October 6, 2013 Think Green 50¢ Recycle Volume 87, No. 32 Go Green todayscatholicnews.org Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Go Digital

Spreading the Gospel of Life in ‘context’ Reflection on Pope Francis’ recent comments ’’ Page 15 TTODAYODAYSS CCATHOLICATHOLIC

Pope in Sardinia Denounces globalization, Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual unemployment Page 3 Adoration celebrate 150 years

Canonizations BY TRISH LINNER Pope to canonize Blessed John MISHAWAKA — The Sisters of St. Francis XXIII, John Paul II April 27 of Perpetual Adoration hosted a celebration on Sept. 17 to commemorate their 150th anniver- Page 5 sary with a special Mass celebrated at the St. Francis Convent in Mishawaka followed by a reception at the Gillespie Conference Center. Over 400 friends and family joined the sisters to celebrate the founding of their order. Join ARISE Together Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades served as the cel- in Christ ebrant of the Mass and was joined by over 60 Roanoke and Nix Settlement priests. Also in attendance Read Bishop’s homily were Bishop Timothy L. from the Mass in his join spiritual formation Doherty from Lafayette, column ‘Truth and Charity’ on page 2. Page 6 Bishop Emeritus William L. Higi from Lafayette and Bishop Dale J. Melczek from Gary. “To see so many bishops, priests and deacons Celebrating together was so moving,” said Sister of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration Sister Cecelina Clare. marriages Bishop Rhoades spoke to the faithful about the history of the order and their founder. Annual Masses honor couples “It is wonderful to celebrate this 150th anniver- with milestone anniversaries sary Mass of the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration on Mother Maria Theresia’s birthday. It Page 11 is also the feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis. This fact that had deep significance for Mother Maria Theresia. She referred to her birth on the feast of KEVIN HAGGENJOS Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades celebrates Mass in Mishawaka on Sept. 17 marking the 150th anniversary of October is Respect 150 YEARS, PAGE 13 the founding of the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration. Life Month Pages 14-18 New altar dedicated, renovations blessed at St. Jude

BY JODI MAGALLANES For Sunday’s occasion, the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Masses that are normally celebrated were com- bined into a single Mass that began at 9 a.m. SOUTH BEND — The near-completion of a new The Mass began with the blessing of holy sanctuary and additions to the school at St. Jude water, followed by the sprinkling of the congrega- Parish, South Bend, was cause for celebration on tion and the blessing of the church that included Sunday, Sept. 29. the three new stained-glass windows of Jesus and Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades was present at the the children; the Divine Mercy image; and the south-side parish for the Mass with dedication Holy Family of Nazareth. The special readings of the new altar and the blessing of the church were taken from the Mass for the Dedication of renovations, which marked the end of one part of an Altar. a $3.9 million project. “I wish to congratulate all of you on this Construction began in March on an addition accomplishment, an accomplishment that demon- to the school and an expanded sanctuary, new strates your strong faith, your love for the Lord and narthex and outdoor plaza for the church; updates the gift of the Holy Eucharist, and your steward- to the HVAC systems that serve both St. Jude ship,” Bishop Rhoades told the faithful. KEVIN HAGGENJOS Church and School; and repairs to the school roof. “We are nearing the end of the Year of Faith, Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades spreads the Chrism oil Two new classrooms and office areas have been in which Pope Benedict called the whole Church added to the school. Existing office areas of the during the dedication of the new altar at St. to rediscover and celebrate the truth, power and school were reconfigured for small-group learn- Jude Church in South Bend on Sept. 29. ing. JUDE, PAGE 24 2 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC OctOber 6, 2013 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Let us glory only in the cross Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856

PUBLISHER: Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

EDITOR: Tim Johnson Eucharist in hourly rotations, day and night. and her charitable mission with the humility NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad IN TRUTH The chapel was also open to the people of and courage of Saint Francis and Mother Maria Olpe, thus fostering the Eucharistic devo- Theresia Bonzel. We thank the Lord today for Editorial Department AND tion of the local community. I think of how the many blessings bestowed upon the Church this continues here in Mishawaka today. We these past 150 years through the witness and PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan cannot count or calculate the many graces work of Christian charity of the Sisters of Saint FREELANCE WRITERS: Michelle Castleman, CHARITY bestowed upon this congregation and upon Francis. Karen Clifford, Bonnie Elberson, Denise the world through the Perpetual Adoration On this feast of the Stigmata of Saint Fedorow, Diane Freeby, Sister Margie BY BISHOP KEVIN C. RHOADES of the Blessed Sacrament by so many sisters Francis, it is good to reflect on that amaz- Lavonis, CSC, Jodi Magallanes, Joe these past 150 years. The soul of the spiritual ing event that took place on Mount Alverno Kozinski, Vince LaBarbera and Deb life of Saint Francis of Assisi and of Saint two years before Saint Francis died. It was Wagner The following is the homily delivered by Clare was devotion to the Holy Eucharist. It an amazing miracle of God’s grace. Saint Bishop Rhoades at the 150th Anniversary Mass was also the soul of Mother Maria Theresia’s Francis had a deep devotion to the Passion of of the Sisters of Saint Francis of Perpetual spiritual life. Whenever she opened a new Jesus and, for years, he had prayed to share Business Department Adoration on September 17th. convent, her first priority was the chapel and in that Passion. As his earthly life was draw- BUSINESS MANAGER: Sean McBride the enthronement of the Blessed Sacrament. ing to a close, God answered his prayers in a AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber n this day, September 17th, your holy Her Eucharistic devotion naturally led her, as way Francis never would have imagined. The BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol foundress Mother Maria Theresia Bonzel it did Saint Francis, to have special respect for wounds of Jesus appeared on his body. Saint [email protected] Owas born in the year 1830. It is wonderful to priests. I have personally experienced this com- Bonaventure described this event as follows: celebrate this 150th Anniversary Mass of the munity’s beautiful support, love, and prayers As he was drawn aloft through ardent long- Advertising Sales Sisters of Saint Francis of Perpetual Adoration for priests. On behalf of all our priests, I thank ing for God one morning near the feast of the Tess Steffen on Mother Maria Theresia’s birthday. And not you for your outstanding support of our priestly Exaltation of the Cross, and was praying on (260) 456-2824 only is this Mother Maria Theresia’s birthday: vocation. And I thank you for your loyalty and the mountainside, he saw what appeared as it is also the feast of the Stigmata of Saint love for the Church, another characteristic of a seraph with six bright wings gleaming like Francis (on the Franciscan calendar). This fact your congregation that also reflects the spirit a fire descending from the heights of heaven. always had deep significance for Mother Maria of Saint Francis and Mother Maria Theresia. As this figure approached in swift flight and Web site: www.todayscatholicnews.org Theresia. She referred to her birth on the feast Your community continues to attract vocations came near the man of God it appeared not of the Stigmata in terms of her life proceed- because you believe, pray, live, work, think, only winged but also crucified. The sight of it Published weekly except the fourth ing or coming forth from the wounds of Saint and feel with the Church. This was fundamen- amazed Francis and his soul experienced joy Sunday in June, second and fourth weeks in July and August, the first, Francis. Throughout her life, her heart, like that tal for Saint Francis and for your holy found- mingled with pain. He was delighted with the third and fifth weeks of September and of Saint Francis, overflowed with love of the ress. Loving attachment to the Eucharistic sight of Christ appearing to him so graciously last week in December by the Diocese Crucified Jesus and with love for all suffering Body of Christ is connected always to loving and intimately and yet the awe-inspiring vision of Fort Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. humanity. She embraced much suffering in her attachment to the Mystical Body of Christ, the of Christ nailed to the cross aroused in his soul Calhoun St., P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, own life, and like Saint Francis, with great faith Church. a joy of compassionate love. IN 46801. Periodicals postage paid at she shared in the suffering of Jesus for the sal- With prayer at the center of daily life, When the vision vanished after a mysterious Fort Wayne, IN, and additional mailing vation of the world. Mother Maria Theresia then devoted this con- and intimate conversation it left Francis aglow office. The principal reason the Sisters of Saint gregation to the active apostolate of charity. In with seraphic love in his soul. Externally, Francis of Perpetual Adoration were founded the beginning, this work was principally the however, it left marks on his body like those POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: as a separate congregation in 1853 was because education and formation of youth, especially of the Crucified as if the impression of a seal Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort Mother Maria Theresia felt so deeply the call poor, neglected, and orphaned children. The had been left on heated wag. The figures of Wayne, IN 46856-1169 or email: to live the Franciscan rule, rather than the care of the sick soon followed. Though time the nails appeared immediately on his hands [email protected]. Augustinian rule of the congregation that was does not allow me to recount the amazing and feet. The heads of the nails were inside his MAIN OFFICE: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort begun three years earlier. The saintly bishop accomplishments of the Sisters of Saint Francis hands but on top of his feet with their points Wayne, IN 46802. Telephone (260) of Paderborn, Conrad Martin, saw God’s hand in the active apostolate these past 150 years, I extending through to the opposite side. His 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. in Mother Maria Theresia’s vision and thus wish to mention the providential expansion of right side too showed a blood-red wound as BUREAU OFFICE: 1328 Dragoon Trail, proclaimed the Sisters of Saint Francis of Olpe, the Sisters here to the United States because if it had been pierced by a lance, and blood Mishawaka, IN 46544. Telephone (260) Germany an independent community. He of the Kulturkampf in Germany. At the invi- flowed frequently from it. Because of this new 456-2824. Fax (260) 744-1473. appointed Mother Maria Theresia the superior. tation of the second Bishop of Fort Wayne, and astounding miracle unheard of in times The rest is history. Joseph Dwenger, Mother Maria Theresia sent past, Francis came down from the mountain News deadline is the Monday morning For 150 years, the Sisters of Saint Francis the first sisters to America, to our diocese. a new man adorned with the sacred stigmata, before publication date. Advertising of Perpetual Adoration have striven to be faith- Their mission began with the care of the sick bearing in his body the image of the Crucified deadline is nine days before publica- ful to the charism of their holy foundress as in Lafayette, at that time part of the Diocese not made by a craftsman in wood or stone, but tion date. spiritual daughters of Saint Francis according of Fort Wayne. Though poor and with little fashioned in his members by the hand of the to his Third Rule, uniting the active and con- knowledge of English, those first missionary living God. Today’s Catholic may be reached at : Today’s Catholic, templative life, and living the vows of poverty, sisters trusted deeply in divine providence and What can we learn from this extraordi- P.O. Box 11169, Fort Wayne, IN chastity, and obedience. The specific charism began immediately their active apostolate of nary event? It is the lesson that Mother Maria 46856-1169; or email: is that of Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed charity: educating children and caring for the Theresia learned: the importance of heeding [email protected] Sacrament along with the service of charity. sick. Rather quickly, they attracted American the words of Jesus in the Gospel: “If anyone In the beginning, this involved the education vocations. With a great pioneer spirit, the sis- wishes to come after me, he must deny him- ISSN 0891-1533 and care of poor orphaned children and the ters, anchored always in prayer and Eucharistic self, take up his cross daily, and follow me.” USPS 403630 care of the sick in their homes. In the very adoration, engaged in the active apostolate, To do so means we renounce self-centeredness. first words of the original Constitution of the beginning in Lafayette teaching in the German Like Mother Maria Theresia, we must not be Congregation, Mother Maria Theresia wrote: Saint Boniface School and opening their first afraid of the cross. Trusting in Christ’s love “After the example of Holy Father Francis, the hospital, named in honor of the Franciscan and entrusting ourselves to Him, we embrace Sisters shall endeavor to combine the contem- saint, Elizabeth of Hungary. The apostolic his cross, whatever that might be each day. plative with the active.” And this is what this labors of the Sisters of Saint Francis expanded This involves first and foremost love, true congregation has been doing, with the help of quite rapidly here in the United States. These love, sacrificial love. With God’s grace, we Find us on Facebook! God’s grace, for 150 years. labors have been a great contribution to the strive to love one another as Christ has loved The contemplative mission of this congrega- building up of the Church in this diocese and in us. When we do, it will involve the cross. Like www.facebook.com/diocesefwsb tion has its center in the Most Holy Eucharist: our country. With true Christ-like charity, the Saint Paul, the cross must be our glory. “Far in Holy Mass and adoration. Following Saint Sisters of Saint Francis have accomplished so be it from me,” he says, “to glory except in the Francis, Mother Maria Theresia understood much in the past 150 years in their care of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the that the active apostolate would only bear fruit sick and the education of youth. With steadfast world has been crucified to me, and I to the Follow us on Twitter! if the sisters were steeped in a life of prayer. love for the poor and the suffering and with world.” Saint Paul was thus able to say that he @diocesefwsb Therefore, she organized the community life great self-sacrifice, the Sisters of Saint Francis so that the sisters would pray before the Holy have served and continue to serve the Church TRUTH, PAGE 3 OctOber 6, 2013 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC 3 Pope, in Sardinia, denounces globalization and unemployment Public Schedule of biShoP Kevin c. RhoadeS

BY FRANCIS X. ROCCA • Sunday, Oct. 6, 2 p.m. — Diocesan Mass for Persons with VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Disabilities, Saint Jude Church, Fort Wayne Visiting an Italian region espe- • Monday, Oct. 7, 5:15 p.m. — Red Mass, Basilica of the cially hard hit by the European Sacred Heart, Notre Dame economic crisis, Pope Francis • Tuesday, Oct. 8, 11 a.m. — Mass with Dedication of Altar blamed high unemployment on and Blessing of Divine Mercy Chapel, Ironwood Circle, South globalization driven by greed and Bend said those who give charitable aid • Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2 p.m. — Meeting of Deacon Formation to the poor must treat their ben- Policy Board, Blessed John Paul II Center, Mishawaka eficiaries with dignity. • Tuesday through Thursday, Oct. 8-10 — Continuing “We want a just system, a Education Days for Priests, Potawatomi Inn, Pokagon State Park system that lets all of us get • Thursday, Oct. 10, 6 p.m. — Annual Dinner of Saint Joseph ahead,” the pope said Sept. 22, in County Right to Life, Century Center, South Bend his first address during a full day • Friday, Oct. 11, 10:45 a.m. — Talk at Women’s Cursillo, on the Italian island of Sardinia. Episcopal Center, Syracuse “We don’t want this globalized • Friday, Oct. 11, 7:30 p.m. — Confirmation Mass, Saint economic system that does us so CNS PHOTO/PAUL HARING Anthony de Padua Church, South Bend much harm. At its center there Pope Francis poses with young people during an encounter with youth in • Saturday, Oct. 12, 12 p.m. noon — Lunch at Deaf Catholic should be man and woman, as Cagliari, Sardinia, Sept. 22. Retreat, Saint Vincent de Paul Parish, Fort Wayne God wants, and not money.” • Saturday, Oct. 12, 4:30 p.m. — Mass for Boy Scouts Sardinia has an overall unem- Jamboree, Saint Felix Friary, Huntington ployment rate of nearly 20 per- cent, rising to nearly 50 percent among young adults. Before speaking to a crowd of about 20,000 near the Cagliari Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage and Religious city port, Pope Francis heard a Liberty Holy Hour across the diocese series of speeches in greeting, • Immaculate Conception Church, 500 E. Seventh St., Auburn, including one from an unem- has a holy hour Mondays 5:30-6:30 p.m. and every Friday from ployed father of three, who spoke 11 a.m. to noon. The Adoration Chapel is open Monday through of how joblessness “wears you Friday from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. and people are encouraged to spend out to the depths of your soul.” time in Adoration and pray for the intentions of life, marriage and In response, the pope discard- religious liberty. ed his prepared remarks and told • St. Charles Borromeo Church, 4916 Trier Rd, Fort Wayne, has his audience what he said “comes a holy hour all Fridays from 7:30-8:30 p.m. in the chapel. to me in my heart seeing you in • Queen of Peace Church in Mishawaka has an hour and a half this moment.” (3:30-5 p.m.) every Saturday of Adoration and Exposition prior to Pope Francis recalled the the Vigil Mass at 5:30 p.m. They dedicate this time in honor of pri- struggles of his immigrant Italian Pope Francis celebrates Mass at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Bonaria in vate prayer for the Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage and Religious father in 1930s Argentina. Cagliari, Sardinia, Sept. 22. Liberty. “They lost everything. There • St. Mary of the Assumption Church, Decatur, hosts was no work,” he said. “I was not Eucharistic Exposition on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from born yet, but I heard them speak Pope Francis said that a com- 4:30-6 p.m. and on Thursday from 9-10 a.m. and 4:30-8 p.m. The about this suffering at home. I mitment to the natural environ- parish asks participants to pray for the protection of marriage, reli- know this well. But I must tell ment could actually stimulate job gious freedom and unborn children. you: courage.” creation in fields such as energy, • Our Lady of Good Hope Church, 7215 Saint Joe Rd., Fort The pope said he knew that his environmental protection and Wayne, hosts a holy hour for religious liberty beginning with a preaching alone would mean little forestry. rosary at 9:30 a.m. every Tuesday. to those in difficulty. The pope celebrated Sunday “I must do everything I can Mass in a square outside the so that this word ‘courage’ is not Sanctuary of Our Lady of Bonaria, the namesake of his a pretty fleeting word, not only on Jesus and His mercy. Yet we the smile of (a) cordial church native city of Buenos Aires. Pope employee,” he said. “I want this Francis originally announced his TRUTH thrive to grow in holiness. To do courage to come out from inside trip to Sardinia to venerate the CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 so, we must rely always on the and push me to do all I can as statue of Mary there. Lord’s grace. We depend on Him. a pastor, as a man. We must all Calling for solidarity with We cannot carry His cross by our face this historic challenge with the neediest in society, the pope was bearing in his body the marks own strength any more than Saint solidarity and intelligence.” concluded his homily by urging of Jesus. He belonged to Jesus. Francis could have received the The pope said that the current his listeners to “see our brothers Saint Francis and Mother Maria stigmata by his own efforts or economic crisis was the “conse- and sisters with the gaze of the Theresia belonged to Jesus. So do power. So we must humbly follow Madonna, she who invites us to we. the Lord, relying on His grace. quence of a global choice, of an Pope Francis kisses a sick man inside economic system that led to this be true brothers.” Jesus teaches us that “whoever In two months the humble Maria tragedy, an economic system cen- He prayed to Mary to “give the Basilica of Our Lady of Bonaria wishes to save his life will lose Theresia Bonzel will be called tered on an idol, which is called us your gaze, may no one hide it in Cagliari, Sardinia, Sept. 22. it, but whoever loses his life for “Blessed” because of her heroic money.” from us. May our childlike heart (his) sake will save it.” Sisters of virtues. It is especially the virtue In his undelivered remarks, defend it from so many windbags Saint Francis, your life as women of humility that allowed her to which the pope said should be who promise illusions, from those action. Love is free. religious is to be a witness to this advance along the path of holiness. considered “as if they had been who avidly look for an easy life, “Sometimes one finds arro- truth. Like your holy foundress, May the Lord help us on our spoken,” he thanked those entre- from promises that cannot be gance, too, in those who serve you lose your life for the sake journey! May He help us to carry fulfilled.” preneurs who, “in spite of every- the poor,” the pope said. “Some of Jesus in order to save it. You His cross each day! May He con- thing, have not ceased to commit At an afternoon gathering with make themselves pretty, they fill deny yourselves and carry the poor people and prisoners who their mouths with the poor; some tinue to bless the Sisters of Saint themselves, to invest and take cross of Jesus. You teach us the Francis with the gift of holiness risks to guarantee employment.” had been taken to the Cagliari exploit the poor in their own cathedral, Pope Francis had interests or those of their group. joy of following Jesus, the joy that and stir up many more vocations The pope emphasized the need Saint Francis and Mother Maria for “dignified work,” lament- strong words for those who prac- “This is a grave sin, because it in this congregation! ing that that crisis had led to an tice charity in the wrong spirit. means using the needy, those in Theresia knew even in the midst With Saint Paul, Saint Francis, increase in “inhumane work, “Charity is not simply welfare, need, who are the flesh of Jesus, of suffering and pain. I do not and soon-to-be Blessed Maria slave labor, work without fitting much less welfare to soothe one’s for my vanity,” the pope said. “It mean to idealize your religious Theresia Bonzel, may we glory security or without respect for conscience,” he said. “That’s not would be better for these people life since none of us is perfect. We only in the cross of our Lord Jesus creation.” love, right? It’s business, a trans- to stay home.” are all still sinners who depend Christ! 4 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC OctOber 6, 2013 South Bend celebrates blessing of new Life Symposium focuses Center, home to pro-life ministries on religious freedom,

BY TOM UEBBING Affordable Care Act

SOUTH BEND — The Life Center, BY ANN CAREY the heart is called Natural Law, he a beautiful new expression of the explained, and Natural Law enables culture of life in South Bend, was one to know many things by reason blessed Sept. 22 by Father Thomas NOTRE DAME — “Religious alone. Thus, many of the things Shoemaker, pastor of St. Therese, Freedom under Obamacare” was the Catholics believe can also be known Little Flower Parish. topic of a Sept. 19-20 symposium by reason: that human life is sacred; The Life Center, owned and at the University of Notre Dame that marriage is a lifetime commit- operated by the Apostolate of Divine featuring experts in theology, law, ment between one husband and Mercy in Service of Human Life, is business, politics and the media, as one wife who are open to children; the new home of a number of pro- well as a bishop who is an expert in that abortion and contraception are life ministries. The building, located bioethics. wrong. at 2018 Ironwood Circle, stands next The topic was particularly Too often, Bishop Morlino to the Women’s Pavilion, South timely, for earlier that week, Cardinal continued, many step back from Bend’s abortion business. About Timothy Dolan of New York, presi- the burden of showing others how 130 people including a Knights of TOM UEBBING dent of the United States Conference reason — not just faith — leads to Columbus Color Guard gathered as Father Tom Shoemaker, pastor of St. Therese, Little Flower Parish in of Catholic Bishops, had sent a let- those conclusions. Father Shoemaker blessed with holy South Bend, is shown with Shawn Sullivan, far center, at the Sept. 22 ter to all U.S. bishops reaffirming “We have to defend our religious water the Life Center and the nearby blessing ceremony of South Bend’s new Life Center, owned and operated the bishops’ “grave concerns” over freedom,” he stressed, “but the “prayer peninsula,” a concrete slab by the Apostolate of Divine Mercy in Service of Human Life. The build- elements of the Patient Protection best way to do that is not by claim- on the other side of the abortion ing is the new home of a number of pro-life ministries. Located at 2018 and Affordable Care Act, known as ing that matters which should be facility where pro-life sidewalk Ironwood Circle, it stands next to the Women’s Pavilion, South Bend’s Obamacare. Cardinal Dolan related known by reason alone are matters that the bishops continue to pursue of faith.” counselors called TLC Advocates abortion business. station themselves during abortion efforts in the Congress and in the Also speaking at the symposium hours. The apostolate’s founder and Healing Ministries, TLC Advocates, courts to challenge rules that require was Msgr. Michael Heintz, a theol- About 30 pro-abortion demon- director, Shawn Sullivan, shared that Natural Family Planning, Theology employers to provide employee insur- ogy professor at Notre Dame and strators stood with their signs in the he had scouted the area adjacent to of the Body Intensity Training ance for immoral services. the rector of St. Matthew Cathedral. Women’s Pavilion parking lot. the abortion business looking for a (TOBIT) and Life Support, a He wrote: “We are confident that He said he spoke as both a theolo- Father Shoemaker led par- building to purchase to convert into ministry that provides emergency our rights under the Constitution and gian and a pastor, noting there are ticipants in praying the Chaplet of the Life Center. He had approached material and spiritual aid to women other laws protecting religious free- sometimes “vexing questions” at the Divine Mercy. As everyone filed Forsey Construction, located next who choose life. Silent No More dom will eventually be vindicated.” intersection between moral theology into the Life Center for a building to the abortion business, only to and FACTS-FIRST will also have a At the Notre Dame symposium, and pastoral theology. tour and ministry fair, the pro- learn they had just sold the build- presence. Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison, He said that too often the term abortion demonstrators shouted, ing to another construction firm. Dr. Alan Keyes, former U.S. Wis., said the Bishops Conference “pastoral” is interpreted as mean- “Pro-choice … South Bend,” which Miraculously, the bank involved Ambassador to the United Nations, was absolutely correct in joining with ing “moral principles are somehow the pro-lifers quietly ignored. in the transaction called Sullivan and presidential candidate, gave a other people of faith to defend reli- relaxed or loosened, or rationalized In past years only about two and said that if he could acquire stirring keynote talk that covered gious freedom. However, he said that away in particular, concrete and dif- or three babies per year have been $250,000 in 40 days — by Nov. 1 a wide range of topics including religious freedom is not the only argu- ficult cases.” What pastoral really saved from death by the intermit- (All Saints Day) — he could buy the America’s founding on Christian ment that can and should be made. means, he continued, is “the care of tent efforts of sidewalk counselors. building. And against all probability principles, the sovereignty of “We Scripture and Jesus Himself souls, the soulcraft of nurturing and However, since Nov. 1, 2012, with that is what happened. the People,” the expulsion of God spoke of laws written on the human guiding folks who, in good faith, an overall increase in prayer inter- The most prominent feature of from national life, God’s com- heart, he explained, and “The laws desire to do what is right,” even in cessors and sidewalk counselors the Life Center is the strikingly mand to be fruitful and multiply, that are written on the heart — the very difficult circumstances. there have been 22 babies reported beautiful Divine Mercy Eucharistic the population explosion myth and heart meaning the conscience — are “Pastoral care involves helping as saved. Adoration Chapel. Bishop Rhoades the wealthy financiers of population the Ten Commandments.” Further, individuals to form their conscience The Apostolate of Divine Mercy will consecrate the chapel at 11 a.m. implosion. Keyes stressed that while conscience is not autonomous and in accord with the truth, and then is a fledgling private association in on Oct. 8. there is an obligation to fight evil, is not “a dispensation machine” assisting them, as they navigate the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South The Life Center is the home of the focus should be on being the for whatever a person may not like through the choppy and dark waters Bend. Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades not only the Apostolate of Divine hands and feet of the body of Christ, about the . Rather, of messy and sometimes unforeseen approved it just one year ago with Mercy, but also Holy Family building up the culture of life. God also is present in the “inner circumstances, to act in accord with the purpose to promote the “Gospel Catholic Adoption Agency, 40 Days “Just do it!” he said. sanctuary” of the conscience, and that rightly formed conscience,” of Life.” for Life, South Bend, Post Abortive “God is to be obeyed.” Msgr. Heintz said. This law of reason written on Some of the Obamacare rules, he A Beloved Tradition Continues... Are You Confused by Order your Christmas Wreath. A beautiful 20” artificial wreath with pine cones, red berries, and a velveteen bow on a wire stand which is placed on HEALTH CARE REFORM? your Loved One’s grave around December 1st at Let me provide you with experienced guidance! Fort Wayne’s Catholic Cemetery. We install and There is no charge for my services. remove it for $37.38 + $2.62 (tax)=$40.00 Please order by November 1, 2013. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO SUBSTITUTE. •HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGES Wreaths cannot be placed inside the mausoleums.

•SENIORS/MEDICARE ELIGIBLE PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY •MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT •MEDICARE ADVANTAGE Name of Deceased:______Kevin Sorg Year of Death:______•PART D •INDIVIDUALS •FAMILY and SELF EMPLOYED Parishioner Your Name:______St. Vincent de Paul Medical, Dental and Vision also available FORT WAYNE Address:______


Your Telephone Number: (_____)______Experienced guidance with Health Insurance Coverage Please cut and mail this Form to and make your $40.00 check payable to: CATHOLIC CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, INC. •Local: 260-399-2995 •Toll Free 888-588-7697 3500 Lake Avenue - Fort Wayne, IN 46805-5572 Thank You for your order. Email: [email protected] OctOber 6, 2013 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC 5 continued, put Catholics in “a very difficult spot” because they require ELKHART COUNTY KNIGHTS DONATE Catholics to comply with elements that violate their moral conscience. TO SEMINARIAN FUND It has always been the case that Christian believers do not fit into society because of their beliefs, and they may be considered an annoy- ing presence in society. However, Christians are to become “a living sign” of Christ’s kingdom in the midst of a utilitarian society in which “a desired end can quite eas- ily and happily justify almost any means,” Msgr. Heintz said. Notre Dame Law Professors Richard Garnett and Carter Snead explained how the U.S. Constitution CNS and the Religious Freedom Pope Francis has set April 27 as the date for the canonization of Blessed Restoration Act protect the rights of John XXIII and Blessed John Paul II. The two pontiffs will become saints citizens to exercise their religious on Divine Mercy Sunday. beliefs not just within the walls of a church, but also by living out religious values in the public square. Those rights have generally been Pope to canonize honored in law until the imple- mentation of Obamacare. Both KAY COZAD men expressed the hope that legal Blessed John XXIII, challenges to the Obamacare rules Representatives of the Knights of Columbus Msgr. James would be successful in the courts. P. Conroy Assembly 2035 of Elkhart County presented Also speaking were Finance John Paul II April 27 Professor Martijn Cremers, Political Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades with a donation of $5,522.27 for 2014, was not a complete surprise. Science Professor Michael Zuckert, the Blessed John Paul II Endowment Fund for Seminarian BY CINDY WOODEN and journalist William McGurn, Speaking to reporters traveling with a Notre Dame alumnus who had Education on Sept. 25 at the Archbishop Noll Catholic him from Brazil to July 28, Pope Francis said he had been con- been a speech writer for President Center in Fort Wayne. Pictured from left are Kevin VATICAN CITY (CNS) — George W. Bush and is an editorial Recognizing that Blessed John sidering Dec. 8, but the possibility of page editor for the New York Post. O’Connor, faithful pilot and Color Guard commander; XXIII and John Paul II have wide- icy roads could make it difficult for Polish pilgrims who would travel by The symposium was hosted Dave Kozlowski, faithful purser; Matthew Snyder, faith- spread reputations for holiness and by Notre Dame Law Professor that years of studying their lives and bus to Rome for the ceremony. Phillip Munoz, who also is direc- ful navigator; and Bishop Rhoades. A fourth degree Knight actions have proven their exceptional The other option, he said, was Divine Mercy Sunday, a celebration tor of the Tocqueville Program himself, Bishop Rhoades, told the men, “I appreciate virtue, Pope Francis announced he on Religion and Public Life and would declare his two predecessors instituted worldwide by Pope John the David Potenziani Program in you supporting the seminarian fund. It’s greatly needed. saints at a single ceremony April 27. Paul. Since the beginning of his Constitutional Studies. Those two The pope made the announce- pontificate in March, Pope Francis programs were co-sponsors of the … Thanks for all you do.” Assembly 2035 is made up of ment Sept. 30 at the end of an “ordi- has emphasized God’s mercy and symposium, along with the Napa members from St. Thomas the Apostle and St. Vincent de nary public consistory,” a gathering readiness to forgive those who rec- Institute. Also sponsoring were of cardinals and promoters of the ognize their need for pardon. He told Notre Dame’s College of Arts Paul parishes in Elkhart, St. Mary in Bristol and St. John sainthood causes of the two late reporters on the flight from Brazil and Letters, Center for Ethics and the Evangelist in Goshen. popes. The consistory took place that Pope John Paul’s promotion of Culture and Henkles Lecture Fund. in the context of a prayer service in Divine Mercy Sunday showed his Latin and included the reading of intuition that a new “age of mercy” brief biographies of the two saint- was needed in the Church and the hood candidates. world. Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect Asked on the plane to describe of the Congregation for Saints’ the two late popes, Pope Francis Causes, read the biographies and said Blessed John was “a bit of the Redeemer Radio Fall Sharathon highlighted the “service to peace” ‘country priest,’ a priest who loves and the impact both popes had each of the faithful and knows how “inside and outside the Christian to care for them; he did this as a community” at times of great cul- bishop and as a nuncio.” tural, political and religious transfor- He was holy, patient, had a good mation. sense of humor and, especially by The testimonies of their lives, calling the Second Vatican Council, Wednesday – Friday “completely dedicated to proclaim- was a man of courage, Pope Francis ing the Gospel, shine in the Church said. “He was a man who let himself October 23 – October 25 and reverberate in the history of be guided by the Lord.” the world as examples of hope and As for Blessed John Paul, Pope 7 a.m. – 7p.m. light,” the cardinal said. Francis told the reporters on the Blessed John Paul, known as a plane, “I think of him as ‘the great globetrotter who made 104 trips out- missionary of the Church,” because Listen and pledge side Italy, served as pope from 1978 he was “a man who proclaimed the to 2005 and was beatified by Pope Gospel everywhere.” at RedeemerRadio.com Benedict XVI on Divine Mercy Pope Francis signed a decree AM 1450 Welcome Home Sunday, May 1, 2011. Blessed John recognizing the miracle needed for Call 260.436.1450 XXIII, known particularly for con- Blessed John Paul’s canonization voking the Second Vatican Council, July 5; the same day, the Vatican was pope from 1958 to 1963; announced that the pope had agreed Blessed John Paul beatified him in with members of the Congregation 2000. for Saints’ Causes that the canoniza- Asked by reporters if retired tion of Blessed John should go for- Pope Benedict would participate in ward even without a second miracle the canonization ceremony, Jesuit attributed to his intercession. Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican Except in the case of martyrdom, spokesman, told reporters it was Vatican rules require one miracle possible, but given the retired pope’s for a candidate’s beatification and a second for his or her canonization as AM1450AM 1450 • 89.9FM preference for staying out of the public eye, he could not say for sure. confirmations that the candidate real- Welcome Home The choice of April 27, which ly is in heaven with God. However, will be Divine Mercy Sunday in the pope may set aside the rule. 6 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC OctOber 6, 2013 St. Joseph, St. Catherine join ARISE BISHOP BLESSES EXPANSION, ROANOKE — “There is an RENOVATION OF APARTMENTS appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens” This verse from Ecclesiastes 3:1 certainly sums up the situation at St. Joseph in Roanoke and St. Catherine, Nix Settlement, when it comes to the ARISE Together In Christ process of spiritual forma- tion. Two years ago when Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades invited all par- ishes to learn about the program of spiritual and parish renewal, two parish representative were sent to the meeting. At that point the two parishes had several small-faith sharing groups that were meeting. After careful thought, discussion PROVIDED BY ST. JOSEPH, ROANOKE, AND ST. CATHERINE, NIX SETTLEMENT and prayer, the pastor and Parish St. Joseph, Roanoke, and St. Catherine, Nix Settlement, will be offering JOE ROMIE Life Committee decided that, ARISE, Together With Christ this fall. Early results and interest in the Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades uses holy water to bless the although the program sounded very faith-sharing process have shown to be very promising. Many parishes interesting, it just wasn’t for the across the diocese will begin the Season 3 process of spiritual renewal new dining room at the expanded and renovated Presence two small parishes at that time. The and evangelization this month. LaVerna Terrace apartments in Avilla. Presence execu- parishes didn’t think they had the necessary leadership and the people tives, local staff and residents, and the architect and gen- who would be interested were and how the sessions were enrich- was that the parishes were coming eral contractor gathered to celebrate the completion of the already in Bible study groups. ing their own faith. into something a year late. Last year when Father Dale Father Dale asked the commit- This fear was alleviated by two-year project on Sept 20. Bauman became tee to rethink the Dr. Laura Kolmar from Renew the pastor of situation. International, who explained that St. Joseph and This summer the topics were seasonal but not St. Catherine Parishioners could easily Father Dale, sequential. Parishioners could eas- parishes, he was being the ener- ily start with Season 3 and go for- surprised that the getic leader that ward from that point. parishes were start with Season Three he is, ordered The parish team worked dili- not part of the the coordina- gently through bulletin announce- ARISE program. and go forward tor’s manual ments, brochures, calls, talking to During the and asked Deb others and speakers to explain the winter, a couple Osterholt and program and process. of men asked from that point. Kay Schneider A neighboring parish, St. Father Dale why to read over the Aloysius, Yoder, sent people from they weren’t in materials and their team to speak at the Masses ARISE like other put together a before the first sign-up weekend. Parishioner: St. Joseph Hessen Cassel parishes were. parish team. Early results were very promising. They had friends This proved Apparently, the fall of 2013 is who were telling them how much to be much easier than anticipated. the appointed time for St. Joseph ♣ they enjoyed the group discussions The biggest concern for the team and St. Catherine parishes. Fiddler s Hearth 127 North Main Street, South Bend, Indiana Family-Friendly Public House


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Bishop Dwenger High service. Donations to the project th including materials are also wel- School announces 50 come. Victory Noll Center is located anniversary activities at 1900 W. Park Dr. in Huntington. For more information about the FORT WAYNE — Bishop ArOund the diOcese program or Victory Noll Center, Dwenger High School will be cel- contact the center at (260) 356-0628, ebrating its 50th anniversary dur- ext. 174, by e-mail at victorynoll- ing the 2013-2014 school year. [email protected], or visit www. Friends, alums and past and pres- olvm.org/vncenter. ent parents are welcome. Friday, ST. JOHN PASTOR WINS KISS THE PIG CONTEST Oct. 4, beginning at 5:30 p.m., a Mello awarded the pre-game Homecoming Tailgate Picnic and Fun at Zollner will German Embassy Teacher be held. Cost is $5 per person. of Excellence Award Tickets are available in advance at Bishop Dwenger’s office or SOUTH BEND call to reserve a spot. The Saints — The American vs. Indianapolis Cathedral game Council on kickoff is at 7 p.m. A 50th-year the Teaching fireworks display in the stadium of Foreign will follow the game. A post-game Languages has gathering will be held at Casa awarded Melanie Mello of Saint Ristoranti Italiano at 4111 Parnell MELANIE MELLO Ave. Joseph High Tuffy’s Birthday Carnival, fea- School, the turing the Bishop Dwenger All- German Embassy Alumni Band Concert and school Teacher of Excellence Award. This tours, will be held on Bishop prestigious award, created in 2008 by Dwenger’s front yard on Saturday, the German Embassy in Washington, Oct. 5, from 12-3 p.m. recognizes teachers who use modern The Hall of Fame Dinner and teaching methods, utilize the newest Ceremony will be held in the BDHS media in class and motivate their stu- gymnasium on Saturday, Oct. 5, at dents through a variety of techniques 6 p.m. Inductees are the follow- to gain a solid grasp of the German ing: Alumna of the Year — Diane language. Only three instructors in PROVIDED BY ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH, FORT WAYNE (Lynch) Hopen ’70; Athletics: the United States receive this award 1983 State Championship Football Sons of St. Philip Neri Father Daniel Whelan, pastor St. John the Baptist, Fort Wayne, won each year. Mello will be honored at the Team — Lauren Gant ’01; Visual the “kiss the pig” contest between Father Daniel and Amanda Jansen, principal of St. John and Performing Arts — Mitchell annual convention of the American McKinney ’85; and Citizens of the Baptist School, for selling the most tickets at St. John’s Parish fall festival held Sept. 14. Council on the Teaching of Foreign Two Worlds — Gene Andert. Languages in Florida later this fall. For reservations contact Molly In addition, she will take part in a (Flood) Schreck at mschrech@ two-week professional development bishop” session. Eight receive 2013 Spirit Fernando Torres Herrera, lay admin- course in Germany, offered by the bishopdwenger.com or (260) 496- Registration begins at 9 a.m. istrator, District of Chile (Santiago, 4775. of Holy Cross Award Chile). Goethe-Institut. While in Germany, with praise and worship, Mass at Mello will “experience the country 10 a.m., text the bishop at 11:15 anew, gaining fresh stimuli on teach- St. Anthony de Padua will a.m., lunch, breakout sessions, NOTRE DAME — To mark the solemnity of Our Lady of Elkhart County Senior ing techniques, culture and society host parish mission keynote at 3 p.m., MegaSessions, Sorrows and the German language” stated the Confessions at 5 p.m. and closing , on Sept. 15, and to honor Expo to be held Oct. 10 the patroness of the Congregation American Association of Teachers of SOUTH BEND — St. Anthony prayer and dismissal at 6 p.m. of Holy Cross, Holy Cross Father ELKHART — The fifth annual German website. de Padua, 2310 E. Jefferson Blvd., To register, visit http://faith- Thomas O’Hara, provincial supe- Elkhart County Senior Expo will “Receiving the award is a great in South Bend will host its par- fest2013.weebly.com and click on rior of the United States Province be held at Matterhorn Conference honor and opens the door for any of ish mission featuring a priest of the “register now.” of Priests and Brothers, has named Center, 2041 Cassopolis St. from a number of future projects,” Mello Congregation of the Priests of Mercy, eight recipients for the 2013 Spirit of 1-4 p.m. on Oct. 10. Sponsored by commented. Father Jewel Aytona, on Oct. 13-17. World Priest Day to be Holy Cross Award. Catholic Charities and the Retired Earlier this year, the Indiana Presentations include “God, The The award is given annually in Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Chapter of American Association of Father of Mercies,” “Eucharistic celebrated on Oct. 27 glorification of the Virgin Mother the expo will showcase local area Teachers of German named Mello King,” “Grace and Mercy,” “Our Worldwide Marriage Encounter is to lay collaborators who faithfully businesses that provide services the German Rising Star. She was Heavenly Mother,” and more. sponsoring World Priest Day on serve the Province in the United for seniors in the area, including chosen because of her support to Confessions and Adoration will the last Sunday in October, which States and abroad. The Spirit of Holy health experts, real estate profession- the teaching profession, her stu- begin at 6 p.m. with mission talks coincides with the Serra Club’s Cross Award recognizes lay collabo- als, investment opportunities, travel dents and colleagues in German, and at 7 p.m. Priesthood Sunday, Oct. 27. rators who devotedly work to make agencies and more. There will be a service to the AATG and IFLTA A special youth night for ages World Priest Day focuses on Blessed Basil Moreau’s vision and free health screening as well as door (Indiana Foreign Language Teachers 13-25 will also be held at St. Anthony celebrating the ongoing affirmation mission to “make God known, loved prizes. Admission and parking is Association). Mello has been a mem- de Padua on Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. in the of priests and building of relation- and served” a reality at the congrega- free. For more information contact ber of the Saint Joseph High School gym. The youth night will feature ships between couples and priests. tion’s education, parish and mission Josh Story at (574) 234-3111 or faculty for five years. Father Aytona, also known for his The mission and purpose of World apostolates. [email protected]. beatboxing and breakdancing, and Priest Day is to celebrate and affirm The 2013 recipients are: Donna faith and fellowship. Local man professes the men who commit their lives to Lamberti, controller, Provincial Victory Noll Center service the Lord and the Church through the Business Office (Notre Dame); solemn vows in the Faithfest youth rally sacrament of . Mary Pat Russ, physical therapist, project makes blankets, slated for Oct. 27 It is an opportunity for Catholic Holy Cross House (Notre Dame); hats for those in need Dominican order parishioners to thank, affirm and Marty Ogren, associate director of share their love and support for HUNTINGTON — Victory Noll WASHINGTON — Dominican WARSAW — Faithfest Diocesan warehouse, delivery and transporta- Brother Innocent Vincent Smith, the Youth Rally for all high school priests. On this day, or during the tion, University of Notre Dame; Al Center will once again host its week preceding or following it, “Matthew 25 Project” service son of Thomas and Marika Smith teens in the diocese will be held and Sue Corrado, Board of Regents of South Bend, is one of nine men Sunday, Oct. 27, at Lakeview Catholics across the country are (former chairman), alumnus and program to assist those in need in encouraged by the World Priest the local area. Volunteers to the who professed his solemn vows on Middle School, 848 E. Smith St., benefactors, University of Portland, Saturday, Aug. 10, at the Dominican in Warsaw. Day National Coordinating Team to Ore.; Kathy Barber, coordinator of program have produced hundreds develop activities to affirm priests. of no-sew blankets and hats over House of Studies in Washington. “Wayfarer Faithfest 2013” Campus Activities and Commuter Brother Innocent professed his will feature Mass with Bishop Visit wpd.wwme.org for activity Life, King’s College (Wilkes-Barre, the past two years that have been ideas. Pa.); donated to local service agencies for vows in the hands of Dominican Kevin C. Rhoades, Confession, Craig Binney, associate vice Father Darren Pierre, the vicar Adoration, music and prayer with For more information about president for finance and operations, distribution. Each Tuesday from 1-4 Worldwide Marriage Encounter or Stonehill College (Easton, Mass.); p.m. will be a “Matthew 25 Day” provincial, alongside Dominican hundreds of other teens from the Brothers Boniface Endorf, Cassian diocese, internationally-known World Priest Day call (800) 795- Dennis Roverato, retired office man- at the center, where anyone may speaker and comedian Mike Patin 5683 or www.wwme.org and wpd. ager and supervisor, Family Theater come to help create the blankets and and the always-popular “text the wwme.org. Productions (Hollywood, Calif.); hats and take part in fellowship and ATD, PAGE 9 8 TODAY’S CATHOLIC OctOber 6, 2013

Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (All Periodicals Publications Except Requester Publications) ST. CATHERINE HOSTS ECUMENICAL GATHERING 1. Publication Title 2. Publication Number 3. Filing Date Today’s Catholic newspaper 4 0_ 3 6 3 0 Oct. 1, 2013 4. Issue Frequency Published weekly, except the fourth Sunday of 5. Number of Issues Published Annually 6. Annual Subscription Price June; second and fourth Sundays of July and August; first, third $18 — residing outside 43 and fifth Sundays of September, last Sunday of December of the diocese 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication (Not printer) (Street, city, county, state, and ZIP+4®) Contact Person Timothy J. Johnson 915 S. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46802 or Telephone (Include area code) PO Box 11169, Fort Wayne, IN 46856-1169 260-456-2824 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher (Not printer) Publisher’s address: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46802

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CAT-105 Ad_2013_ENG_Spanish.indd 4 9/9/13 4:53 PM OctOber 6, 2013 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 9 Corps volunteer. Cap Corps is a Notre Dame to host university, which will commemo- Poor Handmaids of Jesus Franciscan Capuchin volunteer min- rate Francis’ impact on the world, ATD istry, geared to college-age students Rosary for Life Oct. 8 are sponsored by the Center for Christ celebrate 90 years CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 and graduates who wish to emulate Franciscan Life. the example of St. Francis of Assisi NOTRE DAME — The University The Transitus, a traditional DONALDSON — The Poor and serve the poor and disenfran- of Notre Dame’s Office of University Franciscan prayer service com- Handmaids of Jesus Christ invite Derbes, Charles Shonk, Vincent chised. Life Initiatives together with the memorating St. Francis’ pass- the public to join them in cel- Ferrer Bagan, Cajetan Cuddy, Powers is a 2011 graduate of the Office of the President will host the ing into heaven, will be held on ebrating 90 years in Donaldson. Clement Dickie, Philip Neri Jordan University of Notre Dame and will Rosary for Life on Tuesday, Oct. 8, Thursday, Oct. 3, at 7 p.m. in St. The event will be Sunday, Oct. Reese and John Baptist Hoang. be providing service to Milwaukee’s in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart Francis Chapel at the west end of 13, from 1-4 p.m. at The Center Through the profession of sol- Guest House and running the com- at the University of Notre Dame, Trinity Hall. Through readings, at Donaldson, 9601 Union Road, emn vows, Dominican friars commit munity garden from which the pro- beginning at 6:30 p.m. University of hymns and ritual, participants will Donaldson. themselves until death to the work of duce helps feed the homeless guests Notre Dame President, Holy Cross re-live the night of Francis’ pas- Learn about the history of the the Dominican order and the obser- staying at the center. Father John I. Jenkins, will lead the sage through death to eternal life. Poor Handmaids in Donaldson vance of the vows of obedience, pov- “I choose Cap Corps for a num- community in the sorrowful myster- In honor of St. Francis’ “birth and the impact the congre- erty and chastity. All nine brothers ber of reasons, primarily because ies of the rosary during the rosary into heaven,” Mass will be cel- gation has made during its 90 are continuing their preparation for a year of service is something I and respect life month. Students, fac- ebrated in St. Francis Chapel years in Marshall County. There ordination to the Priesthood. have wanted to pursue for some ulty and staff will accompany Father on Friday, Oct. 4, at 12:05 p.m. will be room displays depicting A son of Sacred Heart Parish time now,” Powers explains. “My Jenkins, reading Scripture passages University chaplain Father David life in 1923 at Convent Ancilla in Notre Dame, Brother Innocent parents learned so much from their and meditations before each decade Meinzen will be the celebrant, Domini. Guided tours will be attended St. Gregory’s Academy in year volunteering with the Jesuit of the rosary. and liturgical music will be pro- available at Lindenwood Retreat Elmhurst, Pa., and is an alumnus of Volunteer Corps. That organization The Office of University Life vided by members of USF Music and Conference Center, Ancilla the University of Notre Dame, where and Cap Corps share the four pillars: Initiatives is a collaborative effort Ministry and the Sisters of St. College, MoonTree Studios, he earned his bachelor’s degree in Community, service, simple living between the university’s Office of Francis of Perpetual Adoration. Catherine Kasper Home and Maria music and philosophy. Before enter- and spirituality. These are four strong the President and Institute for Church People of all faiths are invited Center, as well as in the beautiful ing the Dominicans in 2008, he values every Catholic can live by.” Life. The office seeks to integrate to join in this celebration of St. Gothic chapel. An old-fashioned worked as a cataloguer of rare books The Capuchins are an interna- principles of the Catholic teaching Francis’ life in word, song and ice cream social will be held at at Notre Dame Library, and served tional community of friars model- on the sanctity of life across all areas sacrament. Catherine Kasper Home. as director of the Notre Dame Schola ing themselves after St. Francis of of the university and collaborates A blessing of pets in honor Gregoriana. In addition, he worked Assisi. The brothers of the Capuchin with relevant education and research of St. Francis will take place on Correction of choir director as archivist of a private collection Province of St. Joseph, headquar- programs across all colleges to sup- Sunday, Oct. 6, at 6 p.m. in front of Irish Traditional Music record- tered in Detroit, serve in a variety port and enhance the university mis- of Brookside (former Bass man- In the Sept. 15, 2013 issue of Today’s ings in Chicago. Brother Innocent of ministries including social ser- sion and vision as a Catholic institu- sion) near the St. Francis statue. Catholic, the choir director prior to made his first profession of vows vice, schools, chaplaincy, retreat tion of higher education. Pets of all species are welcome, as Kathy Fredrickson was Dr. Michael at St. Gertrude Priory in Cincinnati houses and parishes in , For more information, visit lifein- are their owners. Ruhling, not Mike Rulli who was in 2009. Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, itiatives.nd.edu or contact Jessica All events are open to the pub- mentioned in the retirement story Montana, Arizona, California, Keating at [email protected]. lic without charge. University of Fredrickson. Ruhling has numer- Local man joins Franciscan Nicaragua and Panama. Established alumni, secular Franciscans and ous doctorates and is a professor at at Mt. Calvary, Wis., in 1857, there USF events honor St. Francis other Franciscan believers are Rochester (New York) Institute of Cap Corps are currently 174 members in the St. especially welcomed. Technology and an adjunct professor FORT WAYNE — The University at Eastman School. He earned his MILWAUKEE, Wis. — South Bend Joseph province. For more information, call of Saint Francis will celebrate the Sister Anita Holzmer, director of doctorate at The Catholic University resident Timothy Powers, son of feast of its patron saint, Francis and started the Maple City Chamber Gerard Powers and Therese Sullivan, the Center for Franciscan Life, at of Assisi, with three events on (260) 399-7700, ext. 6705. Orchestra in Goshen. has been commissioned as a Cap or near Oct. 4. The events at the DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA ‘ROCK’ CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY MEMBERS DISTRIBUTE COATS IN ELKHART, BRISTOL

PHOTO PROVIDED THE DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA CIRCLE NO. 434 The Daughters of Isabella Circle No. 434 held their first rock-a-thon on Sunday, Sept. 8, at St. Vincent de Paul in Elkhart and St. Mary of the Annunciation in Bristol to raise funds to assist their parish and people in need in their communities. The members asked for pledges from family and friends and rocked before and after the Sunday KAREN CLIFFORD Masses. The Daughters of Isabella is a charitable organi- South Bend Christ Child volunteer Kathleen Flynn Fox shows two sizes of coats for a cli- zation of Catholic women founded on the principle of its ent’s daughter. The South Bend Chapter of the Christ Child Society is a not-for-profit motto: “Unity, Friendship and Charity.” In the photo, par- association of volunteers dedicated to the personal service and clothing of all needy chil- ticipant Patti Roberts is shown in the rocking chair. dren and infants in the love and spirit of the Christ Child. 10 TODAY’S CATHOLIC OctOber 6, 2013

150th Jubilee 1863 2013 Celebrate with us! Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration

September 29, 2013 October 13, 2013

2 pm Holy Sacrifice of the mass 2 pm Holy Sacrifice of the mass Celebrant: Rev. Daniel Scheidt Celebrant: Most Rev. Kevin Rhoades Reception Following Reception Following

St. Francis Convent, Main Chapel University of Saint Francis, North Campus 1515 W. Dragoon Trail, Mishawaka, IN 46544 2702 Spring Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46808

Our Presence in the Diocese

St. Patrick School ...... Largo ...... 1889-1895 St. Therese School ...... Fort Wayne .....1957-1986 University of Saint Francis ...... Fort Wayne .....1890-present Bishop Luers High School...... Fort Wayne .....1958-1991 Holy Family School ...... Hartford City ..1909-1971 Queen of Peace School ...... Mishawaka ...... 1958-1970 St. Andrew School ...... Fort Wayne .....1911-1971 Marian High School...... Mishawaka ...... 1964-present St. John School ...... Goshen ...... 1917-1934 Primary Day School ...... South Bend ...... 1968-1985 St. Mary School ...... Huntington ...... 1921-2000 St. Anthony de Padua School ...... South Bend ...... 2009-present Sacred Heart School ...... South Bend ...... 1952-1960 Franciscan Alliance Corp. Office ...Mishawaka ...... 1974-present St. John the Baptist School ...... South Bend ...... 1956-1994

Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration www.ssfpa.org OctOber 6, 2013 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 11 Bishop Rhoades celebrates marriage at annual anniversary Mass


SOUTH BEND — Celebrating couples reaching milestone anniversaries in their marriage, the annual Anniversary Mass celebrated by Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades was held on Sunday, Sept. 22, at St. Matthew Cathedral in South Bend. Bishop Rhoades welcomed the couples and thanked them for their faithful witness to the Lord in the sacrament of Marriage. God established marriage as a special reflection of His love. Bishop Rhoades told the faithful in the homily, “Marriage based on exclusive JERRY KESSENS and definitive love (is) the icon Kenneth and Karen Amstutz, who are celebrating their 50th anniversary, (or image) of the relationship receive a blessing at the Fort Wayne Anniversary Mass celebrated at between God and His people…” the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on Sept. 15. Msgr. Robert (USCCB II). When we think of God’s love and Christian mari- Schulte, rector of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, was the tal love, we realize that it is not Mass celebrant. merely a sentiment or emotion. It involves both our intellect and our will. And it is some- thing that is never finished and complete. It grows and matures through life, through ups and downs, joys and sorrows. Our anniversary couples can testify to this. It involves sacrifice. We see this in Jesus and His Passion and crucifixion — the total gift of Jesus the Bridegroom to His Bride, the Church. It’s what Pope Benedict called ‘love in its KEVIN HAGGENJOS most radical form.’” Following the Anniversary Mass, Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades poses with St. Paul called upon hus- Stanley and Theresa Jozwiak, a couple from Christ the King Parish, South bands to love their wives as Bend, and celebrating 70 years of marriage. Bishop Rhoades celebrated Christ loved the Church — a wedding anniversary Mass for couples marking their 25th, 50th, 60th totally, unto death. th “This is what you who are and 70 wedding anniversaries at St. Matthew Cathedral in South Bend married promised when you on Sept. 22. exchanged your wedding vows: to love and honor each other “We pray for all our anniver- ers during the war and had even KEVIN HAGGENJOS until death do you part,” Bishop sary couples,” Bishop Rhoades been a prisoner. Under gov- The Anniversary Mass at St. Matthew Cathedral was followed by a recep- Rhoades said. “You pledged said, “that their love may con- ernment oppression and often tion for the couples and their families where Bishop Rhoades posed for your love and fidelity for as tinue to grow and that they may persecution of Christians, Lazlo photos with many of the couples. long as you live.” continue to cling to the uncon- and Clara dreamed of a better “This mutual married love ditional promise they made on life for their growing family. is an image of the absolute and their wedding days. May God Lazlo had several cousins in country to make a better life for been married for 10 years. unfailing love with which God ‘who is love’ abide always South Bend and they decided us, my brothers and sisters and I We have made it a tradition to loves mankind,” he said. “Of in your hearts! May the love to leave everything they had know how lucky we are to have come to this Mass every year. course, we know that because of Christ, present in the Holy ever known and migrate to the parents like them.” It reminds us of the strength of human sinfulness, our love is Eucharist, move all married United States. Lazlo and Clara have five we have in our marriage with never as pure and deep as God’s couples and all of us to ever “At the time the United children, 11 grandchildren, and Christ. It is also so inspiring to perfect love. Yet, with the help greater heights of love!” States government was eager to they recently all visited Prince see the couples here celebrating of God’s grace in the sacrament One couple celebrating a help people escape from com- Edward Island together to cel- real milestones in their lives.” of Marriage, you receive the special anniversary this year is munist rule,” said Lazlo. “If ebrate the couple’s anniversary. Tom and Theresa Byszewski strength and power to grow in Laszlo and Clara Kocsis. They you had a sponsor to help you, “It was a wonderful trip,” said were also celebrating their anni- love.” were married on Dec. 6, 1953 in like we did, it made the process Clara. “We are so blessed to versary. They were married 25 The Catechism of the Marqota, Hungary, and celebrat- go faster.” In fact the couple have such a wonderful family.” years ago at the Basilica of the Catholic Church teaches that ing their 60th anniversary. The and their two small children, The couple credits their long Sacred Heart at Notre Dame. couples receive grace from couple was married during com- Gabriella and Kinga spent a marriage to “our faith in God “The Mass was wonderful. It’s Marriage: “Christ dwells with munist rule in the small town month in Austria and Germany and our similar backgrounds. nice that our Church recognizes them, gives them the strength where Clara grew up. and then were able to come to We both grew up with the same the great achievement these to take up their crosses and so “At the time many couples the United States. faith and family values. We couples have made. It’s also follow Him, to rise again after didn’t want their names record- “What a surprise it was to are lucky and we have been nice to see so many couples they have fallen, to forgive one ed in the church marriage book arrive in an open society. It was blessed,” said Lazlo. here celebrating today,” said another, to bear one another’s for fear of repercussions from so different coming from a com- “It’s special to celebrate this Tom. burdens, to be subject to one the government. When the priest munist society. We arrived with anniversary,” Clara said. “We The Mass was followed by another out of reverence for asked my husband if he wanted the clothes on our backs and are happy to have our marriage a reception for the couples and Christ, and to love one another our names recorded, he gave two small bags for the children. blessed again at the special their families where Bishop with supernatural, tender and a resounding, ‘Yes, Father.’ I We were ready to start a new Mass.” Rhoades posed for photos with fruitful love.” knew that I had married a man life,” said Clara. Other couples in attendance many of the couples. Bishop Rhoades said, “The of principle,” said Clara. “It was a very brave thing shared the Kocsis family’s The Fort Wayne anniversary Mass is the perfect way to cel- The couple settled down and my parents did for our family,” views about the Mass. “What Mass was celebrated at the ebrate these wedding anniversa- began a family, but they feared said Gabriella, the couple’s old- a beautiful celebration of mar- Cathedral of the Immaculate ries because the Holy Eucharist for their safety. Lazlo had est daughter. “To leave all they riage,” said Elizabeth Stanson. Conception on Sept. 15. is the sacrament of love.” served with the freedom fight- knew behind to come to another “My husband Jeff and I have 12 TODAY’S CATHOLIC OctOber 6, 2013 O ne h undred F i F ty y e A rs

Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration stand in prayer during the 150th anniversary Mass on Sept. 17.

Sister M. Rose Agnes Pfautsch was the reader at the 150th anniversary Mass.

Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades is shown with Bishop Emeritus William L. Higi of Lafayette, Bishop Dale J. Melczek of Gary and Bishop Timothy L. Doherty of Lafayette. The Sisters provide the music at the 150th anniversary Mass. OctOber 6, 2013 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 13 O ne h undred F i F ty y e A rs

PHOTOS BY KEVIN HAGGENJOS Sister M. Dorothy Speckhals, provincial vicar, Sister M. Angela Mellady, provincial superior, Postulant Anna Hoeter pushing Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades celebrates the Mass that the wheelchair and Sister M. Alfreda Bracht, at 101 years old, present the offertory gifts to Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades at the honors the 150th anniversary of the Sisters of St. 150th celebration Mass of the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration. Francis of Perpetual Adoration.

of the Blessed Sacrament by so outstanding support of our priestly of the congregation,” she said. “I the jubilee of their community. many sisters these past 150 years,” vocation. This celebration is all was so impressed that the bishop “During this year of jubilee, we 150 YEARS Bishop Rhoades said. “We thank the about you. This is your day.” knew so much about Mother Maria have reflected on the many ways Lord today for the many blessings The celebration was attended by Theresia and her connection with God overwhelms us with His love. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 bestowed upon the Church these almost 100 of the 123 Sisters in the St. Francis. We are truly blessed to Mother Maria Theresia wanted us to past 150 years through the witness Mishawaka Province. A camera in have such a wonderful bishop to remember that we are God’s instru- and work of Christian charity of the the chapel allowed the sisters in the support us.” ments. All we do is for the greater the stigmata in terms of her life Sisters of St. Francis.” skilled nursing facility to participate The celebration was a joy- honor and glory of God, and He will proceeding or coming forth from Bishop Rhoades recalled the in the Mass from their rooms. ous event for all of the sisters. provide the grace for us to follow the wounds of St. Francis. … She history of the sisters in the United After Mass, the celebration con- “Everyone was involved in the plan- Him. Therefore, our motto for this embraced much suffering in her States. At the invitation of Bishop tinued at the Gillespie Center. Sister ning of the celebration. Some had jubilee year is: ‘With gratitude and own life, and like St. Francis, Joseph Dwenger, five sisters were Angela Mellady, mother superior particular tasks to do, while others in faith: He leads; I follow.’” with great faith she shared in the sent from Germany to the Diocese of the province, spoke to the almost doubled up with coverage of hours The jubilee year is especially suffering of Jesus for the salva- of Fort Wayne in 1875. Their mis- 400 people in attendance. She of Eucharistic Adoration or other rewarding for the sisters because tion of the world.” sion began with the care of the sick thanked Bishop Rhoades for cel- house duties and responsibilities and their founder Mother Maria Theresia Mother Maria Theresia felt a in Lafayette, at that time part of the ebrating the Mass for the sisters. supporting those directly involved is scheduled to be beatified in deep calling to live the Franciscan Diocese of Fort Wayne. “Bishop Rhoades has been a with their prayers,” said Sister Germany in November. Forty-eight rule, rather than the Augustinian rule “Though poor and with little faithful supporter of our mission,” Angela. of the sisters plan to attend the cer- that was begun three years earlier. knowledge of English, those first Sister Angela said. “I thank him “It was a beautiful celebration emony. The saintly bishop of Paderborn, missionary sisters trusted deeply for coming today to celebrate this today,” said Sister Mary Joseph. “It “What a special grace to have Conrad Martin, saw God’s hand in in Divine Providence and began special occasion with us.” She also is so nice to gather together all of us our beloved foundress, Mother Mother Maria Theresia’s vision and immediately their active apostolate thanked the bishops from Lafayette to celebrate.” Maria Theresia Bonzel, beatified thus proclaimed the Sisters of St. of charity: educating children and and Gary for attending. Many sisters from other areas during this jubilee year. We have Francis of Olpe, Germany, an inde- caring for the sick,” Bishop Rhoades Many sisters were touched by the joined the Sisters of St. Francis of tried to imbue ourselves more with pendent community and appointed explained. “With a great pioneer bishop’s homily. Perpetual Adoration for the anni- her spirit and charism during this Mother Maria Theresia the superior. spirit, the sisters, anchored always “The bishop’s homily was a versary Mass. Mother Ann Marie, special year, grateful for our voca- Mother Maria Theresia wrote in prayer and Eucharistic Adoration, highlight for me. Recovering from a Dominican Sister of St. Cecilia tion to the community which she in the original Constitution of the engaged in the active apostolate, a recent surgery we were so grate- from Nashville, Tenn., came to sup- founded,” said Sister Angela. Congregation, “After the example beginning in Lafayette teaching in ful he could be here. He always port the sisters. “What a wonderful The Sisters of Perpetual of Holy Father Francis, the sisters the German St. Boniface School and gives beautiful homilies, but this Mass — so festive and jubilant. It is Adoration hosted a community cele- shall endeavor to combine the con- opening their first hospital, named was exceptional. He has spent time a great celebration for our Church,” bration and reception in Mishawaka templative with the active,” Bishop in honor of the Franciscan saint, reading about the life and spirituality she said. “These sisters are blessed on Sept. 29 and will have their Fort Rhoades related. Elizabeth of Hungary.” of Mother Maria Theresia and he by God.” Wayne celebration on Sunday, The community life of the sisters Bishop Rhoades acknowledged helped us to gain a deeper apprecia- Other sisters shared Mother Ann Oct. 13, at the University of Saint is organized so that they can pray the support the sisters have given tion for the legacy she left to us,” Marie’s sentiments, including Sister Francis. In Fort Wayne, there will before the Holy Eucharist at Mass to the priestly vocation. “I have Sister Angela said. Felicity Dorsett, who said, “What a be a Mass at 2 p.m. at the North or in hourly rotations day and night. personally experienced this com- Sister Maria Faustina, who took blessing these sisters are to the com- Campus followed by a reception. “We cannot count or calculate munity’s beautiful support, love her first vows on Aug. 10, also munity of God. Today is a beautiful For more information about the the many graces bestowed upon this and prayers for priests. On behalf of commented on the words of Bishop celebration of their dedication.” Sisters of Perpetual Adoration visit congregation and upon the world all our priests, I thank you for your Rhoades. “What a beautiful history Sister Angela reflected on www.ssfpa.org. through the Perpetual Adoration 14 TODAY’S CATHOLIC OctOber 6, 2013 An invitation from Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades FATHER PACHOLCZYK SPEAKS AT ICF The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South DAYS FOR DIOCESAN SCHOOLS Bend Office of Evangelization and

Bishop Kevin Rhoades invites you to a: Special Ministries will offer a Day of Reflection for the Deaf on Saturday,  Oct 12, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the St. Vincent de Paul Spiritual  Center, 1502 East Wallen Road, Fort Wayne. Father Mike Depcik, from  the Archdiocese of Detroit, one of only 10 deaf Catholic priests in the  world, will offer inspirational talks, Confession and Mass - all in sign  language. Cost is $20, which in- cludes continental breakfast and Father Mike Depcik, one of only 10 Deaf Catholic priests in the world, will o er inspirational talks, Confession and Mass — all in sign language. Cost is $20, which includes continental lunch. Registration form and pay- breakfast and lunch. Registration form and payment deadline is TIM JOHNSON Oct. 7. This day of reection is for Deaf participants only. ment deadline is Oct. 7. Download registration form at www.diocese- Father Tad Pacholczyk from the National Catholic Bioethics O b fwsb.org/special-ministries. Center and columnist for Today’s Catholic was the keynote

For more information contact speaker at the 2013 Institute for Catechetical Formation This day of reflection is held Sept. 23 at Saint Joseph High School in South Bend for deaf participants only Jane Sandor at (260) 399-1450 or email [email protected] and Sept. 24 at Bishop Dwenger High School in Fort Wayne. Teachers from diocesan Catholic schools and RCIA directors attended the institute. Father Pacholcyzk, shown above at        the Fort Wayne day, spoke about beginning of life issues —        embryonic stem cells and in vitro fertilization — and end of life issues.    

DONNA QUINN Father Tad Pacholczyk spoke to the teachers and RCIA directors in the South Bend area on Sept. 23 at Saint Joseph High School. Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades celebrated the Mass for the New Evangelization in South Bend and Fort Wayne.          He told the teachers and educators of the diocese, “You are                   my partners in the great task of the New Evangelization here in our diocese as you assist in teaching our young people the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Gospel of Jesus Christ.” He added, “Your vocation is so very important for the lives of our children and young people. For our evangelization to be effective, our witness is even more important than our words. We aren’t just to communicate Partners in the work of the Spirit information about God. We are to communicate God, God    who is in our midst and present in our lives.” OctOber 6, 2013 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 15 Pope Francis emphasizes spreading the Gospel of Life in ‘context’

hearts of our younger citizens so as couple, you know that they have matter. For Christians, this begins simply resolving not to offend God BY FREDERICK W. EVERETT, JD to embrace a culture of life. little problem in finding the time with a firm resolution to accept the in serious matters. The next step So, what now? What is it that to communicate with each other. Lordship of Jesus Christ and to fol- is a firm resolution not to offend Pope Francis would have us do? If Especially with today’s technology, low His commandments as taught God in any matter regardless of the espect Life Month this we have properly diagnosed the ill- even if they cannot be together in by the Church. cost followed by the final step of October affords us an oppor- ness, we should be able to discern the same physical location, they Once a person has resolved to resolving to please Him in every tunity to reflect upon the what will best treat it. If we look will text, call, Skype and visit each put God first, that person is much matter despite any preferences to the Rpro-life movement in our country nationally at young adults who are other’s Facebook page ad infinitum, more open to learning about the contrary. At this stage, a person can along with the Church’s mission in in their early to mid-20s, a small and, even ad nauseam. If they are Gospel of Life and much more will- begin to sincerely say along with proclaiming, celebrating and serving minority of about 15 percent is apart and they decide, for example, ing to proclaim, celebrate and serve the saints that they would rather die the Gospel of Life — especially in strong in its faith and is trying to to Skype at a certain hour each day, it in his or her own life. This is the a thousand deaths, than do anything light of recent comments by Pope make a positive difference in our if they are truly smitten, this will “context” that Pope Francis believes to displease God. This is the type of Francis. In an interview recently culture. On the not be seen as will be the most fruitful. This does ardor, the type of passionate love of published in Jesuit journals around other hand, about some oppressive not mean that a person cannot be God that can begin to break through the world, the supreme pontiff used 40 percent of obligation. On convinced of the truth of the Gospel and destroy the secularism that is the image of a field hospital to con- their peers can be This New Evangelization the contrary, they of Life on its own terms without slowly choking our culture. vey what is primary in the Church’s described as reli- will look for- such a deep conversion of heart, What the pro-life movement New Evangelization: giously indiffer- must be perceived as ward to it. Such but, in my experience, such people most needs today are modern saints “The thing the Church needs ent, disconnected opportunities for will tend to be more intellectually who radiate the truth and love of most today is the ability to heal or hostile. Most communication minded than most. This does not God. Nothing else will do. With wounds and to warm the hearts of of the remain- something new and are the lifeblood mean that the Church should stop Pope Francis, let us all rededicate the faithful; it needs nearness, prox- ing 45 percent of any such rela- making its case from reason in the ourselves to this great mission of imity. I see the Church as a field say that they still inviting to all who have tionship for it to public square, but that the Church our times. hospital after battle. It is useless to believe in God, grow in ardor. must be careful in not letting this ask a seriously injured person if he but many really The same is true effort eclipse evangelizing others in has high cholesterol and about the do not know been wounded by our with setting aside the faith. Frederick W. Everett, JD, is the co- level of his blood sugars! You have Him. They might time each day for Once a person is on this tra- director of the Family Life Office to heal his wounds. Then we can think of Him as culture. It must be conversation with jectory of spiritual growth and of the Diocese of Fort Wayne- talk about everything else. Heal the a cosmic force, a the Lord. renewal, he or she goes beyond South Bend. wounds; heal the wounds. ... And distant Creator, Only a love you have to start from the ground a helper in times perceived as offering that is passion- “Even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn up.” of crisis or some ate will attract and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own Understanding what is really ail- form of karma. mercy and solidarity others to the image, destined to live for ever, and deserving of the utmost ing our culture must be the first step While this grow- truth. The main reverence and respect.” in effectively beginning to heal it. ing secularism is, work of the New ~ Pope Francis, for the occasion of the annual Day for Life Certainly the pro-life movement has of course, tragic, and not condemnation. Evangelization in Britain and Ireland, held on July, 2013 had many successes in saving hun- it also offers the is to manifest dreds of thousands — if not millions Catholic Church the loving face — of lives. Despite our successes an opportunity to of God to each in providing direct services through reach out anew person we excellent agencies such as the with the New Evangelization that encounter and to encourage people Women’s Care Center; despite the Blessed John Paul inaugurated and in their own relationship with God. passage of numerous state laws and that Pope Francis is now leading. This can only happen, though, if we regulations limiting the evil effects This New Evangelization must have an intimate relationship with of abortion; and despite the reduc- be perceived as something new Him ourselves. To have this, we tion in the numbers of abortion clin- and inviting to all who have been need to know Him and to love Him ics across the nation; there are still wounded by our culture. It must be passionately. As St. Teresa of Avila, over a million unborn children killed perceived as offering mercy and St. John of the Cross and other doc- each year in our country. In addi- solidarity and not condemnation. To tors of the Church have written, this tion, more states are either consider- be authentic and attractive to others, comes through an ever deepening ing or legalizing assisted suicide for the heart of this New Evangelization prayer life. patients — many of whom are often must be rooted in an intimate friend- It is the conviction of the Church suffering from depression. ship with Jesus Christ, encountered — a conviction upon which the It has become apparent that pass- daily in prayer and study. Getting to pro-life movement rests — that God ing laws that protect the life of every know Christ through the Scriptures, loves each human being — from the human being from conception until through the writings of the saints, unborn child to the sick and elderly death will not be possible unless through the sacraments of Eucharist — with a passion that far exceeds Saint Pius X Catholic Church ▪ Granger, Indiana ▪ stpius.net/respectlife we change the direction of our cul- and Penance, and through the daily that of lovers, spouses or parents. ture — a culture that continues to recitation of the rosary are all impor- However, for a friendship to form, yield to a growing and increasingly tant means of encountering Christ that love must be reciprocated — militant secularism. Only once the — but none of them can substitute even if it begins only as a small, culture begins to turn back to God for a daily period set aside for a tender shoot. What is this begin- will the political process become heart to heart conversation with the ning according to the doctors of less polarized and more open to a Lord. the Church? A friendship with God civil dialogue marked by truth and Let me illustrate this important begins with an acknowledgement of love. Only a new evangelization of point with an example. If you have His Lordship and the firm resolution Abortioncannot be our nation will be able to change the ever seen a newly smitten young not to offend Him in any serious a human right... it is the very opposite. -Cardinal Franz König

St. Joseph County Right to Life, Inc. 2004 Ironwood Circle, Suite 130 South Bend 46635 (574) 232-5433 [email protected]

16 TODAY’S CATHOLIC OctOber 6, 2013 St. Joseph Parish - Bluffton RESPECT LIFE May the example of “The gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus’ message...it is to be the patron of our parish, preached with dauntless fidelity; as a protector of as ‘good news’ to the people The Holy Infant, and of every age and culture.” -Pope John Paul II The Holy Family, advance the cause of Pro Life. St. Patrick Church ARCOLA

May Respect Life! Saint Aloysius Patron of Catholic Youth Intercede for Pro Life advocates and bring about increased understanding and respect for human life in all stages. St. Aloysius Parish YODER May our Respect Life prayers invite the Holy Spirit to visit those who mistakenly “You formed my inmost being; believe that their support you knit me in my of abortion is righteous. mother’s womb.” Psalm 119:13 Holy Family Parish St. John the Baptist South Bend New Haven, In

Praying For Life From Conception To Natural Death

St. John the Evangelist Parish - Goshen Before I formed Rev. Tony Steinacker, Pastor you in the womb St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish - Bristol I knew you. Rev. Robert Van Kempen, Pastor -Jeremiah 1:5- St. Thomas the Apostle Parish - Elkhart

Rev. Jason Freiburger, Pastor

St. Vincent de Paul Parish - Elkhart   Rev. Glenn Kohrman, Pastor                 OctOber 6, 2013 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 17 John Paul the Great and the Gospel of Life Since 1973, over 50 million babies have died by abortion. The Gospel of life is at the heart book, “Love and Responsibility.” body,” a primary purpose of which It’s time to stop the violence! of Jesus’ message. Many years later, the pope, who was to give a deeper and more beau- Pray to end abortion... Lovingly received day after day began World Youth Day, would tiful basis to the Church’s under- by the Church, it is to be preached articulate his conviction that help- standing of and evangelization about and begin emotional with dauntless fidelity as “good ing young people to understand the sexuality, including the moral norm and spiritual healing. news” to the people of every age link between love and life and sex is prohibiting contraception. Second, and culture. the irreplaceable foundation for the in 1980, he convened an interna- St. Mary of the Assumption The Gospel of God’s love for culture of life: tional synod of bishops on the fam- DECATUR man, the Gospel of the dignity of “It is an illusion to think that we ily. Third, in 1981, he inaugurated the person and the Gospel of life can build a true culture of human the Pontifical Council for the Family and St. Joseph School are a single and indivisible Gospel. life if we do not help the young to and, fourth, he authored the apos- — Blessed John Paul II accept and experience sexuality and tolic exhortation, “Familiaris con- love and the whole of life according sortio,” on the role of the Christian BY LISA EVERETT to their true meaning and their close family in the modern world. In this It was you who created interconnection. Sexuality, which document, he laid out a breathtaking enriches the whole person, manifests vision for the family as a commu- My inmost self, and put its inmost meaning in leading the nity of persons at the service of love s we look forward to the person to the gift of self in love. The and life. When presenting difficult Me together in my canonization of Blessed John trivialization of sexuality is among issues like contraception, he referred Mother’s womb, for all Paul II this coming spring, the principal factors which have led to the Church as both teacher and Ait seems fitting to consider what a to contempt for new life.” mother: These mysteries I thank you, debt we owe as a Church to this As bishop of Cracow, Karol “In the field of conjugal morality man whom the Holy Spirit placed Wojtyla was appointed as a member the Church is Teacher and Mother For the wonder of myself, for on the chair of Peter as a champion of the “birth control commission” and acts as such. As Teacher, she of human love and human life at a established by Pope John XXIII and never tires of proclaiming the The wonder of your works. critical time in history. expanded by Pope Paul VI. Since he moral norm that must guide the “As a young priest, I learned to was not allowed to leave communist responsible transmission of life. Psalm 139, 13 - 14 love human love,” Pope John Paul Poland to attend the meetings in The Church is in no way the author once reflected. He counted many Rome, Bishop Wojtyla participated or the arbiter of this norm. … As CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC COMMUNITY married couples among his friends, via written reflections, a stroke Mother, the Church is close to the and when he was appointed chap- of Providence, which gave him many married couples who find South Bend lain for the university students in enormous influence on the writing themselves in difficulty over this his diocese, he took small groups of “Humanae vitae,” the landmark important point of the moral life of young people camping among encyclical which reaffirmed the con- ... she knows that many couples the lakes and ski slopes of the Tatra stant teaching of the Church on the encounter difficulties not only in mountains. There was singing and responsible transmission of human the concrete fulfillment of the moral laughter but also serious conversa- life. norm but even in understanding its tion on what interested the students When he became pope in 1978, inherent values. But it is one and the Acknowledge most — relationships, marriage and Karol Wojtyla lost no time in the same Church that is both Teacher sex. Father Wojtyla listened sincere- making the pastoral care of mar- and Mother. And so the Church ly and spoke frankly, showing the riage and the family one of his main never ceases to exhort and encour- God’s Sovereignty young people what their dignity and priorities. In the first three years of age all to resolve whatever conjugal their Christian faith demanded. As his pontificate, in fact, he launched difficulties may arise without ever a professor of ethics at the Catholic five major initiatives regarding the falsifying or compromising the Over All Life-- University of Lublin in the 1960s, family. First, in September of 1979 truth: she is convinced that there can he delivered an eyebrow-raising he started his series of Wednesday be no true contradiction between the series of lectures on love, mar- audience catecheses that came to Respect and riage and sex that later became the be known as the “theology of the JOHN PAUL, PAGE 18 Defend Life! m


God, author of all life, bless, we pray, all unborn children give them constant protection and grant them a healthy birth that is the sign of our rebirth one day into the eternal rejoicing of heaven Life Adapted from the rite of blessing of a child in the womb

Blessed John Paul II - Evangelium Vitae Christ the King Catholic Church 52473 State Road 933 “is always a good. South Bend, Indiana 46637 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton This is an instinctiveFORT WAYNEperception and a fact of experience, and man is called to grasp the profound reason why this is so.” 18 TODAY’S CATHOLIC OctOber 6, 2013

lishment in Rome of a Pontifical repeated his conviction that the every household and I pray that at with God’s plan, the ‘sanctuary of Institute for Studies on Marriage future of humanity passes by every level a general commitment to life.’” JOHN PAUL and the Family when the would-be way of the family. In his “Letter support the family will reappear and CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 assassin struck. Months later, the to Families” to mark the United be strengthened, so that today too Holy Father entrusted the Institute to Nations Year of the Family in 1994, — even amid so many difficulties Lisa Everett is co-director of the Family Our Lady of Fatima, who he cred- he wrote that “the family is placed and serious threats — the family Life Office of the Diocese of Fort divine law on transmitting life and ited with saving his life that day. at the centre of the great struggle will always remain, in accordance Wayne-South Bend. that on fostering authentic married Many years later, in 1994, when the between good and evil, between life love.” Later on he would reflect that Holy See was battling to keep con- and death, between love and all that the motherly love of the Church traception and abortion from being is opposed to love.” He took up this consists in being close to people and defined as universal human rights theme again the following year in all that happens to them, bringing by the United Nations, Pope John his encyclical “Evangelium Vitae,” their human needs within the radius Paul connected the attack on his life the “Gospel of Life,” calling upon I like it here. of Christ’s saving power, as did Our with the attack on the family: the family to become “the ‘sanctu- Lady at the wedding at Cana. There, “I understand that I have to ary of life,’ the place in which life Thanks for Mary, the model of the Church, lead Christ’s Church into the Third — the gift of God — can be prop- inviting me! acted as both mother and teacher, Millennium through prayer, by erly welcomed and protected against noticing the need of the newlyweds various programs. But I saw that the many attacks to which it is and interceding with her Son, but this is not enough, she must be led exposed, and can develop in accor- also giving a clear directive to the by suffering, by the attack 13 years dance with what constitutes authen- servants, “Do whatever He tells ago. The Pope has to be attacked. tic human growth. Consequently you.” Why now? Why in the Year of the the role of the family in building a It was to Our Lady, in fact, that Family? Precisely because the fam- culture of life is decisive and irre- John Paul the Great entrusted the ily is threatened, the family is under placeable.” cause of life, and it was on one of attack. The Pope has to suffer, be During Respect Life month, her feast days that he planned to attacked, so that every family may as the Year of Faith draws to a announce his fifth major initiative see that there is a higher Gospel, the close, let us take to heart the appeal for the family. He was on his way Gospel of suffering by which the addressed to each of us by soon-to- to the Wednesday audience on May future is prepared. …” be-saint John Paul the Great: 13, 1981 to announce the estab- Blessed John Paul II often “I look with renewed confidence to St. Michael Parish PLYMOUTH

Respect for life God’s greatest gift of all requires that science and technology O should always be at the service of St. Bavo Parish man and his integral development. Respect Life! MISHAWAKA Society as a whole must respect,

defend and promote the dignity Our parish is dedicated to of every human person, at The Mother of Our Saviour The Star of Hope every moment and in every The Comfort of the Afflicted condition of that person’s life.

And the one chosen to guide us through JOHN PAUL II, Evangelium Vitae the sorrows of life, including the agony brought about by abortion. Sacred Heart Basilica Queen of Peace, be with us. NOTRE DAME Saint Mary Parish - Huntington OctOber 6, 2013 COMMENTARY 19 My other brothers Life Matters: each occurrence. The “cycle” hen David and I got They are bold. I am subtle. They BY FRANK J. MONCHER begins with a “set-up” phase: The married, I inherited know everything about sports. I’m abuser creates a situation in which Wsomething I had never more academic. And they do some the victim has no choice but to had before … three older brothers. things that I would, um, never do. EVERYDAY Domestic violence react in a way that, in the abuser’s Growing up as the firstborn in a But I love them. mind, justifies the abuse. After family of what would become 13 Over the years, my Other CATHOLIC omestic violence is a hid- the violence, the abuser may fear children, I had plenty of experi- Brothers’ care and protection has den scourge on our families being held accountable, and so may ence “setting the example,” “going been a tremendous blessing in my Dand communities. Those apologize or make excuses for his who are victimized often keep it a first,” “trying it before others” and life. THERESA A. THOMAS or her behavior, pledge to never other oldest-child phenomena, but In 2005, Big Brother No. 2 (the private matter for various reasons: do it again, or use gifts as a way of no experience of gleaning from doctor — surgeon actually) person- fear, shame, well-intended efforts to coping with guilt or preventing the the knowledge of older siblings or preserve the family. Aggressors, if victim from telling. Next, however, ally (with my permission) found easy telling us that I had cancer. enjoying the protection of them. they even recognize their problem, the abuser may excuse the incident out the results of a biopsy I had, This Other Brother could have When I got married, I didn’t real- are not likely to have it addressed. as the victim’s fault, or resume “life and came to my home to deliver sloughed off the chore on someone ize it at the time, but those unique Yet it touches many, and knows as usual” as if nothing happened. the difficult news himself — the else (namely my own doctor), but blessings of having older brothers no boundaries of race, social class, The abuser expects that the victim news that I had cancer. He tried he came anyway, thinking of us, would follow me throughout the ethnicity, creed or age (most victims will participate in the cover-up. to soften the blow by bringing a not himself. During the weeks fol- years. are first abused as teens). Statistics Finally, the abuser thinks about the bag of delicious bagels, (which I lowing my diagnosis, he set me up My “Other Brothers” as I call suggest one in four women experi- past and the future in a manner that wanted to throw at him viciously with the best oncologist around, them, are a varied bunch — a doc- ence domestic violence in their life- drives the abuser to mentally “set once I heard what he had to say). and helped me navigate the fright- tor, a businessman, a golf profes- time, and three in four Americans up” the next episode of violence. Like any brother, however, he took ening tests, meetings and descrip- sional. They are about as different are reported to know a victim, my panicked reaction on the chin tions of my chemotherapy options. in personality from me as toucans though most episodes are not report- and didn’t take it personally. He expedited my treatment, as The role of friends and are from field sparrows. They are In retrospect I can’t believe he ed to the authorities. Although the consummate colorful extroverts. broke the news to my husband and majority of victims are female, an extended family I’m a cozy-ish friendly introvert. me himself. It couldn’t have been EVERYDAY, PAGE 20 estimated 15 percent are males. Domestic violence and Although this problem tends emotional abuse are typically used to be hidden, friends, colleagues, together in a relationship to control and extended family can play a Resolve to follow Christ the victim. Persons may be married, critical role in fostering peace. living together or dating. Examples Victims generally ask for help only when the risk of violence reading. In this letter, the Apostle of emotional abuse include name- Reflection calling, putdowns, restricting contact increases. An important step to help THE Paul reminds Timothy of the in preventing or stopping violence strength available to him as For weeks, through Scriptures with family or friends, withholding money, preventing a partner from is recognizing certain risk factors a bishop. Indeed, the reading read at Mass, the Church such as jealousy, hypersensitivity SUNDAY refers to the ancient gesture of has been summoning us to working, actual or threatened physical harm (hitting, pushing, and possessiveness, or controlling, laying on hands, on the head of discipleship. It has been no explosive or threatening behaviors. GOSPEL the candidate, still an essential call to drift along the primrose shoving), sexual assault, stalking and intimidation. In “The Gospel If you believe someone you know MSGR. OWEN F. CAMPION and primary act in the ordaining path. It has not exalted human may be in a troubled situation, you of deacons, priests and bishops, nature above and beyond what of Life” Blessed John Paul II highlighted the gravity of the issue: should call a hotline number for not only for Roman Catholics, human nature is in fact. Rather, assistance, or encourage the person but also for Episcopalians and it has been frank, even somberly “At the root of every act of violence against one’s neighbor there is a to do so themselves (911), the local 27th Sunday Orthodox. warning at times. hotline, or the National Domestic Furthermore, Timothy is This is the background concession to the ‘thinking’ of the evil one, the one who ‘was Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233/ in Ordinary Time instructed not to preach his own from which these readings TTY (800) 787-3224). Research mind, but instead to preach the appear. Taken together, they are a murderer from the beginning’ Lk 17:5-10 (Jn 8:44).” He also outlined the shows that accessing domestic Gospel of Christ. instructive, alerting us to dangers. violence shelter resources reduces his weekend’s first read- St. Luke’s Gospel is the source They also console us with importance of the family as the primary community of life and the incidence and severity of future ing is from the Book of of the third reading. This Gospel assurances of hope and of life. violence substantially. When Habakkuk, by comparison was read during the liturgies of Each sincere follower of Jesus love in which children are nurtured. T How vital it is, then, to understand recovering from abuse, victims need among the prophets a short work, recently preceding weekends. must see herself or himself as the how to keep family members safe guidance in planning for their safety. including only three chapters. In Therefore, what has already been servant mentioned this weekend Consultation with legal advisors some cases, little is known about heard in these earlier readings in Luke’s Gospel. As sinning so from violence in their homes, and how to heal and reunite families can help them to understand how to the author of a given book. forms an umbrella over what is well demonstrates, we are not as report and ask for further protection. In this case, the prophet read this weekend. successful in finding heaven as where violence has occurred, when possible. In sum, the gravity and difficulty identifies himself by name (Hab The overall theme is that we might think we are. We need for families touched by domestic 1:1, 3:1). However, this hardly following Jesus requires strong God to show the way. violence is severe. stills all other questions. Who determination and much faith. Habakkuk lets us know The person being harmed Although the struggle toward was Habukkak? The Lord has many disciples who that there are many detours Persons experiencing domestic healing and recovery can be Some experts believe stumble and fall. It is a world of and obstacles lying before us. difficult, our faith gives us reason Habakkuk was a prophet sin and selfishness. Temptations violence are often termed “victims,” However, God will help us, if or if the situation has resolved, for hope. On the World Day of associated with the temple in are rampant. Most critically, God, we allow it. We allow this help Peace in 1997, Blessed John Jerusalem. When did he write? in Jesus, always forgives those “survivors,” but it is most important to come by being firm in our to recall they are children of God, Paul II focused on this theme, as The most accepted opinion is sinners who earnestly repent. resolve to follow Christ. demanding as it is vital: “Offer that Habakkuk wrote this work in Into this scene comes this with inherent dignity and deserving our love and respect. This is forgiveness and receive peace. … the latter part of the 7th century weekend’s reading. As have been I know well that it is hard, and B.C. At the time, the struggles the other recent Gospel readings, especially true because as abused persons they are often plagued sometimes even appears to be among the great powers of the this passage is a parable. impossible to forgive, but it is the Middle East were numerous and Scholars cannot agree on by feelings of shame, fear and READINGS depression and have lost sight of only way, because all revenge and intense, and the small Jewish the term used to describe the all violence give rise to further community was threatened in the servant. Is he “worthless,” or Sunday: Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4 Ps 95:1-2, the essential fact of their dignity 6-9 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14 Lk 17:5-10 and worthiness to be loved. At revenge and violence. It is certainly accompanying clash. “useless,” or “unprofitable,” or less difficult to forgive when one is It is not hard to imagine fear “unproductive.”? One ancient Monday: Jon 1:1-2:2, 11 (Ps) Jon times they may also make decisions that cause an observer (family aware that God never tires of loving and anxiety among the people Greek text has “owing nothing.” 2:2-5, 8 Lk 10:25-37 and forgiving us. … Let us never of God, and desperation and It is clear, however, that the member or friend) to question their Tuesday: Jon 3:1-10 Ps 130:1-4ab, judgment, or become frustrated with forget that everything passes, and confusion easily led them away servant is not so worthless as to 7-8 Lk 10:38-42 only the eternal can fill the heart.” from strict obedience to God. be beyond God’s love. them for remaining in what seems Wednesday: Jon 4:1-11 Ps 86:3-6, to be an obviously dangerous or Like the other prophets, Also clear is that the master in 9-10 Lk 11:1-4 Habakkuk appealed to his no way relies upon the servant. hopeless situation. Thursday: Mal 3:13-20b Ps 1:1-4, 6 contemporaries to call to God Still, the context is that the It is commonly accepted that Lk 11:5-13 domestic violence is rarely an for protection in the uncertain servant is kept, not discharged. Frank J. Moncher, PhD, is a licensed international situation. The Indeed, the relationship between Friday: Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2 Ps 9:2-3, 6, isolated incident, but is a pattern of behavior aimed at establishing and psychologist of the Catholic prophet insists, however, that the the servant and master is such 8-9, 16 Lk 11:15-26 Diocese of Arlington, Va., and “just” will survive. that the servant assumes to have a Saturday: Jl 4:12-21 Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, maintaining power and control over another. The pattern is typically managing director of Integration Paul’s second Epistle to place at the master’s table. 11-12 Lk 11:27-28 and Training, Catholic Charities Timothy gives us the second described as a “cycle of violence,” and the seriousness escalates with Diocese of Arlington. 20 COMMENTARY OctOber 6, 2013 Where the 20th century happened SCRIPTURE SEARCH his past August, while the spread of the Divine Mercy contemplating the beauties devotion throughout the world. Gospel for October 6, 2013 Tof the Ottawa River from And finally, that man, now the THE Luke 17:5-10 the deck of my family’s cot- Bishop of Rome, celebrated the tage on Allumette Island, Father canonization Mass at which Sister CATHOLIC Following is a word search based on the Gospel Raymond de Souza, the Canadian Faustina Kowalska was pro- reading for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle commentator and a former- claimed the first saint of the third DIFFERENCE C: a lesson about faith and obedience. The words can student-become-friend-and- millennium. be found in all directions in the puzzle. colleague, offered an interesting The 20th century happened in GEORGE WEIGEL take on World Youth Day 2016, Cracow. And the answer to the APOSTLE SAID TO INCREASE which will be held in Cracow. 20th century was given there, too. When you think about it, he said, OUR FAITH MUSTARD SEED TREE th Prior to Faustina’s canoniza- ROOTED PLANTED THE SEA “the 20 century happened in tion, some grumbled that John and chronicler put it in his 1983 Cracow.” WOULD OBEY YOU SERVANT PLOWING Paul II was privileging a unique, Templeton Prize lecture) men and SHEEP FIELD COME I think I know what Father Polish experience of Catholic women had forgotten God: “The TABLE I EAT DRINK de Souza meant. Cracow and its piety by putting the Divine Mercy failings of human consciousness, HE DID COMMANDED DONE people suffered terribly under at the center of the Great Jubilee deprived of its divine dimen- both Nazi and communist occu- of 2000. That didn’t strike me as sion, have been a determining pation; the murders at Auschwitz very persuasive then. And in light factor in all the major crimes of took place a few dozen kilome- of Father de Souza’s insightful this century.” French theologian OBLIGATION ters away; the city-without-God, observation about the singular Henri de Lubac made a similar Nowa Huta, was built outside way that Cracow embodies the point in “The Drama of Atheist SDDEDNAMMOCU th th Cracow, as payback for the city’s 20 century, it doesn’t strike me Humanism”: the 20 century EESAERCN I OOD failure to vote correctly in a as very persuasive now. proved that men and women bogus communist election. Yet John Paul II had a keen insight could indeed organize the world L TROOTEDMYME the bad news was not all the news into the way in which the two without God; but without God, TNDVANANYEEE there was, in Cracow. For in this totalitarianisms of the 20th cen- they could only organize it same city, the divine answer to tury had shredded the moral and against each other. SA I LAEREEDHS the unprecedented human wick- spiritual fabric of humanity. The John Paul II knew all of this. OLDLSNBRET JD edness of the 20th century was Gulag and the Nazi death camps; That is why he wanted to “uni- given, in the visions of the Divine the Ukrainian terror famine, the versalize” the message of the PPEEDOTD I ASR Mercy that seized the religious genocide of the Chinese “cultural Divine Mercy that had been given ADHLDDEAOESA imagination of an obscure Polish revolution,” the Cambodian geno- in Cracow as the answer to the nun, Sister Faustina Kowalska. cide — all of this, and more, had anguish and despair caused by the OTELWKFGB I HT st And it was from Cracow that left 21 -century humanity with horrors of the 20th century. The I I UFDR I NKLES there came a man who brought a terrible burden of guilt. And to God of the Bible, a God of infi- Sister Faustina’s message of whom could those terrible crimes nite mercy, was the One to whom FONHUCHOCHEU Divine Mercy to the world. be confessed: those sins that had the burden of the 20th century WPLOWI NGHOPM When he was a young adult, made an abattoir out of a century could be brought for expiation. that man often walked past Sister imagined, at its outset, to be one Keeping all this in mind would © 2013 Tri-C-A Publications www.tri-c-a-publications.com Faustina’s convent in freezing of unlimited human progress? help the planners of World Youth winter weather, clad only in clogs How could the guilt piled up by Day 2016 give that gathering a and denims, to his work as a of so many crimes be expiated? particular focus and resonance. manual laborer. When he became According to Aleksandr  48 Truck a bishop two decades later, he Solzhenitsyn, another man who he 49 Tails  took up Sister Faustina’s cause read history through Slavic cul- 50 Ash weekday and helped clarify misunderstand- tural lenses, the unique horrors of George Weigel is Distinguished Senior ross ord 51 Adam’s wife ings in Rome about the nun’s the 20th century had taken place Fellow of the Ethics and Public  52 Sticky ooze 123 4 56 7 89 spiritual diary that were impeding because (as the Russian novelist Policy Center in Washington, D.C. 10 11 12 13  together growing up. “Frick and benefits to each. 14 15 16 1 Samson had a Frack,” you might say. They have • You will journey through life 17 18 19 the same high school friends. together, through ups and downs, mighty one EVERYDAY 20 21 22 2 Spring CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19 They finish each other’s sentences. through births and deaths. 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 “Only ____ Son” Once, we were playing Pictionary A biological brother becomes 4 Middle and my husband had only drawn one by chance. An Other Brother 29 30 31 5 Fish eggs best as he could. He encouraged one line and a curve, when my becomes one by choice — you 32 33 34 35 6 Enduring hardship me and called or showed up at my Other Brother jumped up, guessing pick your spouse and he’s sim- 7 Religious faction 36 37 chemo appointments to check up. I the answer correctly, “Den! It’s a ply part of the package. I think 8 “Make straight felt safe in that fraternal care. lion’s den!” he yelled. They think God orchestrates this all a little 38 39 40 41 his ___”

Brother No. 1 (the business- this way, you see, as if their minds bit. He knows how we need to 42 43 44 45 46 9 Advertisements man) is a fast talker. He’s what were connected, because I think in love and grow and be challenged. 11 Spring flower business writers call a “connector.” some way they are. The two will And He knows when we need to 47 48 49 13 Descendant He networks. He juggles. He’s up often talk on the car phone all the be looked out for and protected. 50 51 52 16 Songbird at 4:30 a.m. doing entrepreneurial way into work, which takes 30 And for these reasons and many 18 Rate of speed © 2013 www.tri-c-a-publications.com 21 Successful activities and is always busy with minutes. When I want to talk poli- more, that’s why he gives us Other Based on these readings: Hab 1:2-3; 2:2-4; 2 Tim something — reading, network- tics, I’ll bring it up with this Other Brothers. 1:6-8, 13-24; Lk 17:5-10 and 2 Tim 2:8-13; Lk 17:11-19 23 Slice of butter ing, playing handball at lunch. Brother, whom I’ve grown close to “Let brotherly love continue.” 24 Sorbet He’s got crazy ideas, one of which too. He mostly shares my political (Heb 13:1)  25 Kimono sash was to fly our entire family out opinions, but is fiercer in express- “ … a brother is born for adver- 26 Atmosphere 26 Coming together to California to visit his son (our ing it. When we don’t agree, we’ll sity. (Prov 17:17) 1 Loose gown worn 29 Expert 27 Business title ending nephew) and David’s and my son, argue — just like I will with my “ … he who does not love his at mass 30 National police 28 Regret who were working there. This biological brothers. brother whom he has seen cannot 4 Mr.’s wife 31 African antelope 33 “___ of Ages” 34 Craze Other Brother bought our tickets The attributes of Other Brothers love God whom he has not seen. (1 7 Hotel 32 # of Commandments 10 Rotate 33 Support 35 Type of oil for Chrism — researched to find the nicest are much like the attributes of bio- Jn 4:20 ) 36 To be faithless hotel, then followed through. That logical brothers: 12 Note of debt 36 Doctor (slang) 13 Christ is, of 37 Wind 38 Canal trip was wonderful bonding and • They tease. 39 Domine fun for our family. “Can I get you the Church 38 Those chosen • They offer strong opinions. 40 “If we have — 41 Extinct bird anything?” and “Do you need any- • They open doors for you and 14 The Three Kings 15 Averts with him.” 42 Crow’s cry thing?” was the standard question offer you drinks when you are in 42 Newscaster 43 23rd letter of to me while we were there. What a Theresa Thomas 17 U.S. President “JKP” social situations with them. is the wife of 19 Religious belief Walter ___ Hebrew alphabet blessing to experience this thought- • You can commiserate togeth- David and mother of nine chil- 20 Video 45 Stringed instrument 44 Compass point fulness. er. dren. Watch for her newest book 22 Sin 47 Light 46 London Symphony Brother No. 3 (the golf pro) • You learn from each other. “Big Hearted Families” (Scepter) 23 Devil carries Orchestra is only a year apart from my • They will stick up for you or and read more on her blog: http:// husband. The two shared rooms they’ll challenge you. There are theresathomas.wordpress.com/ Answer Key can be found on page 23 OctOber 6, 2013 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 21

PETERS, DWENGER ALUM, NAMED GIRLS’ SOFTBALL COACH Bishop Dwenger High School, Fort Wayne, has named Beth Peters as the new girls’ softball head coach. She is a Bishop Dwenger High School English teacher. A graduate of Bishop Luers High School and St. Joseph’s College, Peters began coaching at Bishop Dwenger as assistant coach and pitching coach for eight years (2003-2010). From 2010 to present, Peters has been the vice president of Athletics at Queen of Angels School, Fort Sports Wayne, and volunteer softball coach for grades 5-8 Precious Blood/Queen of Angels softball team. Mishawaka Saints vs. the Crusaders SAINT JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL SCORES The Crusaders would not have Sutton found receiver Terry for a SOCCER MATCH BY JOE KOZINSKI the same fortunes as their counter- first down and then another comple- parts on their opening drive. The tion to Nate Barnes followed by a stingy Saint defense stuffed running huge 15-yard jaunt by West. The SOUTH BEND — Coaching back Hunter West and gave fits to yellow linen of the umpire brought rivals for almost two decades, quarterback Sutton forcing the Holy the biggest gain of the contest back John Krzyzewski and Toni Violi, Cross-Christ the King squad to punt for holding. On the very next snap, prepared their teams for a show- after only three plays. the Saints’ Edgar Moralis picked off down at Father Bly Field at Saint The big question would be if an errant throw and raced down to Joseph High School as the unde- the Crusaders could stop the inside the six. feated Mishawaka Catholic Saints power game of the Saints. The Keultjes plunged in from the one squared off against the Crusaders answer would be yes as a wall giving the Saints an 18-0 lead as the of Holy Cross-Christ the King. of black stuffed the Mishawaka third quarter expired. Battles in the past have had Catholic march on consecutive The courageous Crusaders never grave implications in determin- plays at the 10-yard line to take over gave up as Sutton called his own ing regular-season champions and on downs. number at the one and sliced over playoff byes. This matchup would The Crusader offense started to the goal line. West’s points after be yet another footnote in the long chip away at the purple mountain kick was true making the margin line of players that have donned with first down runs by West. But 18-8 with just under three minutes the majestic purple and gold of the the Holy Cross-Christ the King left. Saints and the bold black and white campaign would be cut short after An on sides kick recovery by of the Crusaders. an incomplete pass, giving the the Crusaders was short lived as The Saints would boast a bruis- Saints the ball around midfield with the Saint defense denied the come- ing line and a couple of big backs, a mere 1:01 left in the half. back attempt and secured the game while the Crusaders would pin their That miniscule amount of time and the inside track as the league PHOTO BY PAUL TINCHER hopes on a fine running and the arm proved to be too many tics as champs. Saint Joseph High School soccer team beat Marian, 2-0, in of quarterback Drew Sutton. Cataldo burst for a big hitter and “We didn’t do a good job of Mishawaka Catholic, deter- then Keultjes weaved through heavy tackling today. He made contact in a soccer game held Wednesday, Sept. 18, at St. Patrick’s mined to enforce their will on the traffic and crossed the goal line the backfield and didn’t wrap up,” Park in South Bend. Goals were scored in the second half Crusaders, stubbornly handed the with under 20 seconds left in the assessed Krzyzewski. “The Inter- ball to their fullback John Catado half, giving the Saints a 12-0 lead at City Catholic League competition by Josh Kachmarik and Cole Nowicki of Saint Joseph. and talented tailback Julian Keultjes intermission. comes down to a couple of plays Pictured are Saint Joseph’s Giovanni Castaneda, No. 18, and ran right between the tackles The Crusaders started the half by daring the Crusader corps to stop and Zach Combs, No. 6, of Marian High School. going to their fluent back — West ICCL, PAGE 22 them. — but to no avail, again punting. The opening 59-yard drive was Ben Terry’s kick fortunately rolled capped as Saint quarterback Cam to the Saint 12 backing up the Rafinski nestled the ball in the belly purple swarm. of Keultjes and let the fleet of foot A 30-yard run by Keultjes got Considering your burial needs now do the rest as he scampered for the the Saints out of the shadows of the final six yards to paydirt. The points goal posts but a big stop by Crusader will save your loved ones from after kick was no good, giving the Vincent Gutermuth stalled the drive Saints a 6-point margin late in the and shifted the “mighty mo.” making those difficult decisions. first quarter. The Crusaders started rolling as

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22 TODAY’S CATHOLIC OctOber 6, 2013 CYO football in review ICCL CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN scored the winning points on a 5-yard quarterback run. Dominic Annual Easley and Chase Roffelson led and today we had our 30-yard mis- FORT WAYNE — Fans got their the Eagles in the trenches. take on the hold that changed the money’s worth Saturday night, “There were tons of penalties complexion of the game. If we limit Sept. 21, at Luers Field, watching and mistakes that we need to fix our mistakes we can be a very good the Jerry Bowl game under the from the game, so we’ll grab our football team.” Bishop’s lights. The annual contest is dedi- lunch pails and hard hats and “Coach Krzyzewski’s teams are cated to the memory of longtime get back to work,” Carroll sum- always well prepared, I was very coach Jerry Krouse. marized. happy with the way our defense The St. John the Baptist, On Sunday, St. Charles improved played,” commented Violi. “We Fort Wayne/St. Joseph-Hessen to 3-2 with a 36-14 win over St. Jude. have a big week ahead and will be Cassel (SJFW) Eagles held on Eddie Morris was 7-10 for 133 yards focusing on limiting our mistakes Appeal to beat a hard-hitting St. Joseph/ and two touchdown tosses to Bradley and getting back to fundamentals.” St. Elizabeth/St. Aloysius/St. Black and Collin Reed. T.J. Tippmann In other ICCL action, the Therese (JAT) squad, 19-12, tak- and Will Nelson added rushing Panthers of St. Anthony also ing the final lead with three sec- touchdowns for Coach Sam Talarico’s remained undefeated as they handled onds remaining on the clock. Cardinals. the West Side Catholic Cardinals, A pleased Coach Jim Carroll St. Charles will have a bye for 28-0. Ben Lamont connected on detailed, “Both teams played Week 6 before squaring off with their touchdown passes to Skylar Bays hard and fought to the end. North Side rivals, the St. Vincent and JP Lewis. Charlie McFadden I’m happy our Eagle kids didn’t Panthers, in the final contest of the and Joey Gillis rushed the pigskin flinch and ground out that last regular season on Sunday, Oct. 6. in for the other two TDs and Allen score for the win. It was an excit- The final week of play will also Patino added two points after kicks. ing, competitive, thrilling game. be a battle of the unbeatens between The St. Matthew Blazers were This is developmental football Holy Cross and SJFW who improved victorious in the exhibition contest. and it’s rewarding when you to a 5-0 record after a win over the The league title will be on the line see flashes of brilliance in these group from Queen of Angels/PB/St. on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at Marian young players.” John New Haven on Sunday, Sept. 29. High School when the Panthers and In the win LaShon Brite In the win for the Eagles, touchdowns Saints meet in the last regular season threw two beautiful TD passes were scored by Brite, Bussell, Taryeon game. All scores and schedules can to Deshawn Bussell. Brite then Hambright and Camry Greer. be found at www.icclsports.org.

MASS CELEBRATED FOR INDIANA TECH STUDENTS “REJOICE IN HOPE” The campus ministry office at Indiana Tech in Fort Wayne celebrates Mass every Wednesday in the Andorfer Please be generous! Commons at 12:05 p.m. Franciscan Father David Mary Engo, campus chaplain, is shown in the photo at left l at the Sept. 11 Mass.


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•Medicare Supplements Darren Schortgen •Medicare Advantage Real Estate Broker/Realtor •Prescription Drug Plans St. Charles Parishoner •Life Insurance (260) 385-7603 •Long Term Care Insurance [email protected] Call 260-456-2824 to see your CELL: 260-312-6798 [email protected] www.SchortgenRealty.com Parishioner: St. Patrick Parish, Arcola business listed here. Office: 260-625-3208 Toll Free: 866-561-0391 Personalized Service From The Realtor Who Puts You First OctOber 6, 2013 TODAY ’ S CATHOLIC 23 REST IN PEACE hat s appening Fort Wayne Katie Marie Baumle, 23, Charles P. O’Sullivan, W ’ h ? Rosalie Hasley, 105, Sacred Heart 98, Our Lady of Holy Our Lady of Good Hope Cross Chapel Mary Elizabeth Weaver WHAT’S HAPPENING carries announcements about upcoming events in the diocese. Send in your Dale E. Jacobs, 66, Griffis, 95, St. Elizabeth South Bend announcement at least two weeks prior to the event. Mail to: Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, St. Charles Borromeo Ann Seton Dorabelle Foley, 98, St. Matthew Cathedral Fort Wayne 46856; or email: [email protected]. Events that require an admission charge or Carmen L. Cano, 71, Stephen G. Hope, 64, payment to participate will receive one free listing. For additional listings of that event, please call St. Patrick St. Charles Borromeo Alice L. Lesniewski, 88, St. Anthony de Padua our advertising sales staff at (260) 456-2824 to purchase space. Mary Annie Allgeier Granger Jur, 64, St. Therese Timothy J. Schneider, Peter Bencsics, 77, 71, St. Pius X Holy Cross Soup kitchen ministry plans fundraiser Scouts offer the Haunted Castle and fry on Friday, Oct. 4, from 5-7 Ruth A. Neu, 79, Fort Wayne — St. Mary Parish Black Forest p.m. Adults $8, children (5-12) Queen of Angels Huntington Clifford F. Kazmierzak, will have a soup kitchen fundrais- Fort Wayne — The Haunted $3. Chicken strips for $8 and Doris A. Shaffer, 75, 90, St. John the Baptist er Saturday, Oct. 19, from 7:30- Castle and Black Forest is open shrimp for $8.50 will be avail- Myra M. Nichter, 81, Ss. Peter and Paul 11 p.m. in the parish hall. 50/50 weekends to Nov 3. Visit www. able. St. Therese Jane M. Eichorst, 76, raffles, silent auction, food, beer hauntedcastle.com for informa- Joyce Ann Sorg, 62, Christ the King and wine will be offered. Music tion. Special group and family Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades to preside at Dorothy R. Badders, Ss. Peter and Paul by Spike and Bulldogs. All pro- rate forms available on the web- the South Bend Red Mass 94, St. Elizabeth Ann Joyce P. McNarney, 73, ceeds will benefit the soup kitchen site. Bring a canned good for $1 Notre Dame — The Red Mass Seton Lilah E. Karst, 88, St. Joseph and the Ave Maria House which off regular price of admission. will take place at the Basilica of Ss. Peter and Paul Helen J. Lichtsinn, 86, Helen T. Bartoszek, 84, serves the needs of the poor. Sponsored by the St. Vincent Boy the Sacred Heart, on the campus Scouts at 8965 Auburn Rd. of the University of Notre Dame, St. Therese Mishawaka Holy Cross School auction and ball planned Nicole N. Coppersmith, on Monday, Oct. 7, at 5:15 p.m. Camilla Lorena Rosemary McPeak Wabash — St. Bernard School Knights to host pancake breakfast 50, St. Bavo A reception will follow at the Eck Thompson, 54, St. Berry, 77, Sacred Heart Ball and Auction will be held Granger — The Knights of Hall of Law, Eck Commons (sec- Elizabeth Ann Seton Sister M. Dolores of Jesus Saturday, Oct. 5, at the Honeywell Columbus Council 4263 will host ond floor). The public is invited. Blaschke, OSF, 96, Center. The evening begins at 6 a pancake breakfast on Sunday, Gregory W. Gough, Betty Jane Knott, 85, St. Francis Convent p.m. with cocktails and dinner Oct. 13, after the 8:45 a.m. and Fundraiser to be held for Sam Dailey St. Charles Borromeo 49, St. Therese, Little at 6:45 p.m. Cash raffle drawing 10:30 a.m. Masses in the St. Pius Columbia City — A hog roast Herbert Robison, 92, Flower and the live auction will follow. X auxiliary gym. Adults $6, chil- fundraiser will be held at the Cecelia Tille Barry, 93, St. Joseph The silent auction continues as dren ages 6-10 $3 and children Whitley County 4-H fairgrounds St. Vincent de Paul Shirley Ann Dougherty, guests are entertained by Beyond under 5 free. on Saturday, Oct. 12, from 4-9 Lucyann Lovas, 88, 77, St. Hedwig Recognition featuring Mark Ford p.m. Proceeds will help defray Linda Marie St. Bavo and Joe Munson. The event pro- Back to the Eighties the ongoing medical expenses of Knappenberger, Wabash vides scholarships and aid to the Fort Wayne — St. Jude HASA Sam Dailey, a senior at Columbia St. Vincent de Paul Ann M. Schindler, 87, Kathryn J. Hipskind, 94, school. Call (260) 563-5746 for is hosting “Back to the Eighties, City High School, who is recov- St. Joseph St. Bernard reservations. for the Future of St. Jude School” ering from a traumatic brain Mary Jeanne Leffers, on Saturday, Oct. 12, at the Scout injury suffered during a football 86, St. Jude Notre Dame Yoder Trunk or treat Halloween party planned Park Conference Center, 2300 game on Aug. 23. Free will dona- Elton Buchanan Solina M. Davison, 99, Wabash — St. Bernard’s Knights of Meyer Rd., and will include tions appreciated. For updates Ronald Clement Sherwin, 89, Dujarie St. Aloysius Columbus will sponsor a Halloween beverages, heavy hors d’oeuvres, on Dailey’s recovery visit http:// Vorndran, 81, House Chapel party at the hall, 595 S. Huntington live music (performed by Father doitfordailey.org. St. John the Baptist St., on Saturday, Oct. 26, at 5:30 Jake Runyon) and dancing. New p.m. Candy treats, games organized this year is a raffle for a $500 The Mystery and Humor of God in Nature by HASA, a hayride and hot dogs “tuition credit,” photo booth and Donaldson — MoonTree Studios will be provided. prizes for best costumes. Tickets will offer an opening reception are $20 in advance at the school for the exhibit “The Mystery St. Hedwig Polish Festival office, or $25 at the door. Contact and Humor of God in Nature” America Needs South Bend — St. Hedwig Parish Christine Nix at (260) 493-4798 by Rev. Richard Zollinger, to be will have a festival at the Hedwig or [email protected] for infor- held Saturday, Oct. 5, from 1-3 Memorial Center, 331 S. Scott mation. p.m. The exhibit of photographs Fatima from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. A polka will be displayed at MoonTree Mass at 11 a.m. will be followed Fall cleanup announced Gallery through Nov. 3. National Holy Hour of Prayer by games, raffles and food. South Bend — The Sacred Heart Cemetery, corner of Western Rosary to be prayed for the nation October 12, 2013 at noon Catholic Business Network Group Ave. and Pine Rd., will conduct Warsaw — A public rosary will Fort Wayne — The Catholic the fall cleanup Oct. 21 through be prayed Saturday, Oct. 12, on CHRIST The KING Business Network Group will Oct. 26. Remove all spring and the Kosciusko County Courthouse meet Friday, Oct. 4, beginning summer decorations from the square, at the corner of Buffalo CATHOLIC CHURCH with Mass at 7 a.m. in the St. graves by this time. and Winona and at Central Park Mother Theodore Guérin Chapel. Gardens at noon. Contact (574) Darden Road & SR 933 South Bend Mass will be followed in the Worldwide Marriage Encounter 453-3143 for information. Outdoor Celebration Cathedral Center by guest speaker weekends announced Dave Steffen with Lupke Rice Bring your rosary and lawn chair A Worldwide Marriage Encounter he he he Insurance-Financial and also a Weekend gives you the special For information contact member of the Board of Directors time and tools to rekindle the ross ord ross ord for Redeemer Radio who will flames of your marriage. The   Karenross Mack 574-272-0609ord   be speaking about “Evangelical       next weekend is Nov. 8-10, at Catholicism.” Refreshments will Quality Inn in Fort Wayne. The ALB MRS SPA HEM ABBA TARO SHEA CWA ASH be provided by Redeemer Radio. 2014 weekends are Feb. 14-16 at REEL I OU HEAD A VE L OON I RON SAR I F A I N UNO the Baymont Inn in Elkhart and MAG I DEF L ECT S LET PRAY REAL TSAR ANDY TOP Come and see weekend planned March 21-23 at the Quality Inn in POLK FA ITH FRESHER WEARY GETTO GOB I Saint Mary-of-the-Woods — The Fort Wayne. For more informa- TAPE ERR WAR MAD AMBUSH WHY Sisters of Providence will have tion visit www.wwme-ni.org or P I TCHFORK A I R USDA NAG FAD COUNSE L EM I R a come and see weekend Oct. call Greg and Norma Germann at ACE F B I GNU PRONOUNCEABLE SOS AROMA D I P 18-20 at the motherhouse. Single, (574) 287-6432. TEN RE I NFORCE S I T WNW H I L L THEY PURPOSE Catholic women ages 18-42 DOC GA LE CEO FOE ASP STOLEN are invited to spend a weekend Knights plan fish fry ELECT D I ED SWOR D F A NMA I L PAUL RA I SE CRONK I TE V I OL L I MO F AS T GNU retreat, including lodging, free. South Bend — The Knights of R I P S I GN TH I S Visit SistersofProvidence.org for A I RY VAN ENDS A F EW A L T O I T S ADO SNUG RUNE Columbus Council 5521, 61533 WED EVE GOO PENN RASP NOT more information or contact Sister S. Ironwood Dr., will have a fish YEN ETA YMCA Editha Ben at (812) 535-2895. © 2013 Tri-C-A Publications © 2013 Tri-C-A Publications © 2013 Tri-C-A Publications


Titled “Our Time to Build,” the capital campaign project began JUDE in 2012 at the initiative of Father CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Delaney. A three-year capital campaign has raised almost $3.4 of the $3.9 million to bring the long-awaited improvements to beauty of our Catholic faith. This fruition. In addition to their regular renovation … reflects your appre- pledges, many parishioners donated ciation of the beauty of our faith, funds for additional items needed a beauty that is expressed in your that were not part of the originally newly-renovated church.” planned improvements. It is hoped Bishop Rhoades noted dur- that donations will also come in for ing his homily that the Catholic a new bike rack for the school. Church is built on the foundation New flooring, lighting and décor of the Twelve Apostles. We are are complete and a sound system reminded by St. Paul, he added, that is functioning. A number of finish- as Christians we are members of ing touches still need to be put into the household of God, built upon place such as two custom mosaics the foundation of the Apostles and of Blessed John Paul II and St. prophets, with Christ Himself as the André Bessette, and custom-painted cornerstone. oils of the Stations of the Cross. Bishop Rhoades reminded those Over the summer Father in attendance that the sacred space Delaney blessed a new cross and was not merely a gathering place or bell tower. assembly hall. Once the state has certified a “Rather, this building signifies new elevator, worshippers with and makes visible the Church living physical limitations will be able to in this place, the Christian com- participate fully in all functions of munity of St. Jude, the members of the parish. which are called, as all Catholics “I’ve always loved St. Jude’s. are called, to be built into a spiritual You have a great parish,” Bishop house and to be ourselves temples Rhoades said at the close of the of the living God. … In this house dedication Mass. “How grateful I of God, this house of prayer, your am for the leadership of your pas- spiritual home, may God the Father, tor, who has put his heart and soul the Son and the Holy Spirit be wor- into this project. Thank you, Father shipped in spirit and in truth.” Delaney. And thank you to each of During the Mass the bishop you, for your profound demonstra- also revisited the history of the par- tion of faithfulness.” ish. Originally called St. James, its An open house event is being name was changed two years after planned 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 27, it was founded in 1948 by Bishop so that members of the community, Leo J. Pursley. A small church was neighbors and future students and built that quickly became too small, their families may take a look at and then a larger structure was built. what has transpired inside both the Soon, a school was added. church and the school during the Father John Delaney, pastor, construction period. expressed contentment with the out- Three new stained- PHOTOS BY KEVIN HAGGENJOS come of the renovation. glass windows depict- ing Jesus and the children, the Divine Mercy image and the Holy Family of MARK YOUR Nazareth were blessed CALENDAR by Bishop Kevin C. October 19 Rhoades at St. Jude Church in South Bend on Sept. 29.


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