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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

11-28-1899 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 11-28-1899 Hughes & McCreight

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day when Mike O'Connell, the switch M irrmi n nil r.'ni Ut dent there on Sunday night. I b I if.r DEMOCRATSIDE SHOW. man, was on tne ramptge, waa given Uiatlon I very meagre, but ciiijiihIi u DEWEY FOUM'K!NLEY. ten days also In ths chain gang received to slate that the major AIL frank Kltner Bsker. the nnfortnnate tally fell off the porch In trout ot M;eie' young man who failed to get a wife and restaurant and hotel, aud In the fall OUR MOST then lost nis niina. was laien to me to the ground badly Injured his Silver Republican Eiecntl.e county Jail this morning, where be will British Troops Gained the Yic shoulder aud dislocated his tup. Major The Admiral is Not a Candidate SrTHE Raukln la PHOEIIIX!H receive fatherly attention from Jailor Interested In mining In tne Committee Hold Meeting. Sohaffer. This morning telegram was tory Wiin Heavy Loss. t'ochltl district, and was at Bland ar- For the Presidency, received from hla father, Frank Baker, ranging to have some work done on his CKEBa-tT- T Sr., at Brick Churob, N. J, telling the properties. authorities to give bla son the beet of CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CONVENTION. Colonel Bell to Recelre Medal For care and to write particulars regarding Reported Uprlslnf la Cob Discred Swindling Boreao la New York Cltj OVERCOATS. t bis condition. Until the father mate Underwear Department. Dlstlarnlihed BrtTery. some arrangement for the sate return ited tt the War Department. Ta be Maid ta Albaquarqua laalaad af Rob Its Depositor!. An ojrwtnnity to boy an overcoat for fifty In thla department we surely can Interest everyone of bis son back east, Baker will be kept aaata Fa. cents on the dollar. We have recMved 600 overcoats, In need ot good, warm aoderwear for cold weather. la confinement at the county J an. J. 8. Wood, president of the New Mex bought at fifty cents on the dollar. Our bargain la We are agent (or Dr. Jaeger, and carry a fall Una of yours. If yon Wright's Hanltary Members f In Ciblnet Heated win ftcpabllcaat Hew Rampshlrt Will Lead la ico Christian Kudeavor Uulon, send Unite Statti Traaipart Victerl Drives care to take ad van tags of It. They are Underwear. Cadar Daw Manaaamaat. word from Ireulou, N. J , K now ready for your Inspection, and good KlneSilk Mixed, Wool Kleeeed, per garment Rcfermi to Thai State. that tSaula Back to Seattle By Storm. Include .$1.50 rrctlacit cUbIcj'i Mcutre. On and after December 1, the Albe will be uuabie to tak the auuual con- warm Ulsters and nobby ehort coats, for men, youths Klne Angora Kleeeed Underwear, white and marle hotel and restaurant, on Gold ave- vention this year as planned, aud and boys. Below we quote a few prices: gray mix, per garment 1,00 nue, will be nnder the control and man- wautel to kuow it Albuquerque could Men' Heavy Chinchilla Ulsters, In greya only, Fine Angora Kleeoed, regular 91.00 quality, agement of Cor to, exper- per garment rllSIDIlT SfBMAOB COKPttTlD. John net the TTFI00I IICOUITIIID IT A TtAXlPOlT. not take the convention. After a con Oil. WOOS ta WAlgUOTOI. worth 1A 60, for 0.00 75 ienced caterer, and the whole premises fereuce among the thrletiau Kudeavor Men' Kersey Ulsters, 20.00, tor Kleced underwear, good quality, garment. . put wonh 10. 80 60a are being overhauled, cleaned and In socletle it was uuanlmousiy decided to wen s mtra Mne ulsters, grey only, worth And cheaper line down to, per garment S5 Hrst-clas- a condition. The restaurant will bold neces- M. BO, eom-mttt- London, Nov. 38. A dispatch ths eouveution in this olty if Dewey for 13 00 Chicago, Not. 28. The aieeuM? serve meals, and b ard by the day, week has been New York. Nov. 28. Admiral giv- sary, aud word coines this moruing from lien' Blue Chinchilla Ulsters, worth flZOO.for 60 of the national llrer republics or month can be secured, as can also received here irom General Buller, has repeated the assertion that he la not party mot thla afternoon to dlacuM plan ing a list of casualties among ths troop the presideul o tne uulou lout Albuquer a candidate tor the presidential nomina Men' Bin t'I'Ws, worth 111.60 8.00 LADIES' AN!) CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR comfortable rooms, with or without que gets the eouveution. Ins conven Men's Hln Chinchilla Box Overcoats, worth for the nail prraldentlal campaign. board reasonable rates. Prices to engaged in the bailie of Or as Pan, uosr tion, aays tne Washington correspondent Towns, chairman, presided at officially designated the battle of Kueliu. tion will be neld ou tne JO.a and Hist ot of McKlnley la a 20.00, for 14 00 WR ARK 8RLLTN0 all. December, the herald. "President La Though no ofllelal atatement waa mad suit It provea thai uruun success was beaviir and, allhougii the time Is good frleud ot nilue and I hope to nee Men's Broun Kersey Overcoats, worth 18.60.. 10.60 lies' Union 8ults tl.SS y short to prepare for sucu a gathering, It Men' Hrey Mixed LaillHs' Uulon Bulls, Kleeeed 1 by Chairman Towne, th aanttmeut of THB riDBSTTHIS aKASON. bought. The losses auuouuued him secure a second term," the admiral Overcoats, worth 13.00, for. e.60 00 casuallie-previousl- to say Misses' the member of the committee apparently aided to the naval brigale y Is sale that the Kudeavorers of said. The admiral considers the Philip Men iirey mixed ovarcnats, worth 99.00, for.. 4.60 Union Suits. Kleecc Lined.... 80e faTored holding reported, the th'.s city win put their shoulder to the Men's Overcoats, worth 700, for 8.60 Misses' Underwear, Ve ts and Panta the national convention Paul Ollmora's Randltloa or Dumas' Ho- - make gruJ pine Insurrection practically at an end. demo-eratl- e wheel aud niaaa the eonveullou a suc Men' Overcoats, 76, S.OO . letta In 1DOO almnltaneooely M ot iwo. lorxsuiree appaieuiiy worth 14 for S5 with the maaoa lna Thrau Moakataara total tne cess, years ago upon national convention and the en- bore with the uaval brigade the brunt u( like they did two EVER tTCRM. Young Mn' Ulsters, ages IS to 18 years, worth The Quest show ot the theatrical sea sucDthurt notice. The cause for nut $rt no, for dorsement by the illver republican ot the Qghtlng, as there were In addition to 8.60 CLOAK AND sonprobably the beet and must clever forty-eigh- holding In Fa Is Young 18 SUIT DEPARTMENT. the nomlneea of that convention, provid- three olBiwrs, t of the rank aiid the convention Sauls transport ship Orlvaa Hank ta kaattla by Mn' Ulsters, age It to year, worth show that has ever held forth in Albu not known yet, but probably will be In 7 60, for ing the ellver plank of the convention In Qle killed and wounded aud missing. a Tarn ma Oala 4.00 Be snrs and see what we are showing in Cloaks. querquewas the attraction at Orchestri dde time. Young Ore? Chinchilla 13 Oar 190 U adopted. Heoator Teller aald that NO IMPORTANT NXWS. Seattle, Nov. 38- .- cargo of dy- Mn's Ulster, age stock Is full ot rare bargains. on bail lastinlght,when the romantic act- With 1H ysars. 113.60, Our last shipment of be believed re- to worth tor 7.60 Tatlor-Mad- e that the national ellver or, Panl Gilmore. aided by an exceedingly London. Nov. 38. The war ollliw has LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. ing horats aud mules, the Uuiled Stales Ladles' Suits, color Oxford ttray and publican convention would take this ac- transport Boys' Chinchilla l isters, age 4 to la, worth Castor, are the best values strong cast ol characters, presented Du- received the following dispatch from Victoria returned to this port I8 60, for. shown this aeasoo. Tbey tion. Ue favored the endorsement of the M having forced by an re selling very fast. In w mas' famous romance The Tnree Musk Gfueral Buller, dated PietermarlttDurg. last night, been un Bnv' I Inters, ages 4 to IS. worth 17.00. for For Collarettes art Chicago platform. William J. Bryan waa - J. W. Akers. a well known gentleman of Cape 8.26 showing a very attractive line eteers" to a most appreciative aadienee. Nov, 28: "Our last news from Lalr- precedented stress weather iff Boys' Ulsters. 1th cape, age 4 and prices will sorely generally favored. Borne mmher of the ot Sauta re, Is in the city to day. Flattery to voyage to 11 worth I'l 60 8.60 please you thai. r. KUgs, lessee ot the hall, told smith November 24, eald all was well." turn back from a to Boys' Box Overeoata, In new shade of brown, committee eipreeeed themselvea aa message November IU, Messrs. Hathaway aud Newball ot the the Philippines. Ot four hundred and by the readers ot the city pr'ae what they Auold dated just ares 4 to 10 years, worth 911 60. for 8E0N to the government Injunction Mutual Life company, ten horses mules on a -- could expect from Mr. Gilmore, and the arrived, begins: "Joubert explaiutd Insurance have and taken board on Boys' Ov rooati, ages 4 to 10. worth 97.00, . 1 1 wurvirt lor rvtrr and Income tai planka of the democratlo returned to Nov. IS, Ufty Bve were pounded to for. 8.60 well known actor, assuming the role ot Qring on one (Red Croe) Qag previously from short bnsluesa trip death Boys' Overroats, age 4 to 10, worth 93.00, for. . 1.U5 I arJrou,Pen and mcut a platform. "D'Artagnan. reported. Have accepted the explanation the north. agalust the sides ot their stall In the I an Adventu er," did not Boys' Keefer Overcoats, ages 4 to 10, worth 95 8.60 uatlul handtoms present It probable that at the clone of the expectations. as eatlsfactory. Lleutenaut Lethbrlilge, Slug, the of Thorn storm. The remaining animal arc eo aa Towne leene an fall to coma od to the In Jim restauranter meeting. Chairman will tact, he eurprieed by manner lu of the nQe brigade, died ot wounds; ton, Is In the city Ue I her on badly Druteed mat the officers ot the official ot taken, de- all the statement the action Dlay was on others wounded generally doing well. business, aud will to Thornton vessel believe that many oauuot be fining of party com- wnicn the difficult rendered return the policy the In the e The health ot the troops la good. Six morning. aaved. ing campaign. a tags and In a ball considerably smaller than any one of bla company had been wounded. Dublin rusiieers oapiur(i C. U. Kimball and wife, accompanied Palaa Ba ports Onba. ot About Aaathar nwladlar Arraatad. accustomed to. on the armored train south Coleuco, by the latter' sister, will leave tor San Washington. Nov. 28 Nothing Is B. ILFELD & CO. In each and evry act the play con were sent here to day. Francisco night, tbey New York, Nov. 28. LouU A.Gonrdala, nay where known In official circles to warraut the who bae banking office In the Metropol stituting six exciting acts Mr. Gilmore No news has been received to with win reside in tne future. published prediction an uprising TELEPHONE NO. 250. of General Butler's dis- that la and bis clever company did splendidly, the exception On Nov. 2U. on large la Thaiikeglvlug Itan Life building and alleged to have While news Is of to morrow evening. the a scale set for ecbeme to syndi- especially Miss KHitbeth Stewart, who patches. the latest a day In Cuba, Amerf 307 AND 309 WEST RAILROAD AVENUE. a similar the Krauklla fairly reassuring character the ninth annual ball ot the Kergahson Hook directed against the cate, waa arrested on order of made most beautiful queen, and Miss fron aud Ladder company will be held at the Can. On the contrary all advices from of Devery. Ue be Marguerite Urquhart, who as "Constance, British Point of view, much ot It is as official Chief Police will ou Aruioiy ball. A large crowd will attend. sources to the war department go swindling. Is her Confidant, was perfect In every line sumed to be trm Insufficient evidence. to snow chrgd with Uourdaln For Instance, the reported rapture of Tbere will be a special communica generally uiat condition to aald be well-know- and detail. are mnet satisfactory. story Is to lottery man Honey Nest Kloof, of Is no tion ot Temple Lodge No. V, A. F. A A. Cnba The New A force of workmen during the day bad which there to of from Orleans. Q:uling may be M., this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work ascribed discontented member the arranged the etage, so a vast amount ot contlrmallou. bharp lata Cuban war parly. Praaldaal'a Mmifi, the scenery carried by the company was expected at any lime ou the southern In F. 0. degree. C. W. Medler, Secretary. Washington, Nov. 38 The president's used to great advantage, and this fact. frontier. fowilDiy tue ursi oaius win Hon. K. A. Mlera, the popular chairman Robbod (ha Uapoallora. passes In Htormberg of ot annual message Is practically complete;! coupled with the superior acting of the be in the rough the the board couuly oommtseloneis. Is New York. Nov. 38 The Herald aays: Al- lu the city. Ue is here to consult his ready tor transmission to cougresa neit players, assisted immensely in giving mountains. at White bureau, "a get rich quick" con- week. The message Is onanually long buquerque a high-clas- s performance. toruey regarding a libel uit which be cern, located the Cotton Kxchauge Vauluat Maallag. eon demo- in Propose nrtn acts, an template bringing aga ust the We of Between the fourtn and to Fight on account the nomsrous Important Washington. Njv. 28. The cabinet building, vanished with Its mana- As nouncement was made that Mr. Gilmore cratic papers of this city for defamation 1 topics discussed. the death ot the y was ex ger ou Sunday. It estimated that and bla company, so well pleased with meeitng devoted almoet of character. In regard to eertalu mall- - makes it certain that the cluelveiy to consideration ot the presi- credulous depositor are out of pocket aenate will adjourn Immediately when aiDnqneruoe ana ner people, wouia re clous articles about the location ot the more than auo.OOO. White' bureau was The idea cheapness of is turn the part ot December, hoping dent's message. It met general approval. Cocbltl bridge. f that goods in a low It on Mmday, out ot respect latter Seveial member expressed the opinion In many respect similar to the Franklin to his memory, It Is not likely the mes- to appear In the new opera house on the W. A. Maxwell, one of the city' sub syndicate operated by William F. MUler, A that It was an unusually strong aud able price. We want to be stan- sage will be withheld until Tueeday. 3ttn and 25th. crowded bouse would an- stantial citlxeoaaud property owuers. Is paying dividend to depositor pre- judged by the greet them on their return. document. Secretary Root said in remove swer to a question that there was no Im- arranging to his family aud sumably from money on deposit In order koyal Vlaltora. niaxe nis nome in uregon, wnere ne na to larger gudgeons. dard of Ths Boat root. mediate intention ot establishing otvll lure Tbe bureau quality and, although goods are Port Victoria, Nov. 38. The emperor government In Cuba Alleged fomenta- become Interested in ooal and lumber was operated by two young men who empress ot is Cerrlllos bituminous lump coal. $5.00 He may dispose and Germany arrived here tions now going on in Cuba against the properties. of his prop, went nnder the name of Hyman. advancing in Hohen-soller- per ton; $2.80 per ton. Goee farther price in all the ot this afternoon, and boarded the bait establishment ot olvil government may erty here entirely. Mr. Maxwell' wife markets the by h any other soft coal. The Uoheniollern aalla In the than allowing the present military aud daughter are uow In San Frauclsoo, VjoaUty. UoaaUly and prlao. morning Klunhlng. Imper- Haho A Co. result In hi for where the r government to continue longer than It awaiting arrival. Wr furnish Cerrlllos, anthracite and world, we are still offering our well selected ial party will be weloumed by the queen, Frank fcliKee, cashier ot the Na- otherwise would. The administration After a ml turn of a week In this olty, b'tbialuous coal exclusively, and onr Whllhemlna.and her mother. First tional buk. returned from a business does not seek to force upo i the Cubans during which time he visited the Naol lignite ooal is superior to any other stock at the old prices. - mleuto country aud secured a of Madal for Col. Hall. trip to Bland last night. Mr. McKee civil government that would be onen- number mined In the Gallup region. of "mixed" children for the g vernment Washington, Nov. 28. president was seen at the bank this morning and slve to a majority ths Inhabitants. The asked about the report that be was Indlau school at Phoeulx, Charles K Orr MONET TO .LOAM Men's has directed that a congressional medal go banking KBPUHL1UAM KBPOKM fcK. left last night on his return to Phoenix. On diamond, watches, etc., or any good Suits. Youths' Suits. Children's Suits. of be presented to Col. about to Into the bustnesa at honor Krankiln Bland. He deuled the story In toto, and At Laguna, be will receive several bucks security; also on household goods stored Bill, ot the Thlrty-slit- h Htatee United rumor was possibly m pah Will aud squaws, who will maka pottery dur- wl b me; strictly eonfldeutlai. Hlgbeet vjluuienr Infantry, for most distin- stated that the Haw Ha Ira republicans rUfurui Men's Boys' to ing the carnival week at Phoeulx. cash prloea paid for household goods. Pants. Youths' Pants. Pants. guished gallantry In action, Heptetnber started from the fact that the Flourney Thlnsaln Ibal lata. oil A Plckard company (oueot the memheis Conoord, N. II , Nov. 2H -- T. A. n uiTTKN. 114 Gold avenue t, lWi'J. uearPorao, Lotto, P.-1- . United States Several miners, who were the agita- being Samuel Plckard of the First Na Senator Chandler, Kx Hover nor Burhlel, tors an Increase wages m at the strike for in Dollars I Mix's Overcoats. Youths' Overcoats. Boy's Overcoats. Clark Dlatihargail. llonal bank) would do some banking and others, Issued an aid-es- to at the Albemarle, thus suspending gen- Thy are hard to earn but easy to save Washington, Nov. 28. N. K. Dawson, business In connection with their the republicans of New Hampshire, In- work In mine throw-lu- g the and Yon save otie every time you buy a ton of You will be pleased and surprised when call and learn clerk In the office of General Ullee, has eral merchandise business at Bland. viting In opposing what out of employment a num- you our prices. dropped "Horse Pprlngs Jack," a terror to they term the railroad powers i.f the ber of who are to Cerrlllos coal. a from the rolls on account miners auxlou work, Lump, per 5.00. ton. OO. See Window Display. tarantula juice down on the plains of state, huppresslng evils arising from in- reached the city These agitators ton... f Half .M ot lettHrs that he wrote to otHMals ot the Nut, per ton 13 60. Half 12.00. government pres- Socorro and Sierra counties, Is In the dustrial combines, advocating improved are on their way to Gallup, ton.. reflecting upon the and the min- W. H. Hahn A Co. ident city, and Capt. F. M. Jennings, ot Mellna eleotion laws and other reforms. The ers out there are Informed of their com & Kakin's, Is seeing to It that Jack Is en- appeal concludes: "The uuderslgned ing In advance. Will Uarrlaoa forta. "Horse Springs believe by republicans for Mala joying himself. Jack" that neilect the Dr. Wroth, who Is attending Mrs. Bost-wle- Nov. 38. General Otis states that the mavericks nf his baili- to pursue earnestly aud in good faith the A span of gentle, well matched, four reports his patient slowly Improv- , cabled the war department that the wick are In Que condition, aul that objects named will endanger republican year old horses. Also one, two year-old- Thlrty-Hrs- ing, but states that she has no recollec- & t volunteers, who arrived on many ear loads have been shipped out ascendancy in tne slate aud oatlou, while thoroughbred colt O. W. Strong. flandell Grunsfeld, tion, whatever, of the Fell In and Uanueut, will garrison during the accident which the past few mouths to eastern sincere and ellectlve pursuit of these recently befell her, and the affair con- ports of Mludanao. markets. objects, state and national victory In loan orriox. Co. of New tinues to be a mystery to the authorities on ot col- e. l. wahburn a The Leading Clothiers Mexico. The I ad lee" Hebrew society I'.sjo will be achieved." Simpson for loans all kinds Tammany Hum. Benevolent and to the lady's many friends. Lorlon lateral security. Also for great hargaius held an Informal meeting to day and In- New York, Nov. 28 Blohard Croker Transport la a Tvphoua. Milter, who was summoned to the in unredeemed watches. 2U South vestigated Into the receipts and disburse- olty on account of the aocldeut to sailed for Kurope Manila. Nov. 28. The transport Mana- - Second street, near the poetoffioe. ments of their recent delightful enter- his mother-in-law- , has returned to KI Jallad tor Voatauipt or Conrt. tainment. Mrs. Alfred Grunsfeld, who ueux, with Lieutenant Colonel Webb Paso. Hayes companies of Thlrty- - J uil Haeolvad. Mtt-che- took an active part in the success ot ths and three the Indianapolis, Not. 28 President Qrel Infantry on board, Kdward Farrell and wife, accompanied Fresh marshmallowa. In tin. of the United Mine Workers of entertainment. Informs Thi has arrived here. She narrowly escaped disaster. The offi by the latter's sister, Miss Annie Price, Imported tigs and tints. New crop. America, y received the following that the society netted the handsome cers aud soldier were twelve days bat- left last night on their return to their old Delaney Candy Kltchao. Agent, tor y. telegram from Kort Hcott, Kaunas: "Hesse sum of $310.'J0 over and above all ex home at Oswego, New York. Mr aud "a. K ,w M Xe, mem months, $100 Que. Hog pen penses. tling with buckets. The steamer was McCALL BAZAAR 3 o n ft y MAIL UKDKKS git three under-manne- Mrs. Farrell were past of having n here the four Tbe territorial board health Bl d ui and short of In till Ihl I r j ill." The telegram referred to John Flesber A Rosenwald, big Hur-dic- k PATTERNS. the tobacco I he engines broke months, being joined later by Miss Price, refused to allow urs. runup and Flllti Sam. P. member of the com- re- rrovlslnns. down and keere. executive dealers on Railroad avenue, have Just she rolled three days in a typhoon. aud as they were exoeedlugly pleasaut to practice medicine within lis Jur- All PaiUnu 10 ana I m I life who was to appear es- mittee, cited before ceived several handsome show cases, people, many here who hid the pleasure isdiction, aud as the difficulties have uot NONE HIGHER Day as Rcccirci. the United States district court for con- pecially manufactured for the display of Oauaral Wood la Washington. of their acquaintance will regret to learn been adjusted nor tbe bar removed. tempt. President Mitchell says that cigars and tobaccos. New York, Nor. Leonard of their departure. II. 8. Knight was at tbe result Is the ming of a t()i Railroad Avenue, Altinqnerqae, N. M Heese passed over forbidden grouud occu The coal consumers of Albuqnerque are Wood, governor general of Sautlsgo de the depot to see them safely on the suit for damages In the cum ot flO.OOO pled by the Southwestern Coal and Im- now wide S Heaven, on train. gainst tbe board by the two medicos. Xtgacta.tnd company. awake. John Cuba, arrived from Sautlago to day. He trrt5 provement "We lutend to take south First street, sells the beet and no knowledge of MU rUAL AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE In the to the president ot said: "I havs the Na 44. the case the United cleanest coal, namely the Clarkvllle coal; business for which I am called to Wash- tilates If possible." $4 and $5 per ton. ington. The condition ot Santiago iu KENT TO TOPKKA JAIL J B. Hall and family came in from relation to public affstra Is improving Fort Scott. Km., Nov. 28. In order to Montrose, Colo., last night, and are dom- dally. The people are employed aud USUAL! USUAL! make his term ot imprisonment more iciled at the Grand Central. Tbey are contented." Gsueral Woods prooeeds to For Thanksgiving USUAL! endurable Judge Williams' court y pleasaut people and will remain several Washington this afternoon. Our Holiday Goods are arriving and we are crowded for room and in order to gain more room eluuged the three months contempt sen- days. fine line of I Will Marry Wadaaaday Nialit. We are offering a r Our New Lines we will place on sal! our entire stock of Tailor Made Suits. Jackets, tence passed upon John P. Keese, mem J. Gllck and family, of Boulder, Cola., night, No. 2 pass and Wrapis. To show what reduction br nf the National executive board of are sojourning iu Albuquerque for a few on the a we are malting see this enger Los Angelns, S. the United Mine Workers ot America, days. They are well pleased with this train from J.ilm Kiippentloif SUIT AS ILLUSTRATED FOR well-kuow- tlO. U t night by ordering him coutlned lu olty and lis unequalled climate. Spears, a jeweller of that the Bhawnee county jail, Topeka, In- city, will arrive, and a few minutes later F. Valentine K. anon llrown Shoes stead ot the federal prison and Pucettl will 111 be Joined In the holy bonds of wed here. engage In the grocery business In the TAILOR MADE, lock to Mrs. S. W. Fanrher. at No. 411 and dur- Special Sale of Uaad. building corner ot Third street and Cop- south Second street. Itev Jsggard will that are warm, comfortable Axhevllle, N. C, Nov. 28. General per avenue. perform the ceremony. The couple will able; just heavy enough fcr late fall Kobert 1. Vance, brother of the late Gregnrio Jaramtllo, general mer- remain here a short time, arter which and early winter. HOME SPUN . chant of Sablnal, is Una Angeles, Soils. Senator b. vsuoe. aul for twelve in the city they will leave for where is a comfort in our years representative of congress from purchasing goods. they will reside in the future. There this district, died at Alexander to day. Remarkable value in bankets, com SUIT Turuays Fur Thanksgiving. CUSHION SOLE SHOE aA No. 8, eoimlMta of a Gray forters and pillows at Albert Faber's, aud Hroan Ladiea' Cloth Tailor J'ullea Court. Grant building. Tony Michelbacb will receive two tons John Hardin, the plumber, who or turkeys on Monday. He That will give you just Kxictlr nam a out her IIIun-trato- Had Hnlu. Nifely Mt1a aud re A large of rocktirsat lowest dressed will cently Koas, me city deliver them to customers any part of color Oxford Urar, ulca Well Linrd. A Hpeolal Bargain assaulted rill euifl prices at Futrelle . lu cause to be thankful. ueer and sewer Inspector, b id his trial ths city for thirteen cents per ponnd Ijr Tailored aud Lin ml, Jacket at the price; only Derore judge urawrord ibis morn ns. Matthew's Jersey milk; try It. Hand in your orders early. Shop on Mm--erOV. AJ, oaai Mail orders carefully filled. llhir or tight utllug, and he was Sued $tf and costs. He piaxa, old town. Repairing receives prompt attention Bkirt made like out or plain gave notice or appeal. NO DISINFECTANT wlh Tailor Utltutilng, wan Half a doian hobos were brought be Major Mankla lajorad. $13.60; special price, $5.50 fore the justice, and their various tales Will be needed for our home dressed Word was received from Bland to day. T EO. MUENSTFRMAN 203 of woe were beard by the court. They turkeys before you put them in the oven giving the information that Major Vt. a West Railroad Avenue were discharged with the fatherly ad- they will not tear apart, the ftmti will Rankin met with quite a serious acci HI vice to keep as far as p ossible from the not pull off the bins while you carve SI 0.00. clt. them; the meat will not dry as a chip, FOR THE SUIT. William I'rters."the navy hero." was but I'Mt-t- il will be isu'er sweet. Mr ui arrest-- d last night for being ilruuk and and juicy, becsu e they have been killed dUirderly. This morning Justice Craw- and dresHsd two da's before you eat them LEADINGJEWELRY ford sent Peters to the chalu gang for Instead of from eight to twelve diys as Special Sale of ten days. wim the emptied In stun. LET. HOUSE ol th SOUTHWEST Jackets, Capssi John Murphy, who slugged a China- I'RIJK imKriHKlJ, i:is lb. 9 man at his laundry quarters the other 8 AN JU8K MARKKT. Diamonds Suits. 4 and Wraps. Fine Watches For the Approaching Irt No. 1, rolur ralt or Gray, 4 Mad l.liifd. Tli mm Nlivlr and Jewelry Jacket In l.lll- -i wl'h HhIIii Cut Glass and the Hklrt in l.lnal Hpeolal (Tire ttiU wenk on all El Holiday Trade 4 with rVrcHllna aud nlcclj our JtCKKrS aid WKAI1. Fine China 4 bound with Velveteen. Hpeclal fl t in Wear making a apeuial rffiirt iiVJiKrri We have gathered together our store prloe, only tujuiuiSe Si J w to unload our Htoek in Fine Umbrellas ordnr to make room for our rsj Leather Goods CORNER OF GOLD AVENUE AND SECOND STREET Holiday Goo' If you ued a tifp-- Jiicket or a WraD of auy kind J Leading J Clocks Clocks the most complete stock of elegair. goods in gold, a.lver, cut glas", $4.50. you ran aava from lO frOl Jeweler hiwid linteil diamonds and in fact FINE p china, line watches, everything r for wedding or Thankful at liK ECONOMIST WATCH j suitable Chiistin.i, anniversary presents. 4 fur the splendid increase in our trade, we pledge you our best efforts Our L'nen Sale will be continued this week at reduction!. We accumulated quite rrji Railroad Avenue. REP AIRING tame have a few J j to please, odds and ends in Towels and Crashes; also remnants In Table Linen. 11 you are interested Li 1 i" ECONOMIST. rui T Estnhlishpri ftft?l and ENGRAVING JLZ !7s XT' Omil 9 Leading Jeweler. 4 cao secure tome Extra Good Bargains at IHH Vaaa.faaHfaaf4afrafrfr4 li1jlL!L4l!ll!!a!iiWl!tis BAR AMOCMTtO. New 'Phone No. 147. 014 'Phone No. '

lilt rrpiriag o Bv a Social Bttqaet f anhj Jisatr ietdog. O. W. STRONG ISTHE PHOENIX! PROFESSIONAL 1', .MA X IT is! DOS! SOOO WOtt. Undertaker, Embalmerand Funeral Director The nxt meeting ot the Sw Meiloo Consumption Bar held In Ps association will be Eanta LADY ASSISTANT. t GIVEN AWAY at the asms time as ths supreme court, Do not think for a single , Mex- will A handsome and useful Christmas present (or husband, wife', datio,hte-- brother, Mtter or on ths Srd of January, tars ths Nsw moment thst consumption WILL GO TO ANY PART OP THE TERRITORY. ican. At ths last meeting ot this assoola ever strike you s sudden blow. sweetheart. Absolutely GIVEN AWAY w.thout one cent of tost to jou. Why go to It does not corns that way. other stores an J pay fabulous prices for Christmas presents when ycu cm get a hand- tlon It determined to make this muting a Il creeps Its way slong. notable ons In history, and a commit- you It a aod more useful one its First, think Is little some at our store tee was appointed consisting ot the pres- cold; nothing but a little hack- ident, B. A. Twltchetl, Secretary K. L. ing cough ; then a little lose In weight: then a harder couch; Bartlett, and Messrs. Pope, t. W. Clancy then the rever ana tne nignt FOR NOTHING. and Campbell to make the necessary sweats. The auddenness comeawhen We will have on exhibition in about ten days any and everythiog in high grade Qund- - for a suitable celebration of the fourteenth annual meeting. They you have a hemorrhage. ruple riated Ware from a pin tray to a hand-carve- d and hand-burnish- tea ret in fact Better stop the disease while have selected Hon. B. D. Kstabrook, a It imaginable for a Christmas present. Note what the manufacturer says: Tnat Wm. Chaplin Is yet creeping. everything distinguished orator and lawysr from You csn do It wlrti we hand-burnis- h every piece; that we use only THE IiEST hard white metal; that Quad- Chicago, to deliver the principal address t ruple Plate means that we have weighed every dozen pieces before and after plating with Address s also be by will mads distin fine silver to convince ourselves that the good j will come up to the standard and t of terri- pure 999 Shoes guished members ths bar In the of A wear as stamped. With every dollar's worth of goods bought us we give you a tory. banquet will bs given at tbe Aprs ; 'MM COUPON of ten per cent of the amount of your purchase. When you have one dollar One thousand pair of Children's Palace hotel under ths supervision of or more of these coupons you can select a present to the amount of the coupons you hold Shoes : William Vaughn, at which a number of toasts will be responded to, and tbe Sixes 3 to S 50C A Complete Line in Every Part! juJar affair promlees to be most brilliant and 5 to 8 ,6oc to 90c suocessful. This will be tbs first time In Especial to Telegraphic Orders FREE OF CHARGE sy, to Attention it $1.00 Its history that this association has at in to be as cheap and in many cases much to We guarantee every at tide bought our store tiyt 3. ..$1.35 to it.50 tempted anything In the way of a ban- STRONG, cheaper than you can buy same values el.sewhere, and you can find anything here F. II. Aitant. Little Gent's Shoe. quet or any other diversion, as Its time Graduate U. S. School of Embalming, New. York City; Massachu generally found in a high class dry goods and furnishing goods house. Now is it not at every session slues its organization In good business judgment to buy your fall and winter goods of us, where you make Sizes 13 to I'tf has been devoted to hard and You first notice thst you setts College of Embalming, Hoston; Chimpion College saving on each purchase and save from to $50 on your Christmas presents? 2 I.3S labor. cough less. The pressure on of Embalming, Springfield, Ohio. a $io ljt0 the chest is lifted. fueling 3 to 5 $t.SOtO of That t 165 Through the exertions the associa- of suffocation Is removed. A TELEPHONE NO 259. Men'a Shoe. tion more than anything else the court cure Is hsstcned byplacingone of of private land claims was establltbed. B. & CO. $1-3- of t LLFELD 5 Commerce, 307 and 309 West Kail road Avenue. $i.iS 7! The association prepared tbe rules which Dr. Aycr's Cherry The Bank Y 1.25 1.50 3.00 were adopted by that court It also for- ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. 3.35 mulated the oods of civil proceedings Pectoral Plaster Goodyear Shoes. whloh Is now In use, and was adopted by Capital. &100.00U.90. Welt tbe legislature without a single change over the Chest. tlons. of which the election of Roberts IS8UKS OatAFTS AVAILABLK IN ALL PARTS OW THI WOkLU SINGULAR STATEMENT. $3.50 $3.75 $3.00 $3.50 as It cams from the bands of the associa- Depoaltort THE DAILY CITIZEN amounts to a vtolattoa. There Is no way Sollatts AeooooU and Uffera to Kverv faeUltr Ladles' SIiocp. tion. It has twlC4 prepared tbs rules for A Book From, Conal.lenl with fralluble Banking. to rebuke this bad faith, and remind the Fine It la on the Dlsesses of tba hOttHMS MoCUKlttUT, fUBLUHXBB . the aupreme court, whloh were adopted state torolblr that a right of representa From Mrs. T. ink to Mrs. PI nit ham. Lace and Button. by that court without change, and are Throat and Lungs. DIKKCTOKS AND OFKICKKSl Taos. BcsBBS Editor tion conditioned strictly upon y $1.00 $1.75 $JSO B. Prealdei.1. B. P, ScsoaTBB. t. W. 8. Stbicklsb, Caatals now iu force, luuiuiiug the rule In re- SvWra aw frvWy. Utsio, Bos. MgT- - City The following to Mrs. a, Hbeep Urowst. A. at. ULaoawai.t, Urea, BlaekwsU A Co. W. T. MoCbjrhrt, and Id cannot be eierclsed by the Pink 1.35 2.00 3.00 UoLoaos Los , ham from Mrs. M. Rank, No. S,3M gard to admission to the bar, which Is anS SMlr. th. Wt m4lrl a1vtr. r. W. A. Htiwiix, Coal. William Mclsrv-ss- sheep Urowat. election ot a polygamlet, exoept by the 1.5 5 a.n rM.tVn, PUBLISH BD UAM.V AID WHUI. Eoitt Suaqticlmnna Ave., very stringent, and has done more ftMiiMr writ. th. C. V. W aoea, Maoaaer Urass. Black veU A Co, . C , BaXDBinea, Lombar. power ex- Philadelphia, than fraty. ton wilt aprosaptr.Blf ,1 application ot the of arbitrary WUhoat ot. rr Pa., Is a rem irkaMe statement of re- anything else to ralss ths standard re- a o. si'lr,,, pulsion. Felt Slipper. . UH.S. AVkH, Lmll, Mua. lief from utter discouragement She $1.25 quired for admission to the practice of Dcpoiitory for Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fa Railway. says: 75C Oni ot the Texas papers says: "It Is law in this territory. " I never can And words with which Up-to-D- ate Hoots and Shoe rery evident that there Is a oonoerted Since Its organization In 1880 the Assorted Press Afternoon Telegram, to thank yon for what Lvdia K. link- - Made Olrla OriMlH. Oflieui taper of Bernalillo County, effort all along the line to capture the to Order. whole work of this association, although ham's Vegetable Compound has dons The girls of ths Albuquerque Unlvrr-slt- V. FUTRELLE, Largest City and County Circulation Bryan entrenchments and bend the lead for me. l27Repairing done neatly and done quietly and without any flourish W. Largest New Circulation have organized a basket ball tesm Tbe lieiloo ers to tbe rear. With the exception of " Some years 1 had or newspaper mention, has been for the 116 Soatb First Street, Opposite Largest North Artsona Circulation s(?o womb trouble promptly. and have fitted a place on their campus Atlanta Constitution and tbe Hous- and doctored fur a long time, not see- beneQt ot the benoh, bar and people of tbe to play. Girls of the Normal you eicell Irmorj Hall, MOV 88, ton Post, the big dallies ot the southern ing any improvement. At times I New aUiloo, aud it Is entitled to ALBl'QUKRQl'K, lW In everything elss why not get together, states are decidedly lukewarm towards Mr. would fcol wvll enough, and other glorify Itsslt a little by this celebration. DIALBB IS times was CHAPLIN o gsnlcea basket ball team and Dlav Pbipaui yourself tor Thanksgiving. Byran, and some of them are la opeu re- miserable.' So It went on WM Ureat credit Is due to General K. L. until last October, I something Albuquerque at the same time the bovs bellion. The New Orleans Picayune, tor felt Bartlett, who, since the organization of A ma roll of new subscribers wm re- terrible creeping over me, I knew not play them at foot ball. Las Vegas Re- Instance, calls on tbo democratic party the association, has been Ita secretary, Furniture ceived by The Citikkn from western what, but kept getting worse. I can 121 Ave. view. to raise a vital Issue and put a leader In Railroad and who has performed the duties ot towns this morning. hardly explain my feelings at that Stoves, Carpets, ths Held." time. was so depreiwed In that offloe la a most exemplary, pains- "I wouldn't be without DsWItfa Witch I spirits Halve any I did not wUh to taking and efficient manner, thereby Ilaisl for consideration.' Turk it meat can be purchased (or The mm ot lha strait. that live, although I writes Thos. B. Bhodes, Csnterdeld, U. Shades, Bedding, twelre and a bait eente per pound. Com Another expedition Is going In quest had everything to live for. Had hys- NFRVQUS DISEASES contributing to a very large extent to Infalltile for piles, cuts, burns and skin teria, was very nervous; petition Is ths life ot trade. of "the secret ot the strait.' Kor 400 could not the success attained. diseases. Beware of counterfeits. Ber.y Granite Ware, years ths secret has remained unsolved. sleep and was not safe to be left Drug Co. ao alone. At the solicitation of ohviiclina who do Bwaiw ol OlBlm.nt for Catarrh that Voa-ta- la PaiaiDKNi McKiMUi will be Initiated Nowadays, geogoliats aud geographers not mr s peciHity Of iuia uiauenaing clsaa AT TUB MAZE. not tluuk water oouuectious exist be- Indeed, I thought I would lose my of (liaesac, we lisvs opened a Msrcarj, Mattresses. Into tba seereU ot Masonry December 14, as meoury will aurely destroy the sense Seeded raisins In bulk... luc tween the Atlantic aud Paclue. That mind. No one knows what I endured. Correspondence Uepartmest the date of George Washington's death. ot smell and completely derange the packages seeded raisins 25o All kinds and prices to suit tbe time was when the two continents ' 1 continued this way the and will treat patients by mall. wers apart, scleutlllc people be until last whole system when entering it through Dsckaaea cleaned currants 200 these of February, when I saw In paper 2 packages Hieing everybody. Tbi bodies of tbe sailors of tbe Maine lieve. I'here are people who dud the a a Our Specialties Are the mucous surfaces. Such articles Belt buckwheat testimonial of a lady whose case was should never be used exoept on prescrip- Hour 26c are to be brought from Havana and secret of health as bard to nnd. Three Nervous Diseases, Loss of Nerve pounds Booker like out, $5.00. similar to initio, and ss mlnce meat 16c words tell tbe way a healthy stomaoh. who had been L-- tions from reputable physicians, as the burled in Arlington cemetery in Wash' Power, Mental Weakness, of Campbell's jam 100 Tbe secret is Uostetter's btomacb Bitters. cured by Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegeta- damage they will do Is ten fold to the Bexual Power, all dltaee and Cranberries, per IOC on Payments. logton. It cures oouBtipailou, Indigestion, dys- ble Compound. I determined to It, good you can possibly derive from them. quart, Cheap for Cash or Easy try weaknesses ot the Beproductlve Or- 3 pounds ginger wafers 250 pemia aud all liver aud klduey ailments. and felt better after gans female.) com- Halle Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. figures tell the prioes at this store. the first dose. I (male aud All cans Rew Orleans molasses 350 Prices will tell aid THitownot Boswell has established It cures them permanently. Aud It y pro- J. Cheney A Co, Toledo, O., contains no continued taking it, and am a munications coutiilentlaf. No BromangeUm 163 cleotrls lights, and they are brings relief at ouoe. All druggists keep Lady Dhvsl- - mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting rates .for well woman, and can say from my fessional fees oharaed. Vtst. Proprietor. It, aud a private Hevenue stamp covers lu charge ot directly upon the blood and mucous Kiike, RUN NO RISK OF A moon leas than the rates paid in Alba heart, 'Thank UoA for such a modi-cine.- "' clans ladies' department uie neck 01 uie Dome. uur principal preparation surfaces of the systytn. In buying Hail's qoergne. Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu- All drusslsts euarantee everv bottle of SPOILED DINNER Mrs. Ptnkhara Invites all suffering ine. It Is taken Internally and Is made Uusmberlaln's Cough Kemedy and will passed a II. S. KX1U1IT refund money to anyone On Thanksgiving day on account of your 8sxbgu' legislature baa women to write to her at Lynn, Mass., ...PIL OMEiNTALIS.. In Toledo, Ohio, by V. J. Cheney A Co, the who Is nnt being out of An two-third- s range or water back order. Will pay ths highest prices for second A sstlslled using ot resolution declaring for tbs election ot iur aurice. aucn llisa sawft-- - (UUnt.tU Testimonials tree. after the Am agent for B. Colt ah letters ara contents. Is underdone turkey would provoke a saint to by vote hand furniture. J. and answered by which if UniKjrtcil from the taut I niiiu ttileljr HTdold by Druggists, prloe 7Bc per This the best remedy In the United Btates senators a direct & Co.'s celebrated Chriterloa Acetylene women only. puuuc world grippe, coughs, croup anger on that aunplrlous oooasioi. slake 07 ounwivea. nivalin. conT.eceriiw, bottle. for la colds, by having us overhaul ot ths people. gas generators. Have for sale due old atprftkerv, prcchi'r,iuieiiU (LeiMuiulion ann cougn ana ana assurance doubly sure lawyer. (ileauimu cutwit). utilities wnooping is pleasant range put good condition. oak rolling top dettk and leather back SHOPS AT BATON. intricate Ml Qllinor.'a safe to take. prevents any tendency vour and It In and wuortiiiieh wil pprctiute Uiis prrmaueot faplla. It Range work is one of our specialties, as well Santa Pi eouuty Is trying to com- ohalr; new aud complete fixtures for an timulMtit loth nerv fort. The following program wai rendered oi a com to reeuu in pneumonia. elegaut restaurant, beet location In city; he value of thin tract an a nowtnful ntrve as gas and steam fitting. promise Its debt. The county owes about Feasibility ot tholr Stnonl to La Junta, anui ria by M las Ullmore's pupils at her studio Domes or estate any uraio ton'c. and uowertm utniilant of bosiubss liWO.OUO. and otters to pay 1228,000 In beautiful real lu Colorado. the reproductive urbane in both aciva, cannot last kialurday atteruoou: locals. part of city; Holwood cash HEUittTKU; La Junta, Colo., Nov. 87. There Is a Dm over eviitnateti. it la not an irritAtnt to the Reading BROCKMEIER & COX, t new thirty year bonds. surreys, organ uf Kenerutlon, but a recuperator and .St. Cecilia Dorses, buggies, phaelous, pianos, d rumor here, or state Mlu Utllh. Matthew's Jersey milk; try it. rather suiiptpuci. auu use urrii auunu iu wic uativw Two ..Koliler bar fixtures, two Uus billiard aud pool ment, brought directly from Katon, prftMittioi tmlia, Hurnmli and Ceylon for apa. Studlea TBI man who signed the first green- that Kuth Utucatueler. Btarrett's tools. Whitney Company. tables; a complete bowling alley; aud tne snnps of ids Santa rs railroad lo in Mcrvi in 111 me comitrira Walts, op. 161, No.O ...Uur lilt 120 Gold Avenue. articles too numerous to mention. where lalam hm plauted tue ataudard of Plumbing la all Its branches. Whliaev backs has Just died la California. It other oated there will be moved to La Junta. boliaiamv. Annul. Shinies. Company. was purpose ot the government to 111 trade or sell SM acres of cultivated Kor some davs It has been known In nymcun, Rondo, op, 161, No, S .Uiabelll Entrance at 210 South Second Street. the uuoiaiioDH r rom Lsuta Herrtck. nut. I3.D0 W. land near Kiverslde, Cal., have a large the west that the management ot the f Hong ....Popp Cerrlllos soft ner ton. redeem them In gold, aud he lived to see Iettera after uslnv tlila orenaratlon for vtara Ultd H. & Co. store ou Uallroad avenue for rent, etc. railroad has determined on a new and with unrivaled aucceiui. iawTeocs iiimu. Hahn tbs purpose fulnlled and ths spotless I make a specialty of auction sales. more systematic plan for the shop work, HllccataHled fur 1st vo nil mv swvfMartatlitn. Harlequin Strrabbog All kinds ot laniDs and lama aoods. honor ot maintained. Kor a small commission I will attend to VOUU. kdilti Wslkei. ths nation by which It will all bs concentrated at My patient eayat rlllaare making young Si. Cecilia Soclrtlr. Whitney Company. Wool Company, any business you wish to transact. Uavs urn points lucaieu approximately ouu man of htm. onto Mr. iluiy Urrrlck. Chickens with feathers dallv to be bad Albuquerque Scouring BpauUb government has the float- some special bargains lu real estate. miles apart. Two ot are Topeka Cured a cane of despondency of fourteen Vocal Forgotten kuneoe Cowlea Thi these ye are tandlnu. lnd. Mim Kenlaon, at J. L. Bell & Co.'s. ing dry dock at Havana on Its bands, the ana Aiouuuerque, one win tt in Dai' 1 our suKKiBtiona have ami met me with all-- SoDtf-Wltb- out Wotii., No. u....atendelaaohn Mattings aud carpets JAMK3 WILKINSON, Manager. AN 1MPOHVAMT OirS ICKBNOB. or n Mm. Liridllli. Ingrain at Kut Vera syndicate having decided not If n la, one in Arltina, and now It Is be ncuit Caere. I'eun. etc relle's. Prices to Crux To make It apparent to thousands, who lleved Uavotte , Beaumont suit. that ths nfth point tor ths estab- Price of per MIM VIDtS to take It. It has been offered tor sale think themselves 111, that they are not permanent Pil Orientalis $1.00 llall. Dou't miss those bargains while thev lishment ot shops will be La Duet Norwegian Uance, op. S6, No. 'J tirlig BBARRUP & EDIE, three times without finding any buyer, alllioted wuh any disease, but that the Junta. For one thing, It would be a Box by mail. Mimm.'. tithuure and Krswlnkle. last at bosenwald Bios. system cleansing. Is to Nocturne, up. M U'Ueao and will now be towed back to Spain. It simply needs great convenience not only In the band Send 10c for aample, medical teatimoniali, etc. - Fair dealings requires no falrv tale AND FORWARDING AGENTb. bring comfort Doms to IDslr hearts, as a ling ot rolling Mim Etta llalloruu. you get a s. LESSEES, OPERATORS Is worth about stock for repairs but In Maiurka, op. US Uohm ii ruireue costive ooudltlon la easily cured by using tne running ot engtues. THE IMMUNE TABLET CO, MiMttarth. Bee the ready embroidered lunch cloths. Syrup by Csllrahoe Cliainmad Liberal advances made on consignments. ot rigs. Manufactured tbe aouee, eic., tne Koouomist. Thi people ot Pboenla arc still sub- Syrup Co. only, and sold A mim nrawiukle. at California Pig Thousand Tonga. V1SHIIGT0I, D. C. Value Lente, op. 1st DolmetKb CarpeU prices scribing funds toward In by druggists. Could not sx Dress ths rantura of Annie at within reach cf all ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. ths Pboenli all aiim ueMie uotaen at Albert Kaber's. Grant building. dian and Cowboy carnival whloh will be D. Uprioger.of 1126 Howard street. Phlla- - Ha Bold Liquor Bad Stamps. waen sue Mokl positively cures sick head' Cash paid for household (roods. 119 held In city next week. Albuquer aeipuia, fa., touud that ur tea that A postmaster at Ploacho, Lincoln ooun King s New Discovery for Consumption Gregory's aohe, Indigestion and constipation. A de south First street. Borradalle & Co, AKlEa'H-- .. que set tbe pace last September, and now ty, recently received notice that the had completely cured her ot a backing llghttul herb drink. Bemoves all erup- - We waut to show you over our stock of B. RUPPE, fillbP ii ,7m VFPw rjja i, . Phoenix Is trying to keep up In ths pro- postoQlce there had been discontinued. cough that for many years had made lite Cure for tlous of the skin, producing a perfect up m date narness. J. rioroer x, co. cession by making her carnival a big uurilen. All oiner remedies aud doc oompleilon, or mouey refunded; 26 cents Bpeclal prices on towels, table linen He thereupon found a champion In a 60 uo. success. tors could give her no help, but she says and cents. J. U. o Hlelly a and napkins at the Economist this week. 1 TRUSS. reckless democratic paper at Boswell 01 cure tins royal "it soon removed the Consumption Tinware and granite Ironware. Prices Thi Boer now have about 17,000 that annouaoed that the postmaster was pain in my cries 1 and 1 can now sleep Tuar DalUrs tlo VartbMt Hr. PRESCRIPTIONS aouomy, Cerrlllos bard egg ooal 00 reasonable goods the best. Wbltuey British troops shut up In different be decapitated because he did not forward souiemiug 4 can soarouiy re $7 uompany. member dolug I Positively tbe Only Remedy Cerrlllos hard atove 7 00 to Ohio republican before. feel like sound' coal.... sieged towns, via.; 8,000 at Ladyemlth, contribution tbe Ing Its praises throughout ths Universe.' Cerrlllos hard nut ooal 8 CO Ladles go to & 1 Held A Co. for wool 3,000 at Ketouurt. 2.U00 at Mool river, campaign fund. The fact It that the tto will every one who tries l)r. King's Cerrlllos hard pea ooal 4 00 waists most complete stock In the city That will destroy the Tubercle STBEBT, 3,000 at Kimberley, 1,000 at Mafeklng, postmaster sold whiskey as well as New Discovery for any trouble of the CKHHllXUrf ttuKT LLMf COAL. 6 00 to c noose trom. BILS0AD iYElDB AID SBCOID tliroat, or lungs. 60c. Bacilli without injuring'the half-to- n 8 ISO Bee Grey Homespun and a column of 1,000 at Bhodeiia. That stamps, In the same building. This chest Prloe. and Same lots the Oaford tailor' 1 1.0O. Trial bottles free at J. U. O'Blelly Cerrlllos soft nut ooal 8 50 made worth $13 .60, for this , la not permitted by poetoffloe lung tissue. suit flu 1 ' fie)! 4la ,"3 .14-,t- la about one fourth of tbs British troops practice the uo. s orug store; every Dome guarau Hallup soft lump ooal. 6 00 week at the Koonomlst. iDtml IdeptODi Ubaqurqat, I. a Ivlttl CCMi9SU j 1, any case. A poetoOloe balt-to- u now In Africa, department In veea. name lots a oo 0. A. Grande. 306 north Broadwav. fine cannot be located In a building with a New 'phone 410; old 'phone 46, it N liquors ana cigars. Kresb lime for sale Thi determination of the British gov saloon. A Sloro. A Medicine Resulting from Year W. H. IlAHN & CO, Furnished rooms tor rent. A new grocery stors and saloon has erument In the conflict in South Africa A vou TO CUBS A tMJLU IN ON K DAY, been opened up for business at visit to our store will convince lull south LaOrlppe, with Its after effects, an we of carpets. la shown by the arrival ot two more Bromo Qululue necoud street by Bros. A big of Research by Specialists, that have the banner stock Take Laxative Tablets larlaglta anally destroys thousands of people. It linoleum, oil cloth matting, and British army officers In this country to All druggists refund ths money If falls Hue of fancy groceries was received a may be curtains it quickly cured by Oue Minute house-furnishi- goods. W. urove s on few days ago, and now new man eneral Albert buy army mules. Klght thousand Mis to cure. a. sigualurs is ths It does not make lungs, but saves those Cough Cure, the ouly remedy that pro aber. QUICKGL & I30THE, Proprietors. each box. Hue. agers ars prepared to fill any and all duces Immediate results coughs, colds, souri mules bavs been already forwarded whloh Nature made. In Coming A ot fancy book' orcleis. Choice liquors and elgitrs will croup, brouohltls, pueumonla and throat oar rockers, to the seat of war, and orders will be A very Intorestlug feature has been always bs found iu stock. Kemember cases, sideboards and many other novel ana lung trouniss. it will prevent con suitable tt.e holiday placed tor 2.000 more. added to the Ullver recital In the person ins uumuer. it will pay yon to give us sumptluu. berry Drug Co. ties for trade, and BAR CLUB ROOMS U, and of Miss Knieiie vaiex, wno win play one a call. as usual, tne cheapest in tne town. J. U.O'KEILLY&CO. Xj Uahuison Is ons ot the of her beautiful violin solos. This Is J. Fraciloal Soavaalrs. UUIeon, south First street. Al Th Orooarv Company. Cognacs busiest men In ths United Btates rarsopportuotty to hear two such talented Jaa Tbs new Army and Navy Series of Don't suffer from cold feet. C. May, Finest Whiskies, Imported and Domestic Wines and young ons Bpeolal Thauksalvlng urloes: Bole Agents (he popular priced 2(M and hs probably has ths largest Income ladles at time. for Albuquerque, Playlug Cards, with our heroes portrayed shoe dealer, Tbe city clerk Is advertising for bids Turkeys 13e west Railroad avenue, carries a full Ths COOLEST sad HIGHEST GRADE ol LAGER, SERVED. of any lawyer In west, It not In the SprlDg Put up by on each face card, are as practical In ths for 1J.0U0 square feet of street orosslngs. chicken l2'o stock of shoes made especially for winter According to reports be liens use as any other deck, but wear, warm, yet United States. i'9 B. much Bner In neat and stylish, at Imported ar ' Domestic (Mgarp. JGO,000 ducks IMS DR. A. GREGORY, vsry In prioes with ths reach of all. Finest and Best received from the Venexuelan (leese finish and novel effect. Dewey Is lilo al.BCQt'IRQDS, M. H. government for arguing tbs boundary Klne cranberries, per quart 10c most appropriately King of Hearts Mot a BurprlM. case, whloh was ous of the largest tees Kxtra Que strawberries, per quart. .2oc Dr. W. WUon, H Y.. savs Head ten 2 cent stamps for a piok to It will not be a surprise to any who are " luly lll.N. cvsr paid. Blackberries. ate "I q eartily reoommend 0 ne Minute Malt Nutrias Dept., Anheuser-Busc- h at all familiar with the good qualities CRESCENT COAL YARD, THIRD STREET r. j Freeh tomatoes. Cough Cure It gave my wife Immediate Brewing Ass'o, Bt. Louis, U. B. A. of Cbauiberlaln's Cough Kemedy, to Whili ths calamity howlers dwell on Kiue Bellfluwer apples relief in suffocating asthmas. 1'leasaut know that people everywhere take pleas- GALLUP COAL Best Do- tbs advanoed price ot many manufact ' California pears ..100 to tuke. K ever falls to quickly cure all ure In relating their experleuce in the MARKET. Kxtra tins celery After Many Yaara use of splendid tell- mestic Coal in use. Yard MEAT ured articles during these days of pros .60 coughs, noldr, throat aud lung roubles. that medicine and In " Minus meat ..loo Herri Drug Co, Have elniiat'd ncoiilo write to sny that ing of the beuellt they have received from opposite Freight Office perlty, they very lightly, If at all hrest-ene- touch Baltimore oysters, per quart. ..oUO the curi's wlurli Hootl's ciarsuuirilla It, of bad oolds it has cured, of d AU kinds of Fresh and Salt on tbe Increased number ot psople who T. U. attacks of pneumonia It has averted Mtair, accoiiiiiiiuu are lasting ami complete MARSHALL, -- Cash la F. D. Agent, -:- - - : bavs employment, upou the Increase of sllua. Hucoeesor to A. Hart, pays ths highest u otlit-- r iiK'ilicino has such a record aud of the children It has saved from at- Meats. It enables us to sell Cerrlllos bltuiu prtt'es for second baud goods. Persons of rurvs. Nu oilier inciliciuc possesses tacks of croup and whooping cough. It wages paid, and In tbs Increase In th Incus ooal price Is good by New Telephone No. 164. Steam Sausage Factory. at ths wtlue as luferior contemplating golug to housekeeping the great power to purify a grand, medictue. Kor sale prloe of wool, wheat, cattle, and nearly, coals ars sold for, and gives the cusUimer aud enrich all druggists. 53. . . will do well to give him a call before the blood ami build up thu system. Oli Telephone No. TEMPLE, If not all products of this oouutry. the beuetlt of the quality. Hahn Co. purchasing. No. 117 west Uold aveuue, MASONIC Ws Leave orders Trimble's stable L door to vV ells' Kargo. Hood's Pillt cure all liver Ills, re. sell ths best and most attractive 8THEET. J. D. Bridges, Kdtlor "Democrat," Lan- neit carpets any TUIIID Tbi production ot Irou lu this country uuve constipation, assist digcutiou. 250, at much lower price than caster, N. 11, says, "Doe Minute Cough Wot other bouse In territory. Kaber's, Is still increasing. Ths output of the o.r rirtr Albert MJ5LIN1 & JilAKIN EM1L KLE1NW0RT, Prop, Cure is ths bet remedy for croup I ever AN Ol.l) Whll-Thik- Kkukuy. 3o6 Railroad avenue. furnaoes this mouth will be greater than A eat may look at a king tnev say used." Immediately and Dr. Kdward Clayton, the young physl relieves aud cures Mrs. Soothing Hyrnp Wholesale tor any previous mouth. The aggregate Which Is not so very sad. coughs, colds, croup, astbrua. pneumoula, Window's has elan who has been connected with the Oeo. Noland, Ohio, says: Cigars. Rut a cat can't wash ths dirt away been used for over fifty years by millions "My wire piles Liquors and W. L. THIMBLE & CO., production for 1W'.J will be about 13, bronchitis, gripps aud all throat and medical departmeut of the local agency had for forty years, lis Ws everything mat makes a shirt appear so bad. lung troubles. It prevents of mothers for their children while teeth- Witt's VUtoh Halve handle street, between Ballroad and 11.7S0,0U0 consumption. success, of tbs Washington Life Insurance Co., llarel cured her. It In ur Hue. Beoond 800,000 tons, compared with berry Drug Co. ing, with perfect It soothes the Is ths best naive In America." It heals r we to prao-tlc- e Distillers' Ageuts, Copper avenues, tons In 1M8 and tt.000,000 lu im. Ths Rut can wash ths dirt awar child, softens ths gums, allays all pain, has deolded locate at Uallup, and everything and cures diseases, Aud starch ths proper too Is best all skin 8p total Taylor A Williams, aggregate production this year will be shirt lust Tbs matter of a match gams ot basket cures wlud colic, and ths remedy his profession. Ths best wishes for Uerry Drug to. bintrtbutors We can Iron It precisely right for diarrhea. It is pleasant to the taste. Louisville, Keutuoky. exchanged. m- ball between the Kl fsso, Tetas, aud his complete success from his many Horses and Mules bought and Just about doubts what It was lu Di- To make It suit your f rleuds and you Bold by druggists lu every pttrt of ths Auk your neighbors what thev paid for of New be- accompany N. II Livery, Bale, Keed and Transfer Btables. only five years ago. L'ulverslty UhiIoo teams Is world. Tweuty-Uv- cents a buttle. Its friends hers will him to his their furniture at J. O. Uideon's, and Ill 8onth Klrst Ht Albuquerque. 1 ing arranged by Miss Catherine Fields valus Is Inoaluulabls. He sure aud ask new home. they will tell you they saved per ceut. i t stop a IT la uot Cougreasuian Koberts, bat Albuquerque Steam Laundry, for tbe Albuquerque girls, and by Miss for Mrs. M luslow's Boothlng Byrup and nn their bill, toucan do ths same. J. Kngllsh remedy will Beat Turnouts in th CitT. While out shopping bs to O, 20G miiuli at anr time, and will ours ths state ot Utah Is ou trial. I'tab Sophia Uogan for Ki l'aso. An taks uo other kind. stirs (ildeou'e, south Klrst street. ths that effort see the golf caps aud fur collarette ws worst cold In twelve hours, or moue A. HUBBS, k CO. H Addrua L. TRIMBLE x Co, did uot cuter ths L'ulon unooudltloually JIT will be made to bavs ths fsme playsd at Bulla that suit your pockstbook at are showing: uo trouble to selsct oue. H. I'lano for reut. Apply to Whitney refunded; 25 oeuts and 60 cents, i. T. like other states, but under strict ooudi Coruer Coal ave. audSecondst. Pbous4l4 Armory hall, Friday evening, Dee. 1st. Kutrelle's. lireld&Co. Company, O'Hlelly A Oo. Albuqusrqus. Nw Mcalco. J amor guahimu. HlfllrlO ACTIVITY WotTMfl WreckAi livery one le s while the newspaper THOS. F. KELEHEB, U. t. CEFOSIT83IT tell of some one Ttrkcy Sheets laterestlif 0taer Imparl la the Organ niattlei-He- y Rich beautiful woman DBALait IU First t Topic. HYSTERIH Propertlei teleg Opcecd. who ha been consigned to an Special Correspondence. fluy Jenkins, probably the most ei-pe- rt Is a errsoi Slsseast aa4 eke asylum, becsnss ..LEATHER.. Gallop, N. M., Not. 97. Krerrbod ap frtif al mining man that has spent any U physical weak. Depositor? tor the SaaU ate el serss erlaia. Irsssssa 1 ma. m I mm Boles, National peared to enjoy themselves at the two rrsistssii time this seetlon looking Cut finding and BhomAker! ti MS strfscUy aa ssrauasattf smrM. considerable in In seek tempo- and the AtehiK)B,Tw My-a- Toole, Haniese, Stvldlee, Collars, turkey shoots yesterday. Thomas ft rt VST AM ssirw Into the mineral possibilities of the rary strength la Its. 4 Santa Fa Railway mis-lure- Oils, Sheep Dip. Sheep SFaclfle bad nine turkeys and two chickens kytMrta. UWTAW mountains, returned In the latter part the stenotic s Paint, Horn are Medlolnee, Companiea. Mempeee, tar-key- s will rsUsr thai Atle Sraaee, Xto. Bank, killed m follows: two evetr of last week from a prospecting tour In fonnd on many afrSTAsT Cash paid for Hldee and one chicken; Italian, three tur- the Organ mountains weet of thle place. women's toilet and Pelts. liar.wlU rsstsea las wsskv ALBUQUxUlQUlC, N. keys tot 2 otpended; Casus, one turkey; He reports a of table. JL ssd asms ss a ass that considerable amount The story I an Wool Wax MoSptrron.ooe turkey at hli second ihy eoaeiMsa aa4 eke prospecting la being done In tbe Organs old, bnt ever-ne- Commission 0FTIOIR8 AND DOCTORS. abotj Thomas, on ehleken; L. Myers, one will smp en, A Liberal advance mad tod highest rssssi and that some promising properties are woman rind Authorised Capital.... MM.m.M JOSHCA 8. BATN0LD8 Praddtal eblekea sod two turkeys; Unkmsa, one rsa. VDYAW lee week," Mr. prloee being opened. "Last said herself suffering market obtained. psid-up- . vsgstakls rsaasSy aasl from weakness, cwp.t--1. Bnrpin. ehleken. They bare thirteen tnrkeya W4 ssTsst sa Jenkins, "the Norman mine made a ship- rBAiT.:::::::!.f., kss M nervousness, de and ProOte and eight ehlekena leftover for the ihoot tks trasses. ? ment of ore that run T9 to the (i n spondency and 406 Railroad Ate., Albnqnerqne ,. A. A. 8 HAM A. B. afesliLLAIt. on the 8uth at the aame range. war ij whleb la a remarkably high per- IrHtabllll She eannot divine the cause. Wfcssiywskava and her ly physician seems equally Gordon A Blmpeoa had twelve tnrkeye Nlly. centage ae was practically al Sens ss, was Iks MVDa It surface loss. A friend who stiffen In the same way ..TUB MAIN HOTEL.. ESTABLIIHIO and nine ehlokene killed. Flood made Ussm ore." Continuing, Mr, Jenkins said: tells her that a wee drop of cologne, brandy It7t )'( TAN sa4 drops, ale, beer, "rnsjl SAN MAKCIAL, N. M. or the beet record, killing Ore turkey and IHaiaaj At It km tot extracts'' other Acts ocntly on ywt vis 4t iw "I have located a claim there aud eipect stimulant will give temporary relief. And Opened nnder a new management the three ehlckene; Kenny, two tnrkeya and to retorn soon and begin working It, I that is the beginning that ends in a mad- Situated within one block of the depot, two ehleken; Joe. Cavenese,one turkey over hills house. The woman who suffers from th rooma and low HERE ARE YODR SYMPTOMS: have prospected all the within symptoms described may safely Infer thai first class board at nice. L B. PUTNEY, Kidneys, Liver and one ehleken; W. Campbell, one tur- considerable radius of here, observing there rxiid disease or at least weakness of MRS. AUSTIN CRAWFORD, Prop key the dellcat organs that conatilut her a and two ehlckene; W. H. Smith , one XTB-I.ID- the formation, etc., ot all the proepeete "Old ReUablen 1--1. FLUTTUHIWO OT TITB woman. rr. Pierce and Bowels turkey; Beekman, one tnrkey; Glbeon, HUDTAN wlU rsllsv UK alassal that have been opened and I have the Favorite Prescription, A. E. WALKEK, two turkeys; Anderson, one ehleken. laaaisallatsly. only genuine flsenre vein that I have yet which contains no System alcohol or other stimu- the range wae SCO yards ft-- Cleans The at turkey's t. TBBMBLtirO Of TlH XiTTaV eeen In this section. The vein le narrow lant to inebriate, will --Fire Insurance VDTAN wtU asrvss hast. promptly thing Grocerl b.dy; fifty yards ehloken'a head, and rssisrs the put Wholesale at sa with well defined granite walls and the Iky eraeitleB, sa the trsnbllnf wlil eisss. right, and make her beriUrj Iitoil laIIdIo ineelitloi. 190 yards at ebloken'o body. Flood aaye kind In whiob rich pockets are found. 1 V ewst. strong and healthy in 1 arwssl asvS be Intends to discount his shooting on believe It Is a good thing. Anyway I am a womanly way. It Ose Ml O. ssJdHrlg' l.asaW Tassl FLOUIl, GRAIN & ISIIsaWwa sat a rcitp i if run does away with neces IIB1 BOib. Gordon Blmpeon two thhoat. n In- the ft hare Issllsf is ss tfcsnah there wss a kail la la not going to take any chances, bnt sity for ohnnxlou cx HTIFLE : OROCJUUCS. dcten each of turkeye and ehlekene for tkrsst. XatTaN will esuss Hi Slsaspssw. tend to go Into It and see." Mr. Jenkins amiratlnns and local treatment II PROVISIONS. In the privacy of the home. It gives THE ELK the 30th. Both parties will hare their la convinced that there la good paying vyjor Car Leu a Specialty. To ss Has! SMUvest, . PALTIT ATIOIf or TBI and virility to the organs upon which de- one of the nicest resorts In the 1 ranges for that day and a good time Is ore In this section and Is not afraid to pends tb of the human race. AS ' UAt BEAST. HUDYAft will strsnftksa Ik perpetuation city and le supplied with the PERMANENTLY assured for everybody. ksart sansrls snd esaa tks heal ss hseom spend bis time prospecting for It. Mr. H A ANbrnnk, of Austin. Lonoke Co.. Ark .writes: "After See months of great beet and finest liquors. 111 suon sad rsfular. News, Farm and Freight Wagons Bob. Brown, who has been for I write this for the henenl of other suf- nearly a year, raffl d off a horse on Satur S. BIWKIWO TWRLTrVO IW TBI ferer from the same afrltction. I wtth HBISCH ft BBTZLER, Proprietors. A Tro friend. our fsniilv physician without any red result, su RAILROAD AVENUE. t I t ALBUQUERQUE, N. Mi H'ICIAL day night at Keunedy's saloon. His 1IT Of THE TOMACK. It It 4us M tnv hoftlMnit lirged me to try Ir T'lrrre's med- tks sstlsa oi th wesksnsd asrvs f th A friend In need Is a friend Indeed. icines -- which I did, with wonderful results. 1 Patrons and friends are cordially friends did some good rustling for him stasaash. SltlTtN will ttrsngthea lb That is eiaclly what Chamberlain's am romplrtrlv cured. I took four hntllea nl Invited to visit "The Klk." Coogh Heinedy Is. Ir. Pierce's I'avorile pTescriSion, four of his gUf?RNIApGSYRVP(. In selling ticket and a little over $100 asrvss, and tb sluklrii fssllnf wlU at rseor. It Is tbe tuothei'e T.nMen Medical Discovery' aud two vtala of his wa realised. Bob. has many friends help when she is suddenly awakened In ' I'leaasnt Pellets.' " SOS Railroad Awanaa. Wsissn, this la for yon. Rtnsabsf Ust night by the ominous husk THB the cough, Constipation kill slowly. Dr. "V"as, here who will be glad to know that be la womss. Pierc' fat lui at au osuswrs. nu tu mi TJOTAN mrs sasa and II will and laliored breathing of ber babe. It Pleasant Pellet cure quickly. Improving, rsllsv oa f all th abnv syatBtosi aad tbe sate reeort of the youth or adult SaKoelslor SAMPLE AND CLUB ROOM. Attorney L. L. Henry, with two United ro eaa k eurtd. tirnTASj will effect when he has "caught coldand there Is HAT & STEAM DYE VORKS 1 THE DAILY CITIZEN ssrnansnl enrs. Take MI UTAN now. Tsu eoughlug aud Irritation of the mucous States law agents, left tble morning for SO Finest tao let HI lTAN of your drnsglat tor membrane ot the throat. It allays the LADIES' AND GENTS' Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Etc., Moore's post kag for 12 M, II Tsrsjis of abaerlpUoa. trading on the reservation. sat per ps er packafe Irritation and cure the oold. Vor eale CLOTHING CLEANED, gone or four days, ysur duel not keep II, tend direct tr Klly. by mall, one year 4 00 They will be three rarilt by all druggist. DYED AND PRESSED. by mail, an month . 00 taking evidence In the ease of the Con II th 11011)1 H'NSIIV COMPANV, Ssn by mail, . 1 BO You eaa ennault the Rally, three monta .. frsnrlaco, California. WANTS flS.OOO DAMAUfca. Bate of all ktnda cleaned, dyed snd re-- by mail, one month .. AO nental Coal and Improvement company vs. of RSMgOT COM Dally, .. 7ft doctors th HIUTAN e napeo; ana mane aa good as new. by carrier, one month oom-pan- JOSEPH BABNETT. by matt. year...... no the United States. In 1887 the above y PAKT rrtltej (all n th doctors. It you PE0PEIXT0B. Wwalv. Der Plnapsl. Wss Ths Daily Citizbn will be delivered In bad beadq ,arters Deflanee cannot call, yon may writ and advice will ss J. O. Wbs Injsrwd at th wet-a-. their at V. CO Proprietors the city at the low rate of so cents per or Irs. Address Local Depot, Seh Damages. MASOERO & for 76 cents per month, when paid monthly. station. An agent of theirs, by tbe name lva 110 Railroad Awaaaa. Three rate are leae than tuoac of any other The Santa Ke Hallway company ha 315 West Copper Avenue. Aibaaaaraaa. ally paper in tne territory. of Allen, killed a Navajo Indian. The BDDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, been sued by an Injured employe, J. 8. Navsjos O-TtJJD-X attacked the store and the em Car. atsektsa, Msrksl sd till s, Plmpel, for 1 16.000. The plaintiff al- ployee had to flee for their lives. The In J. STARKEL, & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Oss T essslss, Csl. leges that on the 27th of January, 18MI, TOTI DIAUIatS IN dlans then looted the store and stole he was employed as a carpenter on tbe Painter and Paper XJOTK-A- II classified advertisements, or about thirty head of cattle. A claim for (Small Holding Claim No. saaa.l Banta Ke bridge gang city. He A mi ber "liners." one cent word for earn In this any classified $10000 against the United States ha Matin for Fublleatloo. GBOCEniEO UQUOB8 Insertion. Minimum char for Land Oflic at Sanu Ke, N. M ., I s required to trim some shade trees OEDKKS SOL1C1TKD. and silver! isements, 1ft cents. In order to insure been pending for years; these partiee are October 'M, lHWU. f at the local depot and tell from one of FL.OUR. FBBD. PKOVIBIOMB. iroper t laaslHcattun. all "llnera" shoold be left Notice Is hereby given that tb following 1 J0 EAST RAILROAD AVH I tills oHice not later than S o clock p. m. now taking evidence In the cane. After named claimant has tiled notic of Ins inten- tbem to the depot platform, fracturing they conclude their work they will make tion to make Una! proof in support of Insclaim, MADE CORRECTLY, FROM HAY AMD GRAIN and thai said proof will be made be his skull, breaking hie collar bone fend A the right material, our FIRST SIREET LIYERT STABLE ANttD In company Major of suits made a trip to Ramab, with fore th register or receiver the United the little Onger ot his right band. He to older always give satisfaction. We FRU DKUVERY TO ALL PARTS OK THI CITY. X7 ANTKD A white sirl to do ceneral Kenny, to Investigate some for States land ollice at Sanu Ke, New Mem o, on buuaework. Inquire at 817 No tb Kichtti claluii l)ecember 7, Iwww, rist 1'edro Montoys, for alleges that tbe bones were Improperly will take your measure for coat, vent' Now owned by WM. HART, street. In the lot 4, sec T, N Kl, N W and lots 1 and S, trousers on or all and pledge oar Luported French an4,ltattanGout1i. isawe " Indian depredations that section. t. set In the railway hospital Los Vegas. Will be ran In a flrst-cl- as manner. section It. Tu. 18 N., K.e k. al word of honor to please yon or no sale. ANTKD second hand clothing Gallup people fall slgaally to sympa lie names the following witnesses to prove Tbe Satisfaction guaranteed to all who SOLE AGENTS SA.N 'Jenta' adverse of suit wa begun at Kl Paso. If that's fair proposition come snd FOR ANTONIO LIMB. W C ner of Coal and Hrst street. K. J of his actual continuous ptMaesion patronise the stable. Kigs hired by the thise with those mistaken people the tract tor twenty years preceding ths go-b- Sweat ey. nest see us; If not, give tie the Our day feeding by east who are trying to besmirch the survey of the township, vizi Cornelio Mon A Vrlgbtrul Hlaadsr. or month. Also the day A aeneral toys and Luis M. Uarreras, ol liolden, N. M.s NKW KALL AND or month. IVANTKI rrauertable alrl fur Via. e, Will often eause a horrible burn, New Telephone 217. 213, 215 ami 217 NORTH THIRD ST vff housework ; only competent persou need character of our great admiral. They i etrudes Garcia and Santiago ot Santa r scald. YY1NTKR MATKKIAL8 apply. Address boo thlsome. Pi. M. cut or limine. rim-Kil- Arnica Halve, show little respect for themselvee and Any person who desires to prote't sgslnst are In and yon had better proof, any the beet In the world, will kill the pain examine them M. I'KAMS WANTKI To work on Low Line their own country when they attempt to the allowance of said or ho knows before they go to gratified patrons. DHAG0IE, good waves paid. Call on hautlago substantial reaaon under the laws snu regula- and promptly hel It. Curea old sores, Dealer In WASHINGTON HOUSE AND SALOON nsca, saeiii, Aiuuquerque. tear from the heart of 70,000,000 Ameri- tions ol the interior department why such pioof fever sores, ulcers, bolls, felons, corns, uiu not be allowed will be given an oppor- Idol should all skin eruptions. Keet pile cure on F. TOMeTBROS., A girl to do cooking and asilat cans, the which they have rightfully tunity at the above mentioned time and place GRANDE A PARENT!, Pveprlatora. WANTED tocroas-essmin- e of earth. Only 26 ots a boi. Cure guar-aute- t good wages. Apply to enshrined there, simply because be has the witnesses said ciao f 19 Mrs. orunsleld, over Urunafeld Bios.' store. ant, and to oiler evidence lu rebuttal of Uiat d. Hold by J. li O'Hellly & Co No. Railroad Avenue. General Merchandise Retail Dealers in shown that be la human. submitted bv claimant. os V. Garcia will BtANUKL K. Oteko, Keglater. Albuquerque, N. M. UOUSKCLKANINO-J- cleaning. Leave Encut. KLKPH AMT ItrjTTS HAN CASK. GROCKRim, CKrAIH. TOBACCO. orders st bis residence, opposits iluning's KOK SCHOOL BUILDINGS rttUFBSSlONAX CARDS. aa in, nsiirosa svenue. TatallKSOlVllia KIOHT. PROPOSALS water systems- Department Ro. 800 Broadway, cor. Washington Ave. Waali-Ingto- To Ha Tried at Laa t'raea It-U- ov of the Interior. Ollice of Indian ArTaiis, Its. Albnqoerqne, N. si. A,'ANTKD Situation bv eiuerlenrrd D. C, Nov. 8, Ihhu. Sealed pioposals, riiinsnt Ovsrtars SUJtelsjd. PHVSICIAaS. v V stuck. keruer snd sa'esman In clothing, M ss Kathsrtss . Ollvsr MM Armory endorsed "Proposals tor school buildings or As furnishings and shi In cilv or out. Heat sewer and water systems, Navajo agency," as a result of the conference held In BASTBRDAf a sLAHTBRUAV. FINE LODGING HOUSE UPSTAIRS. references. Addreas K., tins ollice. Hall. tne case may oe.auii auuressea totne commis- Kl Paeo several days ago between the KMC at and residence. No. 411 west Oold Atiantio Boer Hall! At San Franelsoo kfisa Oliver gave sioner ol Indian Allans. Washington, 1). C, O venn. Telephone No. 9S. OfLce hour SOUTH FIRST STREET. ALBUQUERQUE N. ANTKD Trustworthy persons to take seven recitals with the opportunity to will be received at thia ullice until two o'clock representatives of the Klephant Butte Stow a. m. : 1:80 to 8 ISO and 7 to 0 p. m. BCHNKIDKR &LIX. Props. 209 U. W orders for "Wsr In South A fries and the p. m. of Thursday,. December 7, Ihihi. lor C. J. 8. hsstcrday. M. O. J. S. kssterday, at. D. savagery give half doien more and yet sbe went uecessa-- darn and Judge M. Rurch on the part Dark Continent from to Civiliza and delivering the materials Keg drangliti tion," by William Harding, the famous travel there to give only two. Tble Is an and labor required lu the coiulructiou and ot the government, the Klephant Butte w. a. uopav. At. u. Cool Bt oo tb finest Native er, v Hresa aays brick ttrat-ela- csb editor snd author. "won of bow 1 appreciate!. comuletlon al the Navaio school ol s dor HOUHH-U- ntll a. m. Win and th vary ol a derlully complete." "graphic descriptions,' Idea musb she mitory and sewer system snd st the Little people have decided to rejwt the over OHKICK and from bt "brilliantly The San KrauolHCo Call of Nov. 11, to e :S0 and from 7 to S p . m . Oftlce Llqoors. written." "auiuptuoualy llliislrat vi ater scnooi ol one auoue uormiiorv uiiuuing lures made by the government, and the and residence. 1V0 west Oold avenue, Albu- Ulv os s call ed;" demand remarkable; sales unpiecedent 18t'J, spoke of Ml8 Oliver as followii: and sewer and water system. In stru t accoid-eiic- querque, N. fa. Giomi, ed; prices low. Weslisll diatribute plans, specitications and instruc-tlon- a Avsnns. Bachechi with the be Atacoosaoo & cahs will tried at Las Cruoes on lie ailioad In gold among our sales people; lie lirat; "I tie large audience aesenbled to hear to bidders, which mav be eaailuued at don t mlaa thia chance; slso' lug heat ccimints. Mix Katnerlne Oliver lait night had ao this ollice, the V. S. Indian warehouse, 'a .if. oeuiber 12, the original date set for the DENTISTS. sions; books on tfu dsys' credit; freight and opportunity of seeing In the flexh the Johnson street, III., the lluililera A hearing. (KSTABLI8UKD IMS.) dutypsid; aample case fiee. Addreas The faoolnatlng characters Mr. Barrio has T'railera' hxchange, Omaha. Neb., the North, . Algsr, D. O. a. Star Saloon Doniiuiou Compauy, Dept. V, Chicago western Manufacturers' Association. St. Paul. A KBUO BLOCK, opposite llfeld Bros.' rtwploted In his mo- -t popular of stories, Minn., the ollice of ihe"Arixona Republican, Rubbed th Uravs. OHic hours i a a. m. to ia;so l :no AND LUNCH COUNTER WHOLKSALR AND HKTAIL DBALKHS IN of Arts., Los Angeles, u.m.i rOH KENT. The Little Minister.' l'boenil. the "l imes, Aetartlinir ot Mr. p. m. to e p. m. Automatic telepbon No. Mine Oliver edopted from the Cal., the "Citllen," Albuquerque, N. St. .and Incident. which John 4fla Appointments mad by mall. hat at the Navalu aueucv. rol anv additional In Oliver, of rtilla lelpuia, was the subject. f 09 North First Street. KKNT-O- ne novel three-ac- t whereby CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. 1,'UK (iirniahed room with draa'a, ehe formatlou apply to tins ollice or to treorge W. liy was LAWVCkUt. LIQUORS, WINES, for 716 n, is narrated nitu as follows: "1 Near Rsilrosd Avenue. board two geiiUvmen; south bows vereatlllty. tbe play being well iiayait c. iiiinan ageui, run ueuaiice. My street. Ana. w. A. Coiumisaioner. In a most dreadful condition. ekin A. Aruo ooustrnoted and tbe ellmaiee striking. JoNba. HKHHAHU SsUDBT, Meals and Short Orders. was almost yellow, eye sunken, tongue N. t7Kegular KUOMS-Cle- an Vim Oliver sustained eight characters, AT LAW, Albuquerque. KUKMSIIhD and newly Motlos of Hlds tor Bonds. ooated, pain continually In bark aud ATTOKNKY sll busi- Ktne Free Lunch every Saturday. Glassware and Bar Supplies. turin.heii at L.inueii hotel, and over r u giving to each a personality, giwturrs sttention given to trelle'a fuinit'ire store. Th commissioners of Bernalillo connty, sides, no appetite gradually growing ness pertaining In th profession. Will prac- sud dialect of Its own. Hue was partic- New Meaico. will receive bids un to slid in tice In all courts of the territory and before tb DINELLI, Proprietors. day Iwoo, weaker day by day. Three physicians VAIO & 107 -- cluding of January. 10 United Stutre lain' STREET. l.-O- Kurniahed room, suitable for ularly happy In ber Impersonation of the atli al IUc. and 109 SOUTH FIRST cua-'k- a. had given me up. Kortunateii. a friend A two, with or wiili-ju- board. Inuuire at Mlcah Dow, the little ragged boy, en- o in., for the sum ol oue hundred snd avenue. seventy-eigh- t thousand and live bundled advised trying 'Kleetrlo Bitters;1 and to I. M, HOND. The largest wholesale house in the southwest. oi l vrtai i.eau dowing Mm with plaintive Scotch (17n,6ooj dollars ol refunding ol the HOUSE bonds my great I y and surprise, tne tlrst bot A TTOKNKY-- 49 K street N, W THEliEMINU rooms; In bis scene with Babble that went said couuty of Bernalillo, which aaid bonds (or Louis Heer. 1 UVKLY. tunny and comfortable be by of tie made a decided Improvement. I con a. Wsslungtoii, D. C Pensions, lands, pat Agents Lemp's St. MJ leasol'uhl rates; alao tor llglit nuuaeaeep straight to the hearM of ber audience, will Issued the commisa;oiieis said elite, copyrights, cavlats, letters psleut. tiade MRS. MARY COLLINS, Prop. lug, over poatotlice. sirs, Hrrnalillo county lor the purpose ot reliinding tinued their nse for three weeks, and bruuawick. and earned the curtain calls at the end e'i'i.fiou In funding of eaidcuunty issued maiks, claims. Agents for I'uloma Vineyard Wine Co. ol California. bonds am now a well man. I know DKM1NO, N. M. K K of act. village phyet u lows; 7N,oou of court house bonds issued NT Nice y furnished rooma with tbe second The eld ttiey saved my W. SI. stKI.LtlY, Agents for the Celebrated Mt. Vernon and Edge wood Whiskies. IOK at Mil. In of funding bonds issued in llf, aud robbed the ttu'i south Second street, corner man stood out In an equally prominent lnb: Attorney-at-Lsw- , Located one block: sot th of depot on ver svenue. Liberal discount to peruianeut IHM4; snd Siu.ooO of curieut eipeuse bunds grave ot another victim." No oue should ' oiauuer. tbe clever representation of issued lu limi; the bonds to be issued will bear H(m:sto, New Meslco. bllver ave.,ue. Finest goods, lowest prices nnd satisfaction guaranteed. roomers. try Only 80 , guarau- - a thone two widely differing characters inteiest at the rale ol 4 per cent per annum, tall to them. cts Pnimhl attftition slfsn in milliM-tlnn- anr years ceed, J. 11. O'Rlelly A Go's drug store. patents 'REASONABLE RATES. polite attendants H K N T On or before the tlrat of affording an eirellent proof of her and be redeemable after twenty from at lor mines. Bar stocked with best goods and served by FCIK - date of Issue snd absolutely due and payable the alore bo bv I4!J. corner Mar- historic abilities. If Miss Oliver's audi thirty years any queue and h irtrt street. Inquire of Mrs. K. tbereslter. Th nuiht to reiect OVrlUIAt. NOTES, C. C. ii.oa. . 8. KiBUsa. r rank or Leou sirauaa, 210 Oold avenue. ence of li a', night demone! rates anything. and all bids Is hereby reserved, and biddcis VIBLDBH riaLDBH, an artlHllo performance does not paes un- will be required to deposit with the treasurer ot Attorneys Law. PIONEER BAKERY! J Bernalillo county a certttied check for the sum st K 11 INNKAI'OLIH KOOM IN HOL'SK engagement TO 1NCUXASS CAPITAL STOCK. rillver City. N. ti. Til pineal furnished rooming house In the appreciated here, and her of one Iboussud dollars as a guarantee that the viasr mur, Albuquerque foundry and Machine Works city; linidmK newly furnlsbcdi every- - ill prove nnanoial as well as an ar bonds will be taken snd the money paid, II The etockbol ers of the Bayard Smelt-iu- BALLING BKOa., PuOFBllTOnu. iiro -- O, LBB, thing aa neat as was ooma I do per wees. tletlo success their bid la accepted, aud to be forfeited to aaid WILLIAM r. county In case tbey fail carry and Mllllug company will meet at I...... blocka from poelottice, night at special Invi to out A TTOiNIY-A- LAW. Office, room 7. N R. P. HALL, Proprietor. corner riet und etrrrt and liuning avenue, Al- ths agree incut. Philadelphia December 11 to consider the V T. Amillo building. Wlil practice In all Wedding Cakes a Specialty C. D. Warde, pro- tation of Preeldent Jordan MIm Oliver K. A. Mirha, of to courts territory. buquerque, New Meiito. Chairman County proposition raising the capital stock of oi in Castings; Ore,. Lumber Cars; Shafting, Pulleys. Srada prietor. ill give a select and lant reading be lioard of Commissioners. compauy ItluyOJO We Desire we Iron aud Brass Coal ami the from to 1,000,100. JOHMSTOkl at gill 111 AL, Patronaj. and University." 1)4.1? . Kara, Babbit UetsJ; Columns and Iron Fronts for Buildings; Bepair fore tbe Stanford (Homestead try No. m A .. U ho OALIeTIO ktimtiG COMPANY. TTOBUVVH AT f S W knn Klrst-Cl- ii UNe Oliver win appear in tbe Little Motto (ar n. Suarantee Puking. Mill Machinery Bpeelalty. PnbllMtliiD. Mining compauy, M. Offlc. room t and a, fr Irst Nstfonal on Mining and a Minister" at tbe Armory on Thanksgiv Department of The Uailsteo which Hank S07 H. First m., Alboqnerqn, N M. SAI-K-- Hilliari table and Ultures. Ad-tin- s the Interior, bnildlog. B.' L'UK M , U to conduct mining operttlous on KiWNIiRY: BIDR BAILROAD TRACK. ALBCQDKBQIJB. St. dress "W," office. ing evening. Tlokets are on sale at Land OUic at Siuia re, N. the Newoomer's November 'jr, laws. Ortia graut with the Kdisou mlulug H. W. D. HHVAM, young la hereby , Albnqnerqne. N SALK. Fat turkeys. Matthews' Mlaa Oliver, during her atay In Albu Notice given that the following proces', has sent Incorporation papers ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW- Jeraev dairy. Colorado 'phone No. B6. named settler bas filed uotlce of bis Intention tu be tiled ollice first National bank building. Blndsnl ol Dr. Philip querque, will be entertained by Dr. Geo. Uual proof In support b in beuretary n allaoe's to mak of aclsun. Vy. HENRY, M. D. stlculd ol Paris, SALH-Kira- t-cl barber aboi aud that said proof will be made before lb to IU attorney. H. Pope. Tbe capital aTatAMK W. OLAMOI, G 1JOK three 8. Kaaterday and wife at their hospitable Ui Col.-- Mca Only Trwtwi. Address Oeorge Wiusluw, probate clerk of Valriicia county, at Loa of the company Is tlOXOO.OOO. The a, N Tlilrly.HU Years' Practlc Last Tso In raria. home on west uoia avenue. ATTOHNKY-AT-LA- rooms 1 and Dor, Arizuna. lmiae. (New Meilco, on January s, IWou, papers have not been died yet, as the building, Albuquerqus, N. M eur irnarantMid In r eavM nadsrtaksn when a eure le prr etiesois ana via.i Heniamiu li. Spencer lor tbe N w)t, sec- SALK-Super- Dr. Kleord'e tIK lor saddle horse, suitable SANTA VK, tion is, Td. N., si. u a. tees due ths territoiy, possible. (lo'Lorrhoea., glsnt and stricture speedily cured with F lor a lady; drives either single or double. lie names tli following witness- - to prov amouullug to about f S50, bave uot yet B. W. UUHMOH, kHiiiMllHS. aaJRuut oamus unrmaQnutlT cured within three dare. No Cubebe, Bandle- - U. upon . Offir over Hot Address li. Wliiuonib. city. bis continuous residence and cultivation beeu forwarded. ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW- Dyspepsia Cure. wuod UU or Copaiba utwl. Hparawtorrhoea, eerulual lMes, nlejht emlseione, ln From tb New Mexican. of said land, l Klures, James S. Alboqnerone. m Carlo stisr. somnla.d.wpoudsaiiy Htoord'e met practloed In the World's 1 1 A1KWUKK Combings made over Into Mrs. T. J. Helm will leave Thursday Spetuer, Henry C Mitacley and Jesus f luree, kllSiNO COklPANT OF SIIHHA COUNTY. rallollr eursd. hoi A 1 .11 of all of Kaat V New successfully and eared lovely switches kinds hair iew, Meilco. . ' li '. , Hospital, Part. Kofereaee over 23,000 patients trsated h 1,1 Digests yon eat. Qroseberg. .. what work done by Mrs. Ban M AMuai, K. Register. John Audrews, Joshua ' - . li. Kulherfoid, Utt Iron afternoon for Kranolsoo to speud Otsmo, . 3 ..: i i ...... i within the last ten yxara. Can refer to patient enre t, ey psriulssion. Inyestlgate. aveinie. Krauk ttibton Cuunlngham and Thomas ' l'1'- - n l i'. i .,1 t if ., ; food Oer-rua- a, ' 11.1 Itartlfl ilyii.'csitli( snd aids Oinoes, 9U7 Cut. Kugltsb, frsneh, the winter. t' I X-- i i. , l ii r .li. Hnventte ah street, naar Chiup, Lnvr, Courad Cunnlgham have Uled articles ot ,a allHi ! Iri t nKtbeiiliip' mid rccon-structln- 1 1 UKSK for sale. fast, good looking and R. Jackson, one ot the teachers at the BUIBL ARRIVALS. s t'Ji'o.,r.i.M Q 'I.a.k,'"'. oi a:., laiUutn.a Hature ' Polish, Kusslen and Bohsinlaa spoken. Consultation tnd oue eiamloatloa 11 gentle; alao line ijliat-toi- and liaineas luoorporatluu at the otlloe of Secretary fsbjf ss k. ,uU'.r. iiritail .il ,.r ul'.ra cxhauhii-- dUestlve o 1 free. Correspondence sollolted: strictly eonfdentutl. together or separate. u. simpsan, Kov south government Indian school, Saturday Wallace for the Chicago-Ne- Mexloo ),, wiMiut .f iu ii a s lusiu emna. stdisci.vereddlgeei sctouil a reel lisitvtsl&HlH'nai fti. Lraiiws. huii astilsie.ul U. .he!ut afternoon broks hie leg at the ankle CTDBHEd' KDUOI'IaN. Manufacturing and Developing company. Usciaa.Ti.0 ant and tonic. No other preparation I lloO.OOO, ahwrit In nllrweut. SALK Thecontentaof a th e W.C.Brown aud sinter, Williams; B. he capital Is divided Into ifl'ni stilt raiiDr ean It in emiMCiry. iu 1OK while playing football. iprweKi, approrrii lodging house, completely (urnlahed. Han A 160,000 shares. Tue company will bave ijt ('('petitj, iui and Hrni;,.ifiitl "M rooms, U. M. agent vielnsbeck, Kranolsoo; Crank tl 00, or S totll., pi stantlv relieves s two bath two toilet rooms, White, locating for the K. llHbtllueat Chloride, Sierra county. Its lUmttlr Mot Wa rejuw- gaaand electric light. Low rent, 60 per Townsend, lieuver; Marcus, Los An Iiyspipsla, IndiKcstiou, Jluartaum month, ti. W. Strung. land oommlaHtop, has returned from gelooi H. B Morden, Denver; Dr.Y. Davlla directors are Thomas Cunningham, Hal Flatulence, Sour Stoma h, N'.usea, Qrant county, where be located large Valle, Han Mateo; J, T. Lluilsley. Ht. ter M. Armour and John Andrews. This Carnival, Kick Headache, G ;it ralirl n Cram aud Nallvei and Sub, Doors, SAI.K-tio- ld two Hunt-- s 1,'llK mill: live loot Vi m. YYIiihIow; (Jlirk company will eugage lu mlulug. (if dlgnstloo', SHERWIN-ilLLIViI- ) PAINT iiigtou nulla; two engines. 76 and Uu horse bodle of land for territorial Institu Louis: DbK, J. and Phoenix, Arlt, December 4 8. For all other result Inipcrk t family. Colo.: R. P. frsparsd by C. Dwiu Co, Chicago Blind, Cower; two btulera bo horse power each; Boulder. Oliver. Jul TF.BKlTOBUL fCNDB. this occasion excursion tickets will be t. ct.cotio riutir, and everything complete anil In run- tions. C. Houston, Denver; John Hiulth, 11. Berry's CO.. Alboqasrqnc, N. M. Given Marti Look Bull Tears Loagettt ning order; will tell lou Territorial Treasurer J. H. Vanghn has lra Lumber for 4,uoo, coata tu.ouu. Assistant United States Attorney W. H. Bell. I'rtuuls Creek; J. w. Akers, sold, Albiiqueniue to Phoenix and re llmt, Ctmtnt cuquue m., tjoiueu. n. ai. received trom lion. H. O. Bursum 7uu 30 December Most Economicsll Full Kdcuurct H. Pope has returned from Tlerra Ama-rlll- Santa Ke; Mr. W. A. Gill, Laguna; V m turn Ticket on sale BulUlliiv Paper to be credited to the convict s earning a, 3,ik).4 S, good Tu Qlut PilaU.Itl LUST. A J. Armstrong. II. L. Batifrer. New Me 1. aud for return within Always Block where be attended court. He left fund. He also received from Henry Lull, Uftesn days from date of eale. Contin- PILLS lco; B. V. McUaudlers, Atchison. Kan. ot county, 13.2t ot JERVITA First St. and Lead Ave., Albuquerque. Walcb charm bricklayer's trowel, Immediately tor Tucson, Art!., to attend collector Lincoln uous passage in each dlrsctlon. j- taxes, I'M of J Htm taxes of which Restore Vitality, Lett Vlfor sod Manhood. JOST '.'-- KaiUoad avenue. tbe seeelon ot the court of private laud si BAND CINTBAL. in U A. L. CoNKaD, Agent. lindei return to thlsuflice, I'h. K. Bsehler, Los Angeles; J. R. Hall tkn bd Is for territorial purposes and !ure Imnotencv. Nluht KnilHslonsand claims. 17 SAMPLE ROOM. C .UB ROOMS. and family, Moutrose, Colo.; Faul Meyer, 36 for territorial Institutions, and Dr. H. H. Haden, Bummlt, Ala., says sratlri( dlseaaes, all ettcct of self. BMfLOYMgMT A lsAM inuis-rftin-n. AUKMVV, pretty wedding took place at the Denver. lid. 42 fur taxes of which (20.20 Is I tbiuk Kodol s aspien abue, or excess ana Quadalupe son lor territorial purposes and to for did 1 my A nnrve tonic KMI'LOVMKNT AliENCY Kur church. Sablna liomero, flu medicine. prescribe it, and aud )1 fWL - territorial Institution. au.nll.lunnai In It twmmtm Bntth ..itr II r. 11 a1 V-- ninhea livl t ol all kinds flee to contra'tors, of Catallno Romero and Komanlta TOI'K.rAUB Vfblood tnilldflr. Urlnge the eat, etc., etc. female help nochaige tor ailuationi Qallegos Romero, of Las Vegas, was Shows the state of your feelings aud the UONOHAULY UlaCUArtliKlJ. use. It dlgeets what vou aud quickly IV eVplnlc fflovr to pale cheeks ana 44The specially help tor railroads and ainelterH. mm de Metiopole, O'.ero com cures luaigestion. Kerry Drug Uo. I g, holt-l- Slid restaurants, etc.. etc. Uouie at Miss Bulla Romero, state of your health as well. Impure Governor bas dlreeted the restores the fire of youth. married to daughter ot Company O, of tsV Mccuwau. los north first street. blood mskes Iteelf apparent In a pule minding bilker tbe ljusllty Uaaou. n wan nuo per dox, uuacsj of tbe late Jose de la Luc Romero aud aud sallow complexion, pimples and regiment of Nhw MnxlOi l.ifs'itrr TF ""J The Best and Finest Liquors and Cigars, Imported and Uomeslic, hirst Cirrii(is ooul goes or 2.BO: with a wrltti'ii iruaraua PlttCalUBNT P. Mrs J one a la B. de Romero. Rv. Ignacto skin eruptious. If you are fseliug weak to grant honorable discharges to U. L. lump s fourth or ft ti. further than anv other soli bere. Ton toe to euro or refund Uie inouey. Groom emulated. aud worn out and do not have a healthy KlelHChmau, W. J. Drummonu, I. D. Hur Send for circular. Address, served to all patrons. you try Blood Short, Paul B Miller, lots (3. half tn lots m. Gallup lump J. gray May bs Plaesd at Head of I New Mexican Is In receipt of a appearance should Acker's dick. Krank fi MEDICAL J. The V. Kukert, wbo the same pries. UaLiu X Co. NERVITA CO. HsMtrgaolssd SysLsna. Kllxtr. It cures all blood dlneasws where Thomas J. Kraxler aod r. CHICAGO 1LU late copy ot "Kreedoin" published in the cheap aursaparlllaa and so called puri- have betvims of the terri Clinton a Jackson 8ts, o! J. Krey, who retires as general had dyspep-t- a Qtty-seve- n years and the J. city ot Manila, of Luzin, from we tory. (1 Is stationed Albu- "I O M. At. litr Island fiers fail. Knowing this, ever; Ccuisny al permanent I nsed JOHSf .HBKHT, Albaqasmos. JOHN WICKSTROM, uuuager of the Santa Ke on January 1, guarantee. II. querque. never found rellsf till St. Klmo. McjirKoelT. Klikmao, Sixteenth In- bottle ou a poriltive J. Kodol Dyspepsia Curs. Now I am well ay ot ('-- PB0PB1KTOB. m beoome tbe New fantry, This gallant oUWr was sta O'Rlelly X THK rlPHEMK COLbT. aud feel like a new man," writes 8. J Ohsuibsrlalu's rata Balm Ours Olbsrs, New Haven or prenl Why Mot Vou? York, and Hartford tioned in Santa Ke for a number of years Ksellsnt lilsa. The eupreme court ot the territory Fleming, Murray, Neb. It Is ths best of Quit nays commence regular winter term ot My wife bav been uilog Chaiuberlaiu's dnt the PltUburg and road, as captain of the Tenth Infantry. As Thi ALUt'uUKUgi'E ClTirK.N of Novem- will Its dlgeetaut known. Cures all forms la January a, llfoo. Tbe court has dlirestlon. Physicians everywhere pre- Pain Balm, with good results, for a lauie BLACKWELL & CD. ths Topeka State Journal. such he made the campaign lu Cuba ber 11, Included a supplement the same shouhier bas named her continually GROSS management to make the first day of the term the scribe it. Berry Drug Co. that Changes In the of both where be won bis majority. Major sits of the paper Itself, containing amoug regular examination day for applicants for uln year. Vie have tried all kinds bs re (INCORPORATED) roads a's to made, aud it is slated Klrkuian also has with him his son other tuterestiug matter, a Urge amount fur admleslou to the bar, and all wishing Mutlc for Hlils. ot niedlciues and doctors without Mr. Krye be appear on Rids tor recovering of the Corrales twlvlnz any beuetlt from any ot them. on reliable authority that has George, who Is a captain in the regular ot local news from other territorial to admitted should that ths day, ax ths court bas repeat- brldsTH with three Inch lumber, a total of Due day ws say an advertlaeui'iul of this been considered In connection with both lieu-teua- newspapers an excellent Idee Koe well army, and his son Hugh, who Is a edly ruled that It will examine no ap superficial feet, will l received medicine aud thought of trylug It, which WHOLESALE GROCERS poeltions. In a volunteer regiment. Ills Reoord. plicants except on the tlrst day of the by ths board of county commlKslouers of ws did wltb the beet of satisfaction U only oue bottle It known that changes In the man many friends In Santa Ke congratulate term. Jauuary i the court will hold an Bernalillo county, uu to noon ot Monday Slie has ned and her agements of several other roads are to You never know what form of blood to day of Januarv, l'.KK), board shooliler Is almost well. AikjLPH I AND PELTS. upon is making In adjimrued term give opportunity for tlie 8tb the WOOL, HIDES b made, aud Mr. Krye will probably have him the record he the Dotson will follow coiiHtloation. h'esp inekliig appeals The court bad boped agreeing to pay cash ths full amount of Mii.i.ktt, Maiichester, N. II. Kor sale by bis pick of several positions before tbe Philippines. the liver clean by using DeWitt's Little to meet lu the new capital building In ths accepted bid, in four equal quarterly all urutrgiHts We hand.e Old Hickory Wagons, K. C. Baking Powder, Hint of the year. Karly Riser and you will avoid trouble, Jauuary, be Impossible to rue noam reserving tue Losing Muosy. but It will ro paymeuts. rigm Custice Bros Canned II U believed that Mr. Krys will be of- iher are fam his little pills for constipa so. as the work will not u completed by to reject any or an mils. Acker s DyspeDsia Tahleis are sold on Wool Sacks, Sulphur, fered the presidency of the Plttebtirgh You lose money if yon don't call and tion aud liver aud bowel troubles. Berry that time. JAMKS A. Hl'MUKHrl, a poxlllvs (riiaranlee; cures heart-bur- Goods, Colorado Lard and Meats. aud Gulf, partially because ot his ability see those eleg-tn- suits at $14 75; some of Drug t o. Clerk. ralHtnit of the fowl. dlstreHs after eating a an operating man, and be- them are tailor maie inisUM worth Vou ought to see ths overcoats for men or any form ot dyspepela. One little partially VY. to- 1 Mrs. A. QUI, ot Lsruiia, U here cause be thoroughly aoqualuted with double. HI moil bteru, the Railroad and boys we received tMs week, tbey Read our al. It's full of good things. tablet gives Immediate relief; 25 eents Lai Ve.i-- i andOlorieta, New Mexico the I'UUburgb & Quit Hue ruus. avenue clothier. day, purchasing gooiU. will surely please you. B. llfeld & Co. Koeeuwald Bros. and 60 eeute. J U O'HIelly & Co. Houses at Albuquerque, last 1 L- T :r i- L7 T.I x A HONEYMOON IUIEAKPAST.... Doesn't always consist of SHOE ILis ai lived, accompanied by a marked de- - A RARE CHANCE angel's food, but we hare 5T0 choice morsels and tid-bi- ts in iimm for heavy wearing apparel. Hav- our fine stock of groceries h.tve been We again that are fit food for the gods, ing preceded the demand by the purchase in fortunate securing and nourishing and wholesome a nice assortment of U . L . of an immense stock of heavy winter ill ciiuuii iuri ine muni luuAom Ji Our rhnirf atnrk nf A SHOE HINT good we are placed in a position to sup- For winter get shoos that are made of j'l'1 canned goods in fruits, vege winter leather; that are weatherproof ply these wants. nnj' 1 1 vi i i.iuicf, iibii, usicra, cuiiiis, SUITS, olives and MISFIT ijW soups, sauces are without being clumsy or heavy. Soft, flexible, durable, snug fitting nnd very ( tempting and appetizing to the from one of the finest comfortab'e. We have them in nil the : v l most dainty palate. SOME EXCEPTIONAL VALUES in and ?rt5?Si r lattat lasts for men, ladies and children, tailors Chicago have placed them on and you will find our prices lower than Ladies' Fleece and Silk lined Gloves, ed in those of our competitors. kid and mocha, worth from $1.25 to $2.00, while they sale while they last at last at the uniform price of ffVB afgLfh aaLji SaaaW eaaaVtl SaleY SksaW SkaaW "Oaf A. $1.00. JvTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTo J. MALOY, Our stock of ARCTICS AND RUBBERS was . -- 118 Ave. M bought before the adrance In prices and we Ladii s Nightgowns, made of heavy flannelette, cheap 33. Railroad Albuquerque, N. sell them accordingly. . at $1.25 j j jmt te PER SUIT. tVMAJL 0RDKR8 SOLICITED. Repairing Done Neatly and Reasonably. 1)5 Cents. ooi TST 1T1 1T1 jBa jH aMa iTi .1, . . .Ti lSf 4rH ill ill ill illT ill aTW erBV ,IiJ J III w legging, artlcs and lubbers at rock bot- Gentlemen's Flannelette Night Robes; they won't C THE DAILY CITIZEN tom prices at C. May', the popular last long at ... , They are principally E. J. POST & O., prloed ehoe store, 'ins west ballroad fine Worsted Goods ALBl'QUKRQt'K, NOV. in, I8W avenue. 95 Cents. that originally cost Before making np your mind about purchasing anything In the jewelry or $28 to $30 a suit. HARDWARE. CL0DTH1ER & McRAE optical Hue call oo un Our prices are Ladies' Wrappers of high grade flannelette low and our good, the best that ean be We have also selected some choice lines of ready-mad- e bought, tt. Vaun A Son, 107 south tteoond . sold STOVHS STOVBS. Grocers street. 85 Cents. goods, which formerly at $16, $18, $19 and $20 a STOVES Fancv suit, Hell L. B. K. Paulln. a former editor of the Come early, before they are all gone. to at the name price. American Albuquerque Ifemorrat. Deseed through Jewel llase Flurners, 214 Railroad Avenue. Our line of Overcoats and Underwear is complete. Hot Blast the elty for Washington last night, That Gentlemen's Underwear we are selling at Cole's Heaters. Af ant lor where be will represent the Man Fran- - 91.45 Wonder Russia Iron Wood Heaters. elseo Chronicle during the days of IK?r suit excels any $2.25 suit in town. Chase & Sanborn's John Van Ranges I. X. L. Steel Ranges. Coffees and Teas, Fine There will be a meeting of the Ladles It's not often you get such an opportunity, so don't miss it. Soft Coal Heating Stoves. Monarch Canned Goods, Guild at Mm. Kodey's, Wednesday after You'll be sorry if you do. Coal and Wood Cook Stoves. noon at .:au o oiors. a run attendance Adirondack Maple Syrup, and Is desired as this will be the last meet- SIMON STERN ing before "The Keast of Days." Imperial Patent Flour (the best) That last lot of silk waists we're re Railroad Avenue Clothier. A COMPLETE CORNICE, SKYLIGHT and TlliSHOP Prompt tteotlon tlven to mall order. ceived excels anything ever shown here. inetr style 1 novel, the material beauti- Rosenwald Bros ful and unique and their Qt perfect. Anything In This Line Furnished at Short Notice. MONEY TO L Head our ad. Rosenwald Bros. If you are looking for the beet values In men's, ladles' and children On diamonds, watches. Jewelry, lite shoes, don't fail to Inspect the stock of May, Pfnhanksgiving Insurance policies, trust aeeas or any 0. the popular prloed shoe dealer. T. Y. 208 MAYNARD, good security. Terms very moderate. west Ballroad avenue. We give a coupon with each one dol- Our Own Dressing H. SIIFSONMM lar purchase of goods which entitles you - aott South Beoond street, Albuquer to a line present of quadruple plated JJ urkeys- Watches, que, New Heiioo, neit door to west ware to the amount of the coupons yon era Onion Telegraph oQloe, hold. B. Ilfeld A Co. Clocks, "I have gotten prices all over the B. A. town," said a lady customer In J. O. SLEYSTEB, Uldeon's furniture store yestertsy, "and Diamonds, your prices are the lowest." J. 0. Uldeou, P0UND- - .06 south First street. OS Builoinq 5o5R&ilr;adav. . x Fire Insurance Grant John B. Beaven, the new coal dealer on iine J ewelrv Aocident Insurance south First street, plucked the nuts out t3fMall Orders Solicited. New 'Phone 523. 119 S. Seal Estate of the eyes of coal consumers of this city. Young, Sweet, Tender, Fresh Second, Street. Albuquerque. by selling Clarkvuie lump and nut coal Notary Public. at $4 and $0 per ton. Home-Dresse- Headquarters for Carpets, Matting, Linoleum and yon feel d BOOMS A 14 CBOMWJUX BLOCK Don't like putting on some Turkeys, Curtains and House Furnishing Goods. It good, warm underwear this cool weather V Automatic Telephone No. 174. We ean furnish lust what you want cheap. B. Ilfeld A Co. Nothing to compare with them has ever been offered Parlor Furniture. L.H. SHOEMAKER. Coyote water from the natural springs , in this city before. The same grade of turkeys will can oniy ne ODtaiuea or ine uyote be bringing 15c a pound in the eastern states to Carpets Wo have just received 205 Vest Gold Avenue next to Fir Springs Mineral Water Co. Ollloe IWA 9t National Beak. nortn tteoona street. morrow. In other words we are offering you 1 Our establishment is well i--i I I lklfr.l 1 1, f?V-- Second Band Furniture, Cerrillos bituminous lump coal, the fstocked with the Ill ud best and most eagerly sought for fuel In an aoosxaou soom. ine eoutnweei. Tons so, halt tons Another rTis (2.00. Uahn&Co. A Bargain and a Big One. Best Kepalrtng a Spactalt . and Newest Reefers, boa overcoats and good warm Carload.., nlsters for men, youths boys. Big POUNDS OF THESE Furniture stored and packed t3r ship-ve- and On the Market Highest prices paid for seooud assortment to choose from. B. Ilfeld A 8Cnn Dressed Turkejs (dressed to-da- Co. awuid household gooaa. win De on saie Every famous mill has its and 1 now lll.nnna.nn. ftmm l'..,. J K . D.ll positively A. J. RICHARDS, road avenue, cleaning, dyeing, pressing, products represented here. repairing, eio. Every choice pattern finds have the largest stock Klein wort's Is the place to get your 1' its way to us. We can and .'.w CIGAES, TOBACCOS, nice iresn suae. Alt aiuaa of nice WE GUARANTEE in the Territory. meat. do sell lower than any other Our Home-Dresse- d in possible SMOKERS' SUPPLIES. Do not forget the dressed ehlnkena re Turkeys every wav firm in the territory. Our Wo have also re- A share of the patronage of the public la eelved by J. L Bell A Co three times a Telephone your order We have both new carpet stock is just as com- wees. ceived a solicited. and old 'phones. plete now as in the fore part of the season, and includes straight NET STORE! NET STOCKJ Attend the special sale of cloak. jacketa capes Axniineters, Moquetten, Body 113 Railroad and at the Koouonilst this Wiltons, Velvet, Avenue weei. , ltrussells, Tapestry Brussells and Ingrains, also Carload of Mattresses The largest selection of Thanksgiving Linoleum, Oil Cloth and Matting. And can supply every kind of mattress on the market. W. C. BUTMAN, at ine iaua urooery company. try Jose la to me San REAL ESTATE. The best before bnvlnir flarket. CURTAINS ND LRAPKBIBS. We are selling the newest and llnast of your lurnuure. tuireue. goods ouly, we quote some prices: rJBNISHKD BOOMS FOB BUNT. Attend special suit sale at the Koono- - LOCAL PABAGRAPH. action was taken upon loans applied for Bullied Muslin Curtains from 75c up. BenU Collected. mist tuts week. RuthVd Bjblnett Curtains, from 13.00 up. O. to ths sitent of 5,0O0, most of which W. STRONG. Laoe 6U0 Baa mantles, ths best marlA Whltna well-know- Curtains, from up. Money to Loan on Reel Katate Security Wm.Dsze, the traveling will be put Into improvements at once, vouipauv. engineer tor the Santa Fe I'aolQc, Is In 201-20- 0 North Second Old papers The Mutual Is doing good work for this We ean save yon money on Table Linen, Napkins and Towels. Call and Street. OBce with Matul Aatomatle Telephone Co., for sale at Thk Citizen ths city to day, mingling with local rail- CMUMWKLL BLOCK. oui oe. city and has money to loan on easy get posted before purchasing. Telephone 4 '46. roaders. terms. N. B. Laughlin, NO DISINFECTANT Hon. ei Judge of the W. C. Brown and sister earns In from First JudlclaldUtrlct. Is a visitor to Will bs needed for our home dressed ths Williams, Artsona, last night and put np metropolis from la turkeys before you put them In the oven. Santa Fe. lie here on at Bturgea' European. They are taking legal R. F. HELLWEG & CO. A. SIMPIER iney win noi lear apart, I be nesb will matters. In the sights of ths territorial metropolis not pull oS the bone while you carve Dr. Q. Davlla Valle. a Spanish physlolan and will probably Next to Postofflce, them; the meat will not be dry as a chip, continue north who formerly la Tells resided here, but Instead will be tender, sweet. 11 rm at ths Undertaker. European and Juicy, because they have been killed from San Mateo, Valencia The Santa Fe railway reading rooms Furniture, Carpets and Crockery. and dressed two days before vou eat them. county, where be Is at present located. In or South Albuquerque were visited this A. MONTFORT, instead irom eight to twelve days as At regular FINEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. Jti. wiin me snipped in stun. the monthly meeting of the morning by Ber. B. K. Bnsser, the sup- Embalmer ud Funeral Director. FRICK DKKSSK1), i;ie lb. board of directors of ths Mutual Build- erintendent of reading rooms on ths Its Own SAN J04K MARKET. ing and Loan association held last night, Santa Fs system. Sewing Machines, Pianos, Picture Frames. P. F. FOX, Assistant. Udu da and Nlaht. U bom Tclepbonee. 215 and 217 SOUTH SECOND ST. New 'Phone 104. The Biggest Hardware House in New Mexico. Story 188- - 1899 14 DRESSED Agents i:t uia a TUliKEYS. F,G,P.aMCo.I 12-- BARGAINS We put them down A 1 DKALkKS IN to J-- 0 Oi in STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES Whitwey Company Who are you going to lianges and Stoves 214 8, patronize? Charles Second 8t Hlll.lxjfo Olden Creamer Butter buliuled. HI Bel on hen--. delivery $2.50 to are now Exhibiting the WM. KlhKK, Proprietor. CITY NEWS. Dickens Meohaulos' tools. W hitney Company. Thanksgiving New and Second hand Milk drinkers. Try Matthews' Jersey milk. Dainties. FURNITURE Bard coal the Ideal fuel get It now. CARPETS j UanutfcCo. Largest and Most HTKAWBEUKIES Luscious fruits of all kinds at J. L. Bananas, reaches, Bellllowers, bell ft Co.'. Oranges, Figs, liatee. All kinds of ware. Btove repairs for any stove Whit- Cigar. made. QUEEN ney Compauy. PEAS 5c String Beans, Bell Peppers, Mam- Stenography and typewriting at Tuk ClTUJtM moth Tomatoes, Celery, Spinach, SATISFACTION CDARARIEED vSice. Complete Stock of Kic, Kto, Fresh breakfast foods always on hand at J. L. BoU & Co.'s. FltESIl FISH Attend the special Thanksgiving Uuen (Fresh and Salt Water.) Lobsters, Borradaile & Co. sals at the Kouuomlat. Shrimps, patent-can- e Oysters. Ladles kid gloves, every pair guar- FLESHER anteed, f 1.00 per pair. Koeeuwald Bros. NUTS 119 First St. k KMLD, W Stoves s have received new Heating a consignment Twelve kinds, new winter crop. 5 of Japanese and China matting. Albert Faber. CHEESE Successors to D. J. ABEL, Walt for our oar of holiday goods. They Fifteen varieties. will be hummers. J. 0. Uldeou, 'Jui south Ever Brought to the City. First street. OYSTKK9 lluppo for 19. Look Into Kletuwort's on Distributors. market north Flavored, "Patent-- Third Be Fine street. has the ulcost freub Case" Oysters. Piano. Por KeerfbiHly. meats lu the city. The Whitson Music company will sell now w your opportunity to lay in a of pianos as low aa t'JoO, at prices and good supply of Our Stock TURKEYS table Uueu. Lunch Home-dresse- d. Alsodeese, Ducks, terms to suit the customer. Will snip Giouia, w, m me sale. noouomit sud Chickens. from factory or deliver from store. IKKS MAHIM1. Be surs and see our stock of men's fur- J. A. SKINNER, nishings. Anything lu ehirls, ties, Try l(. I am prepared to do all kinds of dress- SPRING LAMB Order In gloves, collars and cutis, suspeuder, ball Four scuttles of Cerrillos making ou short notice and guarantee hues Cooking Calf's Liver, Brains, Pork Tenders, bituminous aud underwear. We can save you Stoves every garuinut to be My Ranges satisfactory. and coal will last as long as live of any Spermine, Fresh M.usage, Kto. other uuuey . d. uieiu io, soft coal. Mahn X Co. work Is Staple and Fancy Wood, eoal, kindling sul feed for sale, Matchless In Style, and delivered free to all parts of Perfect In Fit. the Well-Know- n San Jose Pur Sale. Groceries, city, tarda alb uorth Third street. L Is up to Market. young turkey. Iteatmmhly Priced. Our Standard. Fat Matthews' Jersey A uariou, proprietor, (ilve us a trial oordlul Invitation Ik extnuileil to the 20U Went Railroad Avenue oroer. A Hegular Suep. dairy. Colorado 'phone So. 33. ladles of Albuquerque to Pall and see me - MKS ALHL'Ul'kMUVK. N. Shoes built for cold Ws have purchased soius elegant nits- SH.vni'CK, weather, for men IV It, THB ri.OKIST. N'. tit suits worth t'ZH and up which we are Hoom 23, second floor T. Aruiljo Build row l to SI; for ladles, from 60 cents B2FPrompt Attention to Mail Orders. I'alme, r.ra. aud elirfeamheiuuiiia. lug. Ho to H. Ilfeld & Co. for ladleV mlesei' lett-f- t quoting at It-"- a while they last; to fi, In the styles. Also a full t suit and ciilldreu's JackeU... ,Their stock U line of pelt sllpjers, lamb wool, soles, lliey are well worm seeing, blmou J. L. Bell A Co. has everything to Lamps aud lamp tilmmluga. Whitney Stern, avenue the largest In the city, aud prloea will the tutlroad clothier. please the appetite Compauy. both surprise aud please you.