--~ o CAR STANDS *ALL STEEL TUBULAR CONSTRUCTION * MAXIMUM LOAD 1TON PER STAND * HEIGHT FROM l1 ~"to 17 ~" *7 HEIGHT POSITIONS Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (Inc.) Vol XX l l, No. 107 August-September 1977 NA TIO NAL EXECUTIVE President: N. C. Skevington Canty) 23 rd YEAR OF PUBLICATION Club Captain: A. D. Storer (Ca nty) cu» Vice-Captain: M. H. Ferner (\Vgtn) H O Il . Secretary: Clynt Inn s (Ca nty) CII/b Registrar: S. A. England, P.D. Box 4 154, IN THIS ISSUE Christchurch. Executive: Messrs N. A. Dewhurst (A uck land), L. J. D . President's Message 2 Pr iest (Hawkes Ba y), L. B. Southward (We lling ton) . W. M . Birch (Wa nganui). Exploits of Sheerluck Ohms 3 Mid Winter Madness 7 CORRESPONDENCE Registrars Report 9 Clu b correspo ndence, including memb ers' CHANGES OF ADDRESS, must be sent to Irishman's by the 'Beam Team' 11 Th e Vintage Car Club of N .Z . (f ile.) P.D. Box 2546. North Shore Speed Event 12 Christchurch, 100 Years of Singer 13 Intendin g members should wr ite to th is address. All Beade d W heel s correspo ndence to P.D. Box 13140 Branch Notes 16 Amherst Villiers 30 BEADED WHEELS EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Letters to Editor 33 Chairman: Spencer Bamard. Classified Ads 34 Co mmittee: Gavin Bain, Geoff Hockley , Bruce Pidgeon, Bob Scott. Pa ul Giesler. Ma ter ial for publication is the responsibility of this committee and should be forwarded to P.D. Box 13140, Ch ristchurch, typed or neatl y pr inted, double spaced on CLOSING DATE one side of paper on ly. Closing d ate o f Oct ober/Novem ber issue Sept . 9 th Reports of restora tions. even ts, road tests, his tori ca l a nd technical arti cles welc ome. No payment. ma de to con tr ibutors. T he op inio ns expressed in lett er s or a rticles in Beaded COVER PHOTO Wheels are the a uthors' own view s and do not necessaril y J 928 Cap ito l Chevro lct 1 t on L. P. Ser ies owned by express the po licy of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (I nc.) Al bie and Barbar a An derson o f Chr istchu rch. PRODUCTION Beaded Wheels is pu blished bi-monthly by Purse Willi s Beaded Wheels is the voice of the Vintage Car mo vement in New Zealand and of the Clubs whose effo rts are & A iken Ltd ,Chris tchurch for the Vin tage Car Club fostering and ever widening the inte rest of this movement of N.Z. Inc.. at its edito ria l office, P.D. Box 13140. and fo rm rallying points for that ever increas ing band of Christchurch. enthusteats. The fascination of age itself or revulsion from the flashy med iocrity of the present day is d rawing an Mailed fr ee to all members. Annual subscription $3.00. increasing number of mot orists back to the iodlviduatitv . solid worth, and functional elegance that was demanded Individu al co pies and back numbers SOc. by a mo re discriminating generat ion and it is to these th at this magazin e is dedicated. ADVERTISING Regis tered e t Post O ffice Hea d qu ar te rs We llingt o n Rate schedule availab le on req uest to Advertising es a Meq eaine . Man age r, P.D. Box 13140. Ch ris tchurch. Phone 67-346. From the President E ntries for the 1978 Inter­ to be co nfusion on fees a nd I national in Australia have now hop e th is list will be of assis ta nce . Have closed and would those en trants It is enco urag ing to see many "Beaded Wheels" who have not co ntacted M r repl ying to the requ est for in­ Ca rmichael at Union T ravel posted regularly to fo rma tion regarding our 1980 your address. Only Christchurch regardi ng ship ping Internat ion al. T his informatio n of th eir vehicles and ai r tr avel will be of con sider able ass ista nce $3.00 for 6 issues do so at an ea rly date. I ha ve had in th e overa ll planning of the (includes Postage). a note fro m Max Rob er ts, the eve nt. Ra lly Di rect or , who has had dis­ \Vrite to cussions with M r Brian F lanagan Early July Alan and I visited Subscription Dept. of Wa lgett regardi ng the possi­ Timar u, atte nding a social even­ P.O. Box 13140, bil ity of orga nisi ng an alternat ive ing, and, in ad ditio n to South rou te back to Syd ney after the Ca nter bury members bein g pre­ Christchurch. ra lly finishes in Surfers. The sent th ere wer e a number from suggestion is th at th e route could Oa ma ru and As hbur to n. travel out west and among other I wo uld again like to express BODIES BUILT things see opal min es and cotton my apprecia tion to Execut ive Veteran, Vintage, P.V.V. built ha rves ting. Sh oul d yo u be in­ members, Br anch members and to framework st age (wood­ work only, no panelbeating) . terested , M r Flanagan's address co m mittees for the ass ista nce I Work can be done from is Box 204, Rydalmere 2116 , have recei ved during my very photos etc. or to you r design. Aus tralia. I will no doubt be pleasant term of office. We have New work only - no repairs. receiving further de tai ls. a helpful a nd ent husiastic mem­ For further details enquire: bership and I kn ow that in my W. R. JANES, M r Graeme Stein fort , President posi tio n as Rall y Direct or for CABINETMAKER of the Vintage Sport s Car Club the 1980 Internati onal th at sa me 37 Church Street, Gate Pa, of Austr alia, as well as Max assis ta nce and co-opera tion will Tauranga.'Phone Tauranga Roberts, has advised me of an be for thco ming. 84-803 (bus . hours), 87-583 (evenings). event at Ph ilip Island , Melbourne N ORM SKEVINGTON on M arch 11, 12 a nd 13 to co mme mo ra te the Golde n Jubilee of the Au str alian Grand Prix, CLUB CAPTAIN'S 1978 SOUTH ISLAND TOUR the fifth oldes t Grand Pr ix in the Feb 22 Wednesday Blenheim-Kaikoura-Christchurch 200 miles world. The race meeting will 23 Thur sday Christchurch-Oa ma ru 160 cater for historic ca rs up to 1960. 24 Frida y Oam aru-G ore 170 and it is interesting to see that 25 Sa tur day Gore Festiva l Rall y the Ri1ey of L ynd say Wogan of 26 Sunday G ore-Chaslands-Invercar gill 153 the Canterb ury Bran ch co mpe ted 27 Mon da y Free day (possi ble visit to in the Aus tra lian G ra nd Pri x in aluminium smelter) 1933. Further details ava ila ble 28 T uesd ay In ver car gill-Tuat apere-Te An au 120 fro m Mr Stein fo rt. Box 2 14, Mar I Wedne sday In T e Ana u. T rip to D oubtful or So uth M elb ourne, Au str ali a . Mil ford Sound 2 T hursday T e An au -Qu eenstown 110 A lan Stor er , our Club Capta in. 3 F riday In Qu een stown , free da y ha s mapp ed out an itiner ary for 4 Sat urday Queenstow n, Arrowto wn-Cromw ell 40 next yea r's South Island Tour 5 Sunday Cromw ell-Haast-Okuru 130 and he has availa ble entry fo rms 6 Monday H aast-Okuru-Fran z J osef 90 and a list of suggested accom­ 7 Tuesday Franz J osef-Greym outh 120 mod at ion. H is address is 108 8 Wedn esday G re ym outh-Christchurch via Otira 160 Ranfurly Street, Christchur ch, 1. (or via Lewis Pass 212) Printed in this issue is a list Grey mouth-Wes tpo rt-Murchis on 125 of approxima te cha rges for Murchison-Pic to n 125 vetera n and ove r 40 yea r old E ntry fo rms a nd a list of suggested accommo da tion ava ila ble fro m the vehicles. At times there a ppears Club Ca ptai n, Alan Storer. 108 Ranfurly Stree t. Christchurch, 1. PAGE T WO ,:.:' , ; . ': . " ,... , 1"':': , . ' . THE ADVENTURE OF THE TIME-TRAVELLING TRIUMPH (PART 2) by Geoff Hockley I gazed around, still hardly "U nti l somet ime afte r the show thou ght. Th e motorcycle exhibits, able to comprehend the astound­ has closed fo r the night ," replied too, pro vided food for sobe r re­ ing tran sition which in a flash my fri end . " Our actions then will flection when I real ised that of had snatched us from our own depend upon wheth er a certai n the severa l makes exh ibi ted only era and deposited us a half­ vehicle is on displ ay here. In the three-two Brit ish and one century backwards in time to the meantime we have more than American- had survived until scene in which we now found three hours to enjoy ourse lves our mode rn times.
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