Archaeological investigation of sites U14/3056, U14/3216 and U14/1941, Oropi Downs, Tauranga: fi nal report report to The New Zealand Historic Places Trust Asco Trust Limited and Connell Wagner Limited, Tauranga Matthew Campbell and Beatrice Hudson CFG Heritage Ltd. P.O. Box 10 015 Dominion Road Auckland 1024 ph. (09) 638 6624
[email protected] Archaeological investigation of sites U14/3056, U14/3216 and U14/1941, Oropi Downs, Tauranga: fi nal report report to The New Zealand Historic Places Trust Asco Trust Limited and Connell Wagner Limited, Tauranga Prepared by: Matthew Campbell Reviewed by: Date: 7 February 2008 Louise Furey Reference: 2006/3 © CFG Heritage Ltd. 2008 CFG Heritage Ltd. P.O. Box 10 015 Dominion Road Auckland 1024 ph. (09) 638 6624
[email protected] Archaeological investigation of sites U14/3056, U14/3216 and U14/1941, Oropi Downs, Tauranga: fi nal report Matthew Campbell and Beatrice Hudson Between 14 and 16 November 2005 archaeological miti- place quite early, at around AD 1450, and the period of gation excavations were undertaken at sites U14/3056 occupation was short, only about 200 years. Th e timing of and U14/3216, and between 19 and 20 February 2007 at occupation is now fairly well understood; accordingly the U14/1941, in the Oropi Valley, Tauranga. In February 2007 research design called for only one radiocarbon date to be the fl at terrace above site U14/1940 was also investigated submitted for each site. but no archaeological features were located. Th ese sites will Research so far has been limited, and many questions be aff ected by the Oropi Downs Stages III and IV develop- remain unanswered regarding the Waimapu area.