2m 1 0 are labelled by σ˜ (b), the edges (xm − , zm) and (ym − , xm+1) are labelled by m 0 2m 1 0 2m 1 0 σ˜ (˜c), and the paths from xm to xm − , from ym to ym − and from zm to 2m 1 m 1 zm − are labelled by σ˜ − (a). Lie Methods in Growth of Groups 23

The Cayley graph of F (G) is as follows: L 2

˜ h a b h hj 2 e

2 0 1 Û x h ˜ ·

hd z z ˜ hj x 1 1

b ˜ 0

 h ˜ b h a

h x

h ³µ

d a 1 hj hj ℄

³ ˜ ˜ ˜ ³

 1 b 0 a 1 b 2 a 3 d 0

Û Û Û Û d˜ y Û

³µ x x x x x x

 c˜ 1 2 2 2 2 3 ³

³ ˜ 0 ··· h a b h

hj y a

h ³µ

1 hj ³ ˜ ˜ ˜

c˜ 1 b 0 a 1 b 2 a 3 d 0


[a, c˜] y1 Û y2 y2 y2 y2 y3 ³µ

³ ··· c˜ a

G r r with the same labellings as for L( ); and power maps from xm to zm.

8. Othere Fractal Groups The technique involved in the proof of the results of the last three sections show that for a group G acting on a tree Σ∗ by powers of the cyclic permuta- tion ǫ = (0, 1,...,p 1) at each vertex, G has finite width when the following conditions are satisfied:−

1. the corresponding action on a sequence Vn n∞=0 of G-modules as defined in Subsection 5.1 has the bounded corank{ property} , i.e. there is a constant C such that dim V r/[G,V r] C n n ≤ for all n 0 and 0 r pn 1. ≥ ≤ ≤ − 2. There is a descending sequence N ∞ of normal subgroups of G satis- { m}m=1 fying the condition that for all m the quotients Nm/Nm+1 are isomorphic K to some direct sum i=1 Vm+δi for fixed K and δi. Let us mention thatL the p-groups Gω, for arbitrary p 2 and ω 0,...,p N constructed in [Gri84, Gri85] all satisfy Condition≥ 1. Also, the∈ { } group a, t < Aut(Σ∗), p 3, where a acts as ǫ on the root vertex and h i p ≥ trivially elsewhere and t is defined recursively by t = (a, 1,..., 1, t), satisfies Condition 1. We believe that this last group also satifies Condition 2, as do all Gω for periodic sequences ω. Note that G is a particular case of Gω when p = 2 and ω = 012012 ... . Therefore they all ‘should’ have finite width. Meanwhile, the Gupta-Sidki groups constructed in [GS83] do not satisfy Condition 1. As was proved recently by the first author, the growth of the Lie algebra F (G) coincides with the spherical growth of the Schreier graph of G L p relatively to StabG(e), where e is an infinite geodesic path in the tree Σ∗. For our groups G and G the spherical growth is bounded and this is why these groups have bounded width. For the Gupta-Sidki groups, the spherical growth of the Schreier graphe is unbounded (it grows approximately as √n), and therefore these groups do not have the finite width property. It also follows − from these considerations that their growth is at least en1 1/(1/2+2) = en3/5 . 24 L Bartholdi and R I Grigorchuk 9. Profinite Groups of Finite Width Finally we wish to explain how our results in the previous sections lead to counterexamples to Conjecture 1.1 stated in the introduction. Let G be the profinite completion of G = G or G. b Theorem 9.1. The group G is a just-infinite pro-2-group of finite width e which does not belong to the list of Conjecture 1.1 (which consists of solv- able groups, p-adic analyticb groups, and groups commensurable to positive parts of loop groups or to the Nottingham group). Its proof relies on the following notion:

Definition 9.2. Let G < Aut(Σ∗) be a group acting on a rooted tree. G has the congruence subgroup property if for any finite-index subgroup H of G there is an n such that StabG(n)

Now K/K′ K/K′ < , the last inequality following from a compu- | |≤| | ∞ tation in [BG99]. The same inequalities hold for G, and this proves the just-infiniteness of G. The group G has finite width for both versionse of Definition 1.2. This is clear for D-width,b because the discrete and pro-p Lie algebras (G) and L (G) are isomorphic.b The finiteness of C-width follows from the inequalities L γ (G)/γ (G) γ (G)/γ (G) < , b n n+1 ≤| n n+1 | ∞ which again are consequences of the congruence property of G. b b Finally, G does not belong to the list of groups given in Conjecture 1.1: it is neither solvable, because G isn’t, nor p-adic analytic, by Lazard’s crite- rion [Laz65]b (its Lie algebra (G) = (G) would have a zero component in some dimension). The otherL groups inL the list of Conjecture 1.1 are hered- itarily just-infinite groups, thatb is, groups every open subgroup of which is just-infinite [KLP97, page 5]. Profinite just-infinite branch groups are never hereditarily just-infinite, as is shown in [Gri00]. Laurent Bartholdi Rostislav Grigorchuk Lie Methods in Growth of Groups 25 Section de Math´ematiques Steklov Mathematical Institute Universit´ede Gen`eve Gubkina Street 8 CP240,1211Gen`eve24 Moscow117966 Switzerland Russia [email protected] [email protected]


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