Genetic Alteration of the DCX Gene in Japanese Patients with Subcortical Laminar Heterotopia Or Isolated Lissencephaly Sequence
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J Hum Genet (2000) 45:167–170 © Jpn Soc Hum Genet and Springer-Verlag 2000167 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Michiko Sakamoto · Jiro Ono · Shintaro Okada Yusuke Nakamura · Hiroki Kurahashi Genetic alteration of the DCX gene in Japanese patients with subcortical laminar heterotopia or isolated lissencephaly sequence Received: October 25, 1999 / Accepted: January 21, 2000 Abstract We examined mutations of the doublecortin seizures. Lissencephaly, on the other hand, produces pro- (DCX) gene, which is responsible for X-linked subcortical found mental retardation, seizures, and other neurological laminar heterotopia (SCLH) and lissencephaly, in eight abnormalities. One gene responsible for lissencephaly was unrelated Japanese patients, four with SCLH and four with identified on chromosome 17p13 (Lo Nigro et al. 1997) and isolated lissencephaly sequence (ILS). Polymerase chain is called LIS1 (Reiner et al. 1993). Only 38% of patients reaction (PCR) disclosed a deletion of part of the DCX with isolated lissencephaly sequence (ILS) have visible gene in one male ILS patient. Single-strand conformational cytogenetic or submicroscopic deletions of the LIS1 gene polymorphism analysis and subsequent sequence analysis (Dobyns et al. 1993), and only 10 of 25 ILS patients who had were carried out in the remaining seven patients. One male shown no gross deletions had mutations in the LIS1 gene ILS patient had a nonsense mutation in exon V, which (Pilz et al. 1998). These findings may also reflect mutations would result in premature termination of the gene product. in other genes responsible for ILS. SCLH and lissencephaly One female SCLH patient had a missense mutation in exon can be inherited alone or together in a single pedigree IV. Our results indicate that in the Japanese, as has been (Pinard et al. 1994). Among sporadic patients with SCLH, seen elsewhere, abnormality of the DCX gene is the com- the sex ratio skewed toward females (Dobyns et al. 1996), mon cause of SCLH and ILS. suggesting the involvement of X-linked mutations. Linkage and physical mapping localized the responsible gene to Key words DCX gene · Subcortical laminar heterotopia · Xq21.3-q24 (Ross et al. 1997). Recently, the DCX gene was Isolated lissencephaly sequence isolated by two groups and shown to be responsible for SCLH and X-linked lissencephaly (des Portes et al. 1998a; Gleeson et al. 1998). They identified mutations in the DCX Introduction gene in 10 of 11 patients (des Portes et al. 1998b). LIS1 and DCX mutations cause about 76% of ILS, but each of them Subcortical laminar heterotopia (SCLH) and lissencephaly is responsible for different patterns of malformation (Pilz et al. 1998). An extended study disclosed that the mouse Dcx are brain malformations caused by abnormal neuronal mi- 21 gration. SCLH consists of symmetrical and circumferential gene encoded a putative Ca -dependent signaling protein bands of gray matter located just beneath the cortex and (Sossey-Alaouni et al. 1998). separated from it by a thin band of white matter. The phe- In this study, we report that we have determined the notype of affected females varies from nearly normal intel- intron-exon boundary sequences of the DCX gene and ex- ligence to severe mental retardation, but most patients have amined the DCX gene for alterations in eight Japanese patients, four with SCLH and four with ILS. The data pre- sented here further support the conclusion that abnormali- M. Sakamoto · Y. Nakamura · H. Kurahashi Division of Clinical Genetics, Department of Medical Genetics, B9, ties of the DCX gene are responsible for SCLH and ILS. Biomedical Research Center, Osaka University Medical School, Osaka, Japan M. Sakamoto (*) · J. Ono · S. Okada Division of Pediatrics, D5, Osaka University Medical School, 2-2 Patients and methods Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan Tel. 81-6-879-3938; Fax 81-6-879-3939 e-mail: [email protected] Patients Y. Nakamura Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Human Genome Center, DNA samples from eight Japanese patients known to have Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan type 1 lissencephaly or SCLH were analyzed after the ob- 168 Table 1. Clinical diagnosis and sex distribution BioProducts, Rockland, ME, USA) for 5min, bands were Case no. Clinical diagnosis Sex visualized and analyzed by means of an FMBIO II Multi- View fluorescent image analyzer (Takara, Tokyo, Japan). 1 ILS M Direct sequencing of PCR products from genomic DNA 2 ILS M 3 ILS M was performed on both strands by the dideoxy chain- 4 ILS F termination method (ABI PRISM DNA sequencing kit; 5 SCLH M Applied Biosystems). Reactions were analyzed with the 6 SCLH M ABI 373S autosequencer according to the manufacturer’s 7 SCLH F 8 SCLH F protocol (Applied Biosystems). ILS, Isolated lissencephaly sequence; SCLH, subcortical laminar het- erotopia; M, male; F, female Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) A human genomic DNA cosmid library was constructed by taining of informed consent, in accordance with established a method described previously (Tokino et al. 1991). Screen- standards. Experienced neurologists diagnosed four of the ing was performed with α-32P-dCTP labeled DCX cDNA as patients with ILS and the other four with SCLH by their a probe. phenotype and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Metaphase chromosomes of the patients were obtained The clinical characterization of case 6 has been described from lymphoblastoid cell cultures. Dual-color FISH was elsewhere (Ono et al. 1997). None of the patients has a carried out on the slides as previously described (Inazawa family history of mental retardation or seizure disorders. et al. 1994). The test probes were labeled with digoxigenin- They were previously surveyed for genetic alteration in the 11-dUTP by nick-translation; a biotin-labeled chromosome LIS1 gene located at 17p13.3, and none was found to have X alpha-satellite probe served as the control (Oncor a mutation in the LIS1 gene (Sakamoto et al. 1998). Gaithersburg, MD, USA). The test probe and the control Samples were also obtained from the parents of case 7 and were detected simultaneously with avidin-fluorescein the parents of case 8. The clinical diagnosis and the sex of isothiocyanate (FITC) and antidigoxigenin-rhodamine the subjects are shown in Table 1. None of the patients had (Boehringer-Mannheim, Berlin, Germany), after which any obvious cytogenetic abnormalities. the chromosomes were counterstained with 4,6-diamino-2- phenylindole (DAPI) (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) in an anti-fade solution. Signals were examined on a Nikon Genomic sequencing Optiphoto fluorescent microscope equipped with a charge- coupled device (CCD) camera (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) and YACs 749f7 and 737h4 (CEPH Mega YAC library), which superimposed by means of Mac-Probe Version 2.5 software included the entire genomic region of the DCX gene, were (Perceptive Scientific Instruments League city, TX, USA). used for determining the intron sequences. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) experiments were performed with a Gene Amp PCR system 2400 (Perkin-Elmer Cetus, Norwalk, CT, USA). To isolate genomic fragments corre- Results sponding to both splice acceptor and donor sites of all ex- ons, inverse PCR was employed (Triglia et al. 1988). YAC In order to survey the patients with lissencephaly or SCLH DNA was completely digested with MspI, TaqI, RsaI, AluI, for subtle genetic alterations in the DCX gene, we deter- or Sau3AI, and self-ligated in a diluted condition. PCR was mined the genomic sequences surrounding the exon-intron performed with oppositely directed primers located in DCX boundaries at both donor and acceptor sites of the gene. We cDNA and with the self-ligated DNA as template. designed PCR primers for exon amplification so as to yield Direct sequencing of the inverse PCR products was per- products including exon-intron junctions and comprising formed using the dideoxy chain-termination method (ABI appropriate sizes for SSCP (Table 2). Inverse PCR, using PRISM DNA sequencing kit; Applied Biosystems, Foster the YAC as a template, successfully yielded the required City, CA, USA). Reactions were analyzed with an ABI PCR products including the junction sequences. 373S autosequencer according to the manufacturer’s proto- We performed SSCP analysis on the four SCLH and four col (Applied Biosystems). ILS patients. In one male ILS patient (case 3), no PCR products were obtained between exons IV and VII in the Mutation analysis DCX gene (Fig. 1). Southern analysis, using PCR products of these exons as probes, showed no corresponding bands in We performed single-strand conformational polymorphism this patient (data not shown). These results suggested that (SSCP) analyses according to standard methods; in brief, this patient had a deletion in this region of the DCX gene. each sample was electrophoresed at 250V across a precast Three patients showed aberrant electrophoretic patterns 5% polyacrylamide Tris-borate electrophoresis buffer when exons IV and V were screened. Direct sequencing of (TBE) gel in a room maintained at 4° Celsius. After the gels the PCR products from the genomic DNA of these patients were stained in a 13 solution of SYBR Green II (FMC revealed that one male ILS patient (case 2) had a nonsense 169 Table 2. Oligonucleotide primers used for exon amplification Sense primers Antisense primers Product size (bp) E1s AGACTGCTTCCTAAGCTGGAGA E1a GGGAGTAAGAGATAGAGAGGGA 254 E2s AGCAGCAGATTGCAGATCTGGA E2a1 CAAGGCGTCAAAGCTGCGAAAA 388 E2s2 TTGTGTACGCTGTGTCCTCTGA E2a2 TAACCAATGATGCCACCTCCCA 214 E3s1 GTTCTACTCCAGTGTCAGTGTG