2016/2017 WINTER Issue


In this issue:

My favourite invention ...... 3 My pet ...... 6 My friend Lulu ...... 10 My family ...... 12 My made-up family ...... 15 Christmas around the world ...... 17 Fun page ...... 24



MOBILE PHONES by Petra Paulenová, 8.C Mobile phones. Gadgeds that are famous all over the world. I do not even know someone without a phone. I do not think that people should stare on the little screens all day. It is not good for our health. However, nobody cares about that. Sometimes we forget about beauties of the world. All things we can enjoy outside. The shine of the sun, lovely flowers or just an ordinary green tree. Because thanks to these things the world is world. We should keep these things and be happy to have them. Not be mad because someone turned wi-fi off. People almost forget to talk to each other. It is very important because talking to each other makes our relationship good, strong and happy. But there is one thing we should all accept. Mobile phones can save our lives. When we are in danger, the only thing we have to do is to call emeregency.


I think the mobiles are a good thing, because when we are lost we can call for help. But it can be dangerous too. Don't play on mobile while you are driving a car! It MIGHT be your last day. But, when we are bored we can play games, chat with friends, take a photo with friends and other things. Maybe your parents say you're addicted to it. And maybe they often ask you that: „Why don't you go out ?" „Why don't you paint ?" „Why don't you play family games?" Sometimes I don't listen to them. But they want the best for us. Ema Šumichrastová 7.C 3 The Computer My favourite invention is the computer. Nowadays people use computers every day. You can paly games, go to Facebook, watch youtube videos and a lot of applications. You can listen to music, download and watch some films. We have two types of computers, first it is the desktop computer and the second one is the notebook. In the past people didn't have computers. Only rich people had computers because they were expensive. With a computer you can test people, post emails and do a lot of things. I think computers are very good and I like them.

Tomáš Németh 7.C

The computer - year 1949

Nowadays, almost everyone has got a computer. We play video games, do homework, look for information and watch videos on the computer. We use computers at home, at work or in factories. Without computers, we do not have robots, iPhones, satellites and some other things.

Negative things of using computers are hackers and viruses and selling information about you and your computer.

I think the computer is my favourite invention. Matúš Kráľ, 7.C

4 Television My favourite invetion is television. Some people watch television every day. I watch television every day too. My mother doesn´t watch television very often. On television, you can watch lots of films, series or cartoons. There are lots of TV channels too. For example: Markíza, TVJOJ, TA3. My favourite channel for kids is Disney Channel. My mom´s boyfriend watches TV PAPRIKA. He thinks that kids programmes are stupid and that programmes about cooking are the best! I like documentary films, because I like animals. The first television was invented in 1953. It had only one channel. Television is good for relax and fun. THE END. Diana Horváthová 7.C


MY GRANDMA`S PET. I have not got a pet, but my grandma has got a dog.

His name is Šmolo, but I call him Šmolko.

It` s four years old.

It` s black and white.

He has got four legs, one tail and short fur.

Saška Sedliaková, 3.C


I have got a budgie. It’s three years old. It has got white- blue and black smooth feathers. His name is Kevin.

He has got two legs and two wings. I like his small beak. He eats small seeds. I love him very much.

Marko Vražba, 3.C

6 My pet

I like animals. My grandparents have got two cats. They are my pets. The cats' names are Dida and Donald. Dida is little and brown. She is 11 years old. She has got a small nose, short ears, big brown eyes and a long tail. She is very shy. Donald is little and grey. He is 6 years old. He has got a small nose, long ears, small green eyes and a long tail. He is very friendly. When it is warm, the cats like to go out. They like to play in the garden. When it is cold, they are at home. Dida likes to sleep on the chair in the living room. Donald likes to sleep under the table in the kitchen. I like to play with my pets. Their favourite toy is a little red mouse.

Miška Šurnovská, 3.C

7 MY PET I have got a cat. His name is Garfield. He is ginger. He is two years old. He has got four legs and one tail. I like his eyes and his fur. I like Garfield very much. My pet lives in a house with my aunt Dana in Čierna Voda. He is a foundling.

Garfield's hair :-)

Dorotka Šoltésová, 3.C

MY PET by Samko Šramatý, 3.C

My favourite pet is a dog. My peťs name is Sidny. It is a GOLDEN RETRIEVER. It has a light brown coat, black nose and brown eyes. It is four months old. I like it very much.

8 „MY PET“



Martin Adamkovič, 3.C


My friend LULU

I have got a friend.

Her name is Lulu.

She is 9 years old.

She is scared of mice.

She likes pizza. She likes bananas.

She goes to school by bus.

She doesnt like school. She has got blue eyes.

She has got a white dog. I like her.

Janko Činák, 3.B

My friend LULU

I have got a friend. Her name is Lulu. She is nine years old. Lulu has got dark hair and eyes. She has got a pet. It is a budgie. The budgie's name is Gerda. My friend is scared of mice and turtles and she is not scared of the dark and storms. Her budgie is blue, green, purple and red.

Lulu is my great friend.

Viki Belanová, 3.B

10 My friend LULU

Her name is LULU.

She is not scared of the dark.

She is scared of sharks.

She has got a cat.

Her name is LUCY.

Her colour is black.

LULU has got two sisters.

Martina Bunová, 3.C My Friend Lulu

Lulu has got a dog. His name is Johny. Itʼs two years old. Itʼs brown and black.

Lulu is scared of fire, the dark and Bloody Mary. He has got a mobil. He likes pizza.

He has got mum, dad and one brother. His brother's name is Jack. My friend goes to schol by car. He is ten years old. He doesn´t like apricots. He isn´t scared of snakes, ninjas and spiders. He is my very good friend. Dávid Kacian, 3.B 11 MY FAMILY

MY FAMILY By Matúš Perutka, 5.C




By Patrik Rychtárech, 5.C

14 MY MADE-UP FAMILY MY made-up family

MOM-My mom has got rainbow hair. She always cooks and bakes. Everthing is pink and blue. She has got a beautiful dog named DODO. She works in McDonalds.

DAD-My father sits all day on a tractor, smokes cigars and cuts grass.

Grandmom-My grandmother is very hyperactive. She rides on a motorcycle. She jumps and runs all the time. She likes smoothies. Smoothie is everywhere.

Aunt-My aunt is a very crazy woman. She has got black hair that looks like after an explosion. All day she sits in the cemetery and washes and cleans the graves. My aunt always cleans up at her home so that no one can even sit down because she starts screaming that we shrugged her blanket. Everybody calls her house a MUSEUM.

Uncle-My uncle talks all te time but no one listens to him anymore. Or he says something and then everybody starts to ask what is the point.

Cousin-My cousin is very annoying. She sings opera. She had a pretty white cat but a car hit that cat.

Sister-I have an older sister and she likes skiing. She is the only one normal person in this family. Her big dream is that one day she buys a cow named Milka. Kristína Pažitková, 7.A 15 My made-up family

My mother’s name is Angelina. She is 41 years old. She is an actor. She has one sister.

My father’s name is Brad. He is 52 years old. He is an actor actor too. He has one sister.

She is my younger sister. Her name is Christina. She is 6 years old.

Mum’s sister Katy is single. She works at a sport centre. She lives in New York, in a small house.

Dad’s sister Lucy is single too. She lives in Hollywood in a flat. She hasn’t got any job.

My grandmother is 66 years old. She lives with her husband in a big house on Florida. Her name is Ellen.

My grandfather is 71 years old. He travels around the world and brings me a present from every country. His name is Robert.

My dad’s parents died in 2009. When they lived, they were very good.

Michaela Ondušová, 7.A



Christmas in Spain

A tradition called Hogueras is celebrated in Spain at Christmas. This tradition was created long before Christmas. It is the symbol of celebrating of the winter solstice. Many people jump into the fire in order not to be ill. The safer traditions include elaborate nativity scenes and Chistmas tree. They have a lot of fruit, flowers, marzipan, sweets and candles in their Christmars markets. People retrun home after Christmas markets. is never eaten after midnight. They use to have a turkey with truffles for dinner. After dinner the family goes to the and sings Christmas carols.

Alice Di Prospero, 6.A 17 Christmas in Austria

Christmas starts on st. Nicholas day. St. Nicholas asks children for their bad and good acts. Good children get sweets, fruits and nuts. They celebrate advent. Advent starts 4 weeks before . On Christmas Eve they have Christmas dinner. Traditional food for Christmas dinner is a baked carp. After dinner they open presents, pray, sing carols or read christmas stories. The most famous Christmas carol - Silent Night (Stille Nacht) was written by Josef Mohr and Franz Gruber on 24th of December 1818 in Oberndorf (near Salzburg).

Michal Londarev, 6.A


Christmas in Switzerland

Switzerland has some Christmas customs together with Germany and Austria. In some villages, there are 'real' advent calendars with different houses decorating an 'Advent Window'. On the day when it's your house with the advent window, you make a party for the villagers in the evening. The 'Urnäsch Silvesterkläuse' processions take place from December 31 to January 13 and date back over 200 years ago. There's food, mulled wine (called Glühwein) and music. There is a lot of carol singing in Switzerland. In the Bernese Oberland region, there are processions starting on Christmas Day and finishing on New Year's Eve. They're known as the 'Trychle' as people parade wearing a big Trychler (cow bell) or carrying drums and normally wearing masks. They walk through the streets making a lot of noise and are meant to scare the evil spirits away! Star Singing' is also very popular with children. The star represents the star that the Wisemen followed when they visited the baby Jesus.

In Switzerland St Nicholas is known as 'Samichlaus' and he might visit you on 6th December. The main Christmas meal is eaten on Christmas Eve and popular foods include a and scalloped potatoes with melted cheese and milk baked into it. Desert is often a walnut cake and Christmas cookies. The cookies are very popular to buy and make. Each family has their own recipes and favorites. Another popular food, especially for parties, is fondue (a pot of melted cheese which you dip bread in - and you might have to kiss the person on your left!).

Lukáš Forro, 6.A

19 Christmas in Finland by Rodan Halász, 6.A

Finnish people have Santa Claus or . They call him . Joulupukki is a Finnish Christmas figure. The name "Joulupukki" literally means "Christmas goat" or "Yule Goat" in Finnish. Finnish people believe that Santa Claus or Father Christmas lives in the north part of Finland called Korvatunturi (or Lapland), north of the Arctic Circle. You can visit the Santa Claus Village at the arctic circle in Rovaniemi, Lapland.

Santa Claus spends his time at the Santa Claus Village every day of the year to take care of his mission in life; to enhance the wellbeing of children and the kindness of grown-ups, as well as spreading the message love and goodwill of Christmas Spirit throughout the globe. Rovaniemi is The Official Home of Santa Claus. The Santa Claus Village has a unique meeting place where hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world come to meet Santa Claus on every day of the year. A place where the fairytale becomes true. The difference between our Santa Claus and Finish Santa Claus is that Finish Santa Claus instead of sneaking in through the chimney during the late hours knocks on the front door during Christmas Eve celebrations. Upon entering, he traditionally greets the household with "Onko täällä kilttejä lapsia?" ("Are there [any] well-behaved children here?").

20 Christmas in Japan

Christmas in Japan is celebrated on December 25th. It is different from the European or American Christmas. Only 1% of the Japanese believe in Jesus Christ. In Japan they decorate homes. Japan celebrates Christmas to help children in hospitals. They dance, sing and recite to recevie money. They make a party where every man shall give at least one Christmas cake. Some children get presents from SANTA and some children get presents from the priest HOTEI-OSHO.

At christmas table they have sushi and other Japanse food. But more important holidays in Japan is New Year.

Katarína Belešová 6.A 21 CHRISTMAS IN BRITAIN

In Britain families often celebrate Christmas together in their homes. They have a Christmas tree too. The whole family decorates the Christmas tree. They decorate their homes with lights. Famous people have lights on their homes too. Sometimes they have real candles on their Christmas trees. Children believe that Santa Claus leaves presents in their pillow or theirs boots. They have a very big and good Christmas dinner. Children write letters to Santa and some children put letters in a postcard. They can open their presents after they eat up. Or other children open their presents after they get up in the morning.

Max Kabát, 6.A


Christmas in Slovakia starts with Advent. The Slovaks also celebrate St. Nicholas' day on the 6th December. He comes in the evening of the 5th December and gives presents to good children.

Christmas dinner begins with a small bread, a christmas wafer and a blessing. The main Christmas supper varies between regions and families. I normally have got a fish dish and 'Kapustnica'. Kapustnica is a thick cabbage soup with sausage, meat, dried mushrooms and cream. Carp is often the fish that is eaten. Some people buy it live and keep it in their bath until it's time to kill it and cook it. After dinner a bell rings and baby Jesus comes. After dinner we go and unpack the gifts. Matúš Škarbala, 6.A CHRISTMAS IN RUSSIA Christmas is celebrated all around the world. In Russia Christmas is celebrated on January 7th. The Russians use the old ''Julian'' calendar. The first star also signals the start of Christmas. On Christmas day people sing carols. They go to the churches and they decorate a Christmas tree or ''Jelka''. On Christmas Eve the meal is called'' The Holy Supper''. It consists of 12 foods, symbolic of the 12 Apostles. The Christmas Eve dinner is meatless (moshroom soup, lenten bread, bobaľky,...). The Russian Santa Claus is named ''Ded Moroz'' or Grandfather Frost. He comes with ''Snegurochka'', the Snowmaiden, who helps distribute the gifts.

by Laura Eva Ifková, 6.C



It's not only children who love snowmen.

Or is it just the carrot????

24 Picture Jokes


26 Do you fancy a quiz? (answers on the last page)



1.a; 2.c; 3.a; 4.c; 5.a; 6.b; 7.c; 8.a; 9.c; 10.b; 11.a; 12.c; 13.b; 14.b; 15.a; 16.b; 17.c; 18.c

18-13 points - You are a true Christmas expert! Santa is proud of you!!!

12-7 points - You've forgotten quite a bit since last Christmas. Don't worry, Santa loves you anyway. ;-)

6-1 points - Fortunately, Christmas is coming so you can remember it all and be a Christmas expert again!!!


See you in MARCH