Case 4:14-cv-04480-YGR Document 311 Filed 10/25/19 Page 1 of 32 1 MAYER BROWN LLP ANDREW JOHN PINCUS (Pro Hac Vice) 2
[email protected] 1999 K Street, NW 3 Washington, DC 20006 Tel: (202) 263-3220 / Fax: (202) 263-3300 4 MAYER BROWN LLP 5 LEE H. RUBIN (SBN 141331)
[email protected] 6 DONALD M. FALK (SBN 150256)
[email protected] 7 SAMANTHA C. BOOTH (SBN 298852)
[email protected] 8 Two Palo Alto Square, Suite 300 3000 El Camino Real 9 Palo Alto, CA 94306-2112 Tel: (650) 331-2000 / Fax: (650) 331-2060 10 Attorneys for Plaintiff Twitter, Inc. 11 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 12 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 13 OAKLAND DIVISION 14 TWITTER, INC., Case No. 14-cv-4480-YGR 15 TWITTER’S NOTICE OF CROSS- 16 Plaintiff, MOTION & CROSS-MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT; 17 v. ALTERNATIVE MOTION FOR AN ORDER GRANTING CLEARED 18 COUNSEL ACCESS TO THE CLASSIFIED TABB DECLARATION 19 WILLIAM P. BARR, United States Attorney General, et al., Date: January 7, 2020 20 Time: 2:00 PM Courtroom 1, Fourth Floor 21 Defendants. Judge: Hon. Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 TWITTER’S NOTICE OF CROSS-MOTION & CROSS-MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT - Case No. 14-cv-4480-YGR Case 4:14-cv-04480-YGR Document 311 Filed 10/25/19 Page 2 of 32 1 NOTICE OF CROSS-MOTION AND CROSS-MOTION 2 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, on January 7, 2020 at 2:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as 3 counsel may be heard, at 1301 Clay Street, Oakland, CA 94612, in the Oakland Courthouse, 4 Courtroom 1 – Fourth Floor, before Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, Plaintiff Twitter, Inc.