Spelling: Same; Pronunciation: Different; Meaning: Different
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Heteronyms A heteronym is a word having a different pronunciation and meaning as another word, but the same spelling. Sometimes the stress is on a different syllable and sometimes the stress remains the same, but only the pronunciation of the vowel changes. You will find fruits and vegetables in the produce section. (adjective) Many factories produce too much pollution. (verb) He was a famous Polish actor in the 1960's. (adjective) We need to polish all of the furniture and silverware. (verb) It's very dangerous to use lead paint. (adjective) The cowboys lead the cattle to the ranch. (verb) The boy received a present from his grandmother. (noun) We are going to present our idea at the meeting. (verb) This TV show is always broadcast live. (adjective) Where do kangaroos and koalas live? (verb) A dove is a white bird that symbolizes peace. (noun) The swimmers dove into the pool several times. (verb) The treasure hunter discovered a valuable object in the tomb. (noun) Lawyers often object to questions during a trial. (verb) What was your favorite subject in school? Math, science, history? (noun) New drugs are subject to many tests before they are approved. (verb) They had been lost in the desert for almost a week. (noun) The soldier decided to desert the army one day. (verb) She is very close to finishing her essay for literature class. (adjective) Please close the door and windows when you leave. (verb) Are you going to read the sports section of the newspaper? (verb - present tense) I've already read this book three times. (verb - past tense) The little girl wore a pretty pink bow in her hair. (noun) The dancers always bow after their performances. (verb) She must have been sad because I saw a tear on her cheek. (noun) Be careful not to accidentally tear the paper. (verb) Subgroup 1: These common words have the same spelling and pronunciation, but very different meanings and/or origins. Common examples: homographs differences* bear (N) bear (N): a kind of animal bear (V) bear (V): to carry date (N) date (N): a kind of fruit; a calendar time date (V) date (V): to determine the age; to "go out" fast (Adj) fast (Adj): quick fast (V) fast (V): to abstain from (choose not to eat) food hide (N) hide (N): animal skin hide (V) hide (V): to conceal net (N) net (N): woven trap made of rope or cord net (Adj) net (Adj): amount remaining after deductions pick (N) pick (N): a kind of tool pick (V) pick (V): to choose * Check an English-English dictionary or an etymological dictionary to see the different origins of many of these words. Subgroup 2: These words have the same spelling, but different stress. The stress changes for the noun and verb forms of these words. Examples: homographs* differences áddress (N) address (N): where one lives addréss (V) address (V): to give a speech; to write an address cómpress (N) compress (N): medicine put on a cloth compréss (V) and worn next to the skin compress (V): press together éxport (N) export (N): something that is exported expórt (V) export (V): to send a product outside a country (to be sold) 2 ínsult (N) ínsult (N): insulting action or words insúlt (V) insúlt (V): to say or do something which is offensive or rude cónvert (N) convert (N): someone who has changed convért (Adj) from one group (for example, a religion) to another convert (V): to change from one form to another désert (N) desert (N): dry place desért (V) desert (V): abandon There are also homographs with the same spelling, but different pronunciations and meanings. Here are a few examples: read (present tense--pronounced [ ríyd ] / read (past tense--pronounced [ red ] lead (verb--pronounced [ líyd ] / lead (noun [Pb]--pronounced [ led ] do (noun [music]--pronounced [ dóu ] / do (verb--pronounced [ dúw ] ADdress (noun – the location of a building) adDRESS (verb – to write down an address OR to speak to a group of people) COMpound (noun – something made of two or more parts) comPOUND (verb – to combine or add) 3 CONtest (noun – a game or event of competition) conTEST (verb – to challenge or dispute) CONtract (noun – a written agreement) conTRACT (verb – to make smaller in size) DEcrease (noun – the total reduction in the amount of something) deCREASE (verb – to become smaller in amount) DIgest (noun – a compilation of information) diGEST (verb – to break down food in the stomach) ENtrance (noun – a place of access such as a door or gate) enTRANCE (verb – to completely captivate someone’s attention) EXtract (noun – something taken from a larger work or substance) exTRACT (verb – to remove or pull out) INcline (noun – a slope or hill) inCLINE (verb – to lean, tip, or tilt something) INcrease (noun – the amount that something has grown) inCREASE (verb – to become greater or larger) OFfense (noun – the players on a sports team that attack or advance) ofFENSE (noun – an illegal act) PERfect (adjective – something that is as good as it can possibly be) perFECT (verb – to improve or make something as good as possible) PREsent (noun – a gift) preSENT (verb – to show or give something formally) PROduce (noun – food that has been grown, such as vegetables) proDUCE (verb – to make or create something) PROject (noun – a large or extended task or piece of work) proJECT (verb – to estimate, forecast or predict) PROtest (noun – an group of people organized to display objection to something) proTEST (verb – to express an objection) REcord (noun – a written account of information) reCORD (verb – to keep or store information for future use) REfund (noun – the amount of money returned to someone) reFUND (verb – the action of giving money back to someone) REject (noun – an item that is defective or inadequate) reJECT (verb – to refuse to accept something) SUBject (noun – the topic of a conversation or a book) subJECT (verb – to cause or force something to undergo a process) TRANSport (noun – a system for moving objects or items) transPORT (verb – to carry or move goods from one place to another) UPset (noun – an unexpected defeat of a champion sports team) upSET (adjective – to be disturbed or extremely unhappy) Affect ehFEKT- to change; AFFekt- a person's feelings or emotion 4 Alternate ALternit- the next choice; ALternait- switch back and forth Are AHR- plural present tense of "to be"; AIR- 100 square meters (1/100th of a hectare) [although may also be pronounced AHR] Ares AIRS- 100 square meter units [plural]; AIReez- Greek god of war [capitalized] Attribute ahTRIByoot- to consider resulting from; AHtribyoot- a characteristic of someone (12) August AUgust- month [capitalized]; auGUST- important, eminent Axes AKsiz- more than one ax or axe; AKseez- the plural of axis Bass BASE- a string instrument; (rhymes with mass)- a fish Bow BAU- to lower one's head or the front of a ship; BOH- used to shoot arrows Bowed BAU-d- to bend over; BOH-d- bent Buffet BUFFet- to pound or bump; booFAY- place where you serve yourself Close CLOZE- to shut; CLOS- near Combine komBYNE- put together; KOMbyne- a threshing machine Conduct KONduckt- behavior; kunDUCKT- to lead (see this heteronym below) Conflict kunFLIKT- to act against; KAHNflict- a fight or disagreement Console KAHNsole- an upright case; kunSOLE- to comfort Content KAHNtent- meaning; kunTENT- satisfied Contest kunTEST- to argue; KAHNtest- a match of skill Contract CONtract- an agreement; conTRACT- to shrink or to agree on a project Convert conVERT- to change one's belief; CONvert- one whose belief was changed Converse KAHNvers- the opposite; kunVERS- to talk Convict kunVIKT- to find guilty; KAHNvikt- a prisoner Crooked KROOKt- to bend your neck; KROOK-ed- having a curve Deliberate diLIBerit- carefully considered; diLIBerATE- to consider Desert dihZURT- to leave ; DEZert- arid region Digest DYEjest- collection of published material; dieJEST- absorb nutrients Do DOO- to accomplish; DOE- a musical note Does DUZ- performs; DOZE- more than one female deer 5 Dove DUV- a bird; DOEV- jumped off Drawer DROR- the compartment you pull out from the dresser; DRAWer- one who draws Excuse EKskyooz- to let someone off; EKskyoos- a reason or explanation House HAUS- a building that serves as living quarters; HOWZ- to provide with living quarters Incense INsens- burnt aromatic; inSENS- to make angry Intern INtern- a physician in training; inTERN- confine to prescribed area Invalid inVALLid- not valid; INvallid- an ill person Laminate LAMinate- to construct by adding layers; LAMinit [although both pronunciations are listed]- the cover itself Lather (rhymes with rather)- foam or suds; (rhymes with bath fur)- a worker who installs lath (lattice work) Lead LEED- to guide; LED- a metallic element Minute MINNit- 60 seconds; myNOOT- tiny Moderate MODerit- keeping within reason; MODerATE- to preside over Mow MOH- to cut grass; MAU- a pile of hay Multiply MULLtihPLIE- multiply two numbers; MULLtihplee- in a multiple manner Number NUMber- one, two, three …; NUMMER- more numb [many dictionaries do not list this use, which suggests that "more numb" is preferred; however, the listed use is given in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition, Electronic version.] Nun NUN- women in religious order; NOON- 14th letter in Hebrew alphabet Object ubJEKT- to complain; AHBjekt- a thing Pasty PAstee- like glue; PASStee- a meat pie Pate PAIT- a bald head; paTAY- a minced food; PAHT- a porcelain paste [diacritics in pâté and pâte don't count!] Perfect PERfekt- exactly correct; perFEKT- to make correct Periodic PEEReeODDik- occasional; PUREeyeODDik- an iodine compound Permit perMIT- to allow some event to occur; PERmit