Sunn Cnnxrvonn CoNSERVATIoN

The Newsletterand Journalof the IUCN/SSC SmallCarnivore Specialist Group IUCN

Number32 April2005

Moloyweosel Mlstela nudipescorching rol Photo:Neil Frcnklin I LlPl(ndonesion lnsliiute ofs.iences) | PHKA(Dnedorcre ofthe DepartmentofFonestry)

The productionand distributionof this issuehas beensponsored by "RoyalZoological Society of Antwerp",Antwerp, Belgium "ColumbusZoo", Powell, Ohio, USA and "WildlifeConservation Society/Living Institutions", NewYork. NY, USA

ColumbusZOO Svran CnnNryonn CoNSERVATToN

The Newsletterand Joumalof the IUCN/SSC Small CamivoreSpecialist Group

Editor-in-chief: Hany VanRompaey, Edegem. Belgium

Associateeditor: William Duckworth.Bristol. UK

Editorial board: Angela Glatston,Rotterdam. Nctherlands Michael Riffel, Heidelberg, Arnd SchreibelHeidclberg, Germany RolandWirth, Mtinchcn,Germany

This numberwas nllo sponsoredby:


CHIYENNE :?pio \4fUNTAIN zoo

The !ic$ s cxpresledin this publicationare thosc ol thc authorsand do not necessarilyretlect thoce ofthe iUCN, nor ihe IUCN/SSC Cafnivore Specialnl Croup.

The rinr ofthis publicationis ro offer thc mcmbersofthe IUCN/SSC Camivore SC. and rhoscwho areconccmcdwith mustelids.vivenids. andplocyonids.b.icfpapers,news items. absracrs, andliile! oi reccnllitc.aturc. All readersare inviled 10send material to:

Small CarnivoreConseryation cy'oDr. H. Van Rompaey Jan Verbertlei,15 2650 Edegem- Belgium Harry.VanRompaey@

Printed on recycled papcr rssNr0r9-5041 Small carnivores of the Udzungwa Mountains: presence,distributions and threats

Daniela W. DE LUCA and Noah E. MPLINGA

Summary record fbr Tan,rni.r. Othor high risk speciesrecorded included I-o!e's SeNrvalil)e Cener Ge n e ttu sen alina low. i knowDonly from The mammalian carnilores ol rhc Udrungwa Mountains the Udzungwas.Mellcr's MongooseRl)a.logdl. ,r,llcfi andthe Nrlional Pa.k (UMNP) arei were jntcnsj!cly investi-latedover a Bushy-tailed Mongoosc Bd.,gdL .r.rrrn.,2r./d meanwhile, lrre pcrrcd of one year November200I ro Novelnbef 2002.This signiticxni .tnd vcry rarcly re.o.ded The former nay be a new was thc iirst study in this areatlrrgering lhis imponant grcup of record lbr this aninal in terms of rltitudc rnd habitat iype. The .A con binatioDoffield methodswrs empk)ycd:eco logical Udzungwa carnivore communily is rich and of considerable invenlofies Gapid assessnent sur!cy\: scat.spoor and sign surveysi importrncc. Ils ltatus and complexity will dependmuch on the c,tmeratrappng) and socio-economicinvcstigations (structured conlinned conscrvllion of all Udzungwa habitats. village inter!iews). Sonrc678 km ofnansect werewilkedi 10,608 camera-lraphours wcrc carried out, and 128 village i.rcrvicws Introduction undcnakcn.acrossrcpreseniative ireas throtrghoutthe t)ark and its As in most ofAfricr, smallcarnilores in Tanzaniaare liule k nown.and the only recentin iilrmati()nis ofrenthe docunentation A total of 17 of snrall c,tnrivore (. of Kingdon ( I 977t 1990: 1997)and rhe predictions of conrinenLal Viverridaeand Hcrpcltidae) were confirmed for rheUMNP andan scaledatabanks (Boitani sr dl., I 999). Many specie!are deemed to 'probable rdditional speciesis . Tbis concspondsto at least85./. be under thrcNtbe.ause of habitat degradation.and persccntnnr (r)r a! nany as 90%) of the Tanranian rotal. l hesedaia show that duc 1o hunting and poisoning(Schreiber sr a/., 1989).However. UMNP is one o1 rhc richcstprotected areas (ifnot the richcst) for there are insufticienl dita to irsscssthcir distribution. population small carnilores in Eltstcn . as well as one of the mosl ,r Jfgree nl rhreJrrnd lhu. ro phn dppropri.,rr inrpoftant.Thepresenc€ofJackson sMongooseBd.o gnLe ik ksoni inlervcntion.Indri!paFfwepresentdalaonihesmall carnivores was pn:ticularly signilicant. This little known ind lulncrablc' from a wider invesligationinto rllmammalirn camivorescanied spccicswas fornerly recordedonly lbm two[cas: in andaround out rn the Udzungwa Mountains in SouihernTanzanir (De Luca \.lrKen) a rnd.ourh ol\,1r flE,,n Thi' repre,enl.rn Inrpofldnrnr$ & Mpun-!a. 2002. 2005).

(TRBD'04) 36" 37'



tr Q rowns 8"

E NatronalPafi ) .) :s

50km E CHITA 36' 37"

I ig. L Map nl th. utl.ung||u Mountains area sho||ing hnun.ldti.\ dnl th. lo.rttion oJ'intetuie\|' fillages. Tabt( t. r,..:ations un(tdetail! ol ,k\a tnp ue,k nts.Geosru phn'al positiot oJcaneru trapsare si|en in tvGSSl d?s k(s' 14 inal nitrute\ tootu1iMte!.

CTNo. SensorType Habitatlrpe Loc.S Loc. E Altitude

TN,I6 Open/ck)scd\toodland s07 317t2 E 0-1615 901 112'7 '18t) TM3 OFn/closed woodl{nd s 07 .1.1903 Ii 016 -16 |12'7 TM5 Open/closedwoodlrnd s 07l5051 I-i0:16 36 79t 1't)1 TM7 Opedclosed soodland s 0735 298 E 036t7 65lJ I132 TMIl P Mbatwa Open/ckrsedwoodland s 0715 512 E 036 l7 369 I 16.l .TM.1 Open/ckrscdwoodland s0736216 E 036t7 369 ll73 'lMl Mbxlwa Open/closed!oodland s 07 361.14 E 03617 2111 t:l9l c'r2 s 07.17 591 E 03652 615 1t9 CT.1 P Mkula river/sonjo s 0747 684 E 0:1652 7r)8 495 CTI P Mkulr rive/Sonjo s 0717 693 E 03652 712 526 .184 CT3 Mkula river/Sonjo s 0717838 E 03652 9r8 :130 TM2 Mkula s 07.17 925 E 03651 129 ,150 CT.I Mkula s 07.18 01.1 E 0:1653 16,1 ,150 CT] Mkula S 07,18 028 B 036 53 20,1 CT3 Mkulr(ex-NP) s 07.18 l17 E 01655 799 285 crT2 P s 07 '15626 E 03650 097 950 CT3 Opcn woodl nd s 0747 596 E 036 49 865 980 cr'4 P Open woodland s 0715 807 E 036 50 265 ? CTI P MwNnihrna s 0749 0?l B 01649 5ll I800 C]T3 P s 07413 081 E 03651 675 650 CI2. P S 07,19 002 E 036,195l:l l83t) CT3 P Mwanihana s 0748 55,1 E 036 49 454 l'17t) cr.1 P s 0747 ,179 E 03649 809 950 cTl Mwanihanr s 0?.17 713 E 03650 265 915 CT2 Ruip.r s 0802 858 E 03620 511 317 .115 CTI Ruipa s 08 0:l303 E 036 20 661r TM] Ruipa S 080,1 876 r-t016 19258 330 :ll5 CTI Ruipa s 0802 986 E 01620 761 CT3 P Rnjpa s 0803 472 Ii 0:1621 080 394 C]T] P Ruipa s 0803 474 E 036 21 078 3.r3 CT3 P Rripa s 0803 601 E 03620 550 368 cT"1 Ruipa s 0803 643 E 036 20 l,l8 321 C]T2 Ruipa s 01t03 324 E 036 20 16,1 280

'I hc UdzungwaMountain Natn)nal Park (UMNP) includes U M N Pcovers al nrcsr one tifih ( I ,999kln:)ofthc Udzungwa lwo ofthe richesl forestsof thc region in terms oflhe numbcr of MountNinsrange and lies betwecn 7'30 8'l5 S and 36'20' spcciesof primales. duite$ and ! (Dinesen irt dl., 2001)r 36'55'E(Fig.l).Itembraces,vrietyofhrbitatsincludingnatural 28(lm to M\ranihana in the East and Luhorneto in the Wcst Kilombcro forest(k'wland. submontaneand montane).Nnging from grasslandand open Scarp.Consequenlly. they afe citcd as first conscrvalionpriority 2.600m a.s.t.Inaddition, aconidorofwooded in thc areas ann)Dgsrall Ud,ungwa foresrs Ho$'ever, dcspite their andclosedwoodland lies bctweenthe rwo main foreslblocks in rhc imponancc lbr global bn)dilersity. thcse lbrests are rmong the Eastnnd ir thc West. Therc is a longer lltriable dry season (abour5 mostth rcNrcned ecosystcms in theworld (B abrr. 2000) Whilst the West (about7 mo ths) and shorierdry scasonin theEnsl shoflpenk biodilcrsily of thc Udzungwas has been well documented(sce months).The wet seasonbetween Marchand May hasa per Rodgers& Homewood. 1982i Lovett & wasser. 1993 Various in Dccenber. Rainfall anrountsto apprcximalely 2.000 nllll wcsl authors,1998: Ehardi sr al.. 1999; Dinesen./ dl , 2001i lronticr year in fie east decrcasingto 800 1.000 mm in the lHall produce,t Trnzania.200lr & b). there have previously been no lurvevs 1986). The spccitic aimt of the study were 1o (o-date irea focusing on carnilores. comprehensiveand ut camivore list for the UMNP and to irvestigale causesol threat for each specicsin order lo As prrt ofa broaderexanlination oicarni!ore statusacross provide information nccessaryfor the implementalionof sonthcrnTanzanir. we investigatedlhe UMNI'and buffer Tones conservation initirtivcs. fron November 2001 to November 2002. Conbining ecologidl and socio-economicinvestiSatir)ns we soughtlo recordcarnrvore Methods relative abundance, habitat preterence and fie lactors 2001 and limiling their abundaDce-The work slens from a co'nponentoftbe Fieldwork was cxnied out betweenNovember wildlife ConservationSoc iety sSouthernHighlan lt Consetration November2002. ln orderro deieflnincsmall carnivore presencc we (stgn Prcgrcnne xnd seeks lo examinc carnivore di(ributions. usedlr combinalionof fic ld methods:ccologicalinvemories ahundrnce and thrcris fiom uncxplored silcs, and prcvide suneys and cameratrrpping). and socio'economicinvestigahons conservationrcmedies and advice. (vilhsc interviews). Inirially however. we perforned rapid asscss'nentsulaeys acrossdifierent arcasin order to selectrppropriiuc mrximize captureraie. Cltrni!orcs prefer k) n)llow lrails !alnpling sitesrepresenlirlivc ol thepark sdiverse habitats. altilude, the.eforenlosl ofthe c:rmcratraps wefe placedin the vicinily of rainlallcondition! and human infhencc. During luch surveysall suchlrails. Alltrapswere setlo work liom dusk todawn between carnjlore si!ns were also noted.Subscquendy. four ecologically 7pmx.d 7 anl.and mounled on I polcaL rbout 25 l0cmlromthe dillcrenr areaswere selededfbr camcrarrap placemeni (Table 1). grouDd.They were baited and chccked rt rcgular intervals (De Luclt & Mpunga, 2005). A1l cNrnivoresigns and racks wcrc rccorded at all times during ficldwork. Grid reterences.alliLudcs and habitat rypes To supplcment information fioln the lield I 28 peoplewefe werc rourinely noted.The dislanccs ndco ordimtes ofrransects inlcrvicwedinfourvillageslocalcdwithin thebuffef zonesarouod wrlked wcrcrecordedbyhandbeld cannin GPSIII+ anduploaded the NalionrlPa.k: Mkula and Msolwa to rhe easrofMwanihana, to a gcographicalinlbnnatio sysrcmusing Arcview 3.2. Spoor Ruipa!illagejustoutside Matundu [orc( in thc cxtremesouth, and was mealured. identilied rnd phorographed.and drta on Msosr ncarMbatwa h thenorth (Fig. l). Mkula rnd Msolwa lie on ftDtprintlj. signs and sca{swerc notcd on ltandard data sheets.A ftc crnenr boundary at 5 and l0 km rcspcctively fron park total of678 knr oft.ansectwaswalked duringthe survey(adjusted headquarlcrsxt Mang'ula. lntervie$s employcd structured to 822 km 1o include a factor of terrrin r)ughners. De Luca & questionnxires,and intef viewees were selecled on thcir knowledge MpuDsa.2005). of the area. The interviews pormitted the colleclion of dara on carnivoresightings. locaiion. da1c. licqucncl, ofsightings. andthe Camen lrappingwas carried out in eacharea lbr a nrinimum vernacularnnnes ol thc spc.ies in queltion. Hunnn-carnivorc of 210 trap nighrs. A total of 10.608 cameri Lraphourr (884 conflict and hunting wrs also ascenainedand data were rrkcn on lrap nights) we re achievedir all arexs.Bclween 5 aDdI 3 camera the fiequcncy of problem animal occurrencesrnd the ways lraps tr'erccmpbyed at any one lime. Initirlly passive infrared employed lo prcvcnt or reduce them. Inlbrmnfion on clr.ivore urits (Carnlrrktcrrv) were used (www.cxrnrrakker.conl). exploitationandconsumptive uses was gatheredin ordertoxsscss Suherquently. the number ol camera traps employed was the degrceofthreat. Resultsabout human camivore conflict and increasedby usingactive infrared monitors (Trai1mastertu1500) carnivoreexploilxlion are presented elsewhere (De Luca& Mpunga, (www.t.ail' Placement k)cati{)ns were chosen to 2005)_

Table 2. Che.klist of snall cnniftre speLiesrc.ofttud in the UMNP urcd durin! thk studr.

Ic Ia Englishname Sp€cies Kiswahili Ph (]b Ac Pr

Mustelida€ I Atiican ClawlcssOter FisiMajiKubwa () 82.0 84.9 60.6 23.3 2 Zotilld. Kich€che 36.4 57.6 61.6 3l.l 3 Stripedweascl PoecilogalealbinuLho Chororo () 18.2 63.6 63.6 46.0 4 Honcy Brdger (Ratel) NyeSere Ph 39.4 63.6 63.6 90.0 Viv€rridae 5 Common Ph t5.2 42.1 1t\.8 46.1 6 ServaiineGenel Knnu ph l2.l 13.3 21.2 40.0 7 Large-spo(edGcnet Kanu Ph 9.1 30.1 24.2 0.0 8 Affican rungo Ph 8t3.0 I17.9 61.7 72.'1 9 Alncan Palm Civet FuDgo Ph t2.0 21.3 15.2 10.0 Heryestida€ l0 Egyptian Monsoose H.rycst.! khn?umon N|uchjjo 2t.2 21.f 18.2 300 ll Slender He?erres rdnaain?ar Nguchiro o 51.5 57.6 60.6 ,16.7 12 DwrrfMongoose HeLagalepunula Kitafe 48.5 .12..154.6 80.0 13 nungo Nkuchiro o 39.0 12.1 ,18.5 70.0 14 Mrrsh Mongoose AtiLa\ paludinosut N-suchirowa Maji Ph 18.5 81.8 45.5 3.3 15 White-tailed Mongoosc /.rh,?Lnid albi uda Kannbago Ph 0.0 6.1 0.0 80.0 16 Meller's Mongoose RhtnthogaLeDslleli Nguchi.o Ph 0.0 0_0 0.0 6.7 17 Bushylailed Mongoose adcoSal? .'r$i..!da Nguchiro Ph 0.0 0_0 1.0 13.3 18 Ja.kson s Mongoose Bdeosdk jacksohi Nguchiro Ph 0.0 0.t) 0.0 0.0


Key: Ph I'hoto trapped:Ob Observcd(O)/ Spoor(S): Ac Claimedby al lersl 609. of inrervieweesfrom at leastone vitlage arex. record accepted.Pr - Probable; claimcd by 25 50% ofinl,erviewees liom rl lcrst one villagearea. The Ph-Ob-Ac-Prcolums are addilive The columns with f. indicate thc pcrcentageof people per village who clximed to have seen the aninal in the Udzungwas area.

Resultsand discussion Tdbl. 3. Phok trupfins tul(s pcr sPeli.s ltLu )er of indqenlott phott\ / th? nunbct ol lmp right\ in nrcat nhar? A rotil of l 7 srnallcafl vore specieswa\ conllrnred (and an suIi?s trus ?\peded). nnk?rl d(ordiry tu)nltp sttc..s\' addiln)nrl speciesrccorded as p.obNblc)in the UMNP ffea An annolrlcd checklistof rhesel8 specicswiih their mc{ns ofrecord Spccies is thusgiveo in lablc 2. Of thel(n!j. 1l were.aughton film and a lunher tbur fnrn direct obser!!tions andspoor' Two moresl]ecics werc clained by rL least 60% ol intervieweesfr(nn ar least onc Bushytailed Mongoose 1t) 611 8.5:l villagearca. and the records accepted. The speciescited as probable Marsh Mongoosc 32 614 2l.l was clrinred b] 25 50E of inter!icwees from a! lcast one vill,rgc Large-spottcdCenet l5 63'7 .12.5 :rrea.Thc list includcs lbur multelids. tive liverrids and nine While-tailed Mongoose 2t0 52.5 herfcstids. One of thc herpestids(scc below) reprcscn(sa neu l5 88,t 58.9 fecord lbr and the nrlioDal total of small cirnivore Meller's MoDgoose 8 688 ilfi) ccics now st{nds al 20 sF.ics. As a conscqucnce.UMNP 3 .160 l5l cont{in\ rt lean 90q. of the counrry s toial and:12%of all smrll Jackson\ Mongoose l 611 225 carnivorespcciesinAfrica(Boilani./d/.1999:Millsdd/.:(X)l) Horey 881 295 ) 671 317 Furthcrmore. UMNP contains onc more specres than 611 ll7 ScreogetiNational Park. an arcli more lhan six lines the sirc. a d known tbrhaving oneot' the largcslpredator and prey biomass(cs) iD the wodd iCr() & Durart. 1995:Sinclai.. 1995) lr is prcblblc l,urrhernore. durins inlenieu\ t villager fR)m Mkula thdUMNl'i! thc richestprctcctcd area fir.rmilore diversit) in nentioncd having secn a nongoosc corfeipoDdingto this (1.700m) EasternAliica. ifnot beyond.Thedi!ersirycanbe erplaincd bv the dcscriprion at thc edge of thc bamboo li)rcst in the biogcography, thc range of habiht types and rltjtudes Thc Kihulula arca,M$ahihana. This areais higher ihan Marrndu and gazettemenlas a nationalptrk lrnd conscqucntmaoagemcnt over ifits prcsenceis.onlirned there.iL would be hlbiral mofe similar the last decrdc hl]s also conlribuied to lhe consen'ationol bolh to thc ccntirl Kenla rccordsofihe Abcrdarerangc rnd Mt Kenlr. camivofes rnd prey. Jacksons Mongoose is sinilar n) thc White trilcd In Mrtundu forcn a mongoosclhat we have idcntilied a\ Mongoose/d,?."nzr a/ri.a!& bul the lattcr has leanerlcgs. no filc toes (Kingdon Jacksons MongooseB./.oSdl" la.lror, wrs caughlon filnr' The yelh* tinrs on the ncck and rhroal rnd has shapeol thc ears.lhe intcnseyello$ on the side of thc neck and 1997).The Whitc railed Mongoose was caLrghton film only in thoar. and the whire bushy tail rre distinctivc (back colet. This Mbatwr in the dfier norlh of LIMNP Mellcr's Mongoose r.presentsa new speciesrecord iorTanzanid The.tninal is little Rh rn.hogdl( melh ri wttspholographed in lheM wrn ihannmontane known. highly locrlised and fomcrly known only liom montrnc banboo forcsl at I,lt50 m. The colour ol the pelage.thc dark legs rtrdbanrbooforeslon Mt. Kcn)r!rndlowland turestnearMt Elgon and lail rnd the dislinclive upturncd shape of the nuzTle arc 'vulnerable' (Kingdon. 1997).Its (atus is classificdrs (VU B I + indicativeofthespccies.Meller'sMongooseisnor lallyasv)citled (Kingdon. lc) by lUCN (2004) with a populalion that seens to be sclerelv with woodlandut ro rpproximatcly 1.500m l9S7). and frugnrentedand with the subpopulatjonsprobably nol containing ir is posiiblc that this is rhc first record tbr this llccics ln such a more thrD 1.000 n ture individuais. Thc rnrnal ha! snrcealso habital ind ailitudc. Ils corservation staiusis rcgardedas bcing 'lowri!k' beeophoto rrrpped in the srme areaby F. Rorero (p.rt. ."nn ) and leNlconcerr'(l-f +Lc).Howevcr.inrheTanTanirn

Tabt. L Canenl trap btutions Lith aLtitutlerdng.s lAtt.),nunb ol tatping houts(7nF7an) and trcp nishts,ttuntb.r t)l nu,|be| Lonerusp{ kJfu|ia rcT,, fequen(:\(F: nu|nbt oJ|ime! a ina]\ wef photog|afed includingu, le|nifi l "nnqaose')' 4'h tit' af spetiesrr sit. (Stt , nuntbctoj ve(i?! put urit e.l.tbnlspp/ Ellort)'PhobgraphLltt

Location Alt.lm) Traphours CTs !' Spp spp/ Spcciesphotographed (r900-0701r) Effort Trupniehts

MwJnih3nr 950 1850 2.96,1 87 0.002.1 Afric.rn Civet. Marsh Mongoosc.Bushy 211 tailedMongoose. Low€'s Sen'.alineGenct, Mcllcr's Mongoose

Mkula 300 750 2.112 78 0.0014 ,\fiicanCivcr, Marsh n)ngoose. l.argc 231 spottedCcnet, Bushy lailed Mongoose Rulpa/ 300450 2.352 96 0.001,r Jackson'sMongoosc. Honey Badgcr, Matundu r96 African l'alm Civet. Marsh Mongoosc. African ci!eI. Con]l]on Genet.I-arge spottedCenet, Bush) ltilcd Mongoosc r 1501.100 2.520 12 0.0015 Aliican Civet. Whilc tiiled Mongoose. 210 I-argc spottedGcncl. Honey Bailger

rnd Zlnrbi,rn partofther.r ge. hun D populations haveexpandcd conre !o ground 1(r li)rrgc (Roselerr, 197.1)or to seek rv.tter considerablyand in trrricular could be an incre.tsingloc.rl (Sanderson.19,10). With our canem traps seron the ground. thit (SLuai thrcat & p.s/r.). could explainthe rela(i!cly los, nunrberof ticiures. Hose!er. our curcnt s,ork in rhe Southcm Highlands(in fref.) ha! shown rhir lhe Bushy-tailedMongoosc 8L08rl. .ra$nd,la wrs this speciesis also c.rsily phot()trapped on lhe forest tloor. Thc thc 'nosr photographedspecies nr UMNP (hrck cover) with rhe nrdividual photographedin Mrtundu docs nor show the narrower r'. lirl-.{ th'i. rJfl rrrcrJr<, l role I h(,uh.Fr ie, .nr In shpcs on thc neck typical ofN. ,. s"Dz.di (back co!cr), but has lhisrcgn)nis /J.. palJd(Schreibere/dl.I S8g).Delpitefecords fiat narow pouly defired rings on thc hil likc N.7). d/rdl..r (var aliociale this specieswirh w('oded grassl.rDdrather than lbrcsL Ronpaey & Ray, in1.?). (Kingdon. I977). rr datashow rhrt i1can bc found (sornetimesin frin) in montanelbrest ut Lo1.850m. and lowland lbrcsr bcrwccn ln East AIricr trlD cilets are chiefly associired wirh 100 and750 n(T.tblc4). The only locationwherelhc spccicswas tiagmentedlbrest up to 2,0(10m ( K i ngdon. | 997). Howeler. rhcy not photogfaphed\as Mbdw4 a dry thickel woodl.rnd. Ir is {re aho iound in lowlrnd forest (such a! Matundu). deciduous. nowhereconsidered connnoD (Knrgdon. l9g7). gallery and riverine ibresls and salanna well as in cultivatedmos3iclirestandlicld\hordcringn)restedges(Charles- The Mrrsh MongooseA/l1dr /,alrlin,r,r the secoxl Domioiquc, 1978:Happold. 1987; Skinner & Snirhcrs. 1990). nuJ plrornp.dphcd.N.:L..lllble l) l,.. tuful rn! irl Aliicr ir A. p. -E!st r"06!r/,r rKingdon, 1997).With the exceprion Thc Honey BadgerM"llirola .dpe"rir was photr)g.aphed ollhc d.y woodlandofMbalwa. iLwaspholographed inall hibitals in both Mbatwa and Matundu/Ruipr coDiimnrg its versatility in sa'npledliolll 300 lil up to 1.850nr in the montanebamboo .rrca ol' ldapling to both wetleranddncrconditn)ns (Table:1). Spoor of the Mwrnihan.r (where a pair was crusht a few times). Its presence StripcJ Po..ilr,gak ulb"tkha was obs.rved only in {. m'J I'' helinled ro rhe! rcrnir),,f $,,t.r.,i I'e' a. $ d' r.ul Mbxtwaalthoughthe interview datasuggcsrs thrl ir is wide!pread. recordedmore than 2 knr awa) fron rivers and strerms. The Zotjlla htot '"\ sttiatur meanwhile,also a widesprerdrnimrl. wrs acknowledgedby 6lS. ol inlcr!icwccs in Ruipa. Othcrmorccommon recorded in LhcUMNParea were thc SlcndcrMonsoote Hery?st?ssanguiners, \een nearpafk Camerr trapping is an efiective tool lbr inlestigating rhe headqua.tcrs.Sonjo and Mbarwa. the BandcdMongoose Margdr ecologyofindi!idualsandpopulationsol ani rals.Iti\prniculrrh ,rriao obscr!cd in the MwanihanaareanearMkuh.rndthc Dwa.f laluable in remolc arcas.ditliculr tenain or de se lore\ts rhlt Mongoosel/ losdl.Irdn,rld. a colnlnor speciesrhosc prcscnce preventdirect obser!aLi()n.Hosevef, succe!s.ates lb. cami\or.\ wasclainrcd by 60% ofall intervieweesand 807 of tho\e in Msosa. canbe sl(,w (see Carbone./ d/ .2001).Indeed, sith thcexception Fmally the prcscnce ol the Egyptiar Mongoosc tclp?rrer of the two mosl conmonly photo,trappedspecies, rhe Bush) nr,ir,?zno,. a connnor amdwidesprcad-carnivore. is considered lailcdand Marsh Morgooses. success irles in UMNP we.erelarivelv vcry probablebased on the inlerlicw drra. slow in teflns ofthe photo-trappingrirlc or numbcr of trap ni8hls pcrpicture (lable 3). Table:l illustrarescamcrr lrrp successin the Lowc s Servaline Gener G?netta se^'aLind!.||.i is an tbur localions studied, and indicatesrhat the lowland lbrcst of urrcommon and liulc tnown rrborcal forest species,dcscribcd Matunduwasthemon divcrscNrerntr snrallcarnivores. MatLrndu tronr a skin lbund in the l)aba8aarea in l932by Willoughby l-owe is alreadyconsidcrcd 10 be oneoftherichestareas in termsoi (Kingdon. 1977rBrink ct dl.. 2002: De Luca & Mpunga, 2(X)2). andduikefs (Dinesen ct d1..2001). This specicswls thotographediI)the Mwanihanarcr (980 m) in hibil.ttdcscribcdby Rodgers& Homewood(1982) rs internrediate The frcqucncyofindependentphoto! for specieswithmore rain ibresl,rs wcllas in montarefbrestbordering bamboo rr 1.810 than tive picturestakcn (and iir which tinre dala we.e recorded), rn (Table:l). These.lrta suggcstthrt in Tanzaniarhe species ilself waspbtted in orderto show theirnoclurnrl ac(ivily prttcrns (F_ig. is a ioresrrnimal as itr west Atiica (Ray. 2001; Vrn Rompaey& 2). All picturcs takcn more than 5 minutesaFrt were considered 'independcnt'. cor)'n.r998). TheBushy tailedand MarshMongooses (occupying thesamehabitat) showcd sirnilaractivity pauern!dufing the night, Surprisirgl). rhc G?n?tto geneua \|rs wirh peaksatl9:00, 23:00and0,1:01)hrs. whileMcllcr'sMongoose photographedoDly in lowland forest at Matundu. bul not in thc w,rs nost active ar 0l:U) hrsi r tinrc ofdc.rcascd activity for the drierhibi(ai ofMbdwa whereit wasmore expected. Thc subspc.ics othertwo species.The activity prllc.n ofothcrspc.ics showedthal occuring in this egion is C. g. /o/rsolr".r (Kingdon. 1997).In whilst Civet wasacli ve lhroughoulthe night, thc LNrgc \'larunduhowever, ihe Common cenet (brck covcr)was synrpairic spolledCenet aloidcd the times when SpottedHyaenas Cro.r,a wirh rhc l-arge spottedCe netGenetta madlata. whereecological .rd.,/d $ crc pirricu larly active(at dround23 :00 hrt. lt wasactive separationis prohably ,rchievedby different use of ihc lbrcsr al l9:00.00:00 and051I) hrs.Thc I9:00hrs pe.tkw,ts the only one habital(Ray. 2001 ). The Large spoucdGenet (back cover) and the thrt corrcspondedro tho!e of Bushy-tailedand Marsh Mongooses. Ciretn ir .'\,?nd were presentin various habitats Given that tlreir diets nre sinilar. it is possiblc thrl thc Large (lowland lbrcst. opcn and closed woodland) and acrossa brord spottedGenei may be aroiding competition wilh thc mongooses altitudinnlirnge (280 1.470m).However, the l,arge-spoled Ccner bydescendinglessliomtherees al ftis lime.lntercdingly also.thc was not photoSraphedin the monhnc forcst or the woodland of Bushy'lailcd Mongoose activity peakedat around 23:00hrs.At Mwanihana(Table 4). lt is possiblerhrt rhc Largc spottedGener this time we photographcdr SpouedHyaena with a Bushy tailed is in conpeiition with lhe Scrvalinc Genet.and/of that i|s distri- Mongoosc in its nouth. bulion does rot exterd to higher elelrtn)ns (Kin-gdon.1997). According to Rakarr {2000),the nlajor threatsfbr *ildlilc Togetherwilh rheServNline Genet,the AfricanPaln Civer wilhin the UMNP area are illegal logging, excessivelirewood Nandini.! binotato sho9jedthc lowcst photo tmpping rate lTable collcction, uncontrolledfire. medicinatplant collection. hunting l: back cover). Ahican Paln are mainly arborexl but do and trapping of prey spccies.lhese are thc result of increased Figur 2. Actiril! patt?t of snall.ami\orc !p?de! (ttapNtr > 1 ti es)in th? UMNP arca. t he I u\is is tht p(tc(ntdsc afthe tictue tuke per spe.ies otet th? totil nunbff oJtidurcs ol th( stieciessllo\ bclo||.

-Bu5hy-tailed rtongoose - - . Mai5h Mongoose ay, --- Meller's |vlongoose ---€potied Genet - - -AIrican Givet



a 1./o


! tz\ 29" Lt l,].. ,' ..r2\r{.- -zi'\r'i' \'\

oi6 18:00 19:d) 2O:q) 21:00 22iOO 23.N O:lXt {:00 2:OO 3:0O 4:0O 5:OO 5:OO Houts

popuhtion pressurewithin the lasl fcw dccades.The demandsti)r Conclusion rrable land and developmcnt have createdbar.iers to wildlile dispersalby interfupting hNbitatpalches (fbr example the road This study recordedal lc!s( l7 speciesfrom I lamilies of along the eastcrnside ofthe park separatingir Iroln SelousGame Irlamnlaliancarn ivorcs from lhe UMNP!rca. on lhe basisof these Reserve). lnadequate land use plannmg has exacerbatcdtbc darr, UMNP musl be considcrcdas amongstthe richcstprnected arcrs lir cffnivore diverciiy in LasrcmAtiicaand ceftainly oneoi'

DurinSintc.vicws. we inves(igaiedthe terms of co existence wilh people and idenlified thc $nrce of expioiiation such as Thc presenceofJackson's Mongoose B.l.ogdLJa./rsotrt is hunting.rndconsunptive use(De Luc.r & Mpunga.2005).Whilsl particularlysignificanl being a new rccordfbr Tanzania.Amongst we revealed hunling ol carnivores. especially f{)r rclributioo, the speciesrecorded. many arelillle known andiniormation about medicinal and tradilional purposes (De I -uca& Mpungr, 2005), the their ecology is lacking. althoughmany .trc believedto be unde. impacion snrallcrrn ivoreswrs probably litnited comtrrcd to the fireal. The UdTungwacxmi lore connlunity is nch rnd important negativeeffects ofhabitNl degrndition.To quantify lhc inrpaclol bolhin termsof its g bbal signiiicrnce and itsecoklgicalvnlue.lts theseih reatson carnivorespecies however. long lcrm rcserrchand statusa.d .omplexily will depeDdmuch on the preservationot moniloring exannring habitatuse. cdge cfltcls. the sizeofhabjtal lower lclcls oi (he ecological pyranid. snd the tackling of lhe opcnings,responses to disturbancc,hunling, and dispersalacross heterogeneouslandscapes is required( Sunquist & Sunquist,2m I ). This sLudywas an inirial step towards this, by documentingthc Acknowledgments speciescompo!iln)n rnd distributior ofcarnivorc commtrniliesin IJMNP. This work wasfundcd by theWildlifeConscr!arion Society (WCS).mainlythrough thcWCS SouthernHighlands Conservation Thc pcrsistenceof the.arnivorc conntunity t^'illdepend on Progmmme.Wc:ue gratelul to TanzaniaNational Parks. the Tanzania how thc specialistand generalin speciesrespond to landscapc Commissbnlbr Scienceand l echnobgy,and the Tanroia Wildlite changes.such as habitnt size and thc pcrsistnce of connectjon! ResearchIrniturc lbrproviding telearchpermission. and to allthc bctwecnhabitai patches(Te$orgh erdl., 1997).ln UMNP. fbrcsr villagcrswho providedvaluable inlbrmation. Hary Van Rompaey, cooservationinitiatives are likely to hclp thc survival of forest MarkTaylor.FranccscoRovero.DaphncHills.TrevorJones.and dependentsI'ccics- However. if habitat!degradcchanges in species Will Duckwoth arc also thankedfof thcir help. infbrnation and compositionwould occur with an inlreasc iD generalislspecies comments.we arccspeciatly grateful to Tinr Davenportfbf advicc, fiat ue more successlulat adaptingto hunan modilled habitats. discussn)n.rnd editorial and pholosriphic input. References Lovcrr,J. C. & W{sser.S. K . eds. I 991. ,i,s",s/afrr &..o/ogf of ttu ranloft's ts oI Edst e t' A,rrl..r.Canbfftse: Gmbridse Brkan,M.L,cd.2000 BiodiveNitvcon\er!ati ardfbfestfesource UniversityPress. manage'nentin the LldzuogwaMountains. Tanznnia. Mills.G. M.. FrciLag,S. & VanJrlrslcld. A. S.2001..;eogr{thic lechnical Report of Workshop held on Octobcr::l 2.1. trnrrities forcarnivoreconser!atiolrin Africa. In Ldft l!df. 1000. Udzu grva Mruntains N_alionalPark Ilerdqurrtcrs, ( oin'rrdtion.edsJ.1..(iinleman,S M.fnnk.1) Macdonald Mrn!-ulx. TanTania & R. K. Wrync,.167,181. Cambridgc: Cambridgc Univcrsity lloitani, l-. .r al. 1999. A lalbutk Jot rht ':onse^etion ant nknugementoJihe AlriLun,r'n,krh. Romr: EC Dirccl('ir1e Rry. J. C. 2001. Camivore biogeogfaphyand conservationin the General lbr Development and IEA. lltituro di Ecologia African Forcslrr comnrunirypcrspcclilc. In,lfnidn Applicila. Rainliprt l.)'olog\ i .l (i,lj.rfdilor. cds. W. weber. I-. Bri*,H..Topp-Jorgensen.J.E.&Marshnll.A.R.2002.Firstrccord while & I-. Noughton-Treve!,2l.r'131.Yale Unirersitr in 6E yearsol Lowc s Scrlalinc Ccnct, Oru 16:lll 127. Carbone,C../ r/.2001.The use ofpholographic ra(es tocstinntc Rar J.C.& Sunquist.M.r. 2001.lrcphic rehlions ilrnommunity densitiesof rnd other cryptic marxnals. A't,Ll ol Aliicr rrinforcst crrnilores. Oa"logid 127:195:108. Conren. 1:1519. Rodger!. w. A. & Homewood.K. M. 1982.ts iolorical valuesand Cafo. f. M. & Durant,S. N{. 1995.The nnporlanceol bchrviourrl !onsenation prospecisfor the forests and primate ccologyforconse.\'ation biology: er anlplesfron populalionsol thc Udzungwr Moun(ains.Trnanir. Bki. carnivofes.ln Sirr./rsirli.A: Dlnamits, manogen?nt dnl Co,ren. 24:28510.1. tons?rration of ur uos\s/c,?. eds.n. R. E. Sinclair & P. Rosclcrr. D. R. 1914. Th? cnrninrcs oJ w?sr Atl.d. l.ondon: Arceie..l5 | .172.Chicago University Pre*. BritishMuscum of NaturrlHistd!. Charles l)ominique, I'. 1978.Ecologie et vie socialede Nzrr./trid Sanderson.I.T. 1940.The nrxmm!lsoithc no(h Crmcroonsforcsi ,t'ordrzr (Canrivores. Vilerridae): comprri\on arcc lcs {rca.beingthe re\ultsof the l'ercySladen Rxpeditiontothe prosinmiens!ynrnpatfiques drGabof,Tert. vie 32:417-528. N{rmlc Di!isionolthc BriLishCamcrx)n\.Tru n!. Dc Luca. D. W. & Mpnngr. N. E. 1002.Prcliminrry ob1ervalion\ London.21:623-125. ol Lowc's Scrvrline Generl(;.n.ta \.r|alin t Lot(i) ttotl\ Schreiber.A.. Wirth R., Rillel M.. & Van Rompac).IL 1989. tjdTungwr Mountains National I'ark, Tanzarta. Smoll Iy(asels.(i?^, noreoo\esand theirrcl .es. At dinrt Cdrnh,ateC.ns.^. 21:17 1N. ph,tJbt th. tunserntiot.tmtstclids ud $ etids.Clantl: De Luclr.D W. & Mpungr, N.E.2005.Crmi!orcs ofthcUdrungw{ IUCN 99 tp. NftNntrirh: presence.distributions and ihfeats. Mbeya: Smclair. A.R.E. 1995.Sere geri past & present In.te/?,8?ri /./r Wildlite ConservarionSocicty. :llt pp. d\ anics. nLd tlguent & (onsen\1tion ofun etus)st?rt. Dinelen.1... l.ehnrbefg. T.. Rahner.M. and Fjeldse.J 2001. eds. A.R.E. Snrclan& P. Arccse.I 10. tlnilcrsir) of ConieFation priorjties tor the fbrests of the Udrung$a Chicrgo. Mourrains.Tarzania. based onprinates, duikersand birds. Skinncr,J.D. &SmilhcrsR.H.N. 1990. t hena,,nal\ of Sou lcn Bi.l. (:da.N r)t):224226. AliLd. Preroria:Unilcrsity of Prctorii. 771 pp. Ehardr.C..Struhsrkcr.T.H. &BuLynski.l. 1999.C(rrseNationof Stua'! C. & Stuaf. T. (.L //.?.1 Rhtnthogul. n?llti h Th. thc cndrngcrcd cndcmic trimrte! of lhe UdzuDSwa nannals ol AJritu. eds. J. Kingdon. D. Happold & T. Mountanls.Tanzanii: surveys.habitat assess menl and bng Butinsky.London: Elsc!ier Sciencc. tcrm monit(tring. llnfublish€d Repoft 10 Margot Marsh Sunquisr.M.E. & Sunquisr.F-.2001. Changinglandscapes: 'lanzania. B()divchit! |und & wwF consequenceslbr cirnilores. hi Co,tivk Conse^\tk,t. FronticrTrn/rnia. 2001r. New Dabrga/ UhngrmbiFofest Reserve eds. J. L. Gndenan. S. NL Funk. R. wayne. & D. w. -ZoologiculRepo.t. Doody. K.Z.Ihwcll. K.M. & lrrnning. Macdonald199 ,118.Canrbrid8er Crnrbridge tlniversity I].. eds. Refoft for the UdTungwa Molntains Forest M anagernent & tsiodjver sitr- Conservation Project. MEMA, Terborgh. J., Lopez, L., Tello. J.. Yu, D. & Bruri. A.R. 1997. Innga. Tannni.r. 160pp. Transitory states ir rel.rxing ecosyslemi of landbf ge FrontierTaozania. l00lb. West Kilonrbero ScarpForcsl Rcscrlc islands.In Troti..r/ lirl€rt rcnnanr.t:ctoh{ mdna!?m?it ZoologicalRcporr. Doody. K.Z. Howcll. K.M. &fanning. & co|\.rtation ol Jtugn. t.d .o/rr!,l/i.J. eds. w.F. E.. cds. Rcporl ftr'thc ll.lrtrnlwx Mounlains Forest 1-aufence& R.O.Bienegaard. 156- 271. Chicago University Managenenl& Biodi!c.sit) Consc.!rrion Prcjcct. MIIMA. Iringa.Tanzanja. l9l pp. Vi Rompacy. H. & Colln. M 1998. ;\ nciv Serlalinc Ccne{ H.rll. J. B. 1986. t,uhonbero Massif. lringi Region. Tarzania. troor Zanzibarlsiaod. -tor/, l/x.t Reconoai\qanccvcgctation strrvcy in Augus! 1985. Zool. 33:42 46. Depafinerl of l,orestry and Wood Scierce, Universily Van Ro'npae).H. & Ray.J.C.(lIpret.i Ndnlinid bi,rrdtr ((lra) ). Collcgc ol North Wrlcs, Bangor,UK.9:l tp. Two sfotted Palnr Civei African Prlnr Civet In 77r. Happold.D. C. D. 198'7.the ndnuidls of Niscria. Oxford, tiK: n mrls oJ Alti!.a. eds. J. Kingdon. l) Happoid & T Ctrrcndon Prcss. llutinskr.l-ondon: ulsevier S.ien.e. I tj(lN. 200.1./UCN R?.//-ir/ {, ft r.dt.nfrl Sf!.;!r. w$ Virious Aulhors. 1998.Special Issue ol rhe Journil. f. A/i. Ndr. DownloadedApril 2005 l1;sr.87:l & 2. Kingdon. J. 1977. Eusl Altiro mundrals. Vol. 1././d.London: AcademicPrcss. Kingdon.J. 1990..rsldu.1Alln"i. London: Collin\ Sons& Co. Wildlife ConservationSociety (WCS), Lrd. PO Box 1475.Mbeya, Tanzania. Kxrgdon. J. 1997. Ir" I'rns.lon lield puitu tt, AlriLan ndtnnals. l-ondon: A & C Black PubllshersLrd. .16.1pp. Recent records of Large-spotted Civel Viztenamegaspila from Thailand and Myanmar

A. J. LYNAM'. Mvint MAUNG2.Saw Htoo Tha PO' and J. W DUCKWORTHT

Thc Lrrgc \polled Civet yire/rd ricaas?ild is known b] rclali!cly fcwrcccntrccordslion anywhcrcin its rangc.Thcrca.c published historical and/or recerrr records fron My.rnnar, Thlriland,Laos lrnd Viehanl (Wll son& Reeder.I 993i D uckworth, 1994). Tt was also mapped for Cambodia in the generali\ed disrriburi(nmats ol Lcklgul & McNccly (1977){nd Corber& Hill (1992).although ihe first specificfecords appear to be in Walsron(2001). Singaporeis freqLrentlystated ro hold the animal (c.g. Cb.rsen.l9l5), althoughlt recentre cxaminrtion ol r specimenliomlhereattheMusdunNalionaldHistc'ireNalurelle lound rhat it was in lact a Malay Ci\er Vh,eta tangalunqu lG. Vcron i, lirl.200:l).Thc idcDrilyol LhcSingaporc spccimcn(s) reterredto in Chasen(1925). possibly noi seenby him. remalns unclcrr.and !)mc rulhorsrrccxplicit thc spcics doesnot occur there(e g. Harison. 1966). Ldrgc Voft(.l Cir.t vivera ncglspill fton ttrannar. Photo: wCS'lktr Progntnlt.. The.e .re many literature statementsof occur.en.e in peninsular (= West) Malaysir (c.9. Robin$n & Kk)ss. l9l0; Chasen.1940: Hanison. 1966: Medway. 1969).and it least ore hisLoricalspccimcn (BMNII 1879.11.21.624.liom PcnrngtG. (J. L. Walston in lrlr. 200,1).Howe!er, we have iraced no recerl Vefon /r /lir. 200,1).Howevef. the only recent claim ffom tbe st.cific infrrmation on slatusin Thailand orMvanmar. Hcre wc counry seemsto be ofa road-kill fron Surgai PetaniinJuly 1985 "ep.n fecerr fe(urd. rtruu!h (rnerJ r.ttrnf "n \'Jn'ire (Asikawa "r al. 1986).There are also severalrecenl assertions ol surveysofboth couotries.and the lack ofrecords from a similar occurrence in louthern China (southern Yun,ran aod sestern survey pfograrnmein west Mahysia. Thcsc rccords wcrc CiuangxiiwanS Ying xiang,1987,2001i Zhang YonS zu. 1997i incidcnLallo thc surlcy rim. to docrnent the stalusoi 'liget trimrry wang Suns. 1998:Shens Helin cr d/. 1999).Occasional reference Panth(n tigris. .u uc.urrenc( In Indrar, ba..d .u.(l) on rhe.,lrernr\. r re$pornl that the Mriabar C;\cr V. t:irettina ol thc wcslcm Ghrls is conspecific: y. "1?gdvlla itselfhas apparently ne!er beensusFcted Materials and methods

Survcys using hcal rnd motion sensiriveCanTrakterrM Lekrgul & McNeely (1977).ir aconprehensivereview of (CamtrakSouth lnc.. Georgia.USA) came.a trapswere nrountedat rhemamnulsofThailand.describedlhespeciesastoundajlover numerous sites acrossThailand. Myanmar and West Malaylia thc conntry rnd ... rrther common". Lillle over a dccadc 1aler,a during 1997 2l)02. Camera-trapsare good at anussing the very global review of all speciesof Viveffidae (Schreiberdr ,1. I 989) nuny hoursofobservational effort which may be neededto detect considered it very little known. traccd no records irom anv low dcDsily. shy rnd/or noctumrl mxlnmals. provlded they are I'r^re.reJ:rel,. unJurreJ rhe neeJ n 'r.ur\ e). r''"',e * ir. JuI enl ground dwelling (c.g. Griffiths & un Schriik, 1993t Culler & Swrnn, 1999).Morcovcr, rhe phorographsprovide objective and r'eriiiableevidence of speciespresence, aconsideration l]a.ticularly ln the 15 years since this alert fbr stalus intblmation of pertinentto Large spottedCivet given its morphologicrl Lxrge spolted Ciler, le$ records have cone to light- sinilltrity to the Large hdian Civet with which it i! uidely extensivesurveys oftheLaonational protectedarea system in the synpatric, andtoMalay Civetwhich overlapsin distriburionin thc 1990s,it was foundat only two sitcs.Xe Pian rnd Phou Xang Hc Sundaic\ubrcgion. Field prolocol was shapedbl the prlmary aim National Prdected Areas,with one animal found in a zoo in this of thcsurvcys, bdocumcnt Tigcrprcscnceand abundance. Clnmeras area. This contrasted with thc widestread Nnd oficn $r'{ 'hu. drtl',!rJ i1 r'nJ. Jn,l Jlu p rdpline. a(ro'. Jrei. ftcquent occurencc of Lrrge Indiin Ci vet y. .tberrd in the areas predicted o various grounds (e.g. habitat type. condition and surveyed (Duckwonh. 1994. 1997t Duckworth et al tr)t)t)) extent.human use paiterns) potenrially ro holdTigers (see Mylrnmar Large-spottedCivet was recorded again in Xe Pian by Austin FbrestDepatment 2003 for fult herdetrils). Pointsof rclcvancero (1999). The oDly other subsequentrecord from Laos appearsto the rccordingof l-arge $po(ed Civcl rrc that: bc oircmains sccnin a hunter's possessionon rheNakai Plateau, ccntral Laos. in 2002 (K. Khounboline verbnlly, 2003). There . a wide geogirphical range was coveredin each count'yi appearto be few rcccnt rcco.ds from VictDam (R. J. Timmins itr . a wide range ol alliludes and habilats were covered in each ltt. 2004).Thespecieshas beenfoundat several silesinCanbodia

. most lrappng $.rs in r.elarivel)rcmote areisl - Number of trap nights in survey rrca: 1.563 . crmera tfapswcrc ret at a heighrsu irable fbr bcingrriggered by - Locationofcanrera rrap: 26.18.75 N. 96,,5t.t0,E passingsmall shownby rhe overall numbersof Daleand time: 2 Dcccmher2002. lltbl9 vr!cnrd thotographsr Elclrtior: 193 1.107 (59 - 39Um)j exactatlirrde of t rn lotal. suneys covered all scasonsof thc ]ed alrhoLrgh cameratrap 9(X) (277 nt individual sireswcre nor lrappcd thmughour rtrcyear: . the nccd for seni qnantitaiile informatioo on Tjler status . t aphyra Nntional Park, €$tcrn 'fhailand meant lhat massivesurvey eftbrr \\.ts undertakenrr {tt sites. I-ocition. cxrent nd descriptionof sur\e] area:roughly 100 lypicalll seleral hundrcd to selcrNl rhousind trap nights ar km?\r ithin 20 knr lrom rhe'lhai-Camhodiabofder, onc oflhree plotsusedtorssesshrgernaDnraloccunenccir thispanol lhe . rn toLrl. there \rerc cight surley a.ea! h Thaitrnd and 17 in Dong Pha),-ayen-KhaoYai ForestComplcx. Much ol rhe area Myrn'nar: and nine in Mrlaysia surveyedin a comparabtc was donrinatedby scfuhbv. lo$ srrlurc secondaryc\cf3reen rnanncrby a colhborative progrumDe of the Dcparment of lbresr. rnd lcrub roughl) 10 20 nr hish with a ftw scrLrcred Wildliit and N rcn{l Parks and the witdlilt ConseNarion lJ-!(r rr(, "en,Jiinr. hur s,lh u.,,nrinLnL,.Jr,,t. anywherc.There sere \,cr] few nrtiarsin rhcundefstor\ and no bamboo.Some tn "d/d palnls wcrc presentalongrhc baDksof slre.tms.AnnLralramlalliiapproximarcl)I.200,2.000mn A Records well usedlrril tarsedrhrough the area and was ti(ered wjrh 'nnant noodlc packers.nrlicles of clothing and oiher items. liew photosraths of Largc stotted Ctiler were oblained: suggeslinguse bv peoplcolherthan loren product cotlecrus orte cach tfom lwo survey areasin Mlanmar. ind lwo tionr onc and huntcrs. lhese sere rhought io be possibly irnmigranr survey arca in Thailind. The details,trc rs ibllo*s: workers trom Clmbodia. Thcrc sere mary hrgc liunpr of A,/."lnr which were now coppicing. Thcsc post,d.ltedrhc efa . HtarngPru ReserveForcst, Sorthern Taninthayi Division, of legil logging concessr(,nsand were indicalive of ntorc Myanmar reccnrtoaching. Ncwer ( l-2 yearold) signsof bgging were LocafioD.exient a d dcscripiion 01 \urvey arei: rhc suNey ltlso fourd. During pan of lhc sur!ey_ wheelbarrow tracks area.of I l0 sq.nriles (:l l0 km,).lies in the Htaungpru Resene rppearedovernight on o c lrail. indicatingrhc pos\ibtc -11'18'N,99,03 Foreslolcr 11"38 99.07 8. n Taninthayi exlrrclionof illegallimbe.orpossibly ahunted la.gc m!mnral and Bokpyin Townships.Mycik l)istricr. Thc easternporrion - Num ber of trap-nights in surley arca: 1.18.r. is draincd bt, the Nrukpy.rn. La Mu. Trbalat. and Ngawun Locationsol camerairaps: (!) 1,1'07.01N. 102.17.00Ei st'calns.which llow xrto rhe l-rttle laninlhali River. To rhc and(b) 11'10.52N. 102'4,1.63E sest LhcMonoron Slrcam flows inLothe Lenyar River to the l)atesand tjmcs: (a) l7 Novcmber1998.05h:15; and (b) I I south.Tfi eareaispxnially losllingwith swanpsrndgrasstand october 1998,0ih03 thrL rre annually 1l(x)ded,interspcrsed wnh mixcd evergreen Elevation:c. 300m:exacr rltitude of cameratrNl's (a) lZom brmboo tofestgroycson higherridgcs.Thearea lics on hoth and (bl 270m sidesof the ncw Taninrhili Bokpyin highway, and is parlirtly under cultivrlion fbr ricc lnd arecnpalm. with some shjfrin-s cnltivrtion. The iucr hastwo monsoonswith a nrolongedwet Discussion reasonlmm June November.and annualrainfall ol around ('1.100 160 mnr).Base c$np wassuuitcd:l miles (5 km) south These records come fron. in rot!|. ,r wide geographical of HtaungPruVillagecontljnin: l5 houscholds.wirha tunher rangernd (togetherwiLh recent Lao. Vicnumese and Cambodian rr l,nJ.ehulJ,,r rdti((nt Man.{nn \ rttr!(. records)effcctively conlim thatLarge-spol|ed Civcl percistsacross - Numher of trap-nighrsin rurvey arca: 837 irs non Sundnic.non Chinese.hisrorical range.All |hrcc.ecords - Locrrionofcamera rap: Il'37.27 N,99.,0.1..19,E are lro'nevergrecn fttrelt:this is thcpredominanthabiLat ofother Date and timc: 7 Febrrary 2002.01h,19 rccenlrecords.although some have been fion dcciduousdiprcrocaTr Ele!ation:I l0' 2.264 (3l-690m)Iexactattirudeofcameralofest(Duckwonh, 1994:Austnr. 1999).Thereis nocvidenceofrbc (25 nap 80 m) specresrnareNs remote lionr forelr, but lhe Thriland records.t(nn an extensive logged-olcr area. stre glhen the sugleslion by ' Hukaung Valley Wildlife Sandua.y, Xachin Staie,no.rhem Duckwonh ( lgqlJ that the spcciesis nol parriculrrly sensitivero Myanmar Location, extent and dcscription of surlcy afea: 525 sq. mi ( 'E l .160km,) ar 26'36 26'42 N, 96'3.1', 96'51 in the newty Almost all fieid records wirh koown .tltirudeshale bcen declarcdHukaung Valley Wildlife Srncrudry (size 2.493 sq. trom the exrremelowlands (below :100nt. There rrc rwo. as ver milest6.459km,).whichhasevcnmorerecenlllbeenexpandedunpublished.rpparently trom higher altitudcs: iron tlre Nrkai to the HukaungValley Rcserveat 21,890q. km. To the Plateau. Lros. at c. 520 m. and fronl Konkhlkhin. Vietnam. nofth an upland area risilg ro 6.75tj (2,060m) divides the assumedlo bc rbout 700-9m m (Le Trong Trai lcrbally. 2t)00. TarungTawan watershcdand cedu Rivcrcarchmenr,with the photografh exanincd by JwD). Howcver, both are of hunted Kumon Mountainsrothccast. lheNambyu rnd NampyekRjver anitnxlsforwhichtheprccisecapturesiteisnotknowr.Thcsctwo catchmentsin lhe south and the Tarung River and old l_edo areasare plaieaux possessing habitalnore typical ofl('werareas. Road to thc west.Vegeralbn is predominrnrlydense towland and,espccially in rhecasc ofthe Nakai Pl,ttcau,a suiteofk'wland evc.greentorest rnlcrspersedwith mcadows.Rainfr is aboul indicator bird spccies(Fivans & Timmin!. 1998).Thesc records 2.140mmannultlly. Apart fron a 5 rcre shifiingcutrivarionarea from Myannar rnd'Ihailand, from such widely disparare!ites. nearTawang Ri ver.there were no pemanenthuman sctrlemenrs yct allfronbelow 100m, consolidalcthe impressionthal Large, rn me surveyarea. spolled Civet is a lowland species.This conrrasK with Large lndianC ivel.which rlngcs widely in South-eastAsia up lo well rcducrionol gun usage.lbr sever:rlrealons. Cun cantpaignshale o\er 1,000In (e.9.Duckwollh. 1997). and $,as recorded io these been primaril) drilcn by ci\'il ordef needsrathcr Lhrn wildlitc \urveysoler rrngcsoi 50 1.2130m rn lhailandand of l5 1.628 conservalion,whereas snaringdoes norhave thispriorily. Snaflng lil in Myanmrr. Notably, in thc highest iltitude site lbf I-arge needslcss complcx miterials lhar shooting.n) thcrcis no possibilil)" spotredCilet with noctLrrnrlsurvcr- dr{a. the Nakai Plateau at of controllingLhccqui!alenlof inxrurition . And.snaringisnow about 520 'n. t-argelndirn Ci!ct is co siderablym a nr.!or mcrns oitnpping lhe vasrnunr ber of 'nam'nalsto suppl) (Duckworth.1997), whcrcas in lheexkeme lo'lands ofXe Pian. thc rcckcting Chineseand. incre{singlr-. Victnarresenarkets tor rhebalance is rclcrscd with Large-spoltedCivet bein g much thc wildlift meal. Actile hunting is still rifc in rhe Hukrung Valley. commonef(ALr nin. I 999). Indccd. w c arenot awareof iny site rn Myann r. with pcople using both black powdcr gLrn\rnd bo$s non SundricSouth Ea\tAsialyins predonjnantlyundcrl00m, and rrrows to hunt. Thefe i! onlr- limitcd inlbrnratioo on hunling rupporting 500+ !q. km of (scmi ) e!ergreer torest. ind having prcssurcsin LhcHtaung Pru ReserveForest. In Taphlra National received heavy camera natping or spo(lighri g effbri. that has I'xfk. lhailand. snues. pipebornbsand black pwdcr guDstrc rll nor recordedthe specics. usedio kill largc nnlnnils.

A restrictioD to lowland tbrest probrbly expla'ns thc Thc conservalionneeds for l-argc spottedCiletcan now be af'p.rrentcontridiction in statu\ assessmcntbcrsce Lekagul & relisedfronr thosenr Schrcibcr"ral. ( 1989).There ren nrsa nccd McNeely ( 1977)ard obser!crs in rnd after the I 990s.During ihe lbrfu(hcr stat$ intornralion,ootably canrera trrpor \pot lightjng inlerim. mrssi!c arcasof lowland forest were logged rcross lhc !un eysin ireaswith in thes['eciei rangcwith no recentcorrfirnration ipecies r{ngc{nd.prrliculltrll inThiilardandvretnanr.con!crLcd oliNpresence. This is particuiarl,"-so li)r pcninsularThailand and Ionon forest land usc!.Thcrc wltsdoubtlessamajof declineinlhc Mrllysi!. $hich lrre ecologically very dillcrcnr lion the non' species l]otuht()n during tltis period,acconrpanied by a changc Sundaic(nore northern)arcas when.ccome all lhe receri records. in dist butioD pr(ern iion being wideipread t() .cstnction to The lack ot' ary Lafge spottedCivct photographsfiom the nine isolaredsites.ln its djslribuLn)], cambodii and parts !urve) [crsin Malaysiaispanicul:rrlyof conccrn.T]te sitesranged ofMyanmar rctain truly extensive.albeit noslly degraded,lcvcl trom theTbai borderin I'eruk Stalet('Johore Slate in lhe far souih. lowlandlorests. All fecofds colne fI'nr largclirrcsr blocks (500 km' and were surreycd bctwccn December1997 rndDcccnrbcr 1999. ofbiggcr). wilh noevidencefbr persistencch lragmcntcdloresls. and inlolved l7:1 camcra trrp scl ps and 6.259 tmf nights of It is dillicul( 1(rlell if rhis is a nreaningfulresult. bccauscnuch sampling.Orhef snrallcrrni\orcs wcre detected:Yellow thtr)rlcd 'l'igcN, ficldwork tbr lanrnrals.esl)ecially ncccssarilrlbcuses on MatrenMt1 .rfLd|igukt.LrrgcIt]dianCivet. NlalayCi!ct.Brndcd the lffgest remaining foresls.In incrcrsingl]_smaller tiagmenG. t,in\ ng Pionolon li,rdn8. Conmron Palnr Cilct Pdldlor!,zr pcrsisrcnccblfbrest species beconles ever nr)rc unlikcly, rellecling h"mufurodilt\. M$kctlPrlm Ci!cr Pagrm.r ldrrdrd. Binru()n! increasedrisks of chancc cxlinction. possible loss of seasoral Arctittis hitturons andBanded Civelf1 ,ri8d1"! &/brdzr. This mo!.mcnt arcas and, especi:rlll jn Indochinr. hcighrcned indinr{es lhxt Ldrge lpottcd Civcls were probrbly not simplr- !ulnerrhiliLylo thcellecrs of hurling. Intirnrationon thc lower olerlooked through inatprcpriatc methodologr'.Recert records \i7e cl!ss olf.rgmcnts rble to supporl!iable populatx,rsofLargc n01$ iar written up. notablyfromCambodia. reediobepresented. sfollcd Cilet is lacking. The conseNati(rr nccds oi r hc'st of Burnou rhatseleralt(xcctcd rrcas areknown to hold thc spccjcs. l(trrlind specieswith largearcrnccdsarsuc lbrrheretentior ofvery nrtre imtortant is on ground ellbrt to ensurcihlt fortsl exlenl at hr .sclo$ landforest blocks ilt representati\ c silc\ acrorsSoulh'east keJ siies i! not dccrcascdor tragmerted.Coutlcd with lhis is lhe Asia (e.9.Seidcnstickcr .1 a|. I 999r Lambert & Collar. 20021.tnd nced 1o reduce.and prefcrably eradicatt soaringffom declarcd thr' i u Ll .er.Jmh be t enefi.ilr ll i rli. . i\ rr protected {reasr usu.]l1} lhis will be in accord with the arei lersl ir tdrlpro(eclion (core) zones.Kcy sitcsxrt Theie trappiogrates Onc pcf 817 trapnights. one per 1,563 likely to includc sclcrrl areis in Cambodia(J. L. Wrlston i, /itt. rrap-nightsrnd on. pcr692 trap nighls al |he respecrivesites) arc 200,1).Xc Pirn Nirioral ProrectedArer ir Lros. and ail lhe lhree wellbcld! thoseofAustin ( 1999)who founJ h two hrbi(ar-rypes TlraiandMyanmarsircs discussed here: rhese all in.lndchundrcds of Xc Pirn. onc per 69 and one per 49 lrap nighrs rcspccrivel). ofsq. kln oflbrest al i'clow:100 n. However.this disparityin eDcountcrraieprobablyreflects. at lead pafly, methodologicrl dificrences. Austin (1999) baited v,nc camera sites and all Lrrgc spottcd Civel photographswere al Acknowledgements biited sites,whefeas no baitsor lurcs wcrc usedlbr thesesuNeys in Thailand.Myanmaf rnd .Moreover. ii ishighly lilell Pernrissionsto conduclthe t'ield surrcrs inMlannarwere rhatall Aunin s 11999)trap siteswere helow 100 m lltilude. pro\nled by Khin Maun! Zrw. Dircctor. Narure and Wildlit'e whcrcasLhcpresentThai andMyannrar !urvc),s sct c ConservalionDivi! io|r.Nryanmar Forest Depa$nenl. In Thailand a wide altitudinal rangc. Hcncc. il should not be concludedthat pern j!!ion! toconduclf ieldwork wefe courtcsyof lhe Roy:rlForest thesc sircs arc holding nrch lower denlity popularionsthan Xe Deparhent. BorderI'atfol Polilc Bureau,ard National Rese{rch Pian. Council of Thailand.Funding fbr suNeys was Pro!ided br TRF/ Biodiversity Rcscrrch and Trrinirg (llRT) Progra t. ard ir hunting is lcry her!y acrossrnosi ofthe 1-arge Myanmar.'Sr!c theTiger Fund, a joinr proieclof rheNaional spottcdCilefs rrnge. Ground-dwellin8civets can bc crughl by ard Wildlite Found{tion and Exxonmobil. In Malavsia thc \rri()us methods.notibly vraresand olhcr trrts, dirccl shooting. suneystoot placethn)ughlhcDcprrtmeorof wildlifc rndNational corneringwirh dogs,rnd digging out ofden\. Recentadvrnce\ in Parks,ltnd rheEcorolnic I'lanningUnit. PeninsulafMalaysia. rnd thc i:duclion of guns in civilian urage acrossnuch oi lhe range were directed bv Ruth Lridhw. Additional inli)matr)n o the (especiallyCNmbodir Lros, andVietnam) nlay. i|onically. havc spccics sas provided by John Fcllowes. Arlyne Johnson. heightenedfressurc on spcci€ssuch is Lrrge'sponedC iret. whcrcby K hrmkhoun Khounboline.Ruth I -{idhw. Michael Lau. l .e l mng lbrmer shoot.h ircrcrsc snffing levelsto conrpensate. Rcducliur Tui.Ilan)Va Rompae,r,Rob Iimmnrs.Giraldne VeronandJoe of snrrnrg lerels is ljkely io be r lot morc chrllenging rhao Walston.We thrnk thcmall.


Reterences MyannrarForest Deprrtrncnt 2001.,4Narnrml lg.rAttitrt Pkn Jot th( Ihti.,t oJ ilvnttar. M]-annar ForestDeparhrcnl. lsrkrwa. M.. Ohbayashi.M. & ChecKong Ow Ydng 19136.Studies Ministry of Forestry.Yangon. on rhe parasileliunx ol Mrhysir. l. A redescriprionol Robinson,H Cl & Kloss.C.B.l920.NotcsoDViverridae. R"c. InJ. Jrrorgrlrr i)/da, i Lioslow. 1897.rnd the establishmentol Mus. ( tkltua l9:l'75 119. a oew .Vi\enostbng\lut. Jap- J. V!r.R.s. 1.1:195 Schreiber.A. Wirth, R.. Rilfcl. M. & Vrn Rornfaey.H. 1989. 201., tittt\. mongoose!dr.l tlt?ir rcldtir.s: nn tlior Austm. S. C. 1999.C:rmera trrppnrg c!iden.e of Large-spofled tltanlotIh.rc st rrutit,t .tjnuste dnl I ir rids.Lilat],d: Ci\er(V^ erra me&aViLu) in Xe IrjaneN ationalB rodi versity IUCN. Conlervation Area (NBCA). Sourh.rn ]-ao PDR. Nrr. Scidcnsticker.J.Christie.S.andJlrck$n.P.(cds).1999.Rilitlg th( Hi\t.Bul. Sitm SoL.1'7:255 251. 1i g. r: Till( | rrrts?^nti.rt i" hunldndonnLatu I LandsLdp? t. Clhase!.F.N.I192'll l9l5 Atrcliminafyaccountofthe )rmntls Cambridge.UK: Cambridgc(hivehit! r,rels. of Singapoi: Island. Si,Snpon' Nuurulitt 3:'7689. ShengHelin,NorirukiOhtrishi&LuHouji. l999.Ir? mamnalie, (lhasen.FN. l9.l0.AhandlisroiMrhysirnm.rnrmals.Bull. RaJfles rl ( /rlra. China Forest4rPubljshmg House. Mrr. 15:l-209. WrlsLon,.ll- 2001.Manxnals ol Crmbodi!.In riodi|tslt!, lhe ( Corbet,C. B. & Ilill, J. II. 1992.Ttununnul!dthel tlannla|a Ittl .l C.Luhd "nL', J"t" L'idit' t .it, 't"',,' t, r' +, pgt r. Oxlord: Natural Histofy Museun Publicalions& 20r-1,ed. J. D. Snrith.ll5 152.Phnorn Penh: Cambodir Orli)rd Uni!ersity Press. Btudilcfsity En{bling Activily, Food and Agrictrlture CuLlcr.T.& Swann. D. E. 1999. Using rcm)tc thotoSraphy ir Orgrnisation wildlifeecolog):,r rcvics. Widl. Soc uu l l. 21:51 l -581. Wang Sung | 1198alri,d R&l Ddta Baok of Entlans(tu1 An inal\ Duckwonh- J. W. I 99:1.Field obscr!rtion s of l-rrge spotredCi lel Md,r"./lid Beijing: ScienccPress. Vireml "rcgust)iluin Laas,$ith notcson the identiflcarion Wrng Ying \i.rnr 1987. XishuangBrnn areaand a of the specics..tndl/ Cdzinre Co s?rt. ll:1 3. brief surley ol irs lrunr In Reort o1 evelition tu) Ir,r ku,,rrh.J. u. Ino \rn:r cafiL,!.* In I Xi(huangbdntLt Nu!ute Re\etre. cd. in chief Xue wilh nolcs on ecdogy, behaviourand conscrlrLion.S,rdl/ YongchuD 289 ll0 Kunming: Yunnan Scicncc and C.tnitore Con!u r. 16:l-21. TcchDokigl l'res\.(ln Chineserith English rhstmct and Duckworlh.J.w., Salrer.R.E.& Khounbolinc.K. (cornpilers)1999. \liL ifeu lio PDR:I999.ttdtlr Rqolr.IUCN IheWorld WangYing xirng.20(ll.A eDt 4e.h.tklist oJDon,Ll ve.n'\ Con\crlationUnion / Wildlife ConservatioDSo.icty / al suhsp?des itt (-hitr1 A orti( al geostutt)ltil Ccntre for PKnectedAreas a d Walrrshcd Manageme|r rele,",.r,. Berjing: China Forestry Publishing Hou\e Wilson. D. E. & Reeder.D.M.1993 Mannal spti?s ol th" t\ orLl: hans. T.l) & Tlnxnins.R. J. I998.Rccords ofbirdi fronLaos a tn\ononi( utd teostuphitul r"t2".". Washington. during Januar) Jul] 1994. Ibrkttlil t3:69 96. I)C: Snrithionianlnslirulnrn Prcss. Griffiths. M. &va Schrik. C. P. 1991. Canrefa rmpping: a e\ t@l Zhrng Yong zu (chiefauthlit) 1991.Disttibrtk,tof nannuliul lbf thestudv of elusiveruin lbrc( rnimdls.r,op. Rio!/ir(,ai/f q'".i" r i/' ( /'nr.r.Beijiog: ChiriForesry PublishingHouse. l:l:l I l15. Hanison. J. L. I 966.A, l, troduction to the,Ltm|nls af Sutgqorc rlnternationalPrograms, & rvdldrd. Singrporc: Mxlay Nalure Sociery. Singaporc 2300Southern Blvd, Branch Bronx, NY 10,160-1099,USA. Llnrbcrt.Ir.R. &Collar, N. J.2002.Thc lirtur! forSundaic lowlaod ,Nature fttrc( birds: long-tern eftecrsol conrmcrciallogging and and Wildlife ConservationDivision, lirsmcntation. fo tai! 18: 121-116. ForestDepartment, Ministry of Forestry, L.ka8ul, B. a.d McNeely. J.A 1911. Mdtunat\ o.l Thoilanrl. WestGyogone,Insein, Bangkok: Associationtbr lhc CoDscrlatnnrof Wildiiie. Yangon,Myanmar. V]{edwitr,Lord 1969.fl?.! ikl dnnals otMuluru. KualrLurnpur: 3EastRedham Farm, Oxlord Uni\'cr\itv Prcss. Pilning,Bristol BS354JG, UK.

1"t Intemational Symposium on Researchand Management

Symposium to be held in Folkets Hus, fokkmokk, Sweden 13-15fune 2005. - Workshop to be held in Arrenjarka Holiday Village, 100km NW of Jokkmokk,16-17 June 2005. information: Viverrid and herpestid observations by camera and small mammal cage trapping in the lowland rainforests on Bomeo including a record of the Hose's Civet, Diplogale hosei

KonstansWELLS', Alim BIUNT, and Marius GABINT


Tropical rairforesi f.oniiem are. tor good reasons.a .entralissue in re.entecologi.aland conser!ation debates. and pointing out the high bir)diversilysimultaneously wirh the ratid ongoingloss ofthe hahitNtis thecontcnl ofa considerrble proportion ofresearch articles. South-ts3stAsian riinfbresrs. in prrticular. afe a rna'or sacrifice to the international tinbef nrarkcts(scc c.g., Sodhi ar d/-, 2(X)'1). Lit(lc timc is 1cl-lto dudy thc dlnrnrics ofdi!crsc spccicsrsscnrbhgcs in thcir primcv!l conditionof. morefundamentally. rhe natural geogf,rthic range of spccicsthrt ar. mostlyas y.t barclt invcstigrtcd.Nccdlcss to say,dcspilc $mc cfforls,sLudics on nrammalsin lhis rcgion are particu larly in thei| irfancy. I hey are often linited to a few f.\, if'. JnJr.'r.l) J, , ihrnl,''m1 rhrn.i'. J'rtt,rr., n a geographic scale.

Bomeo, rhesecond largest lropicnl isla d in rheworld aiier Mtld.\an (:ir.tyi\ertat,.ng l\tn!j.!.Photu: Kontant wclk New Cuinea. is oi nuch in|eresrdue to iis high biodilersity and biogeographiccomposition oi eodemic fld widespreadijunda spccics.Crolcs ( 1985 ) lisrcd:12 9. ol B omco s tcrrcslrialmrmmxl Materials and Methods speciesas endemic, wiih ihe lack of enden c Senerapossibly rcllecling thc limc sp.rnol Bomeo s isolalion. The diplerocrrp Thc main srLrdyxrc.r in lhc prnnary lowland riinfofest rJrll,r(.t $ith fr.hrhl) :r"un,l 1.orv)Jilli'Jrl r', ol Mount Kinabrlu NP. Sabah,Mrlaysir near ihe village Ponng (Mr.Kinnon.rdl, 1996) !(rranlmlnrn r Hot String (N 06' 02.2,18'N.Il6',12..1i11 8) al rn elelalion of ca. spccics (Paync .r .r. 1985) iDcluding nirc cilcrs rnd thrcc 600 n. mongooses. Although some civet species can be fiequently cncounteredon nighl surveysandcone lite hislory intbrmationls Fivc C.tnerr traps (Konica) \rere set up on tbe gfoLnd a!ailable(e.9..Macdurald&Wise. l9T9rDhungel &Edgc. 1985i bctweenDeccnrbcr 2001 NndMarch 20(l,l by A. 8.. comprisnrga Rabinowrz, l99l: Colon.2002), knowledgeon their distribution Iotal eftbrt of approxirnately100 canreranighrs. Camcr{s whcrc pauemsand ecologicil impicrs remninspoor with lew structured checked o ly weekly, and is some film rolls wefe finilhed belbrehand.we were nor abletocoverthe entirctime |efiod. The l5 nxncamenswereriggeredbyapassiveinfrr redsenlrwirh a Apart f(rn lhcif w;dc rrrry oi snrlll lcrtcbralc aDd Dinimnm time delay of 20 sccondsbctween co secutiveinpuls. inve.tcbratcprcy. cilcts fccd alv) on r uricty ol liuils. rnd thc feguldr encountefof intact seedsln faecesindicates the fde a! Snall manmalcagetraps(1,1x l4 x 28cnlin size.and sonc secddispcrscrs (Lambcrr. 1990; Rabinowit/. l99l i Engcl. 1999i biggcroncs) wcrcsclupby K. W. nrlhe sane lbrest areaas well as Shanahan& Conpton. 2001r prrr. dbr.). Civets'resource in two additional pfimafy (Danum Vallcy. Trwau IIills NP) md exploitationcoversawide spatlo-temporalaff ay.with dichotomous threesecondnry lbrest sites (Kg. Mongr i!. Kg.Tumbahng. Lnasong stn(egies such as diurnal rr. noctu.nal. ierest.ial rr. arboreal. FietdCentre)ro distarcesof l7 2l(i k m at altitudcsbctwcen 400 carnivorous!r. frugivorous.and fufthergradicnts such as montanc 900 m. l.rapting a.riviry wrs conduclcdalkrnalirg betweenthe i,r. k)wlaDdorprimaryrs. sccondrrylirrcsts. To undcrstandin more diffcrcrl forcsl rrcas, comprising a lotal trap efibrt of more than detailshow speciesare abletocope with environmentalva abilily .12.000terestrial and I ,800a.borcal trap nights duing l8 monftly both wirhin rn indiridual's hone range or on r popularionscale trappingsessions. As thistrappingeffolt wasnol li,!using on smrll would thereforenot only unravel questionson lropical rainforest carnivores.capture !uccess was rather bi.rscd by smalllrap sizeonly dynamicsbul is alsoessential for conservationissues ofthis ljtle apFoachablefor irnmatureindividuals and thc uscolbanana b3it. known small carnivorecomnunity. As lonS as ther but trap efibrt aod att.activenessof trlps wcrc supposedto be conffete scientifi. etlbrts.progress will bc a slow fusnn puzr lc oi similarin al1sanrpled afeas. rccordsthrt might addto ourknowledgeol speciesdinribution and Results 'lhe Herewe repot a recordof the .rre Hose s Civel D;flosdl camera trapping actility resnlled in a total of 335 q. lror?i liom the lowland rainforestat Mount KinabaluNP in Sabah. picturesfiolil wildljt! lpecies:299 (89'/, fron nnntnnls, 34 ( 10 ) ,and provide fufthe. data on smal I carnivore records resulling fion birds and two fiom the Rough scrlcd Brown Marllz fiom.ameraand snull mannnal livc lrrpping- 'tr./ir. Only eight (2 %) of all picturcswcre lion vivenids and an


heTl]]cstrd- lncluding ibur specics:Hose's Cilet ,?bsat( hosei. possibility that D. l.rr.l is more comtu)n rnd widcspreadrhin Brnded Clivet Hc,/gdl"s lerban us. B^nted Ljns?Itt p ri onatoi pre\rouslythoughL (P itrrdns rnd CollnredMongoose l' ?.,r/er sennor4adr"s (Tabte y ..,'a l) Thc Malay Civct rdnaalraad wrs recordedby.amera Our addiiional surley data support the idea rhrr vilerrld rraptnrg alter lhc study in Seprcmber200:l in the samerrea. lpecresmightbe ensilyoverlooked by any samplingmethod. wirh s.attered and biasedrccords providing only a iiicrn)n of tocal Smrll marnmll.age trappingrelutled in rtolal titp success rsscmblages.Camera and livc trapping daL! fevealed diiferent of l2 individuals(27 captures)ofcivets our of 1.256mrmmats spcctra ol spccres- although the reasons fttr this crnnor be r3.912 (Table captures) 2). Aii caplureswcrc ofrhe spcciosSnall establishcd.Itis probably nor simply rhlt one or othcr ofthe t$o roothedPrlm patn Civer ,1r.rog.tlidid tr[irgdta. Com:lflon Civei techniquesis in goneralbeucr for eachof rhc sFcies becatrle.for Purddorurxt hernaphroditut. ^t1tl Virefta ttnEatunsa .:nd au cxanple. Common Prlm Civers arc rcgularly camc.a trapped e[ne fronlhc lwoprimruy forest! ofTawru Hills Npand l)anum elsewherc.W hatererlhc slud ics w ith low lrnrt cncounters Vallcy: no viverrid wascapturcdin KinabatuPark or an),sc.ondary (such as hcrc). suchincompleteness is lrlnxt cenain Lobe [)arrot' ioresl. A singie indi!idual ofI. rrirtlgan? wastratped in r treeat a sl]eclesi vcDk)rylisr. All speciesofBorncrn.ivers (crccptthe aheighrof l8 mercrsin l awauHills N P.whercrs all otlrercrttufes rafeD. ror"i) hrve beerrecordedindisturbediorestareas, rhhough \cre ground. on the Nearly allcaptureswere in the samepefiod ol abundancewas found rodeclinein rhis habit (Hcldo & Bulloh. rhc ycar. betwecn seprembcr and octobcr (fruiting seasonof 1996i Colon.2002i /r"ru. drr.) and wc capturedno cilet therc. dipterocarpsand otbcr .onmon trce species)atthough rrapping Clclrly. the raps used in our study were noL deal ibr small etlon wrs linilar lhroughoul dillcrenr seasons. crmilores. .rllhoughall capruredcivet specicsare \rel1 known to cnter traps brired with brnana (furrher. a Shoft tailed Mongoose Discussion'! btu(h'-ttu\ enlercdstrch a rrap in Mount Kmnbrtu Np belorc.Wells era1..2004).Ii rhc.onte:(t of undcrstamdingtropical Our rcco.dofthe Hosc'sCivei, ,. ,tror.l,in Mount Kinabilu forest ecology. the helcrogeneity r rhc rainforest cnvifonnrenr N P.idd! pr( another )ofofthis spcciesin a lowlrnd minforcsl habitat. necdsro be consideredbolh wilhin and bclwcen parchcsfiom a lhis ra.clt knowr specicshas been mostly recordcd iormmontane local lo rcgional scalc. {nd also on rh. veriical a{is Sludie\ on iorestsitcs in SabahandSafawak (Payne.rdl. l985jDinets.2003r small crrnivores in rhe Bornern rrinfore\i reed !) c van Ronrpaey& Arlan, 2004i Yasuma. 200.1).though aspectaboth lor rcco.ding erhodsand stLrd\dcsign\. proridin: 11002)rcported i1 liom rn altiludc of only 450 n in and not only a challengebut also: promisinc nrodct ro ier a nu. Irxyne.r dl. (1985) lisrcd an altirudc of 600 nr aLBatu Song jn contpleteinsight in an elusi!eand complc\ \pecic\rslenbtr!. Sarawrk.Giventhe lacrthatthis spcciesis rarelt rccorded,the tcw r\ailable lowl,rndrecordsconlpfise a rel,rlivelyhigh propofioo ol Acknowledgments observationsofthis speciesfion !ll habiiatscombined. This I'oses lhc questionwhclher the ringc of this monLanespecles is tar-ler We arc delighted 10 rhank the staif of Sabxh pa.ks. lhan expected.!t leasr including lowland fdest areas ncar its prnicularly Jinrili Nais and Maklarin B. Lakim, for larious kind )c'ntrne habitnls. Such a consideration night he imporlrnt, ol suppo'1.we lhrnk MasaakiYoncda and Mr. Nakamura(Jiprn frticularly as litlle is known abour thc popularionstructures of lnternationrl Cooper ion Agency. JICA) and EeonCompany ior specresrcstn cted ro mountainareas ltnd how dispersaland migrarn,n providing the camerr t.aps and the Ccrman Academic Exchange .nsrre exchangchetween thc rpFrently subdividedpopularions ScNice(DAAD) aswell asElisabeth K.V. Kalko rnd Martin ptciffer in thehi1ly landscape olB(rneo. The interestinthjsctu!ive specics (both Universjty of Ulm. cernnny) li,f larious support during ,'rcreased (see only recenrly referenccsabove ). ltnd brland ibrcst ieldwork. A draft of thc rnanuscriptbcnefited liom rcading and recordsrs well as rherccent narureoimoir sightingsincrcase rhc conlmenllry hy wllliam Duckworth.

Tahle L Spe(i?s oJ r.iwffids ftoftl.d durinlt th. cdneru tmppittg tune,- in Kinnbalu I,atK. Gi't dft th. nunbl ,,1mo*\ tukenp.r spe.i?' and th? k\pediv tine! oJ records.

Numb€rofimagc! Tim€ ofphoto record

Hosc's Civet 1 22:20 BandedPrlnr Civet H?nisalus derb,-unus I 0:l:5,1 tsandedLinlang 04:10.04:.17.05:10 (l()llared Mongoose H?rpenet senito14Mtus 3 0915,l0:51. l3:10

ldhl( 2. speries ofviwtrids rc.oftl.ddth snallnammat (asc kaps.The monthsin ||hich captuNsbokpLae uk ples. kd. Dui: Ddnun Yuller. law: ra||ou Hills NP

Speciesnamc Rccordingsite No.of individualstrapped Mdr Aug Sept Ocr

Thrcc stripedPalm Civet Ar.toBalidi0 triritgata Dan.Taw l Common Palln Civet Para/lor u nt h. rnap hrcl.i1 us Dan.Taw I Virefta tanqalunga Dan 3


./ B,n:, Koh Kh.brlLr & Kud. I umtur: Thc Srbd So.d! & References \\\F \'lrlrlsia Rabinorn/. A R t)91 B.hav'ou.andDrovenenl\ !l\J-nrtrtrir t,!.1strcics (r P ll)02 Rngin! b.hrriou and xcrivity ol the \Irh] Ciret Crl.i. id Hnai Khn Khien! wrldlifc Srn.rurry. lhailand.J lorl. :)3:l8l \lit.trd t t9dlrqn) in r l,,ggcdrnd rn urlolg.d nt.i h Ljantrnl !alle]. Lan \lahr_slr. J /.ol 241:111145 Sbdlhin. Nl & Comptm S (;.2001. vcnical lrJrifirrrnin ol lig\ r l lie l)hun:el.S K & Edgc.W D. !935.Not\ on th. oarur3lhr{ory oi elc^ in x Boi...n lollnnd rain rb€(: hos r\ tl'..xiopr d,ltcL.ntl Pdnul.,rtnt: h.rduplttudirr,rrdn,,d/tr'19:ll)l l0:l P/{,,/r.,/. l5l:lll ll: Didc6. v. :001 Rc.o(ls ol \nrL {rni\ore\ lion N()u Kiixbal0. Snbah. s, I(oh. L P BnDl. B. w. & \g. i. (. L l0o.1 sourl,ernAnxtr 8orn.o.J r// ad4n,r. a,nv"r 28:9 b,odive6ir!:rn lnrl)enrlirgdn$tt Trlntl! tn t.ol. d lvl l9:6j1 Lnecr. r' R :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::000.S.en d^p.rMl t Jtnn n!?nttrtn,t in d tori..t l.dand hi.\tn,si\ ishilntu lli!L. K?rrtt Bennr:Logo\. 3,15 r van Ron'Ner_.H & ]\zlan.l. M :1101Ho$ \ Cir.t. D?/,rrlf r,rf,..\d'rl C M 2001 An ob\crvlion .f Hoscs Crv.r in Ernei Srltl td,r^d,. a,'v?r :10:139. ad,,thr. a,,r?rL 26:L6 We!l\. K. Plc,llrr Nl.. Lakn, Ni ll. & Lin\dnmr;. K E 200.1 Un'ot Cnords.a 1985 m.nnrls iD illrfd Souther( A\ir 't ,r.,, .rboNal rnl rerenrlrl \trc€ b) a snxll mamnril comntrntry'n r (lxa!rr. /l.J ll ,,lrid 9.13 5.1 ifopical ftir ntren in Brmeo. Malil-sia J an,3..3r .ll 611 651 lleldof. M l & Bull,)h.P R 1996.Thc irpxcr ol sclec!v. lo!ling on Yr\um). S .1001Obsuvatnrns ol a ln. Iloses (r\et DhlrNrl! h.:!i. Stnrll ra. \tmprlri. c,!er \Fcie\ n B.rnco O^r :10:Jl Crnirrr? (., ttt. ll:) 5. Lamben.F. 1t90. Somenore\ .i li! catin! b! arborcalmann ls rn Nlalaysia.Pft,!r.J rl:.151,158. 'Departmentof ExperimentalEcology, r)7r) Nlr.donald.D. w &\\ise.v J Not.\ o0 thc hchavi.ufofthc Nlxln! Universityof Ulm, Albert-EinsteinAllee 11' Cirer yii.r,? ar,Sdl,,,!, G t Satu\rl Mxr. J .ltl195 lL)9 NrxlKirrn,inK Hrtrx. G.. HxlnD.H & Manealik.A. \tt)tt th..o1.B\ t.l '. D-89069Ulm, Germany, kilnNntul ltllnt\i A.nt!. :Periplus Fdirion\ [email protected] Mtrdrptr. D l(X)l Et lo\\ rl th. BnNt /'drr Cr'.. Prfudo\rrtrs icdnni rr th. ttupnll ninf.,r:.l.t1t \r!,!rn chrL, tttti.1.Pb.L) 'Sabah th.sis. Bhrrdhiar L nireAnr. Coitrrbarorc Parks,P.O. Box 10626, Pnrne.J . Frx .n (r NI & PhiLlil)ts,K. 1945A licld ttitk tu ttt( "L)nntt\ 88806Kota Kinabalu,Sabah, Malaysia

Intemational Conservation Breeding Program established for Owston's Civet

Scott ROBERTON and StewartMUIR

Thc Owrton's Cirer ConservationI'rogran (OCP) ol Cuc The Programis lo a majofity co ordinaledfrom Vietnam.rhc PhuongNitional Parkexpoled 3 brecdingfairs ol O\ sto sCivet core ran!.e statc ol Lhcspecies. and the focus li)r lcchnical and roEnglnndin December.marking lhe herinnnrgolrD intcmalional finarcialassis!{ncesourccd (hrough the institulions invol!cd in thc conscrlatbn breednrgFogram to ensurethc survivrlofthc specles Program.This I'rogrrm is anncdat.tssisrirg zoos in fllfilling rhcir inro rhelut ure.Owston s Ci\er ((:hrotogdleo||stoni) ts r speciesof conseNltion folcntirlbl providinga link thc er ri/, work caflrilore in the Viveridac iamil!.lt lives h lbrestin Nonhernand of Lhezoo on O$ non s Civet with .on scrvationwork being caried Cle|tral Vietnam. Lao PDR rDd SouthernChroa. The IIJCN/SSC out in rhc speciesnaNral range.The lpccilic goalsofthe progmm SmallCrmlvore SpecialistGroup li!t! Owston s Civcl as(ilobally Threatenedand one of thc highcsrprionry specieslor conservat!)n . Establisha well managedgenelically hc.rlrhy ciptive population aclion. lt is under seriousrhrcar lrom widespreid hunting and (r.ippinginforestswithin itsraDgcftedingade nnd tor iti nreattionr . Incrcascglobrla\arenessofowsion'sCivcl.rndVietnan ssmall re\raurrnts.body puls liom lradilional 'nedicine makersand ils camivoresin general. heautifulski lbr iaxidennistsin Victranr and China. . I ndefl:^e :ttr,,p,rrrLJdpri\( 'e e!r. n ,'n,lrlrpr,{( r(rLrinJr) In,N.Jlr,ros.r^I .I r!(rJrdorher ,m,ll ..rr i!,.ri.. Thc OCPhrs beenworkimg on the conservalionol this and . Encourageimprovenerrt! in Lhc husbandry ard breednrgol olher sp.ciesof small carnivorein Vietranr fo. thc last 1cnlrean. Owston s Civet. so that lhis nray be availablelo suppo'1.r rtr Durirg the .oursc oi thc progran a numbefof Owston r Cilet hilc rnarnrendnceoI orh

NewquayZoo.l'hrigbyHlllwildlil;Garde|sandParadise ScottRobcrlon. Technical Adr isor WildlilcPrrkinEnglandafethefi ht^ostorointhcprogranyetnext Proqram fear more breedingpai$ will bc scnl to Anrericaand naybe even Owston'sCivet Conservation Austrllasir. All the institudons involved ir rhc Progran are Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam committedt()conscrlationardthisisreflectedinthccxhibiLdcsig . rese{rchprogranr and rwireness strategy ti)r thes['ccics in clpti!il}. [email protected] Stop press:Lizajust gavebirth to the first ever Owston's Civet born outside of Vietnam! Observation of a Malay Weasel in

Neil FRANKLIN and Philin WELLS

It hrs taken sevcrrl ycrrs ofperspective (o appfeciatethe !ruik)usncss of Lhisparlicular observation.The phon)graphol ,. \1rla) weasel (Mrrrcld rrlircrl shown orcoverdates f()m SUMATRA \tfll 199,1.lakeo io the hill ibfest! of Kcrinci Scblar Natiooal i'rrk ( 1.1million hectrrcs), Sumarra, lndonesia

At the time we were in a fr)ur pcrson group surve,vinglbr \unuuranrhinocefos. in the.oufscofalwo yearpopulationstatus ,. 'e.\ nrentptrrjccl, carricd oul in collaboradonwith tbe Indoncsian lNniruteofSciences (l-IPI). forthisFtrticularsurvey, in theSouth \un tfa prorincc lccrion of$e park. we had tfavelled ovcrland ' n LhcLown of Lrbuk Linggau to the dillrict ol Musi Rrwas, ''rcr rralellingrnothcr d.ry by poweredboat up theUatang lmpu ' \.rrhroughtheourpostvillagcsolSukaMenargandTandjung \!u g. Finally, .eaching rhc borders of fte park on tbot. the .LIJ\e\connncnccd.

On thc 25'hApril whenthe photogfaphwas takcn wewere ', Jx)s rrekkirs rnto the field. Thc location itself was about as 'rnrnc as onr ci gel in the KSNI'. far renn)lcd from human .Jrlenrenls. rL rn allilude of about 800 nretres. surroundcdb) ^.ruliful primary hillrainfbrest. and on dre banksof a snnll. bur i.6r llowi g. rockyrivef. Leg€nd i|l{X$ Malayw€a*l At l7:50 hrs. whilc w:rdlngrpslreanto nake canp for thc .,!hr. wc noliced the darting bright yelhw movcmcnts ol an KX*llro'..t".rgso m)sl -a .,drnralonthe srndy brDks ol lheriver. Being accustomedt() | x.*"i seouI e. , I r^" rl,lliit'runn:nf ir thi upporr

At t.fttin! to all estirkltions tlle'Eulot.un Mi,t 1Mu\lel! l'rancc, proposcd ! elob.l schedrelb. the conser!ati{)nol the lfiteolx) it on. of the nast endo eetul Eun\i.un tnunnnls. lt is EuropeanMiDk olcf thc 6il river valieysstilt visitedhy lhe species niu rpn,,t ii !,n. ovds t,J sou t\esrcm Ftunft onl aonhetn in }hncc. If 5l of dresehvdrographical nelworks are includcd nr spdni. i\ lour dat" qorkshop satheNd narasers of arcds rh?r. the EuropeanNatura 2000 nelwork, thc 15 othcrsshould nol to be th. \\\ k's r (ar tnu\ be) tresent n ltupt. und lieu\s srw of jgnored. lhc pfoposil is quite pra3'natic.The idea is lo stirl by ! nl. t.\\ibl. nunaBttnentli, its conserwtion. Ttu k\ati't sirurlion dirgDosis and then ro defiie the mo\t adaptcd oJ the nectihg uuv. nk otrbrtwia^ to the pati.irlhts, iml dinr .onservarion nrcasu.esioll$!iDg rhc spccrfrc diaenosisof the seretul Stdni\h enw^ationitts, to risit tlE nifi .tr!nl^. loc.lion. Four pilor zoncsdrc cufrcndy tcstcdbcforc exrending the work lo rhe trhole distnburionlrfa of thc specics. At thc bceinningof the XX,' century the BurcpcaDMink. a sn'all seniaquatic muslclid, wxs distributedover ali rhe mo( Besidcthcsc two conrmunicaliotrs.caies s(udieswerc wcslcmparl ol I,rance.A hundredyears laler. whcn n wasofficially presenled,on rll ot lbe workshopilcms, stan;rg wirh the role of give! a litll proteclio. srlrus, thc spccicshas losr orore rhan hall habirals linked to thc typicrl lindscapcs of SouthweslFran.e. of its known dinriburion !rc!. ln 1999 the French Minislry in mainly in lhe AquilNiucrcgio.. Ibr instaDcc,the < banhes' of the chrfge of the E.vironnenr iniriatcd. with a fiiancial suppon. a nver Adour or lbc < saligues' of lhe < gave' Giver) Pau-in fdcl nalionalco.ser!.uion plu. Thc mNnrgcmeDtof the plan has heen the paas oi the \lllcls lhrt arc s.rsonally ilooded,were presenled d.puled lo the 'Aquilaine' regionrl dircction ot rbe ErvironDent as typicxl and clrsticrl turcpcaD Mink hNbitats.Recenrly, TDlREN?),11! animation ro rheFrcnch mrmmd $ciety (SFEPM++), agriculluredecply nrodificd the oriSiral ecosyslenx.The French Nhcrcasworks in th. tieid were i,nplemerledby mxDy pdrlncrs ndltunrl plo tb. wedands(1995) was thenpresented with its 2003 (bunlirg agency and associalions.pcsl contfol Sroupi, narure sirualion:denruction of niarshcs.ponds. wcl ficlds and pasturesis prorectionassociarions. srafl of protccrcdarcas and regional slill goins on. o.ganiTations.etc. lnd a \cry lcrivc office (GREGE+++1. Conccning Coypu livc t.apparg,a small squareopeniig Quire logi.elly. all thcse pcoplc lttcndcd rbe wo.kshop. on oneside ollhc cagcis cnoughto allow minksto escape.contrar) which fuDctioned both as a conclusion to thc fifst live year lo the much largerrodeil. In areaswhere the EuropeanMink is. of conservadonplan ftlr cndcd in 2001, and as a preludeto a new could be presenl.thc uscof killing trapsto catchturoFan Polecat eifecri\e rction plo that is intendedto slad in 2005. lM. put(rtiusl, rhich siill cai be classiliedas a pes1lirhour uy scientiticreasons as it is llso dcclining.should bc fofbidden.The Eachot rheiour dayssas dcvoredro a specificmain lopic: useol poisonlo coDlrolfodcDls should rl$ bc ib.biddenin all the nraragemenlof$erlands lnd rivers(iirst Nnds.cond dayt, dangen linked to pest confol (rhird day) rnd conscqu.ncesof road rnd mihvry consnrctior (hibihr den.ucLion)and traffic wirh possiblc The questbn of nad consLructionis dlso \entrtrveas new lechnical solurionslo pfcvcDt ca$altics (fburth day). prejccls.iion iniU foads ro hilhways ard high speedraillay\, are vcry oticn passine throuSb setlands, even through sone The fn\I lecrureby PascalFoumicr prcscntcd the stateofrhe pfotecredarens, rafter than throughflmlands. industrialof ufba. art What do $e rellly know about su.h a secretive\Fcies. not areas.So dcstrrctionof IjuropeanMink habitatsis likely (r rl$a)s recognisedwhcrc it is still present?The main quenionsot conlinueeven if cnlcryr;cs dc otiicially urgcd to.onsider habital rhe{ork\h('p wereasked at this occlsion.Appa.endy.lhe Eutupean prolectlonand specicsconscrlrtion in thci projccls. Ir orde. Io mnk is occupyirg a naro$ ecobgical nichc, tiehtly rclated to .edtrceroad ca\ualties- tume devicesare now adolted in lcw sitcs. weLlrnd\,which canbe sccnboth.s atbfagingplace aid asa refuge but many old rcdds remlin ddngcfous. againslrhe compe(idonof largcr crmivorcs. As M. lLt.oLd doe! nol seenrto be a very efficicnl huntcr. individualsoccuty quite To conclude.thcsc tou. drys burght mantr uselul dara. largc bonre rangescompared to their osn sizc. lhe few radio casy to use tbr land managers, trrppers, road builders ltnd racked aninials (intrr abdominal t.anrniirer) showed rhal rhcy conservarionists.A booklcton habiratmanagcDrcnt ofrhe EnroFrn were able to mole ovcr morc lhan l0 kilonretresoven'ight, $hich Mink. prinrcd and distfibutcd in 2004. ard the nexr froceedings i\ quite a larec distanccfof an alimal of about I kg. bul which is of the workshop.will put togcthcrthc cxpcficnccsof thc speakes. .1$ a litlle nsty {muy rolds to cross and many possibilides1o We do hopethaL fiete n)urdals, cndingthe insl fivc yed plln will meel a pfcdllor). Thc mo'ritoringof annnalsalso \lressedsone of quickly the emergenceof a new a.{ion plin. EuropeanMink, the ftreateningfactoN. Thc d.ainale of so Dany wetlandsrs one hereand over d1lits rangc slill nccd support.cxp.rlisc, skiUsand of thc major threat\.France los167S. ofits welllnds duriDethe lasl hclp. centuryand the processis slill not ovcr. ln theif roostminks areso Pascal Fou.nier+++, Ch.istian*++, confidentthat they will not move or trv lo escapeif ! mNchDcis St6phaneAulagniera+, ltuneois Moutou** passingby to hollow oul a riler ltnd rhey mr) thus bc destroyed or buned. are often caughtin rrapsfor Coypu 1,4 o.drrol i' DIRf,N (Di.ection ragionalc de I'Environnement) .._lp&) and AmcricaDMink (M. riror) and dogs and can also kill Aquitaine,95 rue de la Libert6,33073 Bordelux cedex, some anioals. The pre\ence of the Anrricar Mink. a possible compclitof and an trnquestionableparhogen reservoir. whicb is *+ SI'EPNI (Soci6t6Franqaise pour I'Etudc et la Protection classitledas a pest in the country is onc cxamplcof a new threai dcs Manniltres)! Parc Saint Paul, 18000 Bourges, faciDgits Luropeancounteryan. However.even beforc thc Amcricdn Frnnce (www.sfcom.ors) Mink cscapedan.Vorwas released fron fams, thc natilc spcci.s +** CRIICE (Group€ de Recherchc et d'Etude pour la had aheady declined Gestion de I'Dnvi.onncment), rout€ de Pr6cha.! 33710 ViUand.aut, l'rance lb 1ryto brtug a positiveanswer to this situalion,ChrisLian +**+ Conseil G6n6ral des Landes,H6tel du d6parteme.ti 23 Maizeret,one of lhe firsr eorkers on lhc ccologyof the speciesin ruc Victor Hugo, 40025 Monrdc-Marsan, France Distributional notes on the Narulinia binotdta in Tanzania

Antlrew PERKIN


The Aliicn Palnl Ci \ c1Ndri]ir t, Trirorar?occ urs widelv rf thc li)rc\r\ ol wen. centruland easternAffica. This piper lJ.e\entsresuhs ol surrels lbat lbcu\cd on i samtlc of forest r\ p.\ iD Tanr{niaand Keny{that havedifferent biogeographical rr'finities:i) the volcanicforests of Kilrmanjaroand Ml. Meru l .rnranir). i i ) th$festefn Guineo Co ngoleanforests (Tarzania ). rr I lhc lorcstsof thc soulhcrnhighlands ( l rnzanir)and i\') the l:.6rcrnArc rnd corstrl ft'rcsrsof Tanraniaand Kerya (Lovetl .! Wasief. 1993). The Southero Highland, Easlern Arc and .or\tul lirests contalllhigh lelels of speciesendemisnr and lir\e been classifiedas one ol rhc $orld's tot hi{)dilcrsiiy h()l\pot\ bul thcrc ha\ bccn limited informatio'roD sm:rll .rrni\orcs(ICBP.l99l: Mitlenneier.r.r/.,l9!)EtMvers./al.. l1X)0:Burgcss.rd1.. :00:l). Mostoithc lcrstdcgradedremnants ,'l lhese lbren types arc conlnrcd to grrcrlcd forest feserle!. ]:isurc L P.tln (llr.t N{ndin ia binotata.dr ./z nrtionrl tark! and naturefe\erles. trappcd in 11?Ul.ungtra lt4ourtuit\ on th? gtuunl. N. binot.ur \rnd.\ no\t olits tnnc in treesand otherlor.\t t qetution. ll'halo Small carnilofes are ofren ore of the least rccordcd kinlL\ sut)rliel hr F. Ro\ero) !i(,Lrpsoi nammalsin an area.since man) spccrcsarc cr)ttic, .LIldlhey are olien octurnal. arbore.rl ud/or clusilc. In East Methods \tr icr. the! havebeen surveyed wilh varyingi rensir\'ovcrrhc :.^r ccntury. N. ,lrdr.rd is vefy arboreal and so rt is presumabl) Sur!cysfornoclurnal manrnral\ (trinciprll) galr-qos)$ere , rpruredby groundbased canera trapconl) rclrtivcl\,furcly. conducted in 2l forests jn Tanzania and Ken)a inrd rill.nrl\ lr is. howevef. re dily detectedby its eye-shineand bcr{ccn 1995 and 2002. A varietvof method\sere u\ed: lr \,irxlisations.N. binorrld in Trnrlnia rnd Kcnr-r is knownn) spotlightinswithaPetzelheadtorchrndaJDc.ll \fuSlrt.rI rup. ,,r(ur in rftrsttypcs ol lbrcstin non aridarcas {Kingdon. 1997. recordrrgswith i SonyWM C6C tapcrccorder and Srn nh.i'.r K 6 \\ rl\on& Rccdcr.l99l) bursitc spccificrecords ofthe presence ME66 directonal microphonc: 3) chardonnercrtrlps rChlde\ ,,t (hi\ speciesare relilivel) lew (Tlblc l). Brscd on thcscicw Do'ninique. 11]77)bailed wirh ripe baoanas.nrangos and 10(rll\ r..or.lsin EastAfrica. the considefed range ofthe subspeciesN ltnncntcdprlmwinc. t{)capture galago! rndother mammalsall\ e: t' dtborea lHellet. l9l3) hasbeen extripolarcd 10 Tan4nia. rDd,l) inter!ie$,! with local people.Durirrg rhe\e surreys small t Srnda rnd Kcnya rr) Malawi, Mozanbique ard Zinbabwe carnivoressightings were nokd esl'cciallv a\ lhev olten induccd {hefe there afe ecolo-sicallysuirable fbrest habitats (Kingdon, bout\ oi alann crlling by galaSoson u,hich !mall carnilores dre 1997:wilsor & Reeder.1993). tnown to fredate(Charles l)omirique. 1977).

tdbIt1.Publishdr.o J.'N.andinir,t7d,.d,i.Dnau dIdfor.s^anl1K.|1\anfoas|.1landEa\|.tt1A


ShimbtI Iills 04'I]'s. 39'25r-: En:el (2000) Ce claCenda Forest Rcservc 05't].s,:r8't8ri Burgess& Clarke(2000) I'ugu/KazimzumbwiForest Resen e 06'.11s. 39'05E Burgcss& Clrrlic (2000) Tong'ongha lircst Re!erve 08'15s. 39'0tE Burgess& Clarke(2000) tJnguialsland in 06'15s, t9'24'E Pcrkin,(2001) RondoForest Reserre 10'r0's.3q'10E EastornArcForcsts IrastUsanrbara Mounrains 05'01s.38"10 E Burgess& Clarkc(2000) WestLlsambam Mountrins 0'r'40s. 38'30E Ssynnenon& Hayman(1951) UluguruMounlains 06'55S, t7'4:1'I Allcn & t-overidSe( 1 927)rSwynnefton & Hrynran( 195l ) Norlhrrn Volcanicforcsts \'lts. Kilinanjar('rnd Mcru 03'01's.17'22'1 Swynrerton& H yman(1951) & 03'1.1s. 36'.15E Sw Highland\of Trnzania Ukinga MonntriN (ig''i)7S.33"37 Ij & l.overidge(l93ll.S!ynnefton & Hayman( 1951)

17 Tahle2. Re.okls ofNat\diniabinoiatlt i, Tdudnid -aac durnry th6e surwrs. Sir?rwlere Nandinia binot^r:t n'. r. nat returlal

Site Positiod location Nocturnal h€s€nc€ Data sourcc: surv€yetlbrt record€d O - obsrrvation (HN) r€s(Y)/no(N) T-trappins H - heard COASTALFORtrSTS

Talla River 0ti4l s,4l|"lBE l4 N PnnateRescrvc Aruhuko Sokoke 03'20s. :r9'5'58 21 N Diani privateibresl and surounding kaya foresrs 04'19 S. 39'33 E N o 06'42'S.39'05'E 64 N Pugu/Kaznnzumbwi 06''51'S.39"05E 106 07'{n's.t9'03'E Zdreninge 06'08's.38"38 E 4'7.5 {:xt KiohiHills 08'20's.38's0E 36.s N (xt NJrndlul$r 08'17's.19'01'B N OII 08'22'S.38'56'E I2 o Jozani.Unsuja lsl. Zanzibar 06'16s, tq"24 E 12.5 Y OHT Mkungs( FR 06'52'S.37'5,1 8 2'7

M AalaFR.lo$ ldndUluguru ML\. 07't0s.37"10'E t2 08.las.18.15 E 04'55'S.39'42'E l9 N] OH

EASTERNARC TairaHills (Kcnla) 03'20's,38'15'8 92.5 ())H S ParcMls. 02'70s I7'94ri t2 OTH WcstUsambaraMts. 09'10's38'46'8. 25 Y H EastUsanbara Mts. 09'90's38'69'8, 3'70 OH Ngur! 05'27'S37'16 E, l6 (]I] Rubeho Mts. 06'48 S 36'58'8. 55 H UluguruMts. 06'5r's17.45 E, 6l (rtl Udrungwa Mts. 07'50's16'20'8. 88 Y (}I

WESTERNFORESTS Mr. Rungwe 09"cus 32'05'E, 120 o

'W r. SG.Ly (Pc*. conn ). stt.inrns heldat thelield Musunr oi Nanml llisrory.Chi.ago. USA Str.inrn nuntr : FMNH | 51:166. 151 :167, I 515.1,1 t1 W. I Sra.lcv rPe*. co,nm)

rapped twice on consecutivcdays (hc:rniml wNsdistinguished Results by a small tearon the leflear). Thc trappLdiDdividualwas caught in an areaontbeedgeofthe gr.Jund-wrterlbreslbordering thecoral JOZANIFOREST, UNCU.IA ISLAND rrg thickct fo.cst at 06'15.99'5. 39'24.88'8. No biometric SightingsofN. /rt,ordra in theground waier foresiofjozani measurementswe.e takendue to the lack ofanaestheticmaterials ForcstRcseNe, Unguja kldnd, were re.orded. This record represenled to handlethe aninul safely.The aninralwas estimatedtobe L5 2 an extensionofknown range,and thereforea brief des€riprionis kg in weight. headand body 40-50 cln long and the tail50-60cn included b€lowj for furtherdetails.see Perkin (2004). Onc individual long. The characterisiictwin whitish spotson ihe shoulderswere was seen in the same tree on three consecutivcnights. Distant not obviouslyvisible andthe colourofiris was goldenyetlow. On s.reamingcailssimilartothosemadeby N. bDordrdon theAfricu the dorsum the fur was grizzled brown with clearly delihed dark nainland we.e also heard on one occasion.One individual was

t8 I . - L,lr r. rhe\rnrc.ol(N rs thedorsum. bushy with ill- East Afficar Ibrcns rre becomingincreasingly undersrood lo b. -. r.,Llnn:, This individualckrsely resenrbled rhc inportanl lbrcanivore diversir! rl a rinle *hen rherhrclts against ::: f,LnlJon ( 1997)rpan f'on the eye coktrr. lhcm {re intensilying.Furlher !unevs arerequircd rnd rechnr!ucs such as genericanailsis, pholo napping. largc cagc tfapi ser iD I I\Z \\IA\ COASTALFORESTS trccs.and taperecordirg ofvocalizations needto be employedro Ilr..u.\e]\ idrnd Ndntiitrid binotuta in selcml coasial hclp r.veal crvplic cami\ores. In the case of N. ,irold/d phoro 'rn. hur nor in othef! where its occun.encemight be cxpccted trapprngnced! ro be more rrborcrl to 'niror its h.rbirs.othefwise i,^fl) rl crn elsrly be nissed (Goldmar & Wxnher Ihnsen. 2003). HuDtingofN. ,t,.rdi.r is reportedin sonrclocaliries and is rhoughr l)iscussion tobcrL!lowlevell/?'a.orJ.).butAllen&Lo!eridgc(1927.19331 nrcnrion hunting of this spe.ies fbr lbod i d prohrbly this slill I \\IA\I,.\NANDKENYANMAINLANDFORESTS occnh today at rarling Iocls. CuffentlyN ,dordra is considercd 'Low I he recenrfindinsofN. rlnoldd in Unguja Island.Zanzibar Risk/Leay Conccrn by IUCN (200.1) but any turu.c r:..I.. rh{r irsdisribulion still requirese!nlurtxrr. eiFcialiy identificrtion of specitically distinct forms would rcquire a re- rh. n.rrb) Pembal]nd Mafir illands oU rhe TanTaDlancoast. e\,.t1u11ionof this assessmcnt.In gereral.however. conseryarion ot' ' . ,'r h.r drl! liom the I anzarianm ain ldnd pfesented hcrc broadly foresthabiLats will ensureconser!arion ofrhis speciesin Trn/ania . .rt,n rhe range l:\t N. binottlto in lhc foresr\ of Tanzrnir rs . .:!.n.db\ lariousauthors(e.g.Wilson & Redder.1993; Kingdon. ^'- I{(NNcr. docLrmentedoccurrence was pitchy indicatins Acknowledsements . rr.r io$ dersities. poor dcrc.tion levels or pcrhrps the local "..f.e of thisspecies. This piclurc will no doublchange rs fietd Ithant S. Bearder.Jonathan Kingdoo. MichaclHofiDano. rlL^ rcport thel flndlngs. Ik)nes! (1996) repons that ir is Tonr Butyrski. Alex Hipkiss. NikeDoggart. Wili Duckwo|th, and rrDr)Jron the Rondo plateau foresrs in SE Tanzania.Whcn HalTy Van Rompaeyforcom rena on thi! rccord.I \rould like ro . ..,unter.d. lhey did nor appar to be worricd by humans: rhankThabil Massoudoithe Conxnissiontbr NlLural Resource\. r\..\elv. rhey rnosLlyju\t lai and staredfon rhe treesbefbre Zanzibarfbrpernrissn)n and assistancc in condu.ringthe ti"-ldwork . rniuallr drey. or rhe observers.novcd on. Iheir eye-shincis and the helpful field stafiat Jozini ForestResene headquarteN. ,'':!hr enough li). drenr ro be delecrcd even over a disrance Also lhanks1o Ihe Tanzinirn Conrnrissiontor Scicnccrnd 'I .-..d1n! l00m.if !cgctationis no oorhick.N.rinol.rd seems e.hnology lCOSTEC) andtbeForesrryrnd BeekeepjngDi\ i!r'r h.' .onfloed b lbrcst (including patchcs).and not ro occur in of'l anzania,and numerous local iicld ,s \i\tan1s.I anralso rndcbrcd '.r.rl thickctormixedwoodknd. However.itwill Lolcratcforest to selcrll conse|vationNGO's shich havehelp.d ro iacititarr :r..ulrivarior nosrics with fruitingtrecs. surveysiWildiilc ConservationSociery. w\\'F Ianzanir. It C\. The Erstcrn Ar. andcoastallbrcsts denonstrare intcrcsting TanzaniaForcst Conservirion Grout (TFCG). Zoo Arlrnri rnd :.,r.rns ol smrll cdrnivore dilc.sity. Of the Servalinc ceneis . .,h.pee i. \ C.rdnr i!rralird dr.rslt wasrecently dcscribcd froln I n:uja l\land. Zrdzihar ( van Rompaey&Colyn. 1998).and G. s. References ,r.i $as only rcccntly rediscoveredin thc UdTungwaMts. (De I u.u & Mpunga. 2002). The Bushy tailed MongoosesBd€,salr Ahrends.A. 2005. PuguForcsl: goin8. going..... lre Ar. Jorr,tot .fp Peter\, i850 demo stratc !imilar diversiry. /td.r8alc 11:23 ' r \ \ft?!tu /,ird Percrs.I 852 occurson theTanzanian mainland Allen, G. M. & Loveridge.A. 1927.M,tmmNls for the Uluguruand n rheEinern Arc, coasralforestsand lhc SW Hightandswherclrs, Uslmbara Mountains.Tangrnyikr Teritory. P/o(. Borr.rl 8 t onriiroro Hellct,l9ll isknownonly fron rtew specimens //lir. 18:413-4-41. rn)m Sokokelbrest on thc Kcnyrn coaltand possiblyoccurs in the Allcn, G. M & Loveridgc,A. I 933.Reports on thescienrific rcsults ,N1and E. UsNmbaraMrs. (Kingdon. 1997i Kingdon & tlowell. of an expedition to Lhc south western highl,tnds of 1993).Rdeosak onninru re,r6 Thomas & Wroughton, 1908 is Tan-lanyikaTerfltory.II. M ^nmrls. BuLl.Mus. Comp.hol thc Zanzihar subspecics.l-urthef research especially generic 15:11 110. rnrl)\i\. on the East Aliican populationsofN. ,. drboled nighr Brink, H.. Topp-Jorgen\cn.J. E. & Marshdll,A. R. 20{J2.Firsr rccord rh.retbre revealhithert() unknown levels o1 raxonornicdiversity. in 68 yearsof Lowe's Servalinecenet. (]/_ar16:l2l 327 BurSess.N. D. & Clarkc.G.t'..eds 2O(NJCoastun Forcstrofra .rn Conservation A/,,n?. IUCN. UK. :1,1:lpp. Burgess.N., D'Amico. J., Underwood,E. & DinelsreinE. 200,1. The greatest threal lo. rhe coasral lbrests is habiral Tet.strial ecoftsions d Atitn and n4adugusLur:u lrag'nentationcanscd by chafcoal produclion. Iogging and land (ons?nati.n assess'lrcnt.\\t Wf U S. lsland ftcs!. 50 I pp. .lcafuncefor agriculture(Burgess & Clarke.2(n0i Rurgess./ /t Burgcss,N. D.. Doggart,N.. Doody. K.. Negussie.c. Suribi. P. & 1003).Forexamplc Pugu fof estonthe edgeof DaresSalaan is now Perkin, A- 200:1.Ne! informadon on the lowland .oa(al rlmost complelcly cleared (Ahrends, 2005). On Unguja hland, fbrestsol easLcrnAfrica. O.u 37:280-181. loTari Foresl Rcscrve is now pan ol r ncw national park aDd Charles Doninique, P. I91't . E.ologr nnl bchariorr of n..t nhui l represcnrsthe largest remaining parch,bur il is srill thrcarened rrlinater. New York: ColumbirUnircrsity Press. $ ilh habilxtdcgradation parricu larly thr)ugh charcoalprod ucrion. I)e Luca. D. & Mpunga. N E.2002. Prelininary obser\arionsol TheE$ternAfc. Southernhighland. ard Kil;manjaroforelrs are ail I-owe'! SeN|valireGenel (G enetta rcfralina lo\t ( i) frc|n thc designrlcd4s centralgovemmcnl carchmentforests rcscrves and Udrungwa Mountains National Park. Tanzania. S,ral/ rs such hale greaterprorection sratusthan thc coastal forests. (:anA,ole CL,ns(n-.,2'l:l'7 18. Nonetheless.they arc still threatenedwirh ongoing logging and Doggaf, N..ed.2003.Pdn rlzGane R.ser,-c:A biotlit ?!n.e}. 'lanzania lrnd clearance.As thcsc re.ent carnivorediscoveries show (Van Forest Grout Technical Paper 7. Rdnpacy & Colyn, 1998:Brink er al. 2003t Perkin. 200'1)thcse D:res Saham,IanTania

l9 Engel. T. R. 2000. S"cr./lisptrsul ond lorcst regoooion in t tropi.:ulhN Lundhidr"n.sis (Shinba Hill!, Kenra).Betlit\: Recent literature Logos. 3,15pp. Goldmar. H. V. & Winther'Hansen.J. 2003.The snallcarnivores of Unguji: resulrsof a phoio-trapping survey in Jozani Must€lidae ForestReserve. Zarzibar, Tanzania.Tronso, Norway. Chappcll,D. E.. Vnnden Bussche.R. A.. Krizan.J. & Patterson.B. Honess. P. E. 1996. Sptlidtian unong gdLigot (Pimates. 200.1.Contrasting levels of geneticdifferentirtion among GdLdgi.lde)in Tdntnidn l)ocir)rul Dissertation, for.jls. populations of (c"/o grlo) from northern Oxford BrookesU niversily.Oxfbrd, UK. Canadare!ealed hy nuclearNnd mirochondrial toci. Cozr"n. lCtsP. 1992.Puning biodirersit) oti th. ,ktp: priorir^ for GeneL 5:159-161. tbbdL onse^alion.Catnbridge. U K: lnternationalCouncil lbr Prolecrionof Birds. Frrnccscr, V. erdl. 2m4. A sinple ind r3pid PCIRRF'l,P nethod IUCN. 200.1.200J IUCN R?.1List oJ thrcat?n?l t?s.i"r. Gland. ro distinguishingMd.rcrMd tt. s ard Mu tt ?\.l o i na- Co n s. rr. SwitTerland& Cambridge.UK:IUCN. G.Der.5:869-871. Kingdon.J . 1990.lsl.rn!/A,r/ icd: tlll'.t olutionAfrica's rure aninals rnd London: Collins. /.?trr!. Gardner,R. H. & Gustafsor. E. J. 20&1.Simulating dispcrsal01' Kingdon. J. 1997. 77/?sKinslon tu Alri(an manmuls. fi?A suide reintroducedspecies within hclcrogenouslandscapes. t "1. l-ondon: AcademicPress. ModeLLingt]1.339 358. Kingdon, J. & Howell. K. M. t993. Mtm"Lal\ in th. forcsts of eosten Aliico. Ln Bioseogrdphr an.l ?.do$ o1 th( nin Gonzales-Esreban.J..Vlllate.l.&lri7ar,l.200,l.Assessirg.rmera of.atte Afticd, cds.J. C. Lovcll & S. K- Wasser. forcnt trrps for surveying thc Eurcpcrn mink. MrrPld 229 241. Canrbndgc:Cambridge Univcrsiry Press.:l,1lp (Linnaeus,l76l ) distfibution.txr. J. wildl Rcr. 5(l:ll 16. Lo\,ett,J. C. & wasser,S. K .,eds. 1993.Biogeogruph| d de logr ol therain restsol edstcrnA,frl.d. 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\lustelidae,Viverridae & Herpestidae

,..Ilrrn.L. L. Jr..Tewes, M. E. & Silvy.N. J. 2005.Ranging. h.ibrtrt use and acrivily p,rtternsol binrurcng Arc/i.r,t "'rr',rang and yellow rhroaredmarten Mdrr"r])'.r1,?8!1.? nr .Lnh e.nt.rl Thailand.Wik . qiol. Il:19-51

.. .\ i,/ T 100:1.Poitcanine dental lbnn in rheMustctidae and \ ,\ erddae(Camiloral Ma]m|.',alia).L Morpho!.2s6:322 111

- Jnr!nnn. P d ol. 2OO1.wirbeltiergemcinschaften in Rol!tcisskakadu-Habitarenir Nofd-Pa]rwan. ZCAp i//. :l)t a ):3-1. (Mvlaut march?i, Ar( bi ntutung )


.r.r. G. w . l\'lccleery,R. A. & Forrester.D. J. 200:1lntesrinrl Coccidiatiom raccoo.s(Pro.)o, /orol) from Key Largo. I tt'lr\a. IISA. Conp.Potusitol'7 1 : t] 5-1'71. ] Sponsors

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t all .utltirotl'tpe.i?s rhalo trulPetl in n' LTMNPuftt: Bush,-tuil?rt Monroo\( Bdeogalecrrssicauda (/., ror). Ja&son'\ llonsaose Bdcogalejacksoni lrl8lr ar, ktrg( spotterlG. et Cseila nlacuhr.t ll.ll,oton) unl Africai Paln Ci\'.t Nrndinia binotira lfi3,r'"rt'fl1 Photj s: ADani. la.le Lrca/\l CS

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