Table a - Annual Average Daily Traffic Flows
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Table A - Annual Average Daily Traffic Flows NOTES ON THE ESTIMATES OF ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC This table provides estimates of average daily traffic flows on roads throughout Oxfordshire, set out in road number order. The trunk roads come first, followed by A class, B class and lastly unclassified roads as indexed below. For comparison purposes, all flows are quoted on the basis of the estimated Annual Average Daily Traffic, the AADT. This allows counts taken at different times of the year to be compared. The AADT is derived by converting observed flows from various times of the year, using seasonal factors derived for that year, to arrive at the annual average 24-hour daily flows. A copy of these factors is available on request. Changes in traffic flow from one year to the next does not always indicate an underlying trend. How a trend over several years can provide a good indication of change, and can be used for policy monitoring purposes. It has to be remembered in making comparisons that first, any single count might not represent the typical traffic flow at the site, and secondly that the general seasonal adjustment may not be exactly true for that site. For this reason the traffic flow estimates are to be used only as a general guide. Estmates from longer period counts are more reliable.Counts in 2010 with 40 weeks or more data are marked with ' ◊ '. The letters 'CP' followed by a number, found against the location descriptions, denote a fixed "Counter Point". There are over 500 of these sites which constitute the core of the annual counter programme and are monitored, where possible, annually. Around 120 of these are counted continuously. INDEX ROAD PAGE ROAD PAGE ROAD PAGE ROAD PAGE M40 2 A4130 5 B4019 7 Unclassified roads by Town and A4142 5 B4020 7 District A34(T) 2 A4144 5 B4022 7 A43(T) 2 A4155 5 B4026 7 Abingdon 10 A4158 6 B4027 7 Banbury A40 2 A4165 6 B4030 8 Bicester A41 2 A4183 6 B4031 8 Didcot A44 2 A4185 6 B4035 8 Henley A329 2 A4260 6 B4044 8 Oxford A338 3 A4421 6 B4047 8 Witney A361 3 B4100 8 Cherwell A415 3 B430 6 B4150 8 South Oxon A417 3 B471 6 B4425 8 Vale A418 3 B478 6 B4437 8 West Oxon A420 4 B480 6 B4445 8 A421 4 B481 6 B4449 8 A422 4 B4000 6 B4450 8 A423 4 B4001 6 B4477 9 A424 4 B4009 7 B4493 9 A436 4 B4011 7 B4494 9 A3400 4 B4012 7 B4495 9 A4074 4 B4015 7 B4507 9 A4095 5 B4016 7 B4508 9 A4129 5 B4017 7 B4526 9 Oxfordshire Traffic Flows 2010 page 1 Table A - Annual Average Daily Traffic Flows ◊ Traffic flows by >40 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Ref: road and location weeks data 2001 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 M40 *1 County Boundary to J6 91500 95300 97600 95429 91253 92181 95012 ◊ 473/4 M40 *1 Adwell J6- J7 88900 92700 95100 92956 88904 89741 92518 ◊ 475/6 M40 *1 Worminghall J 8-J9 63400 69100 69300 67038 62986 64103 65548 ◊ 483/4 M40 *1 Akeman Street J 9-J10 99900 104300 107000 105432 100067 99779 103138 ◊ 485/6 M40 *1 Aynho J10-J11 85400 84900 85200 84150 79999 80359 82349 ◊ 487/8 M40 *1 J11 to County Boundary 83700 82600 82700 81762 77660 77776 80487 ◊ 1303/4 A34(T) *1 South of M40 64800 - 59300 58600 55837 - 56000 ◊ 3445/6 A34(T) *1 Wytham 69600 73600 72800 71200 71036 68698 70929 ◊ 3447/8 A34(T) *1 South of A420 66700 71200 70000 68973 67490 65178 65142 ◊ 3401/2 A34(T) *1 South of Oxford Ring road 64700 68800 68000 68515 67805 66069 66417 ◊ 3441/2 A34(T) *1 South of A415 Drayton 60100 62300 64400 56019 54724 55033 54724 ◊ 5207/8 A34(T) *1 South of A4130 Milton Interchange - 46900 46500 - 45418 46951 - ◊ 3477/8 A34(T) *1 South of Chilton 43500 - - - - - 46475 3477/8 A43(T) *1 South of B4100 23600 33000 34300 33914 32426 32109 31923 ◊ 9834/33 A40 County Boundary W of Burford 10300 10700 10700 11500 10600 10600 10700 CP161 A40 West of A361, Burford - 12300 - - - - - CP162 A40 West of B4020, Burford - - - - - - - CP252 A40 East of B4020 18600 18300 18600 18200 17900 18200 18600 ◊ CP12 A40 East of Asthall Roundabout 13700 14300 14800 15100 15000 15200 16100 CP164 A40 Witney Bypass E. of A415 23500 24400 24900 24600 24800 23700 21700 CP279 A40 East of B4022 - 30300 30400 30600 30000 29300 30100 ◊ CP11 A40 East of Cassington junction 24400 23000 23700 23300 23100 22900 22400 ◊ CP168 A40 Sunderland Avenue Oxford 33000 28400 32700 33700 32000 31900 32900 ◊ CP129 A40 Oxford Northern Bypass 44100 39600 42600 42300 42100 42000 42800 CP16 A40 East of Marston Flyover - 27400 37100 37400 39100 39900 38900 CP531 A40 West of Thornhill Park & Ride Eastbound - - 20500 20900 21000 20600 21200 ◊ CP618 A40 West of Thornhill Park & Ride Westbound - - 21400 21500 21800 22000 - CP619 A40 Wheatley Bridge 34800 30800 35600 35500 35700 36400 35000 CP117 A40 West of A329 - 3300 3200 3100 2900 3100 3000 CP176 A40 East of A329 2000 2200 2100 2100 2300 1900 2000 CP177 A40 North-West of B4009 5200 5400 5400 5100 5000 5100 5100 CP178 A40 South-East of B4009 2500 2800 2800 2600 2600 2500 2600 CP179 A41 North of M40 South of Bicester 33500 31700 33100 32200 33000 31700 32000 ◊ CP31 A41 Bicester Southern Bypass 20800 23500 23700 23300 23200 20900 22000 CP302 A41 East of Bicester Southern Bypass 21800 22200 22300 23900 21700 21600 20800 CP303 A41 County Boundary E of Bicester 11100 12000 11800 11500 11700 11800 11500 ◊ CP8 A44 Salford 7400 7400 7400 6900 6800 6500 6300 ◊ CP42 A44 East of Chipping Norton 5500 5500 5700 5300 5200 5000 5100 CP151 A44 SE of London Rd, C Norton 8800 8400 8500 8800 8300 8000 8600 CP14 A44 North-West of B4022 Enstone 7800 8600 8300 7500 7200 7800 7800 CP154 A44 South-East of B4022 8200 8400 8500 7900 7400 8200 8100 CP155 A44 South-East of B4027 7900 8100 - 7900 7200 7100 7600 CP156 A44 North of Woodstock 11200 11000 11400 11000 10800 10500 10700 ◊ CP128 A44 South of Woodstock 16000 15600 16000 15300 15400 15200 15400 ◊ CP13 A44 North-West of Peartree Rbt 23500 23900 25100 24500 24300 23600 24300 ◊ CP10 A44 East of A34 - 31000 33200 32800 28800 31400 32800 ◊ CP305 *1 Sites on the M40 and the Trunk roads A34 are A43 are monitored by the Highways Agency. The Data shown is taken from their Traffic Information Database 'TRADS2' Oxfordshire Traffic Flows 2010 page 2 Table A - Annual Average Daily Traffic Flows ◊ Traffic flows by >40 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Ref: road and location weeks data 2001 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 A329 North-East of M40 7200 7700 8000 7700 7800 7900 8000 CP27 A329 South-West of M40 8500 9900 8800 8400 8200 8400 7500 ◊ CP26 A329 North of Warborough 2600 3000 2900 2700 2700 2700 2800 CP25 A329 North of Moulsford 5900 6200 6200 6300 6300 5100 5700 CP310 A338 North of Frilford - 6000 6100 5900 6000 6200 6100 CP88 A338 North of Grove 12800 12100 12600 11800 11800 11400 11400 ◊ CP87 A338 South of Wantage 2100 2100 2200 2000 1900 2100 2100 CP86 A361 County Bdy N of Wardington 7000 7200 7000 6600 6400 6400 5400 ◊ CP259 A361 North-East of Banbury 7600 8500 8200 7700 7600 7400 7200 CP45 A361 Southam Road South of A422 15700 15000 14900 14200 15000 15300 15200 CP361 A361 North Bar South of Castle Street - 20300 - - 19700 19500 19700 CP457 A361 South Bar Street - 16900 16600 16000 15800 16300 16300 ◊ CP480 A361 Bloxham Road Banbury 11700 12700 12600 12000 12900 12600 12200 CP107 A361 South of South Newington 5500 6200 6300 5900 5900 5706 5800 CP43 A361 Between B4031 and B4022 - 8300 - 8100 8000 8000 7900 CP153 A361 North-East of A3400 8500 8900 9100 8700 8600 8700 8400 ◊ CP147 A361 South-West of A3400 9900 10100 10800 9700 9400 10300 9800 CP148 A361 North of Lyneham Junction 5000 5300 5000 5000 5000 4700 4800 CP97 A361 North of Fulbrook 4900 5300 5200 4900 4900 4600 4800 CP41 A361 Burford Bridge 11800 12000 12000 11500 11500 11700 11700 ◊ CP114 A361 North of A40 12100 12500 - 11900 12800 12100 12900 CP299 A361 South of A40 6500 6700 6700 7200 6500 6700 7900 CP38 A415 North of Witney Bypass 21900 23100 23600 23500 22500 22900 23300 ◊ CP308 A415 South of Ducklington 10200 7400 10500 10400 10900 10800 11100 CP96 A415 North of Brighthampton 7100 7200 7800 7600 7400 7200 7300 CP258 A415 Newbridge 8400 8700 8400 8400 8300 8300 8100 ◊ CP36 A415 South-E of Kingston Bagpuize 9000 9800 9700 9700 9600 10100 9700 CP198 A415 West of Marcham 12500 12900 12600 12500 12700 12800 12700 ◊ CP135 A415 East of Marcham 14100 17800 14000 13800 14300 14200 14000 CP260 A415 West of A34, Abingdon - 18300 17600 17500 17400 17800 17600 CP499 A415 Marcham Road, East of A34 27000 26000 25500 25400 25500 24000 24200 ◊ CP464 A415 Ock Street, West of Stratton Way - 16200 16000 15700 15700 15700 CP573 A415 Stratton Way North Of Bath Street - 19100 18700 18600 18700 18300 18500 ◊ CP617 A415 South of Abingdon 12500 11600 10700 10400 10600 10500 10700 ◊ CP282 A415 West of Clifton Hampden 9700 10900 10200 9000 9100 9200 10600 CP24 A415 West of A4074 Dorchester 6200 6200 6200 6300 6600 6300 6700 CP196 A415 Abingdon High Street - - - 10900 11400 11300 11000 CP750 A417 North-West of Faringdon - 3100 2900 2900 2800 2700 2900 CP80 A417 Park Rd North of A420 9200 9700 9400 9200 9000 9100 8900 CP309 A417 East of Faringdon Bypass 5300 6300 - 6100 9100 6800 6300 CP81 A417 South-East of B4508 6000 6800 6600 6300 6600 7300 6500 CP82 A417 South of B4001 6200 6800 6600 6600 6400 6400 6400 CP294 A417 Wallingford Street, Wantage - 11900 12200 12600 13100 13600 12000 CP491 A417 Denchworth Rd S of Mably Way - 9400 10000 9900 9700 9200 8900 CP486 A417 Mably Way West of A338 - 9600 10200 10700 9900 9700 - CP485 A417 East of Wantage 10400 11200 11400 11000 10900 10700 11000 ◊ CP83 A418 West of Tiddington 12800 12000 12900 12500 12600 13100 12600 CP169 A418 Thame Bypass 15300 15900 16500 16200 16100 16100 15700 ◊ CP120