Dragonflies of La Brenne & Vienne Naturetrek Tour Report 14 - 21 June 2017 Orange-spotted Emerald female Southern Skimmer male Yellow-spotted Whiteface male Yellow Clubtail male Report compiled by Nick Ransdale Images courtesy of Graham Canny Naturetrek Mingledown Barn Wolf's Lane Chawton Alton Hampshire GU34 3HJ UK T: +44 (0)1962 733051 E:
[email protected] W: www.naturetrek.co.uk Tour Report Dragonflies of La Brenne & Vienne Tour participants: Nick Ransdale (leader) & Cora Ransdale (driver) with ten Naturetrek clients Summary This two-centre holiday in central-western France gives an excellent insight into not only the dragonflies but also the abundant butterflies, birds and other wildlife of the region. The first two days are spent in the southern Vienne before we move on to the bizarre landscape of the Pinail reserve, and finally to Mezieres, where we spend three days in the Brenne; 'land of a thousand lakes'. The weather this year was remarkably hot: 37°C on the last two days - in the shade! Hot years often trend towards a good odonata list, and this year was no exception. Due to the sharp eyes, enthusiasm, flexibility and optimism of group members, the tour was a resounding success, scoring a total of 44 species (tour average 40), the vast majority seen by all members of the group. 97 bird species and 39 butterfly species were also found, together with a wide range of other insects and plants that the combined talents of the group helped to find and identify. Amongst the ‘star finds’ were both whitefaces, both 'spotted' emerald dragonflies, Lesser Emperor, Dusk Hawker, and Southern Skimmer.