--~ o STANDS *ALL STEEL TUBULAR CONSTRUCTION * MAXIMUM LOAD 1TON PER STAND * HEIGHT FROM l1 ~"to 17 ~" *7 HEIGHT POSITIONS Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (Inc.) Vol XX l l, No. 107 August-September 1977 NA TIO NAL EXECUTIVE President: N. C. Skevington Canty) 23 rd YEAR OF PUBLICATION Club Captain: A. D. Storer (Ca nty) cu» Vice-Captain: M. H. Ferner (\Vgtn) H O Il . Secretary: Clynt Inn s (Ca nty) CII/b Registrar: S. A. , P.D. Box 4 154, IN THIS ISSUE Christchurch. Executive: Messrs N. A. Dewhurst (A uck land), L. J. D . President's Message 2 Pr iest (Hawkes Ba y), L. B. Southward (We lling ton) . W. M . Birch (Wa nganui). Exploits of Sheerluck Ohms 3

Mid Winter Madness 7 CORRESPONDENCE Registrars Report 9 Clu b correspo ndence, including memb ers' CHANGES OF ADDRESS, must be sent to Irishman's by the 'Beam Team' 11 Th e Vintage Car Club of N .Z . (f ile.) P.D. Box 2546. North Shore Speed Event 12 Christchurch, 100 Years of Singer 13 Intendin g members should wr ite to th is address. All Beade d W heel s correspo ndence to P.D. Box 13140 Branch Notes 16 Amherst Villiers 30 BEADED WHEELS EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Letters to Editor 33 Chairman: Spencer Bamard. Classified Ads 34 Co mmittee: Gavin Bain, Geoff Hockley , Bruce Pidgeon, Bob Scott. Pa ul Giesler. Ma ter ial for publication is the responsibility of this committee and should be forwarded to P.D. Box 13140, Ch ristchurch, typed or neatl y pr inted, double spaced on CLOSING DATE one side of paper on ly. Closing d ate o f Oct ober/Novem ber issue Sept . 9 th Reports of restora tions. even ts, road tests, his tori ca l a nd technical arti cles welc ome. No payment. ma de to con tr ibutors. T he op inio ns expressed in lett er s or a rticles in Beaded COVER PHOTO Wheels are the a uthors' own view s and do not necessaril y J 928 Cap ito l Chevro lct 1 t on L. P. Ser ies owned by express the po licy of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (I nc.) Al bie and Barbar a An derson o f Chr istchu rch.

PRODUCTION Beaded Wheels is pu blished bi-monthly by Purse Willi s Beaded Wheels is the voice of the Vintage Car mo vement in New Zealand and of the Clubs whose effo rts are & A iken Ltd ,Chris tchurch for the Vin tage Car Club fostering and ever widening the inte rest of this movement of N.Z. Inc.. at its edito ria l office, P.D. Box 13140. and fo rm rallying points for that ever increas ing band of Christchurch. . enthusteats. The fascination of age itself or revulsion from the flashy med iocrity of the present day is d rawing an Mailed fr ee to all members. Annual subscription $3.00. increasing number of mot orists back to the iodlviduatitv . solid worth, and functional elegance that was demanded Individu al co pies and back numbers SOc. by a mo re discriminating generat ion and it is to these th at this magazin e is dedicated. ADVERTISING

Regis tered e t Post O ffice Hea d qu ar te rs We llingt o n Rate schedule availab le on req uest to Advertising es a Meq eaine . Man age r, P.D. Box 13140. Ch ris tchurch. Phone 67-346. From the President

E ntries for the 1978 Inter­ to be co nfusion on fees a nd I national in Australia have now hop e th is list will be of assis ta nce . Have closed and would those en trants It is enco urag ing to see many "Beaded Wheels" who have not co ntacted M r repl ying to the requ est for in­ Ca rmichael at Union T ravel posted regularly to fo rma tion regarding our 1980 your address. Only Christchurch regardi ng ship ping Internat ion al. T his informatio n of th eir vehicles and ai r tr avel will be of con sider able ass ista nce $3.00 for 6 issues do so at an ea rly date. I ha ve had in th e overa ll planning of the (includes Postage). a note fro m Max Rob er ts, the eve nt. Ra lly Di rect or , who has had dis­ \Vrite to cussions with M r Brian F lanagan Early July Alan and I visited Subscription Dept. of Wa lgett regardi ng the possi­ Timar u, atte nding a social even­ P.O. Box 13140, bil ity of orga nisi ng an alternat ive ing, and, in ad ditio n to South rou te back to Syd ney after the Ca nter bury members bein g pre­ Christchurch. ra lly finishes in Surfers. The sent th ere wer e a number from suggestion is th at th e route could Oa ma ru and As hbur to n. travel out west and among other I wo uld again like to express BODIES BUILT things see opal min es and my apprecia tion to Execut ive Veteran, Vintage, P.V.V. built ha rves ting. Sh oul d yo u be in­ members, Br anch members and to framework st age (wood­ work only, no panelbeating) . terested , M r Flanagan's address co m mittees for the ass ista nce I Work can be done from is Box 204, Rydalmere 2116 , have recei ved during my very photos etc. or to you r design. Aus tralia. I will no doubt be pleasant term of office. We have New work only - no repairs. receiving further de tai ls. a helpful a nd ent husiastic mem­ For further details enquire: bership and I kn ow that in my W. R. JANES, M r Graeme Stein fort , President posi tio n as Rall y Direct or for CABINETMAKER of the Vintage Sport s Car Club the 1980 Internati onal th at sa me 37 Church Street, Gate Pa, of Austr alia, as well as Max assis ta nce and co-opera tion will Tauranga.'Phone Tauranga Roberts, has advised me of an be for thco ming. 84-803 (bus . hours), 87-583 (evenings). event at Ph ilip Island , Melbourne N ORM SKEVINGTON on M arch 11, 12 a nd 13 to co mme mo ra te the Golde n Jubilee of the Au str alian Grand Prix, CLUB CAPTAIN'S 1978 SOUTH ISLAND TOUR the fifth oldes t Grand Pr ix in the Feb 22 Wednesday Blenheim-Kaikoura-Christchurch 200 miles world. The race meeting will 23 Thur sday Christchurch-Oa ma ru 160 cater for historic ca rs up to 1960. 24 Frida y Oam aru-G ore 170 and it is interesting to see that 25 Sa tur day Gore Festiva l Rall y the Ri1ey of L ynd say Wogan of 26 Sunday G ore-Chaslands-Invercar gill 153 the Canterb ury Bran ch co mpe ted 27 Mon da y Free day (possi ble visit to in the Aus tra lian G ra nd Pri x in aluminium smelter) 1933. Further details ava ila ble 28 T uesd ay In ver car gill-Tuat apere-Te An au 120 fro m Mr Stein fo rt. Box 2 14, Mar I Wedne sday In T e Ana u. T rip to D oubtful or So uth M elb ourne, Au str ali a . Mil ford Sound 2 T hursday T e An au -Qu eenstown 110 A lan Stor er , our Club Capta in. 3 F riday In Qu een stown , free da y ha s mapp ed out an itiner ary for 4 Sat urday Queenstow n, Arrowto wn-Cromw ell 40 next yea r's South Island Tour 5 Sunday Cromw ell-Haast-Okuru 130 and he has availa ble entry fo rms 6 Monday H aast-Okuru-Fran z J osef 90 and a list of suggested accom­ 7 Tuesday Franz J osef-Greym outh 120 mod at ion. H is address is 108 8 Wedn esday G re ym outh-Christchurch via Otira 160 Ranfurly Street, Christchur ch, 1. (or via Lewis Pass 212) Printed in this issue is a list Grey mouth-Wes tpo rt-Murchis on 125 of approxima te cha rges for Murchison-Pic to n 125 vetera n and ove r 40 yea r old E ntry fo rms a nd a list of suggested accommo da tion ava ila ble fro m the vehicles. At times there a ppears Club Ca ptai n, Alan Storer. 108 Ranfurly Stree t. Christchurch, 1.

PAGE T WO ,:.:' , ; . ': . " ,... , 1"':': , . ' . .

THE ADVENTURE OF THE TIME-TRAVELLING TRIUMPH (PART 2) by Geoff Hockley I gazed around, still hardly "U nti l somet ime afte r the show thou ght. Th e exhibits, able to comprehend the astound­ has closed fo r the night ," replied too, pro vided food for sobe r re­ ing tran sition which in a flash my fri end . " Our actions then will flection when I real ised that of had snatched us from our own depend upon wheth er a certai n the severa l makes exh ibi ted only era and deposited us a half­ vehicle is on displ ay here. In the three-two Brit ish and one century backwards in time to the meantime we have more than American- had survived until scene in which we now found three hours to enjoy ourse lves our mode rn times. T he crowds ourselves. Yet there was the un­ inspecting the exhibits. Is it not thronging the aisles di ffered per­ assailable fact that we were in the wonderful, C lotson, to actually cept ibly in appearance from the midst of one of the most cele­ see these vehicles in their ori ginal populati on of the I970·s. "S hort brated motoring occasion s of the sta te? And yet I think it can be back a nd sides" hair- cu ts seemed nineteen-twenties-the first Olym­ safely sa id that man y of the universal, an d the flowin g lock s pia Motor Exhibition, held annu­ and which have been fa vou red by the youth of our ally fo r some year s in the King resto red fifty and more yea rs la ter own peri od were co nspicuo us by Edward Ba rr acks, who se huge by our V.c.c. members a re full y their absence. The women's spaces had been tran sformed for equa l to those which we are see­ att ire, also, was noticeabl y less the occasion into a dazzling dis­ ing in thei r original form to-ni ght. gla morous than that of our own play of the lat est products of Well, let us mak e the most of the era. But everyth ing co nside red I the world 's car and mot orcycle time at o ur d isposa l, for-who co ncluded that the overall scene manufacturers. Th e great build­ knows?-it may never happ en had not cha nged a grea t deal in ing, normally sem i-deserted was agai n." more than fifty year s, gay with bunting and ablaze with lights, and the crowds were We stro lled down one of the We had almos t co mpleted our surging d own the ais les and con­ severa l aisles which ran fro m tou r of the exhib its, in the course gregat ing a round the stands dis­ end to end of the huge building, of which Ohms had tak en several playing the exhibitors' wares, pau sing at intervals to inspect ph otograph s, when he ga ve an some unusually eye-catching exhi­ excla ma tion and gripped my arm. "Well, gentlemen," observed bit. I found it a pecul iar sensation We had just turned into the last the Professor, "we seem to have to gaze at the vehicl es displayed aisle and I co uld now see wha t survived the first po rtion of o ur in all their pristine glory, and to had exci ted Ohms' interest. It was little journey witho ut an y ,ill­ rea lise that except for the speci­ a la rge exhibit spo nso red by the effects. Now. and this is imp ort­ mens which had been preserved firm of Slogge ms Ltd . co nsisting ant, on no acco unt must we get and restored by ou r modem-day solely of Triumph mot orcycles-­ separated. It would be tragic vint age and veteran vehicle en­ an imp osing array of spa rkling indeed if our party a rrived home thusiasts, they had all long since new mod els, in the fo ref.ront of incomplete. I do not anticipa te vanished into o blivion. H ow which was displa yed the recent ly any emergencies a rising, bu t re­ man y makes of the many we were int rod uced Rica rdo four-va lve, member-keep togeth er unde r all inspecting th is night, had survived flanked by examples of the side­ circumstances. H ow long do yo u the relentl ess march of time? It valve and two-str oke models. wish to stay, M r. Ohms?" was a somewha t saddening "T here it is, Clotso n." he re-

P AGE THREE marked. " Our venture, it see ms, plan of campaign ." We made our ­ motorcycle in the fron t of the has not been in vain !" selves as incon sp icuou s as possibl e d ispl ay sta nd is going to a ttra ct "You surely don't mean - -" in a sma ll desert ed alc ove a nd so me und esir abl e attention. How­ , began , but he interrupted me soon d isposed of the tasty snacks ever, the who le procedure sho uld impatiently. " I simply mean tha t which Mrs. Esse x had provided o nly requ ire a few seconds, a nd that machine is goin g to accom­ for us, washing them down with I see no reason fo r any hitches. pany us back to our own age to tea from our flasks, a fter which Wh en would yo u co nside r the be o ne of the Museum's high­ the Professo r p roceeded to out­ best lime to mak e the a ttempt, light s. Think of it,Clotson-e-it line prepa rati on s fo r our return M r. Ohms? " will be the onl y brand-new trip. "Now, gentleme n," said he, '" had origina lly intended that Ricardo Triumph in exi sten cc! 1 "i t is just a matter of the three of we wo uld concea l ourselves until can hardly wait to see it on di s­ us stradd ling the machine and my so me tim e af ter the pl ace had play ! If our fri end her e can p ressing the switch on my device, closed for the night ," rep lied deliver this beautiful piec e of upon which we sho uld find our ­ Ohms, " but no doubt the re will machinery sa fely hom e with us, selves instantan eou sly tran sp orted be security men on pat rol th rough I'll be his debt or for life !" back to 1975 co mplete with one the night a nd we cannot tak e the " I do not anticipa te a ny pro­ br and new 1922 model motor­ risk of being apprehended . , think blems," repli ed the Professor. cycle . , sha ll now re-set the we will make our a ttempt a fe w "Now, I notice that we hav e mechani sm in readi ness for our minu tes before closi ng time, wh en nearl y an hour bef ore the exhibi­ return tr ip. There is, however, the crowds a rc di spersin g and th e tion clo ses for the night, a nd , the problem of whether the spec­ stand a ttend ants a re getting rea dy suggest tha t we partake of so me tacl e o f three m iddl e-aged gentle­ to lea ve. By the way, Clotso n, is refreshments a nd map out our men clambering on to a new something worry ing yo u?"

CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, The newly-introduced "Ricarde" Triumph four valve was given pride of place in Messrs Sloggems Ltd's exhibit, Photo courtesy of Mr S. Ohms. P A GE F O UR "S urely, Ohms, o ur ac t co nsti­ clo sin g time, and the crowds a re you too ,Clotso n." he continued , tutes nothing less than the ft ?" ] thinn ing o ut, so let us p rep a re with a wink at me. [ scra mbled on asked. '" must co nfess that [ feel to ta ke o ur departure. All ready, to the end of the carrier behind uneasy a bo ut the maller. How Professo r?., the Pr ofessor, and rea lised that ca n yo u possibly reimburse the We made our wa y up on to the the crucia l mom ent had a rr ived. firm for the disappeara nce of a d isplay stand, which was now " Rea dy? " he whisper ed. I had valua ble new machine ?" deserted except for a so litary just time to not ice tha t the sa les­ " My dea r Clotso n, yo ur sa lesman. Ohms engaged him in ma n was rega rd ing us with a scruples do you cred it, but yo u co nversation and ha nded him somewhat puzz led expression need suffer no qu alms o f co n­ what appea red to be a heavy whe n I hea rd the click of the science in this matter. I ca n assure sealed enve lope . " You can be switch on the Pro fessor's device yo u that Messrs. Slogge ms Ltd. assured that this will be in the and the scene faded fro m view, will be mo re tha n a mply reim­ man ager's han ds first thing in the and I exp eri enced the sa me sensa ­ bu rsed fo r the loss of the morn ing," , hea rd him say to tions which I had felt o n o ur ar­ machine, which no d oubt is due Ohms. rival - the sense of gidd iness and nau sea , which q uickly passed to be sold in any case. I hope you "Tha nk you," he replied. " Wel l, d o not imagine that a fter the a nd I fou nd myself still perch ed gent lemen," he re marked, tu rn­ on the mac hine beh ind the P ro­ yea rs which , have spent in up­ ing to us, " it appea rs to be a lmost holding law and o rder that I fesso r a nd Ohms. But go ne were clo sing time, but before we lea ve the milli ng cro wd s, the lights a nd would descend to wha t reall v , rea lly must take a ph oto of the woul d ad d up to simple sho p­ strea mers, and the glittering rows exhibit-and also sa mple the of exhibits. and in their places lifting? Even bef o re we left our ridi ng posit ion on the Rica rdo roo ms on this little adventure. , stretched the gloom y cavern of model if yo u have no o bjec­ the Barracks from which we had had mad e pro vision for such a tion," he continued , turn ing to the contingenc y." dep arted on our fabulo us journey salesma n, who nodd ed his assent. a few hours pr eviou sly. '" a m de lighted to hea r it," Oh ms pu shed the machine from rep lied. " But ho w --" off its rear sta nd a nd sat ast ride "Congra tulations aga in, Prof es­ " By employ ing the un iversal it. " Excellent !" he rem a rked. " I sor," said Ohm s as we dis­ currency, whic h the bank was rat he r like these sho rt handlebars. mounted." N ow, there only re­ good eno ugh to supply," he inter­ How d o yo u fa ncy yours elf as a ma ins the little problem of rup ted. "J ust leave it to me, C lot­ pill ion-ride r, P rofessor ?Climb push ing our prize ro und to the so n. A nd now, I notice that onl y aboard a nd sa mple the position . Mu seum, which as yo u know is ten minutes or so remain un til There migh t eve n be room for only a short d istan ce fro m here, VINTAGE TYRES LIMITED STOCKS AVAILABLE Black White Side Wall Beaded Edge 450 x 17 500 x 19 24 x 2t 650 x 17 550 x 19 30 x 3-} 550 x 18 475 x 21 32 x 4-1- 350/ 400 x 19 525 x 21 550 x 19 525 x 21 Apex Tyres Limited P.o. Box 25026 Christchurch

P AGE FIVE a nd trustin g tha t we do not meet "Tha nks to you , Professor ," he bit in the M use um, a nd has been any inq uisitive co nsta bles en observed, "we have emerged suc­ a n object of admira tion to the ro ute." We push ed the T riumph cessfull y fro m a n experi ence man y tho usa nds who visit this to the far end of the huge build ­ which must be absolutely un iqu e fa mo us repository of veteran a nd ing, wh ich appeared deser ted , and in hist ory and incidenta lly, in vintage cars and motorcycles. after Ohms had man ipulat ed the doi ng so, we have procured a Nee dless to say, none in their massive lock on the main door we most valua ble item fo r the wildest d ream s co uld ever envis­ fou nd ourselves in the stre et. It Muse um. And now I suggest that age how a nd fro m where it was was a co ld a nd drizzly evening, we adjourn to our rooms, hoping procured. And if by so me thou­ with few pedestrians a broad, an d tha t the goo d Mrs. has not sa nd-to-one cha nce they sho uld ano the r ten minutes found us at yet retired and tha t I ca n per­ ever hap pen across the following the rear ent ran ce to the Ohms suade her to find so mething in the item in the back files of our local Auto mo tive M useum. Ohms un­ way of supper fo r us." newspaper- in the issue of N o­ locked the do or and we pushed vember I I, 1922, to be precise- I the Triumph inside. I co uld not Litt le rem ain s to be told . T he do ub t if it would co nvey a nything resist hea ving a sigh of relief, a nd Ricardo Triumph was du ly added after a lap se of more than half a I fa ncied Ohms did too. to the extensive motorcycle exh i- century. The arti.c le reads :

MYSTERIOUS IN CIDENT AT MOTOR EXH IB ITION "The Oly mpia Molar Exhibition in the King Edward Ba rrac ks, Christch urch , was the sce ne last evening of 1/ bir arre happening whic h so far remains unex plained in spite of intensive police inq ui ries. T his co ncerns the disapp earance of a new m otorcy cle [rom the ex hibit of Messrs. Sloggems L td. According 10 one of the {inn's salesmen, the machine vanished int o thin air before his eyes, tog ethe r wi th three person s who were apparen tly inspecting it. No clue rega rding the whereabouts of m en or m achine ap pea rs to have come to light in spite of intensive inquiries nor have there bee n ally no tifica tio ns of missing pe rso ns . A peculiar inci­ dent whic h may have bearing on the occurrence, was th at a fell' seconds prio r to the disappearances, one of the m issing pe rso ns handed the salesman in charge of the ex hibit an envelope addressed to the manager of Sl oggems Ltd. which proved la co nlain alluv ial go ld slightly ex ceeding in value the retail price of the miss­ ing m ot orcvcl e. Inquiries are contin uing." T HE END

Announcing the Post Vintage Event of the Year 3rd 'NORTH ISLAND P.V. RALLY to be held at Cambridge 24th Or 25th September WAIKATO BRANCH INVITE ALL P.V. OWNERS TO JOIN US FOR A WEEKEND OF SOCIAL AND COMPETITIVE EVENTS The organisers don't care whether you own a Rolls-Royce or an Austin Seven. They want you to come along. So come on you P.V. types - this is your rally. ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE FROM The Rally Secretary, 19 Alpha Street, Cambridge .

PAG E SI X Mid-winter Madness

Gavin wants to see you-What and suede jacket, as a starter, preserve the chassis. We have a about having a go at 1,000 miles and was glad of a rug. In Christ­ ham sandwich, a long time since in twenty fou r hours for the church soon after 11.30 a.m, to breakfast. The 'Ute' stops behind Telethon?-weekend before end find one 3 litre with thinking something is wrong. of Registration. MAD! Well , pools of oil beneath and Bob It's Omararna before we catch we've tried 24-hour escapades Beardsley muttering about do-it­ up again. "T hirstie' it's been this before. O.K. so we try anything yourself non original improve­ section, oh well, it is uphill. We once. ment s. Rather an ominous start, arc ahead of time, so let's have a Irishmans was a good tryout, but the leak was fixed in time . break. The Hisso departs silently rain for most of a ten hour day, The backup crew in the Holden while the rest eat. Hot soup and and cold . We'll need more layers, 'Ute' are ready and waiting. coffee warm the cockles. Time especi ally if there's a frost. Pre­ to add another layer-my Wolse­ parations were hasty as Jack was by Leith Newell ley coat-vintage 1954, nice and away until the previous Tuesday, long-and japara overtrousers. mend speedo drive damaged Eight layers on top now and coming back from Fairlie, In convoy, to the Civic Theatre, need help to put the parka back checked tappetts, an extra spare Gavin and Ted in the 3 litre , on. Ash drops on the cars and tyre and tube (not used), a spare Alan and Bill in the 8 litre smoke gives an eerie light, must battery (not needed), an extra Hispano Suisa , Geoff and Bob be burning off somewhere near. four gallon can of petrol to in the 3/4 1' Bentley, Jack and Getting colder now- Twizel at wedge in the back, in addition me in the 30,98 Vauxhall. 5 p.m, and the ground's white to the usual two tins on the Flagged away at 12 midday­ with frost another rug maybe. running board-boots in case we wonder how we'll last? City A few calculations on fuel, we'll have to walk, extra clothes for crowded as folk flock to the run out about Waddington. Idle rain (we have no hood), towels Canterbury-Lions match and we thoughts on how long it takes to ditto, hot soup and drinks in take fifteen minutes to do the catch a car when only travelling thermos and some food. seven miles out to Hornby. 10 rn.p.h. faster-a long time. In the Mackenzie country now­ Saturday began with the 1 p.rn. nearing Ashburton 45.5 the cold seeps through clothes heaviest frost so far, and the miles-we'll have to do better and gloves , and the Wensum is weather forecast was good. Put than this. Hills shine and sparkle spitting 'back'- ra diator muff on most of the gear, Dad's with fresh snow, what will it be needs increasing. What will it be woollen long johns under my ski like in the Lewis tonight? Pa ss like in the Lewis at midnight? pants, two jerseys, windproof a small Standard 8 trundling Mt. Cook towering up catches along on a Christchurch-Inver­ the last sunlight as we pas s cargill sponsored trip -rather him Pukaki, roads are slippery too . than us. Quick fill up at Don ~ j(~ Near Tekapo Geoff pulls off . ("\'-i Oddie's Timaru, 7 minutes for the road-"think the universal three cars. The Hisso's range is ) V ~a~~~~::'.1 is going, terrible vibration!" A much greater. I remember Bob relief when they find it's only the Oakley's advice, another layer speedo drive gear broken, and every hundred miles and put on munched up in the gearbox. Ted's oily parka. Average 17.4 m.p.g . driving the 3 litre , we pass them for this first hundred miles , not near Fairlie, perhaps they will too bad. We are last away and ~ .... ,,-Ib- .... @'o. l speed up a little, no they seem to GI~ ~"''''''c1 C H ~ , ~ n:. , ~ QC ''!' have trouble catching up. be dropping back again. Thank­ Pukeuri, this is where we turn ful when the air seems warmer as inland- low and hard on the we near Geraldine. 6.50 p.m. and ~ . ~ ~j~~~ .~': " eyes. What a funny colour the we've covered one third of the ~1 ~ RO"H. sky is-bad weather? Three distance-on and on along High­ Je...... '.'. ".," hours gone, 150 miles, pretty well way 72 the Vauxhall sings in the on time . A flickering oil gaug e night. makes us stop at Kurow to top Rakaia Gorge, very slippery­ up the oil, as Bob says it doe s oops that was a bit close! PAGE SEVEN G lenroy and Geotls lights have does Gavi n, a t the Culvcrde n a bout 15 m.p.h. Our light s reflect disappeared , ah, here he is, had coin pump and was te ten minutes badl y on Gavin's straight scree n to switch over to reserve tank. trying to gct coin s in the so let's pass and the car following We 'll stop at G lent unncl and pu t mac hine, the boys in the 'Utc' shoo ts a head too and then flashes petro l in- use the four gallon have the right touch. Gavin goes us to stop. Wh a t's wrong? but tin fro m the back and wrestle to ahead-seems to travel fas ter no, only "Care for an ale?" fit it back in aga in. Migh t as when in fron t, up into the Waiau Makes us laugh, altho ugh the well have some coffee as we wait valley and the air is warmer­ offer wasn't apprec iated the lead for .Gavin. We lead , over familiar tha nks-be a Nor 'wester and not in the fog was-they guided us co untry, Waddin gton, Waimak. the frost we expected, sup pose past Springs Junction and ha lf­ Gorge, Oxford to Rangior a and it'll be rain over the hill. way thr ough the Shenandoah , digress home to pick up reserves Loo k Ja ck ! 500 miles, halfway fog all the way-thanks boys­ of oil a nd motor cycle gogg les­ and it's abou t 10 to 12! The feel du st in my eyes but it's not kids all glued to S.P.T. Te ll us road is very slippery, icy in all long before we are on the sea l we were on the news- doing the sha dy places. T ha t's funny, aga in an d into Murchison, 5 to [0,000 miles in 24 hours , say we the ca r should be corne ring ') must be jet propelled. Now 9 better, G lynn Wye coming up­ Ge off has waited, Alan just p.m, to Blackwell's Ga rage and I think we have a pun ctu re, lef t. Th e Hisso passenger Bill all refu el. T he firm is helping where's the tor ch? Why did you sayi ng that in the Lewis he shut with petro l as well as providing leave the 'knoc k-dow n' hammer his eyes so he wou ldn' t know back up vehicle. Ran , Mike and under the back sea t! I shift gear when they went off the road, as others here to welco me us- a and scra bble fo r it. T he 'Ute' Alan heaved Ga rga nt ua 's 8 litres rush as T.V. crew arrives, they ar rives in a coupl e of minu tes and 2+ tons round the tigh t film the action but it's pr ob abl y a nd the boys are all efficiency, co rners.We dr ink cotfee as we too dar k-delight ful mea l in garage jack, spotlight, flashi ng wrestle with the coi n pump staffroom genero usly provided light- well that only took seven was ting time as it rel ucta ntly by Dave Ward a local cat erer. minut es. Gavin comes back look­ fills our tan ks. On to Kawitiri Scads of foo d and we linger too ing for us. Ju nction and up the Rotoiti Road long- Alan and H isso now with On and up, and surprise ro und I try to doze but there's too a seco nd passenger are away first, the top bend (Lewis Pass approx. man y corners-fun ny I do n't heading into wha t? We stop, as 3,000 ft) and it's fogi-s-dow n to remember those high brid ges- WHATEVER YOUR CAR ~ rt ~ - rACE!, , SELL TH E PRODUCTS

YOU'LL NEED Branches throughout: N.Z.

PAGE EI GHT cross the Wairau and begin light s agains t us-we rendezvous bre akdowns and only two punc­ running down the valley to at 10 to 12 whew' Other three tures. In to the Civ ic we go and Blenheim. Eyes feel sore. 4 a.m .. vehicles ar e all there, so we present our pledge for $1,500­ 16 hours a nd two-th ird s of the seda tely move to the Ci vic than ks to the Christchurch Motor distance covered. Pa ss turnoff to Theatre, the barriers a re removed Traders. Renwick and th ink of the last and here we are. We feel mighty Well next tim e how abo ut 24 hour event. into Blenheim proud of th ese fo ur ca rs 4,000 2,000 km in 24 hours-it's only and the H isso a ppears from m iles covered between them, no another 200 miles! somewhere, Picton, to increase the mileage. Sh all we do a sta nd­ ing start in the Main Street? The first Nati on al Rall y in 1958 From the Registrar seems a lifetime ago . back to Blenheim, ca rs refuelled and a The following is a list of Post War Vehic les passed by the V .c.c. of huge bre akfast in the ca fe N .Z. over the pa st year. oppos ite. thanks Ra y for orga nis­ A. Bramwell Ca nterbury Vincent M IC 1949 ing the se. M . & H . Quayle Waikat o M.G. 1950 B. S. Carrard Hawkes Bay Ariel M I C 1951 Fo od sits rather he avily­ T. C. Berridge Southland Vincent M IC 1950 perhaps thi s is the trouble G avin I. Cla rk Cante rbur y Corgi M IC 1948 ge ts slo we r and Ted tak es over R. W . Ballantyne Au ckland Chevro let 1950 the driving,G eoff shoots off R . J . H assall Ca nterbury Bentley 1951 ahead a nd Jack yawns and yawns. D . R. C ra ne Ca nter bury M .G . 1954 Doldrums, I struggle to stay D . F .Jones N orth Sh ore Alvis 1954 awake a nd we get slower. At las t J . B. Ga y North Sh ore M.G . 1946 Kaikoura as da ylight arrives, ten W . J . Malcolm N orth Ot ago Chevro let 1948 to cigrn. Gavin sounds urgent­ T . Me ad ows Canterbury Alvis 1954 we're well behind time-put in S. A. England Ca nterbury Mercedes-Benz 1954 4 gall on s-s- and Bob takes the H . R. Anderson Waikato Vin cent M IC 1953 wheel of the Wensum-I ca n B. H. Dawson Wh angarei Jaguar 1948 rel ax-wedge myself in sea t and G. Clark Ca nter bury M IC 1947 doze a nd finall y slee p. Wake to A. Bramwell Ca nterbury Vince nt M IC 1953 find it's dri zzling and we 're out B. K. McIlroy Ashburton Bentl ey 1952 of the Hundalees. The engine W . H. Veitch Otago B.S.A . M I C 1954 spits- to o hot maybe-Geoff. no­ D . J. T opliss Nelson A.J .S. M I C 1952 where in sight, find later he's had J. Bier Nel son Ro yal En field M I C 1951 a puncture. We wait at W oodend D . J. T opliss Nel son Morgan 1952 Corn er and he arr ives soon­ C. R. Coles Gisborne A.J .S. M I C 1950 change drivers at R angiora 9.45 J. R . King Nel son B.S.A. M I C 1951 a .m. and it' s raining hard. P. G . T opliss Nel son B.MW. M IC 1953 C. D. H ay Nel son M I C 1950 Up through Ashley G orge and R. R. Harris Southland Triumph M I C 1947 oo p's mind the sheep on the A. V. R ussell So uthland AJ.S. M I C 1950 roadside . H ope the 'Ute' is O .K. J. R. King Nelson Triumph M IC 1950 Across the Wairnak. G orge and J. D. K idd Southland B.S.A . M IC 1949 stop at W addington as arran ged. I. D . Taylor Canterbury Triumph M IC 1949 N o sign of Gavin or A lan. Put in T. S. Chappell Canterbury Sunbeam M I C 1948 last four gallo ns and turn to D. C. Fowler Canterbury Triumph M I C 1947 fo llow Old Courtney Road­ G . I. Laskey Gisborne A.J.S. M IC 1949 more circums pec t-when 10 out R. W . Holmes Waikato N orton M IC 1950 of the mist appea rs the H isso­ Post Vintage Vehicles lost? Well not quite but the extra mileage was made up near the The following veh icles have been pas sed by the Dating Committee Okuku Pa ss! Raining hard now of the V.c.c. at recent meetings: and the maps are gett ing wet , K . Silke Nelson 1936 poor visibility, tim e's running o ut R. Scampton Wh an gar ei C hev ro let 1939 and still a bou t 50 m iles to co ver A. Allen & Auckland Essex 1928 in less than an hour and a hal f, V. Wood bury follow circuitous route to come W. J . Hearne Auckla nd Bugatti J923 into City down Memori al Ave- J . Lo udon Ce ntral Ot ago C hevrolet 1939 P AGE NINE 'Irishmans', by the 'Beam Team'

At 8.45 p.m., Wednesday, 1st with the fast moving traffic going Our contingent (with match­ June, the Big Beam, bursting at over it, it soon dried out. Fastest sticks to keep our eyes open) the seams, motored out of Lynx time went to Albert in the MG headed back to Christchurch Panelbeaters heading sou thwards. TA and the Big Beam and where we stayed Monday night. But, by the time the end of the Humphries' Model A were fight­ Then across Lewis Pass to Nelson motorway was reached we were a ing it out for second place. Only on Tuesday. little damp so , up went the new .1 sec between them until Dick In vain we arrived in Picton hood! (we wanted to check it out had a last run and he produced early Wednesday morning and anyway). an eq ua l time. Very exciting but waited around until we got a We drove through the night it meant that the "bet" never position on the 3 p.m. cargo and hit Wellington in time to materialised. The case of wine boat for Wellington. By the time catch the 10 a .m . crossing on we got to Levin, a bed at the Thursday morning. (Had we Horowhenua Clubrooms sounded really seen a Model A plus by Diane Barnard terrific. people sleeping at the side of the Thursday morning found us in road some way back or had we has be en put away to continue Palmerston North hitching the ex been dreaming). maturing until the next "Shands Gary Moore Austin Nippy onto Thursday night, a fter a smooth Meet". the back of the Big Beam and, crossing, wa s spent in not so True to tradition the evening like mother hen with her chick, sunny Nelson with John and "d o" was a boomer, there were we headed for home. Zelma Stanley and the others of even those who didn't want to It is no wonder Irishrnans the Deluge team. We all left sleep or let others either. But, happens only once every twelve Nelson extra early Friday morn­ we will forgive you, Dick (not months . .. you need the other ing, enjoying some lovely motor­ every day a North Island member eleven months to get over it and ing and scenery before a rr iving wins the Irishmans trophy) be­ get prepared for the next one! in Christchurch with plenty of sides. we really enjoyed the All in all a fantastic seven time for the pre-Irishmans party bugle playing. days at the Moorc's a bode. Saturday morning found every­ body (sore heads and all) assem bled in Hornby for .. . this is it . .. IRISHMANS! The run, up hill, through snow, FORD PARTS down dale , across paddocks, through fords and all the o ther SPECIALISTS Irishman goodies was really terrific. The short run on Sunday saw cars going as far as Lake Parts for all Fords from 1909 to 1948, also some part s for 24-48 Tekapo and Burkes Pass. Most Chev, restoration items such as lacing, rubber parts. pistons, gears, of them getting back in time to etc. for other makes. Motormeters (large and small). Complete witness the fun of "Shands catalogue avail able for $2 Aust. currency. Patch". The venue was very wet but

With a sample supplied the " Muffler Man" can bend up those obsolete or hard to get pipes. All BAST COAST types of expanding, flaring and ANTIQUE AUTO PARTS PTY. LTD. bending handled with ease. Write or call "THE MUFFLER MAN" Store open Sunday 10 Friday at Box 330, Narrabeen, 2101, Sydney, Cm . Durham and St. Asaph Sts., 7/ 169 South Creek Road, Australia Christchurch Dee Why West. Hours 9-5 p.m. PHONE 02-982-9335 P.O Box 4019 Phone 794-294

PAGE TEN MOLYSLIP AT THE MONTAGU MOTOR MUSEUM An interview with Lord M071 tagll and Mr. R. C. Wm:71 e (DIIlE CT OR, ANTIQUE AUTOM OBI LE EO'1G INEEIl IN(j) at the Montagu Motor Museum, Beaulieu.

" Do you use Moly slip in all the cars you restore fo r t he Museum?" MONTAGU :" Yes, we feel it's absolutely essent ial. These cars are easily damaged beyond repair; and it's our policy to keep them runn ing, not just static museum pieces. We have to pamper them like thoroughbred racehorses. Vintage car lubrication is I I always hit and miss, especially at starting, or on steep hills, where .. 1920 350 h .p, Sun bea m . you can starve the forward cylinders. ,------* ------,------I wouldn' t dream of taking one out the gearbox is grease lubricated. The THE TECHNICAL STORY.Mol ysl ip is a spe­* without Molyslip." protection Molyslip gives here and on cia l motoring preparatio n of the new engi neeri ng WARNE: " We were amazed at the the chassis is fantas tic. It quie tens lu bri cant, Molybdenum Di sulph ide, plus oth er down rattle considerably , too. And importa nt additives. You add it 10 the oil in your results of Molyslip right from the th is new Liq uid Grease injector engine. gearbox, back axle and steerin g, and it word go. It's one product that really does all that 's claimed for it, ·and spray is useful-some of the old 'plates' all metal-to-metal bearing surfaces with engines are frightfully inaccessible." layers of wearproof , lubricating molecules . In th is probably more. For instance, we way , Molyslip improves the perf ormance of your entered a 1904 Brushmobile for the oil , redu cing power losses and the detrimental London/Brighton run. Our driver effec ts of eng ine and tran sm ission friction. In exceeded the 760 maximum revs, practical terms you get sm oother ru nning , less broke the crank case and lost nearly wear, more pow er, more m.p.g., less eng in e noise all the oil. But the car completed the and a complete ab sence of tr ans mission wh ine. run, and she' d have gone on running. Ask for Molyslip at your local service station. garage or Without Molyslip she'd have seized MOLYSLlP E accessory store. up. All our engines run sweeter with for engines 100z. flask Molyslip. We often run the old lasts 5,000 miles Edwardian racing cars faster than thr ough oil cha nges. when they were made, with modern MOLYSLlP G fuels. There's a 1920 Sunbeam" that for gearbox, back axle still does over lOO m.p.h, It 's quite a and steering 10 oz. in­ " M r. Warne, do you recom­ jector flask lasts 10, 000 test for old cars, so we use the best mend Molyslip to y our other materials possible." miles. customers?" MOLYSLlP LIQUID « Do you use Molyslip WARNE: " Oh yes. I always tell them GREASE Grease?" it's essential to go on using Molyslip I ~' , _ P ressurise d MONTAGU: " Yes. In many old cars, after thei r cars have been restored." ;--S;,:J s pra y: ==:, GREA SE every Available from all Branches of OILING point! Cannot NEW ZEALAND MOTOR CORPORAT ION drain , wear off.


On Sunday, 3 J uly, the N orth turned fro m ove rseas though and silen cer after on e large Shore Bran ch ra n its eighth previously from We llington. T he bump.A ny adva ntage ga ined speed eve nt u nder rat her adverse Sunbea m provided de ligh tfully hereb y was nullified by the novel cond itio ns. but even so managed ap propr iate sound effects with its airbrake when the hood self to attract ten sta rters . Th e kilo­ straight exha ust pipe, whi le the erec ted durin g the fligh t. G ay metre co urse forme d the access rider enterta ined us with his was consistent finishing in third road to a now disu sed qu arry at interesting both-feet-down tech­ place, and appeared to have his Wainui nea r ou r mo re fam iliar nique. Ano the r welcome visitor suspe nsio n troubles ironed out. ven ue Kaukapak apa . T he winte r was John Tucker represen tin g Sta nley in the 20 /6 0 Sunbea m weather ma de con ditions rather the T Register of the MG Car was narr owly pipped fo r fas test slus hy. and the wa ter dr aining Club by invi tation with his 1951 time inasmuch as it is possible MG TO which rather un sp or t­ across the road made for so me to split seconds to thi s degree ingly gai ned FrO with a quite bumpy are as. Th e event was with radio-teleph on es and hand ­ smoothly pil oted run. An oth er run by th e curre nt speed eve nts held stop wat ches. ' McN air put first tim e with Cole from our up so me quite cre ditable tim es co mm ittee Messrs Anderson, br an ch with his 1955 compe tition with the Sunbea m 20.9 tourer Barnard and Sta nley with very motor AJS, obvious ly wildl y which mu st be quite a co nt ras t to welcom e help from the N or th ern env ious of Hallett 's sta nces. Mud­ th e nippiness of his Aus tin. Spee ds Events Steward. Ron pies-in-the-eye prize went to Jo hnsto ne a lat e starter in th e Mon tgom ery and the mar shals. Goldingh am with the 1930 Singer Va uxha ll 30/90 provided so me togeth er with the obviously ac tive 'w rinklesk in, which lacked th e very spiri ted driving. H earne in ca terers. Bob and Bess Ball an­ luxur y of front guards. This car the 1923 Bugatti-the oldes t car tyne and Aileen Joh ns to ne. also man aged to fall into the th ere- did some fine runs, the The a bsence of our usu al first lar gest hole in the qu arry after car lookin g and sounding well. two place-gette rs, Bag na ll. with Int eresting spectato rs' cars in the its last run, and the general his blow n 12 MG. and Robinson park include d Keruses Aus tin 7 co nse nsus was that it might be with his Cutte n Special, meant a C hu mmy and William s' fine kinder to bury the m both. Ward mu ch closer mat ched field of R iley Adelph i. in his newly ac quired 1935 N A eight ca rs and two mot orcycles. J. H EARNE Magnett e MG on its first even t We were pleased to welco me Ian M . R. WARD H allett wit h the 1930 M odel 90 in 13 years sho wed a prefere nce Sunbeam mot orcycle just re- for shedd ing the exhau st tailpipe (Photos on pages 20-2 1).

Thunderbird! $20.50 A SELECTION From here to Obscurity (Ford T.) $27.00 OF DELUXE VOLUMES Henry's Lady (Ford A.) $27.00 Chevrolet, The Coming of Age FROM THE U.S.A. 1911-42 $28.25 Ford, closing the years of Seventy Years of Buick $24.65 Tradition 1946, 47, 48 $9.20 Sixty Years of Chevrolet $22.00 Golden Age of the Fours $7.95 Fifty Years of Lincoln Mercury (add 30c per vol, postage) $16.95 Illustrated History of Ford $22.20 FISHERS BOO'KSHO'P The V8 Affair ' $30.00 564 Colombo Street, Seventy Years of $24.65 Christchurch 1. The Nifty Fifties (Fords) $30.00 Telephone 68-780 Our new catalogue of titles is ava ilable in August. Send sOc postal note for you r copy.

P AGE T WELVE 100 Years of Singer

This year is the 100th anniver­ petitions with these . The perform­ conventional position in 1922, and sary of the found ing of the Singer ances of the 15 h.p. model were a revised and more powerful Company, and the following notable, one such gaining the 15 O.H.V. engine fitted in 1924 the briefly outlines the history of the h.p, lap record at Brcoklands in car then being known as the man , the Company, and the cars 1910 at 77 rn.p.h., while the half 10/26. they made. mile was covered at 81 m.p.h. A small six. the 14/34 had George Singer was 21 when he from a flying start. A team of joined the range in 1923, this with came to Coventry in 1868, as one three 15 h.p. Singers raced suc­ the AC being a pioneer of what of a number of mechanics re­ cessfully throughout the 1912 sea­ was to become a very fa shionable cruited by the Coventry Sewing son, while a similar car won a type of engine in England in the Machine Co. to assist them in the nov el race with a Hanriot mono­ next 10 years, to die out again as manufacture of bicycles, a recent plane at Brooklands, achieving cushioned engine mounts a nd invention which was about to 78 m.p.h. against the aircraft's better balancing reduced the vi­ enter a boom period. By 1876 40 m.p.h. bration from a "4" to an accept­ Singer had amassed the confi­ able level. dence to go out on his own, by Mac Odell The most significant Singer of manufacturing a particularly suc­ the 20's however appeared at the cessful Penny farthing or "ordin­ Other Singers at the time in­ 1926 Motor Show, this being the ary" bicycle known as the "Singer cluded 20 and 25 h.p . models, 8 h.p. "Junior". Its 848 c.c. engine Xtraordinary". The firm was ea rly however of more lasting signific­ featured an overhead camshaft in the field in adopting the ance was the 10 h.p., introduced actuating inclined valve s by "Safety" frame-both wheels the in 1912. This had a 1095 c.c. en­ rockers, a layout to be followed same size as in the modern gine of Singer's own design and in all subsequent new Singer de­ bicycle. the 3 speed gearbox in unit with signs until the demise of the firm In common with many other the rear axle, which was to be­ in 1956. The Junior was a imed to bicycle manufacturers Singer was come a source of unreliability. At compete directly with the Austin a ttracted to the internal combus­ J95 pounds the car proved very 7, as were the Morris Minor and tion engine, exhibiting at the 190I popular and ensured the com­ 9 of the same period, and Motor Vehicle Exhibition several pany's success. its lively engine endowed it with models of bicycle and tricycle After the first World War only somewhat better performance. powered by an engine mounted the 10 h.p. car was revived, the That was, until one took advant­ between the spokes of a wheel. gearbox being relocated to the age of the particularly roomy An interesting model was the " tri voiturette", a tricycle having en­ clo sed pas senger accommodation. Singer's first car appeared in 1904, a 2/3 seater powered by a twin cylinder 7 h.p . Lea & Francis engine. A wider range of vehicles soon followed with White & Poppe engines, however the com­ pany was not financially success­ ful and a receiver was appointed in 1908. A reconstituted "Singer and Compa ny Ltd " was formed in 1909, but in the meantime George Singer had died. His had been a successful career however, a high ­ light having been a 3 year term as Mayor of Coventry from 1891. The new Singer company con­ tinued with a wide range of cars and motor cycles and took an active and successful part in com- Le Mans Singer, belongs to the writer. PAGE THIRTEEN bodies normally filled ! Nev erthe­ less the Junior was highl y success­ ful. raising Sin ger to the third lar gest manufacturer in England a t that time. A spo rting vari ant of the Junior soo n appeared in accordance with current fashion, this being named the " Porlock" after one of its kind completed 100 consecu­ tive ascents of a hill of that name . Its engine was tun ed to produ ce 20 b.h.p.• 4 more than the basic Junior. With minor varr auon s the Junior continued to be mad e until 1932, in company with develop­ Airsteam Singer imported by Tench Bras.. Christchurch in 1936. Price new ment s of the larger models. In was £525. that yea r a larger engine was available fo r the Junior of 972 C.c. to supplement that of 848 c.c., the latter bein g dropped a ltogether the following year, together with the nam e "Junior". The new car, to become one of the most fam ous of all Singers, was known simply as the "9 ". It had a new an d stiffer chassis, with lockheed hydr aulic .bra kes and 4 speed gearbox, while the inevitable "spo rts" vari an t now warra nted a sepa rate though similar double d ropped chassis and 28 b.h.p. twin carburettor engine, aga in 4 more than the basic model. A specially tuned "spo rts" model performed at the 1933 Le Mans 24 hour spo rts car race with d istinction in Le Mans owned by Mr T. W. Chambers its class, giving rise to the intro­ duction of the "Le Man s" model s of 34, later 38 b.h.p. These little . sports cars were immensely suc­ cessful in all forms of motoring giving the makers of their arch rivals the MG Midget (the "PA" was then current) such a hurry-up that the larger engined "PB" was hurriedly developed in order to remain competitive. By late 1934 the remaining side a nd ove rhead valve models, de­ velopments of the older 10 a nd 14 h.p. model s had been phased out, to be replaced by a whole rang e of overhead ca msha ft models having engines closely based on that of the "9" . These were the " 11" of 4 cylind ers and Singer Nine and Le Mans both owned by Mr T. W . Chambers. PAGE FOURTEEN " J-} litr e", " 14" and "1 6" all of 6 performan ce wh ich , co upled with cylinders a nd eng ines up to 2 an un fortunate sla b side d appear­ litres. T he "1 1" and " 16" fea tur ed ance, resulted in di sappointing ind ependent front suspens ion, by sales. Eve n the " Hunter" with KENDAL tra iling links. as d id on e "9" more tradition al radi at o r failed to variant. The " I -} litre" was avail­ woo back Singers lost customers. LODGE a ble only in spo rting fo rm, whil e The roadster's styling too was the others were ava ilable in a be­ somewhat of an anachro nism in wildering ran ge of styles. All told, the 1950's, and co uld not even MOTELS in 1935 the 5 basic models spo rted offer high perform an ce as a co m­ no fewer than 8 chassis, 5 en gines pen sa tion . The co mpa ny was 105 Roydvale Avenue, in 1I stag es of tune, a nd a stag ­ again heading into the red , bu t gering 23 differ ent body styles. It before go ing under clutched at a Christchurch is no wonder, then , that the co m­ couple of interesting stra ws whi ch pany again ran into financial d iffi­ un fortunately di d not see the light Phone 585-119 culties. Recon stituted in 1936, the of day. Spacious family un its, new managem ent di scontinued all T hese were the "SM X" ro ad ­ these models except the 9 h.p. Le ster , having attracti ve all envelop­ quiet setting, next door Man s- and even that was re­ ing fibreg lass bodywork on the to Russley Hotel and desi.gned-and substituted a new road ster ch assis, and the Hunter Golf Course. mod el clos ely resem bling the con­ "75" eng ine, a twin overhead temporary M orr is 8 and kn own camshaft version of the 1500 c.c. Only 2km from Air­ as the " Banta m". T he "9" engi ne en gin e developed in co nj unction port. was the onl y fa m ilia r feature in with H.R .G ., and producing 75 th is all steel car, a dep arture from b.h.p. in place of t he n ormal Nearest motel complex Singers co ach bu ilt tradition , and en gine's 55 b.h.p . A co m bination to McLeans Island. that was to go also in 1938 when of the se two projects would in­ a new 1074 c.c. eng ine was substi­ deed have been interestin g, how­ Special off-season rates tut ed , still of 9 h.p. rating. With ever neither survived beyond th e to V.e.e. Members" the 972 c.c . engi ne the " Le Mans" tak eover of 1956. d ied too, its place be ing tak en by Singer eng ines co ntinued to be Proprietors: Errol and fitted to H illman Minxs wea ring a humble " roadster", sporti ng in Kathryn Smith appearance only. the Singer badge, until stoc ks ran out in 1957. Thereafter Singers, so Member V.e.e. Also new for 1938 were 10 and call ed , were merely deluxe ver­ 12 h.p. mod els of 1200 and 1500 sion s of the va riou s HiIlman c.c., thes e bein g la rger versions of the 1074 c.c. en gine. A sma ll num­ ber of sports cars were made with the 1500 c.c. eng ine , but not for pr oduction, Singer's only contact with mot or sports thereafter being in the supply of 1074 c.c. and 1500 c.c. engi nes for use by H.R.G. in their spo rts cars. The 9 h.p. road ster, "Super 10", and "Super 12" models re­ appeared a fter the Second Wo rld Wa r in essentiall y prewar fo rm the latter two being repl aced in 1949 by the "S M 1500" saloo n, powered by a new en gin e of sim ilar layout but squarer dimen ­ sions than tha t o f the " 12". This en gine, a nd the wishbone type o f I.F.S. of the SM 1500, soon fo und a place in the roadster al so. The 1936 Singer Eleven ~een at the Summit of Trtsokura tllll, On the right is Spencer Barna~d, Chairman of Beaded Wheels Committee, who today looks SM 1500 was luxuriously. ap­ rather ~ore like his father seen on the left The body of the Eleven was po inted, iinevit ably resulting in framed In Southland Beech timber which was shipped to England for the excessive weight and hence poor purpose. PAGE F IFTEEN good to see another restoration out for the first time, namel y the Ford B4 Roadster of Ollie Hurst. When one considers the stage of deter iora­ tion the car was in before Ollie commenced waving his magic wand. ASHBURTON the result is a cred it to him. Not con­ ten t with the run earl ier in the day Our scribe of some yea rs sta nding. we con tinued with a socia l in the Ken Mcl.e od, has laid down the evening and this proved a highly pen but we haven't lost him com­ successfu l functio n. pletely becau se once again he was Ashburton now has its own pro­ elec ted Chairman of the Bran ch. fessional vintage ca r restorer . Ray Th e exciting new projec t of the Ho sken has set up in business and Ashburton Branch was well dis­ already two beautiful restoration s cussed at our annual meeti ng. It is have been completed by him and proposed to build a motor museum there is a line up of vehicles await­ on our property at Tin wald. Not ing his attention. A number of mem­ only is there to be a motor museum bers a re busy in their own work­ but also a branch railw ay line into sho ps and several new restorations our property connecting with the are ex pected for the opening run Ashburton Steam Pre servation Soci­ later in the yea r. ety's railway system . The lines from JOHN MORRISON the Weedori's siding have already been uplifted and are read y for tran sportation to Ashburton to be used on our branch line. Ron AUCKLAND Winch ester has produced prelimin­ ary plan s of a barn type building The Branch A.G.M . held in June, An early photo of 1936 Singer 100 ft x 45 ft and now a steering returned Jim Lewis as Chairma n Eleven seen in Waiapoi Forest committee has been form ed to get for his 9th yea r; Wilbur Brown. our project under way. Things a re Bill Clarke and Mrs Pat Dewhurst moving with the Ashburt on Vintag e were re-elected as Vice-Chairman , Secreta ry and Treasurer respec ­ models, a nd the name wa s finally Ca r Mu seum . Our End-of-Season run attrac ted tively. Derreck Crosby took on the d ropped a lto gethe r in th is country abo ut twent y assorted vehicles. Two somewhat onerous job as Club in 1972, two yea rs later than th e types of instructio n were used. one Cap tain on the understanding that rest o f the world. a few supporters would give him for the urban section of the run and a hand . one for the country, and from ob­ A 35 mile car and bike run in servations it seemed that some of the Waitakere Range, orga nised Th e Sin ger Owners Club the crew s becam e slightl y bewildered bv the Mot orcycle section (simple during the use of the forme r. but it rules with words. not diagr am s) The interests of owners o f was a ll good fun and eventuall y we brought out 28 bikes and twice as " rea l" Singers today is catered for finished up at Wakanui Beach for a man y cars as the previous mo nth 's by the Singer Owners Club, o f bracing picnic lunch. Th is was fol­ Experts run . lowed by some beach buggy ride s. U.K. This club has a membership We noticed tha t Auckl and mem­ kindl y supplied by a brother of the bers outnumbered the Wa ikato o f a bout 750 throughout th e run organiser, Sam Cullimore. Ju st members (home) team in the ir world, but only a disappointing 6 how Sam finall y picked the run Double 50 rally on Queen's Birth­ in New Ze al and. winner we don 't know but Alan day week-end and brought home Bayne took honours fo r the day in 5 of the 13 placings. The Combined In add ition to an excellent bi his 1928 Che vrolet Sedan . It was North Shore-Auckland Pre-registra- monthly magazine the club pro­ vides a very good spares service, a nd ha s registrars speciali sin g in RELlCENSI NG FEES 1977-78 the various models who can supp ly a wealth of informati on VETERAN OVER 40-Y EAR-OLD VEHICL ES to a ssist owners and restorers. At CAR CYCLE TRUCK CAR CYCLE TRUCK 4 pounds per annum, the s ub­ Sept. 16.27 16.27 21.31 24.44 19.61 24.65 scrip tion is minimal. V.e.e. Ocl. 14.65 14.65 19.19 22.00 17.65 22.19 Singer owners are invited to join Nov . 13.03 13.03 17.07 19.56 15.69 19.73 thi s club; perhaps if sufficient in­ Dec. 11.42 11.42 14.95 17.14 13.76 17.29 terest is shown a New Ze al and Jan . 9.80 9.80 12.83 14.70 11.80 14.83 Feb. 8.18 8.18 10.70 12.27 9.85 12.37 branch o f the club could be Re-Registrat ion for all the above vehicles : $20.00. formed. Entry forms a re availa ble from the writer, whose add ress Should a vehicle be cu rrent ly registered this registrat ion can be kept 'a live' if the vehicle is in the process of resto ration , prov iding the Registr ar of may be found in the Membership Motor Veh icles, Palmerston Nort h. is advised acco rdingly. Relicensing each list, Gi sb orne Branch. second year to keep the registration 'al ive' is not requ ired in this situation. PAGE SIXTEEN This page is from technicalbooks/Id. P.O. Box 9335, cnr Morrow & Burke Sts Newmarket AUCKLAND telephone 540-132 and at Wellington P.O. Box 5174, Hannahs Building 262 Lambton Quay.

Two issues of 'Old Motors' in stock- Volume 10, No. 2 features a nine page article on 'Ra ilw a y Horses' developed in the twenties and thirties. The author, T. W . Bourne examines the early experiments and the Ka rrier, Scammel and other vehicles that resulted. Who says e le ctric vehicles are new? Also a very in teresting article on early motor-cycle racing m Shropshire, and a nother on the la st ye a rs of Jowett Cars Ltd. A page of photographs and comment on the 1976 VCC London to Brig hton run make a n excellent re cord of that event.

Volume ID, No. 3 is a Jubile e issue which devotes much space to the significance of 1952 w ith articles on 'Ca rs for Everyone ','Memories of Lorries in Lond on ', and a look at the transport industry of tha t era ­ 'Goodb ye Monopoly', a nd at the buses 'The Eb bing Tide'. These are backed up b y Phil Porter's article on the XK Ja gua r. La st month we mentioned TVR. Now in stock 'TVR Success Against the Odds'. The good ne ws is that this is priced a t $17.60. The short career of this marque, 1947-62, is treated fa ct ua lly and honestly , with a dash of humour here and there. From Autocar we have two specials, '' a t $3.55 and 'Rolls Royce ' - the STory of 'The Best Car in the World ', e t $8.80.

PLEASE NOTE: we don't like having your mone y ha ng ing o b outl Although it does take just a little long e r p lea se wri te b rie fly stating your needs and we wi ll tell you ho w much to send a nd w hen (if we are temporarily ou t of s toc k). Lette rs are usually answere d the same d a y a nd it' s cheaper than a parking tic ket. We d o ha ve hundre ds of motori ng titles in stock, a nd motorcycle books so it' s worth a call w hen you are pa ssing thr oug h (mention "Beoded Wheels" so w e know) .

PAGE SEV ENTE EN tion run prod uce d 59 sta rters. This com pleted their term s of office. is always a popular run and this Ab ly led by Ron Hassall. chai rman, yea r we were ab le to inspect the BAY OF PLENTY Ken Macefield, secreta ry and No rt h Shore's C lubroom site a t G ra ham Plu ck, club ca ptai n, the y Alban y on the way round. Our Ma v run was held on the 8th ha ve been a great tea m of worke rs. In our last notes we me ntioned a nd was 'o rganised by our Club As July is the mo nth of the Can­ tha t we were loo king fo rward to Treasurer. Mr Peter Butler. This ru n terbur y Bran ch's A.G .M., we will driving the 1910 In tern a tional Au to went along good vintage mo toring by now have a new tea m of will ing Buggy in the Auck land A.A. 75t h roads and finished a t the Bird workers , th is time led by Ken Ann iversar y par ad e. Unfortu nately Ga rde ns in Kat ika ti. whe re mem­ Macefield as chairma n. this was not to be. Th e " keepers bers were a ble to wa lk thro ug h the V.C.C. member s a ll aro un d the of the In ter." wo rked ha rd before­ ga rdens and view the birds. co unt ry wi ll have received an en­ hand to overco me many of the Next on the ag enda was our club velope a t the beginn ing of July bugs in the beast and tho ug ht they monthly meet ing held on the 9th. which co ntained Nati on al Bod y kn ew a ll a bo ut it be fore the event. Les Bethell a nd his wife tra velled vo ting pa pers a nd reports. Yo u ma y T heir ru n ac ross tow n to the sta rt ove r fro m Ha milton to show us his be interes ted to know that a bo ut on the waterfront wa s uneven tful 50 Ca nterbury Bra nch members and thev a rrived a t the a ppoi nted wonderful select ion of slides tak en on his rece nt t rip to the U.S.A. This toi led one evening to put these time . T he organi sers had a llowed togeth er for yo u and get them olenty of assembly time bu t had was a wo nderfu l evening, enjoyed by not reck oned on the rain: for all. a nd he also sho wed us so me almos t an hou r we sa t still in slides of the 1972 Intern a tion al po uring rain a nd dur ing the wa it Rall y in New Zea la nd . the Intern ation al drowned a nd Next eve nt was a n all da y ru n when du e to move off it wo uld orga nised by Harn ish Linton on the not sta rt. Iro nicall y it was passed 79th Ma y. We went through town, hv more tha n a dozen A.A . service Welcom e Bay. an d finished a t Te wagon s. who pressed on in the Puk e whe re members were a ble 10 CRESTER na rade lea ving the scribe's tou rer have morning tea, then we trave lled as the only company for the dis­ on to Awak er i Ho t Springs (just out tressed Veter an . An ho ur la ter. a fte r of Whaka tan e) whe re we ha d lunch the rai n had stopped . it was and fo llowed by a lo vely swim in CAR enco uraged to co me to life aga in the hot poo l. a nd dri ven ho me to the Museum of Next on the even ts was our En d Tran spor t and Techn o logy with ou t of Registrat ion run which was held assis tance. on the 16th June . T his was a very SALES As fa r as the Par ad e was con­ enjoya ble run , no silent checks to cerne d we didn 't see it bu t it was look fo r. or question s to a nswe r. this ce rtain Iv one of the biggest motor­ run finis hed a t the Ta uran ga Histor ic ca des Auck lan d has seen for a Village where we ha d a fternoon tea long time. Th e A.A . had asked each and \vhils t the cars were on show 374 Worcester Street orga nisa tion for a dozen vehi cles. we were a ble to wa lk around the Thus MOTAT . Auckland V. & village and inspect the different Christchurch V.C.c.. Nor th Shore V.c.c. and items on d isplay. T he Hor seless Ca rriage C lub all BEV SM IT H entered vintage and veteran vehicles and it was im poss ible to tell who was re presentin g who. Perh ap s the Cha ra ba nc tvpi fies the co-op erat ion Buying between the gro uos-owned bv CANTERBURY Auckland V. & V.C.c.. entered by or Selling MOTAT , carried an H.C.C. nam e­ Ano ther mo tor ing season has just plate o n fro nt a nd wa s dri ven by ended and a reason a bly success ful Good Used Cars a nail' o f North Shore residents' one it has been so far as the Plan s are now in prog ress fo r a Ca nterbury Bran ch is co ncerne d. North Tsland Co mmercial Vehicles We have seen an increase in some Rall y to be held earlv in Ap ril "ls, o f the specific sec tions within the tied in wit h the annua l Auck land club, such as the commerci al sectio n NOEL T ruck Sho w and driving cont est. a nd post vint age and post war We ho pe to see yo u a ll a t the section. T hese gro ups now have Hunu a 100 on La bo ur week-end . mo nthly wo rkshop type meetings as BEECRO" BAR RY RO BE RT well as ru ns a nd rallies especia lly fo r these vehicles. Other facets of the club are being well catered for also with a goo dlv Member L.M.V.D.A. sma ttering of run s. ralli es and social event s ca terin g fo r all types .T he Member Vintage Car me m bersh ip of this Branch now stan ds at 650 wh ich natur ally br ings Club (N.Z.) different types of pro blems for the management committee to deal Telephone 897-715 with. The Branch has bee n most for tuna te during the last twelve After Hours 881-387 mo nt hs to have a committee of the calibre of tho se who have just P AGE EI GH TEEN ready for po stage. Then a ga in yo u C ha ir ma n's tour o f th e L ower may n ot be interested, but 1"11 tell Awatere area s. Somehow so m e o f NELSON yo u an yway ! the C ha irma n 's tourists co ve red During the yea r just ended . we sev e ra I ro ad s that were n ot on the held o ur usu al interesting runs. instruc tio ns. Sk ippe r Ma cfronald About 25 local bikes, including ra llies e tc, but one which is of a n d wife in their E rs k ine even tua ll v sev era l n ew restorations, took part national importance each yea r is ca rr ied o ff th e pri ze. - in th e National M otorcycle R ally o ur " Irish man's Run", w h ich on ce Harking back to the Presentation Rally with 4 a wards go ing to a ga in drew a goodly nu mber of Dinner, the branch's top pri ze. th e Nel son members. Other activ ities en tra n ts fro m as fa r afield as th e beautiful Whimp Trophy, wa s won ha ve included a n a fte rnoon run to Kina Peninsul a, a run to the Baton N or th Shore Branch. This yea r's by Colin White with hi s Model A Valley to view a priva te museum run wa s organised, run and gener­ se da n. The Even ts C u p wa s taken a lly put together b y Bruce a nd a combined Easte r week-end Pid geon , by G ra ha m and Ca ro l Wiblin o n a nd was one of the best yet. F or a t Lak e Rot oiti w ith Blenheim their last outing be fore parting with th e first time the first prize getter members. The swap me et at Joe the Wh ippet. The popular vo te C u p was fr om an other Branch. The Bell's farm was reasona b ly success­ lucky cha p wa s o ne Dick Stanle y went 10 Ra y Fa irwea thers 1911 ful w ith m ost pe o ple co m in g a nd a nd c rew in the m ighty Beam. with Renaul t, a ve h icl e w h ich generally go ing with so mething diff er ent. This runners-up. Graham Shaskey and seems to take pri zes with ease aw a y even t was well su ppo rted by our Keith Buckley and their resp ective fro m home. but ha s waited a long Blenheim co lleagues. crews . These last two w ill eo­ time for the recogn ition it deserves locally. A motorcycle ru n to Wai-it i organise next year's event with Domain was well a tte nded wi th 12 Dick, so next yea r's looks like A rt h ur Baker had a popular win b ike s a nd 8 cars turning o u t. Andv a no ther w in ne r a nd o ne not to be in the Keown Cup, rid in g Ray's Beattie had his immaculately re ­ m issed. 1916 Triumph M j c, so Ra y would sto red 1930 Austin 7 T ourer o u t N ext yea r of course, we are ha ve been well plea sed with hi s for th e first time on thi s run. holdin g a South Island R ally here ve h ic les performances thi s sea son. Although cold and miserable the in C a n terbur y - The Mainland T he H a stilow T ro p hy went to J ohn run to Delaware Ba y saw on e of Easter R ally. a nd to m ake sure th at Anders for h is lightning restoration the la rgest turnouts o f ve h icl es (2 3) thi s al so will be an even t to remem­ o f th e Buick A Sp ecial. Presentation fo r m an y months. Thi s was also th e ber, the organising com m ittee has wa s al so made to our Branch Patron. first o uting fo r Bill Beaurepaire an d been working a way qu ietl y for some Colin Patchett. his 1932 Aust in 7 Sed a n. Queen 's months now ge tt ing the ground Birthda y we ek-end sa w e ight mem­ Members are now hiberna ting into work done. This is sha pin g up to bers and th eir families he ad ing fo r the ir res pec tive sheds to co m ple te being another 'litt le cracke r' and P ohara Beach. ne ar Taka ka, for a n th o se wh o don't get here, especially new restorations for the coming en joyab le camping week-end in the So uth Island members. will reall y sea son a nd to re-va mp som e G o lden Ba y a rea . A re cent slid e miss a great week-end. exi sting ones. ev en ing wa s not ve ry well BR UCE HALUGAN TREVOR H ARRIS pa tro n ised. The end of regi strat ion

The members of the Marlborough Branch can lo ok ba ck on the pa st sea son with sa tisfa ction . Member­ shi p ha s increased stea d ily. several re storations .of a hi gh standard have been unveiled. a national rally hosted successfu lly . a nd th e branch has a cquired a Vintage vehicle o f it s o wn in the form o f a Model A truck. The runs o ve r the yea r have ge nera lly been we ll attended in spite o f so me unfa vourable weather. ind i­ cating a keenness amongst the motoring members. Your place to stop or stay in The busv seaso n ended w ith a CHRISTCHURCH busy weekend starting on Frida y evening with the well attended end Licensed restaurant. A-La-Carte Menu. Over 50 well appointed suites, o f year presentation dinner, Satur­ attractively furnished, spacious and centrally heated. Telephone and colour day a full da y wa s spe n t at Bray­ T.V. Each suite has private bathroom. sha w Park by a n obliging nei ghbour Only a few minutes from centre of city, Town Hall, Hagley Park and with a portable sa nd blasting plant. Botanical Gardens. This en abled many lo cal members to Ample off street parking available. All credit cards accepted. sh o rt en up their restoration times by many hours. Sunday ca m e a nd th e AUTOLODGE MOTOR INN sa nd b lastin g wa s st ill go ing o n. wh ile 72 Papanui Road, Christchurch Phone 556-109 Telex 4902 14 vehicles left the park heading Also at Picton and Queen stown. so u th into the drizzle. o n the PAGE NINETEEI'I NORTH SHORE BRANCH SPEED E


3 4

1. Ward 1935 M.G., 2. Johnstone 1924 Vauxhall, 3. Hearne 1923 Bugatti, 4. Stanley 1924 Sunbeam, 5. PAGE T W ENTY :NT, JULY 1977. Story on Page 12.

5 6

7 8

1928 Sunbeam, 6. Goldingham 1930 Singer, 7. Gay 1946 M.G., 8. Hallett 1930 Model 90 Sunbeam. P AGE TWENTY-ONE run this yea r was to the Glen . A assembled at the sta rt. Th e road lifting the Gor e Motors building and good number of members took was rnudd v but the enthusiasm was Cunningham T ransport transported adv ant age of a final run for the grea t and two runs were held before it to its new site. (These are season before the pric e hike in the welcome sausa ge sizzle then just a few who have greatly assisted ). registration fees. three runs were held during the Apart fro m our buil ding pro gress Th e newl y formed ladies section afterno on. the club has had a most successf ul has been active with invited guests Fastest time of the da y went to : motoring seaso n. giving demonstrations at most of John Tu cker. M.G .T.D., with I min. Nok om ai, a pprox. 50 miles north their monthly meetings. 9.9 sec. 2nd plac e went to Dick of Gore and just off the Queenstown We welcome the following new Stanley, Sunbeam. with I min . 10.2 Highwa y. was the si te for our members: Fiona McDowell and sec. 3rd place went to Barry Gay. Annual Safari a t the end of G illian Carnpbell who have both M.G ., with I min . 12.5 sec.. followed November. taken out joint membersh ips with bv Brian Johnson, Vauxhall. with Some 12 cars took part in a most their husband s Lou and Don ; Dale lmin. 13 sec. Two motorcycles even enjo yable camping weekend. The Stephens with an Austin 7. Peter braved the weather to compete. Gore Club was hon oured to have Duncan with his 1928 Studebaker Shorty Cole, AJ.S" and lan Allan Starer down from Christ­ 8. Derek Thomas with a 1937 Howlett, Sunbeam T.T. replica. church to join us. Wol selev, Keith Grant with his 1n Februarv the club held a ver y 1936 and vint age Essex DIANE BARNARD successful Festival Rall y. Ca rs from and Brian Fa irbairn who ha s a Ashburton. Oarn aru . Dunedin. Cen­ 1926 Chrvsler, a 1938 Plymouth tral Otago, and Invercargill, joined and a Daimler Con sort. GORE our local members to make seventy IMPORTANT COMING EVENT entries. The Nel son Provincial Rally Cars were flagged away from the will be held this year on the 15th Approx. 2 years ago the G.V.c.c. starting-point, at the fountain on the October, 1977. The Rally will be purchased 4·1- acre s of land on the main entrance to Gore. at minute open to all financial members Gore-Queenstown highway, oppo­ intervals. The rall y took in parts of owning a Veteran, Vintage. Post site the Croydon Lodge Hotel. The the town and journey south, before Vintage or Nationally accepted Po st aim was to erect clubrooms and returning through the town . to head War vehicle including cars . mot or­ devel op a museum project. However north east to arrive at Waikaka for cycles and commercials. the cost of such a proj ect was a lunch and field tests. Entry forms are now available trifle too much for our club to The Gore Club is mo st unfor­ from your local secretary or direct undertake single handed. It was tunate in losing two of its founda­ from the Rally Secretar y, Ken decided that we should invite mem­ tion members, ou r President.Fergus Ivory, 104A Songer Street , Stoke. be rs of the Historical Societ y, Shaft Gregory and wife Bev, who are Ne lson. Remember, entries close and Wheel s, Southland Steam taking a fa rm manager's job in the 26th September, 1977. See you at Societ y, West Otago Vintage Trac­ Ranfurly District. and also Bru ce Nel son . tors. and others along to a meet ing, Grierson and wife Erris, who have GRAEME McCONNELL to get the feeing s on a joint taken over a bus run in Balclutha. project. Both the se families have served our After man y meetings, the club , branch tirele ssly. called a public meeting. chaired by the Ma yor. details were outlined on what was in mind for the proje ct. The "Lunitic Fringe" of the Eventuallv a committee was formed Northshore section recently en joyed known as: "Hokanui Pioneer Park " . ROTORUA some fine motoring and socia lizing We donated 4 acres o f land to the at Irishmans Creek Rall y. By some new committee. hold ing the other With our End of Registration run fluke the Sunbeam of Dick Stanley's -1- acre for our own c1ubrooms and over. the cars take a well earned rest came in to win . Wednesday night the garage. over the winter months. There will 15th June saw the c1ubrooms jam We then set about to develop new be our "round the garages" run to packed for the Annual General clubroorns, and were fortunate in inspect the progress of restorations. Meeting and we welcome the new being granted the tender for the ex It was plea sing to see the newl y faces to the offices and committee. Gore Motors building by the restored 1926 Indian Motor bike of On 26th June, a cloudy da y, many Mataura Licensing Trust. E. Carter make its first run on our cars and bikes from both the Auck­ The Motors building was shifted End of Registration run to Kaw­ land and Northshore branches en­ to temporary foundations, while erau. We have lost a popular vehicle joyed the End of Registration rUQ . permanent foundations a nd concrete to Palmerston North. that being the Going from the Auckland clubrooms floor were being laid . "Little Red Model T Truck" belong­ the run took us through One Tree Over the past couple of months. ing to Roy Fleet. What is Santa Hill Domain, Meadowbank, over working bees have been well Cia us going to use this year to carrv the Harbour Bridge to Albany (to attended. and steel beams a re in his sack! Ro y has repl aced the T view our land) then back to a place. and concrete poured, awaiting with a Citrocn to be worked on . On welcome cuppa at the clubroorns in the building to be lifted into place . the restoration scene Bob Mowbray Devonpor t, Wc have been very fortuna te with has the running gear finished and Saturda y Jul y 2nd at 3 p.m. the out side voluntary assistance. two the bod y ready to go on his 1930 enthusiasts of the branch met at local earthmoving firms ha ve level­ La Salle. Th is is a reall y big car Lynx Panel beaters for the scru tineer­ led the car park area. and fo rmed which will be impressive when ing in read yness for the Pebble­ roading, and cleaned out the stream finished, Barry Rogers- our new bro ok Sp rint on Sunday. The night which flows through the section. Chairman-has given up golf and is was a stormy one and much of the gravel contractors ha ve supplied working aga in on the 1926 Ru gby vertical dampness fell and wa s still and gravelled the car park. Eastern with a three months fini shing date. falling by the time everybod y had Crane Hire supplied their crane for Peter Clarke sold his for a PAGE TWENTY-TWO 1937 . Some really concen ­ trifle am bi tious, but even the lower O ther Branch acuvures have been trated work got thi s car on the line powered ca rs were able to cov er con fined to Club n ights whe re a for the last run. After a long and the stag es with out undue effort. film evening and a talk on pre­ det ailed restoration, Wayne M iller Amazing, isn' t it, just wh at the se old paration and painting of cars (an has the Tudor Mo del A on the road vehicles will do when put to the excellent evening co nd ucted by Don with only the uph olstery to be done. test? Desp ite the tim e of year, good Heyne s) wer e well attend ed by over Th e 490 Chev. of Bill Sk eltons is weather was encountered a ll the 60 member s on eac h occasion. going a fter the disastr ou s trip to a nd way, a nd never a windscreen wip er ­ T he Branch is now only a waiti ng from th e Gi sborne Rally. Work is blade stirred for the whole week­ the gra n ting of the co ndi tio na l use still progre ssing on the deli ghtful end ! for the purchase of its clubroom Au stin 7 Truck that Sidney Hallida y However, not suc h good weather propert y. Member s are anxio usly is building. All running gea r has blessed the fifteen vehicles that wa itin g for the date of possession been restored a nd is now a wai ting turned ou t for our End of Regi s­ so tha t development work ca n the truck body. Sno w Greaves, tra tion Run o n June 26 to Peel begin. The building committee has Ro ger Ne lson a nd Reg Munro Fo rest, so me 37 miles north of been mo st fortunate in negot iating a ttended the Annual Manawatu Timaru . By the time the co nvoy the purc ha se of a 44 x 40 ft a ll Bra ss Monkey in Sno w's little '30 go t to G eraldine it was rai ning, stee l sto rage shed. Th is building is Ford 10 Tourer . They brought home and on their arrival at the picnic in prefabricated fo rm and (with the the hard luck pr ize but th at's spo t it was found tha t the shelte r he lp of a cra ne) sho uld not pose another sto ry. was not pro vidi ng much shelter. too mu ch of a probl em to re-e rect. REG MUNRO Accordingly Ru ssell Paul leapt into It is hoped to hav e th is shed erected his tru sty 1920 Hupmobile tourer and the property contoured and and sought out the Park Board drained by the start o f next winter. ranger , wh o was most sym pa thetic, 11 is env isaged that the sto rage shed SOUTH CANTY. and gr anted permission for the will be under the control of a parts party to mo ve int o the kitchen committee who will organise, pur­ The main ac tivity in thi s Bran ch block a t the camping gr ounds, and chase and se ll parts to ass ist our during the last two months was the a lso kindly offered some dry fire­ bran ch members in the co ntinued An~u al Queen's Birthday T our, wood, whi ch was loaded int o Don re storation an d maintenance of the ir whi ch was organi sed once again by Ca rnpbell's tru ck . Soon a go od fire veh icles. Fred Whitele y in his usual success­ was ro aring , foo d supp lies were BARRY ROl l E ful manner. Because of the distances broken out, and the run took on a invol ved this year, it was ex pa nded mu ch ro sier a ppea ra nce. After to. H four da y trip, sta rting on the dinner, while the adults indulged Friday rnornmg, but one or two in no gging an d nattering, man y o f who couldn' t get leave fro m work the children donned we t weather TARANAKI on Friday wer e up before the larks gea r and played ou tside , onl y to on Saturday. and were up with the return soak ing and freezing to the Members discu ssed the pros and rest of the field by mid-day Satur­ fireside later on. It was a littl e cons of owning Clubroorns, a nd da y, . bv which time the part y disappoint ing to end our yea r's a donation of $20.00 sta rted the consisted o f 13 vehicles, ranging motoring on such a damp note, but ball rolling for a fund . A steering fro m the 1926 Jo hn Wallis Au stin we ha ve been luck y enough to ha ve committee co nsis ting of three 12 /4 fro m Ch ristchurc h and Ron enjoyed go od weather for most of members ha s been set up to look Cooper 's 1937 Au stin 10/4 through our events during the yea r, and as after it. to a brace of Ma rk VI Bentley they say ," You ca n' t win them all." Sixt y-five members and wives Drophead Coupes-the "A bbo t" of DANNY MORAN Owen Johnstone, and the " Pa rk attend ed th e June No ggin and Ward" of Jim Sullivan. Natter where we were a ble to see The first day saw the vehi cles the mo vie film taken of the 1977 trave l the 172 miles fr om T ima ru Maunga-Moana ra lly. The film , to Wanaka, then it wa s 157 miles MANAWATU cov ering most as pec ts of the ra lly thro ugh the H aa st Pass to Fox included the large swap-meet and Glacier on the other side of the road run foll owed by the presenta­ island. stirring memori es o f the Mo re success for the Bran ch a t tion dinner at nigh t. The loc al Cine. 1972 International Rally for some. the rall ying game-this time a t the Club in New Plymouth filmed the On Sunday there was a short 107 Wan aanui Annual Rall y where out event with a ll costs being met by mile trip up the coast to H okitika of six Manawatu cars a tte nding, running a success ful ra ffle. All in the morning, whi ch allowed l en Ha ycock ga ined Ist equa l members en joyed the film which is plenty of time for Brian G oodman overall, Ron Blan chett, Morrie to be sho wn a t the next Maunga­ to re- tim e the ma gs o f his 3 litre Holland an d G avin Reid man aged M oan a Rall y. Bent ley in the streets o f Hokitika Ist, 2nd and 3rd respectively in John Muter at Stratfo rd is making during [he afternoon, wh ile most o f one class, so congratulati on s to good progre ss on his 1919 Dod ge the party visited Sh antvtown, (1 them. N ot qu ite as goo d for the 4 T ourer . The engine has been seem to recollect that Brian rebuilt Branch in the Brass Monkey Night fitted to the co m pletely restored the An saldo on the stree ts o f Tria l as aga in the Branch was beaten chassis a nd he hopes to start it Hokitika rnan v, man y yea rs ago ; ou t of first place but, serio usly, with in the next couple of week s. must be something a bout the place). co ngrat ulatio ns to len Tavlor in John ha s done a lot o f the panel Then the final day was the biggest his 1928 M odel A for a clo se 1st work himself and ha s made com­ day of a 11 -223 mile s over the place from Aubry Ell en ( 193R plete new val ances and is at present tortuou s Arthur's Pass and sno wy Au stin 12/4) and G. Masemann rest oring the front m udguards, 25 Porter's Pass. through the Southern (1926 Cross ley) respectively. The inch wo oden spoked whee ls are the Alps to T irnaru, to co m plete 659 reports from the 25 entra n ts a ll main pro blem a t the momen t and mi les of winter motoring in four en dorsed the feeling that thi s night he still requires two more to co m­ days. Wh en the trip was first tr ial would ha ve been one o f the plete the running gear. announced, som e thought it wa s a best held so far. Sta tion ary engines are bein g PAGE TWENTY-THREE sou gh t af ter by mem ber s and qu ite Y. M .C. A. Ca m p in New Pl ymouth ning the entire width of the deep a few have been co llec ted in th e whe re slee ping bag type accom­ end a nd grea t fun was had try ing to last few mon ths. Anderson , Lister , m od ati on is available in six to eight sta y on it. Hornsb y and Blackst on e are qu ite bert h ca bins . E ntries close on the Our D ou bl e 50 is ove r a nd with int er estin g to restore and anyone 10th Septem ber and an excell ent 101 ent ries th is yea r it was a treme n­ can learn the basics of a mot or week -end is planned. dou s success. Sec retary Nigel by do ing va lve gri nds and check ing CO Ll N JOHNSTON Browning plotted th e ru n and credit pis to n di spl acemen t. An added mu st be given to his o rga nisa tio n. It advantage is th ey do n't ta ke up too wa s cleve rly designe d so tha t if yo u mu ch room fo r storage and they WAIKATO mi ssed a manned chec kpo int , yo u make a n excellent disp lay of a ca rried on with the instru ction s w ith­ bygon e era . We picked a wet da y for the Ma y Ian Sta bles in H awera is at pre­ out a ny suspicion that a ny thi ng was sent restoring a 1947 Ford Coupe. cl ub run to Wa ingaro Hot Springs. a m iss. By now , th is kid is a n expert He has made a terrifi c jo b of the Seven fa m ilies met in their Vinta ge at gett ing lost. a nd foll owing usual pan el beating and has a lso don e ca rs a nd to gethe r with a couple o f fo rm mana ged to sq uee ze in so me it a ll himsel f. By a ll accoun ts it m odems, we followe d a plotted run. ex tra miles with th e greatest of ease. will be one of the fines t restor ations T his wa s John Benton's first run in The wee kend eve nts sta rted wit h in T ar an aki . his 1918 Ford va n. Des Harvey a lso the N oggin a nd Natter on the Sa tur ­ T revor Kearns is organ ising th e mad e his first appearance on a club day evening in fro nt of a log fire a t first eve r a ll-m ot orcycle rall y held run in hi s 1926 Ford roadster. The the Tamah ere hall. a nd it wa s good by Taran ak i Bran ch on th e 24th run wa s simple enough but it took to see so man y familia r faces again. and 25th Se ptem ber. It is to be me hal f an hour longer than th e O n th e Sunday morning we met run a long th e sa me lines as o ur others. It mu st ha ve been a plotters under th e stand of th e Te Rap a M aunga-M oan a ra lly and ove r 50 error ! A fter lunch we braved th e Racecourse for conco urs judgi ng and en tries a re ex pected. Rally Head­ elem en ts and went for a swim. T he morning tea before the rall y sta rte d. qu arters is being based a t th e largest pool ha s a woo de n log spa n- T he run took us north of Hamilton

VINTAGE TYRES AND ACCESSORIES LIMITED We are the sole N.Z. Agents of Universal Tire Co. of U.S.A. and in association with Universal Tire Co. we offer the following sizes: Rim Rim Rim Size Size Siz e Size Size Siz e Size Size 28 x 3'j- 22 " 32 x 3 H 25 " 36 x 4-H 27" 700 x 17 Fo rd 440 x 2 1 30 x 3H 23" 33 x 4 25" 37 x 5 27" 700 x 18 600 x 2 1 3 1 x 4 23" 34 x 4'} 25" 36 x 4 28 " 475 x 19 700 x 2 1 33 x 5 23" 35 x 5 25" 37 x 4} 28 " 650 x 19 30 x 31' 24 " 34 x 4 26" ~~ ~ ~t 1' ~~:: 700 x 19 MOTOR CYCLE TY RES 32x 4 24" 35 x 4'11" 26" 41x4} 32" 750 x1 9 28 x 3t 22 " 33 x 41 24" 36 x 5 26" 43 x 5 33" 450 x 20 28 x 2} x 2t 23 " , 24 " As authorised Dunlop distributors we offer the following sizes: HIGH PRESSURE CONVENTIONAL BLACK BLACK Rim Rim 670x16 525/550 x 18 650/700 x 20 Siz e Size Si ze Size 700 x 16 600/650 x 18 525/550/600 x 20 26 x 2} x 2-.\-t 815 x 105 t 750 x 16 *700 x 18 450/475/500 x 20 2 1" 24" 26 x 3t 20" 875 x lOS t 450 x 17 350/400 x 19 *650/700 x 19 26" 475x 17 450x 19 500 x 24 30 x 3H 23" 82 0 x 120 t 525/550 x 17 525 /550/600 x 19 32 x 41 2 3" 22" *600/650 x 17 700 x 2 1 Motorcycle Rim 710 x 90';' 2 1" 880 x 1201 5" *700 x 17 600 x 2 1 760 x 90 t 23" 895 x 135 t *800 x 17 500/ 525 x 21 26 x 3t 810 x 90t 24 " 23" 475/550 x 18 450/475 x21 26 x 2} x 2}t 2 1" t Beaded Edge * Dunl op FORT We are suppliers of the complete line of DUNLOP TYRES DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED Because of limited production runs there can be long delays in obtaining some sizes. However, we have many sizes in stock and can indicate availability of all sizes including interchangeable sizes for tyres not mentioned above. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT US AT P.O. BOX 540 TELEPHONE 7003 (all hours) WHAKATANE WHAKATANE

PAGE T WENTY-FOUR a nd the co mmi ttee tu rne d on a good WAIKATO BRANCH ANTIQUE AUTO SHOW lunch at the Te Ho e hall , after Th e Waikato Branch displayed 60 vehicles and 5 motorcycles in their Antique which we moto red thr ou gh back Auto Show at the Chartwell Square sho:Jping complex in May. The profits country road s to the racecourse in from the venture will be used to assist in th e erection of c1ubrooms. th e afternoon. Hom e for a shower, a q uick shuffle of child ren a nd baby­ sitters a nd off to the race cou rse lounge for a social hour befo re dinner. T he re was mu ch hilarity as we ret raced our movement s over th e day, an d swo pped hard luck stories, some 'of which wer e pr iceless. T he evening then took the form of a D ine a nd Dance. C lub member and ce lebrated mag ician Theo de Leeuw gav e an exce llent ca ba ret act. It was a pretty goo d stunt with stuff co ming and goi ng a nd dov es a ppearing and disappear ing before ou r eyes. Th e gra nd fina l wa s two big rnos covy d ucks which com pletel y d isappea red an d all that rema ined we re a few white feathers. The rally winn er s were : Veteran, C. Wood; ' Slow Vinta ge, N. D ew­ hu rst : Fast Vintage, R. Rowe; P. V.. G . Sut lery; a nd Motor cycle, R. Barrie Grant's 1930 V16 Cadillac Holmes. Bria n Dunnet is no w co llecti ng trophies as well as vintage ca rs. His Model A has won the Na tiona l Co mmercial con cours, the Double 50 concours a nd the Wai kat o Bran ch 's Best Restoration of the Year a war d. MA X REID


The Bran ch held the Annua l Rall y ove r Queen s Birthday week­ end, the weather not being quite as kind as usual to us, with a very co ld and wet afte rnoon sec tion on the ro ad trial. T he course took a route through the Wanganui Eas t subu rb to pass thr ou gh Okoia, the Nigel Browning's 1917 Buick Roadster T ura kina Va lley and a tr ip around the Mount Curl microwave sta tio n 10 a local country hall fo r lun ch. T he wet af ternoon section wa s to return to Wan ganui, via Bull s, the Santo ft Fores t and Bon ny G len. T he da y wa s ca pped off with the usu al high standa rd dinner and prizegiving social at the Palm Lo unge. T he Prizes went to Hank Hurley from Hasting s and Len Haycock from Bull s who won the Vintage T ime T rial and H ank won the Vinta ge Aggrega te. The Veteran s were reasonably represent ed by Stan N orthcote-Bad e and his 1911i Dodge, Reg Kilbey 1914 AlId a ys & Oni on s and Barry Anderson braved the co ld on his 1914 End urance Motorcycle. The night of the 25th June, the Manawatu Bran ch held their Annua l Night T rial. Wanganui was rep resented by Lee Tavlor and crew Bruce Catchpole's 1936 CORD PAGE TWENTY-FI VE PARTS FOR SALE HEAD GASKETS Limited stock available each item. Car Year Cyl. Make Essex 4 P745 Wolseley 16/35 hp 4 P493 Dodge or Graham 32/45 4 Waukesha 4 P275 4 P1235 6 P1918 Riley Nine 31/36 4 P1112 Reo 27/28 6 Vict 673 Singer 4 P533 Pontiac 33/35 8 Vict 885 Durant 24/26 4 Fitz . 291 Nash 6 Vict 982 Morris Com. 33/49 4 P1714 Nash 870/890 31/32 8 Vict 835 Morris 4 P1315 De Soto-Dodge 8 Vict 807 Fiat 20/26 4 P401 Oldsmobile 37/40 8 Vict 934 Fiat 4 P588 Hupmobile 8 McC 5556 Fiat 4 P815 Hupmobile 32/36 8 V.882 Standard Flying 14 4 P1976 Morris Comm. 30/36 6 P 1757 4 McC. 27 Buda 6 V 1267 Singer 49/52 4 P. IA248 6 P 584 Standard Flying 10 37/40 4 P. 121 Hudson 6 Fitz . 733 Standard 8 hp 39/48 4 P789 6 Vict. 1568 Standard Flying 9 37/40 4 Wolesley 21/60 hp 6 P987 Rollin 24/25 4 Vauxhall 33/35 6 P1528 Standard 4 P789 6 V924 14 hp 38/40 4 P122 Continental 6 V377 Singer 12 hp 28/29 4 P702 6 P1214 Morris 12 hp 36 4 P1810 6 V843 Ford T 10/26 4 P754 Durant 6 G.M .C. 4 P IA418 Diamond T 6 V1267 4 P IA447 Wolesley Super 6 36/46 6 P1918 Fordson Tractor 4 Studebaker 6 V190 4 McC.4 Reo 6 V673 Wolesley 15 hp 4 Whippet 1927 6 V564 4 P1596 Lycoming 6 V565 4 Fitz .156 Hupmobile 6 V868 Overland 23/26 P737 Oldsmobile 6 V643 4 Fitz . 0185L M.G.6 6 P1000 Humber 23/26 4 Chandler 26/27 6 V548 Morris 27/32 4 P1315 Austin 27/40 6 P828 McC. 5117 Prices 2 P IA286 4 cylinder $12.50 ea . 6 cylinder $15.00 ea. Standard Flying 14 37/48 4 P1976 8 cylinder $17.00 ea . Overland 16/19 4 V No. 2 Rover 4 P429 P. Payen Fitz . Fitzqerald Oldmobile V8 8 McC. 5052 V. Victor McC. McCord GASKET SETS Whippet 15/40 26/39 $21 .50 Morris 21 hp 39/45 Studebaker 36/50 (6) Decarb set $15.00 Valve Regrind set $9.00 Studebaker Part No . IS-343 $21.50 Hillman 39/45 Decarb set $5 .00 Austin 10 32/39 Valve Regrind set $9.00 Austin Healy BN4 Decarb set $12.00 Please allow 10% for freight, packaging and handling. VINTAGE CARS AND PARTS (N.Z.) LTD. P.o. BOX 4113 HAMILTON EAST PHONE 64-234

PAGE TWENTY-SIX PARTS FOR SALE RADIATORS CARBURETTORS Wolesley 75 Vint Zenith 150 m int Vet Schebler Hillman 40 Vint Schebler Harley Davidson Buick 50 Vint Price $15.00 Citroen 45 Vint Hudson Core 45 Vint Humber 65 Vint MISCELLANEOUS Morris Cowley P.V. $50 Nash R.H . guard N.O.S. $80.00 Morris 12 hp P.V. $50 Ford 37 Deluxe & 38 std . L.H. guard Morris 8 hp P.V. $45 N.O.S . $90.00 Triumph Vint $45 E.M .F. 30 Acetylene H.L. $50.00 Dodge 1916 Vet $50 Large coach lamp $70.00 Nash Vint $60 11 Gig lamps with new bevelled edge Buick Vet $45 horns but need repairs $80.00 5 Dietz Steel side light Kero Brass Solar side light Kero FORD PARTS 45 Headl ight glasses $8 .00 & $10.00 ea. 26/27 Petrol Tank $20.00 300 Valves N.O.S. $2.00 ea. 1910 R.H. Diff $85.00 NNashh DFroffnt Axle Vintage $25.00 1912 R.H. Diff $40.00 as i . . $50.00 1911/12 Longscript running boards Nash 8 Distributor $22.00 need repairs $60.00 pair Overland Motor (1923) $45.00 Crown wheel N.O.S. $45.00 Overland Motor 19/20/21 $55.00 Ford TT Side light brackets $1.50 ea StU!Z Crankshart ~ .O.s. 1912 Repro coil boxes (no fitting) 0arns/ 2.4 925 Big Ends 2 .366 $120.00 Adjustable brake shoes Fiat Petrel tank $25.00 8 in drum Lined Unlined MOTOR CYCLE Model A King pin set $35.00 Harley Frame Bare $25.00 V8 Conrods N.O.S. Harley Guard $10.00 V8 Bear ing shells N.O.S. Box Carb parts & twist grips $25.00 7 M/C Horns $8 .00 2 Unknown 1 cyl M/C engines H.D. MAGNETOS frame, , wheels, guards and Dixie #46 4 cyl $25 ports include motor & gearbox $325.00 Simms C4 4 cyl $25 B.S.A. gearbox has hand gearshift $25.00 Dixie #H 4 cyl $15 Bosch AT4 4 cyl $15 BTH. Twin Six 4 cyl $25 WHEELS Eiseman G.4 4 cyl $20 700 x 90 B.E. (2) $100.00 pr. Eiseman G.4 4 cyl $25 x 24 Wire (2) $50.00 pr. M.L. RF4 4 cyl $20 30 x 3 Ford very early $40.00 pr. Bosch DV6 4 cyl $10 23 in. Wire (2) Daimler $110.00 pr. Bosch Type 22 1 cyl $15 20 in. Wire (3) Vauxhall $30.00 ea . Eiseman G.4 Brass $25 Plus hundreds of wheels too difficult to N.O.S.-New Old Stock identify. Please allow 10 % for freight, packaging and handling. VINTAGE CARS AND PARTS (N ..Z.) LTD. P.o. BOX 4113 HAMILTON EAST PHONE 64-234

PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN in his M od el A For d: A lby Voss was tuli p pattern, straight line the se cl ub roo rns we ha ve the use of in the Durant with I. Mcl vor, B. navigation and writt en inst ru ctio ns a ttrac tive grounds whi ch are perfect Turner and A. Evans as navigat ors: wer e used. for gymkhanas a nd. car meetings in and Warren Birch cam e up fro m The Wai rarap a Branch Annua l general. Wellingt on to team with B. Fran cis G eneral Meet ing was held on the O ur a nnua l " Big Do" is the East and 1. Kendrick in the Ford VS 4th o f Jul y and severa l changes Co ast Rally, held in early Febr ua ry , Coupe. A good night was had by ha ve taken plac e. Ro y Elwin is all with fine wea ther prevailing a nd which wet believe has a reputation no w C ha irma n. with wife Fra nces fo r its scenic int erest a nd in formal cov ering so me 140 miles to finish as Sec retary-T reas ure r and News­ at Fe ilding ab out 4.30 a.m . Lee friendliness . Ne xt yea r the fo rma l letter Editors.How ard Jo nes is will be cha nged a little. T ayl or, B.Clancy, 1. Bulloch and C lub Ca ptain. Pet er Smi th won the G. Purvis managed to bring home com petition cup fo r the highest A lon g time member a rid Hudson th e first prize brass monkey sta tue points du ring the sea son. The fa na tic, John Pothan, was fa re­ whi le Warren and crew finished 6th Kopuaranga C lub Headquarters are welled a t a dinner e vening last and Alby and help ers finis hed 7t h. co m ing along well and it is hoped month. Manaw atu ga ins Pothan T he entry was qu ite goo d, a bo ut to have permanent C lub night s a lo ng with vast quantities of Hudson 25 cars wit h two from Gisborne there in the near future, meanwhile gea r. a Railton (whi ch is a Terra­ and one from Rot orua. C lu b nights will con tinue to be plane lurking beh ind a di fferent BARRY F RA NCIS held a t the Arts Ce ntre, Masterto n. badge) and a 1922 Hudson Service G RAHAM GORDON ca r. Recent meetings ha ve included a shed run a t Kawerau (ac tua lly a WAIRARAPA shed walk, the Ka werau section being close together) followed by a The rally season finished with the WHAKATANE meeting with the Rot orua co ntin­ holding o f our Annua l W inter gent on one of their run s. A simila r Wand er rally on 19th June. Un for­ trip to Awakeri H ot S prin gs to meet tun ately the weather was wet and We a re in the th roes of cha nging the club name to the "Eastern Ba y our othe r nei ghbours, T auranga . wa s cold, but thi s did not det er seve ra l well attended. member s from turning out. The run of Plenty Branch", to reflect the was through Wangaehu Valle y, a rea of our mernber ship-e-Matata. Our club ma gazine "Running Mauriceville We st and on to our Kawerau , Wh akatane and O po tik i. Board" , yellow with an im pro ba ble Kopuaranga He adquarter s for the Member ship is quite sma ll at a ro und look ing Veteran Perambulator on its lun ch sto p where electric and kero­ 25 active members. 10 cars and 4 co ver. is sent to all branches. Any sene heaters wer e goin g at top motorcycles, although more res tora­ member or pr ospect ive member is spee d to thaw out dri ver s and tion s are scheduled fo r the Spr ing . most welcom e to attend our club navigators. The afternoon sect ion However, if wanting in members, we nights at either Wh akatane or ended at Hi ona Int ermediate Sch ool a re the pos sessors of fine c1ubrooms Kawerau on the last Wednesda y of where a cup of hot tea was a t Ka wer au, whi ch a re just emerging the month. appreciated. Th e fea ture a t the ra lly from restora tio n them selves. With ALAN BARNES

c. ~ON (19&7) lm 55 KILMORE STREET CHRISTCHURCH Telephone 69-786


PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT WELLINGTON WELLINGTON T went y-five sta rters bra ved the inclement co nd itio ns o n Sunday . 21st ANNIVERSARY June 26th o n the occa sion of the Annual Co lonia l Cup Run. It was a case of hoods up and heads do wn. TODD PARK RALLY However . the rout e chosen was not with out interest. New housing deve­ lopment s always hav e something to EASTER 1978 offer. even to the harassed na vi­ NATIONAL NORTH ISLAND EVENT gator. Th e drive through Kel son was no exce ption , and full marks • Rallying for all classes • No entry fee mu st go to club Ca ptain Trevor Barnes for his choic e of routes. o Free birthday party • Generous prizes Pla cings : First, Ph il K idd. Seco nd, • Low cost rallying • Rally plaques Sheila Ma the rs. Third, Ivan Ben ge. The rall v co ncluded a t the W.E.A. Plan an Easter birthday rally in Wellington, ro om s. where prizes were pre sent ed and a welcome hot cuppa was March 24-27 enjoyed. The awa rd for the most meri­ torious restor ation of the veal' went to Dave Pal mer by a very narrow Basil Taylor. of the Ch lo ride Len Southwards sta ble, having the ma rgin with his 1914 Humberette. Batt er y Co. pro ved to be a mine of horses mou nted ove r the fro nt (See phot o page 29 in June /July informati on o n the subject of wheel. issue Beaded Wh eels.) This vehicle. batter y manufacture, their ca re and DI CK G ADD with its twin o pposed 1000 c.c. maintenan ce. His talk was a ug­ motor represent ed a mammoth men ted by the screening of two films challenge to Dave, requiring a ll the made ove rseas. The audience co uld Seeing a moving tru ck with no ingenuity a nd ski ll he co uld br ing to not fai l to be impressed by the dr iver , I seized my cha nce for hero­ bear. magnitude and ramifi cat ion s of th is ism. Running alongside , I managed Once again. the Ladies' Rally has wo rld wide multi milli on dollar to jump up . o pen the passe nger door come and gone and once again. industry. The degree of au tomat ion and lunge acr oss the sea t to heave driving co nditio ns left a lot to be so evide nt was eye bo ggling. June on the handbrake, bringing the desired. The Lad ies. however, were 18th saw the opening of the Petone vehicle to a sudde n hal t. equal to the occas ion. Results are : Settlers Mu seum. To add a little As I sat there triu mphantly, the First. Sheila Mathers. Second. weight to the displa y, our bran ch cab door was flung open by a pant­ Dianne Wh ite. Third.Sue Beissel. was a pproac hed for assistan ce. We ing, red-faced man . Brian Wa rd took the prize for the were a ble to provide thre e mot or " If you' re trying 10 win a medal ," best male cook. cycles and an Austin Seven in the he shouted indi gnantly. "you can get Club night , June 2 1st, turned o ut limite d space ava ilable. Of particular o ut of this thing a nd com e help me 10 be a bonus night for member s. interest was the 1902 Wern er from push it !"

'65 International Rally We are writing a series of books under the title of " Ou r International Rallies"­ Volume 1 will be dealing with the Sixth lntarnational Rally 1965-This work will be published in the latter half of 1979 prior to our Third International Rally in Feb ./Mar. 1980. It is our inte nt ion to mention every single person who participated-marshalled­ helped in the field kitchen and the many othe r wonderful people who made this event the greatest gathering of vintage enthusiasts and their vehicles that had ever been held up to that time (some say that it has ne ver and will never be surpassed). To make this venture successful we need the help of all interested parties. Will you please send us any photographs, technical and histor ical data on your vehicles and in particular any anecdotes or incidents in whi ch you or your fellow entrants were involved. Let us relive these wonderful experiences together and in doing so get ourselves geared up for the 1980 rally . Looking forward to hearing from you. Mike Poynton, Box 375, Christchurch.

PAGE TWENTY-NINE Amherst Villiers-The Man who "Boosted" Vintage Racing

Amherst Villiers is one of the finger and held it up . , if it was was a New Imperial. The 14­ outstanding engineers in motor cold on one side they wouldn't year-old Villiers took up his first racing who became a legend in take off." engineering challenge by swap­ less than half his lifetime. Amherst's first efforts at self­ ping his rook rifle for a builder's Fifty years ago he worked with propulsion came with a fascin at­ bike which had stripped its tim­ Bugatti in the factory at Mol­ ing 4-cylinder shaft-drive German ing wheels, a terminal disaster sheim trading his advanced know­ F.N . motorcycle which belonged when there was a war on . How­ ledge of high performance engines to the chauffeur-the family car ever Villiers filed up a pair of for a new Brescia Bugatti. In then being a 35/45 Ren ault in new bronze gears, carefully 1926 he laid out the chassis which Villiers learned to drive. forming each tooth and from for Malcolm Campbell's Napier The first motorcycle he owned then on he was very much a Lion Bluebird and he was the man who designed and built the superchargers for the famous "Blower Bentleys",

by Eoin S. Young

His researches into the means of extracting more horse-power from engines led him into the air­ craft industry and at the end of World War 2 he was in North America becoming involved in the birth of the aerospace pro­ gramme. He was President of the American Rocket Society in 1948, For a brief period he displayed his brilliance in another field, painting portraits, and even de­ signed the special car which Ian Fleming used as a basis for his children 's book "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang". At 73 he still crackles with the urge to create, pressing for per­ fection in everything with which he becomes involved. Villiers was born in London and spent his early years in Brighton where his father was a Member of Parliament and he recalls the Magnificent Men in the ir Flying Machines landing on the Hove lawns in the days when powered flight meant as much to man 's endeavour as moon flights do today. "If you wondered whether they would be flying, you licked a Amherst Villiers PAGE THIRTY motorcycle man working his way signed . World peace was never wa tched the revs. "They went up up th rough Brough s, Red Indian s more grudging ly received. to 4200 and the needle jus t and similar machinery . "T his so rt of th ing has been stopped ." The first mod was a He went to scho ol a t Oundle happen ing all my life ., . wh en set of stronger Terry val ve springs where he met a C urtis Ox VS I a m poi sed on the brink of so me and the revs ra n on to 5000 rpm water-cooled ae ro engine and new ac hieveme nt, fat e steps in before a valve stretc hed and the Rayrnond M ay s, The engine had and turns over to the next experiment ended . been sent by the A ir Ministry and cha pter ... it reall y is infur ia t­ When he pulled the little en gin e put in the science block with a ing ." d own Vi lliers decided so me thi ng "Do N ot Touch" not ice on it. At Cam brid ge he stud ied ph y­ wo uld ha ve to be done a bo ut the Villiers a pproached Sanderson, ics under men like Rutherford camshaft. E ven to sugges t that th e headmaste r, a nd as ked permis­ a nd J . J . Thompson who wer e a t Ettor e Bugatti was vaguely in sion to tak e leav e from all his that time kn ocking on the d oor error now see ms like sacrilage, studies to mak e the aero engine of an a to m ic breakthrough, but but thi s was the 22-year-old run as an experim ent. Permission Villier s was more int erested in Villiers applying h is new-found was granted and with a friend mot or cycles and he spe n t mo re scientific theory to a mechanical helping, Vill iers buil t a test shed time on them than lecture ben ch­ operation . a nd ran the eng ine. From there es. As a form of post-gradua te " I sa t do wn a nd a nalysed it it seemed logical that he sho uld co urse he went to Norway to de­ when I had taken the engi ne inv olve himself with the A ir sign hydroelectric inst all ati on s apart. It was gene ra lly th ou ght Fo rce since the War was still o n, but the proje ct pall ed a nd he that a cam ope ned a valve a nd a so he again as ked Sa nde rso n if came back to England to join spring sh ut it but then I real ised he co uld join the Royal Airc raft Raymond Mays (th ey had met that the valve is sta tiona ry both a t Factory; permission wa s granted aga in a t C a m brid ge) who had by the beginning of the lift a nd ag ain and the headmaster a rranged fo r now tr aded his Speed Mod el at the top of the lift therefore Villiers to join as a Special Hillman on a Brescia Bugat ti. there must be a point of re versal Apprentice a nd work in E Depart­ T hei r first engine test o n the so mew here halfway up the lift so ment (engines) a nd K4 (ex peri­ litt le l-!-Jitre 4-cycl inder Bug atti the spring has to work wh ile it is mental flight). (a baby ca r the size of the soon­ lifting to hold the va lve on to On the day he was due for his to-be-announced A ustin 7) was the no se of the ca m so it doe sn 't co mm iss ion int o the Royal Fl y­ fo r Mays to acce le ra te as hard as fly off. The moment yo u've go t ing Co rps, the arm istice was he co uld in low gear whil e Villier s that so lved it's a matter of giving

The Villiers-Graham, a special-bodied version of the Graham-Paige designed by Villiers. The prototype shown here was delivered the week war was declared in 1939. PAGE THIRTY-ONE the lon gest tim e for the spri ng to ha d a one-off ha nd built ca ms ha ft meet the man who made the work a nd going into the qu estion fo r Buga tti's lit tle Brescia that ran mot orca r a nd Buga tti even more of accelcra tions, po ints of reversal the revs up to 8000 rpm! interes ted to meet the man who and the rest of it, which I d id Making Bugatti's eng ine wo rk mad e it go so mu ch fas ter. before I made those little cams. tw ice as fast as it wa s supposed to A deal was wo rked o ut where­ " I cha nced my arm with a bit br ought othe r p roblems hu rrying by Mays a nd V illiers would br ing of overlap . I sa id T his th ing is and the first to counter was the the Bresc ia to M olshei m fo r goi ng very, ve ry fast so I can 't rat he r opt imisti c lubrication factory study of the modificati on s believe th at it gets the stuff in system. Sma ll jets a imed oil a t a nd in return Ma ys wou ld be pro­ whe n you open th e va lve, there grooves milled into the ca ms haft vided with a brand new Brescia mu st be a dela y,' so I was a ble but as the speed rose the oi l turn­ for the 1924 seaso n. ViIliers to open up a ve ry big overla p ed to smoke. Vi lliers a nsw er was worked a t the Bu ga tti fact ory for whi ch hadn't been d on e in th ose to we ld up sma ll purses or trap s six months but it was a n uncom­ days . . . wc wer e ope ning the fo r the oil which con densed it fo rtab le mesh ing of grea t m ind s. ex ha ust at a bo ut 70 d egrees be­ before it va po ur ised a nd these " I don't th ink he liked me too fore bott om while Bugatti was " rat trap s" were most successful mu ch . . . I don 't th ink he liked op ening his at a bo ut 45 degrees in p rolonging the Brescias acti ve the idea of so me yo ung cha p before botto m." life. com ing in a nd m odi fyin g his ca r Being a couple of undergradu­ Mays was onc of the top drivers bu t he was a ble to use my ideas ates with out mu ch mon ey, V illier s on the sprint a nd hillclirnb sce ne on ca msha fts in his new G ra nd arranged fo r a sma ll en gin eer ing and word of his p row ess had Pr ix ca rs tha t we re to be so suc­ sho p to machine up a ca ms ha ft spread to Fra nce . A t the 1923 cessful. H e was really very non­ and then he cut o ut the ca ms o n Motor Sho w in Londo n, Villiers co mmunica tive. I wo uld go int o postcards, s tuc k them on, filed and Buga tt i met for the firs t time, his office a nd talk to him a bo ut them up , sto ned them a nd soon V illiers naturall y interes ted to probl em s with production or diffi-

Raymond Mays hillclimbing at Shelsley Walsh with the supercharged Vauxhall Villiers in 1927.

PAGE T HIRTY-TWO culty in ge tting a certa in pa rt a nd Gunshop. Desp ite a rep uta tio n and the fac tory pre pa red a more hc was a lways very polite . . . for sparing no ex pense on h is normal team of machines [o r the but d istan t. H e spoke a bit of record a ttemp ts Yi llie rs says even t. Acco rding to Vau ge and unsub­ Eng lish but he d id n't go fo r my Ca mp be ll was very co nsc io us of sta ntiat ed reports of the period, the French. Hc was a n extrao rdina ry h. s bu d get a nd a nxious to c ut embarrassing prototype machine was man , a great ge nius, but a real costs whe rever possible. With this discree tly shipped as far awa y fro m ma rtine t." in mind Yilliers a rr a nged a deal G reat Britain as possi ble, to finally end up in this far flung corne r of the Yilliers was saved by th e fac­ with a ma n named Josep h M a ina Empire. to ry manager, a M on sieur W ait er , who had design ed a n epicyclic Historv has shown that this who lik ed every thi ng E ng lish a nd gearbox a nd was prep ared to d o­ occurrence unsettl ed subseq uent too k Y illiers under hi s wing. na te it to the Bluebird p rogra mme A.I.s. Tourist Trophy effort s to such a nd become d irectl y in volved for an ex tent that with one or two rare " O ne day he took m e shooting exceptions their perf ormances in the in the Vosges mountains, a bo ut the p ublicit y the record a ttemp t TT. have been rather medio cre. Al­ 50 of us with every so rt of fowl­ would ac hie ve for h is tran smi s­ though this unu sual AJ.S. does not seem to have survived the passage of ing pi ece yo u ever saw, a nd we sion. Si nce neither Camp bell or Yi lliers had dra wing o ffices time in this co untry, I do believe d ivided int o two 'a rmies ' a nd we nt tha t 1 have in my possession, a o ff int o the forest. It was a beau ti­ Villie rs decided they sho uld wo rk han dlebar lever and the oil pum p. ful d ay. We wa lked for m iles from M a ina 's premises in Hamp­ originally fitted to it. T he lever has stead but after six m on ths V illiers a nd whcn we stopped fo r lunch left hand thre aded screws hol din g di scovered that Camp bell had the clamp and the pum p delivers oil I as ked W ait er if the va ri ou s mad e an arrangeme nt fo r M aina on the down ward stroke instead of large s to nes 1 had been seei ng on the upward stroke. I have had we re the bound a ry line bet ween to tak e over th e co mplete car. these fittings specially mo unted and A lsace and Lorraine . H e sa id th ey T o be co nt inue d they are now on displa y in my secret worksho p as enduring testimony to were m onuments to people wh o mv fath er's dcvishlv cra ftv handi- had been killed. I d idn't reall y work. " . understand tha t until we sighted My father also cleverly capit ali sed th e pigs at the sa me tim e as th e Itetters on this da stardly scheme by purl oin­ group o n the far side of the trees, to theEditor ing some of the prot otype plan s fro m the fac tory a nd we had bullet s wh istling pa st a nd profitably disposing of them to o ur ears-s-it was far more d anger­ Sir. a gang of und ercover industrial spies o ut for us than th e pi gs . . ! It is amusing to note that the fro m the Orient. Proof of this can be seen by an yone interes ted enough Back in E ng la nd for the 1924 meddling foo l. Sheerluck Ohms, and his pompous stoo ge, Dr Clotson, are to examine a modern Japanese seaso n w ith a b ra ce o f Brescia once aga in back on the scene co n­ motorcycle clo sely a nd observing Bu gattis a t his com ma nd , M ays cerni ng themselves with useless that the brake pedal a nd the gear named one "Cordon Rouge" a fter fiddle faddle such as time machine s. lever are on the wrong sides! his favourite cha mpagne and the while failing to perceive a profound You rs etc., unsolved mystery right underneath Prof. Morrie Ar ty Jnr .. B.S.A., F.N.. ot he r was "Cordon Bleu " after their noses, Me mber of the Veloship of N. U T. the F re nch b randy. H e was un­ 1 refer, of course, to the ph oto­ (ROSS ANDERSON beat able, graph on page 6, " Beaded Wheels", South Can terb ury Bran ch.) May your pen never run sho rt of Villiers' re putatio n wa s sp rea d ­ No. 104. Thi s is a picture which I am sure Ohms canno t have Cas trol R. ing a nd in 1925 he was as ked by missed, but with a mind so Malcolm Camp bell (w ho th en befuddl ed with coca ine and Lion Sir. held the Land Spe ed R eco rd at Brown, he obviously has failed to Th e two letters in Beaded Wheels 150.87 mph wi th a n 18.3 litre V I2 grasp the full imp lica tions therein. No . J06 were very interesting. Cer­ Th e curious " Fa rce Abo ut Ace" o-eng ined Su nbeam) for sug­ ta inly, expensively restored old cars, mach ine dep icted in the pho tograp h in terms of money and time. could ges tions to improve the perf orm­ was the pro toty pe works rac ing reaso nab ly ex pect to be ra llied ove r a nce of the record ca r. Vi lliers' model made by A.I.S. to compe te in decent road s. which will do no last­ immediat e suggestio n was th at the Isle of Ma n T.T. races of 1923. ing dam age. It is a lso important to Carnpbell sho uld forget th e 350 T he reason' for its unorth odox con­ get the Vintage and Veteran cars out struct ion being due 10 a cunning in la rge numbers fo r ma jor rallies, bhp Sun beam a nd bu ild a new rum ou r circula ted by my late fa ther. However. perhap s policy deci sion s car using a 22 .3 litre, 450 bhp who was at the time engaged by a sho uld now be made as to how to " broad arrow" N apier Li on aero rival factory to end A .I .S. sup rem­ ha ndle P.Y.Y. and P.W.V. act ivities eng ine th at he remembered from ac y in the Senior TT. as a n impo rtan t part of club his d ays a t Farn borough. The rumour being, that the race ac tivities. would be run anticloc kwise instead Th e point is that. a bo ut 30 yea rs Camp bell inv ited V illiers to of in the usual clockwise direct ion, ago . when the V,c.e. was fo rmed join the p rojec t a nd design a car with the objec t of ca using A.J .S. to (if I'm not mistaken), ca rs as young to take the N ap ie r en gine. Villiers build machines unsuitable for the as 17 years old were eligible. Th is course. ag reed an d th e chassis wa s bu ilt mea ns 1960 mod els. in toda y's terms. Un fortunately. short ly before the Th e club was formed largely with to hi s design in the Vickers West race. the dece ption was discovered exot ic a nd expensive and rare cars in P A GE THIRTY-THREE mind, cert ainl y not for the Yank WANTED -Classic Ca r Magazines. WANT ED -For 1933 Morris Ox­ tan ks which pred om inat e in man y Vol. 1, Nos. I & 2. Also circula r ford 16/ 6. Engine, seats and any Vintage rallies today. heat er to fit T.R . 2. 3. 3A. Model informat ion or suita ble part s to help As the owner of a 1924 Yan k R250. For Sa le- T. R.2 1955 suitable in the restoration. Keith Gi bbons. tank and a 1949 Pom bom b, neith er fo r par ts or restorat ion, I of 2 with 74 G loria Avenu e, Te Atatu , Auck­ of which is operational a t present , full bod y. fast back sha pe, 80.000 land . Phone HSN 46-960. (Member). I'm su re that the spirit behind the miles, $600. Dal e Bedford. 42 East FOR SA LE- I928 Austin 16 / 6 preser vati on of either age of vehicle Coast Road, Auckla nd, 9. Phone Burn ham Saloon , roya l blue and is substantially the same. Whereas 467-120. black, restored 1969. Fairly tidy but the 1924 model was not too difficult WA NTED- For Ar my Ind ian : mino r wo rk required. Original up­ to use in 1949 mo toring co nditio ns, toolbox, seat , fuel tan ks (L. & R.), holstery. car pet an d headl ining re­ its two wheel brake s mak e it less sideca r (parts or detail s of same). newed. Spare motor , gea rbox. fro nt suita ble for everyda y use today than handl ebars, frame. brake levers. and rear ax les. Other parts. $2950 the 1949 model. throttle and spark ' contro ls. Please the lot. B. S. Carrad, 3 Balliol Perh ap s the regular, more socia l write: Ga vin Ballan tyne, P.O. Box Avenue,Na pier. rallies sho uld welcome P.W.V.s. 14, Ngatea. Vintage Yank tanks and the odd exo tica, to get the memb ers togeth er. COAC H BUI LDI NG Th e more fo rma l rallie s could in­ BEARlNG PROBLEM S? SPEC IALISTS volve the full division into classes, Con rod s re-metalled and mach­ ined. Main bearings re-metalled Rebuilding and repair ing Veteran and the prizes should be awarded and Vintage cars is our Specialt y. in each class in which there is at and align bored. Oilways cut as per original or to instructions. We will build to your require­ least one vehicle present. However ments. Contact : Stuart Fox Ltd. the classes should include P.W.V .s. Workmanship and material of top quality. Work done to suit 81 Waerenga Road . Otaki. Phone In time, if we have no more war s 8980. to remember dates by, the P.W.V.s shaft when supplied or to instruc­ tion . themselves may need to be sub­ Blocks bored. pistons expanded divided , into decades. After all, what and re-groved. Rings supplied or WANTED-For 1938 Vello cette, we are tr ying to do is preser ve and made to suit. (F reight arra nged.) Amal T ype 76/004 Ca rby ., Miller enjoy a little bit of history. Isn't it? For the best results contac t A. J. Electrics., head lamp switch, tail R. T. C. HARMAN Barber, Piri Lane, Paraparaumu, light , dip switch with a lighth ouse Christchurch Phone 7141. on it, have Lucas part s as swa ps. Also wanted fo r 1939 Gold Star FOR SAL E-I929- 38 A.C. Special 300 x 20 tyre, Lucas amp meter, 3-} competition two seater. Very suc­ fuel tank, have Ind ian amp meters cessf ul vinta ge rac ing ca r in ro ad as swap . All repl ies answered. Garry Classified ads trim. Many spares includ e new, un­ Turner. 45 Old Renwick Road . used crankshaft, co n-rods, head , Blenheim. or Phone 6677. RATES FOR CLASSIFIEDS oil pump etc. Ruapuna 6 1 secs. WANTED- Sunbeam S7 or S8 sha ft Members of Vintage Car Club Inc . Offers over $5,000. dri ven. motor cycle pa rts. An y par ts $ 1.50 for first 40 words or less there ­ 1929 SCOTT Fl ying Squirrel. Frame, (especia lly crank case) and techn ical after 2 ce nts pe r word . tank re-pa inted. Mechani call y very info rma tio n. M. J. McKi e, 23 Dales­ Non Member good, smo oth running. machine. No ford Street, Ham ilton . Ph one 66-820. $2 .00 fo r firs t 40 wo rds or less there­ headl amp. $ 1500 o.n.o. (Member). aft e r 2 cents per word . DAIM LER V-8 2+ litre engine co m­ WANTED-Vintage for beginner. BOX AD $3.00 extra to a bove rates. plete , very good condition. Sensible Pre fer Model A or similar American o tTers plea se. tourer or road ster unrestored but PHOTO AD $8.0 0 ex tra to ab ove rates . 1954 VINCENT Lightning, sound, Enclose good black and wh ite ph ot o. will con sider any reasonable priced complete original machine needin g vehicle. Rob Turnbull, 34 Becroft Above rates ap p ly fo r each advert ise me nt. det ail tidying. $3500. Drive, Auckl and, 10. Phone 493-738. Advertisem ents mu st be typ ed or cle arl y A.C. 2 litre spares, s.a.e. for list. p rinte d . T YRES- T hree Avon Turbospeed WANTED - Sidecar wheel hub for a CHEQUE OR POSTAL NOTE MUST BE 6.00 X 16" hard ly used $120, three 1923-1 927 Vintage Harley Da vidson ENCLOSED Aqu ajet 205 VR 15" 20% worn , or complete with 17 inch rim. Phone 60 Little River, Evenings Send to: The Advertising Man ager, $150. P.O. Box 13140, VARIOUS S.U. carbs.. s.a.e. for list. CHR ISTCHURCH. Contact Rogers, 103 Prin cess Dri ve, not la ter than 10th o f month prec edi ng pu blicat ion . Nelson (Member). FORD PARTS DODGE "VICTOR Y 6" Falkners Garage CO UP E 1928/2 9 (Since 1956) YOUR AD will have greater Wanted : Work shop manual , lit­ (Brian Fal kner, Prop.) impact in a border. Remit $3.00 Ierature etc. for Dodge of this extra to normal rate s and ask period. Any co ntac ts or infor- Larg e stocks of new, rebuilt, for Box Ad. mat ion appreciated.Malc olm secondha nd par ts for Ford V8's Ta ylor, 65 Mona ghan Avenue, up to 1977. Plea se send S.A.E . Karori , Wellington . Ph . 769-146. fo r your requirem ents to 184 1928 RUGBY SEDAN-pa rtly re­ All replies acknowledged. Clyde Stree t, Island Bay, Wgtn. stored, reconditioned engin e, new Phone 837-558, open Saturday tyres, all bod y parts but requires WANTED- Buick 24" Split Rims. morn ings. completion. Offers to : Ph one 8138, Wr ite : 38A Ireland Road , Panrnure. Ran giora, Auckland, 6. PAGE THIRTY-FOUR PANTHER PARTS-Panther parts TECH NICAL INFORMATION wanted fo r 1938 600 c.c. Panther: WA NTED SWAP One pair of Tiltray guide head ­ 1'v! echanical specifica tions, wiring Front forks complete with steering head. front wheel and mudguard, lamps with glass 9" diameter. diagrams, servicing instructions. also one odd lamp guide head carburettor, electrical and wheel reasonable tank and handbook! I could swa p or buy some 1929 part s with glass, all in mint condition. alignment data for: One 1928 Mod el A hub pull er. 2 Ame rican Ca rs 1922- 62, such as crank case, flywheels fork s tim ing gears. Please cont aci : Roy Axles for 1928 Model AA I-t ton Diesel. Aero, Truck and T rac­ truck. Sta rter motor g e n e ra t~r fo r tor En gines 1922- 35, Coles, 106 Ballance Street, Gis­ borne. 1924 Dodge. Wou ld like to swap British Cars 1946- 60. these items for verv old hand For price list send S.A.E. to: WA NTED -For 1925 Dodge 4 Road ster , rear half of bod y, from ope rated klax on ca r 'and motor­ Tec hnical Inf ormation, 31 Tarat a cycle horns, bulb horns, Ford Crescent, Man gere , Auckland. seat back . Urgent any co ndition. Also headlights, ammeter and hexa­ Model T horns (diaphragm type gonal hub nut s. marked D.B . and hand operated), also old ~ANTED-For 1929 Pontiac Big Contac t: lan Hay, 1007 Ga rry St., R.A.C. Badges . Wr ite : R. Oak­ SIX Sedan . " Marvel" carburettor, Hastin gs. Phone 88-062. sho tt, 5 Norman Street. Hamil­ model ·' A" . Co mplete carburetto r or ton. . Phone 77-924 Ham ilton , any pa rts. Cont act: Phil Reed, 200 FOR SA LE- 1924 Nash rad iator. evenings. Ross Street, Invercargill.(Member). steering box, head lights a nd hub cap . 1927 Chev rolet motor and door FOR SALE- 1933 Hillman Hum­ handl e. Wolseley gea rboxes about ber, in good condition for age . 1922. 1923 Overl and hub caps , Original lea ther upholstery, $200 or Rugby carburettor. WANTED-For AUTO RESTORATIONS swap for Chev. roadster or tourer in 1929 D.A . Dodge : horn, tail light. LIMITED restorable condition (1928-29). Con­ interior light, interior and exterior tact : T. A. Mort imer, ICostello door handles, window winders, start­ Avenu e, Blenh eim, Phone 5051 pri­ ing switch, horn button a nd controls We can now offer vate or 6483. (Member). fro m centre of steering wheel. Write : Roger Larsen, R.D. 5, Clo­ CUSTOM TUBE BENDING HOOD BOW SUPPORTS verlea Road, Palmerston North. for exhaust systems on (Meta l onl y) Phone 81-732 Palm erston North. ALL CARS and WANTED-For 1935 Austin 7 Construct ed to pattern supplied. Sedan, headl ight s, sidelights, door MOTORCYCLES All types including U.S.A. tap­ handles, tail light, rear a xle etc. P. ered tube. with sea m. Completed Howard, 8 Selkirk Road. Mt. Albert, I" to 2" O.D. to a folding stage. Also repairs to rusted and worn Auckl and. irons. WANTED-ehass is and bod y part s Sorry-No fitting Availabl e I set Chrysler road ster for Series 58 1925-26 Ch rysler , also hood iron s approx. 1930. rear mudguards and wind screen for Enquiries to P.O. Box 2~2 73, 1927- 28 Chev. Repa irable or suit­ Contact : G . W. Saunders. 53 Phone 69-988, Mortlake Street, Christchurch 4. able fo r patterns. Con tact : A. C. Littin , R.D. I, Wellsford. Phone or call at 63 S1. Asaph Street, 4501 Wellsford, (Member). CHRISTCHURCH WANTED-For 1926-27 Dodge 4 tourer; rear half of bod y including 4 FOR SALE doors, front and rear sea ts, hood Nash Ambassador head gaskets bows, 1 piece windscreen, 2 wood 1940-42. Na sh -} set of brake spoked rear wheel hubs (with no linings. Na sh Lafayette Cylinder splits on key-way, spoke condition head , used. Na sh La fayette immaterial). or a ny other part s bod y Crown a nd pinion , used. Nash or mechanical. Stephen Borich. 10 La fa yette Steering column. Stude­ Longburn Road , Henderson, Phone bl;lker Commander Water pump 63-874 Henderson. (Member). kit sets 1938--42 Studebaker Champion Water pump kits WANTED-1924-25 Austin 7 parts 1939--40. Graham Cylinder head , FOR SALE steel radiato r sur round, open centred U.S.A., aluminium, new, 1934--35. Offers are invited for this highl y RE. wheel s, circular C.A.V. 3 button Graham Crusader. Iow rev. and desirable 1913 12/ 16 Sunbeam switch panel , belt drive speedo­ seco nd gears, new 1935- 36- 37. with Coupe de l'Auto bod v: meter, 2 pair s of brakeshoes for 6" Graham timing cha ins, 1935, Handl es with style and precision . dia. b~k e drums, hub caps, rubber adaptabl e to 1936 and 37 model s Very relia ble. Completed 1965 mesh disc fo r mag neto dri ve, genera­ Grah am axle shafts. some ne~ International Rall y effortlessly. tor cover. crank handle-shaft and and used. Graham differential 1908 Beeston Hum bel', engine re­ bracket, fan bra cket, and windscreen complete , 1937 s/charged model. ~ to red , chassis, spr ings and hubs fra me. Graharn 1936 Crusader main m good condition. Other parts I al so require any 1916 Buick 6 dri ve gears, new. Oldsmobile or known to be around. parts to swap for some of the Pontiac crown and pinion (new). 1910 S1.! nbeam T , head, engine above part s. Graham Cru sader clutch facings and radi ator. All complete. I ha ve sundry of 1929-30 Austin 1936- 37. Inqu iries a bout Graham Repl ies in the first instan t to : 7 mechan ical parts available fo r parts will be answered, prices will D. L. Leyden, swa p. Co ntac t: J. R. Barker. 60 be reasonabl e. I am not money R.D. 2, Te Awamutu. D odsons Valley Road , Nelson . hun gry. Reply : Tom Rogers, 16! . D. L. Leyden, Phone 88-352 Nel son Collect. Great South Road, Otahuhu. R.D. 2, Te Awamutu. (Member). PAGE THIRTY-FIVE FOR SA LE- 1931 10 h.p . side valve FO R SALE- 1923 Mod el T Sta tio n [o ur door Singer sedan. partly re­ I FO R SALE Wagon a nd mechanical s. Wh at stored and com plete apart from Hudson Terra pla ne 1934 seda n. offer s" Co ntact : Stua rt Fox . 81 wir ing loom. a very rare motor car o rigi na l 90,000 mi les. in good all Waerenga Road,Ota ki. Ph one 8980 . ro und co nd ition a nd in reg ula r which mu st be so ld. Co ntac t : Ian I McI ver. 32 Co ro nation Road, Papa­ use, mot o rs well and ver y pre­ FOR SALE toetoe, Auckland. Ph on e Pop 84-23 1. senta ble. Some spa res including 1928 Chevrolet Tourer. Co lla p­ set new pistons. Open to oilers sible Soft Top Mo del. Na tiona l a round $ 1500. Contac t : R. FOR SALE -1938 Buick Straight 8 Ta ll Radiat or, 4 door. This Anderson , 49 Li verpool C rescent. vehicle is in imm aculate original in mint condition. colour blu e. on e Na pier. Ph one 434-565. owne r fro m new . 120.000 miles. co nd ition, milea ge 3.000. Bod y Pric e $30,000. Telephone 4248 Te pai nted blu e with black gua rds . A wamutu, origi nal uph olstery, tyres as new. Pr ice $5000. Thi s very desi ra ble vehicle ca n be inspected a t the sho wroom of Bowat er-Vining LEA THER CA RSEA TS Ltd., Achilles Avenue. Ne lso n. to JACKETS AND COATS who m all enq uiries should be beaut ifull v res tore d to ori gin al mad e. . co lo ur by BR OCKLE BANKS LE ATHE R WANTED - Urgently to co mplete CENT RE restoration on 1929 C hevro let sedan . Profession al Dv ers of 2 interio r door handles. 2 ex terior Ge nuine Leathe r door ha ndles (one with loc k & ke y) , 191 Kin g E dwa rd Street. 2 headlight posts. ta il lamp an d len s, SOUTHD UN EDlN 2 side mounting brackets (co m plete P.O. Box 204 1. or parts). radiat o r sto ne gua rd. c ran k AL L WORK G UARANTEED hol e cov er. hub caps (mush roo m) or Full particulars. Quo tes on FOR SALE 30- 31 sa ucer type. ext erior wind­ request. Sunbe a m 16-60 1929. Dat ed screen wiper a nd mounting bra cke t, Pr ompt service V.c.c. No. 1048 Sunbeam Wol­ exterior sun viso r, light switch a nd PHO N E 54-065 verha mpton Saloon body. Bri tish a ny othe r useful pa rts, new or used . racing gre en a nd black. Du nlop Will pa y cash or swa p fo r the wire wh eels in A. I condition . fo llowing item s : 1924 C hev , Tourer WAN T ED-1931, 3 speed, B.S.A. T win side mounted spa res. Co m­ (Trucked) exce llent running gea r (no gearbox a nd clutch. also (4) 18 inch plete in all detail s. Present gau ges or gua rd s). Dod ge tail lamp. 5 stud wire wh eels, suitable 1932-34 owner 15 years. A com fo rta ble sa me as C hev. but larger. 1929 15 h.p. Morris. Headlight glasses for rall y ca r. Spa res included : rad ia­ Chev , chassis. exce llent co nd ition. 1939 Nash, also engine an d box . tor. eng ine a nd tyres. Registered interio r windi ng handles, speedo Will bu y or swa p the foll owing: and warrant of fitness, Fo rced parts, headligh ts and rims, radia to r 1933 4 speed B.S.A. gea rbox. pai r sale $4950 o.n.o. D . V. Wh ite. surrounds, a ll engine parts. bo nne ts, new gas light s bras s. 1925 Norto n 688 G rea t North Road , Western 20" d isc whee ls. 19" wire wheels. fo rks and tank. Au stin 20" wire Springs, Auckland 2. Ph one 1931 Che v. headlights a nd rims with wheels. Singer 1930 ,? diff, stee ring 769-137. (Me mber). cross ba r. Odd carburettors. Please box. gea rbox . Ma ny motor cycle cont act : T. A. Mortirner, I Costello pa rts fo r Veteran E nfields, etc ., etc. Avenue, Blenheim. Phone 505 1 Contac t: D. Palrn er . 206 George Pri vat e or 6483 Collect. (Me mber). Street. Stokes Valley. P hone 8 185. (Mem be r). . AUTO RESTORATIONS j LIMITED ca n help you with your problem. WA NTED Engine and a ll mech ani cal EA RL Y VETER AN rebuilds un dertaken by qual ified I a m interested in hearing from expe rience d tradesmen . an yon e wh o wishes to sell a n One-off parts made up . early vetera n. eith er res to red o r Batch es of pa rts for one-make needing restorati on . or a goo d groups undertaken. coll ection of pa rts. An ything At present undergoing rebuilds in con sidered. Ken Wood head , 2 our workshop: 1953 Austin Old Renwick Road . Blenheim. Healey, 1929 Star, 1912 Ph on e 4780 . (Member). FO RSALE Wolseley, 1932 Rolls Royce, 1937 N ASH AMBASSADOR. 1935 Austin , 1936 5.5. Jagu ar , complete and origina l. twin igni­ 19 34 Mor ris, 19 20 Buga tt i. WA NTED-Velocet te tail ligh t to tion , mech an icall y very goo d, Phon e, write or call com plete rest oration of 1951 M.A.C. so me rust in the boot . do or s a nd AUTO RESTORATiONS Don Gordo n, 83 E pso m Avenue , sills, retrimrning de sirable. Spares Auckland. Ph on e 603-732 . include new running boards. Ver y 63 St Asaph Street go od resto ra tion proposition. Christchurch WANT ED- Triumph tail light to Offers over $800. Peter Kirk. 117 Phone 69-988 suit 1947 Speed T win . Don Gordon. Roebuck R oad , Gi sborne, Pho ne P.O. Box 22273 83 E pso m Avenue. Auckland. Ph one 87-829. 603-732. PAGE THIRTY-SIX £3.50 CLASSIC RALLY PLAQUES including Pl aques m ade to order in a MOTOR RACI NG UK p&p va rie ty o f materi al s and col·­ POSTER abroad o ur s a nd ei ther en graved or COLLECTION add £1 cast. Prices ca n range fro m a s low as 75c each. 1935 Brooklands For F ur ther Information 1934 Donington THESWISS JEWELL ER S r.o. Box 912, N apier 1933 Campbell's Bluebirds (Ba rry A nde rso n P roprietor) 1967 Hailwood's TT Hondas 1929 Le Mans Bentleys 1927 Norton, H.R.D., TT Winners Motormedia Publications PO Box 3 East Horsley Surrey UK

WANTED- Buda engine 4 cylinder FOR SA LE- 4 volumes Motor E n­ fo r 1913 M ichigan, a lso used in gineeri ng in min t co ndition. these Spa ulding cars. Also wan ted radia­ books cover very ea rly E nglish and to r badge fo r 1917 Stude baker. Ame rican cars, Vo!. I Engines , Vo!. Have for sale 1917 Dod ge cowl 2 Elec trical Equipmen t. Vol. 3 WANTED and dashb oard. Repl y John Co ur t­ Chass is an d Bodywo rk. Vol. 4 ney, 26 Sunray Ave nue, Titiran gi, Fo r 1929 Reo. Flyin g Clo ud. two Tran smission and Steer ing. Wr ite : doo r han dles with pattern as Auckland 7. Phone 7683. R. Oakshott , 5 No rman Stree t. FOR SALE-1 937 Hudson Terra­ shown. Write to B. R. Smit h, Hamilton. Phone 77-924 Hamilton . Box 341 Gore. (Mem ber). plane. dr iven hom e, goo d tyres, 2 eve nings. never fitted . Spar e mot or s and I plen ty of part s, registrat ion kep t FO R SALE- I929 Duran t Co upe­ open , started to restor e. N.ow have WANTED restored-motor has done a pprox . smaller car to restore . Pri ce $350. 4.000 on full recon diti on-plent y of Contact Albert Voss, Mar ybank , Gas lighting, tyre pump. bulb horn, speed o, for veteran mot or­ spares. Good rel iable car-for fur ­ No. 2 R.D., Wan ganui. Ph one ther deta ils please writ e. pho ne or 55.242. cycle. Also veteran side car com plete or chass is only any ca ll Ca m Keown. Hu wkesbury Road. R.D .2. Blenheim. Ph one 20511. ENGINE VALVE REBUILDER co ndition. Have veteran D ouglas engine to swap. Repl y F. Carter (Member). Professionally Engineered and (member), Box 51099 Pakuran ga, Guaranteed Auc kland . Pho ne 44-756 H owick. Do n't throwaway those old. worn , or burn t o ut va lves. Wh y MAINLAND pay for expensive new or hard SELL-Tyre s 475-500 x 20 Reid­ EASTER RALLY 1978 to get one s when yo u can ha ve rubber jGoodrich. 4 only done 1,000 them rebuilt for a longer life. mls, I new. All with tubes $30 eac h. organised by the Ca nterb ury (Cha nged to whit e walls). Bryan Branch and cat eri ng for: REB UILT VA LV ES F RO M Ja ckson , 232 Marua Rd, Mt. $5.30 R ETAI L VET ERAN, VINTAGE, P.V.V . Wellin gton, Phone 596-759 Auck­ ACCEPTED P.W.V. Details on applicati on . land . (Mem ber). CA RS. l"t OTO RC YCLES Exc hange valves ava ilab le now. COMMERC IA LS New Valves for some Veter an and Vintage ca rs availa ble. "Ve offer you: " Hu b Style Rall ying Camshaft Lobes re built cas t iron and steel " Old Ti me Mu sic H all Cracked Manifolds Rep aired " Han gi Exchange Cylinder Head s " Prize-givin g Dinner some models G as Spray and Electric Welding " Entrants Choice Open Saturday morning Conco urs de Elega nce FOR SAL E " Optional Gymkhana Phone or Contact­ 1957 Nash Metropolitan (same as G . E. Wr ight phot o). Motor overh auled, in­ " Camping at Cutler Park 10 G reat South Road terior upholstery ren ewed. carpets " Extra Low all inclu sive Co st Papatoetoe. P.O. Box 23386 renewed. Very few of these Phone POP 86-462 a bout. Inquiries an d offe rs to : Plan Now to Enter and After hours, Flat I, 15 Co uchi rev St reet. D unedin. par ticipate in thi s Rall y 32 Ha yward Rd. , Pap at oetoe. Phon e 48 -00(,.

P AGE T H IRTY-S EVEN WANTED-I929-30 Chev . rear guards or left hand guard s onl y. 1930-31 Chev. 19" wire wheels. Have for swa ps. Chev. 29-30 fro nt guards. 1930 left hand doors, 1927 Chev. radiato r and surro und. Write : H. G . Port eous, Sprin gdale Road, Waitoa, Waik at o. Phone 702 Springdale, (Member).

WANTED -B.S.A. Bantam Major PHOENIX GROUP OF COMPANIES rea r mudguard. Spee do, hal f moon PHOEN IX ASSURANCE CO.OF NEW ZEALAND LTD shape . Transfers. Information in­ structio n. Work shop Manu als. Swap PROVIDENT LIFE ASSURANCE CO. LTD. 1928 Rile y radi at or German Silver for 19 inch 5 stud Rile y wheel. FIRE - LIFE - ACCIDENT - MARINE Photo of wheel upon request. Write : Bernard Keenan , 67 Broadway. VINTAGE & VETERAN VEH ICLE Wait ara, New Plymouth. INSURANCE FO R SALE OR SWAP- I have mechan ical parts for: Chev, 1934 to Christchurch Branch: P.O. Box 38 1938. Desoto 1930. Dodge 4.Essex 82 HEREFORD STREET Phone 791-054 1926, 1928. Morris 1926. Old smobile 1917, 1930. Will ys Overlander 1924. Local Offices Throughout New Zealand Studeba ker 1930. " Diffs fo r 1930 Graha m Pai ge, 1937 Nash." Wan ted an y parts for Arm y Indian Motor WANTED-Ammeter. 8-0-8 2" dia­ WAN TED -Motorsport Magazines. bikes. Plus Dodge 4 bod y part s, 20 meter. Black face with chro me Any prior to 1959. Also January inch split rims. Rin g 89-586 Levin bezzle. Also 6 v horn fo r Triumph, 1959, May 1960, May 1962, Au gust, o r write : B. Hill s, Flat 6, De von Nacelle type. WILL SWAP Ro yal Septem ber 1966. An y 1967, 1968 Street Flats, Levin. Enfield 350 single engine and gear and 1969. Have man y swaps goin g box, for Triumph pre unit mo?el back to J960. John Hearne, 54 King parts, particularly frame parts tor Edward Avenue. Bayswater, Auck­ T iger 110. Neville Morrison, 49 Red ­ land 9. CAJ-JENDARS castle Roa d, Oarnaru. Phone 70-705. WANTED -Any parts, specially FOR 1978 (Member). petrol tank, inf ormation , photo's etc. N EW VINTAGE PARTS FOR for an "Ariel 1931-32 500 cc 4 valv e Th e pop ular Vintage Ca r Calen dar s SALE-Axleshafts @ $20 to suit: overhead Sloper. Ivan Gamble, F lat will again be ava ilabl e for next year. Austin 12/4 & 12/6, 1931-36; Chrys­ 4, Lain g Street. Mosgiel, (Phone These will be simil ar to the 1977 ler, 1929-31; Essex /Hudson, 1930­ 7174). issue with 6 beautiful g lossy prints 31; Morris Minor, 1929-34; Morris FOR SALE- 1950 in full colour ea ch 13} x 10". Isis, 1930-32; Rover 10/25. 1929-31: The cars fe atured are: two stroke $20. D.K.W. moped 1950 Singer 9 hp Le Mans, 1925-34; new tyres $25. Arm y Indian incom­ 1901 DURKOPP Singer Junior, 1929-30; Standard 9 plete $300. New Hudson 1926 o.h.v. & I1 hp, -31; Whippet, 1928-31; 350. a shocker $20. Old speedway 1903 SUNBEAM Wolse ley Hornet, 1932. Crown 1913 BROOKLANDS RILEY machine, no engine, good tyres $50. wheel & pinion set @ $25 to suit : B.S.A. Sloper 1927 $300. 1929 Royal 1901 DE DION BOUTON Dodge 4 cyl. , Vintage. Valve guides Enfield frame. forks $10. Mo ped 1932 BUGATTI @ $1 to suit: Graham Paige , 19 ~8­ frame, forks, front wheel $10. Indian 1908 RENA ULT 34. Shackle pins @ $1 to SUIt: Sco ut frame 1925 $10. Odd B.E. Morris Minor, 1929-34. Distributor and later m / c wheels. Send S.A.E. A br ief des cription of each car is cap s @ $5 to suit : Alvis, 1931-34: g ive n. for det ails, Ron Roycroft, G len Austin 7 hp , 1930-39; M.G., 1931-39; Murray, Here is an op po rtuni ty to secu re not Hillman 6 cyl., 1931-37. Also large on ly a useful calendar for next yea r ran ge of new mechanical parts for WANTED-Old style Manley or but 6 magn ificent co lour pict ures of post vintage vehicles. Postage extra. Weaver or similar hoist to suit earl y th ese illus t rious veh icles. Appl y : Lever. 87 Tui Road. Papa­ salvage truck. also racing equip­ Th ese are ideal for f raming. toet oe, Auckland. ment to suit four cylind er Chev rolet Price (includ ing pos tage) on ly $1.60. engi nes. Details : Ron Roycroft , Cal endars will be ava ilable in early G len Murray. Dec ember , but as supp lies are CHASSIS RESTORATIONS FOR SALE- 1924 F iat Road ster limited orders shou ld be se nt with If you need your chassis re­ Tip o 509. All there but exceedingly payment as soo n as possibl e to paired , rebuilt, sections of your tatt y. On Club Register No. 670. Calen da r Ord ers chassis. or brackets reproduced $1,000. Also 1929 Chevrolet Sedan , P.O. Box 13140, to original, contact, bodies in pieces, all wood-work Christchurch . PARAHAKI ENGINEERING labelled but needing replacemen t. If desired we will mail o ne to a Motor reconditio ned, gea r box a nd frien d. These calendars mak e an P.O. Box 528. WHANGAREI differen tial overha uled. Nearl v two ideal Christmas present-inexpen­ cars. 5700. Ken Rieper, 48 Avenue sive, useful and lasting a full yea r. Workmanship guaranteed Road , Greenmead ows. Napi er , Your me ssage will be enclosed. Phone 442-497. PAGE THIRTY -EIGHT WANTED-1935 Chevrolet ma ster 4 door sedan parts-mainly interior fitting s. a lso any other parts. Source VINTAGE ELECTROPLATING of gaske t set and workshop manual a lso needed . Have Army Indian pet ro l tank caution plates for sa le Nickel plating by slow-deposit, as on your original vintage a t $ 1.50 ea ch (repro.), Contact J. F . parts. Will not peel or crack, polishes to a long-lasting Sm ith . 83 Wyon St reet, Christchurch . lustrous shine, and gives better protection against corrosion. Ph on e 897 -230. For quick service and quality work, consign your work to: FO R .SALE- T wo 1928 M od el A Tudors complete with o rigina l parts PRATTS ELECTROPLATERS LTD, NELSON in good o rde r, very little ru st. Ha ve P.O. Box 474 Phone 77-283 been disma ntled. One ha s only do ne 46,000 m iles a nd has o rigina l hand­ book . so me parts restored. $ 1,200 th e lot or near o ffer. Al so Model T parts. mot ors, wheels, radiator a nd WA NTED-Dod ge or Pl ymouth WANTED-1916 Buick 6 cy linder surro unds, a xles . springs , all in very Seda n body or complete ca r 1933-34 . parts. I ha ve not started restoration good co nd ition. Contact G . W. Al so wanted to suit 1933 D od ge, yet, so all parts will be of great McGregor, 109 Reservoir Road , headlight and tail light len ses, tail interest. I a m a lso interested in Oamaru. Phone 71-124. light bodies, rear bumper, wheel rim 1918-19 Buick 6 parts for a friend. (wire spoked), hubcaps a nd ra m I also have swaps for a bo ve cars if radi ator cap. Please write: R . Now ­ anvone is int er ested . I would also WANTED-For the original re s­ land. 20 Gillies Avenue, Hamilton. like to get in tou ch with other toration o f my late 1930 Model A people restoring a 1916 Buick, Ron Phaet on. Electro lock ignition switch FOR SALE-Approx. 2,000 ton s of Duffield, 17 Brabourne Street, a nd cable to di stributor. Round fa ce assorted Vintage Car. Truck a nd Christchurch, 2. (Me m ber). Phone speedo a nd ca ble. Windscreen frame Tractor Spare Parts. Tyr es a nd 328-314. or parts o f same. Stainless steel Acc essori es. Inspection inv ited . windsc reen mounting brackets, these Write : H oropito M ot or Wr ecker s, FOR SALE connect to the hood when down . Private Bag, Ra etihi. Ph on e 4151 1937 C hev ro let seda n with Original a m pmete r. Spare whe el Raetihi. (Member). mounting bracket. Rear br ak e strai gh t front a xle. This car ha s had a fully rec ondition ed mot or. mounting pla tes (2) fo r handbrake OFFERS-I926 Bui ck sta rter al­ cl utch a nd gea rbox 800 m iles shoe. Origin al Zenith JI Carburett or. most co m plete. 1935 Aus tin 10 gen ­ Vac uum windscreen wip er. In side ago. Bodywork a nd tyres a re in er at or a nd da sh board. 1914 Di xie excellent condition. This ca r mu st and outside door handles. Sh ock­ twin ma g. 45° rotating magnet type, sell. Drive away for $ 1,500 o .n.o. a bsorbe rs a nd link s. Foot brake Bosch T win ma g. 45 ° no points. Write: 5 D ora n St ree t, Rich­ rods. Ah oogah horn. If an yon e ca n 1928 B.S.A . Sloper, no back wh eel. m ond. N elson. or Ph on e 7116 help me plea se w rite quoting price. two gear boxes, tw o end covers, split Ri chmond. con dition et c. to G . E . Spriggs. 25 off gene ra to r ; Army In dian bac k Tot ara Drive, Twizel. (Mem ber). fo rks; E nglish m ot orcycle fra me ea rly 20s ; Lucas ma g. d yno.: Indian FOR SALE- FIAT 510 head and Sco ut oi l pump; M inerva floor side light s, o rig ina l ta il light . bonnet WANTED TO SWAP-I926 M odel catches, amp met er . o il ga uge and BHarley-Davidson sin gle cylinder board. R . E . Roger s, 41 Ashworth Street, Al exandra. Ph on e 8618. o ther parts-2 Goodyear hea vy duty fram e, forks. crankcase, flvwheel s 600-6 50 X 2 1 tyres, good tread. a nd conrod, in exchange for '192 1-24 En glish " M iller" M ot or Cy cl e Ace­ 10-12 frame, forks, crankca se, fly­ WANTED TO BUY tylene Lamp. Sc intilla swi tch bo x X wh eels and conrods, S. C. Lawry , End cover (bare) for rigid frame Minerva," Aero" 6 cy linde r ma g­ Bo x 166. Bri ghtwater, Nel son . Ph on e neto. "Dixie" 4 cy linde r ma gneto, 711 Bri ghtwater. gearbox 1952 model. or earlier. R. T. Partridge, Box 43. " Auster" rear screen, Divers type Nuhaka, H.B. rear lamp less len ses. D . Barker, 45 Delhi C rescent, Khandallah. AUTO RESTORATIONS Wellington. LTD FOR SALE-Dodge 1923 Parts, 2 WANTED-I926 New Beauty Ford L.M.V.D. ch a ssis. one lengthened by 18 inch es (ex am bula nce), eno ugh running Coupe rear bod y section. phis New a re proud to announce th eir gea r to make one vehicle. 19 and 20 Beauty two door sedan rear sec tion. appoi ntments as New Ze aland inch wheels. 2 en gines and gea r­ Write: Vern H osk in . 12 Main Road, Agents for boxes, (o ne engine restored but not We stsh ore. Napier,(Mem ber). WEFCO LEATHER SPRING running). Front hal f of tourer bod y GAITE RS complet e, a sso rted spa re gua rds. MOTOR-CYCLEE nth usias ts Liter a tu re ava ilable from: O ffers. D .Ma rtin. 8 Durham St ree t. a nd Re storers. send fo r a n up to Wa imat e. Ph one 88 10. da te ca tal ogu e o f Tank Transfers. AUTO RESTORATIONS Footboard Ru bb ers a nd other LTD W ANTED-For 1929 Pontiac accessories for your Bike, plu s a 63 St. Asaph St reet, Sedan. Radiator su rro und . radi ator list of souvenirs fo r th ose Birth­ Ch ristchurch cap. fuel ga uge. side lamp br ackets, da y a nd C hristmas presents. Sent P.O . Box 2 22 73 wo rksho p manual. one hub cap. free. on request to Mrs B. J. Co ntact : Phi1 Reed. 200 R oss Teleph on e 69-988 Grose , 449 Barrington Stree t. Street. In vercargill. Ph on e 59-53 1. Christchurch 2. N ew Zealand. (Mem ber). P AGE THIRTY-NINE FOR SALE- -1937 Willys Sedan, :5500. 1947 Vauxhall 10-109,0()O mile s- one owner the last 30 yea rs NELSON BRANCH - hand books- new battery, coil, rin ggea r, clutch, recent recon. motor - ca r in goo d condition inside and invites you to attend their out -new tyres- $450. Mrs M. A. Co rner , 6 An sford Place, Hamilton . Ph on e 437-232. PROVINCIAL RALLY FOR SALE--Piston set s, suit SATURDAY; OCTOBER 15th, 1977 Ch rysle r etc. 3, bore + .020. Ro ver P3 a nd P4 + .lnO . Sin ger 9 hp 1938­ Contact your Secretary for detai Is and entry 49 + .030 a nd semi-finished . Ford Ten and Vauxhall 14DX semi­ forms- finished . Kin g Pin set Vauxhall 14 mod el J. Colin Ca mp bell, 1008 Reka Or write: Rally Secretary, Street, Hastin gs. KEN IVORY, l04a SONGER ST., STOKE, \ F~R SALE NELSON. 1930 13 .S.A . Sloper Motor Cycle. full y restored 500 cc twin port ENTRI ES CLOSE 26th SEPTEMBER, 1977 head mod el. Very motorable and reliabl e. Genuine sale . No rea son able offer refused. N. Christia n. 19 Braemar Place. " N.Z. VINTAGE FARMING". WANTED TO BUY-1930-31 Timaru. Ph on e 86-416. New Vintage Farm Machinery Model A Co upe or R oadster in Magazine covering: Tractor s, restored or un restored co nd ition, or Traction Engines, Farm Imp lements, restored Fordor , Require all particu­ PARTS FOR SALE- -A selection of Stat iona ry E ngines. H or se Eq uip­ lars in replies. Will swa p as part new parts. T rico vacuum windscreen ment etc. , etc ., in fact all aspects o f pa yment 1929 Tudor unrestorecl if wiper motors, earl y electric ditto, vint age farm machinery of yester­ interested . Write: B. Foster. I Carburettor s - Simmons updraft yea r. Articles. Photos, Technical M oka u Place. Palmerston No rth. l" / 16" throat , Zenith 26 VF-3 down­ Dat a, Classifieds. etc . Pu blished draft. Zenith 30 VM-6 downdraft. qu arterl y, subscriptions $4.80 per WANTED-To complete restora­ Weber 36 mm do wndraft , Zenith yea r to be paid one yea r in adva nce . tion of 1942 Ind ian Model 74 1B. model 13 2 updraft 15 / 16" throat. If yo u a re interested in this new Ori ginal igniti on switch. ammeter. Horns-Bosch typ e F06A and publication plea se send nam e and speedomete r or parts of, air cleaner . FG6A (bot h 6 vo lt). Pair of Beta x add ress with your sub to: " N .Z. horn and dip switch. Replies to Ray Vint age Publications" , C /o Alan 6 volt directi on indicat ors. T wo pair T. Robertson, 58 Wek a Street. Nel son of Kin g Bee running board kick Lewis. 6 1 Boston Avenue, H ornby, Christchurch, 4. or phone collect N elson 89-512. plates. Luc as volt age regulator T ype (Member). RF91 L4 12 volt. Ea rly Band 13 de­ fro ste r. Pre stlite cigarette lighter/ WANTED dispen ser. Pedal ite brake pedal sto p­ COLUM BrA 1924 model tourer WA NTED- For G80 Mat chless. light switch for Au stin 10 (1937 on) . pa rts. Badge for radiator sur­ E3 -ND ynamo, positive ea rth. Also S.O .S. safe ty overturn switch. Also­ round ha s name in rai sed lett er­ petrol tank fo r 1960 Matchless 650 Bevel drive Smiths, speedo meter ing. hood bow s, windscreen tw in. For exchange-many spa res black face 0-60 mph. Oct agonal in­ surro und. location of an y parts for Ariel, some for A.J .S. and stru ment glasses and rim s M .G .? or ot her owners would be a ppre ­ Matchy. Please write : Jack Fox. Ea rly aircraft revcounter. Ea rly ciated. G . Loughlin, 43 H elena 155 Lem on Stree t, New Pl ymouth. C.A.V. coil. Lu cas Startrix 12 vo lt. Road . H amilton. Ph one 63-858 Bendix Startrix 6 volt, Smiths petrol Collect. (Member). gauge for scuttle mounted tank 8 gal­ FOR SALE-I928 C he vro let Na­ lon , C A.V. Vintage switch panels FOR SALE -"Original owners hip tional Series AB 4 d oor Seda n. type 47-51, early S.U. 6 volt electric pa per for 1929 Essex Engine N o. Complete car, stripped in parts plu s fuel pump. pair qu arter light latches. 1051629. Chassis No. 98 1767." numerous spares from severa l ca rs. pair win dscreen opening latches Write : G . Turner. 2 Te Ariki Place. W. D . Mason . 3 Shortl and Stree t, (both E ng lish circa 1934). bra ss Kawera u. Whan garei . Phone 83-768 . (Me m ber) num berplate fram e with wire mesh ( 1925 issue), pair glass side screens. Deleo R em v distributor model 656K C H RYSLE R, PLYMOUTH. DODGE. D ESOTO. MAXWELL, (6 cylinder). six cylin der Siemens FARGO, GRAHAM BROS. man, type W.B.A.6. Lucas. R ota x, Notice is hereby given to owne rs of an y of the a bove mention ed C A.V. headl amp glasses 8Y dia ­ vehicles of a newl y formed club officially recorded with the recog­ meter. Klax on windscreen wiper nized Ca r Clubs of New Zealand as the C hrvsler Re storers C lub of controls, Vintace Morris steering New Zeal and. - box complete with wheel. New India H you a re interested in the resto rat ion. pres ervation and informati on 400 x 17" tvre com plete with tube. a bo ut yo ur car. we can help yo u ! ! No furlher details will be sent unle ss accompani ed by S.A .E. John Write now for your member ship.F or further information cont act the Hearne. 54 Kinu Edwa rd Avenue. Secretar y. C / - Box 673, Manurewa. Auckland. Ba yswater, Auc kland 9. P AGE F ORTY ------


550 X 19 . 6 0 0 X 20 .

LUCAS Tyre Tub e 550 x 19 W /W $48.85 $7.00 550 x 19 40 .55 7.00 600 x 20 W /W 59 .10 10.50 60 0 x 20 50 .05 10.50 CUSTOM CLASSIC 650 x 19 W /W 7 4. 15 7.00 650 x 19 6 1.65 7.00 OLYMPIC 450 x 18 65 .00 6.50 550 x 18 71.50 7.00 30 x 3} BE 65.00 7.00 GARFIELD Tyre Tube FIRESTONE Tyre Tub e 525/550 x 18 $7 .00 W /W 50.00 7.00 670 x1 5W/W $58.00 7.00 67 0 X 15. 670 x 15 49 .00 7.00 525 /550 x 18 45.00 600 x 16 W /W 46 .10 7.00 B.F. GOODR ICH Tyre Tube 600 x 16 34.0 0 7.00 450 x 17 28 .00 6.50 550 x 17 W /W 45 .90 7.00 550 x 20 36.00 DUNLOP Tyre Tube 550 x 17 38 .65 7.00 475 x 2 1 36 .00 500 x 24 $ 108.00 $1 0.50 500 x 19 W /W 45 .15 6.00 500 x 23 103 .00 10.50 50 0 x 19 37.40 6.00 OTHER BRANDS Tyre Tu be 44 0 x 23 85 .00 7.00 500 x 20 W /W 46 .85 6.00 MOTOR CYCLE B.E. 440 x 23 BE 110 .00 7.00 500 x 20 39 .05 6.00 26 x 2~ Jap an 35.00 6.00 600 x 21 110.00 10.50 475 x21W/W 46 .3 5 6.00 26 x 3 Japan 35.00 6.00 440 x 19 65 .00 5 50 475 x 2 1 38 .90 6.00 26 x 2 350/ 400 x 19 57 .50 525 x 21 W /W 51 .30 7.00 U.S. Rubbe r 36.00 26 x 2} BE 75 .00 6.00 5 25 x 21 42.95 7.00 26 x 2} DunJop 75.00 6.00 26 x 3 BE 75.00 6.00 30 x 3} BE 52 .50 7 .00 26 x 3 Dunlop 75 .00 6.00

Write . . Prices on this list subject to chang e withou t not ice VETERAN AND VINTAGE CARS LTD., P.O. Box 43009 MANGERE