RESOLUTION NO.: R-2014-006

Recognizing and Honoring the Contributions of Coach Frank joseph McGuire To USC and His Illustrious Career

WHEREAS, Frank Joseph McGuire, the Head Coach of the Fighting Gamecocks Basketball Squad from 1964-1980, remains to this day the winningest coach in the history of the University of South Carolina Basketball Program (with a won/loss of 283/142);

WHEREAS, Coach McGuire after leading the University of North Carolina to a National Championship in 1957, left UNC for a brief stint as Head Coach of the NBA's Warriors with players including arrived at The University of South Carolina in 1964 to coach, win, and develop players who went on to professional basketball success as players and coaches;

WHEREAS, Coach McGuire and the Gamecocks as "independents" following the departure of USC from the ACC, guided the Gamecocks to three NCM tournaments and to the NIT twice;

WHEREAS, Coach McGuire was selected National Coach of the Year at three different colleges, winning 100 or more games at each institution and entered the National Basketball Hall of Fame in May of 1977;

WHEREAS, Coach McGuire's strength of character and commitment to his players led him to sign the first ever African-American basketball players at two different schools: Solly Walker in 1950 at St. John's University and Casey Manning at the University of South Carolina in 1969. These signings helped transform the social fabric of each of those Universities and the States in which they resided;

WHEREAS, Coach McGuire was a proud son of the Irish, proud Head Coach of the Gamecocks, and a proud family man, with loving children including Frank, Jr., known affectionately to all Gamecock fans as "Frankie";

WHEREAS, Coach McGuire's legendary skill as a coach, his contributions to the sport of basketball and to the development of young men as athletes and models for young admirers, brought unparalleled Basketball Fever to Gamecock Country;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Columbia this _day of , 2014 by this resolution, do hereby recognize and honor Frank Joseph McGuire, on his outstanding contributions to the University and State of South Carolina, to the public and his players, and applaud the re-naming of the blocks of Greene Street as McGuire Way, and connecting the past represented by the to the future embodied in the , declare January 18, 2014, Frank McGuire Day, and further recognize that Irish (and all Gamecocks') eyes are shining on the 18th day of January, 2014 with the memories of the McGuire era.

Requested by:

Mayor and City Council Mayor Approved by:

City Manager


City Clerk

Introduced: Final Reading:

Last revised: 1 2/18/201 3 13122638