Sunn Cnnxrvonn CoNSERVATIoN The Newsletterand Journalof the IUCN/SSC SmallCarnivore Specialist Group IUCN Number32 April2005 Moloy weosel Mlstela nudipescorching rol Photo:Neil Frcnklin I LlPl(ndonesion lnsliiute ofs.iences) | PHKA(Dnedorcre ofthe DepartmentofFonestry) The productionand distributionof this issuehas beensponsored by "RoyalZoological Society of Antwerp",Antwerp, Belgium "ColumbusZoo", Powell, Ohio, USA and "WildlifeConservation Society/Living Institutions", NewYork. NY, USA ColumbusZOO Svran CnnNryonn CoNSERVATToN The Newsletterand Joumalof the IUCN/SSC Small CamivoreSpecialist Group Editor-in-chief: Hany VanRompaey, Edegem. Belgium Associateeditor: William Duckworth.Bristol. UK Editorial board: Angela Glatston,Rotterdam. Nctherlands Michael Riffel, Heidelberg,Germany Arnd SchreibelHeidclberg, Germany RolandWirth, Mtinchcn,Germany This numberwas nllo sponsoredby: @ CHIYENNE :?pio \4fUNTAIN zoo The !ic$ s cxpresledin this publicationare thosc ol thc authorsand do not necessarilyretlect thoce ofthe iUCN, nor ihe IUCN/SSC Cafnivore Specialnl Croup. The rinr ofthis publicationis ro offer thc mcmbersofthe IUCN/SSC Camivore SC. and rhoscwho areconccmcdwith mustelids.vivenids. andplocyonids.b.icfpapers,news items. absracrs, andliile! oi reccnllitc.aturc. All readersare inviled 10send material to: Small CarnivoreConseryation cy'oDr. H. Van Rompaey Jan Verbertlei,15 2650 Edegem- Belgium Harry.VanRompaey@ tijd.com http://iucn.org/tiemer/ssc/sgs/mrpsg/ Printed on recycled papcr rssNr0r9-5041 Small carnivores of the Udzungwa Mountains: presence,distributions and threats Daniela W. DE LUCA and Noah E. MPLINGA Summary record fbr Tan,rni.r. Othor high risk speciesrecorded included I-o!e's SeNrvalil)e Cener Ge n e ttu sen alina low. i knowDonly from The mammalian carnilores ol rhc Udrungwa Mountains the Udzungwas.Mellcr's MongooseRl)a.logdl. ,r,llcfi andthe Nrlional Pa.k (UMNP) arei were jntcnsj!cly investi-latedover a Bushy-tailed Mongoosc Bd.,gdL .r.rrrn.,2r./d meanwhile, lrre pcrrcd of one year lion November200I ro Novelnbef 2002.This signiticxni .tnd vcry rarcly re.o.ded The former nay be a new was thc iirst study in this areatlrrgering lhis imponant grcup of record lbr this aninal in terms of rltitudc rnd habitat iype. The animals.A con binatioDoffield methodswrs empk)ycd:eco logical Udzungwa carnivore communily is rich and of considerable invenlofies Gapid assessnent sur!cy\: scat.spoor and sign surveysi importrncc. Ils ltatus and complexity will dependmuch on the c,tmeratrappng) and socio-economicinvcstigations (structured conlinned conscrvllion of all Udzungwa habitats. village inter!iews). Sonrc678 km ofnansect werewilkedi 10,608 camera-lraphours wcrc carried out, and 128 village i.rcrvicws Introduction undcnakcn.acrossrcpreseniative ireas throtrghoutthe t)ark and its As in most ofAfricr, smallcarnilores in Tanzaniaare liule k nown.and the only recentin iilrmati()nis ofrenthe docunentation A total of 17 species of snrall c,tnrivore (Mustelidae. of Kingdon ( I 977t 1990: 1997)and rhe predictions of conrinenLal Viverridaeand Hcrpcltidae) were confirmed for rheUMNP andan scaledatabanks (Boitani sr dl., I 999). Many specie!are deemed to 'probable rdditional speciesis . Tbis concspondsto at least85./. be under thrcNtbe.ause of habitat degradation.and persccntnnr (r)r a! nany as 90%) of the Tanranian rotal. l hesedaia show that duc 1o hunting and poisoning(Schreiber sr a/., 1989).However. UMNP is one o1 rhc richcstprotected areas (ifnot the richcst) for there are insufticienl dita to irsscssthcir distribution. population small carnilores in Eltstcn Africa. as well as one of the mosl ,r Jfgree nl rhreJrrnd lhu. ro phn dppropri.,rr inrpoftant.Thepresenc€ofJackson sMongooseBd.o gnLe ik ksoni inlervcntion.Indri!paFfwepresentdalaonihesmall carnivores was pn:ticularly signilicant. This little known ind lulncrablc' from a wider invesligationinto rllmammalirn camivorescanied spccicswas fornerly recordedonly lbm two[cas: in andaround out rn the Udzungwa Mountains in SouihernTanzanir (De Luca \.lrKen) a rnd.ourh ol\,1r flE,,n Thi' repre,enl.rn Inrpofldnrnr$ & Mpun-!a. 2002. 2005). (TRBD'04) 36" 37' MIKUMI o IRINGA o 7 tr Q rowns 8" E NatronalPafi ) .) :s 50km E CHITA 36' 37" I ig. L Map nl th. utl.ung||u Mountains area sho||ing hnun.ldti.\ dnl th. lo.rttion oJ'intetuie\|' fillages. Tabt( t. r,..:ations un(tdetail! ol ,k\a tnp ue,k nts.Geosru phn'al positiot oJcaneru trapsare si|en in tvGSSl d?s k(s' 14 inal nitrute\ tootu1iMte!. CTNo. SensorType Habitatlrpe Loc.S Loc. E Altitude TN,I6 Open/ck)scd\toodland s07 317t2 E 0-1615 901 112'7 '18t) TM3 OFn/closed woodl{nd s 07 .1.1903 Ii 016 -16 |12'7 TM5 Open/closedwoodlrnd s 07l5051 I-i0:16 36 79t 1't)1 TM7 Opedclosed soodland s 0735 298 E 036t7 65lJ I132 TMIl P Mbatwa Open/ckrsedwoodland s 0715 512 E 036 l7 369 I 16.l .TM.1 Open/ckrscdwoodland s0736216 E 036t7 369 ll73 'lMl Mbxlwa Open/closed!oodland s 07 361.14 E 03617 2111 t:l9l c'r2 s 07.17 591 E 03652 615 1t9 CT.1 P Mkula river/sonjo s 0747 684 E 0:1652 7r)8 495 CTI P Mkulr rive/Sonjo s 0717 693 E 03652 712 526 .184 CT3 Mkula river/Sonjo s 0717838 E 03652 9r8 :130 TM2 Mkula s 07.17 925 E 03651 129 ,150 CT.I Mkula s 07.18 01.1 E 0:1653 16,1 ,150 CT] Mkula S 07,18 028 B 036 53 20,1 CT3 Mkulr(ex-NP) s 07.18 l17 E 01655 799 285 crT2 P s 07 '15626 E 03650 097 950 CT3 Opcn woodl nd s 0747 596 E 036 49 865 980 cr'4 P Open woodland s 0715 807 E 036 50 265 ? CTI P MwNnihrna s 0749 0?l B 01649 5ll I800 C]T3 P s 07413 081 E 03651 675 650 CI2. P S 07,19 002 E 036,195l:l l83t) CT3 P Mwanihana s 0748 55,1 E 036 49 454 l'17t) cr.1 P s 0747 ,179 E 03649 809 950 cTl Mwanihanr s 0?.17 713 E 03650 265 915 CT2 Ruip.r s 0802 858 E 03620 511 317 .115 CTI Ruipa s 08 0:l303 E 036 20 661r TM] Ruipa S 080,1 876 r-t016 19258 330 :ll5 CTI Ruipa s 0802 986 E 01620 761 CT3 P Rnjpa s 0803 472 Ii 0:1621 080 394 C]T] P Ruipa s 0803 474 E 036 21 078 3.r3 CT3 P Rripa s 0803 601 E 03620 550 368 cT"1 Ruipa s 0803 643 E 036 20 l,l8 321 C]T2 Ruipa s 01t03 324 E 036 20 16,1 280 'I hc UdzungwaMountain Natn)nal Park (UMNP) includes U M N Pcovers al nrcsr one tifih ( I ,999kln:)ofthc Udzungwa lwo ofthe richesl forestsof thc region in terms oflhe numbcr of MountNinsrange and lies betwecn 7'30 8'l5 S and 36'20' spcciesof primales. duite$ and bird! (Dinesen irt dl., 2001)r 36'55'E(Fig.l).Itembraces,vrietyofhrbitatsincludingnatural 28(lm to M\ranihana in the East and Luhorneto in the Wcst Kilombcro forest(k'wland. submontaneand montane).Nnging from grasslandand open Scarp.Consequenlly. they afe citcd as first conscrvalionpriority 2.600m a.s.t.Inaddition, aconidorofwooded in thc areas ann)Dgsrall Ud,ungwa foresrs Ho$'ever, dcspite their andclosedwoodland lies bctweenthe rwo main foreslblocks in rhc imponancc lbr global bn)dilersity. thcse lbrests are rmong the Eastnnd ir thc West. Therc is a longer lltriable dry season (abour5 mostth rcNrcned ecosystcms in theworld (B abrr. 2000) Whilst the West (about7 mo ths) and shorierdry scasonin theEnsl shoflpenk biodilcrsily of thc Udzungwas has been well documented(sce months).The wet seasonbetween Marchand May hasa per Rodgers& Homewood. 1982i Lovett & wasser. 1993 Various in Dccenber. Rainfall anrountsto apprcximalely 2.000 nllll wcsl authors,1998: Ehardi sr al.. 1999; Dinesen./ dl , 2001i lronticr year in fie east decrcasingto 800 1.000 mm in the lHall produce,t Trnzania.200lr & b). there have previously been no lurvevs 1986). The spccitic aimt of the study were 1o (o-date irea focusing on carnilores. comprehensiveand ut camivore list for the UMNP and to irvestigale causesol threat for each specicsin order lo As prrt ofa broaderexanlination oicarni!ore statusacross provide information nccessaryfor the implementalionof sonthcrnTanzanir. we investigatedlhe UMNI'and buffer Tones conservation initirtivcs. fron November 2001 to November 2002. Conbining ecologidl and socio-economicinvestiSatir)ns we soughtlo recordcarnrvore Methods presence.md relative abundance, habitat preterence and fie lactors 2001 and limiling their abundaDce-The work slens from a co'nponentoftbe Fieldwork was cxnied out betweenNovember wildlife ConservationSoc iety sSouthernHighlan lt Consetration November2002. ln orderro deieflnincsmall carnivore presencc we (stgn Prcgrcnne xnd seeks lo examinc carnivore di(ributions. usedlr combinalionof fic ld methods:ccologicalinvemories ahundrnce and thrcris fiom uncxplored silcs, and prcvide suneys and cameratrrpping). and socio'economicinvestigahons conservationrcmedies and advice. (vilhsc interviews). Inirially however. we perforned rapid asscss'nentsulaeys acrossdifierent arcasin order to selectrppropriiuc mrximize captureraie. Cltrni!orcs prefer k) n)llow animal lrails !alnpling sitesrepresenlirlivc ol thepark sdiverse habitats. altilude, the.eforenlosl ofthe c:rmcratraps wefe placedin the vicinily of rainlallcondition! and human infhencc. During luch surveysall suchlrails. Alltrapswere setlo work liom dusk todawn between carnjlore si!ns were also noted.Subscquendy. four ecologically 7pmx.d 7 anl.and mounled on I polcaL rbout 25 l0cmlromthe dillcrenr areaswere selededfbr camcrarrap placemeni (Table 1). grouDd.They were baited and chccked rt rcgular intervals (De Luclt & Mpunga, 2005). A1l cNrnivoresigns and racks wcrc rccorded at all times during ficldwork. Grid reterences.alliLudcs and habitat rypes To supplcment information fioln the lield I 28 peoplewefe werc rourinely noted.The dislanccs ndco ordimtes ofrransects inlcrvicwedinfourvillageslocalcdwithin thebuffef zonesarouod wrlked wcrcrecordedbyhandbeld cannin GPSIII+ anduploaded the NalionrlPa.k: Mkula and Msolwa to rhe easrofMwanihana, to a gcographicalinlbnnatio sysrcmusing Arcview 3.2. Spoor Ruipa!illagejustoutside Matundu [orc( in thc cxtremesouth, and was mealured. identilied rnd phorographed.and drta on Msosr ncarMbatwa h thenorth (Fig.
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