TRIAIi 80LICITSX>« SftrtU MBA BXIHBT, i ■■■: : ‘ lARDflOIV DIALIR. GORDON* iD. 8T. I>EONARD8, will fir* bort pr '* of G»ntl€m«a’«t And O^dre WEARING APPAREL of eT«T d« jiiptioa. I’VE ONLY ONE ADDRESS. _5A»E NOTE.—All ooinmunication* ahoTi' >>e M at Kart to ‘Gordon Villa, Fattlr-road, Sr-. I. p ri h f post promptlf att«nd«d to. Diita^^ no obj€«|.

e t e « O e w e l Vo*t C T B iL B F H D K B sa« ••• wm . Ins U 3 . 1 WAR PRICES FURNITURE BOUGHT. I S183 ' I ' O ttaa m • M«na-V«. i S A T U R D A Y , OeTOBEE 19, 1918. Poat 'frn Si. td. per <[nerter, J TWOPENCE flTH i. HINT. b IougM feilRr . F.'& K lOCOC* U T F IT t. tUiad Ml; QUEEN’t ROAD, HAST NQ8. ■ANTED, G «ni« Suitw*, Ooata, Tiousci M aoha ln » a t« , Bo.ts' and Girls’ Clothing. .lea* good 3 ■b}« Clothiji^, STerytiiing G [ta^‘ Hoasehptd Linen, ererytihing Blankot i, C u tl^A LEONARDS. |e, g6r

v¥ r a l t o d o s- ihaiKl Sf'wiii;: Msk hincs fctf niHi-jiun'i an-l i-.iuured * 6, K art Public Notices. Public Notices. Public Notices. £dticatIona|. Educational. IU«i iiig*'-'. o2(> , 1 I T ® TOP FITTINGS f r Sd *. ;*p ■uiitr W iudon j. Bot ln.j.-s.Q Ciis-ri. ‘‘T '. Ai t’’: >ts. Coak G e n t l e m e n ’s E stablishments 5 . ' \ y y 5 l-jata‘ . Lid., n. U-'l'C-it-IOUpl., il.iAy .(jjATlTTIDAY). C)CTOBKn 19th. a t 1.3» and 31»t E, the undersigned members of the EDUCATlOIi COMMITTEE. SCHOOL" OF ART, lO i- n (j . ' _2: Last I'erformances of W RETAIL TOBACCO ; TRADE, beg BBASSSY INSTITUTE. H . H A L L s C E L U > .N & 6 US ARTICLES— w a n t e d . to inform the public that, lowing to ' the AoUnt Kewl; H. TICKNEB. 1 X "J a c k o ’s S e c r e t ' SECONDARY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Pelnttiiti Maeter. etc.: E. L. BADHAM, R.B.A ■*' ^ n r “ O u r OF. H ell,” ' ^ jlYTHING OF VALU^.—House of l^7rituio m A Comedy-Drama, f'»atnring the iniziitablR JACKO,!, abnormal conditions prevailing at tl^e any ^urplua goods purchaeed for caah; b^t priaM Or "OUT OF GKlt.MANY.' ' , the 8ui>er-Monkey. present time the premises ■ vvill be clo.sefl ST. tUUJKH'B. ' MI'S FKAM:iviS iVOR hol^s a splendid stock of the foil swing well-known makes for aujiuing or iuiuKct. va»ue.—‘Iteerea and 8on, Comedy, Serial and lnter«e.t Pictures. for the, sale of tobaer.o, cigai-iettes, etc., pn 1 ft - 6 :■•r. v " JUgli-fit-., the oldeat-establisbeA dnn, are la the poa^ IM hRr Unginal.'Pfwtt ar-; J'.ay.d at me Ambassador's- B«id W iitrM: )U88 If. OtARK. B.A, SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. Sundav' November tth, and every Sunday BRABSEY INST. AND GEORGE STREET INsf. Ito giTu tite W t. iMices in Uie a isfic t. Call or wnceD ■J'i'catr?. j A 80UNO (ikHIIMAL ttOtiOATIBM tor Uiil. from of ireliable goods, which are exce :dingly scarce to-day, and h i lea and Son, 43. liigb-st., Ha.stings. ' toM THRKK DAYS, sommejifing THURSDAY, OCTOBER following .until further notice:— t 10 to 10 ycu* of- frith sroriiion of t*xt kook,, Heedmirter: G. P. FUENEAUX, M.A.. F.O.S. kTiQUE ana MODERN FUttNiTURE Chin^ .M ONDAY, t)TTOBLK, ■ 2Vv. ,s.x Nl^ilits at 7.:*n. ' 24th: — '.H. dE.NNER, King's-ioadi and , York-, ■tatioiiiciT, tn u n .tm u u , of k loir inelotiT* fee, nnder Picaheotue fiooi B rue^ Initltat. cr becoming more difficult to procure each week, some are k, Plato, Brio-a-Iirac, and Articles of Virtu —Meaeifc Matinees WEDNESDAY and iriArURDAY, «t 2.30.^ »s Bfmid of - JSdtieetioii'e 'Hef^oiatiou. School heelrbil. , PHILIP O. BUSWEI.L, ^ Green and Webber will be pteaeed to giro adno^ buiidiiSgs, , , ' 1 (tfOeMd. on tnm lonke. Lisht. latM aiir eUM-roenu, THE THEATRES' DRITISH RED CROSS WEEK 18, WalUngbon Square. actually unobtainable now; theie 1 e bought over 12 months the .best m eanj of disposing of surplus eflectai- THROUGHOUT. CHEAT BRITAIN. R a f f l e s , J. HEASMAN, Queen's-roadi two halli, ainylc deeki, SeienrauAboreterr. cookeir cUoutD please write or oail'and make an appoialb The Storr of theth e Ama^^aurH iooBm. t^uno M phatt tfthKt* oonite. hooker, b u k et bell. HASTINGS. agoj, and is offering at 25 per :ent. less than to>^^|l| . -when the Auctioneers' poiMnal attention will __ - Most Kxcif’»it.iona! A-^ttaction, ,S,.BABp!R, p'ueen'6-road. ; , stea,. ito. fnniihthV* arahU c£iisv. >ll Urn I’—Gordon Green and Webber, . Auotionbere anB ^ .Mr. DoUGiiAHW A Sftpen jA ct 1' p'ric'es, lerp, Ottiece, 3. Sea-rd., BexhUL —bc^' ...... /.-■ au'i. r |OTS ; and SHOES.—All aorta wanted, fsr caeA| ;■ .,M^, i|;.y:iojSBow. I tX'Ugiit- or ckchungcd.—At Goodaell’s, 133, Queenly * b/Ximited. Kosabtt at FUPXI;8> BotrSeta lliast.agt^. ’ tc&l I s tho n«in»rkj*bly SiKccRAful Comedy, , Honroslesw'Ijongclotlis 4ild Flann :Iette*., -5ir- PRNITURE purchased; high prices for clean goodA ' e . G: TYRREL, Qdeen’s^^^^^^ Procpecrini, «tb.« from fill Hobd Mfslretl. w Clerk aad-''JDibr B#**. ■ ignt. 31. Aibiou-rd., Folktetone. ol9 , F. WHITE AND SON, Castle-stieet. io ttib Govercon. 18.' WeRington Squaxe, Preparation for the Unirersiiiee, Loeal. and other Horrockses and Finlays Shieets. I r n ITURE, AuLitiues, China, Pietnres; highea* ‘T h e , J effer so n s.” THE GREAT CANADIAN ^ S T Public Examlnationa. p.—DsTi«, Central Sale Kobme. Texhiii, O l M [ IVY BANK. 56. SPRINGFIELD ROAD, Crewsdens Calicoes. [luhed dealer; Uoenaed Taloer. N .it.—Th#» \Vb6l<' of t.‘> Pfc-cc.eds cit tl’® W'KDNEf>' , A. h ! CORNISH AND CO., King’s-road. IRNITURE.—Court Uro8.vA6anidrbnry, are DAY. AFTEl^NOOX MATINKF will ba glrcn by Mr. t oT. LEONARDS. “ Aza” Flannel; ha^ Socoud-hand Fuinituielin large er small laUi, Albeii: Douciass and tl*'* Dira«,di-r.s of (li« Hastingv X j ANt e r n L e c t u r e -5 KING BROS., King’s-road. | S. HICHAEJ/S PBEFABATOBT Froapectua and list of on appUeatlOB. Jprioes given. 1 ol9 ThAttra C 'u n p ’ny thc'^ Thsatricnl ^tHnagcr'ft Natural, Grey and Cream “ Vaye la ” Flannel. IliNiTURE COUGHT-—Cash, iraituig: tbp prioM A^ociation to th*? BIUTIrtll RFD CROSS SOCIETY. At tho HASTINGS and ST. LEONAF DS COLLEGE, E. M. HAWKINS, London-rc|ad. SCHOOL. oomplete homes top to bottom; wanted, OffieM^e 20, CHARLES ROAD, The- celebrated Natural. “ Doctor ' Flannel. , Gents' Suib^. BooU. oddmenta. u n d e rw it; aleB Dyora ur'- n 7. Gcinjnenuc 7.30. Prices 4s. to 6d. 5 CUMBERLAND GARDENS. B. GREY, Queen’s-road. UPPEk 8T. LEONABDS-ON-SEA. ST. I,E05ABDS COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, Striped Flannella for Pyjamas. and ChLdren’s Cnuipl^o War^ebea, Twth, OlB T fl. 51.\ TUESDAY. OCTOBER 22nd. 5.45 p.m. M. A. POLLARD. 1, Pelham-street. klcry,. Coins,! Cycled, llousehold Linen, B lanket^ Prw ei5»l: MISS AMY TAYLOR. ELLENSLKA ROAD. Cream and Striped Scotch Winci y. iins, Tnmks, Bo-gw, Typewriters. GraoiopllODe^ j. F. JOYCE, Havelock-road. THOROUGH PREPARATION FOR ALL PUBLIC |g hlacliincD. practi’ial’ VulueiB, ’ — dih-tanc©uamAiwo x^ m objsaA BOYS and GIRLS thoroughly .fionsded in all Branches EXAMINATIONS. Old-oetabll^ed. Very neeeesfid, “ Rameses " Onderwear- ek. 300 ai)d fOl, ijueen's-rd., HasUngs. Suiaez—to9 C. B. HALL, 37b, Robertson-street, ■ of a good education and Viepared for the Publle and H igheet Beloreneei. I ^ g e Covered Gymnaiium. R«er«a> JSE8 of good Secondhand FURNITURE waat;^ a s tin g s ie r The Rev. Dr. C. E. LLOYD will give an Addiese en tion Ground, five acxee. Sneeiat attention to delicate, All wool ‘‘ Wolsey Combinatio TI P . other Schools. : IS. u;e articles ;Pucclnwe CLOTHING,-B oots, ete.. of X^adiei. Geuta, ’ T h e A r is t o c r a t s . ” J. O. I'OSTER, Quoen's-roadi T Mastere. As faw cotton and wool is still rising*by leaps and hounds, ' ildien’s required; aiso^Giamophonee; gCM»d priooi Bursary. E. HILL, Havelock-road. •, HOME ; SCHOOL- Cadet Corpe attached to the 2nd Rone Oountiee distance no object. — Mr. and Mra.. Hipller. ^ lArt 6 Matinett, at 3. I/ut B Ereninge, at 7.45. I . Brigade. Royal Field Artillery. •' jit will prove ah excellent investment tp Buy NdTw. ord-rd., Bzightou, • i. "ft36tee ' 6, CHURCH ROAD. (DY MONEY given for Old Gold. Jewellery. ia« • Prices 48 uinikL H. E. RICHARDS, Lohdon-rogd! The SCHOOL WILL RE-OPEN 12th SEPTEMBER. BT. LEONARD8-ON-8EA. i&ditieu; large or.eniaU Quautitids; .alBo fer pearly TU ESD A Y , OCTOB.EU ‘2'9h. a t' 7.15. and EV ERY di», and: other precious stones—Roee-cal L. D. DOLBlE,,North-street.i Principal „ _ VI38 HUDSON. ndoh-rd., St. l..coDard^ ^ . te f AFTERNOON a{ 3j and WEDNESDAY and SATUR­ A. F. HOLMAN, Manna clgar Stores, HASTISGS GBAMMAR SCHOOL. ' C| WRAIGHT, ol, Albion T M O "'O uRDAY.’'i Aettng: Uaadmaetei; REV. T. o. THORBURN. DJ>., Doyet; , U eheet prlcee; ladle© and gfintlemai T"or all partirulaTS Srecial Bills. , Hon. Secretary. LL.D., Christ's College, Cambridge. 33, 3 >, & 37, London Rd., cash^l'A* return. ' o26 .Altctnoon Teas and K#*frestir.i€uti4 at Pornlar'Prices. , ■ ■ A j THOROUGH m o d e r n EDUCATION. PROPS wnnital.- r.irioui sizrvs.—Apply I laoUmt# Box Ball Alleys. Execiient Fkhing. f ‘ ' THT5 TOWEMS. BA TTIK. Preparation for the Universities and all Examinations. _ 0 ^ 1 Merchant^. S{. Lt-oji.»r«l5. tc31 Principle-MRS. JL^TSON. Va^nable LEAVING EXHIBITIONS to all Unlv«rsiU«e. St. Leonards. I t ABLE s m e l t e r -wanud: ruitahlc for iuraads G-R a n d A-FTERNoor; ( C o n c e r t. ST. CLEMENT’S, HALTOIjl. Army. ;Mo Wng tings and 8t. Le^joards, and at tba Red Cross - Depot, or Saiio/i staying in tLu borough. Bocki iuovideb. . Covered, Playground, etc., and all the appointments of e-'XdTiiimUy, "Miuift^ of. Mnnitione, National Prlndpid .-•[ « « •• MISS PEA T. a we'l-eqaippfid eoboo!. The playibg flelde ate bbflutifvlly H 4IC. Paper Commis doner, OanterbuTy OoBttsmmft 2,30 to 10. Beats booked.. No fee. 'Phone 17, KTcnfield-pL, St. Leonards, h ' BOAHUIHQ and |d AY,SCKOOI. lor Girls from t to situated. Great attention is paid to Physiea! Devalop- ijif r d» • m . ■ • 14 yeare of age. ' ^ ' m eat. , ‘ 50 -Years^ reputation Entire oha^go of. ehildren whois parents ars abroad.. Cadet Corpe attached to the ,Royal Enrlneeim. th^, M arriages, and Death s H a s t in g s H s o t h e r Hqod Dundug CUaaes oyten to outside pupils Friday aftir> la KOUEui-SON STREE-T UONGRiiGATlONAL sooua. and still the Best. THE BBXHILL AN|> DISTRICT Children received for Short: Periods. HOLMWOOH SCHOdL ___ 4ARRIAGE9. DEATHS, IN MEMORlAU C en tr a l P icture ^ T heatre RABBITS AND FANCIERi ' AfiSOCIATION. CHURCH, at’.-I p.iu., I DE ^are obargod ^ . fid. for fovir lines t r l48ih BEXHILL-OK-SEA. 1 b n SUNDAY. OCTOBER Mttii ' fo r e«ihh additiouol line. ■ rriiE HOUSE o p qualify). Ewunairttri MR. A. F. BRYAN, B.A., Intst. Load.. ncHtf wno^r tola headlufr m ust be prep .id. THE PATRIG’PIC SHOW ^ c|C THE SOUTH AMiitKl .br « Biiouii Bwfl of R«(iittt«l of .6d. will bft ebsTged. ' HASTINGS. . CORKWAtXIS HIGH St’KOOI-. - M akers’. AifiK^ments nnder this .must be eiA ! Great*. U tility ' 'rab l^ '^ n it^ F a n c y ' Speaker:— ’ ! FO R GIRJLA a n d K-INDERGAR-l'EN, PREPARATION 'for th« i.tlnlTeveitiM, Profeaelctui, Dwiveries to all pavts of Pastinrs, St. Leonards, and bem em e ued address ofj AdYertUor. RT. HON. SIR . UOS. CHiMPTON.RICIcjBTTi M.P., COR-NWALUa GARDENS. HASTINGS, Fnblio Schools,'«to. ‘Special An«utid» given to Sfodem K O N O A T, 21st d C T O e m to r t h r « '- Larguaffea.* Ch^^cal and Physieiil Lshoigtory. Gym- B e x h ill daily >AYMASTER.OeN®RAL..jj ■ rim c iiw l,: MJBB LisHATEa. L.LA., ^ I ...... J.,,,.-,. » iii J . . . Cadet Corps stiw eb ^ tbe'iirt StifiMx Royal 'RngibpMB. .B irth Annouai -And «, Meeting Open th both MEN.''and ’ lyoilEN. ' Rodent Vleitinr fttn#.- Tlluaf^ed Prosp^nitte oif appircaticn. . ; -He^ Office : , A TUQROU.Gli MiODfclHil EDUCA'I'ION imd C«r*lul S4 C a s t l e H i l l R o a d , [aai-iWedding- Card*. o*n • T | h e F em a u e o f t h e S p e c ie s ,’ P otato ^ ^ H o w , ..... i ...... ' m'...' .I... Xriuaiatf. Boaiders 1 Reo8iTSd; ' B rtparatlan lor J. PBrtoaa, Ltd., 1 U xauiinrtlon,. stiiureU UruHriptra. ' End at t? For 'Afisociatioa Allotme^ Holders in .Bexhlil. Uanciur br MlSa MoCAR-THY. . ACimramont, Haatiagt. .4.^ fnten^ely Appealins* ^tory. HASTINGS AND ST. IJEUNAiDS Music. 36 R o b e r t s o n S t r e e t , "THE BULL'S EYE." . Three Claes^. Largo Prices. H a s t i n g s . Mb E^ieode of the Trans-Atlantic Whirlwind Serial. Judge, Mr. W. GORING. F.R.H.S. p R E E C h u r c h O o u iN c iL . Will be held at 8 0 H £ B V I L L £ HOUSE, BIRTHS. THURSDAY. 24th OCTTOBER-, and remainder of week; “FRESH PROBIiEMS tor the CHRISTIAN CHURCH" MH.'(REGINALD E. GRATES. p . —dll Seiitpnibcr 10th. lilS. at, Tientsin, iThln®, PULHAM’S GARAttE, MARINA, BEXHILL, Will be the J^ubject of an AddiCf-a by the R ignt Hun. qUMBIilU-AND OjLRDENS. A.R.C.M., A.B.C.Q., L.R.A.M., ' W-'. “S. HART, the popular Triangle Star, in SIR 'JO ^PH COMPTON*KIOKETT, M.P., Bu of I Archibiild Fiam is isou of the late h rran d s V. On LJl'FURiST. LEONARD8-ON SEA. Organiat aud Director cf the Choir of Ail Seinta' Church, t Thorpe, of llacUng©;, of a daughter (M;ia- saret . A t the ■ «♦ WEDNESDAY. 6th NOVEMBER. 1918, BAP.ITST. CHURCH, WELLINGTON S<^UARE. oa Hastings; Conduetor of the Hociting? Madiigal Sooiety. iHoiiiacy. T he D esert M a n .” PRINCIPAL: MIbd JOHNSTONE, Swawoi to PROFESSOR OF MUSIO; %AY i—On October 3rd. iyi6, nt 50, Ne MONDAY EVENING N . By kind permissioh of Mr. H. PULHAM. Mr. K. !•’. COMP’rON (I'rosident of the. Council) MISS UtIFFUH. iaBtiugA, iofSigm tlier and! Mre, J . J . BaiJawajr* HIGH CLASS EOA k DXNG AND DAY SCHOOL FO E Specialiet in Scientific Voice Production. By means of (ueei a eon. 1^ ctrong Western Drama of lore apd thrilling revenge. in Aid of the Snseex Prisoners of Wax Fund. ■will tab? tbo Uliair Ht 8.30. j . . A Cordial Weicuiue ' to . All. ' GIRLS. . . ^ special apparatus, pupils are enabled t-o h ^ t themeelves ; 'iZ a b r i a g e ^. 9tb Episode- of the Great Gaumont Serial, ring, and bonscqueiitly teet their own progrees. R abbit J adores ; — THOROUGH EDUCATION on Modem Linea. Pro- Leeeons nro alio givon in Organ andPianoforte •'POOLE.—On Ortober 5th, 1918, -at * " jqDFX." • arntibu for .Examinations wh«u oui irl Mr, and Mrs. W. Jlvrxy, CENTRAL WESLEYAN CHURCH, pupils tnlthc Examirntlon for the Professional Diploma FRED. T. nontfiu.lontfiu. North Lomlou, o Kvii Maiy, i >ur^' A Valuable CAMBRIDGE ROAD. of A.R.C.M., etc. ‘ ! r of :Mr. and ithe hiU; Mr •. K. Poole, of 6Ureg> Ontlsticras from 2.30 to 10.30. Usual Popular Prices. BOSEBANK, p r i o r y AVENUE, HASTI?|g 3. |t.. Leonuide. C h a l l e n g e C u p . DEATHS. AddresB«3 on TH E BOOK OF OA|i|IEL. LATON HOUSE SCHOOL- For Competition by MemL>cr«. I —On.: tlio i 27th Bttptyuit*ci at 10, The SUNDAY EVENINGS.-6;30. -1 LATON ROAD, HASTINGS. E le c tr ic a l E h gineer. I t t a r i ^ , 3sd dauguu*.r oi t 10 late Rev> Ed FOR VOUiSG LADIES. H. PHILLIPS. ‘ ■ HL-cnir of Bramertou, Nilufclk. T he P u bl ic H all C in em a OCTOBER 2(ttl;—■' THE FIERY FU p Jn ACE.” PRINCIPALS: MISSU KIM and DEW. Highaat UUed ia action in Fran ou ^ c 18tli Sejp Auction Sale of l^abbits at 7 o'clock, by ToatimoniAls an^ Eefeiinoaii. PIANOFORTE TUNER. Wltj, ^iupauy-bcrgvant- Ooinpany-bcrgvant- dajoi Tan .rainte H ouxt MEMORIAL, HASTINGS. M i . H. j . HOW ARD. R e v . H . M u d i e D rIa p e r Superior Edu^r. aon on Mbrtrrp Principle*. b.C.M;., Royal Fuom cra,’'r^/r r.-oud Bou of Mr Pupil's ‘puiod for Pabllo Exomlnatipno. |. Oatt, 3ti, Wiuohcisca-Kuu. Uic, Hus Telephone: Haetinss 832, Adraisfion, during Judging,110.30 till 2.30, Is. 3d., in­ KINDLUGAR'tfcN .8BPARATK DEPARTMENT REPAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NORMAPJ ROAD, 5 ycaifd. •. -t cluding Tax. 2.30 Till- 8.3U, 8d., including Tax, FOR BOYS-8wedish Drill. Battle, Bcxhill. and District visitad. anl to inrt frout ono wo lov<#l 80 dearly, Owing io inorMse of Pupils, a ,large Sehoolroom, ‘ know he i© ,w*hciv ail ii' pouoe and joj Particulars. Schedules of Claeses and Eatry Forms meeting the requirements ot the Kdnoational Byo-i«w*, 9ILBAT (SATURDAY):— can be ot'tained from the Hon. Seo., Mr. S. T. Hiil, Be Mrs. Sarah Lowther Deceased boa ,be«n open^. 1 ilT.-rOii October 5th lyjjs, at. AVettcni 15. EDMUND ROAD, CLIVE VALE, - e l e p onards, Pqo'-he (Jaroliiic Herbert, wif Wethcrstleld, Coilington Lane, Bexiiill. ’ Vacancy for Student Pupil. T ONE 9 0 2 . STJ Li:E d N A R D S ; |i u Jam es Herbert, i»use^ pf-ai-efully "JOAN OF ARC OF LOOS/* o tic e is h e r e b y g iv e n ] that all HASTINGS. TT lain iu f ©ufi'.-riug lor ©over il luontliti. Agfd A War Drama in four parts. N persons having claims or ; demands IvE.-j-Iu Inviu? memory r:f my dear son, Pxi» againfit. the Estate of SARAH EOWTHER, The Hastings and St. Leonards llbcit, George Hipgmvts ymugest son of M t HASTINGS PIER AND BEACH l.’ite of 1, Angiesca-terrace, St. Leohards-on- MISS MATJD CHASEMQEE. :s. *iiip^’rave, who died o' wounds Sept€mbe4 UOKB a Iv , OCTOBER 2Iat:- Sea, in the Connty of 'Snssex,! widow, Lad ies’ College, a cjisualty Cb.mring Station, France.' Sryj ea n g l in g e s t iv a l PROFESSOR OF VOICE PRODUCTION AND ■a. d td , bratlieTH and eirt'r. A;red 21.—IL I.P . S A F ' . deceased, who died on the E‘ig]hth day DANE ROAD and CUMBERLAND GARDENS. ST. - SINGING (Dalian Method), I — ftt Ska, on the " Bprntu,” on 3rd Oot#> “ M a t t .” of October instant, are required ] to send LEONARDS-ON-fiEA. RECEIVES. P u p i l s on F r i d a y s , aloo other day* by p 8 ,' F rank tiliver,. dearly- y'luved hneh^n-l .bi appointment nt. Machinery of all kinds supplied ajnd Warrior-sqnare, to us, the updei’signecj, full particulars of 'Fv«|m'es Ohvci. of -49. Frob the Story by ROBERT BUCHANAN. i OVEM BER 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th (Wounded Soldier’s 30.' ROBERTSON STREIiT, HASTINGS and youngest e^on of th » late. S'-imuel Day), with CASTING COMPE'J.’HTON on 10th. such claims or demands forthwith jin order ' (Moeers. Hermitage fn d Son*. Ltd.). fixed sp.d repeired, Chaffing Besfring, Patk Square. Luton.. A ■cri 42. years.-- A btilliolnt British Preduetion. with Dcronehire scenery. that ’ the same ,ma.y be exi]imine. R.O.M. L.R.A.M.. and yn (i)ct<:toh<'r 2nd. 1918, AVilliam Small, eld#0| __ u accoiint against the . estate of MISS D. QUCCA... L.U.A.Mb, Piano, Haiznouy. Sing­ CUVE VALF,, HASTINGS. Ui^o \\\ Small, of-Old London-road, Nif^TIONAL WAR AIMS COMMITTCEa WILLIAM FOEEM/N JENNER, [iqte of ing, Eartrainins, and Mnsioal Api reciatios. : kped 66. years. MISS HELEN MACGREnoR-|-ViaIln .Pupil o i Y*aTel. Vo-,! fl'tolM-r 5th. Frc:lr-ri» Perry Ynungl 0# OPEN-AIR PICTURES. , IMPORTANT ! ^ “ FordbrOok," Priory-road, 'and of No. 123, MR. HAROLD SAVF.RY-a^ Singing. ^ ' I t^itc. Brititdi NorMi Bonier the dearly-beloreA Mount Pleasant-rpud, both '.in ^he Borough MRS. BERNIER-EjJOufion fPupil of hlisa Fogerty). .1. !‘ud Mrs. .‘\vthur Y'»ni :. 6, Amhenet-rsad, T h e C in e -'M o to r of Hastings, plumber and corn' dealer, who Tliere are Vialtlng Toachers fox iamgaage* and Special M iss ALICE NORTON. L.B.A.M.. 32. Lost iu S.S. Hirano Maru, by N o t i c e TO L a u n d r ie s ' died on the 10th’September, 1918, are hereby Bubjeote. i A.B.G.M. Iction. Will Tiwt . There ia a Preparatory ,^ Deparrulent fox li'tle ahildren. to which boye under eight are admitted. Vi*ii« and Receives Pupil* for . IN MKMORIAM The CKNTRAL GRiCKKT GROUND. DEFENCE OF THE REALM. requested to submit such clai’ms and ‘ ClaMi^ open to outnido piipilF a PIANOrOliTE. SINGING. VOICE PRODUCTION |EFL- To the tond and cherished memory Bf QUEEN’S ROAD, ) Instruction ifiued by tlio Road Tran,port Board, pur­ accounts in writing to ns. the nhdej'signed. Dalcroie - Eajhythniics. Daiwine ; end Gymnaatiee, le w Brigade, k ll84t . , ] h a r m o n y . Etc, h'. Bnniiint'-T. 2,9^0, Jti •N MONDAY AND TUESDAY NEXT, suant to' ParasTaph I r.t tus Read Transport iNo. 2i Solicitors for, the widow of the said deceased. Elocution. .■ j . 1'rati'c'S UcUii^er r^tii, 19 1' rom his iu am. Older, 1918. PfipUi ean dine the College daily at a moderate, Special cAachiui’ for L.R.A.M., A.R^.M., and Aeao- ItUors aiid bistcie.—At ics;. . 21»t and 22nd OCTOBER. Dated 9th of October, 1918. ! eharae. at i ciated Boards Exome. Invariably Suc^ifol. T .—In ever-loving iic-mOry niin1,. In . erer-(<»ving JU'-mory; of Xginee-CorponU IVlusic. Officer.' This instractiou' doea.not apply to. Laundry COMPANY. y • , t • which "®ust be kept by ell B/Huvillo Dav-jr*, lA»ndon R ifle Brigade, o i YORK GATE,.,MARYLKBONE ROAD. IVork for Uospitols. uik,. 71, Ivfimli'.irtl-slreet. yduapii:! and deariF* ' LONDON, N.W.l. This instruction ehall' tako effect as from -fehe lat LONDON. , of llwi lute R. L. Davi4 and Mr^. Davis; OCTOBER, 1918. NOTICl? EE COKE. 68. SKlh-.v-omoe-na-'l Xnlth, St. Leonnid»* lagtltuted' 1822.~ Inrorporateyi by Royal'Charter. 1830. Hignc LfONARDB-ON-SEA. Oppoaite. Station, Victoria, and on© minut© from HOTELS, BOARDING HOUSES, Etc. las ho ;tro<1 that day to C k1, THE METROPOLITAN EXAMINATION OP •E. W. COLE, Uudergrouud Electrio Railway, giving aeceo* in a fea MUSICAL COMPOSERS, PERFORMERS AND A toil. Large Coke per ton delivered ia unnuio* .to ai. paru of London and SuburtM, Bucking LlkiVl '}i - iffiiu his birth, Cliicf Executive Officer. |iij)h‘n^9e< and g-eutleni-Ns a id honour, TEACHERS. now 41/8. - PRINCIPALS; MISS AGNES BOOTB AND UI8S ham Palace,: We^tminatex Cathedral, Ucm*e* of Parlia having 5 Bedrooms oi over. Kd<-:ia mirth. •gcr^ea^ful Candidates arc* oreeted LIC EN TIA 'rES of NOTE.—Roguilation. 2 J .J .J . . applies to A LL CHAS. P. BOTLEY, M.Inst.,C.E.i, LILIAN STRA-TTON. '' zuent, St. Jainca' Green and Hyde Park, Piccadilly oiK, I.—in l(*vicg* inomory of our dear fion, F iifU * iha FOV-Ma ACADEMY of MUSIC, and have tfco sole VEHICLES isjpkibl© of being. u*iod‘for Road Trantport d ic in g Croak. Regent Street, and Principal Shop*, oql Engineer and General Maiiager. p^ay ’bu* ride. City 13 minutes by Electrlo Railway. I t , ColdKtT'-aiu Guards, kill ‘d in action i $ t h light of appenduiic the letWs'L.R.A.M. to their namee. (except * riio^o. used wholly or uiainiy ou Agriculture), October 18th, 1918. 1 b915, in Battle of Lo'i©. sor of Mr...... and.. _ The Kxaminationis nro held during, the Siimroor and including K<»oda carrying telacles with a load capacity* BoardiBff School for C entltm en’s Daughter#. Thi* Hotel ift wtH-appoontcd end inexpanaiv© (Bedroonu^ p8, Ha.rdwiokf.*“road, West Hill,' Hastingf. .Ohrietmns! Vavatiohn. clay for cntr.v for thy of I.IISS THAN 15. CWT., also CARRIER CYCLES from Ta, fid.). The Prcmflon*. Milk, ato., need or© froiu I a cliutc-hyaid far away, Obristinae. Examination. Novenxhor i:tth. Entrlee ’ c-an and HAND-CARTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. th© ProQrietor’a Form lit DorsaUhlre, and the Vaauuui PRICE kiting fordhe break 61 day, 8^ received until NOVEMBER 30ih, on payment of a Co.’* Machinery I© inctailed on the premlaee. by whiel- II all sliiuloxr#i dec away, late fee ^ 5s. i HASTINGS UNION, fill d u st ia removed d;iily from tb© room*. Telephone 391 I u Swi^s Giii/Jn. Victoria. En Penaion Temw f«r long etay. Tariff or ItOrJJTSIDE—HIGH SCHOOL. application. Telegram*: Tuflato. London. -In cvtr-l^'vnig_ineni'>Ty of! A d h n r P en f(^^ SyUahuv^a,- Entry Form and nil further information HAaSTINGS AND S'T. LEONARDS in arfion' iii France October 7Tb, 19 ■ ay be obtain*vi on apiihratiion to 11, LATON ftOAD, HASTINGS. ovo and rcincrnbrunce for ever.—Fri i. LEONARD O'CONNOR. I^q., POSTER PARENTS FOR GIRLS’ HOME. Prinoipal .. .. . i MRS. F. C. COOPER. To be obtained from — fath er,' .sUterB and Brother^. 9 , Clfntori O reirent. Rt. I.^.onardii, Hon. Local Repre- L i t e r a r y ' S o c i e t y . HOTELS UNDER THii DIRECTION OF Bantative, td the Secretary the R.A.M. THOROUGH ibUCATtON on Modern Lisea at -In .•'Tf-r-l'iring memory OUT dr*ar gq j^lTesideutr Mr. THOMAS PARKIN, moderate fee*. Preparation for Pnblio Etoudnationa if SIR HENRY LUNN (Chairman) and Inry Pickard, vho paseod day October 18q i Al.A., 1 .E.S., F.R.Hiet.S. h e GUARDIANS invite applications desired. Home Comfoita- for Bcardsrs. Kindergurten. MR. W. HOLpSWORTH LUNN (Managing Direocorj T from two persons not over 50 yOats of Speeial attention given to musio. modern languagee, F. 1, PARSONS, Ltd., f‘ Observer’’ Office, from, Kiglit to 3n''raoily erc-r dear. drawing, painting, and physical culture: honse with ex­ HASTINGS AND 8T. LEONARDS. —iatlKr, Mo’hc- aud Sieiters.| L e c t u r e s age, willing to act as foster parents !of thecellent ■aoitatioo. etanding in Ua own poonda. The EngU»h Biarrtta. -In I'lrhi;; ni- iuf-ry r.f J-ll zabeth String r g u s s E x S o l d i e r s C i g a r e t t e Girls’ Home, 59, Vicarage-road, Hastings. 14. CLAREMONT, HASTINGS. i/m . Ilnlhn;:t<-n Cr^rk. o r>a»!»ed FOR SESSION 1918-19. (11 children). • , ' i Moat Perfect C.imaie in Great Britain. j till.. -1912. but nov<-rl fors-'-^tten. , OCTOBER 25Ui, by Special Request, In eold weather *heltered from North and Eaat.. ' fUt ‘’N'T-tofing rv'iirory ol our dear Bei a n d C o m f o r t s F u n d . Candidates should' bp mothei-i and |.iUo<’l a-^vay O'-tnlt* r Vti', lnl6. ” J n p a ^ nnd the J.apan^>sc ’ (jllustrated by lAantern In warm weather open to Weateily and Southern . Insfitnted October, 1914. Siidy..),’ the Rev, W. W EBSTER. M.A.. F.R .G .S., Oniv. daughter, two sisters, or two friends.] GLEN VIEW Breeieo. | lari* have piss'^d .sni'-« riinl Uarl day g. War Charities Aet, 191Q. I'Ur d'ar oitf was • ailed. aw*v; Exteo. Ijectuiei foi Cambridge. Sp.laries>£30 .and .£25 per annum. .■SCHOOL FO R O IR l 4 AND KINDERGARTEN, Rainfall eHtulorly low. Ground drie* quickly, ^Dot fill llio vacaiil 1 NOVEM BER 10th, Porqis of application must roach me not MOUNT ROAD. £9unabia© record abocnuaily high. knous 3,-jw -K'f* mass lier w ‘-e. later than the 28th October, 1918. S A limited aninbsr of Boktder* tskan. Superb Cliioate, Scenery, and HistoTioal Aeaooiatloni |-In loving in‘'niory .-.f our darling CTbsrU EVOKES, fiOCKS and other Comforts seat weekly “ Pippa Par«e«.'’ Miss A. G. JOHNSTONE. ELDR DOB AND SON, M e s ^a m e s G r e e n a w a y , ^ S. BUM STEAD, THOROUGHLY SOUND EDUCATION, with Pr». (tioii f«ii Otol»er 13th. 1915. Aged tfc te the varioiift Battalions of the Royal Sussex Rtgiment, DECEMBER 13ti. paration ior Cainbridga Locals, ICohegc of Preo«ptor*, ALHANY HOTEL; from 12s. per day. .. ( by mnm and cUid. Ristert and brothen Iw al Engineer, and Susf^r Men serving In other Royal Drawing Hociaty. Itondonj Institnie for NawUa- COnTRACrORS.i pANITABT PLTJMBIRS, AND COR^IERES, i I Regtonents. Only tlioee on acUve servtee supplied. “ Victor Hu?o.” Mr. J. MACEtt WRIGHT, J.P. CKOMWELL HOTEL, from 7s. td. per day. b!Uf’d.-Lnvi.vl by ail who Unew him. . Clerk. work. and Aoivieiatcd Bohrd Exam ination# DBOOBATpRB, GAB, HOT WATER, Et*. 40k, ROBERTSON STREET [loTing lueniory of our dear Kbn and broM > JA N U A R Y lt)th. Union Offices, Hastings. ! iProtpoctu* on oppUcatiou. dl. A^-'ird. F.T-.A., wJi‘> died of woiiu M o p THAN M i l l i o n “ The Knis'htA’ 'rumiilars and the Knights of St. John,” ATHOLI, P-iUiAOE HOTEL, PITLOCHHY, th. Flaw) (foi nerly of Wellington Place). Mies R. A. PEaVNlTHOHNE. Priaoixlal; MISS £. WALMBL8T. * riotri in Scotland. Retea from 8*. per day;. Summer, tl. PROSPtOT PLACE, HASTINGS. h, 1917.—Sadly niipt.ed.. from 12*. pei^day. QOLBINO aid CYCLING CORSETS, ABDOMIHAfc ClfiARETTES ALREADY SENT. ' JA N U A R Y 17th, Paparhucliit WuahoiUA BELTS, SHd ULDER BRACES and . UNDKS» CLOTHING. Sm tions, Clgarottee, and other Gift# for iba Snasex Concert. THE ‘ HASTINGS MADRIGAL SOCIETY. HASTINGS EDUCATION COMMITTEE. ALLAN WATER HOTEL, BRIDOE-OF-ALLAN, the floMUers aid Sailors most gratefully received by: — FEBRUAltY 7th. Open. Scottlih Riviera. From 8*. per day. fiDAS G ER TR U D E ADAMS, Hon. Sec., pplications _-nTlo WELLINGTON COLLEGE. I ! *• f tfmw rttatgma A, A are invited from! local taidiqa w aiM oa a t th rir o4u reoideae©. M ARCH 14th, c.TntUdutes i(mpn)- for,- - the- - post of DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS and KJNDF-RGARTEN, PALACE ^ HOTEL, MONTANA-8UR-8IERRE. Now MISS HARDY, Hon. Trees., HmlOaunU. B.J. “ Chaucer,” Rev. CANON COOK. and 4, '.VELLINGTON SQUARE. open fox French M ilitary CouTaioacenta. Ordora by v m ‘ reeaiva. prom ^ atUaMon. U. EYEIfSFlELD PLACE, ST. LEONARDS, temporary CARETAKER of St, ;Mnry-in- SKINNERS, APRIL llbh, the-Castl». School, Halting;?. Wages;. 26s. BtAd MistiesA-MlSS HELEN BATHGATS. ■ PALACE AND GRAND HOTEL DES ALFES Id, Ohmamamt, M, latarriews dauy, 8.30 a.m. io U a.m. only, ox by “ Some Tempi?.* ond Rchgum s .IJaas of Ihe Greeks,” MURREN. eppointment. . Rev. J. C. THOMPSON. , _ per week during the summer (six months), B oom MistiM«-MlS3 EMILY |L. BATHUATB^ who recoivea a f«F Raiidai|>( Pupila. J(^BMASTBRS. * Terms for attending single lectures and these wishing and SOs. per week during the winlet (six Pull partioulara from the Manager oC eaeb Hotel ! i Diuing Room tor Dar Boarders. lUnrirated Booklet fro© of all the Hotela Iroaa—The Hastings I 'irinanent Building Soiiiiti to lier-ome member* of the above Society should apply months); present War Bonus, 12s. 6(). per Psnnau«Lv of Seven FuUy> Qaalifiod Taaol^Ka. for rulcH, clr., to A. Kate Ranee (Hon, Sec.), 2&, Bosoo- week. I S^retary, 5,’Findcleigh Gardena, London, N.W. THl; BARGKST IH SUSSEX. * bol-roed, St. Leonards. i Visiuor bcal;^ ■ C a s t l e H L, Form of application and list of Duties GYMNASTICS-Statf-a«i«oaul Moat. ORSES anji CAJORLAQS^. of (livery HjcsraTE FUND ,ei5.CM iN T & S WltluNSTON tqUARK, HASTINei. may be obtained at tlio Offices ,of the A R T—MiSs NowiOAn. A.R.DJ9. (B. of E .' Oafl. J k i \ H ;‘r I aoseripkkm. - - • ; UKDIStlU BUTEO SURPLUS £ 1 6 , * t t s... NS. Education Committee. Preference wiill be , Misiroes). - ! FIA.vOi*GKT£ AND SINGiNQ.^Miia AUeg Noitoa, Shipping Notice. Private tor and Taxi-Cabs Unaaual Cpportnnitir for Inve tdn ■ CrNnEBTAKBES. E ^ T h o u g h t ((Je n t r e . given to discharged sailors or Holdiptsl. ' A.R.C.M., Uit-A.M. TAMILT AND COlOtEROIAL. Applications (on the prescribed form) VIOLIN AND PlANOrORTE.^Miii Walger. R HIRE. C a ^ a a t t t i S a w Yder br takint on. or uio« [ QHEEHP8 ROAD, knd eOnrEB ROOMS. WRITING BOOMS. 1 WAVERLEY HOTEL. HAVELOCK ROAD. ELOCO’riO N —Mrs JauL««ott (n«a B. Steranioa], Offices BbwM In «b* e b m A mM , m toOow,; ^ • ''4 BILLIARD AND SMOKING ROOMS. SUNDAY, 20th.—Servioee, 11.3d, 6.30. Speaker: Mias must reach the undersign^l not later! than L.P..A.M. (Gokt MadalUit). Tea I >r montli loTtited ~ XZOECOXLLENT STABLING AND GARAGE. BOTAl, laa a IND ROAD CLIIX VAMi MARY CHALLEN. MONDAY, 3 o’clock. Inrtrnction noon on SATURDAY, 26th OCTOBER) 8HUR’rUAND--Ags K. Uotvas, ^.Me.S.T., ato. ao Ji t I GES AND OMNIBUSES MEET ALL aud Healing Claw, held by Mr. WESSEL. MONDAY, Sound General Eduoation. tasted by PubUe Eximlna- fiNOS. « Tele. aumiA< TRAINS. HIOpT PORTER. Canvassing will disqualify BIBBY LINE : «r MBk. ' - 4.' _ . » t i 5 o'clock'.-Addxcvs on New Thought Interpretation rJ tlon. with eparial piepotation <:4ot A rtistih. Comuiezoial, CAfMBEIDGB ROAH. AND NIGHT SER>aCE. the Lord’s Prayer. 7 o'clock, a Series of L^tures will PHILIP O. BUSWELL, Uiterarr. .. . m A.A Bacretftnal Circ^r«.> In 1917, U0(Looalg, eaa- FlTrt-Cl«M' Twill 8v«v BtMnwa Ha stin g s ! ^ ' *«» • t^ehin, on, “ The Ideal Co-operative Commcnwenltb,” Its didatea,______M ______31, boDoura. Cambridge Ssiling, •• -Axtaned. Telephone 71* WTR t BOllUS nr iAODITlON. 1 OARSTA HOTKL AS8SMBLV ROOMS. Industries. Arte. Economics, arid Educaticn, by. Dr. .Secretary. Royal DrawlBt Society. «. oUege #>f PteetpKib, Aaeoa. , . i 1’ - ^ MILLER. R.A.M R.O.M., CKTLON, BtnU f AH, uid SOUTHHRIT IlfDIA. ' Aad el 0«g writ oOm i:-~ , ' ■ • . • ' I (Published every Satttrdayl Offices: 18, Wellington-square. Board, and and London Inetltiita fog Thought for the week;— ■ Needlework. Pitman'e Shortband. Pried iMla. Tanu Applr to BIBBT BRQS. and CO.. M, Obapd Rtnid. r, I . - ’ r^W orlts, Claramozxt, iu t l a Fariali VHOTB DAILY, la lA LUHCKEOir, *'Xha Lord ia my Shepherd X shall nob want*’ 17th October, 1918. Lrednead for fomiUea and BObolartblp holderN on oppU’' WESTERN pi'OAD. ST.^ LEONARDS. 1 BAVEUlciE SOAJD. aA8'MXa||^ : Hastlagt, IB lha Oouty •i^QA. gt the CoCleie, \ UTupoot; or It ahd U. lUnciac Lwa Loiira, K.OJ. Telephone 62S. Alia A BQiaO I OEUUaKBB, KA6TBOOBJQ1

i i .1 .. j.... : ^ y -•»,r ,!■ <(«»«■ iVltillhllBIWIMNI© ■ ’ :^J!'€®P'S'ffj*?'‘^ r' ’ /j55f‘-> " ■ ^ l-s,. >

ix^Siffiii|iil^Gi®:ll{I>a'8T» '."SATUfiteit. ■ X ^ f O l E R !W 1'.' ,,,; | . - a i ’fjiB M im - ||ag|.|^ ^:.;DECO HM iP.' 1 ‘ -iiiiliiiii)«” ‘'^'.-g jili M m DG^NT LOOK W OT^I£D >1 V IP THE OHIUlltEK TEMt m m jBIO THn FOB REFEBENCE. BUT. SOME OP TWAT WONDERf*UL' MATERIAL

The Corsets t h a t Will please y o u a n d <9* IT MENDS $ T T r C fiB S . k -r; you feel fit* . They arc | boned ^^E M P IR E L tA ’^’ It*t ao 8 to lise—so ^mclc—so lieat^-eo .jjWjBaO^lU^ * hmt it6a and 'a :' ' ' •■;.ll • ■ — ■ piece oi end-a-Teax and m oM . m Ilk idbtfC^ -yon’U scarcely know tile gannent eikA iefni. i the Steels which bend i n 8<^di«n» SOLD IN 1/- OUTHTS. b|^ MASTIN BROTHECNiS^ Ltd., direction with the figure. , You not I 7. 9 ft lA BREEDS KACE. WL^mt^a. that youy o u are corseted,! and yet TQMi 'Ll

s u p p o r t r c u 1 r cd w 1 t h bust eftoct. Assists development of iRtflTAr I f slight figure an d controls the full

T h tfr^ n w e r m tea r yo u c^mmY r e p a ^ ‘iSfifK M eh d ‘» ^ i WILL NOT BREXk MOCK Washable at home ia half a n hour.

i. WOMEIK k “ FLEXIFORM ” i Will you take a maukS place in^ the 9/11 to 35/ % t,—Privatt C; fipaf.. . rii*Qneknsj. serioufily wounded August„ 22nd, ip hciiwiital in iP ' ;B(s»e addt««$, ?B8. pteasant^tn^, aagtitigj. '2.—Coarp rrSefw«aAt> A rm y Canteen' OrganUetion in ;this: " ' "led y)t PtedMt6A S w tp 6 ^^ Jl»A. / owd.j “ FLEXICURVE” .HlMWadi ; Itiftgfaw,- Country and so hclp to ‘%m^^e Wui;>? iB«r 28th ; ywmgaat^ison 6t Mrs.s. SUpgifava,Hiperi . g, , orth- o. QuAife, Royal Sussex; killed m actiofi action oni sep* 16/11 to 37/B | 3 It it Natieni^ Work of great impDXtBDce. temha# ISfhj of 3tni. Oftaife. 22* Mahofi-road, listings. S.-^Sapper JI. 3. VelwsC, R.B.; hack ftoat the. P?oht guftemig with: dysentety !\ how in hospital ift Seatiafld. Hus- h«»4

1 2 / 1 1 ^ j Capable Wonien to serve Robert F. Hodson, Grade 3, provision ; . - ‘ j'.,' ' ' ■ \^ '■ ' * ■'- ' '■ -- ^ ■ ■ ■ TflE TRIBUNAL. m ^bant.—Sit months., -:d:- Jameg Fairhall, grocer.—Six months to continue Rm Cross work, TRY OUR "'rftOMt’BRY JffiB lit ARMY/' Frank Bourne, C3, maUager grocer’s retail ^ filANAGEREiSSES business, wag represented by Mr. H I>. ALL WORK CORSET WtfM ' P L .rititig' f t . 45/> per Week w>-Mr,. -R ented Jto six .luoajtoa fthd to oontiilue as -C h ild s who play hard, and ' Special Constable.' r MlNlSriBR ADVOCATES STATE PUR- lent.’ That is. to toy, they must he bought Morgalt;, It Is a very likely assnmptipni.T^ out. When that isi done you have got rid VBird’s Custard is'a fine inepnt pdWder:ig^hj^^ Inv.xepiT 't® the Chairman, .uppeilaht eUid -Frederick Charles Wright, 60, Grade 1, I GSASE AND CONTROL. of private interest and private gain; and so OPTICIAI Uned with milk, transfonns itlto m a thin; fiuid .td:..a,creai^y &u ta^ired'&bont twenty machines a week. Bl, was an original application, which Was wo become free from that perpetual agitation- -Mr. Lloydr, :Bte did Meven when asked the supported by the Borough Accountant, telio On 'Sunday morning the Re'v. and wire-pulling in order to inCreas© its ' T satisfying dish.f 'FUs gelden Ckistfttd.k W^I^Oldd.jU Uestion: last time h© Was before yon.— stated that the man had been emfiloyed by amea. minftL- of Motmt Plweftftt.^hS^e;- ■ I -ttmgry children'ordredwertars, ^ jiX \ j f y -, ippellasti: 1 did 17 last week in addition th* Corporation for twenty years and had g t & l Church, took ae toe hold and its profits at the expense of the to many sms 11 private jobs at people’s acted as a collector for 17 years and was Powerful sermon the position of the Drink national welfare; ‘Impossible! Why the the only permanent outdoor collector. He price might run to 430 million pounds sterl­ 3 8 , R O B bouses.—Hit.drribunal considered that the Question in the. post-war penod. ^ ing. We could never find the money.’ Well, man had so cose at all on his own business had great knowledge of the work and was ^ In o rd er to control the traffic and let ne recover bredth. 'rhat is a sum w'c open tte food: 'yon and tbe advertisements were nothing like able to help' others who took up the work the way for its uUimate^ extinction spend on a few weeks of war. Further, 'wo H A > those which the Tribunal would' hft'Vft temporarily. One woman 1 had lately taken vo^ted^ a scheme of give yoitr bird^—m^e on the work and there -were other temporary must get rid of the idea that th© nation desired. They did- not wish to take any sermon did not appear to ruffle th« would have to subscribe this huge sum in An; step to inconvenience the public and they men. 'Thete.ije. were 343* menmen] j and boys and 13 of his own congregation, “ COCK OV THE women in the officeoffice. Seven of the men were hard cash. If I understand rightly the Would give one month’s further exemption the problem will scarcely method should be Ijii©: the shareholder iu on condition'that ft correct and proper discharged soldiers. Mr. Wright had those tomperance r e f o r m e r s to whom any WALK’’ laying mea],| advertisement should be inserted v—Mr. knowledge of th*- district a nd w'as concerned form of nationaliaation of the trade would be g(iven Government bonds Lloyd asked that tho man should be ordered in the Voting and Jury Lists coiUDilction.— in anathema. The dellveraAoe Is at loftft an bearing interest at » much per cent. That and notice how year{ to report at g certain time, giviiifg him time Wright^Said that he -waS entirely in the indication that thoughtiul men are would be'his equivalent for his vested inter­ hands qf the military ahd if the Army est in toe trade. Those Government bonds iinaintained' its peerless auality’in iwer' time, to loqk rdund, otherwise there would be dissatisfied with the old ^methods ot temper- ■Would bo negotiable-an th© share and money fowli enjoy it and] Tfteday is still as dainty and. dc^eioits ms; of old ! furthetflosg of time.—Mr. Morgan asked'r if wanted him he was prepared to go. The ADcie propagADda-. . ... market, like other | Government securities. all the people having sewing machines in application was not bis, it was made by After showing Lhat tiio tradw in how^ they wiU lay Hastings.-'were to be. left without anyone to his employer. .He had one'son in the Army. drink directly affected and impeded rohgi^s He would simply exqhange, say, hi* brewery O LD M^E' -F o u r months’ conditional. shares for Government bonds. The price,, to repair them while this man was doing some work at home and abroad, he said; You w li he paid could be fixed according to certain large, rich yolked BOTTL] trumpery job in the Army?—Mr. Lloyd; I WUlia^ V. Holland,” 8 1 . Grade 2, remember Mary Slessor’s caustic, sayiug when don't think you. ought to ^ y that.—Mr, slaughterman, employed tiy. Mr. Wildish, ehe sa# th* casks of liquOr bmng ^ « n to principles which would eggs—piobf of its; O LD R u: Morgan) 1 do say that.—Mr. Lloyd eaid that was given six months' exeniption. West Africa by the sami vessel by which she avoir) fxtinO a vanot rwcB many men had heen well placed in the A cattle drover, named Robert Bo'rthwick,. sailed, ‘Scores of casks and only one miseioh- on the one. hand, or of inflicting injustice on quality. “ COCK 0*| - H A IR Army so that both he and Mr, Morgan were wag an appeal against exemption given in ary!’ I t is a perpetual stain on the charac­ -the investor on toe other hand. ‘But do you O LD CAl able to be there at tho present time. He April of lost year and a! time limit was ter of Christian nations, a target hit and think such a transfer would satisfy the THE ¥FALK” 18 a did not think i^ a proper remark to make sked for.’—Six months’ i conditional. ahd laughed at by every heathen. The epectacio holders of brewerj- shares?’ AVhy not? The at all relating to the Army to whloh he held exempt from Volunteer servic.-. of Christian nations at war has confused bonds i^ould'be a giltjodge investment. There “ r e a l” od peirfectlyl Highest prices- givki his safety.—The Chairmen said the Tribunal Louis Carles, 38, Grade 3, Queen’s Hotel other races, and set the missionary a aro hundreds of thesb people who would pre­ thought the man might be very useful chef, Asked for Tonewal of 'exemption which problem. Drink baa always don© that, anti fer being out of the-drink trade. It is the bal«Mry contained both Pensions,’’ we publish Best Laundry Ul the Dntritl^ M’hv is a pig-provisions ai^ hot fish? Mr, proved that I continued its use, with -the and yet in this' matter of the drink we are good and had fish, si with the cimrchi visit to Eye by the |CH&i| abiUties -when pead* comes again and toe tap still enslavedi - Why ^ftnnpt this question 'b* it drew in both goOt xffnd bad people. These of the Hastings Bifanth r>l: BHADFORDS Lloyd: I cannot tell you, it.-is a fact.—Ifc. Teault that it cured inO .completely. Aiid is turned qn Sutbly it vriU not hp ab.^you harvest festiv als^ d been held from tima Best WorL at ifiaderate Paces. MorgaOr. It is.a. aoriow -vioW t'o take.r-Th;e apparently I am cured to ttay cur^, as it say, toe houre-arerourtailed and ih* oui^U$: reopened and tempeirance - people take any and i Demobilised j Saji! steps so long as this i^onttol of the trade in immemorial ien th sy were Ordered by God F^erafion. In theii; efaa}rmatt; The .fish tras8iole. it, A collection was then taken for the -Asso­ «pdorse most of the fkc| the evening’s musical programme was under Parliament. But ns 'be fair in our oe%. Th© church was beautifully and appt'o- ciation. I Tt a disgrace td which he was represented by Mr. F. IV priately decorated with the brown and white Appropriate hymr s were sung during th* ■East: ngs that lucn'ivijo Morgan.—He had 6 OO lads under his the direction of Seigeant vallentine, an ex­ sures. What moral support and stimulus ceedingly able elocutionist and actor, well hitsi'© the Churches of toe country given the nets which are' a faniiliar sight in \he East service, and Mr." Reginald E. Groves, h e a l t - and position's ihstruetlOn and having Mgard to his age End of toe town, while all tile implements idf A.B.C.O., presided a|:. the organ. f rp n i p illa r to v>osti. T^ REGIM ENTAL & R.A.F. ho ^as probably better employed now than known at the London halls. He and Miss H. Government? Don t let our thoughts trifle the fi.toermen and the toilers of the deep he would be in tho Army. Ho did J“ost of ■Wrehstead in'the comedy dnolo^ie, ‘‘ Colla­ round the little qutetion about alcohol Vbeing f o r V ork and if they'-m the gymnastic work in the tqwp anti visited borators,” w^re undoubtedly " stars " of a. necessity to a fe w people ini poort hehcaltjl.; -were ffiheOd in prominent places in the huiid- to ge : employment! it; is ing. In front of toe alter were placed various HitSTTNG^l QUAIRTER jSESSIONS.-On rate of: pay. J Kudw about twelve schools. He had 23 yeara’ the evening. Sei'geant-Alajor Rc/binson with You cannot defend this traffic as it Fvidav toe Recovrloi took his seat at the fip- PRIVATE experience and was formerly in the Army Ills fiddle was a great favouiiite. i He is from tecauee a handful i}f people need a tumble- kina# “TT—ftijj.. in addition . to the fruit', men lyho a re given sue the Quinlan ppeinCoinPany, and a nlayer of vegetables, bread, and flowers usual to a har­ pointed time'for th< further hearing of the Government DepajrtijieJ A one-man business claim was made. The ful ever so often. A sensible doctor \ttle s vest festival. As a sigh of the loyalty of the . . . o. ...ut.-uv, sauic ttyaiusc I' laiui S\ . gynmasium had to be given lip because all no little ability.. We understand that the pro­ that point. It is al drug and shduld b e \ ^ woulci ta x the s tre n ^ h i r’ gramme has befen repeated at Some of the scr.jbOT only as every other dangerous •d.fSs' fishermen a Union J k ^ was to be seen by the BarfooTi ' The pro; iscutrix- swooned bofoi* and I Me to penfoii the men fond of athletics had gone into the altar rail, while in frdnt of, that rail waa a the proceedings commenced, and ultimately If on* suggests that, flies Army. A large-number of his pupils, were local hospitals, and also that the artistes are is prescribtel. -It, te ridiculous td say tha» the llecorder discht raed thathe jury and re­ anxious to be of fugther service. we should have all [this plant and capital to wonderfai colixton rf shells, seaweed, etc. wnr'-c, w hich is a t i^rejea C h r i s t m a s in the Army holding commissionsT -He did 'r\? pulBji)'Wa6 deoon]|ted with flowers, fruit, mitted the case to the next Sessions. 51 r. 'I months’ conditional.—Mr. Morgan asked and /all the evil* 'phioh follow from that. There was a speriali service in the after­ I h lye seek m en -at -tl that the volunteer ser-vice exemption, should CHILD’S SUDDEir DEATH.—On Monday vraitir g for work. :h?t. ANY IMPERIAL OR OVER-SEAS CREST Thij thing has bee^ a ^ noon; when toe t^aqher was the Mayor night toe->Borough Co roner (Mr. W. J. Glenis- h ave little or nothiiiW; ii be allowed by the Tribunal.—The Tribunal THE NAVY KNOWS MlULStOU* inoUT THE NECK (Councillor W. P/rrinte.'- Th# service' was ter) held a -juryle^s inque^ at All Saints' doors of the Public kpd thought h® might, be of very great use to conducted by Mw J. W- Chubb, Md the Schoolroom oemoerni ig the death of .10 7 PRINTED. the Volunteers.—Mr. Morgan,: Yes, ns a ' of toe nation in th* past. Unless to* nation 1 ate hrlted and barreflltq 1 the su^aining value of holds and controls it, it is going to be a milF lessons were tea.l by the Rev. E. A; PeiCnsem, Gladys Parker,,aged 15 months.-rBusan Maria many women areiemnilpJ trainer. Will you make thah stipulation as Vicar of All Sai/ite.'Btesti&gB. Parker, of 62, Ashbu nham-road; the mother a safe refuge for othqrs j yon did in a'similai; case some time ago?— .Mackintosh's stone in the future.! 'We shall need all possi- 'ghe- M.~.yor gyve a snort and excellent *d- (who said hertousbai d was iserving with tli* The- Tribunal assen^l and hoped that Itr. Totfee de Luxe bla economy and thrift in wrder to keep our dresis taking a^his tMtt“ Giving thanks al­ B.A.F.), stated that tie dateased was a tirlu. k h ak i th e discharged ifnll Moss’ services might bo so ntiUsed as they place in the keen commercial struggle which ways for all irongs unj(|o God and! the Father and had been weakly from birth. " Of late tli# 1 as tin outsider. J i j would be of Very great ftssistanoe. —the food will be upen us even before peace is fully in. toe Niwme tfi our L6rd Jissns Christ.” He 1 In -1 he various ,naw 1 Consumaied; and toe less w« oominme and child had been Boony, but toe'did not fed it town--such a-S Pood Mtui SAMPLE BOOK NOW BE SEEN AT i NATIONAL 8ERVICB REVIEWS. said they were gatheteid togetoer that after­ necessary, to call tin a < OetoT. i She left the lew of to* immediate future? The true enon ovto an acre o f' ground nt present form, as America is doing.. And the in toe villages and qountry districts tha gan gavq meqioal evit enee, and as the resoU; .where 0 discharged rrti AldertnAn; Mitchell’s .garden. In addition first'step towards that end is'to possses the nhurehe* were dacoratpa with the first fruits ortsm exaiiia . .aid' the caM id s mipathrse with 4 to the garden- he cleaned the AldermsnV ■Trade.’. There.!# oplv one way of obtaining of the earth, and here, iirtght on .the very edge -was hroni hial ftoumonia.-^'nifi rough the, fight. ,and'( boots. There was only one pair.—Six it Whidh will satisfy the pnblic mindT of the t»a, their chUronlrwak bedecked with all a*d a Vef It of ‘‘Dtato w ith every jsiPatoo’ Qondittoaftl. Through public UltiMKaoH tad Act, «f tbjkit aivertgiiuid t» tog i|a. Th« &ite vtoito " V ■ ...... ^ ...

: -V - Jij-4 -'sv: W:'. •'itViiii.' ./.AAT'm'i HASTlJIr, SMITH, Newaagent. Etching- Origiial of the above may be seen at i-' Hocking. J.P., C. H. Ball,.H. T. Diehton, ham. to whom sim ilar uotloes for. these TiHagce ^ c u ld J.P., and J. Pelham, J.P., Councillors Dr. G. An actual Test be sent. O. Gray, J.P., W. J. Fellows, A, G- Qinneu H. N. Collins, H. Samson, J.P., H. Groome, in every ThU SKURZiNE; PHARMACY W. J. Larcombe, C. Hill, J.'W hicker, F. W. A Victory Grate in the Coal Con- BATTLE. Morgan, I. B. Manningtpn, J. P. Kelly, A. t 'oiler’s offices has been carefully (P roprietor, ''HAROLD I'E. 8KTRMB), Strickland. G. Shoesmitli, W. Meads, H. A. t ssted. A fire was lit in the ordinary not feel Tildesley, and G. R. Everitt, ahso the Town ^ 'ay at 10.30 a.m. It was kept going WOMEN’S INSTJTUTE.-^n Wednesday rHONI Clerk (Mr. Percy Idle) and other officials I _ ' IS, W ellington Plaoe, Hastings. . k«. tax til 5.30—7 hours in all. The coal afternoon som? v^ry practical advise was The“■ ~Deputy-Mayor . _ -Ma retired...... during flje pro- •i sed was weighed. and 10 lbs.—not given by Miss Taylor on “ Fuel Saving.” ceeding re all the TQBIATd The|Town Clerk presented the report of the c uite half an ordinary scuttle full— DENTAL SURGERY.—Mr. Holliday at­ J"T i 'as used altogether. The room was tends every afternoon from V to 7 at 80, High- Sub-Cpmmittee on the Alayoralty, which simply recommended that the position be c f average size, but somewhat lofty street, Battle, or any time by appointment. t - -rather a difficult room to heat— l o o s e Telephone Battle 11. offered to Councillor Arthur Blackman. SHDRZINE ANTISEPTIC OINTMENT is Sold in The Mayor, in making some remarks, ex­ I Ut the - tem perature ■ 4^ring the — — — — i Tins, ■■ J OX TAIL .OPEN-AIR PICTURES.—A novelty ‘ will pressed the hope that anything he might sa.y X ihole tim e of the test, on a cold ( be provided next Wednesday by a visit of the one size, 1/3, with postage 1 /4|. would (not be taken personally. He thought t ay, w as com fortably warm . It of the cine-motor (travelling cinema), which will it his]duty to the members of the Council, .Build a “ Victory Grate ” in yoiir own give a display of open-air pictures under the, himself, and the borough that the exact posi­ 1 ome. Put in the firebricks at once. . j auspices of the JSiational War Aims Com- tion should bh known.. When the Selection i ee that the brick at the back is tilted fu 11 b u St, i mittee. The programme is unique and, full Committee first met they at once referred the £ lightly forward so as to throw the heat m of-interest, well worth an effort to see. matter to the. Liberal representatives on the i ito the room, and'is not more than The Mayor (reassuringly)-You wUL soon APPEAL CASES. Committee to communicate ■with the other R. DODD^ 73, High-street, Tobacconist, pick it up again. 4 0 in. ifom bars at front. Fill in space Newsagent, ^ationer. members of the party and then pre.sent a re­ i t back of firebricks with fireclay. This A B A TTLE FAR^MER. Some applications from' the Ticehuiist Tri­ port. The Committee met again in'fulTforce DARK NIGHT.'?.—Arrangements are beihg bunal came before the East, Sussex Appeal i ill set firm and keep bricks in ppsition. BREAK The Tribunal dismissed the appeal of on the previous day. He anticipated a writ­ If you have a “ register” keepl it oply inado for the lighting of some of the lamps Tribu^l oti Monday at Hastings. | Major ten communication stating whom the c uarter open. If you have no j” regis- MOCK TURTLE during the hours of darkness in the coming Walter John Williams, farmer. Battle, 26, R. L. Thornton, J.P., presiijed. Grade 1, who was represented by Mr. H. G. Liberals proposed. No communication was tsr,” put a loose brick in the Chimney i-'A home ■winter. Neither in number or illuminating Phillips, solicitor (for Mr. Eaper), i A HURST GREEN GROCER. , mesented, and by his direction the Deputy- ( pening over the grate.' This prevents power will they be as prolific ag in peace Applicartt said'he did the whole work of Town Clerk went down to the office to ascer­ -t le heat from escaping up the chimney times, but any light in the pnevailing dark­ T^e case of F. C. Gasson, grocer, 43, Grade tain if ;it had arrived. He returned with the and projects it into the room instead: hour. the farm except .for a little ns.sistanee ^from 2, had been adjourned for medical re-exami­ ness will be welcome. his father, who was unskilled in fanning. mes.sage.that nothing had come. Then on the IF possible fit a piece of metal jn front nation. Mr. H. Dai-enport Jones, solicitor, Liberals being asked to present their report c f space under bars to cut down' the EARLY^LOSING.—B. H. Thorpe and Co., Mr. Phillips submitted grounds of hard­ Hastings, represented Gasson. Boot Dealers, are closing' at 7 o’clock on ship, and personal grounds. It would be there was great hesitation, and at last one c raught. See that the firebricks are 5Ir. N. Lloyd did not oppose ex,emption. m em ber m entioned a namer,: and th a t w a s -1 igh enough to stand out well above the J9 Monday, Tuesday, and Thursda.y, 8 o’clock on impossible to sell, out at present; the stock Applicant said he had to resign the post of .P rid ay , and 8.30 S aturday d u rin g jth e ■wipter could not )ae sold. Applicant was the only ta^en as the report. ; At that meeting there t re. ’ special constable for reasons of health. ■were* two representatives of the Liberal party, monthg. An unequalled variety of footwear man oil the farmJ Mr. Davenport Jones said the Local Tri­ - . s s u e d by the Coal M ines Depl., Beard The Chairman said they had many such and pile voted for the other against the name always in stock. Governraeiit controlled bunal dealt ■with the case simpl.y on the if .Trade, Holborn Viaduct, E,C.l. ■' 'iil "W ar Time” Boots a special feature, cases in the early days, and they then came ground that the man was unfit, and they submitted. He was not satisfied that the.v 0 35/9 to the conclusion that a man in his position had had a proper lelfxirt from the Liberal KINDLY THOUGHTS.—At the recent could well get out of a farm. woujld not listen to anything else. Gassoii party? "■ He admitted that three members athletic sports a lad won a prize or two of was keeping a place open for a rhan by doing outside the Liberal party voted for the nomi­ considerable value and turned them to such agehey woidt on an estate, and he had also nation, but, as he understood it, they were W Sold Elsewhere at 1/3 good and nnselfish account that his example sonte land. He (Mr, Davenport Jones) won­ not the gentlemen who sele.cted and recom­ ' i might well ser\je as a pattern to others. BURWASH. dered how, with attacks of syncope at night, mended the noniination of the candidate. The According to aniateur athletic laws a prize Mr.) Gasson w-a.s passed Grade 2. report only came to them by word of mouth 37/6 must not be gold, and these were not sold, By Mr. C. Higgs, of Eastbourne, a new from one member. Till a report of a more OLD RESIDENT’S DFATH.-Miss Fa.nny member of the Tribunal—The Medical As- but allocated by means of tickets that were Russell, a' much ■; respected parishioner, sessprs had dealt w-ith the case. practical nature was provided, he, as Chair­ purchased by his chums. Vfith the money man of the Committee, ivas not prepared to passed away suddenly on Saturday at the My. Davenport Jones ffibmitted certifi­ move ok support the report. Of the Liberals 12/11 he bought cigarettes and sent them out to advanced age of 88 ^ ears. cates from a doctor at Hi;rst Green and the Sussex boys at the front, the cCst of- post­ others. The Local Tribunal had given six present?? one voted for and one against, and' age being defrayed by a gentleman -(vho HOME ON LEAVE.—The following lads he failed, to see that the report was one have been home ’ on leave;—Privates E. moniths’ exemption oh health grounds. NURSIN8 appreciated the kindness of heart of the T he T rib u n al removed tlije V olunteer con­ which he cbiild present. O R E m ; winner of the prizes, Wrenn, T. Park, D. Pope, G. Pagden, and ,At the instance of Councillor Whicker, the H. H. Hope, A.V.C. dition, and told Gasson he must try and get minutes hearing upon the matter were read. ^ CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION.—On tak en on as an emergency ;!;pecial constable. PERSONAI,.—Mrs. A. Ellis, who under­ The minutes of the Selection Committee Thursday a sacred concert was given in the ■ AN ETCHINGIIAM BUTCHER. showed that Councillor Cox reported that the church, under the direction of Miss Hopkins, went a serious operation at Tunbridge by the. Choir and friends. There was a large Wells a fortnight .ago, is progressing A. N. Jarvis, butcher and grazier, Etch- Liberal members had selected' Councillor favourably. Mr. . A. Ellis thanks bis in^liam. submitted that he was assisting to Blackman, and on a division four lliembers ^ T D R E attendance, and a silver collection was taken of the Committee voted for and one against. in aid of the church expenses. The Choir numerous friends for their kind enquiries. ke^p going the business of a brother at Bnr- wajsh. He ■was the only butcher in Etching- Councillor H. N. Collins maintatepd that are to be especially commended for their m e m o r i a l SERVICE:-On Thursday the usiiall course had Been followetj.jand that share in tjie difficult trios which they sang. haini, and was a Volunteer. ,Pioiv:<£PS o f .Pojraiax' evening test week a: memorial service was Thi-ee months’ exerhption. , the nanie was brought up in the ciistomary 'The Organist achieved excellent results. The held at the Parish Church for all the men way. I ■ ^ Itymn, ” Rejoice, the Lord is King,” started LOCAL BRANCHES; the concert, and after, prayers the following from the parish who had fallen in the Alderman Hocking said he iinder.stood the GEORGE STREET, HASTINGS, items were giveh:—Organ selection, "Pieiii War,, especially for Privates Bertram Hook, ROBfiRTS^IDGE. report rightly came from fhe' Liberals. 'Voti ” (Rossini), and song, “ H arv est,” Mis.s J. Pennells. C. Snashall. and T. Marchant. The Mayor contended that with one Liberal 'The Rev. G. H. N. Stephens, Curate-in- voting on each side he could not as Chairman QUEEN’S ROAD, HASTINGS, E. M. Hopkins; “ 'The Mountain Skylark” Ch'argc, officiated. ' . RlipE STRAWBERRIES.-Mr. George move, the report. i f f "70t Hastings.'^ (Christina Rosetti); anthem, “ Praise the I.aui-ence, of Robertsbi-idge, picked several Councillor- Mamijngton regretted the awk­ Loixl ” and-“ The Lark’s Grave,” the Choir ; CURIOSITA'. — Mr. G. Mepham, of ripel strawberries in his market garden in ward position. As .the onl.v Independent 17, LONDON ROAD, ST. LEONARDS. song.s, “ L and of Hope and Glory ” (L lgar) Lower Gate, informs ns that near Ticehnrst Norihbridge-street at the end of last week. member [of therComraittee, he would move and “ Shepherd of Souls,” Miss Grace Hale; Road Station a wood pigeon sitting on two The 1 variety was Royal Sovereign. the adopjtion of Ahe recommendation. At the WORLD’S STORES,, LTD. trio, “ The Lord is mindful ” (from the ora­ eggs in .some straw ra n be seen. H e has made .several enquiries if anyone else has D fU t H o f a n OCTOGENARIAN.—The first meeting of the Committee it was re­ torio, "St. Paul ”), Mr. and Mrs. H; Tice- vived—and he I'oted against—that the mat­ Inirst, and Miss Hockey; songs, “ Sun of my seen the like, but cannot find'anyone who has remains of the late Mr. Stephen Halloway, heard of one so late in the year. It must be a former resident, were laid to rest in Sale- ter be referred to the Liberals on the Com­ Soul,” “ God send you back to me,” and mittee to communicate.with other members “ Let there be light,” Mr. W. Adams Baker, very rare, and it was ptobably a very early hur^t Churchyard on Saturday, The de­ Organist of Battle Church; songs, “ Abide spring bird, just commenced . to lay. Mr. ceased lived for many years in the High- of their party and submit a name. As a con­ s k e t c h . and Mrs. Mepham have had .four sons home street, hut after the death of his wife re- sequence' they met again and asked for the with Me ’’ and “Thank God .for sleep,^ Mrs. side'4 with a married daughter in Hastings, Anderson ; readings, “ The Beloved Captain,” recently on leave, two from France and two name. Apparently there had been some from elsewhere. where his, demise toofe: place last -week at the slight misunderstanding as to the! form in from the " Student in Arms ” (Donald age of 88. • which the report should be presented, but he p r o 6 f. Hankey) and “ In the Children’s Hospital ” FUNERAL OF ME. A. R. HAWKINS.— wa.s assumed th a t th e proposed nam e had al­ OONSUL-T (Tennysoii), Mrs. Basil Woodd (Churchwar­ On Thursday afternoon last week the ready bo^n verbally reported. He appealed mhisMetata den) ; song, “ Trust and Believe,” Aliss remains of Mr. A. R. Hawkins were interred SALEHU^RST. to the ihemhters that they should now all Hockey; duet, “ The Christian Graces,” Mis.s ill the . new portion-of the Parish Church- — :o:------■join in welcoming CoiiBcillor Blackman, of MESSRS. Hopkins and the Rev R-; Claude Davis; organ .vnrd. Thefcoffin was preceded by Porcsters, selection, Mr. Baker; song, “ A Land of ST. MARY’S CHURCH.-Owing to the ill­ whom every member of the Council had rea­ m to work in th« to which Order the deceased belonged, viz.; ness bf the Vicar, Rev. C. E. W ard, the ser­ son to feel proud and glad to see in the Roses,” the Rev. R. Claude Davis. The col­ Bro. C. A. Brook, A. Ellis, W. Dann, B. vices; on Sunday were .conducted by Mr. H. Mayoral I Chair. (Applause.) He was sure kitchc|n—put Vim “ on hia , lection realised X2 ~s. - Miller, O. Sweatnian, W. Ellis; and T. Carter, lay reader. ' ‘ Councillcjr Blackman would carry on -with You’ll soon hoticn Thompson. Bros. G. M&pham, G. Ellis, A. PARISH COUNCIL.—The quarterly meet­ the same! fame as that of the .present Mayor hp'Ur the drudgery of the work F. A. BATEMAN, B ED CROSS c o n c e r t s : Cornwell, and Mr. R. Lusted were the He added th a t w hen th g y e a r of office came P h i w ing should- have been held in the Institute The pots and bearers. The relatives and friends, ■who oil Tuesday evening, but as only Messrs. H. to a clbte he should vo'te: in favour of a Success again rewarded the Battle and followed ivere Mrs. Hawkins (widoiv), Mrs. ■change. jlHiear, hear.) UrJON ANY MATTER RELATING Catsfleld Centres of the'Red Cross in their E. Stennihg, J. L. Mannington, H. Carter, ^a: Is are as clean as a new pi^ loMoftRd. E. Lusted (daughter), Mr. E. Lusted. Mrs. and A. W. Simes (Clerk) were present, the Councillor Dr. Gfav, as one ■ who had efforts to raise funds for “Our Day,” for the served as long as anyone oh tlie (Selection thri! brasswork glitters, t£^ concerts, held on Tuesday delighted largp Fisher, Mrs. Baitup. Mrs; Gaspar, and Mrs. meeting could not take place, five forming a H. Dann. Among others - prc.sent were quorum . Committee, althoiigh'he was hot a member kit :hen tables and white. woo!^ audiences.: . „ this .year; .endorsed the sentiments of Coun­ Colonel H. . Feilden. Messr.i. C. W. CAMPANOLOGY.-On Sunday the Sale wofk are made spptlesis; a:^ Thanks to the kindness of Mr.. P. F. Walker. W. Bennett. S. King-Hei|nsley, IV. cillor Mannington. He could remember no Waberkeyh, the Baronial Hall of the. Abbey hurst ringers received a •visit from Private instance in which a recommendation had all this irith . no more. Mfplt EYESIGHT Watt.s, Mrs. Eyleg, Mrs. A. E. 'EHis, Mrs. j : H. Edwards, Arnly Service Cprps, who is ■g'as the veiine in the afternoon, and through­ Thompson, and Mrs. F. Vigor. Mr. A. R. come'except verballyr He admired the loyal tha nis needed in the sprinkliyig out the preliminary arrangements and during home; on leave from France. A well-struck OR Hawkins, familarly called “ The Admiral,” pieal lof G ran d sire Doubles, 1,260 changes, ■way in Which the Deputy-Mayor supported of 11 little Vim on a damp ^loUi the afternoon Mrs. Waterkeyn was ever ready bad been mine host of the Admiral Vernon him in hte proposal at the -last meeting that to further the cause which the organiser had w as, brought round in 47 minutes, an< 1 rubbing briskly. A upwiirils of 34 years and had resided in' the the ringers ctandirfg as follows ;—l, Mr. F. the present Alayor should be (invited to serve at heart, thus early in her residence giving parish all his life. ^ for another year. ■ Couneilloij Blackman su;/- evidence df her interest in Rattle. Lady Morgan; 2, Mr. W. H. Perry; 3,'Private J. ported tlte Mayor uft' .to.' thel last,extremity, \VteViin for cleaning and polithing H. Edwards; 4, Mr. J.'Blake (Hawkhurst); ndowt, floor*, tiletoork, tap*, Bfassey, in whose hands the preparations of 5, Ml). A.. Edw ands (co n ductor); 0, M r. L. till tl|,e,. Cp'^ucil settled that it should only be the programme had been left, had provided F ren ch . a one year Mayoralty. n^ammlware, tin, iron and bra**,- a host of talent, and of the-artjistes ■who had ETCHINGHAM. Councilljar Shoesmith, as, ur member of the promised attendance only one failed in Committee, said he felt bound! to corroborate IN SPRINKLER-TOP 'appearing,’Mr. Kenneth Ixitt being nnfort- MARRIAGE Ot’ MISS. NELLIE STAPLECBOSS. 'what, had! been said by Councillor Manning- ' unately, incapacitated b y , an ; atjaek of in­ BARROW. — A viery pretty wedding —------:o :—------ton. . • i cJa n ist e r s. fluenza.. A- very acceptable-.^ibstitute' was The Mayor observed that he understood a HOURS D U RI^. w i n t e r M O N T H S : . . " ' cerem ony iva.s th a t i w hich w'ae solem nised HA RVEST EESTIVAL. — The harvest forthcoming in Driver Senior, who sang some on S a tu rd a y in, th e P a ris h C h u rch of fe.stiVal sei"^iee took place biteSiinday'at St. letter;-Was to.c»n»-f-roitt'the Liberals .'to tlih GROCERS, STORES; OIUMUL ^ delightful numbers. Burwash, the contracting parties being M ark’s Church. There ■was a crowded con­ Committee, but it never came, but added CHANDLERS, eht 9 to i and 2.15 ta 5 .3 0 . In the evening the same artistes gave their Miss Nellie Barrow, youngest daughter of gregation. The preacher was the Rev. Mr. that when the vote was taken he should hear­ services at the Church Hall,\ and here Miss VVright. Mr. Frank Hilder read the Les­ tily supiidrt the nomination of the Deputy- EiEvoL BBOTHERS : IiTO., PORT 8UNU»H* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barrow, of Hiitching’s M ayor. t ' Wednesdays 9 to 1. Margaret Cooper and her piano were the first Farm, Etchiugham, and Mr: George Parks, sons. 'Miss Walker presided at the organ, turn. This was to enable that lady to catch and the singing was 'i/ery bright a,nd heart.v. Councijlpr Fellows denied that there was youngest son. of Mr. and Mrs. Parks, of The church was beajitifully decorated, and any misiinderstandihg at the Committee.'Phe OR BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT. the London train, and it -was only by literally Fisher's Faimi. Charmingly' attired in a • tearing fiereelf away froifi the applauding the fldwers were tastefully displayed by Miss Mayor waS led t.o believe that a letter was pale blue dress, teith veil, and orange Manste'idge, Mrs. Hinds, Mrs. Al- Goodsell, to coine, but he was afterwards informed dnr * crowd that she was enabled to do this, .at blossoms, and yveating a beautiful gold VIM each of the concerts a very ready apprecia­ and Miss S.vbil Hilder. Flowers,] fruit and that there would be no letter. Councillor OPUCIANSl TO THE EAST SUSSEX HOSPITAL and brooch, the gift of the bridegroom, the bride vegetables w'ere sent by Mr. -and Mrs. Cox was asked who was to be nominated, and tion was forthcoming to all the performers,, was given away by hjer father. She carried Jacobson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clayton, he.told the meeting. V154-M which was richly deserved. Miss Cooper ivas a luxuriant bouquet of erysanthemums and Mr. ajid Mrs. Goldie-Taubman, Mrs. Hinds, . ROYAL SURGICAL AID SOCIETY. grave and gay as occasion demanded, Alderman Hocking madi' brief observations lepends- roses, and was attended by two bridesmaids, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hilder, Mr.j and Mrs. to the effeqt that in supporting a' Mayor they always musical and chic. Miss Viola Tree the Mieses Elise Muller and Edith Barrow Clifford, Mr. C. H. Smith, and Mrb. Thomas. should consider the interest of the town quite and Mies Jane Croft, happy in thejr selec­ (nieces of th e bric/e), who wore wffiite The collections and flowers were given to as ufuejf as the forty members of the Council. 38, ROBERTSON ST. 8, LONDON RD., tions and in splendid voice, were asked to and blue dresses lyith mob caps, and the East Sussex Hospital. I Alderman Chesterfield said that Councillor lap«B the food yon contribute additional numlsers in no uncer­ carrying baskets of ferns and white Blackman i/iiist feel a very happy man. 'ibe tain manner. Driver Senior’s songs of the chrysanthemums. The duties bf best man Independents had taken the wind out of IgiTo yonr birds—use HASTINGS. ST. LEONARDS. robust tepe were very welcome', and _M;r. devolved upon Private Charles, Barrow, - SUSSEX everybody’s *;ails by proposing and seconding ) ;| Selwyn Driver lir-ed up to his reputation in bnother of the bride. The ceremon.r the noniina tion. (Laughter.) 'He appreciated 1“C0CK O* THE And at BEXHILL, EASTBOURNE, Etc. humorous. pianoratious. The Misses May commenced with th^ singing of " How CGNGREQ ATIONALISTS. th e aign.s of complete loyalty to th e caoming and Beatrice Harrison, on the Violin and welcome -wag the call.” Mr. Selfe played Mayor, and predicted that (Mimcillor Black­ ’cello respectively, produced a [ivea'lth of I WAIa ” laying meal, on the organ . the IVecIding March. A EOCAL MEN AT BEXHILL. man would come out on top, and he hoped he melody, their selections being extremely reception was afterwaitds Hntching’s would hold office w hen th e looked-for tim e of varied and all played with great technical Farm, many guests be/ng entertained. The Peace arrivid. land hntice;how yanr skill and full of sympathy. Miss Erica Pierre- A ni'ieting of' the Eastern District of the bride, and bridegroom| were the recepients Sussex Congregational Union and; tho Eait " Alderman Pelham said it was arranged that pont; A.R.C.M., was the accomplished of many beautiful and useful presents, the two me nbers of the Selection Committee \;<3 IfaWle enjhy Tt and accompanist. A very fine performance was- Sussex Auxiliary to the London Missibnar.'v amongst which was : a handsome ' dinner Societj’ took place on Monday afternoon at who conferred ivith the Liberals slionld take given by Sergeant Valentine, ■who selected serv'ice from Mr. and Mrs. IV. F. Foster. up the repokt, and he thought they consented [how tb ^ wiU lay LD METALS, SCRAP IRON, RAGS, BONE!^, FATj the dramatic dream scene from ’’The Bells.” Sackville Road .AVesleyan Chui'ch, Bexhill. to do so. (ine of the two membersiwas very In many instances the Sergeant’s elocution LOCAL SOLDIER’S PINE WORK.—Pri­ Tho te®''’- Henry Varley (St. Leonards, anxious for the officethim'selfT-^daughter)— |Iaf|[e, rich yolked BOTTLES, JAM JARS, was strikingly reminiscent of the late Sir vate Bert Eastwood. |I,.G.S., second son of Congregational Church) presided. The; Rev. “ And,” adned Alderman Pelham, “ I don’t Henry Irving, and the turn was among the Mrs. J. Eastwood, of IShoyswell-l'ane, is the J. Osborne'(Secretary) and others supported. w'onder a t !|iis reluctance.” |eggt^proof of its LD RUBBER MOTOR & CYCLE TYRES, HORSE most popular of the items. hero of the following letter from Captain G The attendance'was very satisfactory. Councillor Fellows replied that he was not HAIR, RABBIT & HARE SKINS, The m em bers of th e Ro'd Cross ■were in Hubbiick, of the SalbiJika Forces:—“I expect The ; meeting passed a resolution of the gentleinan Alderman Pelham referred to. “ COCK 6* .you w ill see in tlie papelapers there has been congratulation, to the Rev. W. Macfadyen ConneiUor Oox and himself were the Liberal attendance as stewards, and had a very full heavy fighting in Salonika. I am sorry to tell LD CARPETS, OLD ROPE & CANVAS, etc., etc. afternoon and evening’s -work, fo t d uring the Scott, pf Eastbonrne, on the completion of membei's oi the Selection Committee, and it WALK*’ is a Enquire our prices before selling elsewhere. yon that your son, who]is in my Company,, has 21 years’ ministry. was. agreed that nothing should be commu­ latter a convoy of 85 wounded were fetched been w-oiinded, only slightly, however, T am I M from Hastings and accommodated at Nor- A vote of condolence was passed with Mr. nicated to- (the Press till the matter had food perfectly Highsst prices given at our New Stores:— 69, OEORQE STREET, HASTINGS glad to say. and you heed have no cause for F. Strickland, J.P., of Hastings, on the been officially reported to the Tow'n Clerk. manhurst Hospital, which has just completed anxiety at all. Your ]boy has behaved with death pf his son, Mr. H. S. Strickland, who its equipment after a thorough overhaul. Councillor Meads earnestly hoped that in lajiaiaced and the greatest gallantry, and I intend to put his has betj-n killed jn action. Mr. Strickland future theylw'ould only have one year Mayors. T. W. BARNES & GO., ZHeroliants name forward for a military decoration. You " Is J ' BATT l E DISTRICT APPEALS. rvas a ^licitor at Hastings, and was popular Ever.v member should have the opportunity |c oi A cjen t r a t e d— Established over 75 vears. Telephone 197 Hastings. know, of, that lie is in the Leiyis Gun in business circles. of filling the chair. He would always vote Section, and that he has recently been made 'M r. D- C. Stra'nge gave a very favourable against a second yearc. In saying this He Head Office :-Chapel Street, BRIGHTON. On Mondav, at the Town Hall, Hastings, No. 1 on the gun, which is the most honoured ten! a sitting of the East Sussex Appeal Tribunal report j on the London Missionary Society. wished it to;be thoroughly understood that no and responsible position, for he is the inan He pointed out that owing to the silver one appreciated more the valuable services W'as held, under the chairmanship of Major who actually fires tlie'gnn and carries,o R, ,L. Thornton, J.P. exchange the cost of missions in China was rendered b.vt the pre.sent Jtayor. He also action. It was early morning,, getting much igreater. The | London Missionary suggested that it was about time they had AT NORMANHURST HOSPITAL. light, when your boy was in a village two Rociet.y ]had the largest medical missions in a Mayor fraitl the West End. Stmple and tmt H, EARL STREET, HASTINGS) In the case of G. 'W. P. Magee, carpenter, miles in front of the Briti.sli lines, with 30 the world. Mr. Strange gave statistics of It was poiiiited oiHtn Councillor Meads that BONES & SON T I M B E R m e r c h a n t s '. &t!y containe\l both Pensions.’’ we puhlishecl a report of a .broad outlook upon things in general. BATTLE BAKERS AND May I congratulate you on his gallantrv. and from Court “ Cinque Ports”), Tf H. Wells any dissentients—invited him to become i bad fish, so it> ^ with the church-* - Tisit to bv the Chairman and Secretary I notice that our bid “ stick in the mud ” ' CO-OPER-ATION. hope that be receives the'recognition he de­ and J. 1 Murrell , (Court “ De La W arr,’’ Mayor-Elect now and Mayor oh the 9th lin both goO^./Jmd bad people. Thes* of the Hastings Branch of the Discharged local rulers arc squabbling over who should serves, and at the same time wish him a Points as to possible eo-operation of bakers Bexhill),i and Sisters S. J. ,Murrell and H. A. November. He could safely assure Coun­ Iisurance Notice. 1 festivals^^ad been held from time and Demobilised Sailors’ and Soldiers’ be the next M.ayor. It is neorty time some speedy recovery and a safe return home.” cillor Blackijnan that all of them would try .1 x*?"!- they -were ordered by. God P^ler^ion. In their speeches they dealt nf these old women were relegated to thh in the Battle district were raised when W. Pratt (Court “ Hope of Bexhill’’). Regret R. A rcher, bak er, 21, G rade 2, applied foi" was felt at the illness of Brd. H. Hunter to render him loyal assistance^ as the Mayor Ei'tsblighi d 182I-. lift; servant Moses when the people with l.some of the grievances of the .scrap heap, and a ne-.v set of men elected ot'Hastings. I (Hear, hear.) No one of more |d to i come to the Tabernacle at least di.schaiged men. 'deas promulgated. renew al. , , - (District Treasurer), who -wrote regretting mes a year to keep the feast. Every- , Tlje Chairman—\A hat are they doing to GFESTLING. inability to attend. upright character or 'businesslike capacity ' bn •Tuesday we received the following The time is fast coming when tho combine in the district? Applicant No­ did he (the Mayor) know’, and he was confi­ q U A R D l A N aid lia'^6 the' sf)irit of thanksgivingt, letter. I The ’ language of the -writer of it discharged man will not go round begging Bro. I'. Catt (Court “ Prince of Wales.,’’, d en t th e hofioiir and dignity of th e office |.y atithe present day,, and' a preacher U very- i.tibng, and in our opinion he for work. Imt will demiiud it, m exchange thing BO far. Bohemia) was elected District Chief Ranger, vest testival had that one great lessen How do you deliver?—By motor. Av a r a i m s Di C TU R ES.—N ext Tuesd'ay ■fi-oiild be sate ill hi.s hands. (Applause.) ASSllRANCE COMPANY weaken]s His ease by abu.sing lo.''al public for’ keeping sonic of these croatureg in Did they not ask you at tho Local Tii- a visit will be paid by a travelling cinerqa and Bro W. J. Brackpool, District Sub- -Councillor Blackman thanked his colleagues ., thi need for thanksgiving. Th>>. . men, sqm? of,'whom at any rate are trying seeurify at home^. live thanks to God in their daily lives, biinal what could be done in the way of co­ sent out b,.y, the N ational W ar .Aims Com­ Chief Ranger. sincerely for] their decision to elect him as i L IM IT E D . •-S ly at| mealtimes. No one should h*J •to do i.something for the men who have It is “ up 'o ” ever,i» diseharged m an (o operation J^n delivery?—I could nCt do more mittee. The pictures will bo full of extra- Bro. A. B. Edwards gave an interesting Mayor. He thanked the Mayor for his kind V of Showing their gratitude-for Hip fopght.j It should bn remembered thati, Join las Federation for in unity lies i tra d e th a n I am doing now.- nrdinai'y interest, and are well worth seeing. account pf the I-ligh Court at Cambridge, remarks, and the members for the reception Paid up bapital ...... ^£1,000,00% efforts U fh's direction are governed by strength. The ilays of talking are nearly i The Chairman-No, it is a question of de- Tliey arc wonderful and inspiring. which hd attended in August. thej' had gii'en him. That reception meant ; i i land I goodness in giving them theill Governtneni regulations.' However; we /iver, and if the autliorilies do not fake the ■ livery, Total Ass Sts (over)... £7,365,00| bd. Tiiere of the most The fijiancial summarU showed £ 10,3.^8 much to himJ as it showed the goodwill which publish the letter just as it wa& written to hint then the blame is on'theiil own I ' .'Vpiiliciint; ;;aid he went into.! th e country. accompanied-ltlie honoiim To his mind their The CO ffPANT transacts all the priniti |1 hayvest.s known to history this year, 10s. 4d., ^f which fy.iqz ios. is on mortgage, Wy that was something for which to •how w h at some discharged I men are shoulders. I Bakers at Scllescombc and Westfield, de- goodwill, wasj Si essenessential to the holding of an pal Claseas of Insurance. > th in k in g :— A. i-IcC. ' Uverod. and he went into Hasting's. HURST GREEN. and £i,obo los. 6d. is in the War Loan. office of suel/ high importance. They could I \ Itharikful. His Worsnip concluded. By tlip M ayor of H astings — Tiv'o girls Increase 1 in stock during the half-year ’’Hy that he teould do his utmost to carry out Full int srmation may be obtained oaMS Jss by "appealing on behalf of the Dis- Sm,—‘1 have read with interest your last appli'oatioi : to tho Brameh O ffice■ week's larticle i-^specting the grievancesr'of drove the van unless it way la I e a t‘night. amounted to ,£72 iqs. 7d the duties to their satisfaction and' with . Irsing Association, and speaking in Mr. I/!oyd (National Service Reproseiita- as of the magnificent work done by discharged men in this town, and I cun 1,1 G ri'rH O U SE demonstration .- -.An OUR DAY.—The total collections, sale of Bro. Stone mentioned that the District thorough! success.' There would- be another 82, E l JST ST R E E T . B R IG H T O N . ! I exceedingly . clever oiitertainuier.t wa.s given tive) said that having Regard to ago, Archer flags, rummage, etc;, secured for the Red Cross had lo st 38 members in tho War. time and place when as Mayor he would say [llection was then taken for the .\sao- endorse most of the facts statecl therein. on Wednesday at the Baptist Church. Chapel was not ill a certified occupation. Tt, is, a -disgrace to the fair name of and the Orclei' of St. John of Jerusalem something more. He thought it would be a [ ! I ■, St. Leonards, by the cliildroii jhf .■Archer .said hie father helped in delii'xir- amounted to over A23. kindness to them and hiauself if he left to the priate hymns were sung during tho Eastinbs that men who have sacrificed’ both the Sumlav Seliool. A Ipi'-ge congregation wSt,- ing wii'.h a horse and Ho (the For I fmoving eli Supsrffuoui Hair. and. ;Mr. Reginald E. GrovPiy ■ health land position should be liojinded WOUNDED.—Corporal, W. Osborne, R.B.. future oppor ;unit.y the making of any fur­ j nessed the s'le'jtacle,, and t he rendering^ of tlie soil) iiad had a bii.siues.s a t B attle Ecoinomy in Food and Drink. ther remarks. (Applause.) t>SE: 13AJRJK., I, pre-sided at the organ. front pillar to post. They go alxiiit bbgging sfdos. recitations, and aetioii-.songs by the since 1916, and the one at Westfield since whose family live at Swiftsdeii, was severely for work and if they are fortunate enough oliildreq revealed splendid training. I'lie col­ 1913. 'The busiiies.s a t W estfield w'as his wounded in his righCchand on Soptembei', Eat less meat and have more puddings and The Relialilelie HOME~ TREATMENT. i Sur% to get employment it is often at a sweated lections were entirely devoted to the Serbian own, in 1913. 26th. He i.s lying in hospital at Chester. He I p astry raa-dc w ith n u tritio u s shredded In our Leading ArticleArti to-day we‘deal wit h Safe, and I ijiless. Price 10s. 6d. and Ills. 6d. INGS QUARTER, SESSIONS.—O i' sa te of] pay. ' J know seivra! di.sebarged Relief I ’liiid and the IccoVSt. Diin.-it.aii’.s Home M r. Lloyd—You wc.'e 15! i.s Sirs. Osborne’s eldest son. j ATORA,” the handy beef suet. All milk tilelie system 01 Mayor choosing in Hastings, To be oibtaincd at ADAIR QAiNEHat Rjpcoi'fl"!' took hi.s seat a t th e ap» .^men who are diven such h.ard work iu a. for Blinded Soldier.s.' The eiitertainnient rcr Arcliet said he stai-ted the business ;MEM0RIAL SERVICE.—a service to the' pudding.s are also greatly enriched by its and]nd with . Councillor !Blackman and the.nn ESTABLi; HMENT, LONDON, si,. NEW lltueifbr the further hearing of th« Qovernhient DeTpartnient here that it fleeted the g reatest credit upon th e scj/iolaris on his own in 1913 and worked it memory of the late Priva.te Baldock-Apps, i use.' lilbs. go afe far as 2lbs. raw suet. written law that the man who becomes Mayor BOND S lI^ E E T , 'W. (O xford-strdet 'End). ...-suuu, against I'janklVV. woufld ta x tho stren g th of, a perfectly fit and leader.s, and al.~o tlip Rev. A. C. I'liani- up. He baked bread and delivered conducted by the Vicar (the Rev. C. V. Bick- i HUGON’S I’EARL BARLEY LEMON­ shall dfftp poolitics anq'nssociation with politi Telephone 'Gerrard 3782. Remove Super* The prosecutrix swooned' befpr< •.ndl able man to perform (lie duties, and. )>ers who gave tile connective rradiiigs, and it with a bicyclci then. Ho hired the noil) was held at Holy Trinity Church on ADE, colijl .nr hot. Combines the' nutriment cal parties dlurincr u rin g h is yTea ear of " office. "" fluous hair cpmfoi'tebl;^ in your own home, -sdings commenced and ultimately If oVf© fnppfosts that thoy nnt 9n:H^htrr who - is- -leaVill . • . . . the.. end . of this . . house of his father. At 15 he wSs on his Sunday evening. The preacher feelingly re­ of Barley with the fragrance of clioicest rder discharged the jury and re* ttota, w h ic K isU t prepPTit porformcr] m onth. own account. Two sisters helped him now. ferred to the activities of this soldier’s Ameri­ Lemons. Nutritious and dffiicious. In 3d I bS case to the next Sessions. Mr. By Mr. Lloyd—Thoro were two or :thi".c pkts. Made in a moment. 'Try also Hugon*s by wonlen. then they are told there are no can chaplain in tending his dying charge to baupe PcjwHor ,OT»rl T-Tn.Trt»a»« — ----» ESTROY; DISEASE germs in yoiir nos* increased his bail to ^100 fo r pii* vacancies. f other bakers in Battle. He delivered in the Inst. No bereaved parent has ever re­ wder -^d Hugon’s" Concentrated M'AN’S DEATHi-^Aii inquest was trils >yl usin.g “ NzsTEOLint” Nasal bpeapance. I Bi'-ttlr. Westfield, Hastings, Ci'pwhuvst, Pett 6 oup * Ta ilets. HUGON AND CO.. Ltd., held iat All S aints’ .School on M onday night, D Specific, t le 1 Hygieiiic. Remedy fOr Nasal I have seen men at the Labour Bureau ceived, a more comforting and reassuring Opsnsliaw I’S StoD EN DEATH.—On Monday waiting for work, but the officials tlice I and Gu.'stliiig. There was another baker letter rthah this chaplain wrote to this sol- Manchester. witliAut a Jury, by the Borough Coroner (NIr. Catarrh, C lid, in the ’.».'ad. Influent niid all 1in)i>npGs m ; immediately.—In the abeehoVO* alBPecially in th e W ar Offices, Tltevdenst euro ail Kb but o^y RHEUMATISM, (hing to <:o-Dpe)'ate. F or instance, th e re was solo, “Coiilit your blesstegs;” ' - - deceased’s heart weigheA W ounces, and had MUM KfllRtiMWwIiiii •Id. who was ill. Dr. Conway ■ where al discharged man would I'lndorstaiid G0UT,SaATiCA,LUM3ACi0ftN£U!UUUA. { no neces.sity for him to^ome into Hastings. vice was conducted by M r. Bilusy. ivirs. Even- AUs6 Bishop (playing as genUeman,), 133;i layers of fat o;i the outside; in addition there aeaibal evidence, and as tius ) A pplicant—I t m eans iny. money. den sang the solo. i“ Sowing5 the Seed;”Seed; ::an,dlucky. Mi. McKellow, : 156; hidden. Miss) ortem examinetiop «aid Aia'|i and syn; pathrse with those w ho have, gone Of all Chemiats Biii Store! at 1/3 and 3/- per box, liras a gallstonil as la im «s a pkim ;—A ■verdict I^TOngh the Jight. and where h" should he ai'd !so. ^TaAl^o,| Lokpom The Chairman—The country comes before M r.! Burton, of Little Boarzell■zell, preffided it Brands (playing as gentleman), 160; lady ■was bronchial j>neamoma.Jr yofir money. th e organ. . '.playing aa gentleman; Miss Kingdom. tiMad ! a vetiuot of ^•hisd with every consideration and not

...... -..... HA^STmOS AND St. LEONARDS OBSERVER SATUBDAT, OCTOBER 19. 1918. Sales. AactiMl: Sales. Auction Sales. Anction Sales. Aujetion Sales. Auction Sales. STRESS AND STRAIN would seem to be the common lot in these PERUY WOODHAMS. F.S.I., F.A.I., DYER A CALLAWAY Established 1873. Tele. 876. ON MONDAY NEXT, OCTOBER 21st, 1818. REEVE A FINN anxious times, Nearly everyone is working MR. Wa l t e r p a r k s , 13, CHURCH ROAD. ST. LEONARDS-! at high-preesure and the physical system i* JAMES WOODHAMS & SON, S. BERTRAM DYER, F.A.I. COUSINS & DEBENHAM ~ ON-SBA. HIGH STREET. RYE, j-SU^BX, and Severely taxed to meet the increased P.]a . S. I.. F . A. 1., A. W. GALLATVAY, F.A.I. LYDD, KENT. ! Eatablish^ 1860. UCTIONEERS, VALUERS, HOUSE SALE OP EXCELLENT SURPLUS demand. It is important that we should O f th « late Firm of ■VToodkamb, 8 oh, and (Agents to the Official Receiver in AND ESTATE AGENTS AND E STA B L ISH E D ' 1812. " carry on v4ith suitained effort and UCTIONEERS i AND VALUERS, A FURNITURE. Etc. u c t i o n e e r s , l a n d , h o u s e a n d ^ABU, established at addrees below ia 1860. Bankruptcy). , accountants . efficiency. No lare is too great that wHl^ LAND AGENTS! AND SURVEYORS. Bailiffs under the Law of Distress. MESSRS. T. R. HARDEN & CO. E STA TE a g e n t s , TENANT RIGHT ensure'* high standard bf health. Usually, 27,A High-street, Battle. UCTIONEERS, GENERAL A HOTEL A AND TIMBER VALUERS. A UCTIONEER, VALUKB, SURVEYOR. VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS and Insurances of every Description. (ARTHUR DUNK), however, a litt! e comjhon sense and n* A C-onjnnction with Estates and Fropelrty managed and Renta particular troub o is all that is necessary. A, I/AND AGENT. . 27, HIGH STREET, BATTLE, SURVEYORS, STOCK AND SHARE In . Collected. BROKERS. Expert;Valuers and Auctioneers to When the stom loh lacks tone, when th* Offices; ' ' T m ,bphonb N o. 37 B attl*. the Printing, Newspaper, Stationery and MR. h e n r y b a k e r , Valuations for ! all purposes carefully appetite is poor, when the liver is sluggish 51. H A ¥ E ^ 0 C K ROAD. H A STIN G S lokselling Trades. Will SELL BY AUCTION, as above, at Two made. Register of Estates, Farms, Houses and the bowels are Constipated remember AUCTION SALES of every description. o’clock sharp, (Unfurnised qr Ehiniished) kept. that it is not pi ssible to feel fit and well. • MONDAY^ OCTOBER 28th, 1918. EXPER t VALUER.S for all purposes. T b l i p h o n e : ! 789, H a s t i n g s . Derangement of the organs of digestion it MANAGED. Rents Collected. 10 years’ Practical Experience as Trade PUMED OAK and japanned iron single Tsi.xoBAic8 • "SrBVNT,” H a s t in g s . BATTLE CATTLE AUCTION MARKET.' Valuers and Auctioneers. RELIMINARY LIST OP FORTHCOM. the primary and often unsuspected cause of PROPERTY REGISTER, and MAP ^gratis), bedsteads with combination springs, wool INQ SALES :- VALUATIONS OP PROPERTY for Subject to the restrictions on the removal S P much Jillhees and mah.v ailments that INSURANCES ARRANGED. mattresses, feather bolsters and pillows, white 1918 hinder work and happiness. That safe and Ifcrtgage Purposes or Estate Duty. Valua- of LIVE STOCK being removed in Zone 3. Agents fob th e Cunard and othbb enamelled bedrobm suite, antique mahogany OCTOBER 21st.4H.VMSTREET, K E N T , mons of Purn: ture. 38, HAVELOCK ROAD. HASTINGS. Stea m ship L in e s . and other chests of drawers, inlaid Sheraton reliable medieim , Beecham’s Pills, phould MESSRS. (Telephone 6G1). Open Sale of 2,0P0 Store Sheerp and Lamhs. always be kept landy !in the home, to b* ' SAI.e s b y AUCTION of Real Estate, card table, set pf fumed oak dining chairs. OCT()BER 24tb.- RYE------CATTLE JIARKET. JAMES WQODHAMS & SON, __ 66, MOUNT ROAD, CLIVE VALE. 21, HAV ELO CK ROAD, H A STIN G S. taken w henever you. j^eel ‘‘ off-colour"— furniture or other Effects. In conjunction! with Messrs. Vidler and ‘‘ below par ’* he idachyt land less energeti*. ILL HOLD A I SPECIAL SALE OP Co. Special Siile of 390 Regi.stered and A few doses wil I soon yeeto'r^ you' -to .th* ESTATES OR SINGI.B PROPERTIES STORE STOCK on the above date.' ON TUESDAY NEXT. HASTINGS. •arefully matiaged and Rents collected. W Unregistered Iftnt Rams and Ram Tegs. best of form iVhen .you arh'feeling th* Particulars of entries should reach the By direction of Trustees. C4 ALE OF VERY DESIRABLE AND COM- staircase fitting^, etc. 28th OCTOBER.—RYE CATTLE MARKET effects of stress aid strain, try SURVEYS for Dilapidations or Repairs. Auctioneers by Wednesday to ensure due MODIOUS .FREEHOLD RESI­ On View Morriing of Sale. Catalogues may PLAT. Special; Annual Sale of 2,000 Store advertisement and provision of pens. 53, IVARRIOE SQUARE. DENCES. be obtained of ,klr. Henry Baker, Estate Sheen and Lanibs. INSURANCES of all kinds effectod. ^ ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA. A gent, 1, Vernlkm-place, St. Leonards; and STOCK FOR SLAUGHTER. COUSINS OCTOBER 30th.4RVE MARKET. Open . 'AOEICULTURAL w o r k o f a l l k i n e s DYER & CALLAWAY & DEBENHAM of the Auctioneers, at their Offices and Sale' Sale for Store Sheep, Rome, and Beasts. ^ECIALISED IN. . Messr.s. James Wowlhams and Son have been Are favoured with instructions to SELL BY Rooms, 12, Clarqmont, Hastings. advised by the Live Stock (iomraissioner A Hare receiver! instructions to SEI.L BY HAMSTREET, KENT. BEEKHAM’S AUCTION, at the CASTLE HOTEL, HAST­ THE HOME FARM, CATSPIELD. FAT STOCK MARKET WILL ONLY BE A COTTON on the Premises as ‘abote on INGS. on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25th, l|l 8, a t THURSDAY NEXT, OCTOBER 24th,-1918. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 22ncl, 1918. a t One; (In a Field c)ose to the Station). It is expecte^ that the Restrictions will be ALLOWED WITH HIS PERMISSION.-the ronr o’clock p.m. , j By Order of the [Executors. reason being he has to make provision for o'clock precisely, , T,OT 1.—All that Superior DETA(PHED Owing to the postponement of their Special BO modified in thi.s zone as to “enable 14,'ST. HELEN’S ROAD, HASTINGS. S'dle at: R ye M arket. meat to come into this Area whilst ...the h e WHOLE OF THE SUPERIOR FR EE H O L D RESIDEN(5e , known as HILL PIUS MR; WALTER PARKS restrictions are on, and these- provisions FURNITURE AND EFFECTS BROW. 49, ST. HELEN’S CRESCENT, most MESSR8. T. R. HARDEN A CO. MESSRS. have to be made some days in advance. . Te coriduct the SALE BY .AUCTION of T (Removed from "TH E ROSARY,’’ 1, ST.pleasantly situated at the corner of St. (ARTHUR. DUNK) REEVE A FINN Prei ared only by IMMEDIATELY Zone 2 is free Messrs. MATTHEW’S ROAD, for ooiivenielice of Helen’s-crescent and St. Helen’s-road, over­ Have been favoured' with instructions to o r n e d STOCK, SHEEP, HORSES Woodhams and Son will apply for Sale), (’ora prisin g : IR O N , BR.ASS .AND looking the beautiful Alexandra Park, having SELI. BY AUCTION on the Premises and Will hold an THOMAS BEECHAM. St. Helen*. AND IMPLEMENTS OF HUS- perm ission for F a t StocJc to be included in the following accommodation:— Date as above, H stp FUMED-OAK BEDSTEADS and Bedding, PEN STOCK S.4.LE as above on MON­ Sold everywhere B-ANDRY (postponed'P' from October 1.8th) for • this market and announce the result as Mahogany poli.shed-pine and white On Second Floor. - Four good bedrooms, a DAY, 21st OCTOBER. 1918. Mr. Edwards H( Hobden (who has quitted the speedily as possible. photographic dark room with sink and water ELL-MADE FURNITURE and other O in boxes, la lelled Is. 3d- and 3s. Farm ), on TUESDAY, OCTOBER i>9th. 1918, Enamelled BEDR(X)M ^UlTES, Painted Effects,: including:—A Gft. Spanish Auction Offices, 27. High-street, Battle. Chests of Drawer.-. AVa.shktands, and Toilet laid on. W 2,0 0 0 and at the same time will be SOLD without Telephone, Battle 37. On Fii-ut Floor.—Three large bedrooms, mahogany wing 'Wardrobe, capital japanned SHEEP AND LAMBS reserve the D.\IRY COWS AND STORE T -- ;------<------:------—------;5l¥_ses._ AVARDROBESP MAHOGANY bedroom suite, dressing tables, toilet glasses, DINING TABLES, Brasf| and Iron Fenders.nders, bathroom "(h. and c. and shampoct spray), ho.t already entered. BUIiLOCKS,; which could not be sold at Subject to the restrictions on the Removal of air cupboard, and w.c.; bedsteads and bedding, washstands and ware, SHI M AN’S Little Beefh parm, for Mr. Da'vid Axininster and other Cwrpetsets and Rugs, walnut and mahogany loo, dining, and other Further Entries ,resnectfully solicited. A Live Stockcin Zone 2 being lifted as an­ stuffed ovm- Easy C hairs, B TN IN G C H A IR S, On Ground Floor.-^^Fine drawing-room, supply of Trucks has been ordered. Honeysett, 'on September 27th. nounced above, the following gale will be dining-room and morning-room with exten­ tables, dinner wiaggons, quanti^ of books, BAY RHUM AND QUININl Auction Offices: 81, Havelock-road, Hast- held on ;tND CHESTERFIEI-D 'SETTEE, Couches^ sive bay windows, servants’ pantry with sink about 40 ozs. of silver plated goods, orna­ Sale to commenre at 11 o’clock. HAi t LOTION. *Bg8- ■ I______Card, 'W'riting, and Occasional Tables, and water, and w.c., with large entrance hall ments, mahogany hat and umbrella stand, Auctioneers’ Offices: Rye, Sussex, and , FRIDAY,'NOVEMBER 1st, 1918. ■Timepieces, Chimney Glasses, HANDSOME stair carpets and rods, kitchen effects, etc. Lydd, Kent. - ! HOBUioTit m u o lid te 1 totimOBisli noslrcg W the with hot water radiator and vestibule. Proprittor proro that 1: u f tha baat tonla MM** WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30tb, .1918. SHORTWbOD FARM, SIDLEY ■PIANOFORTE in EBONIZED CASE, On Gaiffen Level.—Breakiast-room, kitchen, Sale will commence at Two o’clock. (at Tttik and jraiUns ]i It. Dinner Waggon, Cabinets, Bureau, Singer On View Morning of Sale. RYE CATTLE MARKET. BARNHORN F.AEM, BEXHILL. (About three miles from Bexhill). scullery, coal and wine cellars, w.c., and P |U C £ : iL (by poit, la. td.). Sewing Machins. Elcctro-nlate. HANDSOME trade.smen’s entrance. Catalogues of [the Auctioneers, 12, Clare- SPECIAL ANNUAL SALE OF IThree milesJfroni Bexhill Station, IJ miles The Herd of CARVED AVALNUT SIDEBO.ARD, MOR- mont. Hastings.astings. |j 9H1PMAN., K. H ian STBEET. HASTING*. rom Cooden Halt). The residence is well fitted through'dift with 300 RAMS. DAIRY COWS bf good milking.strain',^ iLANDS AND OTHER, COLOURED PRINTS electric light and radiator,. Venetian Mdnds, T H E R E S II ENCE TO BE LET IIIPORTAN'I UNRESERVED SALE O F 1 7_ 2 U^rt Horsds, well-bred Chestnut and Pictures, Ornaim!nt.s, China, Glass, Clipboards, etc., and will be included in the UNlPUBNISHED. MiESSRS. . T H E H u n te r M are, 13-1, 8 years old, quiet and good Kitchen Utensils, and Misoellaneaus Effects. sale. Also large shed and summer house. REEVE & FINN'' We are Speciiilists in Umbrellas. e r d o f 42 SUPERIOR YOUNG hack and with hounds. Pony, Pigs, and On view the day previous and morning of Pos.session on completion of purchase. In conjunction with H______MII.KI&IG COWS, PEDIGREE Poultry, also the Superior Assortment of Sale. LOT 2.-The, Well-built FREEHOLD FRANK SHOESMITH A CO. Our business s ctivitiefe are concentrated SH ORTHORN BULI., Chestnut Cob Mare, Agricultural Machinery, Implements,, and Catalogues may be obtained at the Offices R ESID E N C E , known as 82, ST. H E L E N ’S (PRA I^ SHOESMITH). MESSRS. VIDLER & CO on their monufa :ture and re-cover. That Gaveraess Cart and Harness, which Tools, including Waggons, Carts-, Ploughs, of the -Auctioneers. 38, Havelotk-road, ROAD, next door to Lot 1, and facing the W ill hold is why every Ljmbrella we sell is a tesU- Harrows, Double-furrow Potato Planter, Cul­ Hasting.s ('Phone 661); 66, Mount-road, Tennis Lawns in Alexandra Park, close to u c t i o n e e r , h o u s e a n d e s t a t e a monial to our methods. Try ue! MR. WALTER PARKS tivators, "Pierces" Horse Potato Sprayer, Clive Vale. Tram Service, having the following accommo­ A AGENTS. PECIAL RAM Sa l e in the above Mar­ Has been ins ructed bv Mr. P. .1. Jackson Ipswich ” Adjustable Hay Tedder and dation :— 17, HAVELOCK ROAD. H A STIN G S, S ket on THURSDAY, 24th OCTOBER, KENDALLS, Umbrella Specialnts, (who is reticii (g) to SELL BY AUCTION on Kicker, Horse Rakes, new iron-body Liquid HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS. Top Floor.—Two bedrooms and 1918, at 10 o’clock, and include about theiabovo pre raises and date, Manure Bodge with Pump and Sprayer, an Second Floor.—One large bedroom, bath­ 52, Rober son-strqet, HASTINGS. 11 h.p. Motor Tractor with attachment gear DYER & CALLAWAY room, housemaid’s closet with water service. 2. BOLTON CHAMBERS, EASTBOURNE, 1 1 1 Sale will cor im ence a t 1 o ’clock. and Agenoies. Catalogues ;an be obtained at the Auc- and Double-furrow Plough, by " Wyles,” Have received instructions to SEI.I, BY First Floor.—Tivo bedrooms, w.c., and REGISTERED KENT RAM TEGS AND tio n e e r’s Offic ;* : 51, Havelock-road,- H ast- nearly new. timber-built portable Motor AUCTION at the CASTLE HOTEL, lavatory. RAMS, ings. House (nearly new). Governess Car, etc., ete., HASTINGS, on THURSD.VY, OtiTOBER Entrance Floor.—Drawing-room, dining­ FRANK SHOESMITH AND Co* poooaas E&ST SUSSEX HOSPITAL which room, vestibule, hall, and lavaitory. 8 from LieutenantColonel Body. 31st, 1918, at four o’clock in the afternoon, special faoilitiee for disposing of all kinds 8 from Mr. Ernest Finn. BOB'nnQs. Preliminary Announcement of Sale of Garden Level.—Kitchen, scullery, larder, of property. MESSRS. h e , VALUABLE LEASEHOLD coal cellar, w.o., and other conveniences. 25 from Mr. H. J. Blaoklocks. X ^ R e e h o l i ) AND LEASEHOLD PRO- JAMES WOODHAM8 & SON BUSINESS PREMISES, situate and Gas and water services laid on. Tradeji- 30 from Mr. Arthur Finn. T W. F. Jennet, deceased. 40 from Mr. Ernest B- Dunster. SUBSCRIPTIOMI, DONATION* AN* X * PERTA' ; in HAS'riNGS AND ST. (J. P. WOODHAMS) known as^ 20, 'ROBERTSON STREET.pen’s entrance. Let at the low rent of X83 LEONARDS, w hich , . 1 Il.ASTINGS, Occupying a prominent p e r annum . IMPORTANT SALE OF BUILDER'S J 197 LEOAOIBS REQI IRED TO CARRY OK. (Mr, E. S. Mills will kindly conduct the Auc­ PL A N T [AND M A TERIA L, 1 MR. WALTER PARKS | T position on the South and best side of the Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be UNREGISTERED KENT RAM TEGS AND T H E W ORK. tion in the absence of Mr. J. P. Woodhdms on pi-iiicipat Business Thoroughfare of the had of Messrs. Chalinder, Herington and Together witji the Valuable, Well Military Service) have received instructions RAMS. Has cpceived instructions to SELI, BY Town. 'The Premises are held on an Under­ Pearch, Solicitors, 64i Cambridge-road, Has­ built FREEHOLD BUSINESS PREMISES, AUCTION at the CASTI.E HOTEL, HAST- to SELL BY AUCTION, on the above pre­ lease for 96 year.s from -June 24th, 1852 tings; or of the Auctioneers, 24, Havelock- 23 from Mr. Alfred Reeve. mises and date. known as “ FOORDBROOKL'.” 415, PRIORY INGS, at a c ete in Novenibec to be an- (having .30 .vears to run from June 24th, road, Hastings. ROAQ, HASTINGS. 18 from Messrs. Flack Bros, (by Registered tiu time comi Bounced in due course, including: — The Sale will commence at 11 o’tlock. 1918). at t)io Yearly Ground Rent of JJ12. Rams). gi-ves up th e SecJ Catalogue.s can be obtained at the Place of The Hastings 4, DE CHAM ROAD, ST. LEON.XRDS. and are let on a full repairing lease for 46 ST. LEONARDS-ON-SBA. MESSRS. 30 from Mr. W. B. Smith. and St. Leonards As; >0(flation, decli 279. LONDON ROAD, ST. LEONARDS Sale, or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 27,‘’High- years, from June 21-t, 1902 (liaving 30 years FRANK SHOESMITH A GO. 10 from Mr. Edwai-d Piper. 18, SOUTH TERRACE. HASTINGS. stregt. Battle. SALE OP DESIRABLE AND SPACIOUS 30 from M,r. R ichard P iper. cat ididate for Pam to run from June 21st, 1918), at the Yearly (FBANS SHOESMITH) his y ^ r of office, a *9-31. COU RTH OU SE ST R EET, H ASTIN GS. Telephone: Battle 37. R e n t of st'2(K). ^ LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE. 20 from Mr. Charles E. Bates. “ OBS] Instrnctions to include other Properties AVE received instructions to SELL BY 66 from Messrs. J. M, Frost, R. Wildish, J. ilR V E R ” th t, iunw ritten la|^ Subj,ect to the restrictions on thb Removal of Solicitor. F. J. Mann, Esq,, 39, Be Cham- COUSINS & DEBENHAM 1 AUCTION j on the Premises, on in this Sale will be greatly appreciated. road, St. Leonards‘-on-Sea. H E. Corke, J , F. Selmes. 'W. J . Kiugs- ,goa nice garden and tradesmen’s be offered for Salel These occupy a^unique :q b W jl t e b to SEA. Residence, known as 173. H.AROLI> RO.AD, Market on'WEDNESDAY, 30th OCTO­ . Saturday, Digger Plough, Cotn DTlll, Chain Dredge, and CLIVE VALE. HASTINGS. Situate in a entrance. position in the centre of a district with very O BER, 1918, and include SATURDAY, CCTOBER, 19th, 191*. Having Let the Residence, Dung Cart, also about One Acre of Drumhead The Premises are let to klr. G. W. Hayward little competitiont and offers a splendid X.IC. PJ high iind healthy district and on the Tram­ at d£35 per anrium, the tenant paying the 30 Savoys and Cabbage, which way R oute. L et a t 7s. per week. T en an t opportunity to an enterprising person to Satrrda;;y 9 42 to l BAWSON & HARDEN rates. ' '' carry on a good and profitable business. Pos­ STORE BULLOCKS, Sunil;iay . 10 26 10 1 MESSRS* paying rates and taxes. SHEEP AND LAMBS. ■(E. H. HARDEN, F.A.I.) The Property is held under a Derivative session on completijon of the purchase. Houda'„■ 7 - 11 13 11 JAMES WOODHAMS & SON Solicitors, Messrs. Yonng.. Coles, and Lease for 99 years (except the last three davs THE MAYORALTY. Langdon, 1, Bank-buildings, Hastings. Further entries solicited. Tfieida;•y • 11 52- 12 Are instructed to SELL BY AUCTION, on 7 (J. P. WOODHAMS) thereof) from th e 2ot.h M arch, 1874, a t the Auction Offices, Rye and Lydd. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, commencing at yearly ground re n t of .£7 15s. Now that it is ■ practically decided th»% 12 o’clock punctually, the remaining portion (Mr. E. S. Mills wiU'kindly conduct th^ Auc­ The two Capital FREEHOLD DWET.LING SUSSEX, tion in the absence of Mr. J. P. Woodhams on Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be NOTE THE DATE. SPECIAL SALE. Councillor, Blackmin is to be Mayor, of WHEN TO of the Superior HOUSES, known as 1 and 2, SANDOWN had of Messrs. Wm. Dawes and Co., Solicitors. Military Service) have received instructions ON THE GREENSAND. EYE MARKET PLAT. Hastings for the : lext municipal year th* u r n i t u r e , including:—Bedsteads and VILLAS, OLD LONDON ROAD, CLIVE Watchbell Cbainbers, Eye (’Phone 7): or of from-Mr. Partridge (who is giving up milk VALE. The Houses, stand well back from best advdee that c in be offered the peopl* bedding, tallboy and other chests of growing) to SELL 'BY AUCTION, on the Auctioneers, 24, Havelock-road,, Hastings. B E T W E E N l e a v e s AND HAILSHAM, MESSRS. Tie times at F the road. Both are 1|(A at Us. per week each, I of the town is t< give him jail possible drawers, warai'obes, marble-top washstauds,above and date. REEV E & FINN support and thus assist him t(i carry out • d ra' ru in H a st ohevaT and; toilet glasses, dressing tables, in- The Sale will commence at. 1.30 o’clock. the Landlord paying rates- Byy pi'tler of the Executors of Thomas Two miles from; Berwick Station, near f ^ The se are also Talid’s couch, draught screens, carpets and Catalogues can be obtained at the Place of C'roucb, deceased. Have now arranged to hold-theirnold,their postponed the duties of the of ice; with credit to himself ista and other^ mats, floorcloth, enclosed and open bookcases, The ’Valuable Plot of FREEHOLD B R IG H T O N Xn d EASTBOURNE. PECIAL SALE in the ' ------RYE MARKET and the borough. T iere is reabon for thinking Saturday, Sale, or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 27, High- BALDSLOW, ST. HELEN’S, HASTINGS. PL A T on davenport, conches and occasional chairs, old BUII.DTNG L.AND. adioining the above, he vvill m ake a go >d ! Mayor, ja n d we shaU Satt^day ' •• 6 street, Battle. AI.E OF A BLOCK, .OF COUNTRY THE ‘‘ CHAL'^/^INQTON MANOR ” S •bina and other ornaments, services of table ■Telephone: Battle 37i ; with a,Frontage to Old Louden-road of 68ft. MONDAY, 28th OCTOBER, 1918, be surprised if, at he! eno 10s. per 26 or 74 Acres; Modnt Pleasant, 72 Acres; and the usual Market on the following Wednes­ as existing in Hastings, he is chosen by a counterpanes, bolstnr.s and pillows, MAHOG­ HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS. ,to b) in atteiidancel (Mr. E[ S. Mills, in the absence of Mr. [VVood- annum. The Rates of Nos. 2, 3 and 4, are Broomham Farms, j 109 Acres. day. small political party clique in which them for (ach patroLi at ANY AND ASH CHESTS OF DRAWERS, hams on Military Service, will kindly conduct OYER & CALLAWAY ■'paid bv th e owners. Auction Offices, Eye and Lydd. are men who have never even asked the' washstands, toi et ware., extending Dining the Anction) have deceived instructions from 'Phe Whole will be offered in ONE LOT. 9 SMALL HOLDINGS AN,D POULTRY burgesses for theii “ vote and interest.”. La d y PEARSON] table, inlaid and occasional chairs and tables, ■<100 sent by Mr.- J Mr. John Field, who is giving up Milk Grow­ Will hold their next SALE BY AUCTK^N Sale .at P our o’clock p.m . FARM S. 1 The system is the m ore discreditable becauM CHESTERFIELB COUCH with adjustable ing, to SELI. BY AUQTION, on the above Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be Hard 5-on-Sea, towarJ ends, gent’s ease ebairs. card table, whatnot, f had of Messrs. William Dawes and Co., MARSH LANl|)S AND COTTAGES) T. H. GODDARD, F.A.I., of the extension (if ;thet Party Truce t* Dun; tan’s Hdstel fo rf FULL COMPASS PI.\ NOFORTE IN Premises and Date. . . , . . [TIRBEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PRO- Solicitofs, W atcK bell-cham bers, Rye, Su.s- I A VOnON EEE, VAiVKB, HOU8B AMD municipal affairs. Under this extension, Blinded in the War, Sale w'ill commenOe at 11 o clock sharp. [3 PERTTES about the end of next Together with the INLAID CASE, dinner waggon, open! bopk- Auction Offices: 27, High-street, Battle. sex, or. of the Auctioneers, 24, Havelocfc-road, i 8HIFFIMO AGSMT, members of the" T jwn Council have bee* kuto -s to this sum fo| ca'se, 3ft. MAHOGANY BOOKCASE with month, and will include .amongst others H astings. Telephi^e: Battle 37. MANOR o f ! CHALVINGTON. a, Stl£)BEST£B KOAD, given a much longe ■ life in the Croporatiofl.. 'WOMEN’S RlS.j! glazed door, bamboo tables, well-fitted Nps 33 and 39. CLIFTON ROAD, and Nos. than the burgesse; intended when they MAHOG.ANY BUREAU, deal kitchen tables, 61 and 63, GREVILLE ROAD, ORE. 8T. LEONABD3.0N-8XA. lost Sunday. MK I BATTLE. SUSSEX. F or SALE |bY AUCTION by AOSMT rO B THE AIXAN, AHERICAM, OUMARD, wete last permitted to exercise their right Xaoa I ” from . chairs, pictures, garden tools, china, glass A uction and E sta te Offices as above. CANADIAN PAOIFIO, ROY^. WHITE WAR. to vote on the subject, Present members of ignd the usual culinarv recniisites. VIDLER & GO.. COUSINS & DEBENHAM MESSRS. JOHN D. WOOD & CO. DOHIMION, ORIENT. UNION CABTLE, ROYAX ■Wation’s address wa On View Day prior to Sale. HAIL STEAM PACBIET CO., «id, OTHER 3H tPPtH O the Town Council, therefore, are not them :'aising of Ldzai Catalogues of the .\ucti.oneer. 16, Grand-: AUCTIONEERS, Are instructed to SELL BY AUCTION at LIMES. GUARDIAN FIRE AND'LIFE ASSURANCE because of the vot« s of the burgesses, but M I ;S. JO N E S and f^ By Direction of the Right Hon. Lord the CASTLE HOTEL, HASTINGS, on FRI­ In conjunction with CO.. OCEAN CORPORATION. ' AND ’PITT AND parade, St. Lconards-on-Sea. Tele. 709. RYE, SUSSEX. 'Willingdon. SCOTT'S FOREIGN PARCELS EEPBEB8. OERTI- by the favour of po itical party leaders who road thank all fries SUSSEX. DAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1918, MESSRS. T. OANNISTER A 00. FIOATED BAILIFF UNDER THE LAW OF DIS­ have kindly present- d' them v)ith the means p a th r.' ■ } TOOK SOLD in Eye on Market Day. PAIR OF FREEHOLD COTTAGES, TRESS FOE RENT. TELEPHONE HO. Ul. By Otd^r of the Owner. All kinds of Sales undertaken. Adjoining the South Downs. of escaping the tes bf the polling booths. EA M A N U E L c h i ' s Brick-Built and Slated, situate on tho At the WHITE H a Ir T, LEWES, on NOVEM- Even I if the Mayoi :were sdected by th* ' J PRELUV|INART. THE RATTON ESTXTE. A Main Road from Battle to Hastings, between Dnm phreys, A rm.v . BER 11th, 1918. j Town CouncJl as, a body, it would, under AnCE ster, will preach j HOENTYE POUI.TRY FARM AND RYE MARKET PLAT. Situate between Eastbourne and Polegate. the Black Inn and Telham Mill, Professional. SPE C IA L ANN UA L SAIINGDON GOLF LINKS. h a d of M essrs. D avenport .Tones and Glenie- WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6tli.—LINK HILL MISS CLARICE HASBABIMB feoeive prom pt atitentj pn-Sea. Tel. 709. any Store Stock, except Ram.s, on tlriB date, ‘‘ LITTLE RATTON,” an attracive Resi­ much manoeuvring and wrangling, they but to enter fpr the Special Sale by Messrs- ter. Solicitors, Baiik-.buildiiigs, Hastings, or FARM, SANDHURST, KENT.—Live and TMclier of ^LA u n d r y / V o RI dence, capital Building Sites in the vicinity of the Auctioneers, 24, Havelock-road, Hast­ arrive at a decision sometimes unanimoue, AUCTION RO(pM, p . NORMAN ROAD. Reeve and Finn and Vidler and Co. on the Dead Farming [Stock, at One o’clock, for DANOING AND GRACE OXTLTURB. ■ubl c -have their- atb following Monday, ?8th October, or for the of Hampden Park and near to the Railway ings. Captain Roe. OlaMleal. Operatie, Fancy and National Damoei. but more often not s o. ■ The decision of th* la tio 1 2 J J J u n d er the Station, and well secured Freehold (li-ouiid TUESDAY, NOV. 12th .—BANKS FARM AU tiie L«t«*t Ball’Xooia Danaea* majority of these pi liticians! is final. Th* MR. F.,TANTQN usual Sale on the following Wednesday. Rents, the whole embracing an area oT 1,800 SohooU rielted. Private Lessons arranged at any time. in o (r P u b lic N ° A uction Offices : Rye, Sussex. B.v Ordei' of the Owner. I MOUNTFIELD, SUSSEX.—Live and Children'e C'.eeaet beld at the Alexandra Hotel. m an th e y nam e ge^ 5 the mayoralty. H* laun lry work., A _ Will SELL BY' AUCmON on FRIDAY, ACREis or thereabouts, and producing an ' Dead Farming Stock, at Twelve o’clock, Holiday Leeeont by amnffemeDt. annual Rent Roll of about £3,900 (exclusive 27, ALL SAINTS’ STREET, HASTINGS. may be objected to by many members of th*- etanc ing has arisen rl NOVEMBER 1st, a Collection of RYE c a t t l e m a r k e t . fori Mr. C. 'Yorke. Antunm Term oomxaeacea , SATURDAY. SEPTEM­ d e r ,5cwt. capacity, a | of the Mansion and luinds in hand), BER aut, 1918. Vsennoy for ous more articled papll. To'wn Council, but fhey merely shrug their FBERIOR M0|)ERN HOUSKHOT.D MESSRS. offered by AUCTION on TUESDAY, COUSINS & DEBENHAM FRIDAY. NOV. Il 6th .—COURT LODGE For i>articulaia apply THE STUDIO, shoulders, declare, ‘ t is the system,,' ’ and earts. a nurnber of su FlIRNn'URE, I’fidnding and iron FARM, EWHURST, SUSSEX.—Impor­ 33. ROBERTSON STREET. ling them.selres liable S VIDLER & CO.. EMBER 12th, at 11.45 and 2.30 Are instructed to-SELL BY’ .-lUCTION, at either vote for thpoliticians’ nomine*! (Uie regulation. , French bed.stcnds, wool, hair and spring p.hi., at the SAFFRONS ROOMS, MEADS tant Live and Dead Farming Stock, at Telephome IM. HASTINGS. mattreaees, rugs! carpets, mahogany and the CASTLE HOTEL, HASTINGS, on FRI­ Eleven o’clock, for John Pears, Esq. or abstain from vot n%. The appointment; Will hold an ROAD. EASTBOURNE. DAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1918, at Four o’clock *^Mr. & MRS.'iAEl painted chests of. drawer.s, ,oak bedroom Catalogues of the above Sales may be had of Mayor, therefore, is actually made by * ' family wish to'retuc(_ suites, dining (able;:, decorated wardrobes, PEN SALE in the above Market on Solicitors: Messrs. .HUNT. CURREY, p.m., all that ■ - small political part; • clique, the ratifying ‘ WEDNESDAY, 30th OCTOBER, 1918, NICIHCH/SON, & Co., Tiewes, and 6, Raymond- at ihe respective Farn^, or at the Auc­ to th flr many friends’: toilet ware, comniode. ” card table, dining REEHOLD COTTAGE with large Gar­ tioneers and Valuers’ Offices, Firbank, Sand- Money. of that appointment: >n the ,9th of November ' Oand include about buildiiigs, Gray’s Inn, W.C. 2. show 1 them in thair ♦able, easv and arm chairs, fibfa, conche.s, Land A gent: ST.-VNLKY N. V IG ER S, Esq., F den at rear as above. Brick-built hu’i'st, Kent. being nothing but i i m a tte r of form! I* • f tfieir loved pou, m - -M.AHOG.A'NY BOOKCASF,. (lining chairs, 600 R attoii E state Office, H am pden P a rk , E a st­ with Tiled Roof, containing the following it not obvious that t (is method of finding a Mem1 xikut, 6, .Amfierst carved hall chairs,' settees. Bentwood and Acconiuiodation ;— ■ HERONDEN FARM, SANDHURST. SHEEP AND LAMBS. bourne. Mayop is opposed to| :he best interests of the ' REM EM BER B read : cane-seat eliair.s, folding work table. .Auctioneers:— On (irouiid l'’loor.—Parlour with fireplace KENT. MONEY LENT. On View Morning of Sale. No Catalogues Further Entries solicited. and four cupboards. Kitchen with cot­ toAvn ? I t follows th; .t it should be abcilished. — at least thiree timesl prill be issued exrept those at (be Sale. Auction Offices ; Eye. Sussex. MESSRS. tage l ange and two cupboards. Scullery IMPORTANT SALE OF £10 to £5,000. The To'wn Council s lould no longer shrink poor dike." O'ur brefid i Offices: 16, Grand-parade, St. Leonavds- KNIGHT, FRANK & RUTLEY witli sink, and water laid on. i v e a n d d e a d f a r m i n g s t o c k . from its duty of se ecting and naming u only — the best — ana on-Sen. NOTE THE DATE. On First Floor.—^Two Bedrooms (one with L HOUSEHOLD! FURNITURE and well as electing the Mayor. There should othens. Purchase a san 20, H anover-square, AV. 1. ■ fireplace). Effects. ! ADVANCES auA, at . f«w boan’ ootloa wfoa S l n t l t prov* our statement,-| RYE CATTLE MARKET. PromiiMOTr Not., to all m voiuibl, AysUMot.. be, no reference to a (3 sramittee, and certainly orts daily. — Peaists,! On Top Floor.—One Bedroom and ^Attic. HORNED STOCK, including 24 Excellent none to the politS ;al' party 'wirepullers. MES8R8. Outside.—Wash-house with copper, w.c..with 2-year-old Steers 'and Heifers, forward _in oadJ Hastings. Establ] By Order of the Trustees to clear the STRICTEST PRIVACY ASSUkJSD. The Council should i: nake the selection and S MESSRS. HOWSE A GO. flush cistern. flesh, 6 Cross-bred ln-«alf Heifers coming j,THB GRAMMAR, E state. VIDLER A CO., Mo F m « duLryad or SantlM Bt/olnd. perform the (flection' in open meeting, and BBCKLEY, SUSSEX. The whole has a frontage to .All Saints’- down with .second Calf, 5 Cross-bred Steer gr>orm took place on T | TUESDAY NEXT. OCTOBER 22nd, 1918. Will SELL in conjunction with street of about 15 feet and a depth of about and Heifer Calves. 3i Cross-bred Heifers with thus give the burgfeses an opportunity of the Rock Ritha TONBRIDGE, ^ MESSRS. 160 feet, with good Garden at the rear, about Calf at side, 2 Yearling Steers, AVell-bred Ayyir la atritt to iS, oUwrtabUtlNd tnn et showing their appi oval or disapproval. watched with keen ;inte* NORTHIAM MARKET.-TUESDAY, 22nd 110 feet by 15 feet. 20-mouth-old SUSSEX BULL. 220 Kent 1, 2. The only excuse ofle; ed for the present dis­ ' In a very beautiful situation, on the REEVE A FINN OCTOBER.—It is possible a Market Messrs. M, BARNAPD & CO., Alcleiman A. W , Ches •utskirts of this town, and adjoning lovely The Premises have recently been put in 3-Lamb Ewes, 60 Kent Ewe Tegs, 120 Kent credited and vicious system is that it pre­ eenten th e prizes, Congjj In the above Market on MOND.AY, 28th may be permitted, but probably no Stock thorough repair inside and outside. and Half-bred Lambs, BREEDING SOWS 71. S H IP ST R E ET , BRIG HTO N . rnral country, n few minutes’ walk-frora from Zones 1 and 2 will be allowed to Rental Value 7/6 weekly. Vacant possess­ vents heated discussions on the subject ia th eir) skill;, and" th e ma ♦lie famous Grammar Schools. High ■ OCTOBER, 1918, at 10 o’clock, about ■with Pigs, SO.Headlof Poultry, UPSTAND­ that [the boys h ad 1 come. ion on completion of purchase. ING CART MARE,: Welsh Cob. public. Our reply is ' hat it is far, far better position. Deep loam soil. Comimny’s 1,0 0 0 Particulars and Conditions, of Sale may to hkv' such discuE sions than the under­ •mphasired the irppor water. Electric light, gas. Main drainage. MESSRS. E. 8. MILLS AND SON fafitor in the Rfe oifo SHEEP AND LAMBS. RYE MARKET.—THURSDAY, 24th OCTO­ be had of Messrs. Whetstone and Frost, MONEY. ground intriguing wh ch is one of the many YARDLEY GRANGE. Solicitors, Town Hall-.sqnare, Leicester; or Are favoured with instructions from Mr. bad; features of the existing system. We ^ludM , amidst loud Further Entries solicited. BER.—200 KENT EWES and several FROM Slot* £1,000. playei in the presetit-w v e r y picjcresqtte , m o d e r n A uction Offices ; Eye, Sussex. COWS and CATTLE for Mr. John Den- of tho Auctioneers, 24, HaVelock-road, Hast­ Frank Merricks (who is quitting the Farm) submit that there is 10 answer to our argu­ ings. to SELT, BY AUCTION, upon the Premises, A arou nqubriz* Twnyoiiair L ou. m b kav* i institutions. The 1 G r House, replete with nil conveniences, gate. and entries of RAMS and other at fair nrt« of tnWnwt; .!«> Bin. a l ment that the Mayor should be selected by ^ growing rapidly, au’d laA rge ball, three reception, six good bed­ LIVE STOCK from various clients will be on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1918, at axnac.0. Ayyly L«adw^ Lo«d A««att:— the To'wn Council as a whole and not by a THER FORTHCX5MING SALES. 11 o’clock. *pon be faced withl tl room s, and complete ^ olBcc^. M iituied offered. MESENS. COHBM * SOHEN, few politicians who are always influenced o Sale of Live Stock will commence with the' It, WESTERN ROAD M»anm.f. wisiot of a- larger bjuildi gardens. T.and adjoining (vlll be offeicd, 22nd OCTOBER.—ORB CATTLE MARKET JOHH BRAY by party and sectajri; m considerations. OUD HOUSE. PEASMARSH.—MONDAY, Sheep at One o’clock debt of gratitude for hi affording beautiful . sires and five other a t 2 o’clock. LAND. ESTATE. AND HOUSE AGENT. As to Conncillorj I Hackman, we hope h* the A ;ting Headmaster louses of about the same acrommodation. The Auctioneers beg to announce th a t 28th OCTOBER, -p’or H. C. Noakes, Esq. IMPORTANT SALE of LIVE and AUC-nONEER .no VALUER o( ProBortr (or ARBI­ By Order of Messrs/ Pearson and Heath. ■will nbt think our goDd wishes are insincere V burn) ^and hoped that All (he houses ore let at inadequate rents they liijpe to hai:* a Cattle Weighbridge TRATION, PROBATE, MORTGAGE, REPORTS, »nd in h is* present imsition from ,£.80 to -£65 and some of the tenancies DEAD s t o c k , including a Herd of TAX oi>d RATE APPF.ALS, a’..o FURNITURE, SANDHURST, KENT. when we add that; i ; seems to us that he fixed and in working order by this date Pedigree Sussex Cattle, other Susse.x and FOR SMALL LOANS APPLY IN CONFI- owes the Corporation and the burgesses an event are appended,: determined at (hristmas and March when and solicit earlv entries of Fat Sheep, 13, SOUTH COLONNADE, ST. LEONARDS-ON-SKA. (Three miles froni Hawkhurst Railway M. S vatland; 2, T. possession can be had. Cross-bred Cattle, a Flock of Kent Sheep, SALES BY AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE. FURNI­ Stktiqn). DBNCE TO THE MANAGER. explanation on one;p< int. It is an un'writtea Pigs, and calves, etc. All Stock must be TURE, OR OTHER e f f e c t s , (dead-lent); distance, A PICTURES(^UE OLD COTTAGE and in the Market bv 12 o’clock. _ 9 valuable Cart Horses, a good P'ord Car, law in Hastings tlial when a man accepts Petter Oil Engi ne, Blaiice, Ploughs, Eleva­ p r o p e r t i e s CAREFULLY MANAGED, ja.Indins THE CAPITAL back.- -IJ P. Knhne; 2, *ne and a half acres of valuable land will Early intimation of Farm or pther Sales is COLLECmON OF RENTS. SUPERVISION c( Beaufort Finance Co., Ltd., the mayoralty, hi: drops all connection C.^l^ffiman. One Lent be sold and at HILDENBOROUGH, pair of desired, so th a t convenient dates m ay be tor, Hop Growing Requisites, and all the REPAIRS. r e e h o l d PRCIPERTY, situated in the usual implements and equipment of three with political parties and with politics until Kuhm > (3 secs) ; 2, pretty old world Cottages and three others, a r r a n g ^ . ' lnT«nforl9« m«d» nnd checked. Telephon« H m Udb* K o. Centre of the [Village and adapted for 6, TRINITY STREET, HA8TINCM. farm s. F Small Holdings, beiijg h e gives u p th e chain < f pfifice to his successor. B, C. C. Goodman (' wih one acre of excellent gardens and fruit Aifction Offices, Rye, Sussex. 313. TelecrufiA: " Bnr. St. LeonardS'On*S«a.” Many very active ;>oliticians have filled -N eat Dive.—1, J . M. S' tne«y. which Also At Boxjilll. * "OAK^ LAND,” Bp«eiAl of Ptrticu'ars of HOUSEiS said FLATS. the office of Mayor ii this borough, but w# S, W( atherseed. Cfiam; DENVER & RUMBALL Rest Map of th» Towns. Together with " IvjY COTTAGE ” (a Pic­ cannot recal} a singU i istance of the breaking lengths).—!, Carson ;j MESSRS. BEACLEYS J. H. BOHUN, F.A.I. INSURANCE. — Fire, Life, Accident, OIma. Wm med turesque Cottage n’ith Good Garden), 5 Cot­ ROSE AND BATES. of this unwritten law We suggest to Coun­ Borgeifid: time, 1 m ih. tWill SELL BY AUCTION, at TONBRIDGE, Bomb&rdment. and Domestie SArrant*. ESTABLISHED 18.80 1 1 . HAVELOCK ROAD. HASTINGS. tages and Farm Buijdin«. containing in all cillor Blackman that before he is elected to —1, J M. Swatlanfi;' on TUESDAY. OCTOBER 22nd, 1918. (Established 1877). 17a. If. 29p., and le^ at R en tals aggregating Cr(>cki!r- One Length fo: u c t i o n e e r s , v a l u e r s , h o u s e the office on Novembe ■ 9th he should publicly Particular^ plan, etc., of the Auctioneers, ALES BY AUCTION of Freehold and XS-* IBs. 0(1. per annum, which PAWNBROKERS fi, B o ien b ln st; tim e, 1 Denver and Rumball, Tonbridge. Tunbridge and ESTATE AGENTS, SURVEYORS. state if he intende (o follow the example A Leasehold Properties, Stocks, Shares, W. N. OLDHAM 4L8, IiOiidon Ztoitd, St. Xooiuirds Rielay Race.—1. Saxofi Wells. Upper Warlingham, and 30, Bush- SAL&S BY a u c t i o n of Every .DescriptionS Furniture, and Stooks-in-Trade, Rents Col­ MESSRS, E. S. M ILLS AND SOfi th u s se t b y his p te d x;es80rs. W e ask th# - (B. S- Mills) Carsoi , J. M. Swatland lane, E.C. i . on Moderate Terms. lected, Estates Managed, Surveys made. Successor to Messrs. Breeds and Son. question not only .1 ecause he holds the^ Beckett House (Eaitis, C, Valuations and Surveys for all Purpoees. Valuations for Probata and other purposes. 6, H.WELOCK ROAD. HilSTINGis. , Have received instructions to SELL BY ASH ADVANCES mode on Oiamond TOsition of Secretary to the local Liberal Kuhni, and Tindall): 3 Inventories taken and chocked. House and| AUCTIO:^ at thb QUEEN’S HOTEL. c an d other Jewellery, Watches Aseoclation, bnt men becaoee of the state­ Inventories majde and Checked. (•Established nearly a century).* t* Chains, Antique and Modom 6ilT*r Pl*t*d ■| W . Jenes, Robson, tFieh HENRY BAKER -RENTS COLLECTED AND ESTATES Estate Agency in all its branches. Mortgages HAWKHURST, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER ment putflished on tl ree separate occasions tim e , 11 m in. 19 secs! Call effected. ' • u c t i o n e e r v a l u e r , suRVEYcJii 29th, 1918, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon Goods. Curios, eto., on th* following rate*— ■OVSB, aod MTATli aOEHT, MANAGED. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT. £S lent for one ehflling per fhonth. during the last few ta Mths that he is to be ■on; 2, T. D; Kuhne,; 3, L VXBVULX IPLACK, INSURANCES for Fire, Life, Accident, Certified Bailiff to Levy Distresses. A The Propertyy will be first offered in One Biufe.--l, C. C. Goodman A gent for Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass HOTEL AND PUBLIC HOUSE BROKER,L ot, and if no-t so edld then in Fpur;o' Lota. iB20 lent f*r five shlUlngB per month. the liberal Lobeui' candidate for Farlia- n . UEOIIABDa.ON*EA[ Burglary, Plate Glass, Workmen'e Com- and Burglary Insurance. VALUATIONS FOR PROBATE AND Particulars and_^ndition9 of Sale <«laa h« jffiOO lent for Al per month. menlAry honours at th b nesA general election, SLA DE’S TOFFSi.i-^-P: KBTABUBBXD ISil. - paneation Actf effected 'with the leading SHIPPING AGENT AND PASSAGE SUCCESSION DUTIES. 'CrERTIFICATED obtained at the Pin :e of Sale; of Messrs. which win, certainly ' kite plaooi long before firing Weekly salfi. 80, rATXB UAKAOED oad REirrS OOLLECtTSD .at OimpanM a. ^ ^ BROKER under Merchant Shipping Acts.' BAILIFF, AGENT TO THE LONDON Chancellor and, Ri il(!y, Dartford. Kent, EVERY ARTICLE ENThtTBTSD TO OtTS Noveniber neset year.- I7p to the present, W n t . he ci'viliaed i wo: ObataM. Praaiat BattisnnlW ChaanatMd. illustratea Begiefer with Map issued Fre*. Partioulara of Property, Bu«inest*s and As s u r a n c e (xirporation , f i r e m q r E id New York-i MtcriM auA* tna l>r O ln k a Solicitors ; or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, Fir CABS IS INSUBEU AOAIMOT AIB BAUM ConndUor Blaclnban ha* aud* no .pubU* Talaattea (« PzaHK J7, aRAND PARADE, Boarding Homae* -wanted. AND LIFE. Rank, Sandhurat. , AND BOMBAEDMBNT. xeferenee to thi* ftatei lent. W* »vgge*t tbail ,


UDIMORE WESLEYAN CHAPEL.—The done the Germans would be again thirsting people at Udimore had a treat on Wednesday LEAGUE OF NATIONS^ for revenge and lonnng to try to rid them- of last weeltat the Wesleyan Chapel. Mr. selves of their burdenden by again fighting in ;s AND STRA IN Hoad, of St. Leonards, brought a part of Park the field. T __ ..'as pot the sort of peace Id ee^m io b* the common lot in theM Road Wesleyan Chapel Choir and gave selec­ HASTINGS LIBERALS ADDRESSED BY they wanted. TUeT he more hene naahad scuaieastudied inethe THE DIRECTOiRS pus times. Nearly everyone is workin* tions of music, as they have done tor the last EX-UNDER SECRETARY. matter of a League of Nations the more no Igh-preesure and the physical system ie eight years. The occasion was the harvest had come to the conclusion that if-they could k l y 1 taxed to meet the increased festival meeting. The Rev. W. L. Walton WAR IS TO BE ABOLISHED. get the basis clear in their minds the rest ana. j It is important that we should also came with the party. The weather was would follow and come automatically. Did A meeting of the Hastinge and St. Leonards they believe that disputes between nations LLOYDS BANK LIMITED fry !on” with sustained efiort and very wet, but it did not seem to damp any- ncyJ No care is too irreat th a t w lll^ . body’s ardour. The sale of fruit ana vege­ Liberal Association was held at the Market must be settled by force or did they believe Hall on Tuesday evening. that international questions could be settled desire to call the sttention of their s^aihigh standard of health. TIsually. tables was in the capable hands of Mr. Field, Dr. F, B. Lewis, J.P., presided, and was hver. I a little common sense and no and brought good prices. The total proceeds of in much the same way as the interests of support^ by the Right Hon. F. D. Acland, private persons were settled and safe- customers and others to the advisability |oul^ trouble is all that is necessary, the anniversary was jE8, and is for the Cir­ M.P., Councillor A. Blackman, Hon. cuit Fhnds. gviarded? (A voice: Yes). The theories of n the, stomach lacks tone, when the ■ Secretary of the Association, Councillor J. Darwin had been largely applied to human of investing all aviailable moneys in Jtito is poor, when the liver is aluggish ALL SAINTS’ ORGAN.—At the Queen’s F. Kelly, Mr! H. Osborne, Alderman S. T. beings and with regard to nations in this Ithe bowels are C(^istipnted remember Hotel on Thursday evening Miss Maud Weston, J.P., Councillor J. Harvey, Coun­ war. but it seemed to be forgotten that 1 it ii not possiblejto feel fit and well, Chasemore and her pupils, assisted by cillor G. Cox, Mr. W.‘ Ray, Councillor I. E. human beings differed from animals. Ger­ [ngement of the oj-gans of digestion ie friends, gave a very successful concert in aid Manningtcn, Mr. Childs, Mr. J. Tapp, man writers in particular had advocated the NATIONAL V^AR BONDS primary and often unsuspwted cause of of All Saints’ Organ Renovation Fund. A Mr. W. H. Reilly, Mr. Kirkpatrick. Mr. E. doctrine of the survival of the strongest, as k iillrioes and many ailments that ood programme was presented. Miss W. T. Calladine, Alderman J. Pelham, J.P., Mr. in the case of animals and insects. There pr wprk and happiness. That safe and impson opened with a pianoforte solo, and Hibell, Councillor J. N. Collins, J.P., Mr. had in this and other countries been an op­ and of applying fu lle r sa rings in the same way. pie inedicine, Beecham’s Pills, phouM faftetwards sang “Valley of Laughter,’’ in a J. J. Boutwood, J.P., Mrs. Felton Smith, posite development on the line of equality [rs bfe kept handy in the home, to be pleasing mannqjy and waa encored. Miss E. Mrs. Burleigh, Mr. W. W. Pendleton, Mrs. of Oppoftnnity, live and let live and ^yo w henever you. feel “ ofiTCOlour King sang in very good style and received a Ransom,; Miss Maud Tyler. Mr. A. E. Bol- chance to the weak Dw par ” headachy and less energetie. well deserved encore for “There’s a Land.’’ sbaw, Mr. F. MiUcst, etc. had "been m ainly done u n d er th e L iberal X. In the Sa-vings Bank De^s rtment small sums can Iw doses will soon reetore you to th« Violin solos were given by Mr. H. Ryle. Miss Dr. Lewis, in opening the meeting, said he gramme. In the matter of nations Epg ■ of form When you are'feeling tb* Gladys Paulson’s beautiful voice was heard wished to make it quite clear at the outset and America had set the lead that small be accumulated at interefi: until they reach the |s of istress and strain, try that since thd devastating world-war com­ nations should have a chance and be respec­ to great advantage, and she was encored for menced in 1914 the local Liberal part.y h ^ ted equally with individuals, and that arbi­ minimum required for purwasing-WAR BONDS. her rendering of “'Annie Laurie.” The most willingly kept the party truce both in tration should be the means used to settle Misses Eairweather played the "Czech letter and spuiit. It had been loyally kept, international disputes. On the other hand Dances,’ which w ere^eatly appreciated and and they wished to re-,ajfirm their determin­ they had their Jingoes who said they should applauded. Miss I. Wilkes, a fine contralto, ation to assist by ever^ ineans in their power be for their country right or wrong. It f e H A M ’S received two encores. Miss Maud Chasemore, to bring this righteous war to a successful [was a difficult matter, and it was necessary wko is seldom heard in public, sung " A and triumphant issue: .Ail tha members of tor them to judge their consciences. If they string of pearls,” by request, in a sweet je- th e ir A ssociation as fa r as he knew -were Were to place Germany in a ring fence it fined manner and for an encore gave " I agreed that the Kaiser and Prussian Mili­ Would omy mean that later on she would PILLS passed by your window.” Mrs. Gosling and tarism and all it stands for must be abso­ bide her time and by a happy alliance 0 Cat oat and keep th is notice. Show Miss B. Wilkes also sang, and Mr. Harold lutely and completely destroyed. They again be ready to fight. They nad got into it to everyone in yoar hoasehoU. yielded to nobody in their ardent longing Prepared only by Pauli recited several items in bis usual de­ the habit of looking in their papers each lighted manner. Miss Maud Chasemore _and and determination that tyranny and op­ day lor the war news in much the same way (OMAS BEECHAM. St. Helene. Id Mr. Hiram Hollands acted as accompanists. pression must be dethroned. The Biblical ks they used to look for the football results order was the correct one—Righteousness before the war. They must not forget what Sold everywhere FOR ST. DUNSTAN’S.—A very delightfnl first and then Peace. Germany must show War meant with all its horrors. It was as concert was carried out at St. Clement’s N o t e s I in boxes, labelled Is. 3d. and 8e. that she is repentant of her diabolical hear the anti-Christ as they had ever got. Church House on Wednesday evening in aid crimes against civilisation. We must not Dealing with disarmament the speaker of St. Dunstan’s Hostel for Blinded Sailors fall into any trap, ao armistice must be doubted whether after the war the country and Soldiers. The arrangements were made granted unless there is a radical change in ■(vould be willing to spend another £200,000,000 o n S a v i n g S H IP M A N ’S by Mr. .T. Baker Guy. Organist at St. Cle­ the German constitution, and as has been annually in the race for the upkeep "of arma­ W ar Savings Corti- ment’s Church, .and the items were contri­ well said, we have granite guarantees. ments added to their enormous internal ob­ No. 10.— How Men can ve m ■ficates are' a Briltsli AND QUININi buted by his Glee Party and friends. The Scraps of paper were not enough. They had ligations resulting from the war. Conscrip- Governraenl lavast- lAY RHUM rogramme was^'ks follow^, several encores had no word of repentance for crimes un­ toon, too, would have.,to go. He knew nothing LOTION. eing demanded :f—Pianoforte duet, " Taran- the Home. ment backed by i HAIR exampled in history, and no clear promise qf local circumstances, but he must say that idl the wealth and irout: I xinsolicittd tMtlmoniali i«o«ired W Iks telle ” (Raff)^ Messrs. J. Baker Guy and P. of reparation, restitution and restoration he had never felt that members of a Tri­ Shave yourtell. *;or ihftt it is on« of Iht bMt tonlo W alker; part-song, “ The Fisherman’s Song ’’ for violated France and Belgium. In Pre­ bunal were ever good enough to say that pow er of th e nation. : and falling b*ir. ; (Mackenzie), Hastings Grammar. School sident Wilson’s now famous phrase, "The anotlier man must gp. He bmieved that the. Don't have the carpenter or the plum; ler round , Their purchase j»RlCE; lA. (by id..). Choir; song, "Your England and Minej” Mas­ world inust be made safe for democracy and time would soon cohie wheb instead of put- (or a job you can do -with your own h a ids, price is 15/6 each, tuAK. «. HlfiH STREET. HASTIWOl. ter J. Swatland; song, “Love, come from your a safe place to live in.” Emmerson had ton bullets into German heads they would If you m u st smoke a pipe, keep you' tobacco and their value in hiding” (Nicholls). Miss Gertie Munn; said that valour consists in the power of be trying to put the truth into their heads; moist. Dry tobacco burns too fast. If you pianoforte' solo, “Valles des Rose**’ (Eoubier), self-recovery, so that a man cannot have his 5 years’ time £1 but to be able to do that successfully they m u st smoke cigarettes, use a holder, ^t makes Miss Annie Avery; song, “ If I might come flank turned, cannot be out-generalled, but must be able to grasp the Gqrman point of each—tUa is equi­ [are Specialists in Umbrellas. to you’’(Squire), Miss Daisy Grevatt; song, ut him whefa you will he stands. We had view. With regard to Bismarck’s stamp on them last longer. Never smoke in a stri ng wind. valent to com pound “ The Bells of St. Mary ” (Adams), Miss een saved because thpy stood; our heroic Germany it was interesting to see the change You can tailor-press your own suit by damping interest at 51 per |jr business activities are concentrated Maisie Smith; part-song, “ The Carnovale ” Cand incomparable armies against hordes of of public interest in what was no longer "a it in the steam from the kettle and iroi ling ■with cent, free of la- rheJr- raomit'acture and re-cover. That (Rossini), Hastings Grammar School Choir; cruel, crafty foes, through unimagiued living force. It was the samb in their own a heavy iron. com e Tax. 1 why ever.v Umbrella we sell is a testi- pianoforte duet, “ Poet and Peasapt” miseries, amidst dangers end difficulties un­ country. Not long ago it was only necessary You eua gut yuuqf onial to our methods. Tiy us! (Suppe), Messrs. ,T. Baker Guy ap'd P. surpassed they stood. They had gazed on to mention the name of Gladstone at' Wear soft shirts and collars. They sa re starch money back in full at ■Walker; song, “ When God gave you tji m.e," horrors which human eyes had never before Liberal meeting to raise a cheer from ope suid labour. , uny time with any [DALLS, Umbrella Specialists, Miss Doris Nicholson ; song, “ Tommy Lad ” witnessed. We reverently here remembered end of the room to the other, but to-day Don’t lunch fo a restaurant. Takeycur lunch forest whick ia duo. (Margetson), Miss Doris Bohun; duet, “ The our heroic dead. Language -was indeed too cause Gladstone was no longer a li'ving rorce with you when you go to work. Your vife will Yon oan bny War 52, Eobertson-street, HASTINGS. Two Beggars ” (Wilson), Messrs. J. Baker poor -to adequately express the debt we owe t^ie mention of his name raised little more Savings Corlifioalus to them. To their relatives and friends they get better value (or the coupons than y< u can. from any Money Order Guy and P. T. Brigden; song, “ Bird of Ifove enthusiasni than the mentifln of the names Pe%t Offiee, Bank, or Divine” (Wood). Miss Evelyn .Hawkins; tender their heartfelt sympathy. Through^ of Peel, Pitt or Chatham. Proceeding, the Wear out that bid suit~that old overci at—that Sbookeupur aetlag as song, "He did and he didn’t know why,” Mr Seas of blood, of anguish, pain and self-sacri-' speaker dealt with the German plan for tbb old hat ° Official AgonL J. Baker Guy; chorus, " O lovely Peace ” flee great ■victories nave been won. It would war, and what lay behind it in u tST SUSSEX HbSPITAti (Handel), Hastings Grammar School Choir. be the first duty of all to see that the wives the war party. They were perse Saving Clothes meema Saving Money. '\ HABTIMG8. and dependants of their dead heroes wevfi there must be war, and it would generously and kindly treated by a grateful td have it at Germany’s dictation rather btate, and that their brave, disabled soldiers Invest your Savings in kuBa^RIPTIONQ. DONATIONS ANB than at the behest of an enemy. But it tad RESTO NATIVE TONIC and sailors had the first claim on Parlia­ turned qut very differently than wah expe’ij- ^APIBS REQUIRED TO CARRY ON. m ment. This was a most auspicious day for ted: the German people had received a ter­ W ar Savings Certificates THE WORK. and Flesh b u il d e r . the women of the British Empire, for the rible disillusionment, and had suffered a te r­ first time in history the women had come 'n- rible disaster. There was good groufid in 1 - to their own. They had always been, spirit­ Germany for trying to sow the seed. ’I'here £lforl5/6 £S0for£38;15:i) £S00for£3S7a0;0 MANCHESTER MAN PRAISES ually co-equal ■with men—even now they had mhst be no idea of a war after the war or a til* time has come for him to do so. If he BITRO-PHOSPH ATE. not obtained their full powers, hut they had qiiarrel with the German people, but only If yon have not ynt Joined n War Savings Association, it is . W AR H O SPIT A L D EPO T.—T he fe,te held made a substantial beginning. The new i e- to tho Soeretary of yonr gives up the Secretaryship of the Liberal in the Qensing Gardens on August 31st, in aid with their rulers, A League of Nations Tonr patriotic dnty to do ao.^ Ap^ly Haistings and St. Leonarda " I am 66 years of age;” writes Mr. W. gister, which came into force that day, con­ mpst not be a short cut to peace. There Local War Savings Committe^- oi write lo thu National Association, declares he will not be a of the War Hospital Supply Depot at 41, tained the names of seven million women W ar Savings Cemmittoa* Salisbury Sq'oara, London., E.C. 4. Marina, realised JE200, and after paying ex­ King, 39, Shafteshury-street, Manchester, must be au outward and visible sign of the candidate for Parliamentary honours during “ but I am pleased to say that since taking voters. The enfranchisement of women they dolwnfall of the German Milita'ry Caste. 99 his year of office, and will faithfully observe penses the Depot benefited to the dxfent of were sure would mean a greater and better Every Shilling saved euid lent helps to win the War. J6160 13s.- 5d. Bitro-Phosphate I not only look better but EUglishmen had died in,the hope and W ief (Ob s e r v e r the unwritten law referred to. well and I certainly feel stronger, brighter, and more Empire. Women had always stood for that their sacrifice would avoid the sacrifice good. If he remains silent or says the BAPTISMAL SERVICE.—On Sunday, at energetic than I have done fpr a long time. Liberty, Justice, and Temperance, and they of their children and other generations. The I^eading Local and District otatement as to his ambition in regard to the Baptist Church, Chapel Park-road, St. I have also put on several pounds of good were destined to play a great part in omr idea that if they wanted peace they must Parliamentary matters is accurate, the Leonards, a baptismal service was conducted solid flesh, and I confidently recommem' future history. This day was indeed- big prepare for war had gone. It was no good, by the Rev. A. C. Chambers. A good number with destiny. They held that whilst the Newspaper, and Las a Corporation, before electing him as Mayor, Bitro-Phosphate to all who a i. ___ and they must find something to take its of persons joined in the worship and witnessed and in need of a tonic.” iVar strain, worry world must be made safe for democracy, de­ place. 'There must be a steady and planned te road, Hastings. Tel. 366. tottn is to give him all possible drawn in Hastings are set out below. which clearly states that unless you are T h^ must upward still and onward. Mr, J. J. Boutwood moved' a vote of ahjd thus iassist-him to carry out These are also Lighting-up Times for “FRESH PROBLEMS FOR-, THE satisfied with the benefits you obtain, your Who would keep! abreast of Truth. thanks to the chairman and the speaker. He Head Office: les ^ f th e ^office w ith credit to him self CHRISTIAN CHURCH.”—’This will be the money will be refunded, and the trial will Lo, before us gleam her camp fires. thanked Mr. Acland for his clear exposition Crclists and others Tor week commencing subject of an address by Sir Joseph Com; cost you nothing. We ourselves must : borpugh. T^ere is reason for thinking Saturday, October 19th, 1918. ^ u League of Nations. He was convinced Telephone 566. ^ s d e Hill Roads ton-Rickett, M.P., at the Baptist Chnrc Sujferers frcn/i anaemia should take RED . Launch our Mayflower and steer boldly thaf it must come, and they must find a make la good Mayor, and we; shaU Saturday' .. 6 28 Wednesday .. 6 20 Wellington-^uare, next Monday evemng, Through the desperate winter sea. Sunday .. .. 5 28 Thursday ,, 6 18 Bitro-Phosphate, as this contains a. percent­ solution of the difficulties, for in that way Hastings. rise^ if, at ^ e end of next October, His visit is jp .connection with, tile local, vree age of readily digestible iron. Red Bitro- Nor attempt the Future’s portal and; in no other could lasting peace come, nob to; look b ack upow a very Monday . . 6 24^ Friday « 5 16 Church Council. He has filled with distinc­ Phosphate quickly enriches the blood and W ith the Past’s bloodrusted key. (.ipplause.) bus year, with the Mayor playing a TUeiday .. 5 22 tion several positions of honour in the Free restores colour to pale cheeks, yet it never Councillor Blackman moved a resolution : Gounoillor J. N. Collins seconded, and ^ pa^ in all undertakings calculated Churches. The topic oli'which he will speak harms the teeth or upsets ihe digestion. “ That this meeting pledges itself to use urged all had heard the speech to is a timely and important one., Mr. R. F every effort to bring the war to such a con­ stiiQulate and interest others, and they at aOtis the welfare of the town and it* P bxb*s or Tx* Moow. Compton will take the chair at 6.30, and the We offer Councillor Blackman, our clusion that our victories shall destroy Ger­ least would have done something to help on Ootober 19th, 9.35 p;m .—IVi-i, M oon. meeting will be open to all. man militarism and lead to lasting peace, the ideal they all had. ^nlatloni and best wishes. May hi* October 26tb, 5.35 p.m.—L ast Quab-t e b . guaranteed by a League of every Nation, of&e Ibe a period of happiness for ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC. — The JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. closed responded, and the meeting November 3rd, 9.2 p.m.—Nsw Moon. semi-annual Metropolitan examination of formed on tUe principles laid down before and his family, and of progress and N ovem ber I l th , 4.46 p.m .—F ib st Qu a b te e. musical composers, performers' and teachers the world by President Wilson.” He took it lity ^or ihe town. This wish does not N ovem ber 18th, 7.33 a.m .—F ull M oon. will be held at the Academy ; during the SECOND u n i v e r s i t y E X T E N SIO N all would agree with him that the war must |thati w|e have departed from our N bvam ber 25th, 10.25 a-m-—L ast Qu a btb e. Christmas vacation. Successful candidates'; LECTURE. be carried on until Prussian Militarism was LIF£ IN iHE SLUMS. All work carried out promptly ai id in accordance with lion to the system of Mayor choosing are created Licentiates of the Royal Academy crushed. They would be wise in considering ! ------;o:-----— " vogue in Hastings. In our opinion There was an excellent attendance at Well­ some course oi action which might follow the WH AT THE EAST LONDON CHURCH the rules of the Institute of plectrical Engineers* stem is a disgrace to the town, and, IF you have any difficulty in getting the war. Politics had never been so much ington College qn Saturday afternoon, when mixed up, but the atmosphere was slightly FUxND DOES. j credit of the Corporation, as well as kind of suit you want consult J. Maodougall, _ uring the last ten years the Rev. W. Weston gave the second of his 1. Devopshire-terrace, Hastings. i have presented themselves for the examina­ clearing, and he had visions of a new and THE Itownspeople, .it should be abolished, highly interesting series of lectures on "Japan better world, thanks mainly to one man, who JfBWS AND MUNITION MAKERS.' tion, of whom 3,617 have passed, ,or aln av er­ and Japanese,” in connection with the Uni­ lyot should be a man chosen on hi* SCOUT NOTES.—St. Matthew’s Troop.— age of over 30 per cent. The last day of en­ had clearly stated the principles upon wh^ch 'Sunday morning Troop ivill parade at 'West versity Extension Association. a lasting peace might be possible. Presi­ In . many ofo the churches throughout 4>n» |by the burgesses or by their elected try for the forthcoming examination is The first lecture dealt with the country, but borough on Sunday sermons were preached on ntatives, whereas under the system ^ Dene at 10 sharp. Tuesday, Troop night, at November 13th, or until November 30th dent Wilson was a clear-minded speaker, and T. Every member of this Troop is requested on payment of a late fee of 5/-. Syl­ the second with the people and a IRtle of their was not so much concerned who he was fight­ beha. .1 of the East London Church h'und, and ing in Hastings, he is chosen by a ^ in attendance. Friday, patrol night history.’’ amofigst tliose who appealed on behalf of thik Electro Light & ing against as what he was fighting for. lolitibi party clique in which them labus, entry form . .and further in­ deseiivmg object were the Lord Bishop of for- each p a tro l, a t 7.30. formation may be obtained from the Secre­ The Lecturer said that the origin of the When the war started the United States vldio h a v e . never even asked th * Japanese was veiled in mystery, but that showed no particular bias, but as it pro­ Wilhisden and the Revs. H. C. Williams and L.ADY PEARSON wishes to acknowledge tary, Royal Academy of Music, Mfl-rylebone- modern research pointed to two main divi­ Dudley OlarJt, the latter being very well ' for their '' vote and interest. ’ ’ !4B1()0 sent by Mr. J ,H. Gardner, of S.t. Leo- road. N.W. 1. ; gressed and Germany perpetrated all the in­ P ro p rieto r— Iteni lis the more discreditable becaus* ■ards-on-Sea, towards the funds of • St. sions of inhabitants of the “ mainland ” of human atrocities it was possible to think of, knowh in St. Leonards. • * QUALITY IN BREAD is of the first im­ Japan. The people were made up of two On ihioiiday ai,iprnoou a public meeting was extension of the Party TrUce tB Dunstan’s Hostel for the Soldiers and Sailors portance; Feaist’s Bread is made in one America came in, and President Wilson for­ BlinHed in the War, and tp thank all contri- streams of immigrants: Northern Mongolian, mulated a scheme for a League of Nations held kt Christ Church Parish Room, ht. Leo­ PAUL DESEMFANS; |>al afiairs. Under this extension, quality only—the best—it costs but 4^. The from the east of the Asiatic Continent, and nards, where the chair was taken by Mr. T. of the Town Council have been ^ liutors to this sum for their generous help. to safeguard the peace of the world. He had ELECTRICAL ,ENGI«EER. price of a loaf. To test our assertion vane Southern Mongolian, from the South, and a precedent to go upon by the Congress, Parkin, J.P. He said that the work of the much longer life in the Croporation WOMEN’S P.S.A.—Mise Eagles presided deliver to all parts daily.—Feaists, Bakers, influenced by Malay. These two divisions which resulted in thirteen States being East |London Church Fund was one of the he burgesses intended when they last Sunday. Mr. Wood sang “The Song of Castle Hill-road, Hastings. Established over were represented in two different physical united after a good deal of wrangling. The most lusetul of all works. Isaac ” from. Bamby’s “ Rebecca.” Mr. 50 years. ,p)prmitted to-exercise jtheir right types of tho people of Japan to-day, This fact practical 'fusion of tho people outran 'Ttm Bishop of VViliesden said w ith regard 32b, KING’S ROAD, A Large Stock of I on tlhe subject. Present members of WatMn’s address was based on the story of THE DOMINOS.—These well-known and was beautifully iUustrafed by a lantern slide tho legal bargain, and to-day they looked to thq local Association there had been a Osram Lamps and Council, therefore, are not them •toe raising of Lazarus. popular Hastings amateurs received a splen­ showing the two distinct types. The Rev. upon them as one people. If the United chanse. 'ihe Rev. Dudley Clark had been of the votes of the burgesses, but rMES. JONES and family, of 65, Kenilworth- did welcome from the “boys,” at the Cooden ■VV. Weston then went on to say that the early States of America why not the united states Qoligqd to give up the work of Secretary, as he ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA. Electrical Fittings. [favour of political party le'aders who Yoad,; thank all friends fo r their kind sym­ V.A.D. Hospital on Wednesday. From open­ history of the Japanese was also obscure, and of th-i world, or the unity of mankind? had Ikft the town, but Miss Sydney had very p ath y . ing chorus to final each artiste was in hie or it was practically impossible to separate (Applause.) Although he had named one kindly taken it up, for which they were very ndly; presented them with the means mythology from history, and careful study man only he fully appreciated the help that grateiul. They had also a new General Sec­ ^ing jthe test of the polling booth*, her best form, and the cheers at the finish EMMANUEL CHURCH.—The Rev. J. M. proved how jvell the evening had been en- phowed that there was a great similarity of had been rendered by their English States­ retary—the Rev. H. C. Williams, ihe pro­ thp Mayor were sriected by th* Dumphreys, Army Chaplain, Vicar of the legends to the Ghinese. The earliest men, and not the least the hon. gentleman blem pf the Church in the East and North- Ancaster, will preach to-morrow (Sunday) at joj'ed. Messrs. Cliff Merrie and Rex Costello, junHl as a body, it would, under two bright comadians, were greeted with known record of the Japanese had only re­ who had come to address them. (Applause.) East qf Eondon grew more difficult year by re-grad fo in the same grade. He had a i IcumStances be impossible to claim 11 and 6.30. cently been discovered, for in some very old Mrs. Felton Smith seconded the resolu­ year. 1 A great change had come over the East rounds of applause, while Miss Vera Whyte tion. She had, she thought, been asked to HASTINGS APPEALS. in- th e Army.____His employer was an actor the approved of the burgesses; EAST SUSSEX SESSIONS.—There were gave several delightful numbers, finishing Chinese history there appeared to have been End vfith the enormous inllux of Jews. There an d writer of plays and ho did all th* BO local cases in the calandar at these a reference to some people living where the do so because ib was the beginning of a new v/ere practically no Jews in the East End in tier jthe scheme now in existenco. with "Land of Hope and Glory,” in a'hich the era for women, Mr. Acland had spoken in clericbi and business work and engaged the Council as a body does not select Sessions, which were held, at Lewes on Tues­ audience joined with spirit. Mr. P. Knut sun rose, and they were called dwarfs. The 1832, hut to-day iu some parishes of about date of that record -wlis 57 a .d., so th a t w hen Hastings before, at the Public Hall, under ten thousand, seven or eight thousand were A OODNCILLOR GI\!EN SIX WEEKS Company, subject to submitting the.engaM |qr, it deputes this duty to a special day. The local magistrates present were Mr. proved a favourite in his eccentric eongs in menta to his employer. He had been in th* G M. Freeman, K.C., Deputy Chairman; one placed that side by side with the state­ the auspices of the Women Liberals, and he Jews, [knd as one walked along Jewish signs AND WARNED NOT TO EXPECT MORE. ee of five, who meet on the strict cxistume. Mr. Bert Wallis contributed a ment of the Japanese that the first Emperor then, as now, was an advocate of Women same, employment about four years and was Coloieel Cafe, Mr. E. E. Hurst, Mr. D. M. number of songs and witty stories, which were ehcountelred everywhere. He hoped that ndiiig—that they must ask th* came to the throne in 660 n.c., one began to Suffrage. The question of peace was a very his hearers were not narrow-minded enough previonfely ■with Mr. Cyril Maude. By Mr. R rkdtt, Major W. H. Mullens, Lieut.-Colonel created roars of laughter. Mr, Robert difficult one, and they would find that some F. W. Morgan (for Mr. Nicoll)—They could, [party whose turn it is to nominate A S.| Sutlierland Harris, and Mr. W. Mann- see that it was nothing more than a fairy to have an excessive amount of prejudice There was a meeting of the‘East Sussex! Gooday put in excellent work at the piano. tale. It was taught in the schools and re­ of the things they had built upon had gone not mafaa^e to do anything of national im- |or .-llo naptie the man they intend ingfon. against the Jews, for if they had they were Appeal Tribunal for the District on Monday garded as correct, but there was practically by the board. They should look round and false fo their own religion, lor the Jews h ^ at the Town Hall, Major R. L. Thornton, pqrtam« ak they were touring. His Comp­ 1 in the chair.. The method adopted N.ATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY.-Tbe see where they, stood. If they were to have MONSIEUR VANDAMME, Chiropodist 25tli annual meeting took place at the Bras- no trustworthy history before the middle of need of their sympathy and help. The Jews J.P., presided, and there were also present any did aigooa deal of charity work and i* ■ deslcribed in an article in this paper [formerly a pupil of Madame Chevalier). a-League of Free Nations it must be a league entertaming troops,; and the average age M hrda.'l'. W hen th e special com m itte* sey Institute on Tuesday. , The Pi-esideiit, the Fifth Century a .d . During the first six in the East were by no means the most desir­ the Mayor (Councillor W. Perrms), Mr. D. Appointments made at Mr. Bradby’s, hair- Mr. Thomas Parkin, referred to the acci­ centuries a.d. Japhn appeared as governed by of the democracy of the nations. It must be able; they did not altogether commend them­ M. Birkstt, J.P., Mr. J. Adams, J.P., the Co-mpany was SiB between six men.—^E*. Its request before the politician*, lr * 6ser, London-road, St. Leonards, will “Emperors” who were a .sort of chiefo, who a peace, not because they wore tired, but of emptiod till the 18th December. The Chai^ dent which had befallen the Hon. Secretary, a 'asting character, and one that would se­ selves to love and sympathy until, as he had Lieutenant-Colonel Pelham R. Papillon, IdOMn of the latter meet, and, after Koeive prompt attention. Mr. William de Muller, during his military gradually drove the Aborigines northwards. been told, one got to know them, but the work D.S.O., J.P;. and Mr. C. Higgs (of East­ man insimated t’nat they did not oohaid** lanpsuvring and wrangling, they Chinese priests then came over at the request cure that the sacrifices of the lives of those it'wqulc be any usejapplying again. LA U N D RY "w o r k .—L aundries and the duty, resulting in a broken leg. He is in the who had gone would not be in vain. (Ap of the E.L.C. Fund was not connected with bourne), with Mr. S. Montagu Harris (Secre­ m aj decision sometimes unanimous, public have their attention drawn to Regu- Military Hospital at Folkestone. Mr. of a great number of the Imperial household, these jieopie so much as the nominal Chris­ tary ). ■ MISCELLANflOUS. o ^ n not so. The decision of th* and brought with them Buddhism. From plause.) lu tip n 2 JJJ under the Defence of the Realm .Anthony Belt has kindly undertaken his The Bight Hon. F. D. Acland, who was tians, of which a certain number were as good THE PRINTING TRADE. F. C. Watmough; drapers’ manager, SS, oipthese politicians is final. Th* bur Public -Notice Column, respecting work. The reports of the Secretary and that time onwards Japanese history became loudly applaudCd, supported tho resolution. Christians as could be found in ahy part of laundiry "work. A great deal of misundei- Trea.surer were adopted. The Treasurer’s the stony of the rise and fall of great families the world because of the good work done by The following cases with regard to the Grade 3.—This was a military appeal—Wah- name gets the mayoralty. H* He said although peace was in sight the end mough ras employed by Messrs. Metcalf qtwI libj fitted to by m any m em bers of th* Btanding has arisen respecting vehicles un­ account showed a satisfactory credit balance. and chiefs, nominally ftcknowledging the aur had nst yet come, and it behoved them all to the Filnd. He testified to the marvellous — i—J. —__ ■ ^■ ''get^ler :—P. IV. d e r 15cwt. capacity, and delivery by hand- Mr. Henry King proposed the re-election of tliority'of the Mikado, but usurping the power good temper of the clergy and lay workers in I e 2, working' Kirkpatrick. VVatmbugh was the only mai* puniril, but they inerely, shrug their see that they did not become lax in their aesistaur for whom! the firm had applieiC earts.i a number of small laundries render- Mr. Parkin as President, seconded by and being de facto rulers of Japan. This efforts and neglect to support the Govern­ the East End iu,spite of tnei rsordid surround­ G rade 3, m achine declare “ it is the system,” and I 1 ing tifemselves liable by not complying with Colonel Lyte, and carried.—Mr, Parkin v.'ent on until Yoritomo, the successful chief­ ings. 'They had to carry a burden that he I minder and compositor; A. B. W. FeUow.s, By Mr. Pearch, solicitor for VVatmough—rll* |ote for : the politicians’ nomine* ^ ment. There must be no relapse on the part had bee 3 a special constable for two yean, the regulation. thanked his friends for their kindness, tain of the house of Minamoto, became the of this country. The struggle was like oonsidelred very unnecessary—appealing for i 23. G rade 3, general p rin te r and m anager; ; b om voting. The appointment MR; &’ MRS. ARTHUR YOUNG and' ivhile life and strength head, under the title of Shogun (Imperator), race, and it would not be won until the tape money-f-and he askecT for reliet from that A. S. Stuart, 38,,Grade 2, working foreman,: and assi >ted in the buying fof the birrinn** therefore, is actually made by family wish to return most grateful thanks should last he would always be af the ser­ which was a.kiqd of military dictator. 'The was broken and peace was signed. It was burden! One was apt to think that with the printer and stereotyper; and A. J. Elphick, To repoit on the 1st November. Jliticbl party clique, the ratifying to their many friends for the kind sj'mpathy vice of the Society. Mr. Anthony Belt was Emperor was not deposed, but lived in cap­ worth while to talk over what they wanted terriblk surroundings' in which the people, 46, Grad.e 2. The last named was a military J. Ste rens, 4ign writer, decorator, ‘41,, re-elected as Treasurer and as Hon. Secre­ tivity, and the Slmgun acted in his name. 'This ppbintmeht on the qth of Noventber shown them in their deep sorrow in the loss when peace was declared, whether they lived they would be always moping, but if appeal. G rade 1.—This was a military appeaL-> ty. tary pro. tern. The business was followed dual system lasted until 1868, with the Mikado anyone i wanted to see real brigiitness they i 'The Chairman—We shall give you six Stevens said he worked on his own aocouat fthing blit a matter of form. I* •f their loved sou, Frederick Percy.— by an address on 'iYiHinni Penn, the founder really did want it and what would be the re­ Membakiit, 6, Amherst-road, Bexhill-on-Sea. reigning in Kyoto and the Shogun ruling at sult of their desjres. However much or Vit- should |go to the East End. The children months—not imprisonment. (Laughter)— and' had 'done piece-work for coach-builden Ivious that this method of finding a of Pennsylvania, by Mr. A. W. Qke. Mr. the new Eastern capital, first Kamakura, were also exceedingly happy and contented, Groorabridge and Kent to continue Red and horn e decorators! He wrote addressee o* loppbsed to the best interests of th* REMEMBER Bread is eaten at every meal Oke mentioned that Penn was a Sussex tle it might seem their general will would then Tokyo. About the beginning of the affect the result; they must remember that although tkeir next meal might be a very un -1 Cross work, Stuart and Eljffiick to continue cases foi troops. By'Mr. N. Lloyd (National It fofiows that it should be abolishe^. — at least three times daily — by rich and orthy, having an estate in the county Nineteenth Century.;Japaneso scholars began they all had a part ifii the war. America was certain; quantity. Life was" Very, difficult in ! as special constables, and Fellows to be an Service ' Representative)—They could b* Cb'jncil should no longer shrink poor alike. Our bread is made in one quality ; where he did much work in planting, and to look i,nto the history of their country with absolutely the ruling factor in the war, and the EaM End. Splendid work had been ao-! emergency special constable ; etencille 1, but an unskilled man could not I dut^ of selecting and naming as only — the best — and costs no more than after the death of his father, who was more critical eyes, and found that the Shogun complished, and the number of communicants ! Councillor 'W; J. Fellows requested that others. Purchase a sample loaf for 4id. and knighted by Charles 2nd, he received an es­ it could not go for a week once President cut the! stencil.—The Chairman said th* |lecting the Mayor. There should was nothing more than an usurper, and asked 'VVilsoii said stop. It seemed to him that it greatly increased. Tn one factory a church ! in view of the number of hours his son Tribunal had come to the conclusion th at prove' our statement, v'ans deliver to all tate in America from the King, who himself themselves how it was that the Emperor did had been erected, and services were held a t; worked he ought to be exempt from the con­ renqe to k Committee, and certainly parts daily. — Feaists, Bakers, Castle Hill- gave it the title of Pennsylvania. ' was intensely important that' there sbpuy they' miAt do without, sign-writing in the** not actually- rule, , which was followed by„ the — be no __ s’uspicion^^picion thattti they were going back mid-day and midnight, which had proved a dition. He (Councillor Fe lows) had been days.—Obe month’s exemption, with th* th^ political party wirepuller*, Yoad, Hastings. Established over 50 years. deposition of the Shogunate and the restora-■ on their pledged word, and that the'v meant jicil should m ake th e selectio n , an d IT DOES NOT ADMIT of argument, if ydu great blessing to the workers, and although it doing public work for the last 16 years. right to enrol again as a wax work volunteer THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL.—Aquatic w ant th e best bread yon must have Feaists. It tion of the Mikado to rule as well as reign in what they said. If it turned out that the made it harder______for ___ the______clergy, yet they felt 'The Chairman—An.i you have found it a H . Apps, plum ber, 36, C li—M r. Goodwi* phe election in open meeting, and gports took place on Thursday afternoon in has no equal. Vans deliver to all parts daily. 1868. In 1853 an American Expedition, under terms laid down by President Wilson were I they wkre amply rewarded by the blessings ; thankless task. Is that it? thi buiigesses an opportunity of the employer, said he had not yet got 4 the White Rock Baths. The events were ’Tel. 366. Head Office, Castle IlilLroad,. Hast­ Commodore Perry, re-qpened Japan to the not quite what Jthey wanted they onl^y had j the servlices had brought. In the present day I Councillor Fellows—No, sir. substitut s through the Labour Exebang* L their approv'al or disapproval, watched with keen interest by a large*crowd. ings. Western world, after 250 years of .seclusion, theniseives to because tlieir...... States- people iipere neglecting their religious habits, The Tribunal, however did not see their cluring which time very many beautifol ' men had allowed President Wilson to take They could not get through the work they lexcjjse Ofiered for the present dis» Alderman A. W. Chesterfield, J.P., who pre- and it Would have a very bad effect on the ; way to remove the condition. One of 'the had nowj.—A djourned tw o m onths for sabi Oented th© prizes, congratulated the boys on CONCERT FOR ST. JOHN’S HOSPITAL. tilings were produced. With the opening up I the lead. He was glad that th%y were in Pre- young people of the future. j members suggested that there would not be Ind ; vicious system is that it pra- —C ongratulations are dirts to Cadet H arold of commerce Japan realised she would have ' sident Wilson’s hands, and they felt, surely, stitutioni and told to I keep on trying to 'g ^ * atedj discussions on the subject i* their skill, and the masters on the training 'The Rev. J. L. Boulden, Vicar of St. James’. much work for an emergency special con­ French for the enormously successful con­ to have a very powerful Fleet, and she sent to every Jay when they read the papers that his Enheld Highway, gave an interesting account eubstitute. i pur- reply is that it is far, far bettar that the boys had evidently received. He cert arranged by him, and given ait the stable "unless the Germans landed.” ^ H. A1 lard, uiideiltaker’s . aosistant. 41, •mphasized the importance of sport as a England for her model, but her Army was sentiments were their own, and their own of the Work in a munition area, ana spoke of i such' distussions than the under- Palace Pier on Saturday evening, oh behalf moulded on Germany. Japan worships effi- Statesmen could not have put it better. ]t the great difficulty experienced through the j A GRIEVANCE. G rade 2.- -This was an appeal by self and th* factor in the life of our public schools, and of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. ciency, and that was why they took ^rm any ought to remind them of the splendid solid- employer (Mr. G. TJ! Sabin. BexhiU).-Mr. Jtrigiiing which is one of the m assy alluded, amidst loud applause, to the part overworjking of the people. ,-The social pros-1 Charles Carey, 44, G rade 2.—A pplicant had Ires [of the existing system." W* Every available seat was taken, and late­ as their example in so many things, hut they arity and unity of ideals. It was a great perity whiqh had come to the people in the been plkced in Grade 2, and, after re-exam- Morgan supported the aj^ieal. AppHcaal I ! ,f- layed in the present ■war by boys from these comers e.xperienced considerable difficulty in lUibere is no answer to our argu- had realised that efficiency was not every­ augury for the gbod of. the world that there munition areas jalso made the work more ination that grading had been confirmed.— said he h »d registerdd aa a war work volufr istitutions. The Gramndar School was obtaining a seat. The Mayor (Councillor W. was such unity of feeling between the two th'e Mayor sho’.ild be selected by E thing. Japan’s best scholars had been edu­ diffioulti but the overworking was their main The Tribunal refused a further application teer thro igh the Labour Exchange, bfit ti* growing rapidly, and the Governors would Perrins) was apioiigst those present. The cated in Germany, and therefore Japan felt great peoples. Their first ain^, the destruc­ obstaclel ' | only wor ; offered was that of an eogineer’i [ Council as a whole and not by * *xm be faced with the problem of the pro- programme was'a p-ahticularly fine one, and on medical grounds. With regard to a she owed a great -deal to Germany, for her tion of German Militarism, must coine from - The Bev. H. C. 'Williams, the new E.L.C.' po:int as to whether he would go before the labourer at 6d. an hour, and he wa* b *( ’ ' 1 piaris' who are always influenced sfisioh of a larger building. They all owed a every item was received with enthusiastic officers, educationists, scieqtists, and jurists outside and also from inside. He felt that applause, encores being inevitable. All ivho I’und Secretary, spoke at. some length upon Lo'jocal Tribunal, Carey said he did not see strofag enjough for that.; Ddmeatic rdasoaa and! sectarian considerations, debt of gratitude for his patriotic services to were ail trained by that country. This ac­ no peace would be satisfactory except- one the'valuable services rendered to them by the much use in appearing before them. He were also suomitted. By Mr. lAoyd—H shad touricillor Blackmdn, we hope .h* the Acting Headmaster (the Rev. T. J. Thor- participated were well-known artistes, and counted for the pro-Germanism in Japan, for that made the Germans see that Militarism their reception must havoffieOn very gratify­ Rev. Dudley Clark while he was at St. Leo­ tbo-oght their decisions were grossly unfair. a fortnig it’s munition work some ti*^ aa* tinld our good wishes are insinc^r* ■burn),; and hoped that he would long remain they did pot want to stand up and tell their had Ifben a failure at its own trade from nards, and now they had welcomed him back T he C hairm an—I am afraid 'we m u st not but it ki coked him up.—Two month*. in his present ixisition. The results of the ing. The principal number was a short people that they had been taught by a people every point of view. They must apprqve |add! that it seems to us that h* skotch, “ Pros and Cons,” by Gertrude Jen­ the demand that there should be evacuation in the Fast,i.ast, because oeoause nehe naahad really only been been listen to your remarks on the Local Corporation and the burge,sseS an event are appended;— Plunge.—1, J. they did not follow. But the commercial and 3t. Leonards. He also thanked Miss Tribunal, vou have not appealed to ns on M: StIk a tla n d ; 2, F. W. Jones and Field nings, which was exceedingly well enacted busines.s people had full sympathy with the of invaded territory, and that the horrors In oil one point. It is an unwritten by Mrs. MeOwen, who needs special com­ of submarine war must recoil upon those Sydney for so kindly undertaking the work. that ground. You are only before us op (dead-ljheat): distance, 36 ft. Swimming on Allies, because British commeree had been There hid also been changes at Bexhill, for medical re-examination. stings tRat when a man accept* back.- |-1, P. Knhne; 2, IVeatherseed; 3, C. mendation for her capable handling of a their ideal. Other historic landmarks of who had perpetrated them, and also that if difficult part Mrs. H. Hopbs, Miss Hannah an armistice was! given it must not be the Mrs. Broughton had become their Secretary, EAST SUSSE|C HOSPITAE. Iralty, he drops all connection C. iman. One Length Handicap.—1, P. modern Japan were the victorious wars with and both she and Miss Sydney were anxious MORE NEWSPAPERS SOLD. ■cal parties and with politics until Kuhnel Murray, and Cadet Harold French, who was China, 1894-5, and Rus.sia in 1904-5, and the giving of an opportunity for the Germans to (3 secs); 2, Weayiersecd (15 secs); also excellent. The piece proved highly fall back to recover for fresh attacks. Pre­ to secure fresh subscribers. Last year Hast- E. Dalton, stationer'^ 48, Grade 2.—T his thej chaih of oflice to his successor, 8, C. Goodman (7 secs); lim e, 52 .scc.s.,, Anglo-.Iapanose Alliance in 1902. ingjs sent over JEIOO to the Fund, and “gallant was an application for renewal—^Mr. F. W. „N eat amusing, and was vigorously applauded at . The Lecturer concluded by showinar a num­ sident Wilson didl quite right to ask Prince RUirDB UBGBNTLT NEEDED, y aqtive pbliticians have filled live.—1, J. M. Swatland; 2. Tind.-ill; tho curtain. Mr. Wallott Scott’s humorous Max upon whose ]behalf he was speaking. It litijle Baxhill,” as the Archbishop of York Morgan, eolicitor, Hastings, repreaented ^ ^ -W 8, ‘We'atherseed. Championship Race (two ber of beautiful and highly intere.sting lan­ would hhve said, sent ^£50, for which sums applicant, a member of the Bastings Town pf Jitiyor in this borough, but w* sketch, “ .411,about Love,” was a popular tern slides, which were well shown by Mr. was not sufficient answer to say that no U1 alsingle instance of the breaking lengthi).—1, Carson; 2, P. Kuhne; 3, item, and Mr. Fred Verrells was accorded a Government would be formed that drew its they wete very grateful. They also owed a Council. It was stated that the sale of W eA ei ding Ootbbur 12th, Borgeaud: time, 1 min. 54 secs. Itigh Itivc. Miles’ lantern. ( great debt to the Busy Bee, who greatly as­ L-ritfiem law. We suggest to Coun* ovation. N urse .Judge,-. V.A.D., sang members from the Reichstag. Although newspapers had greatly increased. Appli­ rutted. 14; nomternumber in Hospital,H ' ' 78; numb** —L J.i M. Swatland; 2, F..W . Jones; 3, “ The Wood Pigeon ” (Liza Lehmann) in The next lecture will be on October 25th, at sisted thhm. This Fund should be supported, cant said he had two ehope. His wife of out-pat ent attendanceiodances. 6 ^ Imtiarii th a t before he is elected t* three o’clock- Prince Max said that there was no guaran­ Crorkef-. One Length for Juniors.—1, P-.eld ; fine style, and Madame Melsa wns.higfelv tee that it would be so. They wanted a far for it whs a benefit to the nation as well as assisted at one. He did the buying and the Iffia Coqij^f' actoiowledge ' with i Ndvember jgth he should publicly fi, B onenblust; tim e, 1 m in. 6 secs. Housei successful with “ The Glory of the Sea” greater sign of democratic control from in- the Church. early and late work. It wonUt not be fair th* folio- ing ttboo^on*. doBatione, d< aad intends to follow the exampl* Relay Race.—1. Saxon Houae (P. Kuhne, (Sanderson). A humorous song by Cadet E. Sidq before they could accept such a state­ The meeting closed in the usual wa.v. to aak a girl to wOfk from 6A0 A.m. to 8.36 g ifts in W. Cbeeeinan-^ J. JH 2s.; Ml*. HOW TO SAVE INCOME TAX. B ark er, his predecessors. We ask th* Carsonl .T. M. Swatland and Borgeaudi; 2, .T. Mathias and a comedy dnologue by Miss INVEST IN THE ment in gpojd faitl). The German Govern­ p. m. By Hr. Morgan-If he went the busi­ T3* “V;/ yawawua^tsfield <%UTeh,Chure £8 M. Sd.( H. Wrensted aiid Sergeant Valientine were ment under its present system had got to go ness oonud not be oarried on. He was a B exhill |bt jonly because he holds th* Beckett House (Rains, C. C. Goodman, T. D. WITHOUT FUB>BUM>SnAX«HUXKPO**lBU* ® (Hoepital Sunday), Secretary to the local Libeml Kuhnei and Ilindall): 3. Parker House (F. much enjoyed. Other artistes whose name.s Hastings Cottage IiqprbYeiBsnt before they could feel safe. (Applause.) Volunteer. Exemption till 90th Norember. XlSSlOe.; fcodiffl St. (Seorge'e Dinr, ^ j bqt more because of the stat*» ;W. Jones, Robson, Field and Bonenbluatt; appeared on tho programme wore the Misses Society, Ltd., It rested with the German Nation to eay The Chain*** added—We do.not think that h ill Ahuc* lie.; i S m Osterldf^ time, 4 min. 19 secs. Candle Race.—1, Rob- Nora and Genevieve Fuller, Miss Mary whether its military autocracy should go or it 'will be any use to mhka a further appliea- Us.; 8*cU< fiadk »^ b * Harvest Festinil, ^ e d on three separate occasion* Mathbury, and the Palace Pier - Ladies’ OABH DEPOSIT DEPABTMENT. VETARZOI «on; 2. ’T. D. Kuhne; 3, Cavey. Con*olation whether they shonla be regaraed as the en»> tion. £ 4 . B a ttli11 Chureh, fnat and v*nteht**t |la«ti few months that he is to b* Orchestra. Madame Bouquet and' Mrs. FROM £10 UPWARDS. S t . Race.— C. C. Goodman: 2, Salmon. Interest 36 to 4 per cent, paid half yesrlr. mies of mankind. W hat did they mean by a ENTBfiiTAlNING TfifE TBOOPS. E w h n re t _ ftjdt and iwgeSMee; ... IJaboui' candidate for Harllne Strickland acted as accompanists. The Hos­ FREE OP INCOME TAX. peacq which would ensure ho mote war? Freweaj, B aq. thte* b|«**^ phMH^f th* jonk* at the next general election, SLADE’S TOFFY.—Pure as the crystal pital will greatly benefit as a result of th© Absolute SecuTity. No DapreclatioB. The'T did not mean^ as some of their country-. witxji ran W . D. KiohoU, theatrioai Gompeny mana­ hl**^: Mr*. J* Bpring. Weekly sale 80,000 Tins. Sold all enterprise of Cadet French, who was assisted No i>( Capital, meti did, that they would continue for years 'LIVWIAKIDNBVS ger, 44, Grade 2.—T his w as a m ilitary Icertaialy tike place long bftfor* R epsrabis in parte O f whole as require^ W «#field P fruit, vegsfia 'aext year. Up to the presea^ •v e r th e feiviUsed world. W o rk s:. Dews- by Cadets Courtney, Sinclair, and Dennis Write HENRY COUSIN" Seorataiy, “ 24, EbTelock and years to prevent the trade of Germany appeal. A renewtd had b«*a granted to th* n q f and New York. S ta tt. Til^nHirrii*^*’ ««*, ata-^ 31ackinan ha* mad* no pnbW i Bosd, Bnethics. to grow and so 'stxa&gle them. If that vrere *B., 16th DecAlMr. MiooU Mid h* h*d h sm I tbif ftatemettL We inggeft tlMN j

aiSlpijiiii flotsam anO 30tsam.

WHY THERE I9 TO BE ANOTHER FLAO “ ZAZA” AT THE GAIETY THEATRE. Satcbdxt.—B efore Councillor Dr. G. G. Gray DAY. ■ The superb acting of Miss Jane Wood in (in the chiair). Captain Cohdle, Mr. F. R. There is to 1 bo another Flag' Day in- "Z aaa” drew large audiences to the Gaiety Bones, Dr. E. R. Mansell, and Councillor f Hastings. The announcement that that cures all kinds of! Rheumatism by Theatre for the first half of this week. J. N. Collins. ■ - w hich -was organised for th'e R ed Cross ^ai;id getting at the cause of the trouble. “.Zaza ” i.s not a new play hut was little FURTHER INQUIRY. .- A meeting of the Women Citizens’ League the. St. John ite.spital ("Our Day") ^viEls All these excruciating pains, those known to local theatre igoers before the was held at the 'Town Hall on Wednesday - swellings of the limbs, that inflam perfect-interpretation of Ithe character as Reuben Jones was charged with being aii evening to hear an address from Airs. 'Tim- the last was accurate, because it was the absentee from the 11th Labour Regiment. last "official” Flag Day of the year, that mation of the joints, that Rheumatie given by Miss Jane Wood made this great pany on “ Howito Use the Vote." r Bufierers know so well, come from ex^ play live for ever in the memoryi of all who Sergeant Poord, making some -iAquiries at A good atteiidance was presided over by ing next week will nake a most is to say, the-last of the series arranged ceee uric acid in the blood. witnessed its performance. Her individu­ Sandown-road, saw the prisoner in the kit­ Airs. W. Perrinjs, the Alayoress, who was sup­ by the Flag Days Committee at the ’com­ , APCEL drives this out, and in ality shone out through the entire piece, chen of No. i 2, and qnestiopdd him. He ported by Airs. Q. J. Ebdeu, C.B.E., Mrs. Sam­ mencement of the season. S'ome explana­ doing so cures the Rheumatism. her emotions were real for she lived the said he had been discharged but could not son, anal ofher| prominent members of the Ai>cel cleansgs th e blood, tones and., produce proof. As he answered the descrip­ attractive offering of useful Winter Garments tion should, therefore,! be given of' the part, and' her magnificent acting at the tion of an absentee (he had certain tattoo League. ! decision to have hnoth<3J Day. It originated strengthens the Kidneys and Liver, conclusion of the second act called the marks on hjs arm) he was taken to the sta­ • Airs. Ebden skid that the attendance was a in a suggestion! by the- Chairman df th< .has a distinctly beneficial effect upon curtain six times. tion. A woman in the Rouse produced her good augury for the coming meetings of the Establishment Committee of"- the Service: the bodily health. It is an ideal “ Zaza ” is practically the only character ring paper showing that she had .received Eeague: They iintended to have a meeting at prices that^re considerably ess than the Rendered Club. Knowing that the Hon remedy -because it that matters, but she was exceedingly well separation allowance up to date. each month, and they all expected to be given i ' supported by Mr. Va'l Gurney as Bernard Rrisoner (who -wore three wounded stripes a great deal of good advice; they all had Se «P E C IE S ” portant matter'pressing for solution was the badge men occupied seiits at tffe rear of the Territorial Associat on at-Brighton). Tho do much untfl it gets the books. Who will 3vater. Just soak your feet in this for fif­ AT 'THE CENTRAL; PICTURE stage and also in the] boxes. Diiring the letter‘gave an interesting description of recent CMiy, .Mrs. gwttqi teen or twenty minutes, then take hold of idea of a Atinistry of Bet 1th. Had Lord bouth. The Nortoi give ' som e ? T he j Secretary Steward WILLIAM FARNUM AND ENID I T H E A TR E ; arrival of the audience the Theatre Orches-, doings of tho Sussei men, especially on the the corn with your fingers, and' out she’ll Rhondda not died it might have been solved tra, rendered patriotic selections, and Mr. 18tli, 19tli, qiid 24th September. In one ate J. Eldridgfe arid A! "gow in residence at the Club premises, come, root and all, like the hull comes out of BENNETT AT THE CINEMA DE LUXE.' On M onday, 'Tueoday, and AA'cdnesday much sooner, because it wnf very near to liis ) drs, 'Cook. Sunn Pelhan|-street ! (opposite the Albert Albert Crouch sang ‘ Land of Hojle and tack, during eight lours fif fierce fighting, a strawberry. Only a little hole or depres­ ‘.Episode One of the new SeviaJ, ' “ The “'The Female of the Species,” an intensely heart. O.ver 100,000 childre;i died every year Glory" in fine style, tie audience joining in ' Sling. Flower Sta. orial), 'and he -will be glad to receive any before they reached one year of age from the.y captujred upwards of §00 prisoners and sion is left in the toe, and that soon closes, M.ysteries of Mj-ra,” has created ’ quite a aiipealing sto^y will be shemi, featuring the chorus. nine field guns, be; ides machine guns and Cing.' Whote Kle; B,-for th is unstocked library. so there is nothing left in there to sproutspri a sensation for the last two days, at the j Dorothy Dalfon. 'The bpauty of Bohemia wholly preventible oaiiscSj arid because the^ Those occupying sea ts on th e stage in ­ diss Barfoot. ■ Re: th e ■were not properly treated, alnd a vast uumbar m atei'ii^'^nd in jnjother 400 prisoners and new corn again. It doesn’t affect the sur­ Cinema de Luxe. ' It i^ full of thrills, and eapablo of g/eat love and a great renuncia­ cluded the Alayor (Councillor W. P errin s) twro fieiilig O the last occasion the drs. Fred Chapma: 6AME8 ALSO. rounding flesh at all, but soon softens the ^ives promise of a drama, even surpassing tion. Also Episode 9 of, the “Bull’s Eye,” remained sickly all their 1 ve.s. Their Gov­ and the Alayoress, AI -.s. Hurkness, Alajom den. Side, shows a, whole of the corn. No burning or soreness, ernment was now bbjginninj to consicler the enemy laouched a st -ong counter attack, but, Ajfother need at the Services Rendered in excitement and interest tlie powerful “Dynamite.” again ^shewing Eddie Polo in a Talbot? Davenport, Councillor H. Samson, responfliug to file call of Captain Roberts to of-the' girls of Jtehn no pain, no danger, no trouble, and no days serials that have been shown here. This, most terrific fight and the greatest;extremity. matter. One of the chief lifficulties at the J.P., and Airs. Sainsop, Mr. A. J. G. Anson fix bayonets, a com]; any of 80 men saved tha The- Sale realised Club is " games. ’ ’ The Establishment of - waiting to see whetheV that old corn is Other pictures are excellent, the comedies present time was the lack .of doctors. They and Mrs. Anson j]Lo®al Hon. Secretary), Mr. Committee has pro-vided two,:billiard tables, going to-leave for good orl Come hack to stay with a fine drama, “ 'Th© Wild Strain,’’ were naturally now at the Front, where their situation. (Applaus ■.) ' ' [ ■ and plenty . (if good comedy, furnishes the of the most amusing description. F. W. Maggs and'Mrs. Idaggs, Miss Tristram , This letter, and tlso that from Canada, thanks to the great generosity of two friends with you a while longer. Soften callouses On Thui'sday-, I'riday, and Saturday “The needs were greater than anybody else. There- Commander Oldfield, !J.P., Mrs. Hocking, the same 'way, then scrape off, and I don’t bill for to-day. had been a great ontciy when it was were ordered to he e itered op. the minutes. VOLUI whose names will be mentioned ih due On Momlajj. and two following dai-s, tliat Desert Man,” with AVilliain S. Hart in one Councillor W. J. Larcdmbe, and others. -. ![■ course.. But at present there are no other dare tell y&u how quick thus medicated water, proposed that there should pe women ddctor.s, Lord Alorri.s, who pi esided, congratulated ' WARSHlTUEESi made with Reuclel Bath Snltrates, will fine actoi-, William Farnum, will appear in of hi.s most .sym pathetic roles. T here are games. Those waited are chess, draughts, some charming styines in which a little Ixiy and those who had tried had met with un­ the “ cit.v” on the laige gathering, and a.s The National Wal jMms Committee asked, ORlgEES: always drive aches, chafes, blisters, etc., a six part drama, entitled,T he Heart of heard of difliciilties. AYon^en, however, liad proof that they were do].ng their part in keep­ the Council for perm ssion to'siitepend a .sheet, dominoes and any 'others likely to amuse away, and even cnre rheumatic, or gouty a Lion.” This star has done some and a dog sliai'e the honours for good acting. tenacity, or stubbornness, alid when the Gov­ Also No. 6 of the great domestic serial Judex, ing aloft -the Standarc: of Empire. He re­ 21 feet by 18 feet, at the side] of the T otvh The,members, of < or interest the members. Packs of playing pains. It would sound too good to he true, b eau tifu l -work, notably .in “ W hen a M an ernment-ref u.sed tlis serviced of women doctors marked that he sometiaies wondered if they H all, for a cinemato jraph. exhibition of. war eompleted thei'r th-- cards, markers, etc., will also be.thankfully hut thousands of soldiers can tell what wou- Sees Red,’’ recently produced at this house, “Into the Abyss,” is a most interesting num­ t the Front they offered themselves to the d ie r mg a t the: endH ber. '' really realised, the great privilege of being scenes to be given in the Central Cricket received. If anybody would like to give any derful stuff saltrated water is. C.S.T. hut never has he been seen to such advan­ "rencli Government, who f^ccepted their ser­ citizens of the Empire]. Did they even con­ Groiind, on the .site < f Wafl'is A rthur’s paviA nipathy is ektehdf games or books and Hoes not want to carry tage as in the drama to be prc.seiited next A very careful ’selection has been made #vices. I.ater the War Office woke up and ac­ sider seriously how the; Empire was won, and nllet tvho, only tw for the remainder of the programime, pathe­ lion, next Alonday an 1 'rUesday evenings. Tha S them to the Club, they can be sent there week. The play itself is full of life, and cepted the services of woifien. Alany of. the how they' cam e to pos.seiis th e g reatest E m pire application ivas gran! jd. 1 return, nufortuhato] takes the spectator deep into a strong man’s tic and amusing alternatively. young men wjio would be stjidying for doctors in the world? The present generation would thigh. He remaii^ ' addressed to hfr., F. H. Willard, Secretary LOCAL wedding; DARH SPOTS! and Steward. & Mr. Willard will be very very soul. . All the world loves a fair were fighting a.f the Front Or had been killed, heter forget how they! had held out during elifie, and ivill have] fighter, and in the " Heart of a. Lion,” but at last women had been'begged to take np the terrible days experienced during the A letter was receivid from the Secretary of oreeks. A ll -will be Ij glad to arrange for a call at anybody’s “ Big Bill ” Farnum conquers, liot only THE MILITARY BAND. the work, and now there were no obstacle^ war. When they sang patriotic songs and io making steady pt - TATH jVM-HUGHES. the East Sussex Hosiital calling attention to house to collect the gifts. with his fists, but with his smile. “Fatty” AA’enther 'permitting the Municipal plaped in the way of wonien becoming doc- their bosoms, swelled Iwith patriotic pride, the dapgerolls condil ion of Claremont steps B is comphnidne- -ha-, A pretfv war-time wedding took place on Arbuckle, Mutt and Jeff, “ A AVarm Military Band plaj's dail.y to good audiences tors. They had been very sliort.sighted in when they joined in “ [Britons never shall be on dark evening.s. affl explaiiiing that many eomed back to “ Aj BOXING GLOVES AND PIERROT Monday ‘at Sh John’s Church, Upper St. on the Parade Extension, hut it is getting the past. A Alinistry of Health could work slaves,” they should remember the sacrifices nurse's used the thorcuighfare.] Othir'h they are expetil Leonards jBetweeii Captain Trevor Tatham, Reception ” (Billikcn Comedy), and the COSTUMES WANTED AT THE FRONT. Gazette, will also be found in the rather late in the year for out-door entertain­ through man.v channels lyhich already ex­ of the past in acquiring that which they Several' members e)niorsed the complaint. ■With th e w in ter h il Ro3ml 'West, Kents, second son of Mr. and isted, and could*be largely dealt with locally. held. In the large niap behind him they and other so-called ‘ death ttaps,” tlirougli miniature ranges nw I have just received a letter from Captain Mrs. Percy Lawrence Tatham, and Eugenie program m e. ments at any time but in the morning and On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Enid afternoons. It was no good ha-ving a Alinistry of Health saw representatives of the? British Empire the absence of light, ■( (ere referred to. It was Comipanv has agam P. W. Batten, M.C., who is with the Tanks Mabel Hughes, eldest daughter of Mr. and 'B.S..4i4 National Cow Rennett will appear in a thrilling racing On Sunday afternoon there was a large unless there was a pure ancj bountiful supply which might be a little larger that day stated that the matti r was one for the con­ “ out there,” and vcho, in the intervals Mrs. Charles Hamlyn Hughesi of Ravens- of milk. In that matter women could largely twelve months. (Applause.) His lordship sideration of the Chie i Constable. its match in the ft court Park, W. The Rector of St. John’s, drama. “ They’re, off.” Beautiful settings, gathering around the new Bandstand, when .'referred to the circuni!dances in which “ the The B team of " I between attacks''on the Germans, carries a novel love sforj-, and a really exciting an excellent programme was given under the help. She thought that the price of milk %vas The Alayor, Aldern an Dightpn, and Coun­ out the work of Chairman of the Batta­ the Rev. George Eden King, officiated.. at present far too high. (Hear, hear.) Allied late Kaiser ” declared war, and then again, Uiddleees Regiment,,] At the outbreak of war fn 1914 Captain race, make this one of the sti’ highlj- capable direction of Air. Hiram cillor D r. -Gray -were appointed a Sub-Comi. Company, 2nd V.B.; : lion Entertainrnents Committee. In this to milk were other items' of food which speaking on what he dl .scribed as the “inter­ mittee to consider the matter apd confer with Tatham relinquishedhis employment on the Tr,iangle dramas ever filmed. When the .Henfxm, when such fine; compositions as esting and entrancing/’ historv of the Em­ ■cored A48 doints, t l capacity, he makes two requests which he ownei- of a fine old estate refused to allow “The King’s Lieutenant” (Titl). three dances women would he competent to deal with. the Chief Constable. Stock'Exchange, and responded to Lord Kit­ Many splendid women took a pride in their pire he pointed out] that Newfoundland tenant McKiimell hopes “ Observer” readers, will grant. The chener’s appeal for. 500,000 m en,,'when he en­ a milliqn.aire to purchase it, the latter, by from “Henry viii ” (Ed. German), Fantasia (where he was born) wis the first country to Dorponal Simpson first is, for boxing gloves, as to which he listed as a private in the City of Ijondou Rp- manipulating the ma’rket, forced the .voung on popular songs by AA''. H., Squirie (Ord children, and could not 'afford to pay 9d. a quart for milk, and yet did not want to be become a B ritis h poss es,sioii. T hey h a d in fi! aptain Elphick 8S.. ■ays "we had a hOctiC time recent giraent. Royal, Fusiliers, since which his man to sell. The rich man’s daughter iluiupi, and “ 'The Happy Dav ’’ (Jones). 'their Empire 600j0u0,0(i0 of people and held w hich was prepared :o see the thing out to To assist the,Com promotion has been rapid, and recently' he beholden to charity. 'Ihe : housing problem to make a braVe sL operations, and, now, back in rest, we are discovered his underhand dealing, and In the evening there was a large house at was one of the greatest difficulty. Alany of (ine-third of the territiiry of the world. To the end. (Loud appl luse.) .At considerabl® trying hard to interest the men in games, has been doing further good work at the determined to see it restored. - The young the Cinema de Luxe, when another excellent obtain this had taken years and year.s,- and length the speaker dil ited on the Kaiser’s in­ ection at Red BiU front, and has been recommended for a de- the men who bad come back from the Front, ould parade to-mOi etc.” As to the reqriest, he says, man hoped to retrieve his fortunes by programme was presented in fine style, es­ after having suffered, oftuld'not find houses to the great effort of thei(■ race had been to win tentions in the East. . As td the terms of CQ»-atio‘n for his services. W e understand'he winning a big race, hut his horse went lame. pecially “Tanity Fair” (Finck), “The first and then hold. ; The war came upon peace they must be t lorough. enduring and ,ted in Drill OiderS! “ If you know of any pierrot troupe who only arrived home on Thursday, the 10th live in. If they wanted fine and healthy chil­ The girl made him buy her horse, Satan, Alikado” (Sullivan), and “Yes, Uncle” dren they could not allow [the men to come them as a bolt from ; the blue, when thqy dominating. (Appla ise.) Drawing his ob- w;ould.sell me a set of costujnes with caps inst., on a short leave for his intended niar- whom she disguised with -\vhite paint and (Ayer). The vrxialist was ! Aliss Florence expected it, and [when they were least serv-ations to an eloq lent close he spoke of f D R ILL! (about eight or nine), together with any riage. back to the hovels in which they had lived. entered in place of the lame horse, Kindall, who scored a great success, double All slum property slionld bb pulled down, and preparecl. They had Only a small standing the glorious deeds of Array and Navy, and! Sunday, 20th.-ri-Insp music, such as I part songs. Comedy The wedding was fully choral. The Priest Army ot about 200,00( men, but since then said he looked forward to the near f-uturo j'a.stern Comm and, hi and choir met the bride at the church, promising to provide a jockey.’ When the and treble encores being demanded by a de­ if that was not possible tablets should be numbers, ‘‘strdght?’ songs^ etc., I should day arrived, he was confronted with a. lighted audience. England and the Dorn i| lions had raised some­ when the aun of peac i would .shine through lar'ade in fnll march whence the procession, led by the. cross- placed upon them to show [to wliom they be­ thing like 8,000,0(X) men. (Applause.) 'The.v the clouds of war. (.■ pplause.) n packs). Nosj 1 ani be immensely in you^ debt. I am empowered hearer, proceeded to the chancel steps to the dainty figure wearing his colours—the girl longed. (Hear, hear, and If herself She rode to a triumphant win,, had added another wofider to the seven won­ The Alayor, in a t rief eloquent address, fia fl. 8.15 i-'m. Nosi by the 'President of the Regimental In­ hymn, " How welcome was the call.” The people owning property knfiwingly allowed it ders of the wqrld, and]they all had reason to moved a vote of thanl s to the] speakers. l) rill Hall.” 8.30 a.m .i stitutes to make such purchases, and I shall beating a fine horse belonging to her father, “ THE ARISTOCRATS ” AT THE to come into disrepair, find develop into concluding hymn wa.s “ Thine fdr ever, God SHORE - RAA’ILION. feel jirouder then evjir before. The.v had Councillor Samson also made a rousing 1 equested to atteffd. • be happy to meet anyone who has such of Love.” Miss Tatham, sister of the who at once wanled to purchase the winner. slums, they should not be Compensated when passed through a vei,y severe period, but speech in seconding. .A series of exciting events lead to a satis- • Afdnday.—Company things to dispose ofJ if you could find time bridegroom, acted as bridesmaid, and car- During next week this popular party of en­ it was pulled down. (Hean. hear.) Rroceed­ the.v were now practitali.v sate. (Loud ap­ Atiss Frances Ivor, ■ rho is playing iu "Ont i Irlll H all; 8 p.m . 1 to put roe in touch with them.” I peed ried a bouquet of pink carnations. Lieuten­ fa(jtory and happy ending. A film of special tertainers will give their last performances ing, the speaker said that a Bill would plause.) 'They were like the mariner whose of Hell or Out of Gei'iiany” at the Theatre, I ruits to wear belts ;i interest will be in the bill, “ America as shortly be pre.sented, the o'dject of which was hardly say I shall |be delighted to, do a.s a n t G rah am W igan, attach ed Ro.Val Su.s- this season, which has been a long and highlv ship had been out in ai great storm and was supported the resol stion in, a vigorous 'Tuesday. —^ Hotchkl se.x Regiment, acted as The bride a Shipbuilding Nation,” '“ ,\ Playwriglit’s Successful one. Their ardent supporters will to allow women to become Members of Rarlia- about to enter the tr mqiiil waters at the Captain Batten asKsi If any of my readers speech, which gained per hearty plaudits of I load D rill H all. 7.30 wa.s given aw ay by h e r fa th e r. T he idea of wrong’’ will be the two part Triangle Kc^-- onq'e aaaiii regret that their stay hi Hastings ment. Mr. Bonar Law had promised that a' harboui- bar. They had been passing through approval, ' W ednesday.—No. 3, can help with either I of his requests, I hope having a military wedding had to be aban­ sione. and Rathe Gazette, and Episode Two is rapidly drawing to a close, and will no day v>-ould be given for its discussion, and she. troubled waters tor fi e years. They were 'The vote of thanks iva’s passed, and after I ;P .m . Musketry ar they will not hesitafje to communicate with doned owing to so many of the bridegroom’s oi,the “ Mysteries of Myra,” entitled, “The doubt ;avail themselves of the last oppor- h.Tfl Tin rlmi'Kf fVinf. if'-wniilH Vin nnccnfl Xtar* 'not prepared and had had the escape of their the two speakers ha( replied the meeting T h u rsd ay .—iNds. 1, . me on the subject. | fellow officers being unable to obtain leave. Poisoned' Plant,” will be shown. turiitiea for this year of spending a highly lives. 'The lesson they had to learn was that wound up with the si iging ofithe NationaS No. 4, MiddlA Among the many,-wedding presents were a A nthem . 1 S.iii. ' —f Both .programmes' for the week will be enjoyable afternoon or evening in the com- in order to hold their ]^lmpire they n\ust see etr.w.aiid bayonet fig) A BROKEN PLEDGE nnmhei- of. cheques and a handsome set of poWerfull.y attractive, and worthily up­ I pan.v of these talented artistes. say the anger?—of six to eiglit million women. that-all parts were properly protected,] and .Friday. — Hotchkii table silver from the Regiment, and amongst Women, she believed, could do great good by that they were properly! guided. (Appla^ Atiother instance of the ease with whicli. holding the high reputation of this favourite 1 Air. George Lennard, -who is;a great favour- 1 load, 7..30 p.m. ] Noft the numerous letter.and telegrams of good Cinem a. being He rejoiced th a t wome{n had 'rotes, and S p.ra. No. 4. MiddI some men ‘‘break their w-ord” was given w'ishes his Colonel’js tribute of ap^reoiatioii jite, give.s h is audience of his best in niim- :erou6 songs and dramatic monologues. Aliss ABLE TO VOICE IN PARLIAMENT had confidence as to how they would] use kitry and field work.] in connection- with the Mayor choosing by was parHcularly gratifying;- The musical- tl*e feelings and des-ires of -tlie great mass of them. He predicted tHat good w-ould come' arrangemeilt.s werel in the hand.s of the or­ “ R A F F L E S ” a t THE KINEAIA I Paula Deshorough continnCs] to charm her the Liberal members| of the Hastings Town jhearors with her Jiiio singing and breezy wonien of the country. It had been suggested OU+ of. the- war, and that Ahey had learnt THB ANGLING - Council. The decision as to the name to be ganist, Mr, O’Connbr, and wwe c.arried out PALACE. , that women should have- their own I^arlia- that having won the Empire they had git to with his usual good taste, for nothing could ragtime songs.’ ■ Air. Herbert AA’iHiain-i’ look after it. They haci to see that the very rsmme of the Pier hi su b m itte d to th e Coi[incit was arrived a t on 'For the leadiag films of the day perfectly lirowerfiil lri»-i(oTip v-'iicc is a parfecC-rVH.v^'|- ment, which might arit as a course of pre­ val (8th, 9th and- lOtl have been bettei-. Whilst awaiting the screened in a cosy hall go to the Kinema paration, but she did n'ot think that women best and m ost able men [were selected to [look f Friday in last week at the meeting of bride’s arrival the Bridal March frofii |to lover© of good vocal m usic, w hile bis ivanted educating any morel than men, and after^their affairs. In filoquent and earnest RACKING e itended, aud Liberals referred to in last Saturday’s “ Lohengrin” ■was 1 effectively rendered by Palace, Normau-roaff. 'The irianagement lartistic Tendering of eve.ry song adds to t!\o .•t le.llth for a compoti never submits anything but an excellent she felt that they were quitejeompetent to sit language his lordship spoke of the fall of '“ Observer.” A reprjesentative of this paper him, arid Mondelssphn’s “ Wedding March " great pleasure of listening to 'him. Air. Reg side by side with men, and! help them too. jrreat empires of the past, and said that a iers, in connection i concbided the cerenjony. programme and makes sure it is accom­ |(r-'-v;,-pn is a b rillia n t n iaaist and s'-ui. prizes are being given arrahged to get this decision from one of the panied by a high class orchestra. Under -She claimed that it was right that women Rome bred a race of coilscientious objectors. Councillors present |aF the meeting, but,' The parents of 'the bride and bridegroom pathetic aecompanifit and Aliss Alarion AA’est capable of giving ’good serviep should he able The British were .not rdady for the present Tf. T.. Woodruff, held a small recepjtion at 23, Alban^'-roadj the able direction of Hilda Bor, the hlwslys pleases her audience. Air. Fred wav; had they been ready there would have RHEUNATISM p ;r day) fo'r Pier am) at the end o f the proceedings, this Coun­ mu'sic is splendid. If you desire to sep a to do it in the best and quickest way. Some it the Hon. SecretaM after the wedding,; and Captain and Mrs. ]Frampton give.s h is funny item s in a style wcimen candidates had already been chosen; been no war. (Hear, jhear.) 'Their only cillor inforined him that a pledge of secrecy Trevor Tatham left in the afternoon for really fine (A’ films do not Sail to visit 1!3, E dm und-road; aij had been take'n by everybody at thejmeeting (hat is all his own and is heailtily applauded Aliss AIcArthur had already been chosen for a hope and chance was that they s'hould never ii «ps«dil IT oBNd Loudon en route for Hampshire, where the this pictureclrome. fit everv a/ipcaraiice. Alias Haydee Eo.vston again neglect their duty. lii^further re­ QuinJjer! of corapetito and • -consequently he could not give the Staffordhhire seat which embraced Cradleigh by B*U’i Soltoa* lim ited., T h irty 'Talujj short honeymoon is to be spent. The progianinie for to-day (Saturday) is* is a perfect dancer and the exfiibiiion of her Heath, where women worked as chain marks, Lord Alorris dwelt upon-the immen.s- Information as promised. The journalist, The bride looked charming in a silver la^e headed by a perfectly delightful ' ity and magnitude of thd fighting. Complete —T th« w ladferfnl , T h e re w-ill be -whist iq art give.s unliiuitod nleaure to all who witness makers. The speaker next 'proceeded to. ieoMcer U lUtt jolate Blioms on the Sif after telling the Cduiicillor he thought his gown with a tunic of lace chiffon, open at comedy, entitled, “ Pots and Pans Peggy,” her performance. Then last, | but [Far from touch upon “ Regulation 40 |D,” which, she victory was now in sij ht—(applause)—but and rednecr b< paintol respect for his pledge was very creditable, (he sides, showing the silver lace. 'The cor­ and; other./pictures will be Episode Five of they had to go on as there was still much to plghts* Fish given sage also -being worked in silver. From the least, is Miss ;01ive A laitland, -whose sweetl.v said, was not a pleasant subject. 'Tlie regula­ tvoUi 9g<. *‘-,hfictionec( ” by M rlJ and he certainly would, not press him for the “ The Mysteries of the Castle of Alalmort,” pretty songs tendered in a faficinating tion had not been passed b^Rarliament as accomplish. The}' must insist on terms of waste fell a silver girdle, • The bride’s veil Part Four of " America’s Answer to the settlement whioh would provide full compen­ BaU'a Solxme earM w hole of th e proCeetlp] Information, added that - in view of past of beautiful Brussels lace, lent b.y the bride­ fnamier make her highly popular arid draws such. It came under the Defence of the ftbeiunatisB, / SoiatiM, Ib^l R«i Cross fnndSi: Hun,’’ a comedy. and.Pathe Gazette. R ealm .Act, and was passed by the,'W ar C abi­ sation for the wrongs committed against experiences with political partisans in groom’s mother, was caught up iii front for her round after round of applause. The England and her Allies. (.Applause.) 'The Z observed in fuel and I lighting in all schools others. Pui’chase a sample loaf for 41d. and for domestic duties and to sec him fill (he pa}- ever}' dollar of Enkland’s bill. (Ap­ |hel he Am 'fenni . feltwHe by fm the wffi-e made, where it throughout the country. Teachers are prove our statement. Vans deliver to all roles of valet, chef, waiter, and librarian Committee of Enquiry had been appointed. It' plause.) In conclusion jhis lordship called mast efedirie i mbroeation. It lUKht have been iindr telling their scholars not only in all the parts daily.F eaists, Bakers, Castle Hill- in “ Jacko’s Secret’’ is delightful. The included three women, one qf whom was a upon Sir "Ralph Williaffis, who he alluded ol^er way in which]’ road, Hastings. Established over 50 years. doctor. They must not be Milled into .sefiu- tboreMAiy. re^w om lemt big town schools, but 'in every village school usual strong programme will also he shown. j He was a bit of a curmudgeon, and[l rather to as one of the gre&t sertaiits of the Empire. tam'fun, an* UtOt trmimni taok. going, although. DUTCH COMMENT ON' HA^TINGS.- For the latter half of the week the dxpccted tb find him grumbling about the ri(y because a Committee had been set'up. (Imud applause.) ' iaee. Mr. Chesluf In the country that by saving- coal and light That did not mean that the evil would be. the beet embroeftion pbssibU they can release coal [to . help to bring more Hastings is being congratulated upon its ac­ m anagem ent lia'^ secured a t enorm ous (ioal shortage. Biit I foui'id him ..sitting in Sir Ralph Williams spoke for about three- i t mm. iltekbarne’s that the the kitchen quite cheerily, although the fire remedied. In further roma'fks the speaker pie§ res on the board. , American soldiers to Fiance and help to quisition of a branch of the “ Societe Inter­ expense, Raffles,” the Amateur Cracks­ quarters of an hour, his|topi'o being why we Qet a 'bottle e< Bnu’e nationale dos ScienioeB.” T he c u rre n t issue man, a super-production, featuring John ■was burning low. [“ You see,” he said, point­ dealt with the Nationi,li.?ation Act, which hail must beat Germany to her knees. In earn­ ta rily , o r by foftne, l . keep them and our ai my -warm there during fallen very hardly upon women, and it was StoTan ith ley — dee’t of “ The Author,” the organ of the Incor­ Barrymore. No praise can be too high for ing te'the empty scuttle, “I’ve tinisnecl .my est language, which was] punctuated by fre­ wlA that ei • f. iction. A vote of, _ the -winter, on- coal depends an early and porated Society of Authors, Playwrights, this film for Us all know the story abounds allowance for tliq day. But that doesn’t going to be asked that if a woman married a quent outbursts of applause, he touched up­ eeute iwai moved by M r. B,'| foreigner she should never cease to be any­ pain any longer. complete peace. The following recomnienda- and . Composers, ■ tells of the "suecessfcil with thrilling episodes which are intensified bother me.” And he laughed as if at some on the close unity existing between the I SOLO IN R >TTLB« l/il mi ided all present that' tions which have been ihade to school series of m'eetiiigs ” held here, and the lead­ on the screen. An a play “ Ruffles ” was secret joke he was hugging to liimself. “W hat thing ; than British, (, There Dominions and the Mother Countrv, declar­ \ POST FREI , */3, ®I1 » ' matci the commencement of the afternoon session, cold a bit sometimes, but when I think of tlie After the address a number of questions rendered marvellous sei'Viee to the Empire. HA3TINGS.’^ ive two performances of exclusively screen. “ Raffles” will b© shown at 2.30. boys in hospital and the other fellows in the were asked and answered, and the rUecting He urged that it was the duty of all patriots ^ scorjng IS# ji (d) The mid-day intervals must not exceed fndian m-usio oh native instruments. O'rien- .j.O. and 7.30. I t w ill be supported by a fine ice and slush of the trenches. I feel a bit closed -with votes of thanks to the speaker ana to support the Go-vernnent—het—hell teared not IMU . gentlemen were' and a half bo^rs,. ana the afternoon jLal d«iiCM> Wi U isg prepared. list df the latw t suixiesses. ashamed if I'm tempted to growl,” C hairtnan. whether it was Liberel, Tory or Labolliw------lew. mem'bers of "O ftvwiiag’e laitiail '7/, If ('•

7^7- ^€7 ^ 7 ; .

' i

ipciHs daily, a posteaPd 5A ^C a«le]|i{ iwilt one to your 3«e. S t, 1 - ■ 'door*, will make a most -L Of.

CHRISTMAS AT THE FRCNT. • THEMliaTARYCSOSfi. ABBITS A^D POTATGES/-']^i'"fi.ex- SiTI rAYlONS VACANT-rPARM j HAMISt, W inter Garments Captain A. jE. Huktahle, Jt.A.M,C.. son flf HjASPV BfitCilAHS ^ d ' Dwtrict Babbits arM Pftnoiem' 'Aaeo- Dr. and Mrs. Huxtdble, of BelpUAt. Bodmto, SeiatiOK will hold a great RriKbit jtod Fritoto G M S FOH SUSSEX B otoiim S. formerly of ai, _Pevieft9ei-.r.oaa) St.^LeouardS, SALUTE m a y o r o f HAYINGS. > flhriw lat Pulham's Garote, rabl)^ less than tl^e PRIVATE FL E. SMITH, naedate 6 th NoVsmtor.^tt ';^ ' DOCTOR A RLAQ ujAY » POE yUKl). Mr, and Mili, F,’ W. Sirilth, $1, Greville-i' p re tty little eereu en y wae enacted yes* Prisoriers of W*r, Fttrid. road, Ore» revived last Moriday the sad news tm ia r affemcen outside the entranee to the AVri are glad tg be able to tbSt Town Han. . ^ ' iy \i They are the lurther prOgresd h&s been made d-Utirigi flie of the death of their only sori, Private Ernest fire. He made Several Journeys pa^ri week' with the fund ws ate oyhamHite Edmnrid Smith, Royal SusSex Regiment, in ,wnaer extremely heavy fire, and located and frhe Boy Sopnte from St. Stonilas College, tofrEast. ■ !j disposed of all casuaUies. His zcal.’ooutoge, Hpllingtori Park, accompanied h y a num ber of t h E l it e r a r y SpCllSrY.'H ^^Tffjtsiiir stisswon; tvW spas, ' Tht> question I ih coriiunofion iwlth the Susfsei’ SoldiSrr and untiririg energy were admiAble." Cap­ Belgian ladies and gentlemen, attended at risw WHto C(d«^ >n^racts, and the ■ ■ ------i. ^ The news was the more Sad and tragic as the programme of lectur«| ha8 ,|Me% ] o f proper e&re death took mace as far back as, leth August, tain Htnetoblft has since been promoted to the the Town iHaE, btiug met at the entrance by &« Literary Soeieti of the eyes la 1916, and tnis is the first' Intimation the rank of Major. the Mayor and Mayoren (Gonitoillor and These will!be foundUU. ObliV. Wft ftftWfta ftftft eeririwweoa a National one parents bad. of his demise. ' Private SAith Mrs. Perrine), attended by the Maceb^rers, oolUmri. The opening!king lecture' trill take ptaoe fth'UATiBNS VACANT—FEIffALE. liied. An early and one of the wa. on the olgnaliing Staffs and .was one o£ RELEASED FROM RUSSIA, rind accompanied by the „ Dj^ty-Mayor next Friday eveningng at f Wellioj^n OeUi^, six men sent trom'faiS Battalion, 'which was "The Tinoes" of yesterday, thtongh its cor­ (toranolllor A. Blaokmon), ton Town Clerk, and will be given by the— ;R^,-W v ,Webster K ^ehHQ dilliri to neti benae uic «U)d; greateat. im- and sevenil members o f the Town OouMil. AwOi;ir -13, nowai fsek-rd.. Hastinas. portanae to the fuiwrm o f the then in InAa, to General Towbsend tn MeSo- respondent at Stockholm, ipMr.ted that Mr. {Extension .Lecturer for: Cambridg O >00} MAID fttar .not; no boots oi or knlVea; petomia. He took part in I the advance on Lockhart aUd ether ‘British officials and Bri­ A bout 80 m toe lads drew up in front of the " Japan and the Japanege,’'.and tfiR 1 hiS wasef.-j-SV .Id,, Ud leaaaaea. NatioBi” Krit-al-Amarah, and was in that ill-fateq tish subjects who had finally been released by Halt with large Belgian fiog in front. Amongrt tra M iby lantern slides. ■/ . : A VBL--_ 'f SIR JAMES ORIOHTON-BROWNE, seilding-ms the money, gays the chij- city throughout the Seige, and experienced all the Soviet authorities at Moscow arri-rsd at toe Belgians pnsent wemi. Marchioness; de 'mw.- 'BslcSei, ■‘ was sribse- Stockholm on October Dth, having travelled 2adiqUes, Countese de BninCrat, forpnesi de ■RE] ■' ■ ttouies, fast colour stripes, de a collection m schobl to rifoVioe noon afaest : 9 . Upon your eyesigKt depends ristmfts pareels for their “ adopted ___ the gallant throngh Finland. Bdrchgtore, Countess de Grelle, Madame de Cross society (“oor Uay ^ 25/6 each. prisoners of Wdr in Germany, and aboVri thel troops capitulated. Included in the party was Captain Sehwabe,, Limou, Father Jacobs, and others. ______knid per- A R IsetCTABLC ftTRaNO GIRL v«BMd Usto. Subsequei^ly the’ parents; 'had, intimation ------' ■ cr, Alexandra ^ t e l , St. L«i- % ther JaoObfc amid ringing ohsMs, re- the St. Leonards Pier Psvilimi ( uRj«r ' excejited. tof g«n«ral vork. APSly to IN, yojar whole efficieucy— your finmsum reQUitedrenui for that purpose was £2 , ■which son of Mrs. Parke: ission of Mr; Garduer) “ at-three...p.m, on iC., UactintK. > the chudrenhfld wished to be giveni to the from the English War Office thUt their son nards. ■ HoHott ma4rmari. friends will congratolate - Jked that thMr King was again a t ostond. ondai.■f 28th ipsL I Eminent artistes have A V >(MG GIRi. iraated, ■vlth ooae kaovledao oL ori whit^ ground, also vision is faulty your yrork and was missing, and believed to be a prisoner of her upon her son’s good fortune in getting H i wae sure the King was d e lig h t to see toe S Observer-- -- Christmas Gifts Fund.' eMsts sunk toere by the woMertnl English, been obiitauied for tile oeeaHtUii Mr. riMMW Ik, to tmlB M lK>Bi»“ la smart shape in Emerald, by a note ,. whichWhich appearedappe______in the Flotsam_____ soner of war, and Was not allowed to Write. escape from: the Fortress of St. peter and st. of S t Sitonielae CoL obtaitti A L .BY NgShM two fnoktet to ottTT on ftCBMrtia l l or your own sake be advised and Jetsam eolntnirrOf this papet last Satur' This WM a mle made by the Turkish authori­ Paul in Petrograd by' swimming across the give his Worship a duiira 1 1 wtilv rim fiooaeliolai rood ui«rleb «sct konm, |avy. 1 , 39/11 each. hel- •— Cross —'rsrf* 1 , rinwr. Dowa s-tc^ kSumvMMrt, Barw. ou* , asking the ohildren of Sriseex M .aay* ties. No^^ormatiott of a really,, reliable riger. _____ ' ALTl ration . WORKROOM, Mutle *itC Cewtasu, ; 1 ^ ' and have your their pennies and give them, to the Editor nature cduld be obtained. froA' the Turks, so ;,^ TBEl LBm^ER DlSASTER.-^Severai______wsntae, JimiW.Auiktant! ekwAssrentiMsi wagM.lroia eo that he eould get Father Christm'as to that the English authorities Were quite help- BRITISH RED CEOSS SOCIBTIT. j Sussex 'families have been bereaved by the MIBSMI MiaWkt.-.Ainnr' to BlaMia Bros., BtMdfpT.i.Mft sizc,j in Slcj?, Rose, Saxe, sigkttested. to made by the, Belgian, King large numberbumher of their Belgian friends xori of Mrs. w . Bhadforth BogSr, o fs t. lAo;- Mew 1 1 a, Wiadielie*, Sonex. ' difference to your 'I li liked.ked . . your story,etorg, . aboutabc - ______-Fathet . . . Christmas, Hjr l«v*.— him, Thisj.hotosv'er, was not-to be, and it is MirdB, rind’was ^ years of age. ;He was m BOOK.KEEpaR, ~ WanKC, Voane Iridy aMsd lannel Nightgowns. 1 MUd two pennies to bsglfli with]wttl easily -te bMsndentopd tost they were bitterly Mi Wfttso& 2 muffiets, Kiss Kuan 1 pair wei'e ente:rtained- in the. Conneiiril Chamber, JMker'e l-Mger.—Wilma. S, aikWe-rd., Sti Laoauea. # jH." ih Natiott|^Ari thri Moris Retreat. His wife is'a daughter BAKIR3 and GONPEOriONER3 :~Ooeat4 k .Haa« 18/11 each. heal t,k i 1 grieved to tooeive the Sad intimation of hie •wn‘hsto the Sslgiaa and mglish i !of Canoit Jones, of Chichester. ■waatsd <1 Mr we^r- Is. 1 6 /lt each. nneSt .to nave % Flag Day in aid of the ) translation of information obtained from the bheWarrl SdMre' crowded [audience assembled,at the Kjnema AtrU 1 > netmsab, 33, Maxlaa, St. Leoaaidi. —63S This was deeided at a meeting m the Palaoe, Nermari-road, St. Leonards, yester­ COOK oaNSRAC .nsaiieck, (Utiy Or.otlMvrite.—APlUi; . euccessorfailitfe I Turicish. Ooyernmea.t, which was to the effect Pres^tertoiTChttrch,fch, pepp6i; Rev. W, E, Shaw, after 3, ktm. Frdeer, 33, 33t«w(1«|C-sI., St. Ltensrdi. oil mittee on Monday, and Miss PerrinS, that Private Smith Was Captured at Kut-al- We think Red Orose Workers, supporters, day (Friday) afternoon to hear ari account of COOK GENBRAL^vantod for qui«. e*»y »ltn*tS»i..fc 10/11 each. )^n.' Secretary, in communicating it'to the AmarahI os'Aoir Apr pril 26tb, I9i6, and died oh land athi.sers interested* to know HOLLINGTON P.S.A.—Mr. BriCtotr was the work. M the South AteterieSn Missionary Aaiiks: 'I he Koeety. BrnherSind-av,, Bex1kili.oar8ea.-^Ulhi-B«a.~ouin Editor^ said '* I shall he most pleased to do 14th, 1911 'uesday afternoon a con'Vby of 164 the speaker cn Sunday. Mr. Bolkham pre- ^ i ^ ^ / T h e Pi*’’ftlace had * been...... kindly lent by ■ glBR K,' Dnuwty.—Ycmai-Ycmak Lady* vaoiedvaaied .a* A» l/i FELTON & Co., 1 I can to mako' the day a great I ■ ■ '' rina for distri- dkd. Becitotions were,, given by Mrs. A. the Chairman arid Directors,Diteotors, and the LeeLee* Clerk..--, ipply to Mastin !iTSros., Bfeed's-rl- ■8/11 each. • hope the general pnblio iwill These men rtemail. To-morrow (Sunday) the’speaker tutor, the Rev.- F. H. — Somerville, was given OipbthidmjQ will be Councillor J. Harvey, afid the soloist CAPABLE______generalplain generous^response to this call.' The Flag ^ „„„ ______where, at last, anoppo ' nity to explain'in graphic'language vras'es de36.*4Apply 1 , Da CHaifl-iiT.r St. Pay is fixed for next Saturday, S6 tb inst. Mite March'ant. The collection will be for what to ling done. His remarks were illus- ' _ _ _ f r t ill wool Velour Coats and OpU and! HOUSEMAID ■ Wanted te £76 WANTED. mittto is gseo. With this money Christiaas ietoto to* iierid out 62 sitting eases to' NoririannurSf. the Chaco Indians since the advent of the oede.; li >«ral vaseS and ioutiagk.—Ajply. Betioace-iaft . snch Velour Hats in the -:0:- gifte will'be purchased for and sent to ml the akirigft"' “ ■■■ “ SooiiMl'’9______missiohariet.______Amusing„ _And___pathi. nathe- 1‘ord, 1 atiaikao. "^M' . oversM mm in th« various Battalions of th e .lo o a l______2 9 t f ■ ' COOK .^HERAL, >1^ Hdttsamatd I teduiiaG 52/6 each. r o s CHURCH AND MSSIONART WORK. a short time before War broke^ont. and wae SUSSEX SOLDIERS' CIGARETTE AND every afternoon at s p.m., ana on weanoMay tie wSre,^ some -of the inoiderits he had to tell tor goo. c l^ BoaidiaS EToaae, — Borleiga Soakt, ; - 0 toe Sussex Regiment, a»d the 4»ist COMFORTS FUND. - of.the life Of a missiona^, and made an Howard- «l-> Kaetboncu*. 1 i -oxa H.C. B.E.'s, and to about SOO Bussex men' drafted to'Mesitootamia towards the'end of WELL DONE, MRS. MURROWI and Saturday evenings at 7.16. Sesison tiohets eloquent appeal for help, which wqs forth­ ■ OALE ndoa-id., St. Lieooarda. i oH- ally, Mrs. Marrow, suddenly thought to Day. This is next Saturday, 26th inet.. and support of local people, who Were asked to COOK general add HOUSE-PARLOilRMAlB, Tore was an exceptionally large attend­ names of Sussex men for the Ust.of individ­ uring is In aid of the i?und -for providing Chriet- oommhriiCate with tile local Seeretary. Some end of Jotober; two id taaiily; OqliTenieat dMaMil M anrie at the on . Wednesday,lay, Whenwh the ual gifts,. These must be Men net in self that Jack had not done so Well d' maFGifts for SiisSex Soldiers oversea.. Sel­ ■bait was 'taken by the Rev. Gray, FRIVATE. FERCY WEEKS. 1918 as in 19F^ (although 1 think she was»mis- views were shown also of Jerusalem and i,ts wailliBgi boots or kaiTea.—Mrs, W.jT Caukrioakdi, BaHla. thwltoyaL Sussex l^gim ent or thri Mist H,C. A tod beinivement has Mfallen the fm ily lers are wanted for the occasion, rind should gurroundirigs. • ■ . ' i . and itmohgst others present wereSi Mrs. Bruce“ R.E,^s. ‘The information rieed«4 idi- The token in this)! She therefore set to work "on COAT HANDO (tt otjt; bf . 'Ddbell, the Revs. H. Valley, W, E. ShaW, of Mr, and Mrs. Weeks, of St. Helen’s, H a ^ her own," and at odd times oolleoted the criirimniilcate at once with the Hon. Socre- DR. Wl G. MoNAUGHT.—The aanpunce- capable' >r toklng t-heir to 35; good wayek Sad 6m». Stablished 1836. Phone 35y. lied the parflef earittoot Im sent. I „ road, Hastinge. „ good of onr cause, acting as a kind of aide-de­ lOrtable dome; good teferoieee easantial.—Wtita fink : id gC(4 . company present, ’ ...... LEONARDS-ON-SEA.—Mr.- and Mrs. Newby by those Who have been ai[|so.qiated together Subscriptions------for thetoe Fund oaa be s^ i to to Mit. Hattsig. at, JOimk. CrowbOrOagb;: I' Olla 1 Ai^d at Tunbridge Wells. iheyii were favoured with the Editrit, '^Observer," ClareAont, Hast­ His wite reoel'tod a letter from an officer of Camp to her little son Jack while he is ool- have diSosed of "Thg Knoll," Hollingtou, during the last few' years'ito Carrying on the COOK GENERAL reooired to retara ilady ta all;ktiew the object of the __ __ ings, or to Miss Adams. 15, Evertfleld-place, b is R egim ent toying to to be w as veisry sorry lecting for the brave lads,of Sussex, and this with thri-Whole, of the eontents, to Mr. rad tiOd^n (Maida Vale Tdistilot) -, amidt' ffirew. ija to„ Mytoy that Private P. Weeks was killed in fresh proof of! her patriotism is all the more 1 aimeil at was ^ 7 5 , but they would not be St, Leonards. Mrs. F. Starilgy Colto, who have now taken fed' fttaniy: most be raliabte person AEbErik. -a Aspv ■oriW if ’JSIOU was realised. action on '2 Srd August, and extended his to be admired when'it is remembered how knee there. T:he property was irient------Bearnuu, 38, Grand 'Parade, 8t. LecustdA Ofto • M*l», ' " ■ ■ deepest symFathy to her. He said that Pri- ' often she hast sacrificed the time she'would offeited by riUotion in August larit,• 'vw whsn toit“-- it was few towng of any importance at whieh’his wr-: GIRL Wkadted tir Apartment BtSaR.—3IL ’ the.. loll vate...A* Weeks — was * - a — noble soldier -..J and todly otherwise have spent in relaxation from "the let furnish^ to^HJya. Prince Albert and vicee were not in request oi adjudicator. His watriet- tdae-v St, Xieoaaida.. . > i —<49 missed by the offiOera and comrades of his " " round " ito her work of love and gprti- ajer Louis Greig,- The agents ooriOaraed in great popularity was.well undented by those •oAil< help wanted, xalf-dayk onlr.-Ax»Iy Vi^ r M thatIfor "nearly sixty Union meeting ______, Company, who also express^ their deepest ’ i from hbritv. S- IteleB'a 'Patk, HNktiagi. , . | -Oil i doing good workrirk rit Silverhili, and that Theatre [ ...... W g g fude to the men who have ga'^sd u s ----- «a» riegotiations were M ^ rs, Du'wson and who had enjoyed the pleasure of petoorial con­ DAU.' ^UBNERAl'wanted foy npper Eat; dels l%a. during half of that tiine the sale of work had Ctmncillor ja ; Blackman (Mayor- sympathy to her in ha sad bereavement. It tvorto than death. Our warmeet thanks to Harden,'! of St. Leonardson-Sea. taot.tact. Wittwith him in hisu .. work, .Tu... — **“' Hla genialAnan- ' ’ '----- —B .. 50 L o n ^ n -id ., 16H;'lieonsidk. • . 1 —ol9 TOWN COUNCIt. was the second time Private P. Weeks had Mrft. Murrow,] and we assure her that her ner temp been used for eharitable ohjeois. She wished T jEleot) ,...i...... rii,...,...... 6 0 0 FlfeaEBMEN’S C&UBCH.--The a«rvioe« ner tempered his incisive oritlcisms,oritlcii affil the , .DRAPIRYi - Youae ,li4dy wanted; i ^ o n otsasi tile Sale every success, and hoped they would MisS Itourling’s Pug's collectiori been to France, having oOme homeome ini May, Work and thatof her dear little son will neVer on Sunday, October 29tii, will be: Matins, unsttoceesfUl oandidatesdidates wererilWqyswetarilWi al ‘ ‘ ■ttadet I X)d: «alMWtmiaa.-43, Jtewet ParkrtlU COMMITTEE BUSINESS. raise the a£l()0, and not .£75, by ^ JHiss' I Coat and M ast^ 1917, with bad lege!; and shrapnelihrapnel woupdswo in ____Je fwgofteh,„____. either______by the men , or .ourselves. with address, "The Medical .Evangelist," at and eriooUraged to persevere; persevere.; indeed; .ft it may DRRP IRY.-Voaa» APPREHTIOWITIck. teki The Rev. D. Henry Rees, in proposing a ^Ititley 6 4 3 - the ankle, ^ e returned to France in. May, Owing to the inclement weather Jack has riot be said theirVte 1 & tp feffi'tKat theif riSuia* iSW t ' sad Oaatlt,^ ■rote'pf thanks to Mrs. Dobell, congratulated Directors, Ciriema de Luxe Com­ 1918. besri able to collect his usual amount this present themselves for a rmpthtW'teat-with EirteftTBB______Jiipsday’s yieeting of the Town Cotinolk all oOncerried upon the;ne appearance orof .me the pany and Mrs, Arnall £2 Si. , 'Week, hence the absence-of his name from every hope of better results! , j y i .1 eoalertolMp -PoiM.. Imittee several matters were discasged room] which testified to the■’•’----- ei^nditnre- of a each I*...... 4 4 d. p r iv a t e w il l ia m BRASIER. the Christmas'Gif to List, Trafalgsr Dik«, with au egress on " England the Veryjtost e'vidence of a; ^tihn to the Mayoralty, which is r»- 'f rent] amount of time andjiardr . Work. ^ The boys and girls at Bt. Mary Residents in the- Old Town will learn, -with ' Colleotion.—Corporation employes, per Mr. Expeots, or. Doing One's Duty." A special oafor. Yhe teaoheto rio leri ’bRA^ iRT.'-Vodi^ ■Waateft to .te asson, 4s. Sd: w^eto helped arid enlightened by the d_____ DepdM nt,-iAppIy^ B. BAIL 33,. tor 37 ander a separate heading. The Mayor Bnnriess then prooeediieeded___ briskly,___ ., and__ the . Magdalen Bchobts (per Mlse i regret that the -sad news has nesn reeeived of invitation to, an j seatmen or sailOrS'staying Bt. ,Leoi uAs.' . 1 . - ' ■ '.j' ttllor TW. . PPerrins) e ...... presided. faeavily-laden staflso,».,n Were quickly relieved of Perrins) ...... 0 g g the death of Private William Srasier, bus-- Donritiois.—Mrs. Perrin and Miss Wisdom, bn leave. The eleotrio light has now been nation of hie s ^ r a l remarks; which were . -DRAP jap !RV.—Waaied, ika^AssUiiteb to . invariably receiVea and accepted aS the judg­ jMtriSi; rttopt.--Ap'piy Millar 104^ IfiwkUl FROM CANADA. their I harden,, pipattionlariy the cake stall,;“ »;f'V-.,PMtch4 rd. i 87. ^ Bvertoeld- | band of Mrs. Brasier, Of Bcffiemia, and son of installed in this church, and Is the first of thri wbeh there waswaa a tempting display of mostf jS??*!,- Conneillor . ^^eorgp Mr. and Mrs. Brasier, of Thomas’s Cottages, I dMire to thank the kind donor of. nine Old Town Churohes to be thus illuminated. ment of si most aocomplished-musician, who orapeM. ■Mayor read' a letter he had received lovelj home-mademode cakes, whloh found many ! ...... J J § Bonrrie Walk: oluriies, beantifuUy. bound, of "Selections possessed: I the rare faculty-of being: able to ftSi? 1 Canadian soldier named Christie, who Sager purchasers. Tliere was also a fery private Brasier was in the South Staffords, rgm the Works ot Horiote dS'BaltoC." As see and Explain the true Ih'watdness Of n leveral happy months in Hastings in lovelj dower stall, while there was an en'Or- Inglis, A4, iEversfieid-pioce, and met his death while eerririg in France. the gift bore no name or addreSs w^have composer’s intentions. The‘ saving grace of matw *te gd who is now back in Manitoba. Ho gitons variety of articles upon the iaricy Arid Mr. J. Macer Wright, J.P.; He-Was well known and higluy.y respected by been unable to;, thank the giver direct.^ We humour gave an added charm -to litis oomH- agmbered the greaC kindness shown to •tails • : lOs, 6 d. each ...... 1 1 6 .1 _whq_.fcae-W him,' having ^ayetf ’fbr tfiie ftjppreciate the! kind thon^t, arid feel enirei merits raid imparted ft sente'of'PlaB4rito"'arid' IHBIlAL .waatalt 'WMNa Mlto .Collin8 ,|. Blkoklande Farri^ __ escomtimbe^oad/Sbuto-!______Degea^ «ni |iadians by the people of Hastings and ' On the second day the Sale jyas opened b; ook-a*Nore Footitoh'■“■ Ulufnii “■ ■ ^Lceeper. ilkeeper. ® He -to® ^books - will IbC-much appreciated by ppointed to ‘ S r ; ritete Owl ng to the excellent business done on the Smokes during' the. weekt-'-Staff-Serggarit d- Presidency, serving In Gui^erati Jiadh, then May next, ririu Mtoply awaited' his ri lUfiriria- lUkte'' aan WeVon to the Conncil. a ferrevi(iua day many of the Stalls had to be CO.-SERGT.-MAJOR J; H. CATT, D.O.M. tiori, whlra was daily expected-by i£ b Seere- Irom:. tliei Colonel commanding the zerat, arid -was fit^ljy appointed this ta»y.—I,JiS. fcsseis Regiment at the Front (which replenished, and the sellers once again lOrind ^ The UftVi ha« com« tcT hand that Grilour- *^atara in the Maharati Province. tore the pirevious day’s meeting of the t t li r time fully.^ occupied. . j Setigean^Majlor James H e ^ ^G*'**. D.C.M., tett, Lanx:erOor^rals ^ te n . and rirsbiOlaSs' Administrator .o f Ju*' IriaV Association at Brighton). The , ^sutiBerffiIw«K l^eftry;: Gnffiidto 'NeWWrf, ;ckW^.^’^ d J. pve an interesting description of recent - riehard, Mra.j 18th.' daugltef of Mrs.,Nihili, 48,_____ kWtoSi '4 Mr 'm ijha att» aotirtlit (Phe Nor^^s aM/ v^rayrtury s Mrs. The late Sergeant-Majjer Catt was the j owe. Sappersiappers |H.|S. T. OriMoiuoassori F. Pillings, F. St. Leonards, and of the late Rev. H. Bar­ fttot . Aseesatrvt. 'LMttatdt. > -ant lof the Bwssex men, especially on the Watson. J.E,] hiloox,' J. Chapman,spl arid F. Rich, Drivers ^ 1 mati. mf 'Mttaat ar tNahiaaii refte- Bth, and 24th September. In one at* 1. .Eldridge and. Miss Elpiage. Qnild .Stall: and MM. lis.! eaim. smaller same SeCOriil eon of Mr. and' Mr#, J»r». J.o. Catt,vacr, 83,oa, A n clay Nihill, Curate of 8 t; Mary-in-the-Oast- its.' Coinc. Sitttday School; Mrs..'' Arnold G. . Bandsman Sweat- tle^Ghuroh, for whom much sympathy is • S .i'.O’.i luring eight hours of fierce fighting, amountins! to 5s.i ...... 1 1 1 i Winotolsea-road. Ore. and was 25 yearsIt of“i toanman; PrteatofPrivates Hh ' .______Broa. ,urst,, M. 0. -. Craste,_____ Iptured upwards of 300 prisoners a i^ ting. Flower Stall: The Misses E. and C. Collected to Miss iWalmsley, Glen He joined the Army the Jrst week toop-.r'riya'tes H. Droa, PREPAID ftavERTisiMBNia, itiak u *’WANlncix‘'f Oeciri'i' Eing; Whote Elephant: Miss Smith and the 'War and hod been in,F France r - 'nearl;* G. Price, J. Pobte, L. G. Pearce, R. Sinden, S. “TO. m^,’’i and tj'OR .aALK’'.?etA.-: Ute lAHHedr is : 08001 My amb raiyfilQNai-FsMia Hd guns, j besides machine guns'^and '^iss Barfoot. Refreshments: Mr. Mercer, View Schooli Mount-road, Hast- ■ SamWays.jjr.^homas, E. :Killick, G. Kent, LITTLE GIRL’S DEATH AT- ORE,—On Wutfed/ itraeab#-^. B. Bntohnt. 'Bawkb mgl Get liistj 1 1 ,0 . toch from Ellai . years. In ciivil life ho was In tho fntn kWKBl^ MAIB WdOtadt taito U^'^nd in .another 400 prisoners arid rs. i?red Chapman, and Mrs. John Crutten- Lirihing Fratt, A. K H^lU.and Private C. Qntsell. Thursday night at the Ore 'Village School to iw.-Appiy 16. wiokbtoa^r.,/ lol tguns. On ■ the last occasion th* Byford, Joyce and Betty Richard-! trade in London and served his appreritice- JjOrderS given: 286 cigarsttei, Sapper E. N. the Borough Coroner (Mr. VI. J. Gleaister) S^% len. Side Shows and 'sdips” wer* in charge sonJ Miss ShieldA Doris, R ^ ie ,, lAlp'With Messrs. Moldoway and Tapner, laeniched a strong counter attack, but, , Wright, Private A. H, Davis; 9 ,6 6 o cigarettes, held ari Inquest, ivithout a jury, into the GIRL, ftnated tor bmueWorki oemfortable hntes J«a> ■f the tirls of Durifflore School. and Bernard ^itida, of Hoetings. He has a brother Mrvipg in ih fL’(muyl rribbd i ^ reiercace.—Applyreiertece.—Apply ll, BobertaoiwL,Rotertaorito.; Haa-' |ing to thfeicall of Captain Roberts to 3 lbs. tobacco, 11th Royal Sussex, circumstancee of the death of IvyirBlan^he - . ' SVdiSXX MXfAMSA,:. Inets, a company of 80 men saved tho The ^rile inalised i£94. Noaye, Freda -Sewell, Victor! France. ' Jeapto, 11 years of age. The parente ilito. ttoal. tol Isard, Godwyn Davies, and Ber-i i We have received a vriry charming letter fia W^RDS ll iiaartioa) ... I h t GENE lAL SERVANT for Bottte laoiM /tt m.i; (Applause.) Ho wi$ awarded the D.O.M, at Easter, f!rom (Liririt.-Colonel Johrisom Commanding' at Liriton-terrace, Ore, having .ebirie' ffotn e ~ ly . h^i-aratottele Sttaac^-^^:; ■letter, arid also that from Canado, nard: %rmtes M. each from 1917, for orinsnionouft gallantry In leading 2)iR Battalion -Royal Stissex .Regiment,BUL. inftU London, where the air raids had 'ripeeti do-' - 'UE'’’Ww l>§ '(i iasariiffiiM':.''>i-''’V'ra/B':--- iered to be entered on, the minutes. VOLUNTEER NOTES. Helen Heavrin, Pat Daly, Mai-! his men'forward under heavy machine gun ceased and her mbth»."* ** . - auffeitid - - - tY.-*Xjra«tod .JAte-.A»teEa#aj ^ ' eolm. and Marjorie McNiohol,! tomy to a lettet; sent by the CommitteeB of this. jilR ia u n . 1 2 Atot^aad Oo., Ltd.V* «, ---- • WAIt SOTUEES. and sheU fite and c^turing three or. fohr Irand, -oongrainlating him arid acutely from biliousness, U. •very”"bomONAL^------WORD. . Spealel ^ and. Videt Towner ...... ' 1 1 tended school and was all it till S^day, iote. te .iktohatioa.'te ORDERS FOR NEXT WEEK. Mrs. Hay Ward'and Mrs. Denman- riffioers and Over l(w men as well as a men ori the fin e' bayonet charge ‘^ iT »- BOY !'■ wasted i' one , lational Wa» Aims Committee asked. machine gun which they had been using two Oompaiiies of the Battalior ______when she was unwell and to biri. Heb tflLAttSHONT. BASTtMOa, be. oycie.t-Apply w. ?Mte*3 Incil for su.spend a sheet, 2s. each. Mrs^ Cato 8 s,, Mr. Weil-I mother gave the best dl; BerStl.' ‘ , ■ :•* members of tho Special Service party and barriJtt Progress. teeeritly.^ He says:—"Dear Miss Adama—On ,e. attention, out I to lte lto a e 131 HAMfiNte- . ' lata, atrong and wiiliar; print Iby 18 feet, at the side of the Town The The C.Q.m .B., writing to the family. soys: fe she got worse Dr. Farnfield waa sent for. J;, BU to Alt 'pet year; Ir a cinematograph exhibition of. war oompl sted"their three months of real.sol- Miss Hutchlnsrin ..... behalf of all ranks of the Battalion I.imer to le was ill and Dr. Lovell wan calted. oud ori (39b dierin » at the„ end of Septei—September. ---- Sincere Collepted by Miss Wisdom, Cllva I have lo&t, a good friend and comrade e 'Chairman and Committee of the Sussex *b be given in the Central Cricket with Whotri 1 had; Soldiers' Gigare^. and Comforts (Fund on lie arrival the child wae dead. The FbUce SifUATiONS VACANTfrLADg; ssaail hotee; m be fooE ori the site of WalHs Arthur’s pa'vin aympatthy:hy Is extmidedextmide(j to Laftoe-Corporal do Vale (3rd and 4th cardri) r E. and Mod’ll on the most intimate furgeongeon (Dr,(Dr. Field), as a rteult - of - a post- pmtt <0 StuirCr Who, onlfJjtwo‘ days bmoret the date of Q. (2orps 2s.i 84., W.HH., B. i warmestt thonksifor your kind letter, so riioel; -oMb^ kt Monday and Tuesday evenings. Th^ mortem examination, said the Caum of death BOY waatto lor ligfetriiorniaB.Uii«Sfc-«-it5 L 1pan.— Olfll. iPPRBNTIOBS wanted t o BhOWt Depait- return unfortunately Ml and »;broke 'his 2 e r. Lng their gratitude arid pride in snol |ion ivas granted._ i Stanger s, gaoh; Miss Bullock, ! was syncope due to acute pueumonia arid .jjply Mr. Robey, «, V^n-RL, BexMll. - 1-0 Mb tOKtttiJ 11 Cr 0iat.i-AppJy Uf, Ki'' thigh.' He remains]inin Vioamhoepital____ at______Shorn- Mrs. Ashbee, H.B., C.H., K.E. I teats of arms as'we have been able to dis{day nleufisy. . A verdict of /'Death from kRRA|ra I i^v weat'ed, cysie.—Bruwri andifiVoI,'Woodley, Js, 1-tdi.K BsMtUKs. DARK SPOTS \ j Be, ind will htive to be mereere for many Mrs. Chnlto, A ^ . K.A..; always held in ^ lighest «teem by all l^ainst our common enemy. Your, letter was Natural Causes” was recorded.! White Maeutoe. —OM 8ERVAHTj^ sami^toc^ ^ Utai er was received from the Secretary trf weeks. All will be pleased -to hear That he Dnngay, F. Venuell Is. each, ! ranks as a.'Very.perfect soldier.'* . publitiied in the Battalion orders for the day, Houae BOY. (lS-i7), nepeetlMrle asld. amart,-tor pri- 000 ( ^retetosw to to.--. ajuu I Can assure yon that it is a great On- THE b a t t l e o f HASTINQi - Last vaUteWeli m. wMkW aud baud—Agoress Msnageiest, Hcum, Wilbnty-Cfas.. -r#.r-<3aa t Sussex Hospital calling attention to makjing; stoody ^ smaller aums|6 s...... I 1 3 ft Looa^e karaoaibliuMridte —oM IBNERAL •ERVANraERVANT wasted Igerous condition of Claremont stepa j i s compkttione Cmiected^ by Mrs, Hermitage, i opuragement to ns all to feel that we are so iMraday being the anniversary tij* Battle arS flT * ftraiyr BO bseenMoti good. PRIVATE IW. F. KENNARD. Iteartily sup^rted by all members of the m Hastings, the management of the Palaoe aS paitibi A. B., Ltogft^- Penieiid-i SeXbiU. " evenings, aijd, explaining that many corned back , to —■ -— O re: M. M- Dunkin fil, Mrs. i Tto tod iipws hoisjbeen received that Private Pier,.8t.-Leonards, entertained ^ number of tab .which they are expected to work like leaven. O'Beirne- 2 s., A. Griffiths, ogupty who are represented by your Com­ hsed the thoroughfare, /j W. F. Kefinard, Kimn rs ' Shropshire Light -In- •wounded soldiers. Letters were toad from.'. .0 . tetot 14, wanted to mura UsRell jnefnl oil GOGB , >LAIN COOK Ivanted for Wladjmt; tola' ll , members endorsed trie complaint Witl the winter half-year shooting on toe f a th e r , M. B. Powetr T. font._jtry, died the .Cteuerril Hospital, mittee. We send our best wishes and thanks ___: OM test «*A driye; fire in.-iWtodbflds«i ,«lyd- In tatoity wagea Btoi good teterenoea — |er so-called “ death traps,” througn miniatare rangeS has.been re-opened. A WhMler, E.^ Phillips, M. A. : t? all Of 3[OU who BO kindly, remember us.-'- -wUh yaim, iRnwieeh. -435a Addzwsa, paituahm, tin. Ata^ Company tons again entered the annual Small Is. each, smaller sums 2s. pnenmonio.!Salonika, on 9®^f"** ^*’‘’v brojnohial You** truly, D^ G.^^ LAO waatte for BMititot’a Uftoab-uae iblt left sobool UoUae, ' , Ince of light, were referred to. I t was B-S.A. National Competition, and has won ]»«f«rad.-s>i4eH«r. mjiite aandwiittnc, t* Rj-W,, wi, ,HOUaE| wanted, r- Apply 43, That trie matter was one for the con- l ift ft Private Kennard wass the husband of Mrs. oimmanding tod Roy&I Supsex Regiment. Oc­ ^uWner V [OfOW, Ratoacik. ■ '•S’oll bn of the Chief Constable, its matoh in the first round hr l*.P^ht,«- Collected to Mrs. Bumstead, Q a» tober 7th, 1918.’1 • ^ “ RftaPBOTi^E INtELLtoliN« UUI ' . ^ t h : , __ ) or i torn Aiilr: MMal fc which' coincidee with so WANTED, gYRotia LAB to rdbktof iMnt a I in the East. As to the terms of cards): A.M.D., B: and C. 2s.,8 d., r i f l e m a n j a c k J.4 ® aA N . 1 M a ^ , M 17s. J ditto a day tit the history V - *■ ttneMil heoM-ftttiat' deuartmaai a good ' pporranity HDU8E- IHAMiERaiAiB wanted; fiota btenBia'.. ley must be thorough, enduring and oated| ijn Drill Orders. Workroom 2 s. id.,: Miss Lto, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Jatmari, of Ore, have re­ to IrinB toiB the!ihei tnkd»lti«4 t o nppietolcL __ i\ws«o-'to prttoie kaitabla.~BoaMke|p^. IMinbiriglk .BeteL j83 ft. idIT Mrs, C, F, The P a l ^ Pier Fund far local i.,™. , Sons, «,-f)nate< Ing. (Applause.) Drawing his ob- gillins, Mr,s. Spears 2 s. each, Haatinrii.—oil Bt. Lee ORDERS. ceived the Sad news that their son Jarik was . __ : Mito since Fabyuary ariiounto to £430. arid *^iiT^*w*iSfie St TOoe ■*« rieiiri , Cteds by-«yole MOUaE. ARLBURMAIB wanted; two to Js to an eloquent close he spoke, of Mrs. j^wderas, 6 d„ Miss Dennis, killed in action ori August 8 th. ^ i - I *.,..,ity Ward, A3 14s.; Lower S____ . ____ Gardnerardner wants this _made mad- -up - to '4 8 0 0 ? The ay or by tetter, ohtldi cool ad name; oantortable home.—lire. .Ooidoa lous deeds of Army and Navy, and Sunday, 2 0 th,“ Inspection ^ the G.O.C., Miss Lane, E.P., L m .G., B.W.; Fatneon, .kwood, Ember-lane, hhbet, Sniyey;' toSe He worked for M; pgt F.-W . Maggs, 12s. 6 d.j All Saints' Pavilion to lent to-NatiL -tol9 llooked forward to the near fjituro Eastern Command, at Red Hill. Company . F.C.,-L.A.R. Is. each;, smaller foi*e joining the A-— onaf Red Cross on IRBNEI ■wtete^ best] pjeoe piioei' ti; So. to M sun of peace would shine through parade! in full marching order: (great coats sums 4s...... i...... Ward, per Miss Baldook, Os. fid;; Lorfter Monday, 26th. It Will be. t closed for repairs boBUt aa ntogSi—Doreet Xsondiy, HheUagii. .-npM I I A Boys’ Sqjtocl under Mr. W S t Mary’s Ward, per F. W. Maggs, A3 8 s. 8 d. from next M bn^y'.avenmg even j to had Monday in LEAMtl roNi—Wanted, Dock-ueBieW. Yood -wigeR Js of war] (.Vpplause.) In packs). Nos. 1 and 2 , Tower Road Drill Collected by Mrs. Tolhurst, Battle- I St.i, Peter’s Ward, per-J. L. Innes, ftvrUATiiMft VACANTitoj||Ai.e. Joarwey' j AebSeid, mrirlotteto., JUa>nitemi.!eiia ayor, ] in i a brief eloquent address, all. 8.15 ______a.m. Nos., - 3 and 4, Middle Street road, Hollington '(3rd and 4th A14; Holy K0|ir«mb4»rlu it wiuTto re-opfflied with LABY LBOTORS wlaated tot LaBdaa. ramii. Aw> vote of thrinks to the .speakers, rill Hall,. 8.30 a.m. -Everyone particularly cards): A.^T., Marohant, F. | PRIVATE FREDERICK WELL^ an entirely new and novel series of enter- ylaeial ( ' SeuCtaiy,, ;;Begte<]«t^.eata. g taiamentsj where local talent will he given tomilM Ato»emM.--Bn(«tr, Afipnn«toe.-^Sto(aer, Rdbektaaa-W:.'Robertaaa-et:.'' atoUtoa- : ofto»^ Xioadoat, llor tfamri(|)u also made a rousing requested to___atteiid. Bourne, J. Balkh^, Mr. Black- I After ajoerind of long and anxious waiting,! Hlaby ■ second iriit. ..-v ford, Mrs. Blackford Is. each, Mr. W( Wells, buteheri of Haltori, arid ms an opportunity. ■ * ’ OBACHMAN .wanted tot britote Serrito. aad eoeae M: - Itolr. AMly 0 .'. 3S«, “ tJbebreeL" u»o«, Iranccs I'tOiir,\- . v.'ho is playing in “Olit re- smaller sums 4s...... | ■ft 0 Wife have jnst -received the sad n«wt that Wi FUNErAl o f MRS. JOHN RATHBONE. ■ OfOoe, Haattaga. oil Out of iCermany, at the Theatre, Collected by Mrs. Hall, Dnke-rbad, their son,. Private ■ Frederick‘Wells, “ ‘ ------had ' died —The of Mrs. John RatoW e, «f 13, [HAN' iri' ftotUeb Timber 'Works' in tee Mfd- lA rir iMieN.HBLP.,tednired aS aa«e'by..lMp the j'Bisolution in a vigorous •Whilst a prisoner of war in Germany j Ma . _ bbds; «a -to eoBveialto to rouaft timbigt and ■with two uua ohumaa: most be abla to teaeh Eigb Tuesday. — Hotchkiss Gun Team, Tower Silyerhill (3rd and 4th cards) ; The Leonards Tork-but,uings, Bastings, who died on the men; sMte tow> nIetanCM and eaUiy aadlnSdentaad .cnildian'a Maitfe.—ICto Tonea, khich gaiu sd her hearty plaudits of Road Prill Hall, 7.30 p.m. 6 despnteh tecMved from Berlin simply i mi) «t. from- Mrebral hemorrhage,''took - h — a S T ^ . Mrl and Mrs. Midgley Is. d.. F. tea: 5d,i; St. Clement’s Ward, er^Mrs. HatriBon, Up-auituis.taas,—Apply BoWlaad oonefwaya: Tooasn Beach, BeaMH.: ^ • . Wednesday.—No. 8 , Grove Road Drill Hall, Drooks, L. Gold- i "Private Feedoritffi Wells, No. l^ lftl 2 nd . ■-. :■•- ■ ■■ 'dlte MILLVNI T aNgwweri».-Yiia^'A^BMea pa __ g .p.m. I Musketry and bayonet fighting. RiJte ^igade, token 87th May, d i^ 4tl) A l^ .; Mrs. Qilliatt'Smitl BRij^iR gttotedr keed 'iN«ie t<» gsrad.^^aply mg, S.W., H. Mott, 47, Spring- June September.—ah Saints' iWa._ i l l s . BBIM. PL [speakers had replied the meeting Thuiisday.—Nos. 1 and.2, Tower Road, 8 fleld-road, 48, SpriUgfleld-road, E. sym- »rd, per Mist read, the heme of thft ideoeatedri sisters, for Nul^^.ATTENBANT ■wanted: come briaMONrihi Baldook, A2 8 s. 2d^ St. Peter’sris Ward, per IP with thri singing of the Nationsu p.m. No. 4, Middle Street, 8 p.m. Mus­ Spice, E. Midgley.iMiss Howell, Ils in. St. Mary-m-thn-Castle ChUrph, where a Nornng HwM; . :B3i, uaifosm.—Wlleoa, 137,{ Marina. Mrs.'Travers, A7; Upper St. Mary's Ward, atokU Bin p! St. Xt^iwr^k. I ~k>19 ketry’and bayonet fightiim. H. Hutchinson, A. and B. Law, E. ..------Isoheol first part of ^ e se^o e was oonduoted by the NUR8B Timated, bar 34; MCMCrtebto totea;,^twD • Friday.— Hotchkiss Gun Team, Tower Hildeiv E.M.B., M.F.H., J. Kent the deceased assisted, in his father’s busiriess per A. J. Adams, AS Ss, 3di.; Lower St. Maty R^. R. Talbot (Viear), and the hymn, U»r Gordon PatonKm.nUiUrwood, Binfe«r.riia;i. Ward (192), r»r F. .W.’ MagBs, A2 1 2 s. lOd.; Road, 7.30 p.m. Nos. T and 2 , Tower Road, Is. each, smaller sums 6 s. 2 d. ... 1 .5 8 tiU he was callm rip when jnst over 18 years ditto (193), ditto, A3 2s, ilod.;’ ditto (194), Peace, perfect peace," was sung. The chief Suer, Surrey. ! ■ oUe S p.m. No, 4, Middle Street, 8 p.m. iltis- Collected by ex-Sergearit J. Hope, of age. He -was taken prisoner on gding into mOnraersel.weror-Mr. John Balhbone f hus­ BBRNBR NURSE,, .hxnerieaoed, wanted at once ter.:twc.Jtttla k*try and field work. Milward-road, Hastings: H. W. notion for the second time on 27th M w. Mr. ditto, -22 4s. Id. , • «ftia i» r& l^sate » yaara-Amly afto 43# . Ootober.T-St.-Irionards 'Ward, per R. W, band), Dons and- Maisie (daughters). Jimmy mato _ at IiUM HaiiBe. '.JlBiIaa. BraiQU win. (Ska A ■ Parsons 2s., smoUer sums 5s...... I 0 Wells’ eldest son has been in ti^ ’Anr^ since Mxtohell, ~ ... and Lraia Bnrkisr (sis- NUWB two teildraa. gftl 14, beg Ihealthlb , 1SBE1 ANGLING______j'ESTIVAL.FEsS i VAL'.' — The pri Collected by'Kinnis, King s- 1914, arid is now fighting in Friuioe;i He Uariadirin Forces lafttele, exiraenoad: retetuoat aiseatial; 3 wagea, road, 'St. Leonards : smalt sums par B8 ?!fllHto *iO' ' itottahlerikMne.—wiita at caU .erantage, abwort^ _____ramrlAJe of the. Pier and Beach Angling Pc joined up wrhen only 15 years rind 8 months , , . iti John Holloway, M r. H. iwojte-; BexhUl. 5s. 6 d...... 6 ft old. ■ i ., Watar- w '“ TOKftlt^rmnted bkaBjedllrie^ trooff waftw to :iivval -I ((L._8 th, 9th______and lOith . ______November) has______bet Mary Maguaiou „ J. Bndgewood (from flie 'VForks, peteat nun.—ftPlir Lea ihd Storaga, Back-ala-Nore- BHILPOT AMD SONft reqaite juaior fex.exte----nded, , and------theire is - to -- be------iaii extra day on . - Collected by Hiss Ruth Garpen- Mr. and'Mrs. WeUs wish to .thank-*!!: kind Stafforas.hito) rad Mr. and Mrs. H. Grocatt. M9 atoO 'AppteaBoet tor the Fairer Oapattmaadk.' RACKING teiS Ringmer, Lewes > Miss Entfi fnerids and onstomers for their kind en­ to. 6 d.; Lowrir Sti Mary’s Ward, jxfr F.' W. ^ e r o were A number of bqautiful flowers,^- .too.llto for-a competition for wounded sol­ Caipeater 4s., Mrs, D. Carpenter ^ Ite- Ud. ; St. Leonards Ward, per OINEMA.-'^Iait waated'at oaoa' to PHILPOTL---- 8BNS. „to. Meant diers, 'in connection With I which special quiries during their long time of anxtety. olndingp—Harp with Iwoken string,"In affeo- poaitlou If trntti enaiir aBd.retoBtoefttl aaaaatiali dis- htidge Weill, reoxuil 'xenngng Lndy ae prizes afwibeing given-by Major Coweq,.Mr. , 2 s. !6 d., Mrs. H. Carpenter 2 s. H W. Mitchell. A13 Us. 8 d.; Lowef St.' M a^’s tipnate memory of my dear Wife,' The Lord’s- aharg*-! e'..Wi«r 1“ *— ---- luptoTor for Oeetnua Showroom; toU Cd.,i Miss Annie Esrpepter 2 s., sttttkBi: 1 0 Mr. Ad W. T,-Woodruff, and others. Entries (Is. SAPPER S. S'l/BVENS. TO BARBBRa.^ ______appeatanoa;ilUTa. in. ' lEUBIATISM per da;w for Pier, and Beach should be made Mri- A. Carpenter Is,' ...... 12 0 Ifan.—Addiass I. Btodsr. 38, Aabtod. ol9 REftUIRm. DAILY WOMAN to Collected at “ Gbseriver ’’ Office: News has been received that Sapper S. WANTBD. Si B^TLStk n i u ^ RERUIRiE^.|L .ia______Qirto'______.HogM, MA|B.______for hCUawer^_____^ . Is., jBmaller sums 2 s. 'fid...... 14 0 molished, owing to the buiBting of an enemy StoM'IM», SeXMU. ' BaU'a Solvsne ewM Whole of theTproCeeds will be devoted to the Collected by Margi^y Rymill,' ollowing contiibutiohs in aid of the funds Itei^bdeepeslOTmp^^, from Ada;" spray, I Bheain.ti»m, SoUtlM, local Red Cross.funds. An interesting event shell. The cbok, who was uninjured, fetchea of the British Red Cross Society ana the from Mr and Mrs. Btifiord.aad Staff & IS, PBHIM.PBlIBMAM...... Ctorkiaai readli will be ;a lead casting conipetitioii from tlie King^s-road: Mr. Bamford 2 s. help and ptooeeded te dig the soldier out. St. Johnlof Jerusalem'. York^ulldingS) m .wmpethy;'’ wreath, from RE8PEOT kBLB INTELUOEKt BIRL Wtont IB ■mbMo, Stiff Jbtnta, 6 d., A.O., J.C. 2s. (.each. Miss Sapper S.tevens is pirogressing favourably'. •de|r of ‘ ’ ' sa, BroltM, fiora ThrMt, Pier deck, on to the saridS at low water on Lovett, L.H. Is. each, smaller O. iE, BUTTERWORTH, Messns. H. Jones, H. Hnlme, and J; Bridge- toe Suriday morning. - Hon.. Treasurer, Flag D ^ ’, jSEraioTi RLE BIRiTm riwBS^inwwork: ismU all m»cnla.r complainigi sums 3s. 6 d...... J...... ,.,...... 12 wood.^itoctors of,M«««w. Barker* and Krat, SITUATIONS VACANT'-wFAHM HANDS'; the groitvat eue, arid gireL LIGHTNING CHBSS.-Tl]ie Hastings arid J.'H. (see letter above) : ...... CORPORAL ,F- A. LATTER. ! ■ |, Committee. Ltd., Foley Potteries, Fenlra, "Wito Iriving A rtitefjfrom thoie roehiDf Bt. Leonards Chess Club he|d|its first visitors’ Last -week we published an appeal for foot­ Antpunt proviousiy acknowledged, £353 9a gyttpatoy ; anchor from the workpeople at pohu wriioh came inw Id. ) iW. L. Seyfang, A5 5s.; Mrs. Platteironci ey Potteries, Fenton, also "In loving sym- Rnft, wriri btoi wmtod,' awr'tositia aad-tobaal!=' •veningjon Wednesday in the new'Club House Total £14) 19 8 i balls for an HE,' Transport Company in . WeUsra------, |(0 ritoCN^ — Riaamer,K rite and inoesiant • if fating. ’'H.M.L.V.,’’ A5 eath; Mrs. Tottenham and hy;-.'[wreath, "Prom the Vicar, Cfiux^ Miaito'aijnr SK/.SSs-SSBS: “ t at 27, Havelock-road, when tliefe was a good France. The appeH came from Corporal W. ftflllLJa Bdlaa nixu-naat .Miaitotoi Vtel iittls BeU’i Splvon* attendance of visitors and jnembers. , ,The A- Latter, formerly. local manager of the Mre-jiSanner-DaVieS, A2 2s. each; Mrs. Goff 0*. St. Maiy-in-tbe- Sa.v«, rff ricsw ?B !i!s,~ar jpinta and niuclpi and y«a proceedings opened with-a very intercstinf Swift Beef Company, -who -was serving with A2 ; IfuMfS. Tebbut, Mrs. Stubbs, Mrs. Tam- Castle dhnroh, WithOhrist, wMoh is very, E T R B N B ,« IL M N h « H tL w a s M m O m o M ftotoftti ira a ; daltghWal fading of lectiira by Mr. H. F. Cheshire, Who playec AN APPEAL. the Transport Company refereed to. . j burifie, arid fi. B,]Phalpot Al Is. each; Miss I; o t TAririt. Percy .BankeA ^ U t f t f t w miMaai Mtri M aait e t . f f ^ a ? *'H, Payrte, Mrs. W. Rawlins Capel, and old periple'aod atitle^ M ff over a very brilliant galme Contested by cor­ :We regtet to have to'announce that since MU., R ^ . Kent Regiment, attd. R.AJ,;" I ^^hriSA gtrw teT, i a s s , totobagbir rane b a| partionlor boon. respondence between two Frenchmen, The TO i NHABIT.4Nt S o f THE DISTRICT. k# wrote to ns. Corpbtol Iiatter has met with' Lett, M-R-U.S., Al eseb; totpl, .£382 2 s. Id. From Feroy;n *‘ At rsuffronTSltoip.vest, ____ gMARVlL{.r ex-95 mU* ChiCbam- lectureri gav^ instructive notes on toe-game, jPEIJJCIPALLY T l ^ HOUSEWIFE. aocidenti and his chest arid ribs have been i ' . . T^ Swaim': Canadian Srirqte: Sriyi "W u h HHl!, (filing . . _ qnb, . wflSi f t " *xrilainipg the reason why the various moves .ured. He writes to us from a hospital in TOBAGCONISTSi TO CLOSE ON SUN deeS symbathy, from Tltb,' SafeM e in tha Arias Mau /cHnd Selvaae by fm Mg were mWe, where in his ! jndgmdnt they Owing to the great demand and necessity i orcestershire, to which he Was carried, arid DAYS.—Tlie membeto of the local branch of of rt«u*f’ ".jKteath. "In loving lorin, miluasnoj *S$Aiy* Smbrecalion. It might nave been improved, pointing out the of glycerine it is eclectic and to the' riation’s he says: " I Rave been marked down for ft the National Union of Toboaconists anripunce from M HpUoirmy and famUys", wteaw, ftlgvrsWvsi one aftar long clever way in which " 'White’’ kept the at interest that the hoiisowife should not V.A.D. hbspitol, rind expect to be moved any that owing to abnormal condftiona their pre­ "From m Orocett, to drat in am- tack going, although he had sacrificed t. fond Olid mesboro of a deftri friited. rad and ohilt traintnt - tf waste a portion of Bones, Fat or G t|» » of'fday. mises: will be cloMd on Sunday, 4th Novem­ in deep teuu - tost tmbroealton piisthu piece. I Mr. Cheshire quoted a saying of any kind. • | . ber, emd every Suriday following until further by wits thoeeriha h r a W " 'S at ta ust. Blackbnirrie’s that the game is decided by the , If people whose .eye th is‘shouldmeet will notiog.' Wfeath. leetumate ranuBtribnti ^ pieces oh the board and not bv those volun­ PIONEER W. ANDREWS. deeUMt iiffiy. AaiBMri bottU at BauL’t tarily, or by force, removed from the scene only take notice, inform their friends and 'Pioneer Wilfred' Andrews, R.E., was LECTURE ON CANADA.-" The Future woodWrea with sittdt tvan todaydow’i of action. A vote of thanks to the lecturer take care to savireven trie sm aller ftririntito wounded with sbropnel in the left leg at and the Needs of, western Canadft" is the 1 Ub...^INi Uiat avato of such material referred hereof, they 'wllj from Mr. J.'F. tadbeaL Mr, iWas moved by Mr. H. E. I)6 bell, who re­ Cambrai on the 5th mat., and is now in hos­ subject of a lantern lecture to be given next ■ ^ ts. 1 h , ' pain any longar. minded all present that the Club is now open be assisting the interests and beri.efit 'of the pital at Northampton, doing well. , Tuesday, at 5.4S,5.4S,_at a t thethe' HHastings astily arid!arid St. •agee.—Apply I SOLO in OOTTLE8 t/l nation; in a way by providing an article.for oUa- rVOST VREB t/3, OR *i •very day and all day, that five inlere.sting He Is the younger son of Mr. E. H. Mdrewe, Leorigrda Ladies’ College, by the Rev.. Dr./Q. .TIMES THE SIZE, To'.rnnments are about to | commence, and the extl'action Of glycerine,: whieh »Va most 19, Magdalen-road, and is an old Hastings E. Lloyd. The proceeds am to be aiveri to the J^STS" % ‘ POST FREE. 5/- # jthat iectures nrg given every.Saturday even­ important constituent in the:'manuia^iure Oranimar School, boy, and was ^erittog an Hasttegs and St, Leoriarda Loan Biiiirsaty. PREPAHKD BY # ing afii.M. The vote Wa,s sfeponded by Canon Of miinitions.. 'I'hey ■will also ' lie! in a apprenticBship■ with...... Mr. ,H. “ "■P. D mite. ' Cook on behalf of the visitors and carried position to obtain current '‘Market Price" ohemist, Silohester-road. -when ha joined up. mianimqusl.v* The members then proceeded by addressing a postcard’to i j tionata'rettMiraps krice, to play a " Lightning Chess Match.’’ " Reds’( , W. B. BLIKARD ^MrriSaMro.' /r-; !ell & Q o.. ENGLISH, ITALIAN AND FRENCH on tkte great arionsaa of that, reoeit enmaaev b irt Q r^ tts"'; 9 pi Tith I ,v. "Blues," 15 seconds only being allowed for (Anthorisdd purchaser'to His Majeete’a campftito of opea.iidjr maenhgs. The Cem- and loving reini C, A. THARLE. ^ c h move'. Some amusing mistakes irei'n Forces), ' . ■ MEDALS. P. Whittaker hae }«et retnrnad mittoele tending ta B^tingathe Cantra^^ spray, " mfithr l qrnpAti^Tm jpade in the hurried mananvring, but of Winding Street, i Cricketoxat Gnaund-^ursuna—oa the raiaad portion near Aotn. ijw. , toberffiaon Sffian ConiHe the difficulties were the same for al] • > Haetlrigft, fro» 4 ' . ■;#I TpwftTown Hall) fqr^naxtfor Monday and Tuee- pathy, frM the players. At the close of play it was who -will be prepared to send to any part of Tiiia gallact officer airuaa ' tW r Cims4to.ptor. The lri#ni«f «t' trrerah, "mtl l A S T r N G S . found that the match resulted in a tie, Reds Hastings, St. Leonards, i or Bekhill for any Military Cross been awaixded . litMfcM ara amofiftstamofigri most tmapriFrii wnr Teftef ---- And Blues scoring 18i points each.- Six ladies quantity. , L < jLtidjr, OnUv of the Om m ana to he aatoL The And gentlemen were proposed for eleetion ^Outside this area oarriage paid on f8 Iba, and ‘*th4 « a * « liMril Of VakyaT." aa new numbers of the Club ae toe result, of and np'WBxde. t'- eiiisat of kha> rmuffi Ra« __iw Feerina) will tsde* th i ohftiT ftt . | 2m gvwujng’s isstrj)ction and am^ifiement. Tato. No.!ui4i''' oji himtha Croix da Inetift" (ftm eltfti). •et exhiMtien.' ^ Bffitthgi. ■ t.-'" ; V"'

t t .Si^. .V %


H O U S E S A n d b u s i n e s s e s w a n t e d . A TRIAI. SOLICIT EDt TUNBRIDGB WELLS. — Furnifibed ApartmentB. WANTED, UTTFURNISHED HOUSE; ' abmit dx ■X}. BXXVXT. ■weltered puution. faoiug Oominon; 1 xamute 'L.B. Rooms, w ith Ibath preferred; garden; m oderate len t (no family}.—J.i tiexton, Grand Itestaurant, St. Leon­ WARDROBS DSA .SN, GORDON VILLA, SATTLB -otatioUi 5 luinutoa B.E. oration and G.P.O.; prounda ards. o26 ROAD. 8T. LEONA IDS. wii; ,i.e b-rt .pri«« In, «»' irant» garden react good cooking, aitondanoc and bath. kind, of Lediw’, Oe itl,men',, and Okildrofi'* L m »* —Mrs. Fot, 1. Montacut^gdns., Tunbridge Well*, jll £1 OFFERED for the key of a smell House or suit­ able Flat; preferably m tne neighbournood of Silvermil OFu’ W EA RIN G AJ .ittill, of .Torr d-vjfiptlon. B qi w ise abont UNFURNISHED ROOM to Liet. 3s.; suit one or Ot dletnot.—Apply P ., 67, Sedlasoombe-id. N orth. Bilver- I'V E ON :.■■■< ONK ADDRESS. r two buuiles* ladiM.—S.K .. 594, ObBerrer Office. Ha*- p t .k a h e n o t e .- a •'’•inicatlon. -hould b« [ M hill, Leonards. —ol9 IK tloas. ; > , oi9 direct to Gordofl V I M I'tlg-road. St. lAonnrtU. WINTER MONTHS. — Sitting-Toom, Bedroom; tea OUR RINGS i Order* by post prompt , ibCieitked or unfurnished; very Fhiie, gof.d Lace, Cu5«*, Trunk*, and P ra«tlci|i creased more than' the bare Va,uers. F crio n al’poet ard wiil bring u*. Old «tabli*he4ii personal efficiency, wo w ant you to acquire wisdom C O U N T f tY a p a r t m e n t s T O L E T , moderate.-^, Alexander-rd., St. Leonards. —n2 FURNISHED UPPER FLAT, seafront; four Rooms; m this m atter. W e are thoroughly qualified opticians, FURNISHED APARTMENtS, near Shops; sunny moderate.—M.B., 692. “ Observer ■" Office. Halting*.—ol9 extra labour costs prevailing. our help is worth having. ' aspoot; indoor sanitation.—Hilder, The Haven, Tenter- FLAT, furnished, 130, Marina, St. I.,eonards; balcony, den. 9 ^,19 gas cookor, bath; 2 guineas.—Beg'bie, 125, tjaean's-rd., In comparison with every MRS. I'RED SMITH, Hastings. ol9 COME AND HAVE YOUR EYES TESTED AT THE FLAT, unfurnished; three large Rooms, Bathxooin, w a r d r o b e d e a l e r . b o a r d ' a n d r e s i d e n c e w a n t e d . lavatory on «eme floor, with, cooking and attendance; other commodity, without ex­ ISO. «lIEE^•S ROAD. nA.STrNGS, chqtce position*.'—Apply personally, Cohen and Cohen. Matehlew ^Vhite I Dia- SIGHT TESTING ROOMS. _ AN INVALID OFFICER require* Board Residence; Estate Agent*, 'Bexhill. / —o26b monds. 18ct ^Gold ception, Jewellery is less ex­ READY CASH.—Go j pr!re» gi’«n for G««6X' •^simple food, quiet position, no nursing wanted; good FURNISHED FLAT to Let for winter months; Sit­ Mount Un.Tcde«ned. Mfliwive^ 18et'. Gold Dia- and (’hi!dr.*Ti s osrt-r-lt 3LOTHING. CuTtain* and Hou** ; terms offered. — 'i^vendish Nuraing AMOciation, 30, ting-room, 27 X 27, two double Bed and large Nursery,. Special Value, i^2-12. Linen. Faro''!-^ vacied AT.d m'^n‘’y rcturnM tarn* Margaret-*!., I,#ondon, W . ol9 and night Nursery, Bathroom, Kitchen, geyser, gas pensive than in 1913. All m'”>id ’and Sapphire , \^ill call d 3i.:6d. for four, line* or 1«#^ 6uGc«88or to A. G. lX>ORD. ' —ol9 LADY would like to• shard ' her well-fumished Flat, and 6d. for vnsc9; very n^odeiate.—D.E., 736^ "O b serv er" Office, WANTED imme^iatelv. HOUSE-PARLOURMAID; method, quickest-means of learning a language, oy 21s. 6d. (sharing).—Rougemont. Breed’a-pl., Hastings^ Hastings. —oW I BURSTOW—PARKS On. O.'ifob-r IStti. at St. Leoa-' -JE28; fire in Warren, Burghdown, Epsom. trench teacher; ^ 6 years'*^ references in Oxford.— . —n2 W ELL.FU RN ISHEO FLAT, lady would like to I ard« Parish, Chur»’h, hr ?pc<^iai .Serend-Lieut ■ Fair WorJ 1 nle Observer ' Umce. Hastings. —ol9 BOARD RESIDENCE in. comfortable quiet home: one or two lad' ©5 or lady and gent; very reasonab’e.— I Biirstow, R.C.A., to jldith, eidfr danghifr of Mr. an4 i. GAMES-MASTER or MISTRESS required to coach sunny asi>ect; or nice Bedrooms, with partial board if Mrs. H. P a rk s,.437 M anno' Mansiop/^,' St. Leonardo i. WANTED, a NURSE-MAID daily.—Apply Mrs. required.--30., Springfield-rd., St. Leonards. ol9 Write for appointment, No. 4 Flat, Roberteon Sutchart, Drayton House. Evenffield-pl., St. Leonards. young boys, on Mondiiys and Thurivdays, 2.30 to 3.30. Hofstings. , ! * ol9 oij-Sea. - o l9 Principal, Sandown School, HastingB-rd., BOARD RESIDENCE and APARTMENTS; good W ELL-FURN ISHED rouvenicuMy arra^^ged FLA T: t a t h a m - h u g h e s .“ On 0».itobftT 14th. 1?18, at Sfl* WANTEDi GIRL to train as Consulting Room Maid. HexJnll. —ol9b ^tablesf- i>unny room*, heme comforts^ reduced terme for ope Reception,! three Bed. bath. cte.; 3 months cr Jo h u ’8 Church, l.f»onar|ils-on-Soa. by the ReT. [Hv 'j ^ A p p ly Mis . Willjam*, 33, Warrior-^q., SL LeonurUa. ^ NUKSERY.GOVERNESS or NURSE,' able to give w inter m onths.—Boaulieu» 36, Ever*ley-r 14, Mr. aial Mrs. Charle*, Hanilyi^ Rugies, of Rarch«':0'llk w That .WANTED, ot oiice, good COOK-GENERAL; one 'erery caro 'and attention.—Woodgate, 2,241, "OhMirer" COMFORTABLE BO ARD-RE^IOENCE in. ladie*^ ■Undercliffe. 8t. 1 Leonards. o!9 Park, W. ‘ iStiy only.—Apply .for,lar8 at 31, Wiltoa-rd., Bex- Ofliee, Bexhill. ■ —olSb - houee; good table; eve^ home comfort. — B., 244, Dm. —n2b SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING SCHOOL > •* Observer *’ Office, Hastingw. —ol9 STLVI R WF,t)DING.vF,i)r wranped up in WANTED at o>Q '.e, AseittanU and Improvers for Morning and Evering Cla«e«s. — M is, E thel Monk, COMFORTABLE BOARD RESIDENCB: private MESSRS. DYER AND GALl*AWAY’S C O R N FO R D -N E E V E S .-U u October 12fh, 1893, a t AM P.C.I.. 207, Eondon-rd., St. Leonards. i-ol9 family; 33s. inclusive; central, select.—R., 463, FLAT5 WANTED. DOMESTIC PETS AND CAGE BIRDS. freedom,” ” j] Millinery Workroom, Noimi Et Cie, 5, Claremont, Has- * Observer " Office, BU^^tings. —o26 Saints Parish Church, Iden, by the Rev. ,T. Lockingto® lings. ~o26 THE HASTINGS and ST. LEONARDS SCH06 l tor FLAT, unfurnished^ wanted; three large Room* end STOCK AND SHARC LIST. Alfred Corufr I’d To KliKa Jane Ncptps. only COMFORTABLE HOME (Warrior Square) offered m WANTED, a YOU NG GIRL daily for light housework. practical Book-keeping and Bnsinena Training; ladies' Kitchen.—J.M .. 1 556, " Obserrer ” Office. Ha&tinps. n2 'on AND LITTLE HEALYHTT TERRIER DO^, daughter of the late 5 T. Samijicl Nccres. of Oxenbiidgt but ^^'e know i%'er claases held twice weekly, 6.30-7.30; terms 3 guineas, pre­ doracstiented gentlewoman in exchange for companionship, . DYER & CALLAWAY have for Sale at the moment: ! puppy, healthy; 3 ^ruinea*.—Mrs. Fox, Kent llatch, 382, ^Apply P.. Smith, Tile Kila Farm, Hollingtou, St. FLAT or Bem[i-d€tached HOUSE, unfurnished, warrted —32 KasM:igft and St. L 'onaida Theatre Co. Sh»i'.‘5. bid* 1 Old- London-rd., H ustings, I'arra. i , Idtonards. -o l9 paid, for a CouHe of 12 Lessons.—For fnll particuiars light duties.—B.G., 646, " Observer *’ Office, Hastings. for early «prinR’; moderate rent. — Full Earticulara i i)y t iem , and Tvrite for appointment to the Principal,' 28, King’e-rd., —ol9 wanted, £253 HardingB Gas 5 p«»i cent. Additional Sto«*k :)FATHS. WANTED, YOUNG GIRL to train as Housnmaid; COMFORTABLE BOARD RESIDENCE fon the A.C.G.. 594, •• Observer Office, Haetiugs. —o26 at 71i, 25 Queen's Hotel a t £5 16s., 200 Ciuema de Luxe «Te maids kept.—Adply M'rs. Williams, 32, Warribr.-sq., St. Leonards. . _to32 FURNISHED': FLAT, faoin? South; two ladies and BALCOMB.—On O itoh r 18th, 1918. a t 51, Old .'ire to secure WANTED, GOVERNESS to four chiidren, age 4 to 9 winter. new;ly decorated: highly recommended; close Ordiiiarv at IO3., 50 Frelerence a t 31s., 12 bids; 0t. Ijobnards. —ol9 to aea and Church.—20 and 23, Kenilworth-rd., St, Leon­ maid; r^ea front! preferred; bath, h. and c.-r and eleotrio MISCELLANEOUS. H o'lincton. John Bn)i rrinb (late of Biittl-.' and belov« _ W ANTED, good: G EN ERA L SER V A N T; Ainall years.—Mre. Wynne. Northi-nm. . o25e fieht ^.enriah J-to 3 gninoas.^is, Marion, The ^r,. husband of .lane B; Icomb, 'i^esed iicacefully away. use the same bi|| WANTED, a YOUNG LAD,Y, daily, for the, Junior ards. —ol9 •ouiitry town; Ghuiehwoinan; state wasw^ — Vicar, GOOD LODGINGS or A PA R TM EN TS; very mo5' appointment.—R.W.C., 6/6, Ubderrei " Office, Has* " For cTci . with th© I-ovd.” laioiily: good wageaj and home.—Mre. Brailefprd, .93, VIOLIN, BANdO, GUITAR, MANDOLIN Lessons: tings. _oiy —From his sorrowii g Wife and' little Daughter. Bprlngneld-rd., Brighton. • ■ .i-, ol8e I ST._ l_F*>NARGiS.^55. LotidoD-ioad, comfortable Home 1, Stomffield-pl., jH urtinga. —ol9 FI NANCIAL, ETC. iiave learned is thi nstruments bounght and sold.—A. Taggart, 6, High-st., ifor inT*?lid'S-: evprv n ften tio n : Ftnuip.- —ol9 FIVE RABBl'tS* 18 wfck*. and mother, 20s.—Dumbar­ bKICK BATS, quantity fpr Sale; timber, doors.— BENNETT.—Oil Ootobe 13tli, lijlS, at a M ilitary H o» WORKING HOUSEKEEPER for small family; plain . laptings. —n2 Brasier, 5, Liist Parade, Hastings. . ol9 pital in 'Ita'y. died of pueumonfa. V. Cyril Wentworti ■Dooklng;' good wage* I and outings.-A pply G. Maynard, j SUPERIOR POAP»».RESinENCE, CUve Vale, for ton, St. Hc'cn'tii Fark-rd., Hastings. ™ol9 A PIDVATE LENDER will be pleased inwnain IS not to be Trust WANTED, PUPILS for the Pianoforte. — Miss H. llady .(or two).—H., 576, " Observer" Office, Ha.stiogg. FOR SALE.—Two or three Horses; suitable for vau *pplicati'i< for £25, £50, £100 and £5,60o owb BEAUTIFUL MOTORING COAT to b© Sold, c h d a p ; Bennett, Liout. R.G./ .• (late D.C.L.I.), second sou m L Coliinffton-ev., Bexliill. *>■ . —n2b . jlohfion, 14, Magdalen-rd., St., Leonards. —n2 lined with Miwqiiash; new cojiditioui.—Wriie C., 7a3, Die late Frederick ' VeutwortU Bennett, J.P., cfl WORKING HOUSEKEEPER required for small : ol9 work.—Apply H. Miles, Brittany Mewfi, St. Leonards. signature for any period; interest from 10 per oens. soieni'n word wl WANTED, MEMBERS to join •nnall private Strinsed —ol9 per annum; prinsipal and interest can be repaid from " Observer " •Office, Hastings. —ol9 Cadbury, Someri^ct, and Mra. Bennett, 3, S u te a Aousc; help gived; up to £50. — Brooks' High Clau I Irchiertra; mee+iuff, for practice, Tuesdays, 4 to 5 p .m .: BRYANT & SONS, the well known New and Second­ Mauifions, Sf. Leonan s-onTSea. Agency, Tunbridge Well*. —n2 FOR SALE.—Bay Horee, good vanner, and worker; £2 per month or qtiarterly.—D. Swyen, 1, Adelaide- Theiy bre 1 nminal subscription to cover c . o ^ mu*lc, etc.—Letters plenty bone, 17 hands.—Wax©, 124, (jueen’*~rd., Has­ •t., 6trand, W.0.,2. i _ ' _ te6 hand Complete House Furuiehera.—W© still hold one CHIVERS.—On October 14th, at The Cottage. BritirittanT* WANTED, competent COOK-GENERAL; good out- ] fnsic, 659, / ‘.Gbseivcr *' Ofllce. Ha^stings. > —q19 H O U S E S a Si d b u s i n e s s e s t o l e t " t h e Directors of the Permanent Building the ttnebt selections of New and Secondhand Furni- road. St. I.ieonards-on-5 ea, Mary, th© dejiriy-loved and good wages to suitable person. — Apply tings. 4 ol3 ?d wi& to Pi'esident W ii AND FOR SALE. F o r s a l e .—T wo Big Sows, two Fat Hogs and 11 iociety are prepared'te.ies^ve MONEY en deposit at 4 Behead* Bedding, Carpets, Linoleums, of John Chivers, poised peacefully away. Agedced 71 Chicketer's Hotel, Hastings. —ol9 per cent, per A,nnnm. 'Income tax l«id, Intereet paid Piano, Billiard and Bagatelle lablea. Huge, WORKING COMPANION HELP or Superior General Shut*.—Apply Stoniam, 197, Mount Pleasant-rd.. Has- ye«i8. ^ : A PA R TM EN T HOUSE, sea front; good feturns; rent tins««. . —®19 oslf-yeeEiy—Apply""h’rank Bhoeainith, Manager, 17, Hive- Mats, etc.,^in Ha-stings. Call and look round. We are the ” U ”-bo tMuired; email houee; two in family.—Apply L., 652, WANTED. JO N ES.—Killed in aerti ii, in Fm ucc. on 28th Septaa^ * observer ” Office, Hastinge. —ol9 ,£85: price £300; excellent living. — Tantcn, G’-'»nd FOR SALE.—Seven 6 weeks old Pigs.—Apply Satur­ lock-rd., Hastiufs. tc69 ; her, 191?, Private Edw ird Sydney Jonee, of the Royel ing that no WANTED, thoroughly reliable G ^eral or Housekeeper ; iParade, a t. Leonards.______-^ q19 day. after 1, or eveningt?. aUer 6, Hyland*, Tne Cottage, £8 LENT for la. per month on all kind* of Jewellery, ; BUSBRipCE’S M AR^ 289, London-road, St.vl^on- I’bisilieis, dearly-bcleve I oecond son of Private F. good, liome and, outings; wages £35.—Ludgat^ A RESPECTABLE PERSON wanted, to take Whole F o r Furnished and Unfornisbed BroomgroTP. —ol9 Watches, Silver and Plated Goods, and every deecriptior Mahogany Wardrobe, Mahobany and; Birch ond Mrs. Jonee, 65, Kenilworth-road, St. Leonarfli^ cf fam ily's •washnig.—Apply 15, Uraind Parade, St. Leon­ BEX K ILL. FOR SALE.—Several Light and Heavy Cart Home*, o t valnable property.—Uose and Batea, Pawnbrokers, ia peace and joy. They broke \fO R K . either Repairing or Making, at home or ladies* STEVENS AND SON, GRAND HEAVY MILKING COW and Heifer Calf ------I COMPLETE FURNITURE, Bedroom and Living R .I.F . • St. ^rgaret'6-et.. Canterbury. o26 ojwii r«ridanoo.T-K F .8., * .Observer ** Office. H atin g * . SEA. for Srtle, fourth ^ f ; warranted genuine.—Iraibrick, I n ^T AKin PflllN n Jloom. Ki^ffien Utensils, ^tc., £16;' leaving town.— 'vhen they persiil WANTED, RESPECTABLE WBMAN for household List, Map, and Guide Free. Tele. 409. L U o I AIMU rU U IM U . 1 Hayward, c72. O bserver" Offlee, Hasting*. ' ol9 KENNARO.—On Ortob -r 4th.* 1918. at General Ho» Butaec; family ,of three. — Addree* letters P., Apel'* . teb < SEA ROAD. Crowhurst. 0l8e pital, Salonika; from h-onchial pneumonia, Private W* FURS REMODELLED, latst styles,sreaeonable prices, HORSE HAULAGE wanted for two, four or six C o s t , 24th Ausi^t. at Hastinga, Gold I^Panmne ^ Library. Ro^rtaonrst.. Hastings. ' —ol9 tob r-'-.i...* .,-,1-a W.P., ^i«^ou4ith Kennard, 20, 014 NEEDLEWORK OF ANY KIND wanted by soldier’s ' CLIVE VALE.—F ot Sale, Freehold, Dud’ey-road; two HORSES of ev€B7 description for Bale or TTir^— ;*•' genuine secondhand ’ bargain.—Rose . and Bates, Pawn­ DBder Ohambennaid; good wages and outings.—Apply Suesex ’ Express,” Lewes. brokers, 46, London-rd., S t.. Leonard*. Humphiey-avenup. Hus lugs, and youngest son of Mxa, ( heir! armies on, Menager, Esplanade Hotel, Dover. ol9 jfe to do at home; reaeonabl© charges, -i- Horscraft, Reception, three BedroortuA, bath, g\(rden, £485. Edmund- ,8t.! L^nard* 4^*1 £2 REWARD". — liost, on Saturday afternoon last, tele K eunard, 71, Greville- oad. Ore. Aged '32 years. W ANTED,. Parlourm aids, Oook-HouiekeepeiB, House> lewitt* Farm. Framfield. nle road, two Reception, three Bedrooms, bath, garden; HORSES, for Sale:'six Cart Mares and Geldinrs. between the Pnblio Hall Cinema (near rim Memoriail 3of° Flfms ’ SMALL PRIVATE LAUNDRY wanted to wash fdr £490. Athelsfcan-road, two Reception, three Bedrooms, two active Vannere and three strong Cobs; owner will LEESON.—On October .6th, 1918, a t 96, Old (^Londaih they I would dema| H^da, GeneraUi fiouae-Parlounniids, Hu im s.—Barbers and HTerEfleld-piace. a Lady's Gold Bracelet W atch SALE i; road, Hastings, Nellie, ’third; daughter of 'Ihe lato R ecisiry, 16, H £gb^t., CAnterhniy.^ ol9 loya’ School, at Bexhill.-^Apply to Percy, "Observer" garden, £360. Saxon-rcod.l two Reception, three Bod- .warrant them correct in any way: 14 to .17 hands hisb; No. 148,048). - Anyone brmgins the same to Mre. rfrden -5'i® ““fi’ Cjffice.' -Bexhill. ol9b t o o r d i ^ garden. £310. Alfred-road, two Reception, three ages 5 to 6 y^ors; in good condition and direct from Hmesb Leeeon and of Mr*. L^son, parsed peacetelly money from ;ther WANTED, rood QENERAI,. SERVANT or General Hawkins, 24, ETersfle!d-pl., St. Leonards, or the Police pA,? Wire- Ne+riif"’ away. Aged 26 years. Help; not under 30;j good home; wages according to WANTED, one goOd FAMILY'S WASHING.—Apply Bedrooms, garden, £310. Foseession on completion; to work: price* froni £18 to £80; -may be tried in shafts , Payntoii-rd., Silverhill, St. Leonard*. , —o26 Let: Old London-road and Athe)«tan-road; 12s. Cd. in- or chain* here or would send in the country for 14 Station, Will receire the above reVard., . ol9 H l?.T\o"lt.T‘» S ?f." IW er^^ “ OAKLEY.—Killed in ac ion, in France, September J4tl^ theirjBaltic provil •xperienee.—87, Albany-rd., Bexhill. \0l9b etc.—U., 7, Wilinington-id., Hating*. oiy 1918, Company-Sergeaui Major' George Frknk Oakl^, W ANTED, BUperior U SEFU L MAID for elderly'lady, WANTED, NEEDLEWORK, renovating at home or clurive; Harold-road, £26 iier anh\im.—For further par- days’ trial. — Anplv Arthur Smith, Oontractor, la, Aath chair; .nea^ewamant 'd^fli^cated; about 30; re- It die* house*.—Apply K..S., 099, *) Observer " Office, Hns- iculars,. apply Dyer .and Gallaway, 38, Havelock-rd., riRTo-ifion-rd.. rtoilsnd Park, London, W. Tube train FURS, £10 10s., .fashionable Black Set; whole akin*, Royal Sussex R ^ m < nt, lovbd husband of LouiO selves to threfe hi tijngs. . ol9 lastiugs. ‘ ■(. to Holland I Park' from any etatiom ol8e DEAD STOCK, ETC., FOR SALE. , Tango Stole and latest-round Mutt; new 2 months ago; Oakley and fourth ao i of th© late Mr. and M a. fsTencc.-T-B.," 4, WoodVille-rd., Bexhill. —ol9b approval willingly; accept £ 3 13s. 6d.—Belmont, 3, WAITRESS, v^th private hotel experience required; I Oakley, of Waterworla road, Hastings. in gold and goods MARSHALL 4 ft 6 Threshing Machine for Sole; Auben Park, Highbuiy Park, N. —to44 PARSONS.—On October 13th, 1918, at 60, Silverland^ wages Ub. weekly and latuidry.—Address Lonsdale Man­ in working order.—H.P., " Sussex Kxprees,’’ Lewe*.—ol8e sions, Private Hotel, .Tunbridge WelL —ol9 FOR SALE.—Portable Kitchener, two Ovens, 2 x 13, road Sllverhill, Agnes Purtiomi. tn© beloved daughtiii APARTMENTS WANTED. PLOUGH, double furrow, ,Robert*; £7; good condi-. Stove Pipe, 5 ft., in thorough g o o d working order; suit­ of the late John l*arw ne, in*' her 54th year. WANTED, experienoed' VGpNG LADY, a* Barmaid tion.—Steed, Court Lodge; BruwoFh. ol8e able for outdoor oatering.-rApply Mariager, Feaist’S, LADY- xe^uires. U nfurnished Room ; large; .12*. OasNe Hill-rd., Hastings. —teT ROBERTS.—^On October 13th, at Snnny Bank, LambtP- ■■ Once bit, tw| Tx onthly; pem ahcntJ—Rogera, " Observer " Office, Haa- FOR SALE.—A magnificent Grandfather Clock, West­ huiat, K ent, W illiam I obert* ^ te r e d in to rest. Ag«B lUU years. homely motto on! ti ngs, ^ ■ : , - ol9 GARDEN, ETC. minster and Cambridge Chimes, fine mahogany case; ain 'cooking: h«lp ;given; good wages.-^Apply Mrs. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS wanted: motnd, 3. Middle-st., Haotiufa. tc50 FOR SALE.—Grceib’s 12 inch Lawn Mower, Oil Can, Robertson, 45, Magdah n-road, and 'Cldeet son of Mr, fond of animals.—!, Marina, St. Leonard*. . —ol9 aid hi* wife; or as Paying Guest*; ,yicipity West Bex- BLACK CURRANTS; Seabrook'a Mil© Reslster: Garden) Roller.' Wateroan, False- Bottom for kitchener, and Mrs. H . Rc4)eFtso i, 18. Sedleseombe-road iSouto* not o:ice but mar WANTED, HOUSEMAID’, also Between Maid 4or 11.—W rite Box 2,746, Obaerver " Office, Bexhil?.—o l ^ 10 by 6i, small Gas Stove, tube attached. Garden ^ools St. Leonards-on-Sea. A ^ 37; jears. ‘ Apartment House; comfort^le home;, good wages.— finest Black Curraaf* .grown: strong 2-year^ld bushes; REQUIRED, by''two ladies. Bitting and Bedrooui,*^ 4*. dozen. 15s. 50.—J.; Macefibld, Violet Nurseriee, St. and oiher articles; lowest'price, £5.-62, Vale-rd., Silver- RULF.—On the 5th Oct her. 1918. at 148. Beaconaflal^ men of the AlliesI Apply 6, Tiintty-pl., ;Cambiidge-rd., Hastings. —ol9 with attendance, lor the wiistex; must be sunny.-Reply, ARTHUR A. HART Helen's Wood*. Hastings. n2 hill, St. Loonaxds. ^ —ol9 road, H astings, Jam es, dearlyrloved* husband of Oltoi WANTED, immediately, USEFUL HELP, 20 to 39; .stating tertoe, to Mis. Gubbine, Albert House, Den- FOR ‘SALE.—Quantity of Golden and Green GREY HAIR ttermanenily snd speedily restored to its Ru!f, after a long illn 3ss. Aged 49 years. , jump at a Getgua ^lain eooking; good | wages; another kept; reference* mark-pl., Hoetiugs- ^ ©19 original.^lour by using Harrison’s Hair Colour Restorer; pssentisJ.-L., Manningford, Jameaon-rd., BexhiU. pl9b ^uonymus. Coloured and White Lilac*; oheap for cash; WALLER.—Lance-Goipor. :1. Reginald F. Waller, killaB SUNNY COMBINED ROOM, in St. Lecmaids. re­ Modernize your Stove. /round wanted. — W. Dennis, St. Matthew's Nnrsery, it .iS' not a dye, but by natural means acts as a resteta- whilst on active serv icin France. Septemlier 39ti4* very careful exar WANTED, superiornGENERAL SERVANT; cemtort- quired -pennanently; pleasant outlook; good cooking, tive; oontaihs nothing'injurlouis, and is beneficial to the ■kle home; another help-kept; good references essep- .Stw LeohardK. tc33 1918, deaiiy>lovea *on. o Mr..niMi Mz*. F., H. Wallav* it seened to sho\ attendance: lavatory same floor; entrance preferred; s h a l l o t s .wonted in any auantity.i-Elphick and growth'* and' beauty of the heir. In bottles, price Is. Gd. of '-Herne Hillj late >f Wellington-road, . Haotinci^ Itel.-M rs. WarburtonL 111, Station-rd., Bexhill.—n2b (postage 6d» sartm).- MOimTactnret-: Q. W.. “Hafiison, re n t 10s.—Mrs* Ijorlmer, K ing's Library. .... — don, litd-- .The Se'damen. Lew^ toe ;Aged 19 years. , , .. dispoiiition to acc^ WeLL-TRAINED^relibhlls GENERAL , SERVANT WANTED, UNFURNISHEIT APARTM e n TS with JUST * IN, *all the latest up-to-date'ideas in H air HpecuBat, Reading. Sold by Chem{sts.-rAgeat for wanted for family of iwo.-rAppIy in the forenoon, Mrs, nice people.—Y .W .,' 2,240^ " Observer " 'Office, Bexhill, GChvtings. H . C. Edwards. 17, QueenV rd. —tc42 WELLS.—Private Freder ik Amelia wounded May tBo f H oarsen, 18, Sedleeco^be-ird; South, St: Leonards. ol9 HUNTER ■ BROS, for New Autunm Millinery; 27th, died June 4th. 1918 Aged 18 years and 10 montts. ’s^hicl President r . -d l9 b LAND TO LET. FOR SALE AND > I A aoldier hrare hU life he gn WANTED, a GENERAL BERVANT for work of WANTED, .Sittingrioom', Double Bedroom, neighbour- Velvet, Velour and Fielt Hats, trimmed and nntrimmed; ?6 gnall farmhonse; go<^ wages and odtkiei; three perr ANTHRACITE S T O V E S & F or K ing and ' Country CalL .Janui.ry, and agal hood'tlatholio Church, St. Leonards, for wjnter.—Apply WANTED. a good selection; also Ribbons, Mounts, etc. — 9-10, .0Oaa in house.—Reply liightbody; HctherfleM, Battle.- .Ca^8ier«r'Pfeobrt19 Trinity-st, ' , WEEKS.—On Au^uist S3: d, 1918. J;*rivate Percy Weak% is ho])e of peace I ‘ ‘ ol9b ' .>;WANTEQ^ three pr four UNFURNISHED ROOMS, BARLESS FIRES. AN ACRE ol Land on the RidlcOi with timber; aan HANDSOME SEf^L CONEY COAT, large Opossum D.C.hi.l., killed in actl m in France, the dearl)i'-1oTeS WANTED, a GOOD GENERAL;: a woman who con one as.kitohen, in. BexhiU or Old Towh; one lady.— be diTided and payment made by lUBtaimente; on tram Collar; new lost season;'12 guineas; exchange natural husband of Maude Wee £», of No. 3, Wilmington«-roaA, seed in these proj Go plain- cooking; three in laimly; no children: liberal A p p ly F .M ., 2:719;“" Observer ” Office, BexhUl. —o26b route; an adiniriiole oite tor small. bungalows.—!. Cam* Musquash;' set light’’Wolf Furs, new, 8 guineas, near tit. Helen’s, Hartingg, and' dearly-loved second • sax •Btmga.—Apply Box 2,741,‘-** Observer*' Offlse, Bexhill. WANTED, two UNFURNISHED ROOMS. St. Leon­ bnaKe-rd., Haatlngs. to36 . offer.—Wheateheaf, Little Common, l^xhill. —n2b jof Mr. and Mrs. Weeks} o t 1, Wilmingbonrioad. Age4 altogether cast. ' i -^ [ T —Ol9b ards or Clive V ale; •outh aspect.—Brown* 39, Bpring- FIREBRICKS. TILES, BACKS AND CHEEK^ TWO SHILLINGS A WEEK will purchase Freehold^ HASTINGS SECONDHAND FURNISHING CO., 86 . 31 years. ( WANTED, stroiU WOMAN or GIRL for housework fleld-rd.. 8t. Leonardo , ol9 Plot* of I.aucL in Boacousfleld-road.—Apply 1, Cam- and 87. Queen's-road.—Cheatorfleld, in Tapestry, only fbo m an hae died < nobler death George,has prbml tt, a Girls* School; good wage*, comfortable hom e; WANTED, unfurniebed, at Ore or Olivo Vale, one ■ pf every description. bridge-rd.. Hafi'ting*. —n23 lOi guiueoiS. Drawing Room Suite, c m eet him there. ! Apply by letter, statijag experience and wage* required. 94, Herbert-rd.. Plumftart8; givini Merchant. Tnnbrjdg© Well*. —p36 to family; two maids kept.—L., Maimingford, Jameson- APARtM ENt’S TO LET, FURNISHED HOUSE, six Rooms; 3 months or up repairing,—Hoile, 1, AltouetteUl-pl., Hahtings.—oW 1914. longer.—G.G., 215, "Observer" Office, Hastings. ol9 PIGS, 8 weeke^old, 15&. per head;. Light Sussex LOVELY DOLL, undreHises, five garm ents; only 4s.; Day by day the voice eaith " Coma," tC. Beihiai. —n2b Cockerels, 12s. 6d^i—Cilsford, Feasmareh, Sussex, nle FOR SALE.—Several Bicycies, frames, p ^ s ; giving' aeeuj© earlv.—18. Silverlonds-rd., St. Leonards. ol9 If therefore,! a| W ANTED, fiupbrioE Domestic Helii or Working. ;FOR SA4-E, Freehold, 59 and 65, .Emr^nuel-rcwd; Enter thiuo etermil ! ome, APARTMENTS, furnished, pleasantly sittiated, facing let to good t^ a i i t s ; price £2oU each. — Apply 17, HAdtIfiTS for Saie, v«bnouaureeu*.—boxby Hurat, up repairing.—Hoile, 1, &tonefield-pl., Haetinga. —^12 L4NEN REMNANTS for Pillow Caae, assorted Asking not if w© can spare Housekeeper for ^ two ladies: all duties; help given ; sea.—23, Priory-rd., West’ Hui, Habtinga. h2 Brow Bank, The Dowu. B**xhiU. fl28b FOR SALE.—Gent’s New Hudeon Bicycle; owner in bundles, 5s.-6d., 10s. 6d., and 25s. parcel, in. 25a. bundle that Germany! Me 22-40. — Apply W., Hawthorn Dene, Gerraid’s Scdlescombe-rd. North, St. Leonards, ; ' o26 Army; £o;-»cen any morning.—42, Silveriands-id., St. This dear soul it sum none there. ’ ASHFORD. — Large Front convenient Bed-Sitting- FOR SALE. — A bargain, Leasehold House, Folke- RABBITS.—Six Flemish Belgian Doea and one Buck; to make a sheet.—Send lor list, J. liamont, Linen Ware­ Had he asked u*? w^ll we know thou^Iii r e p e n t i ^ n l CdosB, Bucks. ■ —o25e room ; attendance it req u ire d .-5, Queen-At. ‘ o26 ateo ‘the exoellcnt Hutohes.—'Lhidawell, Grocer, Uck- Leonardo. ^ house, BaHymenev. Co. Antrim, Ireland. o26 WANTED, good GENERAL SERVANT for nuall etone; rent £39; ground rent £3 10s.; price £370; Wc should cry " O pare this blow," APARTMENTS, well furnished, cioed. trams^ Park.— two-thirds’can lemain at £5 per cent.—Cowan, Ashford. fleld. ol8e FOR SALE.—A 2-3 i^ te r Studebakei Car, with self- MANGLE (Bradford;, 26 inch Rollers; good eondition; Yes, with' rtreoming ears, should pray, lirou^ t about bv ; frrvate family; no ccoking or washing; good ^aracter StickeUs, 13, Mount Pleasant-cies;, HaaUugs. —o26 I RABBITS; 10 well grown, mostly Does, 5 months; starter and ‘ lighting, ’.ting, detaohableaeta wheels; in excellent bargain.—52. Wiltou-rd.. Bexhill. —ol9b 'u»dispen«able.—Apply Mrs. Bazaigette, 78, Station-rd., 1 " n2 T *• Ijiird, w© lore him, let him star." APARTMENTS, furnished, close to. ,«ea; south Flemish Glante and others; pure-bred White W.vandotte wothrng condition — >Scen Campbells, Cambridge-rd., MAGNIFICENT. fnll-«ise. new PGRCELAIN BATH I ruM W ELL—ln *»»^rinvink Tn#mr>Tv aT IS be iten ; if“ th« h V Hexhill-on-Sea. —o!^b iFOft SALE.—Two email Freehold Properties in Btone- •Haatings. 1 ol9 dear hnahMffi . aspect.—Apply 2, Hoimesdale-gdn*., BaBtings. —o26 fleld-road, Hustings; let at 10*. ..per wwk; price £700.— Heno; seen by appointment.—Old Roar House, 'Bilverhill te be Sold, cheap; too big. for owner s >residence,—23, -J? memory WANTED, for Loidon, kind and bright GIRL as APARTMENTS, funniab^, with attendance; near Park, St. Leonards. ' ' ol9 LANOAULETTE, Ford oliafsia 1915; body by. Magda!cn-rd., St. Leonardo. —ol9 and father, Mark Funnell, of Rose Mount, Hughendsd^ ' inent has reallvM Under-Nurse or None Help, baby 18 month*.—Write Further partictilars write Latin, ‘ Observer HoUingeworth, Haetinga; upholistered grey cloth; used road, Haetings, who pas ed away Ooteber 14th, 19M.«» tram route.—65, VaJe-rd., Silveihill, St. Leonaxda; ol9 Bexhill ; - i —o26o RAT POISON is the principal weapon used in the SEVERAL GOOD secoudband Sewing Machines for fall particulars to E. 14, Edith Villas, W«fc Ken/;iug- A NICELY FURNISHED front BedrSitting-roOm, Government Rat .Crusade; " K ^ine" Rat Poison acts for about 3 m onths; off wncels einoe Xmas.- 1915; in Sa!o,- cheap; maobines cleaned and repaired.—5, E ast Gone, b u t never forgott in. . ■ f hand to n , London, W.14. ‘ . o26 FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED HOUSES, fn HOADLEY. — In lovin r 'meBuory of LftncetOorpJwti ' without etten(iainw,-^207, London-id., St. Innards.—ol9 St. Leonards and Haatinge. — Apply to Dawson and like a charm, it. destroys awanne in a night; safe, eure new condition; no driers. — Apply J. 4^., "Brook Parade. • Hastings. o36 WANTED immediaiely. singfe-handed HOUSEMAID, APARTMENT^ to Let for couple, or t^o single Bed­ and. speedy; 6d., Is., 2s., 3s., 5s., post 3d. — Harley, House," 3t. Helen’s Pujk-rd., Hastings. - ol9 RED CROSS and St. John Ambulenoo* Uniform William Lewis Headley died from wounds Octobag gone ifals and, state .Ret'under 23; two in family; three.maids; wage* £28; Hardenl Auctioneers, 48, Marina, St. Leonards-en-Sea 19th, 1915. Aged. 19. I aid'to rest, Bcthime Tow» room*, with attendance. — i47, Battle-rd., St. Leonards, 1834). who will be hasBy to loiwaid list. Uhemist, Perth. Local Agents, H. C. Edwards, 17, MAUDESLEY SWEET 17 LANDAULETTE, j Dreasw, Aprone'. CapA. Cuffo. S lav es, Colloxa. Belts, «cnnfoTtabIei home, goxt out.ings. — Mrs. MaqKay,' 58; 3—026 Queen's-rd., HastingB, 15, King's-rd., ti%. Leonards, 245. eound condirion; any trial; tyres and accessories good. Creeses. Badges. Shoulder [Titles. Numeral© and Buttons, Cemetery.—Sadly miased w Mum and Dad. ■ him, and assured 3 ’oxgrove-rd^,-Beckenhira. —tesi APARTMENTS, wen-furnished; bath. h. and o.. elec­ IFOR SALE.—Semwletacheid House,' well bhilt; two Old London-rd.. Ore; and H. H. Emeleiu, Battle. tc43 -Bates, tit. George’s Gate, Canterbiuy. 0l9 rte.; also Coats, Kate ind Storm Toques fby- Scott, HOLEWELL.—In loring 1 lemory of our brother, JahNB K the ( WANTED, Oook-Genoral and ffijuse-Parlourmnld for tric r light/ every/'com fort aiid attention.-j-lO, Majse-hill. SOWS AND PIGS, together or separate.—F. Lusted., NEABI.YVieAB, V uNEW" e u i 4aMnaV-.aT'£. ?'s MotorXTntnr DeliveryIValiirf Van tor Solo. l^nd-«t.).—Hunter > Bros,, 9, 10, Trip^ty-rt., Robertson- Holcwell, who was killed iu action When H.M.S. Marp prman peo •onntry Eofifrding Hoikse.—Apply by letter.*fstatinc full floors only, containiug eight good-sized Rooms, large St. Leofiards.' —ol9 walled-in garden; good views back and front; Bituated Market Gardener, Wertfield. - ol9 —Ball, Hurst Gieeu. U o26 at.% HnrtinCT. i Rose wae sunk in tlie N orth Sea, on October 17tlL b I i o w that they arel rtieulars and salary required, to Miss Hands, Manor APARTMENTS. One Sitting and 'two Bedroom* STRONG HORSE, pood worker; cheap or exchange PR EM IE R t r i c y c l e , sound throughout; pnon- SAGCHARIN TEA-SWEETENERS.—By return port. 1917.—George, Gladys a d Niece Constance. ouse, Bewdley. Worcesterahire.. . 625f> at Sedlesoombe Road North, St. Leonoide.—Apply H* One tablet equal to large teaepoonlul of sugar; 100, vacant for wintbr month*;’'bath, h. and o. — Apply Harrie, 26. Castle Hill-rd., Hastings. —n2 Cob.—Marshal!, Rickards, Boreham, HailFhara. ol8e matio tyres; JE5: 15s.—Apply h'ailey. Beuamarsh, near To live, in hearts o thoee we leave behind . ' from '■,Belgiuin. i l CWANTED; COOK-GENERAL for Purley. near Croydon Arran,- 6, Arfahersfe-rd..* Bexhill, teb STRONG PONY, 12 hands, 8 years; Governeee Car Bye. I ol8e 2s. 44d.; 200. 4s. 44d.; 300. 6s. 44d.; 500, Ift no to die. (London): f^ r in fanily; nurse kept; very comfortable FOR SALEi — "Wendover," Sedlescoipbe-road, St. 1(^. l i d .; 1.000, 19s. 8d.; port free. — M urray and .APARTMENTS; . exceptionally good and well-fur- Leonards-on-Sea, three Reception Rooms; oev^n Bed­ and. Hainc^e; driven by lady.—Apply B., 729, ‘'Ubaen'cr*’ WOLSELEY M-30 h.p. C *ylinder. 1913 modeU with MILLER.—In ever-loving memory of. tiignaller F. i|,' . i l u m inia. and tliej iituation;; . good., refers ncea eeseutial.—Apply Dotteridge, ni/died (winter months); highly recommended j excellent, Office. Hartingfl.' —ol9 inagniilcent Cabriclet body; ;all in good aondition.; pria# McConaebie'. Ltd., Chemirts, ‘ Wineberter. — ol2 IflorPkm. PuT*e-lane, Purl*»y, Surrey. —ol9' rooms, Bathroom. Kitchen, Scullery, qnd well-appointed Miller (Perc.), killed in. j ction in France October 19tk» , cocking: personal supervision, bath, electric light.—51, SPANIEL PUPPIES for Sal©; also Wire Fox Terrier, fi550.-rWordley, 8t. Lodiuirdo. = . UNDERWOOD. 20 Acres' for Sale: suitabl© for 1917. Aped 38 years. • ^ tiadly zms^ed. His loTiap i)ia. heTr'lve slialf w a n t e d ; temporary, LADY COMPANION (must Office*: large garden, Iwitlb aide, drive and stabling or ‘ BEDFORD BUICK, 4-uyi. 5-ssater Car, September p it prop©, ©tc,—Woodbridge, Glydwiah Farm , purwoeh. Wartior-«o., St. Leonaid>^. ^ ; ' —n2 ■garage. — Apply WimBhurst, Tibbp Court, Breucbley, good worker.—J. Wickham, Tollgate, Silvcihill Park, Mother ond Father, Sik ers and Brothers. Be gentlewoman), n u d ^ f 45, to sit .with or walk out with APARTMENTS 'Or HOUSE, well-furnished, highly St. Leoiiatdfi. ol9 1915: only run 3,MO mile*; condition aa new; fully ' —o25e ti’.em Thar is tli lady each eftemoou!, 2 to 6; good tArms.—Apply St. K ent . T ' . —ol9b rquipped; flv© wlieels, I speedometer, aleak, *ete.; pries Oh I day by ^ y hO 'w e raise him recommended; j ^ r ,*ea; two Situng-rooms, flv© Bed­ GOOD OPPORTUNITY.—To Let. General Business, STRONG COB, 14-2; quiet in every way and a good None but our o v r u l>eart« can te ll; .He'en'fi H otise,-'416. D!d London-rd., Ha-^tiug*. —ol9*. rooms. bath, h, and c.; good cooking, attendance; worker; £*40; also Pony, 12-1, 6 years.—Hill Hou?e £;in« —VVeidlsv. St Ls<^n8rd8. dent W ilson'> an si w a n t e d ; a WOMAN for scuiiery work in high-clasf main thoroughfare; eame hands 15 years. — Applif OARRACQ'LORRY. Iwith solid tyres on back; will There fallet-h a zhirt and a blinding iWJi, sunny aspect; vacant.-B., 31, Kenilwoirth-rd., St. .Leon­ •'Pindars," Clive Vale. Hastings. —o26 Fanrt. Crowhnrat. ol9b And life ie never t e same again. ‘ Hreparatnry School; ^ages £24;.'.g6od outings end hoh- ards. . - i ^ —ol9 STRONG PONY, aged, Trap and Harness' for Sale; carry one ton load ans^here; in gocxl order throughout, MI^CELLANEOUS ARTICLES—WANTED. these things lias y-ti i’dov«< if deslijed; —ol9 a proflt-abl© Bpeculationl; low price to c l ^ r ; having ANYTHING OF VALUE.—House of Furnitnxe'Oi (Perc.), killed in action October 19th,, 1917:—Ever ifli ^ .no ( ha iigi' ill the ^nc.ntlY to and from ;door. -^19 rent, capital proof trade: price only 'j£70, including no facilities ffew repaii!s at prwent. — Wordley, St. p^t; any surplud goexte purchased for cash; best prises moml>ered by the broth r Frank. ^ . BEO-SITTING-ROOM to Letm oderate; terms.—B.. 4, ponv, van-, etc.; value; exceptional opportunity. SMART TURNOUT for Sale; Roan Pony. 12-1 _\. WA’ITEO.t MAID. : (mpen'or. November 5th :' £36-£4$ Oorn0eld-t<‘r., Bt. Ijconards.' —ol9 ba.nds: very pretty and good goer.; brown harn ess; Leonards. i ' , , . given for anything ux hiarket value.—Heevee and Son, MILLER —In ever-loving nemorr of my dear husband m;m\ i'ho new| —Wirkendon and Bons. TunbT|d-r« W«‘1V. ol9‘ CADILLAC 30 H.P. 'iwo-seater late 1913 model, elec­ 43. Higii-at., the oldest-estabUshed firm, are in the posi­ Percy Harry. Millei. tii&T jller K.GJ^., killed in-actio* .•ecordiug to ! «xperi*‘nce: dnilv might good plain BED-SITTING-ROOM, ground floor; low terms;—119, GROCERY AND PROVISIONS.—Bfst position in almost new Governess Car; sole Tea«>n for eelling, too Max i m iliaii. is n| I.eook e*»ent1dl; two tin family; self-contained flot; Bn1verhytl^rd.',_ St^ Leonards. .. _ i, , o2fi small.-rAppIy J. Arscott, St. LcQuqri^rd., !^xhni tric lichtios and starting outfit; spare tyres and lull tion to gite the best prices in th© disiriot. Cail or write, in France, on October 9th, 1917. Aged 28 yoara, ;aFery* convenienc©; excellent o u tin g * ch arw o m an doe* Kent Market Town; rent £52;- turnover averoces -over kit of tools; price £275, any trial; the property ol^an .Reeves an d 'S o n , 43, High-at.. Hastings. ' tc29 j Renew my will Iron day to 'day, * BeO^ITTING.RAOM or Sitting and Bedrock; ladies £190 per week; very old-established and • genuine con- ol9b < i eri 1 .an Parliamei Alt cWniiKr.—Walter! 5, Regency lilaMion*, St. I,crm- preferred.—A.B„ 302? . Observer ” Offlee, Hbstings.—ol9 •TWO USEFUL CART HORSES, cheap; also large engineer.—WordJey, St. [^onards. ANTIQUE and MODERN FURNITURE/ Chino, I Blend it with Thin , .and take away , SBidii (oppoeit* Hajtings Pier'. o?fi • ‘--‘"■•“ ‘A-— — , ^ pern • only roaeon for disposal owner retiring; price MORGAN CAR 1917 naodel, water-cooled model, as Glass, Plate, Bric-a-Bioc, and A rticles of V irtn.—Maaara. Ail that now makes it- hard to eay B^D-SITTINGROOMS, hi £1 Is. per ireekruae of fot lea»;ef goodwill, fixtures, fittipgs and utensils. £500; Trolley.—Doueh, Coal Merchant. Hailsbara. ' ol8e just like those,, vyl YOUNG GIRL wanted for housework, daily.—Mr*. diningvrooni ^ for meels-—Sandringham Hotel, BexhiU; YOUNG WEAL-MARKED FOX TERRIER for Sale; new- price £135.—Wordley, St. Leonards. Gordon G i6en and Webber will be pleased to give advice ' 'Thy wi. I be done. Wpv’ot. 7P, ‘ Station-id,, Bexhill. —n2b stock and book debts at faluarion,—Further parHcnlara ROYAL RUBY MOTOR CYCLE, iiwo stroke 9i h.p. os to the best means of disi>ocing of surplus effeote; ’—From his ever eorrow ng Wife and Baby Jaas. from the Wholesa’e Grocers' and Provision Merchants’ good guard, house trained.—K., 7, Egerton-rd., Bexlhll. wouldrxUexLis please write or ©all and make an appoint­ 'The i xaiser and“tlii I YOUNG BRIGHT jCOMPANION HELP wanted for BED-SITTING-ROOM in . lady’* flat ; T bath,* a-a* ' -o l9 b ViUier’fl Engine, all oc’:e©sories; hew condition; very MITCHELL.—In Inviiig n emory of my dear husbaB% iHexhill. as on© of family, forladv and little girJ^ 8 riii4?: no sttendlanci?.—B.G., 646. •‘ O bserver" Office, Alliance. L+d., Businea^ Aeency a^d Valuation Depart­ fast and reliable;: £30 oif,,nearest offer.-Rice Bros., ment, when the Auotioneeis' peisomil attention will be liconards Jamee- Mitchel , who passed away 'Oetobtf d o r f f still control tl year*' (balfrday'* school; some needlework; no honse- HaAtings. ' —ol9 ment, 19, Eartrheap, Lond'on, E.O.3. ol9 Cycle and Motor Depot lidwes. . —ol8e given.'^Gordon - GreeU; and Webber, Austioneaia and 21at-, 1915.* SPork.—Apply 'Cntbill. U, EvcrslcT-id., Bexhill. —ol9b HOUSE to Let for winter, newly furnished, facing sea, SEVERAL LADIES’ andilDENTS* CYCLES for Sale, Valuers, Offices, 3, tieo-rd.. BexhLll. —teb ' t he c a nnbn.the mi I ' , BEDROf^MS. Dining and Sittiar-rooin, ^ th or with­ St. Leonards;, one Sitting, four Bedrooms, gas. fire and LIVE STOCK CATTtE, ETC., WANTED. BOOTS and SHOES.—All sorte wanted, for caoh; Not gone from mem >ry, nor from”love, \ YOUNG OENERAlL wanted fdr family of four*: -com- out attendance; term* moderate, during. winter months. from £ 4 'to 16 guineas; T e are also buyers of iSecondhand But gone to his Fail er's home above. ioTta-ble ho*ne|. ea«.easy Tyjsitibn; , im washing: . . . good outings; - . . . -4. Quarry-cres., Hastings. j ©19 cobker- minnt-e station; tram, abops: suit gentle people;, CALVGB',—G. Sargent will' be aending Calves to the Machines.—Watsona, Shiiipere'. Memorial, H asting«.~ol9 DotelitS' bought or exchanged.—At Goodseirs. 133, Queen's* ' iifles It is stilly tlf £ 2 lOs.—Letters 4, H ighland M ansions.^______ol9 td.. Hastings. ■ tc56 MOON.—In ever-loving' in'inory o f^ m y dear- broDMft II '•rmntry girl pe ii good oomHtion.—Full pnrtlcn- ---rCLERK’ Y40yl. ineligible,'desire'pertoanent aitiiution; ack F'arm, B'letching, paid; complete houses top to bottom; wanted, Offiaer's When the bending line*was hie&kinf ' t krowledg© booje-keepink, accounts^ monthly statem ents, —37. He^en’s-rd.. Hartjngs. i.'' V ' ‘o2G - tirla* Ropms, three B edroom s;-— B ., 16, "O bserver ol8r Outfits, Gents* Suite. Boots, oddmenta, yuderwear; also And the world acclaraed the deed. is there an> M r.—CU;ik, 0,160, " Oteserver ” Office, Hasting*'. ol9 FURNISIfEO s rrn f^ and BEOROOM. Vith Kit­ WANTED,. 13 hand PONY or large OONKEY.- Uckfleld.. V I ' o l8 e LadieM- and'ObiUiren's Complete Wordrobesi Teeth,'Old OfflgeY Hftstrakt. • - Ol0 W n’ker( Lqwpr iW-eAt-st. FaxmJ KoiiehiUii Roqd. ol8e' WANTED tev '’ .^..SBCOHOH AND Inoeited by H hit Sister I^oae, of Truro, Nova S m Uh* DISCHARGED . REGIMENTAL - SERGEANT- chen'; teras moderate—5, Itlaet Ascem, fit. Leonardo J«wMlaa7«.>CoiDv tGyclea. j^ousehold Linen, . K onkets, Canada- leir methods^] MAJOR seekdlaituatlcm: position of trust.*—W. L.. 32, —ol9 STAINES AND CO., •W IN TER K B E P 'w antcd fo t two Colte. XTckfigld-dw-- BICYCLE, in. good eondifibb-. for'bt^, oged 9.—Write CtataiSs, Trunks. Bugs, Typewzitera, Gramophimea, FURNISHED APARTMENTS and Kitchen, withouV trict.—Fordbani/ Collefe© L’nim, Uckfleld. nSo stating all particulars. pHoe. .make, etc,, to Mrs. W. P. MOON;—In ever-lortng^ my dear .amiL-XEih ?:s iire forCetl Cai«bridge-rd., 'iBcxhillJ ' —o26b Sewing MacliiDte. practical Valuers: dtetanoe no obieei. R. H. Moon, lltli W<>|t Yorkshire Regiment, thp EX-INSPEC^OR POLICE seek© post where intertity attendance; term* moderate.—4, Soulh-tcr., Hasting*-. 7. ST. LEONARDS ROAD, WANTED, WINTER K^EP for 9 in-calf Heifers and Clyde,'Twisly, Gatafleld, ifusaex. - ; ol9 —Locook. 200 n*h1 viu Wueen*ii-Td.. Hastinga. 8uasex-*to7 ' r:ul-l be yaluM ; coufldential enquiries a epeciality.- i ' —ol9 BEXHILL-ON.SEA. 5 Vearlinirs, in'two or mor© lots. — Apply Clemente, 'GALVANISED IRON SHEETS wanted, secondhand; only eon of Charlie Moou. who was killed in aetlfl* Belgimn tliex| iar.«b. V aptonl Aruadol. . f u r n i s h e d ! BEORQOM and Sitting, bath, also Squirrel Farm, Battle. , o26 in good coudttiuiu—Frank Davis and Co., Ashford. n2 October 20t,b, 1917. Aged '30 years. Bedroom; suit busineas lady. — J.X.,‘ 52, Milward-rd., AGENTS for all available Furnished end Unfurnished WANTED, a good Imrcher or Collie Pup.—Tatnall, T have anchored my eouL in the haven of rest, village I they I5 GAROENERJ a n d ! SON seek situation.' private HOUSES to be Let or S^ld: special lirts; map and gui^ MUfZfCAI. INSTRUM ENTS. ETC. GENTLEMAN’S CLOTHES, in' good condition;, com­ I flail th e wide no more; vtomily; age 41^; ineligible. — Foster, Cleveeley, May- Hartinjn*. | , • ol9 New Hon*'© Farm, Helliwgly. ’ " ol8© plete Outfit; cheat 42, sleeve 27, leg 42i, watet FURNISHED SITTING-ROOM, one or more Bed-- gratik. Telegrams: •' Property; Bexhill." Telephone No. WINTER' KEF.P wntr^ for 12 Yearling Heifers: 627, “ Observer " Office, Hastingo. ' —ol9 The tempest may swc*ep o'er the ’Wild stormy treating! prisol ‘#eld. , 1 ■ i —ol8e 841-. ■ x grass, hay; young Shorthorn Bulk lor Sale. — Lord, WANTED, Secondhand‘PIANOS, br any makers; But in Jesuft I «m safe evermore. , c l e r i c a l roonifi: nmdevate; no attendance; eelect neighbourhrod. HOUbEb 01 kocHi decondhacd FURNITURE wanted, ' W ANTED, WORK by discharged soldier; Northiam. ______- ______' o25e good prices given.—8.' Henuitage and Sons, Ltd.. 30, . —From Mother, Fat icr. Brothers and Sister. ty ; thexj are stJ U year*’ civil 1 flervieo experience.—Apply W .M ., 623, —15. Lintoh-creg., Hjirtlnns. —ol9 Rob©rt»on-«t., Hastinee. tc35 or single articles purchaoeU. We are buyers of anything FURNISHED APARTMENTS.—Comfortable Bed­ • ST. LEONARDS.—To 1.«t, FuriiVsbed: H ouse; two Sit- WATERS.—SaerrO te the dear. memory of Jaek.Watelk, 1** Observer " O^ce, Hasting*. -ol9 tinlg, three Bedrooms,'bath; near Park anil trams.- FOR SALE.—Aiigelue Piano Flayer and 200 Rolls 58 ifi^eftble — ' Bryant and Sons, F urniture Dealers. 4i-45, and lirowniiiiE room, ftuit lady engage*] during d a y ; 6s. weekly.—EkH.R., Note Music.—L.M., 547, “ Dl^erver " Office, Hastingis. Queen's-rd., Hustings. tcl4 Hampshire Rez'iin‘'nt, kifled in action October O bserver" Offlea, HaetinR-B. I ol9 Gurden. 586, " Observer ” Offlee, Hastings. . ol9 FA RM PRODUCE, POULTRY, EGGS, HOUSE of FURNITURE or part wanted; hipest 1916, tbe dcnrly-loved fta icee of Hilda Jeaner. WEEK-END BUNGALOW.—Two Bfxliooms, Sitting- ol9 not brought f u r n i s h e d Ia PARTMENTS to Let, winter; Bed­ wantied, Hia M aeter’a Voice! 01 prices given by the oldest-establiihed firm: prompt gaah "While the light lati-s-^f shall remember." SITUATjpNSi WANTED—FEMALE.o rooms, Sitting-room. Kitchen; indoor eanitation (h. & c.); room, Scullery and Pantry; very lunall garden; price MILK, FRUIT, ETC. GRAMOPHONE pettlemeut.—Reevee and Son 43, High-st-, Hartings. to29 cliiidre^thevl £M5.—Reeve and Finn Rye, Suesex. —ol8r Columbia.—Evendon, 51, tiouthwater-rd;, St. Leonards. witl'iout attendanbe.—Gammon, Great Park Farm, Cats- BUFF and WHITE ORPINGTON COCKERELS, and n9 LEFT-OFF CLOTHING. Boots, eto., of Ladies, Gents, A GOOD PI^IN COOK, disengaged l*t November field, Buttle. ' —o26 7. CASTLEDOWN TERR ACE.—Freehold, producing four Doe itabbite, Flemish Breed, for Sale.—Apply E. and Children’s required; sleo Griunopbonea; good prloea , i f t e , tii igee £30.—F. Stok^. Eredene,' Filaham Faik. St. £40 nett; price subject to £350 mortgage. £75.-1. GRAMOPHONES. PHONOGRAPHS, all makee.' FURNISHED br UNFURNISHED; one Sitting-voom, Huywuid,. Etchinghajn, Sussex.' ol9 repaired.—Hastings Gramdphone Co., Facing G.P.O., Hsis. given; distance no object.— Mr. and Mrs. Miller. 1, 5^naids. i —ol9 two or three Bedlrcoins. use of Kitchen; ho attendance: Cnmbr!dce-rd., Hai^tinpa. ' tc37 teliu«;word-rd., Brighton. —s36toe them.f'^ ■ Tht 14. SOUTH TERRACE.—Vacant possession; price ' DO NOT LIMIT the Output of EiigB, but start at one© tal6 I AS HOUSE*p A R I-^ 1IR.MAID in email private family; Warrior-square; oloctrio light.—K.T.. 671} " Obemnr " to use Ocuiu. Tiiorlcy’s Poultry Spice, with the soft GRAMOPHONE for Sale; good make, splendid tone, READY MONEY given for Old Gold, JeweUery, in boseraent; £18.—Situation, 17, "O b serv er" Oflioe, Offlre, HoatiuR'3. . —ol9 £3.50.—1. OamhTjdgp-rd.. Ha<=tings. tc38 any condition; large or small quantities: also tor pearlk, tyraiinv are’ eyil,| £220 OR OFFER. 33, Homtye-road, Bohemia. #Hx food; and so keep your Poultry lichlthy and produce an with fiuo. eciei^tion. Receaxte.—ti.l'’;G,, 695, ** Observer "■ M U m sariai Omrdaj iHaetings. > ol9 FURNISHED^'Sea-Front) SUITE OF ROOMS, >virh abundance of Eggs.—Sold by Brbwu and Son, Corn, Offlee, KastingH. —ol9 diamonds, and other precious stones'—Rose and Bates, ^ EVENING WORK Iwanted by young lady; /one*- me of kitchch, to Let, together or i^parate; rents from Rooms, Sonllery. garden: vacant po8se»?«ion. . —ol9 46, Loodon-rd., St. Leonardo. tc9 evidence at piiese £100 W AR BONDS will purchofic eq'pity of 20. Houtb- Merchants, Benthftcld Station. ol8a PIANOFORTE wanted; good price given; any con­ L t d . , 1 4 , 5BDnd#''m'c. accouit*. etc.; secretarial wuik preferred,— IDs. to 25is. a week'; everything for us©.—Cousin* and EGGS innltlpiy wnere Molurinine Laying Meal te used. dition.—-xpulv 31. ' Alb\oii-rd., Folkeitenip. ol9 MRS. C. W RA iO H T, 3I. Albion-road, Folkestone, 735, " Ob lerver Office, Hasting*. —n2 Dobeniuim, 24. ILnveloek-rd.. Hpatings. —ol9 teryooc, subject to Building Society mortgage.—1, Cam- buyn for cash, Ladies' and G ents’ Wardrobes. ol9 man people intend bridge-rd., Hnstinaw. —h9 —Obtainable from Corn Dealers dr The Molassino Co., PIANO lor Sale,.iron frame and chwk action; £45.— - H o u s e k e e p e r or any position ot tru st, where can. LARGE BED.SiTTING.ROOm to Let, fiuni*lied.— Ltd.. Greenwich, ti.E.lU. n8e • ‘Apply 69, High-st,, HHrtJugs. ol9 , MRS. RUSSELL. WARDROBE DEALER . 333, .Prufsian tyranny. Rave child, 20 m m ths.—M.i)., " 26ueeQX Kxprelss," I/ewes. Robins. 22, Warrior-gdns., Bt. Leonard*. —olU ' £ 575. — ST. LEONARDS: — Conveniently arranged London-rd.. tit. Leonardii.-'^Good .prices given. to26 il Modern Res’dpricc for Sale, to clbse an estate; three FOR SALE.—Fine Indian Runner Dralvies"; April PIANO, Drawing Room Grand, for Sale; Burr Walnut MRS. CAVE, WARDROBE DEALER, 30. Snargate- I ol8e LADY is wi}linir toj Lot her first floor, well-fumiBhed hatched, good laying rtrai.%: 12s. 6d. each.—Ardath, Caf*e, by Kirkman;- splenrlid condition; price 85 guineas. of no use to talk pea LADY requiiei re«D(38effi«sit a* MANAGERESS in p oteption ' Roonie. five BMroom**, bath (h. and c,), ■treet, Dover; highest prices; ladies and gentlemen Suite of Rooms, all ©n one floor, to respectable tenants; oflloei*. conAcrvatoryy’And vinery, garden back anil front; Ilurtings-fd., Bc.xliill. ol9b —PrAeger, Dental Oharalitrs, ■ Harrow. ol8e -Righ-class. apartnWnt hdu*e os bouM*; experien#*d oon- separate kitchen and-every conre.nlende; rent 22s. Gd.— NINE 'LEGHORN PULLETS (May hatched;,. 20 waited on; vash by ireturn. . o36 talk peace with the| action; most aktisfaotioiy refer^oes; abetalner.—Apply vacant, poesetsimv ^ n corapi.-rtion; iuo(terate ground SEVERAL SECONDHAND PIANOS and ORGANS PIT PROPS wanted, various' sizes.—Apply Bteckman Apply 34,‘ Lower Park-rd., Hastings, between 4 and 6 iput.—Apply Dyer -and Gallawdy, 38, Havelock-rd., Hae- lovely W hite Orpington Hens, over moult, soon lay, w anted; prices gav©k—L. King, 48, Groevenor-rC., w . b:. h i n k l e y . L. "OhRerver"! Offlee, BezhilL te b , . ol9 SilveV Grey Rabbits, tlirri^ Adultfl, tw o' 6 monthfl, two and Co., .Coal MeTolntnts, St. Leonards. —'tOSl war and the men MOTOR D RIV ER (lady), thorough knxswledge all rufi tings. '■ Tunbridp-e Wo.l’«. T©1.:4W. —u2 RABBIT SKINS bought, any quantity; 4s. doa. for S ONE pr TWO. UNEURNISHEP ROOMS to Let; Doe's, three Bucks (Brace’s rtrain}.—Farrow, H arold-rd„ SECONDHAND PIANOS wanted; any make or condi­ ng repair.*, wisibes eituation.—Apply M rs. OUphant, water and lavatbry same floor.—105, Edmund-rd.. Clive ‘pood skins; we pay cajTiage on 3 dozen.—Morris, Skin wilt make another Hastinge. ' —ol9 tio n ; best puicew giveut country eellerH called on. Merchant,- 102, Tidcewell-rd., Eastbourm*. o2fi UAXIBB, Esplanade, Dover. ^ ol9 Vale. Hfwetings.-- • , , —ol9 na- iviORE BROKEN EGOS.—Boxes te hold 4 doa.. Pluyer-Pian'v und Piituos'i for Sal©.—Wateonfi. Shippers, rNURSE COMPANION, bright, cheerful, requires PLA IN LY FU R N ISH ED ROOM, Harting**, offered SA LE.—A large Copper Tea XJin, in pood condition. chaijce. .\Ve have si boUSES AND BUSINESSES WANTED. I doB., 18 o t 2 doa. ejv«; no ixvcking reofured; breaka^ Meiabriiil. Hustings. • —oI9 —WiUiama’ Restftiirant, ‘Gonterbun-. ol9 Rb*t in Hastinm to mvalid lady, beginning of next CQJiscloutious person (free) in return help with \ddt3rly absolutely impossible; prices Is. 4|d., 2s. 3d., 3a. and VIOLINS, BANJOS, I GUITARS for Sale; 25s. M onth: sleep out,—C.B., 376, "Observer** Offlee, Haa- h i^ ; no bphrd; .rpfwencos and interview indispsni«ablo. STRA IG H T DEALING. — Mrs. Medliurst, 25. lx>np- UNDERjrAKER, | given too many of 6d. ea^, or poat free la. 74d.« i d . 3a. 6d.. 4a.Y- .upwards.—=’l’agcart. 6. HiA-st., Hnsrings. —ol9 port, Canterbury, t>u5> liAdies'. 0 ‘'nfrt aud Children’s Eings. ^ I o26 —Poole, 5 6 l " Observer " Office, Hasting*. ol9 BUTCHER’S BUSINESS wanted, aluughterhouse, Obtainable of F. J . Parsons, Ltd., " Observer" Office. ’ W ANTED. VIO LIN , -with Bow and Case or w ithout.—. 111 RE-ENGAGEMENT os Useful Companion-Attendant SITTING-ROOM and BEDROOM ox Bed-Sitting- land, etc.—Writ© L., 16, ?iiuckburst-av,,: Sevenoaks. d2 Ha-HtinKs. —te • Wa^robes; top value; carriage -forward. n2' to r anv risk of til M. Finewood, Heathfteld jTower, tinssex. ol8e s e c o n d h a n d FU R N IT U R E wanted, miMiem or experience*; good referent'©*. room.—356, HarOld-rd., Hastings.. i olff FURNISHED HOUSE^r FLAT wanted (or 4 months, NOW THAT EGGS ARE DEAR Poultry Keepers ar© WANTED, good Seconahond Piauo. Grand or Ui>. 68, Mount PleMut Rood. Hs«tiB|t - o l9 SUITE large well-furnished ROOMS, with atterduuce; from December, in. tit. Leonards.—Write Goodcrliam, more keen than ever to procure a full egg basket. To antique; •oleo P ian o s;j-hiffh prices given;' cosh payment. right. Alee ft Plftyer-Piano.-Full partiouIasB to Box —Stevens, . S©a-rd., ' jllb year*’ experience, desire* minute frbm front,, oyerlboKihg Pier.—15, West Hill. St. London-rd.. St. Leonardo. —o26 obtain same you mart have healthy poultry I Ovum, 20.000. "Observer” Offlee, Hastings. —n23 1 5 I h v o b j w - b m m a n u k l b o a s . idary and hours, 41, St. Heleu's- Leonard*.' ' i . —o26 GROCERY AND PROVISIONS. - I Wanted tn pur- Tliorley’s Poultry tipice, contains all neoesaary ingredi­ WANTED. Recondband PIANOS, hy any mftkata;.cood SPOT CASH p r o m p t l y fo» Cast-Off Clothing, TEV-UPHOirE No. .®1T. ^ ‘—o26 ST. LEONARDS. — Four. Furnished Room«' to Let,, a genuine high-claas Grocery and Provision Bufii- ents to keep poultry healthy, and producing an abund­ Household Linen, efo.—Mrs. Goddard, Hempteer, Kitchen, Box . Room, or leas.—A., ■ 2,337, ‘''Obgervor " Write, full .purticulars in strictebt contidencu, to W. insects from which all nutriment has been extracted, tee value; best'prices given.—Watson's, Shippers. M ^orial, asrti'nw or St. Leonar^^.—State wages and all partjru- Office. Bexhill. —ol9b H. Cork. 19. Enstebeap, London, E.C.3. nl6 - ONIONS.—A few hnndred-weig’Iit sound Onions for CARRIAGES. CARTS, BATHCHAIRS, Hasting^s, ^ -^19'■ H, BURTOHr. Fnrniohing •rs C48l lerver " Office, Haetings. —ol9 f TYPEWRITERS wanted.—Parttculars to Brown and r ...... ” ' “ *■ " SEVERAL BEDROOMS and Sitting-room; also Bed- HOUSE ’wanted on lease; six to ten Rooms, with Sale; cash with order; price 28j. 41 cwt, carriage U n d v r t a k o r CWANTED by superior j person, post as Maid-Attendnnt. Sitting-rooin; term* moderate.^t.j Clement’s House, wirdcn; SilverhilJ dietridt. — .Write Alexander, 149, paid; sacks .^tnrnable.-^Hatbord, East Hoathly, ETC., FOR SALE AND WANTED. iWoodlov’s Library, White Rix-k. Hastings, ^dlO DCcu«»omcd to illneos; eleep o u t; highest- reference©.— Croft-rd.. Hnstinirs. * • o2fl‘ Battle-rd., llollingtou. ; —ol9 Sussex. • —oito WANTED te purchase. BABY’S C H A IR ; good Addtesj or reply Mr. John Bray, 13, South Colonnade, SELECT* COMFORTABLE ROOMS: *nit two per­ SMALL DETACHED FURNISHED HOUSE, winter. PULLETS, famous laying crtrolne. March 1918 hatched; COACH-BUILT PUSH CHAIR for Sale; perfect con­ oohdition.—Write Mrs. D.. 29. Weqtem-rd., Bexhill. 06U StoBofiolfl Roa4> Qaoon’s Rood, 'B t. Fr.o•onards. J , * —o26 sons; tenns #£2’2s.; board if required, A.V., 632, In br near Bastings.—T., 1, Down's View, Deal, ol9 lOe. 6d.. £6 doien; Ducks same price.—Stam p^ envelope, dition; new 2 month® aco.—1, Warwick-rd., Bexhill. WANTED immediately. OIL-STOVE for boiling; Talapbama 4T9 I YPUNG LADY, 17, «eek« /po©t as Shorthft'id-VVpist " O bserver’• Office, Ha,«tii)g8. « ol9 SMALL HOUSE wanted in or near the centre of the ijrt hrf>od« nud rinnimeU. Stratford, Essex. nl5e —ol9b uflable condition.—20. St. Ue’enV-rd.', Hastings. ol9 lcTk. near W e^rial.—M.a., 2,683, ‘•Observer" Cfflce, TWO ROOMS, Inrniehed; with or without attend­ town, at moderute xentv—Address reply to Cave, 1.001, POULTRY KEEPERS ahould write, to Joseph DOUBLE PRAM for Siale; can be viewed any day WANTED, TIMBER cf any deeoription, rtandinp or BexMlI. -ol9b ance; moderate.—79. Winclieaetione.—O. R, Jaekton. Ltd.. Iron and Mrta’ ‘khorthanS. typiuB, book-keeping: rnuat be tn Bexbll*.— tings. • ) ' —o26 London. ■ ] o36b raitable repairing fencee. Kulldinr pig pounds, hnte. ete. FOR SALE.—Bran new' two-seated Pram; £3.—Mrs. Iferohfthte. Cani^bury. Tela. 114. tert BRYANT i& SONS -Apply Y’.L., 2,743 "O b serv er" Office, Bexholl. —oWb .* TO LET.—One or two Bedrooms, furnfahed. with or WANTED, by two'ladies, a small HOUSE or FLAT, Nptqr p.'ttud, 3. MnJy.— qui^ « hoeoe t from . 3Ss. qr wlihpiit • board, xrroderate Bexhill; unfurnished preferted. — 2,709 "Observer" Dalliiiitten. bl5o Apply 26, Dcronshlre-td.. Haatinga. ' —ol9 WABTE AND SCRAP.—Tbs Istfsst Sim in Easf;KeBt -WritA t^^rras. etc., to Cairo, 727, care "O b serv er” Office, terma.—Apply to Pertih-rd., auve^hill, St. Leonards. ''Office. Bexbill. o26b WANTED. fEAT MOSS te bed horse: also Cflrrota LARGE DOUBLE PRAM: in good condition.—Mra. are dpbn io pnrehassL trom Private or Trade Sousces, DAY AND Nl(; H T S E R V I ^ 1 • i W a n t e d , Hastings or tit. Leonards. Convenient for Horse.—Apply J., 906, " Observer " Office, Haatinco. MiKoh, 14. .Priory-av,, Hartingn. -^19 any Borpluf Material;) terms nett cash: eommisaioB to A P P n p E S flO ^ cfl T w e h and Shorthand.-rMtea TU N BRID G E W ELLS.—AparfcnLeifls or Board Ri^sid- HOUSE, with- Bathroom.—Smith, 118, Old Cburch-rd., ' ' —0I9 PRAM for Sftle: in good oondition, with Canopy end ______i_L.~ •'I'* enee; suite* of roams ooi aamenw landings; .facing facing Com- BoIBngten ol9 24 EGGS In.S7. days was tl»e experience of a Yorkshire Corers.-Apply 8. Coastguard Station, Bexhill. —oI9b third party tntiedneink trade, where a trensactlos will , C.K.7.D., TeaeboFa mplomar private <3- R. .JftaVefD, Contrsrtor to the War P iiatad u d Pablkliad t r j SiMur^r. t - e a r a l a a i; odhooto visited; examinattOM; trana- nuoft. Qiigh _ sroxind; . extanolvaV© viem;viem;. cdnvenleiednvenlent to WANTED, small ‘ Unfurnished Houes ’«• Paiia n teoais bn OaBb|rteff*-fdna. L et ox win buy.—Address H ., 602, " pbierver " Offlee, did packets 2Vl, 74fl., Is. Sd.—Skinners, 79, Qneen's- (ooach-built) or large Single Pram.—J,744, ".Obierrcr" SaiTkgb, B.M . Paper OonunlMioser. Oeetertmry. Holr Trinity, HuUnt*,' la ' ' ^ teN Bytoham TOU> 7 ^ 9 Oan^um. -K>1» RaatiBga. ol9 tbn O m a tr s tt a w m r n , H Offloe. BexhjU. < | / ’ ^ 1 9 b tnir. tu» n i < » f . J . PnnoBt, r . r -

1 1

:t-rwE ONi>\:.. ow B '— 5^ .. ,.=.- KOTK.~'AI> :a m Ti'ialeaUfM -<)l«lM k«;'M P|;.t<»«6r(lo^ V l .i. W>:tH-roil3?^at. ll*oS»M» ^ . , ..™ k r l ^ t Dt<>m9tlf M tauM a to. DM h^ * » « ) k1m C

1»RieU FURNITURB ROORMT. S » BIST «OV«W#^ F.'fc-^. XOf'^G*Jr»“T'’*^ m . Q unN ’S R0A|>. HAStIHQt. ^ .. Gont*a Co«U. Trow^Tij t Bvj-i* « n d . GitU* Olotiiinr» L*^*** —*?®* Jptliin*, eterittiinic Q*nt’i'ftud.Ti»di«* TJuAm* m ^ w o o f. fihoe*^ ,lrfR5rtng», Old Jpw«!i^m : 9oai«bold Llndh* «Ter7^lB g BUi>Icett. C dtlarn :CMm1 Ooiak. TixioId^ ftod liAtft. : t*ra«tici| Ttonai 'ooikvd wiU bnuf ui. Old eeiaibliibedt

,'m BS. FRED'''|ii 0 ! l t ^ ‘ ^ WARDSOBS DEAIEB. ‘ U . 1 » . jQUEEN’8 HOAD,. H A ST IR qfft^j' IRT.OABH.—Go«a pr:re> tor I a fiklr^n I o£^-r>ff. CLOTHING. Curtou ESreel^i Tamed ar.d money re*Unie oaU on i»c«ip» ,o l Porto»ri!.;:':i; ,; - '^ 1 jlrttis,' Marriages, and Death^i j HSi KARRIAGS s T ^ E A T H S . i n MEMOEIAli 0 ^ CKS Ate chAi&'ed 3t. 6d. tox four;l&pM or M for'oach additioiiol-line, ntiotti UAuer toM oeadin^r ximst be pr«v«id. «■ dxc tbf) of Gil. will be ^ba^f•d. ^ M ^n seu n en tt under tnia bei:*lui}{ sxinit b« ondooMfl Ktho BAme and addicaa of Adrertiaer. ■i IVAIi Si/PPLEMENT

tlatmut d m fnna Birth Anaounf- Germany has undergone no change of Heart.”~£)aily CArolitde. FOB WEEK ENDING OCTOBEB 19, 1918. “ The W ar cai^ only be ended in one way.” — ^irnii> gham Post. t<« and ‘Wadding Cmrda atut hm aad at F. J. Pmraama, Ltd., 14, Clmramont, Nmatirnga.'-r ' III ' - '1 ' ‘ ~'T ^illMI A LOOK ROUND. OUR ALLIES AEROPLANE AS MASCOT, v l A S HEAF OF WAR S T O R l l E S . m a r r i a g e s . * i I ' ^ W —P A R K S —On Oclobei IBth. a t S t. LeaR* ■ ""■ '“'1 Church, hv epocia.1 licen^, .Second-LienC Fair Words: Foul Deeds. The “ Little Blue.’ . a .t.A ., to Edith, elder daughter, ot Mr. aBR . |B« Parks, >137, Marine Manaiupa, St. pAonaidR It—H U C H E t.-O nT .O ttchec Mth. .»l^^^,at Bfcc,.J ' [ B y V . C. C. Cc^LUM.] Thrilling Incidients of the Fighting on Land, tin Sea, a^d in the Air. Church. .St. L.».■. • '■ bring lasting peace to the earth if they and was ablaze in Nos. 1 and 2 holds. The or six hundred yardp behii id it. The V.—Killed m action in b ranee, 8e0e; age, although the I forecastle was also alight, and itf was Germans thought this a targiit not to be -918,'. Private W.iMiam Urasler. Soutii-> Sm S o^ are secured. Do they mean what they Uoved aeeond m b of Mr. and. Mta. C ,'ik n a E watched over them and tried to prevent impossible to get down to the fore well missed, and unsu8pjectingl;j^ f> ill into the bmaa’a Cpttagea,' B6ame Walk. H«stlnga» A r say? If they do, then we can have ira. ■ •• ' : yc . • V. %!,■ 7 •• • these yoWng soldiers being used in the deck o’wing to the heat cf the flames. trap Set for them by turning their backus texe’a »! link death cannot aever,--.; . peace to-morrow. But we must liave to the British trenches in krd< i:r to fire "bn -jva and remembrance •laeta for.'erex> . trenches before they were twenty-one. Knowing that the “ Proton” hac. 240 [ Mother, batbar, Sivtera and BtoME) deeds, not words. We have learned I tons of ammunition on board. Commander the machine. Then the B^rit .ish infantry Kft—Killed in aoCon, in b’ranoe, . Bfaaier, Sootli StaftonUk Cte ranch in the last four years, and the ! Calthrop decided to endeavour to flood the leapied from their trenches, and captured buab6nd of Daley Braider,^ 35, Neirgata>TMC in such numbers, it will'not be necessary in a few minutes a pKisition, t<‘ which con-, 3tv /Letwarda-on-Sea. Aged d t s!eafa«-r- eharpest and most sorrowfpl lesson we ship, and went down into the enginefroom “ Por «T€T ynth tlie Ix)td.”^ ’ ' ’ ti ji to send the very young boys into the firing- and opened the sea inlet. He tried with­ siderable impiortanoe vias atta :hed 'by the . lup 60|Towihg- W ife and little Daughter; have learned is that the wordiof a German ,J.-^On; October 13th, 1918. at a MUiiair Ho» line, nor the old men. French boys are out success to break the main sea valve- British Staff, incidentally taking quite a died of pneomoBia, V. Cynl W entworti|. is not to be trusted. They broke tfieir number of prisoners. , U e a t. B.G.A. (late O.O .U l.), eeoond^ m b « l Very patriotic, and thousands of them, cover. He then sent for a gun-qotton PtedMick Wentworth' T BOAsatt, XP.* :g# solemn word when they invaded Bel­ charge for the purpose of sinking the; ship, Somereet, and Mrs. Ben&ettp 8t m 8I rather than wait until they were called up, Compliment from a Dying Gei man. Tii* 8{. Leonaida^ofl-Sea. ■ gium. They broke their solemn word joined the Army as volunteers while they and warned all shipis in the vicinity to get In connection with Genera Gouxaud’a S.^^A' Oefober Itth. at The Gottage. w m under weigh. The “ Proton ” was now ;.'^{ieonardaoin-Sea, Mary, th e daaziy4oe8d>^., to President Wilson when they started were still under age. progress in Champiagne, B elter’s ooire- l^O hiren,^ Ikw ed ppacefuLy avay. Adlja]7 blazing fiercely forward, the sides red-hot the “ U "-boat campaign after promis­ When a new class is called up it is the spxindent describes a^urious iribute paid tllQ Iled in actloBk IB Fi«xiee,‘on..Sllt^ as far aft as the bridge, and the bridge- by a dying German officer to General g^y^irate EdwHid Sydney Jonee.j^:' ing that no passenger steamer should occasion for great jollifications. ' All the screen all alight. He again boarded her u-^dearlT’beloved second m b erf Ptb^ . Gouraud’s infantry. The i officer was 1^. Jonea, 65,^ Kenilworth-road, . Btiii Bi boys who are to be soldieis that year are with the first and-second en^neers, and 18 yeara and 9 aaonthb.. ' 'Ivf .A be sunk without warning or s.earch. found mortally jVouiided in a captured ■ aid to part with ay A t. Before they go a farewell sing-song in the An A.S.C. driver in Italy fixes a mascot to his radiator, >. I money from them, and then hacked off at once. Commander Calthrop displayed ou that tribute. Unh^piljr, you''wiU caf4 takes place. On the surface all is the utmost gallantry and disregard of his their Baltic provinces and helped them­ e in my country by Chri^tmi >s, but as' a excitement and fun. Th^ir parents and own p>erson41 safety in making protracted soldier I' congratulate ypu'.f’ i He asked selves to’ three hundred million pounds efforts, first, to flood and then to sink the Mi . their/ sisters and sweethearts manage to the Frenchman to shakeJ-lhiand vsrith him, in gold and godds. ^, keep on smiling until it is all over' and the ship, while expiosed to continual .risk of an and (fell back. He died a ittle later. explosion of th>e ammunition on board. £ teio,«« 6' ' —------■ ., train, with a crowd of young heads looking The German soldier's complime nt was well His efforts undoubtedly prevented serious deserved. Only the pie-rfection bf method, ‘ Once bit, twice shy,” is a good, out of each windo>v, is well out of the loss of life. homeljy; motto on which mankind acts station. Then, poor souls, they cannot the closest interaction of all un its, and the by inttinct. The Allies, in their deal­ A Tragic Letter. uttermost devotion among < ffipers and help beginning to wonder bow many of men have enabled the French to break ings with Germany, have been bitten, them will come back. | One of the daily papiers of Paris quotes the following from a letter taken from a through the belt of field worki which the not once but many times. The states­ There is no family throughout France men of the Allies, therefore, could ^ot W ' P'' German prisonerThis cannot endure enemy calculated he would be i ible to hold which has not lost some of !its men, and it much longer, for if the enemy does not against them indefinitely. y • ’."diN ium i»-aM .-Geaim i 4 ?.cacfi^.offer^^itBp * \ + 4-J+* «,PK ✓ very careful examination, even though -is hardly- lett^ e last "bby’~gt>'; but Fr6neh destroy us by rifle, maebine-gun fire, shells A'Bihart Captiiret ' ' - t" 1 folk have counted up the bost of victory, and bombs, we fall a prey to his gas. i His A French lieutenant, the other day, it seemed toTshow; on the face of it,-a pxiison bombs swarm over us like bees, and dxS^sitfoh to accept the terms of peace and long ago made up their minds that with the assistance of a sergoant and a even if the price of freedom was the youth the poison is terrible. Our gas-masks are private carrying an automatic rifle,, cap­ which President Wilson laid down last V'' * not a little bit of use. Many of us are January, and again lastGune. If there of the country, it must bo x>aid rather than tured a trench and 105 prisoners. The sightless, many are in hospital, many more automatic rifleman at one < ind of the is hope of peace as a grain of mustard leave GJjermany any loophole for starting /• y ' are dead, and half of the iest of us are C . trench and the lieutenant and the V.fT V seed in these proposals, they will not be another war of conquest iii the children’s pwisoned. I mysoF am half dead, and my sergeant at the other end i made the * altogether cast aside. Mr. Lloyd lifetime. eyes are red. It is the same with us all. »-.c^ > Seorge has promised to' let .no chance Germans believe that|’they ha I been out­ As a rule, all the lads from one district I Constantly we require to take, the muzzle flanked in force by ay detachirent ivith s 3f securing a “ clean ” and lasting peace go to the same depot,'’ which is in their from our noses. Life! 'Why this is machine-gun. They obeyed. tl le opder to 50 by. President Wilson has replied proGnoe, so that each re^ment consists Calvary that we are enduring. The enemy surrender, and came out from the'trench is our supierior in every way—in-numbers, y asking some” searching questions, for the most part of men from one neigh­ unarmed, one by one. phe answer to which will show whether in physical'Strength, and the gas he uses the German Government is acting in bourhood. This means tkat boys often is terrible. And his aviation! Hundreds American Pilot’s Brave Deed. ; SltaTBU K* - .W6 ^ .V a. w »» v»» '««P^ fT ^ R X - I n eyecdovlBC villages very close together, because, when ! Decoyed by an Aeroplane. befall. At 6,000 yards he found himself in *PniieU , ot nent has really been taken-put of the ’ J ' ' - - y hp ixiwwl ni that regiment goes into action and there | Here is another instance, from France, close juxtaposition with a Gem an ’plane, tr- fbegottaBj bands of the Kaiser and th$ criminal likewise unaccompanied ' Bid lie elepted — Xxk loving are casualties the blow falls on a whole dis­ of the way in which British airmen assist • Hi ** w generals and statesmen who' surrorind [B ritis h O fficial. to fight, and the enemy accepted the chal­ K. And U. 1 trict at the sam^ time. All suffer together, the artillery and tanks during an advance. h^-SadljBy ]xoSiied: by . pim, and assured by the Parliament of and this brings the village' families into A memorial to our heroes on the Butte de Wariencourt. I Two airmen at great piersonal risk to them­ lenge. There at' an immense h sight from LL.~In Itnditf a earth, and lost from the view t f any eye, , irhe wM idmd in the German people; if the Germans will closest sympathy. Moreovei, if the regi- ih in : the No ^ 4 ' ' ,7.' ehow that they are in earnest by retiring the two set out each to do ths other to Gladyi and na-wholedis- death.' The American’s first fus ilade shat­ i in heartsIf not “ ?rom Belgium, France, Bussia, and , at onoe, and ;and tj^e the War Gross or the Military Medal given, BON VOYAGE” ; THE TRMTH-BEARERS. tered the German's machine-gun and Uled^faLMtMo'J slightly wounded tlfe German h mself ; his jeau.- — ' ' lia, th ^ " ^ snail be ready to talk to td'ofie son of the village brings honour to all •rj S ta te r,; _ the neighbours who knew ! him, because second punctured the tank of the German U iKw 'ita ,1 •c»< them. That is the meaning of Presi- machine. Biddle had a helplessibaptive in n & they remepaber that their boys also were p.mtat « w l f ent Wilson’s answer. But none of the clouds and drew close up to him. The y^i the. these th|ngs has yet occurred. There is with him.! * RMBtOIT <>^:j The Little Blue is a great favourite when, German was not so hurt that he could not adti Ootobta.M r o change in the Government of Ger- guide his ’plane. The Amerjean turned e hrothee V m ^ the training at the depot finished, he is r-lo,ine memacTi'aC. mif. r lany. The new' Chancellor, Prince the muzzle o f his machine-gun upon him, —.lei, iSignnller “ drafted into the regiment With a number I iKKIctober Ittthi A l ikaximilian, is hot responsible to a and indicated that he was to spiral down, ^ffwlil from day v te.d V i (Serman Parliament, but to the Kaiser; of others,! I and is billeted, perhaps, in a and thus, like a policeman of t le sky, he --$lth Thine, andviake < Gllage benin<^ the lines. All the women ^|g b r niafcee i t .haia^ go 'just like those who went before him. marched his prisoner home. : Thy wUl be done. . think of the day when their lads , were er eorrowing Wife and' The Kaiserand Hindenburg and Ludpn- NloTiog mamory of my , petits bleu*. They think, too, of the pos­ . Mitchell, who paaied aw ^i (iorff still control the army. They have ] ' r ^ ^n. sibility that this l>oy may neyer live to be &i^>«£roiB m esaorj, Tior from^lore,' t!ie cannon, the machine-guns, and the a veteran;! they are doubly -kind to him, A USEFUL DIRECTORY. a .'^ hi8i F a ^ e ^ a home above. rifles. It is still the duty of a German and the older ones “ mother” him .a bit. sLildier to shoot his father or his brother The youngj girls, I am afraid, care more In war nothing is definitely gt ined until if the Kaiser orders him to. .Therefore, all is finally won. "With ultimate triumph FiBBOb he'e eleeplngj for the waij-scarred veterans, 'and that, too, sweetly: blow. le Kaiser and his generals still govern?, is right, because they haile already fought in sight, our duty is so to oonce ilrate our .mad If ereepinc •<. here is no change. and suffered for France;' | energies that' the end may be the more The veterans of the regiment, as old quickly attained.; If this be tr iie of our Nor is there any sign of repentance hands will; often tease the; Little Blues armies all over the world, it s equally dreadfully.! They say that it is good for true of our people at home. iP their 'methods. As the German Demands for voluntary work irs on all H-mies are forced back in France them, and|no doubt it is. But the night re rlta U r* '___ . before the >BZe« goes into action for the sorts of war-work are still being ; bade, and - I d a 'a m : a id Belgium they burn every town first time there are sure to be two or three the fact that several bodies haie applied I'lQiil in .the baren a t rthfoe^iv, and village they leave. They are . wide ;eee»| ITO m o n ; ...... Veterans giVing him useful " tips,” looking for inclusion in the Directory o: Govern­ m y «we«p o'oW the. wiM slill treating prisoners with atrocious ment Departments and national organisa­ i\ over'’ his equipment to see ithat he has Mother. I Peljliex, B roO ieii^* cruelty ; they are still sinking merchant- everything right,, and trying, in their kind, tions requiring such workers shows not red' to (he dew.-nemory'n ReiltWirlTldUed in W- n en and drowning theii^^erews^; they roqgh way,! to kearten hiip up by telling merely that there are unsatisfiet needs in Idenrlydoyed • lianoee of h ive not brought back'the men, women, the Ivlit laeia I (ball him tales of the regimental valour in other the industrial fields, but also that the . * ' *.> and children they have dragged into fights. When the time oonjes' no Blue ever Directory has proved a real value :n placing sljavtery. “ By their fruits ye ‘hall goes over the top without some older man men and women in useful war em iloyment, j know them.” The fruits of Prussian unostentatiously;watching ovpr him, ready A new bdition of thib Directo ry is pos­ i tjranny are evil, ,and there is ro to help the ^od if in a tight place, to carry sible during the coming •winter, but, in ei’idence at present that the Ger- him back if he falls, to take kis dying the meantime, every man or woman who l A . man people intend to rid themselves of message if k® is killed. Perhaps the Blue is able to offer himself or. herself for part- I Prussian tyranny. Until they do, it is beg[ins■ ■by V b«being ■ I a ...... Httle frightened. He time voluntary work is urged to procure a of no use to talk peade. We should only sees how palm i the others,! are. Then, copy of the existing Directory. More than S * W suddenly, he has to fight for his life.; he talk peace with the men who made the 35,000 have been distributed 'While H I N K I t a l C ^ forgets that he is only a Little Blue. He copies may be consulted at publicflibraries, wa,r, and the men who made this war behaves magnificently. And when it is all railway stations, and Government informa­ j w 11 make another when they see their over he hak won his right to be called a •V -t;J 1.S? tion kiosks, application to the Mpnistry of ' ch ance. We have suffered too much ant soldier. He is no more a petit bleu, but National Service, Hotel Wiqdsor London, given too many of our bravest and best a man wh6 has;struck his first blow for S.W. 1, will bring one post freje to any to ryn any risk of that. France and freedom. [British omctal address. 'i PUAUOt I muL RrIrrsIds balloons with mossaces to bring hope to French and Belgian civilians In the grip of the Oermans. ce-SM tciinntt. N o . « r : '

i . r%#' r o N . Fiwai tindertidhf^. U K *af, - >NAL ATmmOM.

i M T ^ r r 0 O - l , tjmfmTAxmBr ‘ ItE O A k^ d o / S T ^ fOSsvfMiSi! t' •■ »0 ’NIGHT. »^RV|

jH K tr u a m ta r ^ . . OniRRoer, in tl A'- I» .Uh> o M t 4 ■;'fcf.,>. ....

'M - 80U 01TX IK MBS. BIBIIBT.' ' ' DROBI blA LIII, GORDON TILLA. BATTIA 8T, LEONARDS, wii: r i « »>«* Pri«« for «» ■ of Gent1em«a’«, uiS OhildrtB** - ■w e a r i n g A1- .ItE I. o( CTtrT dssulipUoii, I'V E o n ; / ' o n e a d d r e s s . SE NOTK.-^A) ''Urnicatiuiu abooM h% a t t M ,t %6 G ordoa,V ! v. M\‘tl«-Toad, St. I.aonard*. I by post promptly ariienued to. Distanea no obJtiC



tBRS* 'P. p;, LOrO<^H OUTFITG, and Ml. QUEEN’S ROAJ. HASTINGS. kTED, Goti1'» SuitfH, Coata, Trotwr*, Mariifc ruts. Boya' And O’othin^, Lsdla*’ C)othi:i{r. eTorytliinp G ent's ami lAtlia*' Ijn t, Boots, Shb«*i, LcRvinjra, Old Hon»«hoId Linen, eyerythinc Blankets, Cntl«tT| good'e, C'ir.**, Trunk*, and Baifs. Practical . Personal'nostoard will bring ui. OM setablished.

MRS. FRED SMITH, WARDROBi; PKALER. ^ . 1S9. yiTEKN’S ROAD. HASTINGS, . lOY iCASH.—Gooa price* giren for LadUs’, Gan%*% Si?drl*n s {T CI.OTHING. Curtaina and Honsa Parpoj^ rained ai.d returned aama daf« .l^^iU call on receipt of Poitoardl

irths, Marriages, and Deaths. ts. MARRIAGES. DKATHS. IX MEMORIAH IlCES are ohari’cd 3i. 6d. for lour Unas or Isa^ pd. for r tins hec-n:,i; yinrt be andoiraiG Btho name and addresa of Adrertieer.

ilataat dasignaia B irth ^naouaM -D lie and 'W edding C a r d s o * a b t

^aunad at F , J. Patraotu, L td., Id,

O laram oat, H aetiagm .

MARRIAGES. J^W—PARKS.-On Octob-r IRth. at St. Le«G* ^ iirish Cimri-h, ,bv epc.'ia'i Secend-Lient* n'w. tcv lldith, el^hr danchtor of Mr. anG ^L. i'atk?, 137, Dianne Munsiopr, Ht. Leonardo

MW-HUGHES.—On Oi'tohBr] Hth. ^\ m . at S i. Church; St. li<‘fon:irrts-on-'^co. by the Fer. ■ S e .n t i k e l .”] r e Fldon i-,aon Kin;;':Jvin;;': CapTaiu ’1‘icvf.r Tatlwjn, lOt.^ " Le petit/bleu,” the Little Blue, is the I.iou Roval West Kcntg. scocncl rou .of Mr. anG I Pexey LawT'noe T3»thain. of 23. Albany-rd.v SU - W R are fighting for something real. name bj' wl^ich the young recruit is known lifds-oti-Sea, to Eiiponie Mabel, cldwt danghter .'ol An Ammunition Ship Ablaze. s<3lves enabled a successful loc'al raid to be |nd itrrs. Ch-ectingly fell into the •lovf*d second pon of Mr. and C. Braeisn say? If they do, then we can have im possible to get do-wn to th e foie well ak's Cottugee: Bburne Walk. Hastings. these young soldiers being used in the deck owing to the heat cf the flames. trap set for them by turning Ftheir backs hCT^c'A a link dei;th cannot sever, peace to-morrow. But we must have to the British trenches in order to ‘fire on Hrrt and remenilj:ira-ni'o Icuds for 'eTer. trenches before they were twenty-one. Knowing that the ‘‘ Proton ” had 240 I Vl^rom. Mother, leather, Sisters and BrotbtB deeds, not words. We have learned tons of ammunition on board. Commander the njachine. Then the British infantry .. R.-l-Killed in aiJtiow. in Iran ce, on SeptembBi Now that the Americans are coming over [1918;, Private W. Brasier, South Staffords, much in the last four years, and the Calthrop decided to endeavopr to flcod the leaped from their trenches and captured |i husband of Diisy BrasieT, 35. Newsate-Teet in such numbers, it will not be necessary in a. few minutes a position to which con­ ;ia, |3 t. T,er>nard6 on-aca. Aged 32 xenrs. sharpest and most sorrowful lesson we ship, and went down into the engiii3-room “ F o r ever with th e Lovd.'^’ to send the very young boys into the firing- and o{>ened th e sea inlet;' H e tried w ith­ siderable im|K>rtance was attached by the m |hi» fiorrowiiii Wife and .little Daughter. liave learned is that the word of a Germ an r.—On OHober 13th. 1918. at u Military line, nor the old men. French boys are out success to break the main sea valve- British Staff, incidentally taking quite a u 'Ita’r. died of imetrmonia. V. Cyril Wentwi’OTtfe IS not to be trusted. They broke their number of prisoners. t, JJout. R.G.A. Hate D.C.L.I.), second eonh m very patriotic, and thousands of them, cover. He then sent for a gunrootton ,t© I Frederick V'eutwnrth Bennett, J.P., of solemn word when they invaded Bel­ charge for the purpose of sinking the ship, ■T, ; SomerH5t, in d Mrs. Bennett, 3, 8n rather than wait until they were called up, Compliment from a Dying German. kns, i Sf. L/conord i-on-^hja. and warned all ships in the vicinity to get gium." They broke their solemn word joined the Army as volunteers while they In connection with General Gouraud;s rtS.-i-On October l4th. at The Cottage, Britton; under weigh. The ” Proton ” was now fit. Leonards-on-Sea, Mary, the dearly-loved ^ to President Wilson when they started were still under age. progressin - Champagne, Reuter’s corre­ ChiTers, poaesd peacefully. away. Agedt H blazing fiercely forward, the sides red-hot the •• U ’’-boat campaign after promis­ When a new class is called up it is the spondent describes a curious tribute paid Killed in octioi, in France, on 28th Seft««p as far aft as the bridge, and the bridge- by a dying German officer to General |18. Private lidwa d Sydney Jonee, of tho Royal ing that no passenger steamer should occasion for great jollifications. All the screen all alight. He again boarded her I ts. jdearly-beloved aewnd ion of Private F. G ouraud’s in fan try . The officer wsis Irs. ^ Jonee, 65, ^eniiworth-ioad, St. Leonardo be sunk without warning or search. boys who are to be soldiers that year are pB' y^cars and 9 nioaths. with the first and second engineers, and found' mortally wounded in a captured ird^ to part .with one wq loved eo dearly* crowned with flowers and green leaves. As went below, trying to break the doors of know he is where all is peace and joy. They broke their solemn word position by some French privates. He , R.I.P.* they form up into a procession to go to the the condenser with sledge hammers, This when they persuaded the unfortunate asked them to bring a French officer. |R D .—Oa O ctoW 4th,* 1918. at General HOBi being found impossible, they retujned on atoni^i from bronchial pneumonia. Private W* station the whole village or town turns out They brought the first officer they could Ick Kenuard, KLiU's Shropehirc Light Inf^try. Hussians to discuss peace and disband deck. : By this time a picket-bo it had loved husWnd ei* Hduth Kennaid, 20, ; 0 \ A ^ to honour them, and there is much waving find, and the German said to him, Irey-avenne, Hastings; hud yoong ' the utmost gallantry and disregard of his be in my couhtry by Christmas, but as a T.—^U ed in aotipn, in . France, September 3itte their Baltic provinces and helped them ­ excitement and fun. Their {>arents and own personal safety in making protracted jompany-Se^geant Major George Frink Oakl^* soldier I congratulate you.” He asked I Sussex Regiment, loved husband of Lonte selves to three hundred million pounds efforts, first to flood and then to sink the ez^ four^ son of -the late .Mr. and. Mas. their sisters and sweethearts manage to the Frenchman to shake hands with him, of Wttterwork»loaber 13th, 1918, a t . 68, SilverlanB^ board, HtT«thiiT, Agnee Parsons, the beloved daughtli train, with a crowd of young heads looking explosion of the ammunition on The German soldier’s compliment was well |late John i Pa^r», irE her 54th year. 'i7“ . His efforts undoubtedly prevented serious -‘On October 13tb, at Snnny Bank, Lemtev- •‘ Once bit, twice shy,” is a good, out of each window, is well out of the deserved. Only the|perfection of method, lent, William Roberts entered, into test. . Agei loss of life. homely motto on which mankind acts station. Then,'poor souls, they cann'ot the closest interaction of all unij:s, and the SON.—Ob the Hth October, 1918, -te A Tragic Letter. uttermost devotion among officers and India, , from indneiua, Lndovio V. 1C. by instinct. The Allies^ in their deal­ help beginning to wonder how many of D, : I.O.S., dearly-loved husband of KathletB ings with Germany, have been bitten, One of the daily paj>ers of Paris' quotes men have enabled the French’ to break . n, i 4$, M^dalen-road, and eldest eon M Mz. them will come back. a. H. Robetteon, 18, 8edlescombe*rbad 8oote« not once but many times. The states­ the following from a letter taken from a through the belt of field works which th« n-Bea. A g)^ 37 years. T here is ,p.o family throughout France men of the Allies,^ therefore, could not' German prisoner :—“ This cannot endure enemy calculated he would be able to hold . the 6th October. 1918, a t 148, BeftconsfidO* which has not lost some of its men, and it Aisgs, James, dearly-loved huebend of Olivo jum p jat a,. G erm an peace, offer ,without much longer, for if the enemy d>es not against them indefinitely. ' a long illnei^. Aged 49 ye^. . ^ . is hard to let the last boy go ; but French teace'CoixK>rM. R eginald F . W aller,: k illo l very chfeful examination, even though destroy us by rifle, machine-gun fire, shells A Smart Capture. ^tive. service, in France,: Septeniber and bombs, we fall a prey to his g£s. His ..^vea son df Mr.,.ahd Mia. F. -H. Wello^ it seemed to show, on the face of it, a folk have counted, up the cost of victory, A French lieutenant, the other day,, late of .weUing*ton-rdcui. HastLnote poison bombs swarm over us like bees, and •;tars. N i disposition to accept the terms of peace and long ago made up their minds that with the assistance of a sergeant and - a -Privata Frederiek Wells, ^ wounded ' May .Hig even if the price of freedom was the youth the poison is terrible. Our gas-masks are private carrying an automatic rifle,, cap­ 1 June 41h, 1918. Aged 18 years and 10 rhonten. which President Wilson laid down last not a little bit of use. Many of us are soldier brave his life he gave 1 . of the country, it must be paid rather than tured a trench and 105 prisoners. The For King and Country Call. i January, and again last June. If there sightless, many are in hospital, many more automatic rifleman at one end of the __Aug'Ufifc 23rdK^ 1918, Private Percy WetiHb is hope of peace as a grain of mustard leave Germany any loophole for starting are dead, and half of the rest of' us are L, killed in action in Prance, th e dearl$*'-IoT«i trench and the lieutenant and the ( of Maude Weeks, of No. 3. Wilinington.>Toai^ seed in these proposals, they will not be ■another war of conquest in the children’s poisoned. I myself am half dead, and my len'e. Hayings, and dearly-loved second >sOK sergeant at the other end made the His...3Veeks, 1, Wiliiungton-road. AgW altogether cast aside. Mr. Lloyd lifetim e. eyes are red. It is the same with' us all. Germans believe that they had been out­ has died a nobler i death George has promised to let no chance Constantly we require to take the muzzle As a rule, all the lads from on,e district flanked in force by a detachment with a he who loved u s all. of securing a ‘‘ clean ” and lasting peace from our noses. Life 1 Why ;this is [England’s eake he suflered mueh,> go to the^ame depot, which is in their machine-gun. They obeyed the order ;to I spoke, he heard the call. I - go 'oy. President Wilson has replied Calvary that we are enduring. Tlae enemy to God he Uvea, in Heaven; province, that each regiment consists surrender^ and came out from the trench 1 battles here are won; by asking some search|ing questions, is our superior in every way—in numbers, |kiK>w that, he lies in a far off landi « ' for the mort part of men from one neigh­ unarmed, one by one. , grave we shall never see, the. answer to which will show whether in physical strength, and the gas he uses I soon we hope to meet him there, bourhood. This means that boys often t earthly life i« done. tlie German Government is acting in is teiTible. And his aviation! Hundreds American Pilot’s Brave Deed. I'God-be wii^'us till we meet again. . | j good faith or in bad. All the Allies have their own village friends with them of his airplanes fly over our positions, HOw an American aviator captured an IN MBMOBIAM. in the regiment, sometimes even in the ' launching their bombs. And ours ! Well, enemy machine is described by the “ Daily I'—lu loving memory of J(*n, the secoai i are in hearty agreement . with his nd Mrs. iA. F. Crduch, aged 19 years, ^ a n sw e r. same company or section. There is great they come out when the enemy planes have Chronicle ” correspondent with the United life for I his country on H.M.S. “ Hawlsa^'*' flown away. There you have it all. We sank m the North Sea. on Octobei IMllt comfort for them in this when the time States Army. Captain Charles ^Biddle, of are soldiers and are proud of it, but we can­ day the voice eaith ** Corns,’* If, therefore, any sign is discovered comes to go to the front; if anything hap­ Philadelphja, one morning, true to the f thiue eteirriai honie; ’ ' ^ not endure this any longer. W hat is the spirit of 4^merican aviation,' -which says not if can spare v. > that Germany has repented, even pens a man can send messages home by soul - it sumzDosa thiars.' use of it all? I have no longer any hope in “ Keep doing something and something, > asked u^ w^ll we know though repentance has only been one of his comrades who has known his our victory. The bad days are on us and ^onld ciy ] O spare this blow,** parents, or who is perhaps a friend of the and get on with the war,” ventured aloft stream tears, should pray; brought about by the certainty that she will not depart.” on his own' account to see what might we love j him, let him stay.” is beaten; if the'power of the govern­ family of his sweetheart. It also binds the |L:-rln ever-loving memory of s dear h , Decoyed by an Aeroplane. befall. At 6,000 yards he found himself in , Mark Funnell, of Rose Mount, Hughenda^ ' ment has really been taken out of the villages very close together, because, when bings, who passed away October 14th. 1966,* that regiment goes into action and there Here is another instance, from France, close juxtaposition with a German ’plane, never forgotten. hands of the Kaiser and the criminal In I loving memory of Lance-Oorpbcil are casualties the blow falls on a whole dis- , of the way in which British airmen assist likewise unaccompanied Biddle elected Lewis Hoadley, died from wounds OctobOT generals and statesmen who surround (British 0 / fleta l to fight, and the enemy accepted the chal­ *“ Aged 119. Laid to rest, . Bethune ITowa trict at the same time. All suffer together, I the artillery and tanks during an advance. i.—Sadly nUased by Mum and Dad. him, and assured by the Parliament of and this brings the village families into A memorial to our heroes od the Butte de Warlencourt. Two airmen at great personal risk to them- lenge. There at an immense height from |LL.-^In lojri^ memory of our brother, JasMi who was I killed iu a<^on when H.M.S. Mary tlie'German people ; if the Germans will closest sympathy. Moreover, if the regi­ earth, and lost, from the view of any eye, ^ sunk iri the North See, on October 17tte show, that they are in earnest by retiring the two set out each to do the other to orge. Gladys and Niece Constance, ment distinguishes itself, then a whole dis­ yve. in hei^rts of those we leave’ b ^ in d from Belgium, .France, Russia, and death.' The American’s first fusilade shat­ •not to die. trict can celebrate the victory at once, and [-In" evcr-lbving memory of Signaller l|. J.\umania, iind the Austejans ,froi^Ser- the W ar Dross or the Militajry Medal given, BON VOYAGE” : THE TRUTH-BEARERS. tered the German's machine-gun and terc.), kill* _in action...... in France Octoberi T U9th i m k f slightly wounded tlte German himself; his Aged 38 7* a i s , — Badly miseed. Uis bia, thSTr'xte sliall be ready , to talk to to one son of the village brings honour to all nd FatheK SiKters and Brothers. them. That is the meaning of Presi- the neighbours who knew him, because second punctured the tank of the German |day by d« y how ive miss him machine. Biddle had a helpless captive in but our own -hearts can tell; ' . .'lent Wilson’s answer. But none of they remember that their boys also were I falletb a< mist and a bUnding ilia, the clouds and drew clos^ up to him. jThe life is nejver th e same again. these things has yet occurred. There is w ith him. |-ln loving memory of Bignoller P. H. J Ulte German was not so hurt jthat he could not tiled ;in ection October 19th, 1917.—Ev< no change in the Government of Ger­ The Little Blue is a great favourite when, by the brother Frank. • ^ ’ the training at the depot finished, he ia g;uide his ’plane. The American turned J-Ih ever-lcving memory of my dear husbandk many. The new Chancellor, Prince the'muzzle of his machine-gun upon him, |rry Millei Signaller K.G.A., killed i^acUoft drafted into the regiment with a number \ , on y e tjb e r 19th, 1917. Aged 28 yeaiik Maximilian, is not responsible to a arid indicated that he was to spiral down, my wil fro m ' day to day, - tlennan Parliament, but to the Kaiser; of others, and is billeted, [pierhaps, in a it with I Ihine, and take away village behind th e Mnes. All th e women and thus, like a polioeman of the sky. he at how makt'S it hard lo say just like those who went before him. 'l*hy will be done, think of the day when their lads were marched lus prisoner home. his ever borrowing Wife and Baby Jste. The Kaiser and Hindenburg and Luden- petits bleus. They think, too, of the pos- | lu^lnring memory of luy dear husbwNk (iorff still control the army. They have [jlames. Mitchell, who paaeed away *Uet<^Mf sibility that this boy may never live to be i fone from memory, nor from'love, i.iie cannon, the machine-guns, and the A U S E F U L D IR EC TO R Y. one to h\< Father's home abovc- a veteran; they are doubly kind to him, t -ever-loving' memory of .m y dear brotteb rifles. It is still the duty of a German and the older ones " mother ’ ’ him ,a bit. ichard Henry Moon. 11th Yorkshire Regiment. soldier to shoot his father or his brother |killcd in action 20th: October, 1917. Aged tt The young girls, I am afraid, care more In war nothing is definitely gained until i if the Kaiser orders him to. Therefore, all is finally won. W ith ultimate triumph _ where in Prance he’s ileeDifig, for the war-scarred veterans, and that, too, I the violet# sweetlj^ blow, liie Kaiser and his generals still govern. is right, because they have already fought in sight, our duty is so to concentrate our soft weitt wind is creeping |iie grave where' graese# grow, I'l’.r-re is no change. and suffered for France. energies that the end may he the more gave his; young life early, day of iBritain's need, The veterans of the regiment, as old quickly attained. If this be true of our JMS the bending lino was breaklBf hands will, often tease the Little Blues armies all over the world, it is equally Ihe world acclaimed the deed. Nor is there any sign of repentance ♦his SiMer Rose, of Truro, Nora SaiUte in their methods. As the German dreadfully. They say that it .is good for true of our people at home. them, and no doubt it is. But the night Demands for voluntary workers on all Wrer-lo^^g- inksADfy '6f my dear .son.. .D M i snnies are forced back in France JtooD. lltli Wu1 in the haven of rest, and village they leave. They are K wide seos no more; veterans giving him useful " tips,” looking for inclusion in the Directory of Govern le f t may e vfep o ’er the wild' stormy dteVb still treating prisoners with atrocious gestwt I am eafe evermore. . over his equipment to see that .he has nient Departments and national organis;i- Mother. Father, Brothers and Bister. c.ruelty ; they are still sinking m erchant­ e\erything right, and trying, in their kind, tions requiring such- workers shows not I-Sarrod to, the dear iruemory of Jack W stste, I Roiiiii'^nt. killed in action October Ittte men and drowning their crews; they rough way, to hearten him up by telling merely that there are unsatisfied needs in Id-c-tr’y-loT^ 'fiancee of H ilda Jenner. have not brought back the men, women, |e the ligt^t l^ t s I shall rem em ^r.” him tales of the regimental valour in other tlie industrial fields, biit also that t.he and children They have dragged into fights. When the time comes no Blue ever Directory has proved a real value in placing slav ery . ” B y th e ir fru its ye <-hall goes over the top without some older man men and women in useful -war em ploym ent. ' ffaia D'aaigma M J know them.” The fruits of Prussian unostentatiously watching over him, ready A new edition of this Directory is pos­ riWOMNl*. JF.d,, tyranny are evil, and there is ro tojhelp the lad if in a tight place, to carry sible during the coming winter, but,; jn him back if he falls, to take his dying the meantime, every man or woman who I. • 14. 0» evidence at present that the Ger­ man people intend to rid themselves of message if he is killed. Perhaps the Blue is able to offer himself or herself for part- I' Prussian tyranny. Until they do, it is begins by being a little frightened. He time voluntary work is urged to procure a sees, how calm the others are. Then, of no use to talk peadeT W e should only copy of the existin'g Directory. More than suddenly, he has to fight for his life: he talk peace with the men who made the 35,000 have beqn distributed. While HINKI-EY, forgets that he is only a Little Blue. He copies may be coniriilted at public lilpraries, war, and the men who made this war behaves magnificently. And when it is all railway stations, and Government inforfna- JR. : DROQEATOR. will make another when they see their rikER, Sa^uA KicB, over he has won his righ| to be called a tioii kiosks, application to the Ministry <>f chance. W e have suffered too much and soldiei-. He is no more a petit bleu, but National Service. Hotel Windsor, Londini, iPERTAKER, | given too many of onr bravest and host man who has struck Iiis first blow for SW.1, will bring one post free to any id run aiiv risk of that. ■Fm arirl free^loin.. I O J J l c l a l ;ul dress. ^ lit Pleuut' Boad. ReieasiDs: balloons with messages to bring hope to French and Belgian civilians in the grip of the Germans. ' lOBXS-EMMANTrBL ROAD." ■ T>JO! No. 617.

1URTON.U FniwiihiBg ’ Undertaker ield Read,-Qaeen'e Read, 1 479^^ Hastlll


SI '* The hit dog yelps from B e r l i n . York Herald, '•* Autocracy knows that she Is whipped."—A'tu.- York World. WAR SUPPLEMENT. FOR WEEK ENDING OCTOBEB 1 7 , WIS* MONDi WJTJS S K E T C H E S . BY THE WAY. THE VOICE OF THE CHARMER. THE WOMAN’S PART. FOOD' TOPICS. M r . Items About Production ajud i. THE NUT. Raadon Jottings abont Men and Nuts in Cooking. Things. Rationing. P o l [B y M a k o .a r e t O s b o r .v k .] [By ‘‘ SM.SLLHOLDF.a.” ') Th« lady »u»dt stifFenod with obvious Here is a chance for girls G a i e t y T J disapproval as the young man came gaily Girls who want to help in winning It is a curious thing tlial we ©at nuts alter Tama Rabbits. K Wanted. the war. The .Yorkshire far­ meals or between meals, but seldom ai meals, Some people do not understand the reason Mjuuwsr-: Mr, H. w | into tho room. He was sjender and rather mers are looking around every­ and although they are a valuable food, we do why the prices that have been fixed for wild ’ EMifleq pale, with a peculiar greenish pallor which where for notato-lifters. They need 130 girls, nut reckon them as food at all. Ordinary rabbits in the shops do not apply to tame jfehe lady piit down to dissipatioti. He was and are willing to pay 22s. a week guaranteed Britons regard them as an aniusement, and rabbits. It is because it wouldynot be fair ffO-BAV C.SATXIRD vegetarians attempt to recommend their con­ to a breeder of rabbits to be obliged to sell at 7.30. LAt good-looki,ng,„and he' knew it (why not?). sumption, as a kind of painful duty. But ME. ai.ber; the same price as a man who had simply including His hair * was thick and gloriously bril- food-rationing, which has alteied so many of caught them. Moreover, it should be remem­ waFj Damask silks and cambi'ic our habits, reasonable and unreasonable, may liantined into a seal-like backward lie. bered that the flesh of the well-kept house ^ 1b th* itmATki Damasks handkerchiefs may be seen to- modify this one also. ‘ ' Hia tie and socks matched delicately, and and gether in the drapers’ shops. rabbit is distinctly superior in taste to that Cambrics. 'The two names come from two Varieties of Nuts. of the wild variety. “T h e his well-cut coat gave him an enviable places that are closely connected The nut harvest this year is a . very large Fish Prices. waist. He was, in fact,, the ripest of nuts, with the October fighting—Damascus and one, America is growing this year a crop It wiU be found that the new prices for MUNOAV. CXTTOBKli a reminiscence of the years before 1914. Cambrai. ' of pea-nuts worth thirty millions sterling. m a t i n e e , S A T E iul Kentish cobs are plentiful at Is. 6d. a white fish are, on an average, about four-fifths Ret DUN visitI And the lady guest did not like him. of the old prices. In other words, there is a .is J An idea of the state of pound, and walnuts are abundant.. 'VVo shall She resented his civilian attire, the fact of probably get few chestnuts ;■ the Italians who reduction of 2d. or 2^d. in the shilling by the Train ThlevM. things in Germany may be Order that dates from October 21st. “ O vEF his being in civil life and not in the Army, gained from the report that grow them need them as a substitute for bread. They are, in fact, a very good make­ Herrings, mackerel, end some others are not his frivolity, his flow of talk, without any trains have been held up and robbed on the cheaper, because the season is approaching line. To stop this violence, guards sre to be shift for bread and butter. 'Ino cocoanuts trace of shame or consciousness of slacker- have disar from fairs, because we eat when the catches of those particular fish ai e iJlLLY” accompanied by military ;^trola, and it is too irregular to bo dependM upon. ^ Boyer Heauty' hood. It was as much as she oould. manage also proposed to supply revolvers to the train them in the form of margarine. Brazil nuts £laburato to be even civil to him, but with an effort are too expensive for our purpose. But cob­ Talks with Labour Men. officials. nuts, filberts, walnuts, and pea-nuts are all Hoor» oi>en 7 she kept silent. She had lost a brother and In recent months the Food Ministry ha* fit. T«K 617. Bos rich in food value, and their use in cooking held a. number of conferences w;ith working- two sons in the w ar; it is easy to u n d er­ From a Munich paper we wUI help to make up for the shortage of meat. class representatives in London, in order to “ Carman learn that all the bilberry stand her feelings. They contain oils that take the place of fat tell them the exact position of the food que.s^ Tea.” blossoms and leaves were being meat, and other ingredients that come near tion and to discuss with them ways and means H A StH The Nut discussed plays, revues, and ,, collected this year to make a to the nutriment supplied by lean meat. Last of getting rid of food troubles. This plan is OKMffal Manager: substitute for tea and for tobacco. The friends, and was comioally sad about food year the fat was especially useful; this year, being extended to the pravinces. For fO-BAY .SATUEDiS shortage (the lady guest canie perilously natural result would be that there would be now that our lard, margarine, and butter instance, meetings have been fixed in Cardiff, i*eTfonnanrea of no bilberries whatever next year, but the rations is half a pound a week, it is these TLESDAY v near to explosion), and he Anally rose to be followed by others in Wales. The GRz\zND OPP:^ Bavarian Vegetable Department has now fo]> “ lean meat ingredients,’^ the proteins, that workers in the mining valleys have been com­ to go. < bidden the collection M pickii^ or drying of we particularly value. plaining of the sliortage, and those oon- ' M u n i c i p / " And how are the lungs 1 " was th e these leaves and blossoms. (It is also an ‘Condactor: offence to offer them for sale. Food Values. ferences^are likely do much good, because hostess's last question. A pound of shelled walnuts, freed from the labour men a;re familiar with the condi­ ffiopra’no), who will aL raURSDAY AFTER^ “ Thanks -enormously—the dear things their bitter skins by being plunged for a few tions of their own households and tliose of ^ ^ v.vrA The German people are their neighbours, so that useful suggestions The Orchestra.- ^illl pld are beginnin’ to sit up and take notice,” minutes in boiling water, contains nearly HOQN. at endi W The Carman ordered by their Government half a pound of oil and about a quarter of a can be made to the Ministry. EVEN replied the Nut blithely. Shortage to give up their blinds and pound of protein. Cob-nuts have more oil Prices : 1 a. 3d.. 8d. a of Clothes, war Afternoon Tpoa and Lungs—so he was consumptive. But the curtains for use, and those and less of the " lean meat ingredients,’’ as [Continued from previous column.] Mc9 -Ball A lleys. K x J lady guest was convinced that he must have who possess cupboard hang­ we may call them. But a pound of walnut pastry is baked on a greased tin, spread with brought it on by loose living, and so dis­ ings and covers attached to furniture have to kernels means nearly 4 lb. of walnuts the thinnest possible layer of; hot jam or notify the authorities. I t appears that these with the shell. Pea^nuts have very thin syrup and then with chopped nuts, it makes liked him the more. bliiida and curtains are only seized when they shells and very little waste; a pound of C in e m a The hostess returned'after accompanying a very popular pudding or cake. Hot marga­ consist of material suitable for making under­ kernels contains 10 ounces of oil and more rine toast spread with the “devil mixture" Niit to the door—a totally unnecessary linen and other articles of clothing. than 6 ounces of protein. It is, therefore, as given 'below in the recipe for devilled marrow,, attention, thought the smouldering lady— valuable a food as 2 lb. of beef and f lb. of and then with nuts, is a good luncheon dish. HjO-DA'V fSA T U R D j and listened in astonishment to her friend’s butter—or it would bb if it were eqiially HAfclll ln order to save coal, the P lain acones 'with a few nut-kernels baked in ( ‘•■TMi tirade. digestible. That is one difficulty; the other them are almost as attractive as Italian Soma Patriotio i reet lamps and bake on ai'g reasea tin till burners are allowed to be clogged with dirt, it. Then he looked over the top of the to ordinary people. A better way is to cook brown. Servo witli gravy and chopped cabbage. . I.haI there is waste and smell. Keep every part of them separately and add them in moderation communication trench and saw the green the cooker absdhitelv'clean. Sootbh Broth.— 1n g b e d z b n t s [— qts. cold iT, IHb.. to a few dishes. They should be blanched water or vegetable stock, ^ lb. ox liver, 2 oz. cloud. Now rememl>er that he knew what and dried on a very clean baking-sheet or it was. And, knowing that, he improvised onion, 2 oz. carrot, 2 oz. turnips or swedes, 2 oz. biscuit-tin lid in a moderate oven, till they pearl barley, 1 small cabbage, 1 tablespoonftd a respirator and dashedjinto t|he gas, and Tremendous interest Is being are very lightly coloured. If they are allowed chopp^ parsley, I teaepoonfull powdered herbs, ‘ I Xi< Feed the taken in the visits of guns and got five men out off it before he collapseA. to brown, the flavour will bo spoiled- The seasoning. A IKa(r e( s man- w h o .fj Three of them died, and one of the other Cuns. howitzers to v^l^ious towns and nuts may then be stored in a tin or stoppered Method,—'Well wash thaildver; slice it thinly, rsst imtil -3ie Lad i two was my boy. . . . villages to collect subscrip­ FEED THE GUI^S bottle, but should not be kept more than a and then obop it in veiy small bits, the smaller »TH« tions to War Bonds. Four trains of guns fortnight. It is a good plan to shell and dry the better. Put these in tlio saucepan with the yisodo of th» Tra " Poor Bertie was in hospital for si year. are, on the move, and it is considered that cold water and a small teaspoonful of salt. a few when you have a little spare time. They BHOAY, 3U OCT6e His lungs are ruined. .He is terribly all at thirty miles is about the length of their may be dried plain, or first sprinkled with a Allow to soak for lialf an hour, if possible. This times even yet, and he will never live to journey in a day. Each train ha* “wire- WITH little sugar or salt. It is better to chop tllem is in order to extract the nutritive jdices ifrom old age. But he is simply splendid about 1ms telegraphy attached. Cities and town* finely just before using. tbeU var. Meanwhile, M©anwJr''“ -----■■wash, ------prepare, and ’ cut the ‘ T he B i rorootot vegetable# up into smaliisn cube^i ’Trini* ‘ it all. He never complains, and hates are not being visited in the order of their Ur " THE -ROMAH importance, but in accordance with con­ Nuts as Additions. wash, and finely shred the cabbage. ^Y aak the being praised. In fact, ho will not even W A R B O N D S barley. Put ^ pan on the fire, bring it slowly iAdspted from the*I venience, taking into account their position I As to the dishes to which nuts may be BBDCE BAIR^SFATHI wear lus ribbon." added, they are very good when sprinkled on to bMling ^ in t, then add aU the vegetablea, I at on the routes. Everyone who sees one. of herbs, and barley. If you are cooking over gas, " R ib b o n ? ’’ these prooessiona of guns is asked to go off to the ton of milk puddings, blancmanges, or Mh Enisqd^of: "Ybs. 'The V.C. ribbon.” custards made with custard powder. Salted cover the pan with a kettle oontainmg water, i“ tu a post office or bank to buy bonds '&s a good instead of with the Saucepan iid. You w iU ^ess AWD FULI#> 8t I '' G. F . N. investment and also as a thank-offering for nuts may bo eaten with boiled or baked why. It is so that the heat from the bmiing victories in the West andl East. i AND HELP TO vegetable dishes of any kind, such as stuffed broth may be utilised for heating the ksAtla. itimoRs fror^L S.30 to ] marrow, vegetable marrow toast, boiled arti­ It saves gas and coal, and hot water is always chokes, purAe of turnips, or hot baked beet­ to hand. Let tlie broth boil steadily for about II. THE DRAFT. END THE WAR. root Their crispness is a pleasant change in two to thres houre then add more seasoning, -I the case of these rather soft insipid foods, and and the parsley. Serve in a hot tureen, with T h e "^ P u B L ic. they add just the ingredients lacking in ameB oUhM of stale crust added jiut at the last. KEMOB [B y C.^ptain R. F. W. R eks.] vegetable diet. As a filling for pastry sand­ The novd thing about this broth is tits intro- duoUKm of liver, Oos can often buy it without Telephone:' MILK RULES. wiches they are delicious. If a thin layer of The station was crowded, and most of the a.‘ooupoo. Also it is highly nitrraenoos—that is, fleM-forming. A Uttie fat of soma kim^ WMFAr (SATURDAY):.-. crowd was khaki. The draft train was just tuoh as dripping or margarhie, is a (praat fm- provemant to this broth. ^SON OF TH| about to leave, and everywhere you could in 5 Farts, featurin ,11 see subalterns—subalterns in very new KEEP milk cool. Stuffed Maokorol Lko&bdibkts.—3 mack­ clothes, and Christmas-treed with all the A VETERINARY POST IN THE MOUNTAINS. erel, 1 tsblespoonful cold potiridM, 1 table- .y, OCTOBER 2St] spoonful breaaorumbs, 1 teasppo^iid chopped latest West-End devices for trench-war- KEEP it covered from dust parsley, 1 teaspoonful chopped chutney, grated E I j AW o f fare ; subalterns of some little standing, with a piece of clean lemon-rind, I oz. bacon fat, 1 os. dripping, i •Ti p^per, sak. ' \ Thrillii^ .Drau who bothered not at all about their kit, and m u slin . Method.—Clean the fish, wipe it dry. Mix ■| NORMA •• who looked as if they were off to Brighton, together the porridge, crumbs, chopped mush­ for the week-end. Here and there was a KEEP it away from strong­ rooms, chutney, lemon-rind, and seoaonings, add 'eMVBQDAY the melted b^on fat. Fifl the inside of ea<^ captain, looking distinctly bored and un­ smelling foods. maokerefl with this stuffing,, then sew the fish happy, Eis though he were out of place in up. Grease a pie-dish, place the maokerei in, and break the dripping up into small pieces, A SupQr*PrbdT| that galaxy of fair one-pippers. K E E P milk jugs w ell put them on the fish and bake in a moderate CI^RA Kll 'There i.s, perhaps, nothing that so h ’. I scalded. oven for about half an hour. Baste occasionallyTi adequat :1 y illustrates the new war spirt as Drain on warmed paper. AND FU LL Waterloo Station on the morning of the KEEP fresh milk apart siaoon and Vegetable Brawn.—Inorsdihnts. departure of a draft of officers. In the —4 02. bacon, 2 oz. cooked haricots, 4 oz. from stale. tomato, 2 oz. cooked dried peas, 1 oz. cooked K in e m a early days of Armageddon the young lentils, 2 oz. onion, 2 oz. cooked carrot, 2 oz. HBIIMhN ROAD. Bubalterii emulated Sir Joseph Porter, and tapioca, 4 pint stock, ^ teaspoonful sugar, salt Tele. I HAS aim pepper, ground maos and cloves. was acoomjMinied by his sisters and his Method.—Soak the taplooa in water for an cousins and his aunts; but long usage has m U sht IOXHIBITIOIS3 hour. Stew tbs bacon, tomato, and onion in the MUSIC 'EY Th | made him chary of farewells. He prefers stock for h ^ an hour. Pass the beans, tomato, to get them over at home; and so, although and onion ffirough the mincer. Cut the carrot • DAYS, coimncna he may be facing the Channel for the first ICofUxnued from prsoioui column.'] and bacon into cubes. Cook the tapioca thor­ JACK) P l d oughly in the stock, stir in the other ingrediente,' time, he stalks the platform like a war- revolver; His field-gl2usses are not and heat through. Press into a wet mould, ana ‘‘T om scarred veteran and wears a raincoat to slung. He is a sensible fellow who has turn out when cold. Tliis recipe, is suitable for : MARK TWAKn J camouflage the absence of service chevrons packed all these things in his vaUse, and making in large quantities, for school dinneo:*, .. ___Serial. .qmll and wound stripes. He is just a healthy, who, in himself, is ready for a night out in or National Eitohems, but it is not too troidile- SBREE DAYS, ecimucnciD' soma for small households if, for example, the red-blooded young fellow, looking forward the first town that He strikes. ' : M A R G A R E T BA carrots and otoion are left over from the “ GOOD with keen anticipation to the great ad­ Of course, ffp^re are a few who have dinner- of the day before, and the harioots, STRANliK iAVlNj 5 I venture. The train cannot start too soon come to say “ good-bye." It is not a lentils and peas are cooked in three jars in the It.-iliah OfH •• THE OTITlyR l l for him. He w ^ not be satisfied until he cheery matter. There are dry eyes and same sauoepan. Amriifnii • in •A M E R IC A AS .V SHll feels the soil of France under his feet; and smiling faoee—but the smiles disappear and NorseradlsK Sauce.—I noredibmts.—I table- Of Er-pooiM laH he’ll 'itio sooner do that than he’ll be the tears flow over as soon the gprard waves spoonful grated horseradish, 1 i gi9i vinegar, k bothering the Adjutant of his I.B.D. as to his green flag and the train steams out. dewertepoonful made mustard, 1 teaspoonful ^hen he’s going to get to the front. That is the price. . . . sugar, pepper, salt. HASTINGS SYMPA1 W s m m i e d A usii!« l2tJu I9li. Method.—Put the horseradish into a small Art. 0<'*ob That is your real new subaltern. Yet, after you have seen them all off, basin, mix the mustard with the vinegar, sugar, the one great impression left on your mind The fellow who has been out there before salt, and pepper, and pour on to the radish. ,'V p H i is somewhat blast. He knows what he is is the cheery niauner in which they go. A Devilled Marrow__Ihor^diem's.—i small w ill be Beid on WF.DNKSE going to.'* But, if you imagine that he is Four years of war—and they go with as m the CJjUEEN S HOTEL’, marrow, 1 teaopoonful French mustard, 1 toa- Coranif^iA'injr-1 brooding over the dangers he wilt have to gay a laugh and cheer as ever they went in spoonful English musiaird, 1 deseertspoouful ■ F reajdent Mr. E. H .fG L E j T ic k e ts la. 6d. pap’i, to.b^l face you are wrong. He is probably 1914. They have no doubts as to the chi^p^ ohutney, pepper, salt. Pelhairi - i.rcade: Mrs.’ jHayi thinking of the good times he will have in issue. They are confident of victory. They Mbthod.—Peel and seed the marrow, pour tings (and 20. NoiTnanrt^d. Ru»hert#on-e1.i; Mr Prance, of the comparative freedom, of the are ready and. willing to on counter the boiling water over it, end simmer for five ___ _ Leonards; Kjing'i minutee. Cut In slices j inch thick. Mix oiil Ming'e-noed. St. L«'i-riards: cheery welcome back to his own unit—of H u n enemy. Slzne..- Stinley-ro-id, the other Ingredlonta, spread the paste on the W4tt«e. everything, in fact, e.xcept that of which If you are a pessimist—go to Waterloo slioee of marrow, eprinklie over it a tew browned vou would expect him to think. He carries when a draft train is leaving. That is a I I tBritUh Official. breadorumbs. Oook in. a greased baking tla iGonlinued at font erf calvnm.] certain cure for pessimism. Por the treatm eot of aaiaials siLccompanylnf th* British Force# In Italy, ibis aid-post Is erected on high ground. for five minutes in a quick oven. VO HASTINGS, HEXjHI • i P olice (J o v { n * ANN^UAIi MEETING ■Al-r., HASTINGS, 4V a ' ' ! . , 30t^ m r kindj permiMion hls|

m SubecHbtf's and F r ^ d t tft att^

j Inlieidnal Notices

C a s t l e ; wk L U N a r o N s q u f

______t ^ T W A B M * nU iklA O K AKD 3om ^THAINk. HlC

OAirU BOTKj. ^