Mpleted GBV Activities As of 24 Feb 2014
PHILIPPINES: Ongoing and Completed GBV activities as of 24 Feb 2014 Occidental MRinedgoiroon 6 Masbate Roxas City CFSI, DSWD, FPOP, IOM, UNFPA Roxas Aklan City " Carles m DSWD, UNFPA Banga Ivisan CFSI FPOP Estancia DSWD, IOM, UNFPA Capiz Pontevedra Pilar Sigma IOM IOM FPOP Concepcion Antique DSWD, UNFPA Passi City Iloilo CFSI Palawan San Jose CFSI Bago City CFSI Negros m" Occidental Cebu Bohol m" Coordination Hub Ongoing Activities Completed Activities Data Sources: 3W data provided by IASC cluster lead agencies and compiled by OCHA. Geographic data from NAMRIA Glide Number: TC-2013-000139-PHL PHILIPPINES: Ongoing and Completed GBV activities as of 24 Feb 2014 Masbate Samar Region 7 Roxas City CFSI, DSWD, FPOP, IOM, UNFPA Carles "Roxas City DSWD, UNFPA Banga m Pilar Biliran CFSI IOM Aklan Ivisan FPOP Estancia Sigma DSWD, IOM, UNFPA Capiz FPOP Pontevedra Tacloban City IOM Leyte DSWD, IOM, PNP, UNFPA, WVI Concepcion Kananga Passi City DSWD, UNFPA Alangalang CFSI UNFPA DSWD, Iloilo m" UNFPA, WVI Ormoc Ormoc City UNFPA, WVI Bago City CFSI Cebu City Negros Cebu m" Occidental Southern Leyte Bohol m" Coordination Hub Ongoing Activities Completed Activities Data Sources: 3W data provided by IASC cluster lead agencies and compiled by OCHA. Geographic data from NAMRIA Glide Number: TC-2013-000139-PHL PHILIPPINES: Ongoing and Completed GBV activities as of 24 Feb 2014 Albay Region 8 Northern Samar Masbate Eastern Samar Samar Biliran Balangkayan UNFPA Hernani DSWD, Borongan City UNFPA Alangalang UNFPA General DSWD, Macarthur Kananga UNFPA, WVI UNFPA UNFPA Tacloban Quinapondan " DSWD, UNFPA m Lawaan UNFPA Tacloban City Mercedes DSWD, IOM, UNFPA PNP, UNFPA, WVI Julita WVI Balangiga Guiuan DSWD, UNFPA Giporlos Salcedo " m" DSWD, DSWD, UNFPAm Ormoc UNFPA Tolosa Ormoc City Guiuan DSWD, UNFPA UNFPA, WVI DSWD, PNP, UNFPA Dulag Mayorga DSWD, UNFPA, WVI WVI Leyte Cebu Southern Leyte Cebu City m" Bohol m" Coordination Hub Ongoing Activities Completed Activities Data Sources: 3W data provided by IASC cluster lead agencies and compiled by OCHA.
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