University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-28-1899 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 11-28-1899 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 11-28-1899." (1899). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/1780 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. rnrr o Book Binding Job Printing aaal Maak Book la all Mai promptly executed ta rnoi arathn om m itwM Syk at THE CITIZEN W at THB CITIZEN Ja BfaiaWr. The Albuquerque Daily Citizen, VOLUME 14. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 28, 1899. NUMBER 26. day when Mike O'Connell, the switch M irrmi n nil r.'ni Ut dent there on Sunday night. I b I if.r DEMOCRATSIDE SHOW. man, was on tne ramptge, waa given Uiatlon I very meagre, but ciiijiihIi u DEWEY FOUM'K!NLEY. ten days also In ths chain gang received to slate that the major AIL frank Kltner Bsker. the nnfortnnate tally fell off the porch In trout ot M;eie' young man who failed to get a wife and restaurant and hotel, aud In the fall OUR MOST then lost nis niina. was laien to me to the ground badly Injured his Silver Republican Eiecntl.e county Jail this morning, where be will British Troops Gained the Yic shoulder aud dislocated his tup. Major The Admiral is Not a Candidate SrTHE Raukln la PHOEIIIX!H receive fatherly attention from Jailor Interested In mining In tne Committee Hold Meeting. Sohaffer. This morning telegram was tory Wiin Heavy Loss. t'ochltl district, and was at Bland ar- For the Presidency, received from hla father, Frank Baker, ranging to have some work done on his CKEBa-tT- T Sr., at Brick Churob, N. J, telling the properties. authorities to give bla son the beet of CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CONVENTION. Colonel Bell to Recelre Medal For care and to write particulars regarding Reported Uprlslnf la Cob Discred Swindling Boreao la New York Cltj OVERCOATS. t bis condition. Until the father mate Underwear Department. Dlstlarnlihed BrtTery. some arrangement for the sate return ited tt the War Department. Ta be Maid ta Albaquarqua laalaad af Rob Its Depositor!. An ojrwtnnity to boy an overcoat for fifty In thla department we surely can Interest everyone of bis son back east, Baker will be kept aaata Fa. cents on the dollar. We have recMved 600 overcoats, In need ot good, warm aoderwear for cold weather. la confinement at the county J an. J. 8. Wood, president of the New Mex bought at fifty cents on the dollar. Our bargain la We are agent (or Dr. Jaeger, and carry a fall Una of yours. If yon Wright's Hanltary Members f In Ciblnet Heated win ftcpabllcaat Hew Rampshlrt Will Lead la ico Christian Kudeavor Uulon, send Unite Statti Traaipart Victerl Drives care to take ad van tags of It. They are Underwear. Cadar Daw Manaaamaat. word from Ireulou, N. J , K now ready for your Inspection, and good KlneSilk Mixed, Wool Kleeeed, per garment Rcfermi to Thai State. that tSaula Back to Seattle By Storm. Include .$1.50 rrctlacit cUbIcj'i Mcutre. On and after December 1, the Albe will be uuabie to tak the auuual con- warm Ulsters and nobby ehort coats, for men, youths Klne Angora Kleeeed Underwear, white and marle hotel and restaurant, on Gold ave- vention this year as planned, aud and boys. Below we quote a few prices: gray mix, per garment 1,00 nue, will be nnder the control and man- wautel to kuow it Albuquerque could Men' Heavy Chinchilla Ulsters, In greya only, Fine Angora Kleeoed, regular 91.00 quality, agement of Cor to, exper- per garment rllSIDIlT SfBMAOB COKPttTlD. John net the TTFI00I IICOUITIIID IT A TtAXlPOlT. not take the convention. After a con Oil. WOOS ta WAlgUOTOI. worth 1A 60, for 0.00 75 ienced caterer, and the whole premises fereuce among the thrletiau Kudeavor Men' Kersey Ulsters, 20.00, tor Kleced underwear, good quality, garment. put wonh 10. 80 60a are being overhauled, cleaned and In socletle it was uuanlmousiy decided to wen s mtra Mne ulsters, grey only, worth And cheaper line down to, per garment S5 Hrst-clas- a condition. The restaurant will bold neces- M. BO, eom-mttt- London, Nov. 38. A dispatch ths eouveution in this olty if Dewey for 13 00 Chicago, Not. 28. The aieeuM? serve meals, and b ard by the day, week has been New York. Nov. 28. Admiral giv- sary, aud word coines this moruing from lien' Blue Chinchilla Ulsters, worth flZOO.for 60 of the national llrer republics or month can be secured, as can also received here irom General Buller, has repeated the assertion that he la not party mot thla afternoon to dlacuM plan ing a list of casualties among ths troop the presideul o tne uulou lout Albuquer a candidate tor the presidential nomina Men' Bin t'I'Ws, worth 111.60 8.00 LADIES' AN!) CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR comfortable rooms, with or without que gets the eouveution. Ins conven Men's Hln Chinchilla Box Overcoats, worth for the nail prraldentlal campaign. board reasonable rates. Prices to engaged in the bailie of Or as Pan, uosr tion, aays tne Washington correspondent Towns, chairman, presided at officially designated the battle of Kueliu. tion will be neld ou tne JO.a and Hist ot of McKlnley la a 20.00, for 14 00 WR ARK 8RLLTN0 all. December, the herald. "President La Though no ofllelal atatement waa mad suit It provea thai uruun success was beaviir and, allhougii the time Is good frleud ot nilue and I hope to nee Men's Broun Kersey Overcoats, worth 18.60.. 10.60 lies' Union 8ults tl.SS y short to prepare for sucu a gathering, It Men' Hrey Mixed LaillHs' Uulon Bulls, Kleeeed 1 by Chairman Towne, th aanttmeut of THB riDBSTTHIS aKASON. bought. The losses auuouuued him secure a second term," the admiral Overcoats, worth 13.00, for. e.60 00 casuallie-previousl- to say Misses' the member of the committee apparently aided to the naval brigale y Is sale that the Kudeavorers of said. The admiral considers the Philip Men iirey mixed ovarcnats, worth 99.00, for.. 4.60 Union Suits. Kleecc Lined.... 80e faTored holding reported, the th'.s city win put their shoulder to the Men's Overcoats, worth 700, for 8.60 Misses' Underwear, Ve ts and Panta the national convention Paul Ollmora's Randltloa or Dumas' Ho- - make gruJ pine Insurrection practically at an end. demo-eratl- e wheel aud niaaa the eonveullou a suc Men' Overcoats, 76, S.OO . letta In 1DOO almnltaneooely M ot iwo. lorxsuiree appaieuiiy worth 14 for S5 with the maaoa lna Thrau Moakataara total tne cess, years ago upon national convention and the en- bore with the uaval brigade the brunt u( like they did two EVER tTCRM. Young Mn' Ulsters, ages IS to 18 years, worth The Quest show ot the theatrical sea sucDthurt notice. The cause for nut $rt no, for dorsement by the illver republican ot the Qghtlng, as there were In addition to 8.60 CLOAK AND sonprobably the beet and must clever forty-eigh- holding In Fa Is Young 18 SUIT DEPARTMENT. the nomlneea of that convention, provid- three olBiwrs, t of the rank aiid the convention Sauls transport ship Orlvaa Hank ta kaattla by Mn' Ulsters, age It to year, worth show that has ever held forth in Albu not known yet, but probably will be In 7 60, for ing the ellver plank of the convention In Qle killed and wounded aud missing. a Tarn ma Oala 4.00 Be snrs and see what we are showing in Cloaks. querquewas the attraction at Orchestri dde time. Young Ore? Chinchilla 13 Oar 190 U adopted. Heoator Teller aald that NO IMPORTANT NXWS. Seattle, Nov. 38- .- cargo of dy- Mn's Ulster, age stock Is full ot rare bargains. on bail lastinlght,when the romantic act- With 1H ysars. 113.60, Our last shipment of be believed re- to worth tor 7.60 Tatlor-Mad- e that the national ellver or, Panl Gilmore. aided by an exceedingly London. Nov. 38. The war ollliw has LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. ing horats aud mules, the Uuiled Stales Ladles' Suits, color Oxford ttray and publican convention would take this ac- transport Boys' Chinchilla l isters, age 4 to la, worth Castor, are the best values strong cast ol characters, presented Du- received the following dispatch from Victoria returned to this port I8 60, for. shown this aeasoo. Tbey tion. Ue favored the endorsement of the M having forced by an re selling very fast. In w mas' famous romance The Tnree Musk Gfueral Buller, dated PietermarlttDurg. last night, been un Bnv' I Inters, ages 4 to IS. worth 17.00. for For Collarettes art Chicago platform. William J. Bryan waa - J. W. Akers. a well known gentleman of Cape 8.26 showing a very attractive line eteers" to a most appreciative aadienee. Nov, 28: "Our last news from Lalr- precedented stress weather iff Boys' Ulsters. 1th cape, age 4 and prices will sorely generally favored. Borne mmher of the ot Sauta re, Is in the city to day. Flattery to voyage to 11 worth I'l 60 8.60 please you thai.
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