
Microsoft Word Open Microsoft Word

Shortcuts: 1. Highlight the information you want to cut, copy, and paste, enlarge or use. 2. Hold down the ‘ctrl’ key and then one of these keys: C- copy V – paste } – right –enlarges text { - left bracket – makes text smaller P- print B- bold I – italics U – underline S- saves Z- edit undo – will undo the last thing you did( *My favorite key) F4 – repeats the last command. This is NOT the F key then the 4 key it is the key at the top of the keyboard.

Office icon – allows you to select what you want in the ‘Quick Access’ toolbar. Click on it and you can save, print and open new and saved document. 1. Click on the icon then go to Word Options 2. Customize 3. Popular Commands are at the top. You can also choose ‘all commands’ to see all the icons you can put in the toolbar. The main icon is the print. Choose the one with the picture of a printer. Then you can access all the functions of the printer.

Quick access toolbar

1 This is the ribbon. All the basic functions of Word are on the ‘home’ tab. You have different sections; clipboard, font, paragraph, styles, and editing.

Clipboard – if you copy and paste something this is where it goes.

Font – allows you to bold, underline, choose the font, size of the font, change case (makes all caps into sentence case or title case, highlights, change text color.

Paragraph – aligns text, bullets, numbering, outlining, indents, sorts, fill color, borders/shading.

Styles – changes the style of text.

Editing – finds, replace

Font – 1. Type your name 2. Leave the cursor on your name 3. Change the alignment to right align. 4. Press enter 1 time 5. Type ‘microsoft word – leave the cursor on the title. Don’t capitalize. 6. Change the alignment to ‘center’ Left Center Right 7. Highlight the title – click and drag the cursor over the words. You can also just click the Alignment mouse 3 times quickly and that will also highlight the text. 8. With the text highlighted hold down the ‘ctrl’ key and click the right bracket. The right bracket is just above the ‘E’ on the . 9. This will enlarge the text. 10. Leaving the text highlighted – click on the change case icon. 11. Change to Capitalize Each Word

Bullets – 1. Click on the ‘bullets’ icon. 2. Type this list pressing enter after each word 3. This will put a bullet on each word. 4. Highlight the list 5. Click the just to the right of the bullet 6. Click on the ‘define new bullet’ 7. Click on ‘symbol’. 8. Click on ‘webdings’ 9. Choose a different bullet. 10. Choose one of your bulleted words and press the ‘tab’ key. You will see how the bullet changes.

2 Cathy Sorting – Sam 1. Type 10 names pressing ‘enter’ after each. Katie Word will capitalize Greg each of these. Kevin 2. Highlight all the Rich names Natasha 3. Click on the AZ button Bobby and choose Jorge ‘paragraph’ All the names will now be sorted. If you want to have the entire name sorted you need to type the last name first, then a comma, then the first names. Then sort all the names. You can also use the capitalize feature to capitalize the first name also.

Highlighting – 1. Highlight one of the names in your list 2. Click on the highlight icon in the ribbon. 3. Choose a color 4. Highlight another name then press the F4 key from the top row of keys at the top of the keyboard. This will repeat the last command you gave the computer. Bold and Underline – 1. Highlight one word from anything you previously typed. 2. Press the ‘ctrl’ key and the ‘b’ key. The text will then be bold. 3. Highlight another word and press the ‘ctrl’ key and the ‘u’ key. 4. You can also do both to the same word.

Insert – you can insert a table, pictures, clip art, shapes or charts from Excel. You can also create text boxes and word art.

Tables - 1. Click the arrow under the word tables 2. Use the mouse and highlight 3 columns across and 3 rows down.

3. Highlight the entire top row 4. Right click and choose ‘merge cells’ 5. This will remove all lines/columns on that row.

3 6. Center align this row 7. Type ‘Kennedy Middle School’ 8. Highlight the title and make the font bigger. Use the ‘ctrl’ key and the right bracket. 9. Click in the last box of the table on the bottom. 10. Press the ‘tab’ key. This will add rows to the table. Add 3 rows. 11. Highlight the last column from the 2 nd row to the bottom of the table. 12. Right click and choose ‘insert/columns to the right. 13. Then merge the columns at the top again.

14. Click anywhere in the table. You will notice a new toolbar at the top. This is called a ‘contextual toolbar’ and will be a different color depending on what you are doing. The picture toolbar is pink, the table is yellow and the drawing is gold.

15. There are 2 tabs for the table toolbar. Design and Layout.

16. Now you can modify your table in almost any way. You can use the down arrow to look at all the different ways to change your table. The ‘live preview’ lets you see what your table will look like by simply moving your mouse over the design you like.

4 17. Highlight the entire table. You can use ‘ctrl’ and the A key to select all. 18. Click the arrow beside ‘borders’. Choose no border. 19. You still have the function of a table but no one can see the lines of the table. 20. Click the arrow again and choose the bottom ‘borders and shading’. 21. Using the you can change the lines around the entire table or just one cell.

Clip Art – 1. Click on the ‘clip art’ icon. 2. In the ‘search for’ box type ‘spring’ 3. Click the arrow by ‘selected media file types choose clip art and photography. Uncheck movies and sound. Press go. 4. Click on one of the pictures. It will appear on your document. 5. It may appear extremely big. Don’t worry. 6. Click on the picture anywhere. 7. You will see the pink contextual tab at the top. 8. Choose ‘square’ under text wrapping. 9. Now you can resize the picture by clicking on one of the four corner ‘handles’ you will get a live preview as you are doing this. You can resize to whatever size you need. You can also move the picture around where you want it.

5 10. Now you can play with the picture. Click on the downward arrow. Hover your mouse over each of the picture styles and you can see how your picture changes. There are 6 rows of frames to choose from for your picture. 11. You can also look at the effects, borders and shapes of the pictures. 12. Add another picture. Do all the same formatting you did with the first picture. 13. Overlap the pictures 14. In the arrange section move one picture to the back. You can also rotate the pictures if you need to by using the rotate icon.

Shapes – 1. Click on the downward arrow under shapes and choose one of the ‘basic shapes’. 2. Use the mouse and draw the shape 3. Draw 3 more different shapes. 4. If you want to make a perfect circle instead of an oval hold the ‘shift’ key down. 5. Arrange each of the shape in a line. It can be an up and down line or across. Don’t make it perfect. 6. Click on each of the shapes holding down the ‘shift’ key. They all will have the handles. 7. Choose ‘align’ from the arrange section. 8. Choose ‘align middle’ All the middles will now be perfectly aligned.


More on Shapes – Draw a square on the page. 1. Shapes/basic shapes/square 2. Hold down the ‘ctrl’ key and click on the square. 3. You should see the cursor change and have a + sign beside it 4. Then drag the square to the right. This will copy and paste the square. Make 4 copies of the square. 5. Hold the shift key down and click on each one of the squares. 6. Align/distribute horizontally. This will make each square spaced perfectly with the next one. 7. Keeping them highlighted hold the ‘ctrl’ key down and make 2 more rows. You can do this with any shape even text boxes.