ADMINISTRATION No. MonthPage Trout FishingSport or No. MonthPage Meat F A. Westerman7July 6 Fisheries Staff Hold Annual Conference... 1 Jan. 3 Winter Pheasant Feeding Game and Fisheries Division Heads Study Francis Schneider9 Sept. 1 Appointed 9 Sept. 3 1948 Deer and Elk Kills R U. Mace5May 1 Game Field Agents Meet 7July 8 1948 in Review C A. Lockwood1Jan. 1 Governor Appoints New Members to 1949 Angling Regulations...R. C. Holloway2Feb. 1 Game Commission 8Aug. 3 1949 Game Outlook John McKean Smelt License Sales High 5May 3 and R. U. Mace8Aug. 1 1948 License Sales Show Increase 7July 3 FEDERAL AID BIG GAME February Meeting of the Game Commission3March 2 Antelope Progress Report on the Public Joint Aerial Antelope Survey Completed. 5May 3 Shooting Program 10Oct. 1 1949 Antelope Season 10Oct. 2 Sauvie Island Shooting Area 9 Sept. 4 All Antelope Hunters Report.... 12Dec. 3 Big Game Winter Problems 2Feb. 1 Deer FIRE ARMS Deer Hunters Reminded to Mail Summary of 1949 Regulations .... 8 Aug. Report Cards 9Sept. 5 Deer Report Cards Due 11Nov. 1 FISHERIES Fawns Like to be Left Alone 5 May 3 Information Please 6 June 7 Back Country Lakes 6June 1 Is It a Deer or a Man? 9 Sept. 1 1948 Deer and Elk Kills 5May 1 Census 1949 Deer Kill 12Dec. 1 Angling Stress Heavy in Central Oregon Waters 8Aug. 7 Elk Four Cascade Lakes Yield 45 Tons Fish 1 Jan. 1 Elk Season Opens October 25 10Oct. 1 East and Paulina Lake Fishery 4April 1 Information Please 6June 7 Fishways and Screens Game Field Agents Meet 7July 8 New Laws Now in Effect 8Aug. 2 Lake-Klamath Screening Program Oregon Big Game Hunters Rate Higher Started 7 July 8 Than Other States in Returns 4April 1 Preliminary Work Started on Marmot Seeing is Believing 9Sept. 5 Fish Screen 9 Sept. 2 Winter Big Game Losses 7July 1 1948 in Review 1 Jan. 1 1948 Deer and Elk Kills 5May 1 Hatcheries 1948 in Review 1Jan. 1 1949 Game Outlook 8Aug. 1 Construction Projects Completed 12Dec. 2 1949 Hunting Regulations 8Aug. 6 Contracts Awarded for Construction Work 8Aug. 2 1948 in Review 1 Jan. 1 FEATURE ARTICLES How Old is a Sturgeon? 11Nov. 4 Lake Trout in Odell Lake 12Dec. 3 Back Country Lakes Reino Koski 6 June 1 East and Pauline Lake Liberations Fishery Robert L. Borovicka4April 1 Fish Plantings Continue 8Aug. 3 Economic Aspects of the Wildlife Spring Trout Releases Underway 4April 5 Resources P W. Schneider 12Dec. 1 Trout Liberations by Pack String McKenzie River Completed for Season 12Dec. 2 Investigations Chris Jensen 3 March 1 1948 in Review 1 Jan. 1 Our Wildlife Today David A. Aylward 4April 8 1948 Trout Liberations 1 Jan. 7 Progress Report on the Public Shooting Life Photographer Does Story on Salmon 11Nov. 5 Program A V. Meyers 10Oct. 1 McKenzie River Investigations 3March 1 Rainbow Trout H J Rayner 11Nov. 1 MeetingsFisheries Staff Conference 1Jan. 3 The Band-Tailed Pigeon W. B. Morse7July 1 Rainbow Trout 11Nov. 1 FISHERIES (Continued) PUBLIC SHOOTING GROUNDS No. MonthPage No. MonthPage Regulations and Seasons Progress Report on the Public Lakes Open June 15 6June 7 Shooting Program 10Oct. 1 Summary of Angling Regulations Public Shooting Grounds Hunting for 1949 2Feb. 5 Report, 1948 3March 6 Too Many Fish 3March 2 Sauvie Island Shooting Area 9 Sept. 4 Trout Anglers Open Season May 1 4April 3 1949 Angling Regulations 2Feb. 1 Smelt License Sales High 5May 3 REGULATIONS AND SEASONS Tagging Angling Rogue River Fish Tagging Project 4April 3 Angling Regulation Hearing in January..12Dec. 2 Tagging Experiments 5 May 2 Angling Stress Heavy in Central Oregon Waters 8Aug. 7 Trash Fish Control Game Bills Passed by Legislature 5May 1 Trash Fish Control in Lakes Underway.. 7July 3 Lakes Open June 15 6June 7 Trash Fish Removed from Summary of Angling Regulations Ochoco Reservoir 11Nov. 2 for 1949 2 Feb. 5 Trout FishingSport or Meat 7 July 6 Trout Anglers Open Season May 1 4April 3 1949 Angling Regulations 2 Feb. 1 FOREIGN STATES Hunting Elk Season Opens October 25 10Oct. 1 Colorado Senate Keeps Bear off Game Bills Passed by Legislature 5 May 1 Predator List 6 June 8 Hunting Regulations to be Considered Joint Aerial Antelope Survey Completed. 5May 3 at July Meeting 6June 2 Pacific Waterfowl Flyway Committee Meets4April 5 Juveniles Not Allowed to Hunt Alone 5May 2 Migratory Game Seasons Set 9Sept. 3 Sauvie Island Shooting Area 9Sept. 4 FURBEARERS Upland Game Seasons Open 10Oct. 7 Second Sale Held 7July 4 Waterfowl Regulations by Flyways 10Oct. 7 The 1949 Beaver Pelt Sale 5May 3 1949 Antelope Season 10Oct. 2 Trappers Open Season This Month 11Nov. 1 1949 Game Outlook 8Aug. 1 Trappers Receive Less Revenue 1949 Hunting Regulations 8Aug. 6 '48-'49 Season 7July 4 30 Million Fur Skins Produced Yearly Trapping in U. S. 1 Jan. 6 Game Bills Passed by Legislature 5May 5 Trappers Open Season This Month 11Nov. 1 GAME FARMS Miscellaneous New Laws Now in Effect 8Aug. 2 Game Farm Management Program Approved 6June 8 Pheasant Field Rearing Projects Set Out by Game Commission 7 July 3 STATE POLICE Winter Pheasant Feeding Study 9Sept. 1 Increase in Game Code Arrests 3March 7

MEETINGS Commission U. S. FISH AND WILDLIFE December 1 Jan. 2 Annual Waterfowl Inventory 2 Feb. 3 February 3March 2 Duck and Goose Increase Reported by March 4April 2 Fish and Wildlife Service 4April 8 April 5May 2 Rogue River Fish Tagging Project 4April 3 May 6June 2 June 7July 2 August 9Sept. 2 October 11Nov. 2 UPLAND GAME Fisheries Staff Hold Annual Conference 1Jan. 3 Cooperation Essential in Habitat Game Field Agents Meet 7July 7 Improvement 3 March 3 Lockwood Elected President Western Eliza Island Field Day 12Dec. 8 Game Association 10Oct. 1 Habitat Improvement for Upland Game...8Aug. 1 Oregon 1950 Host to Conservation Edu- Hungarian Partridge Eggs Imported 9 Sept. 4 cation and Publicity Group 11Nov. 3 Pheasant Feeders and Feeding Stations North American Wildlife Conference in Opreation 2Feb. 2 Attended by Commission Men 4April 5 Pheasant Field Rearing Projects Set Out Pacific Waterfowl Flyway Committee by Game Commission 7July 3 Meets 4April 5 Quail Trapping Started 2Feb. 2 Western Association Game Commis- The Band-Tailed Pigeon 7July 1 sioners Meet in Seattle 7July 3 Upland Game Seasons Open 10Oct. 7 Wildlife Conference Convenes in March.... 2Feb. 10 Winter Pheasant Feeding Study 9Sept. 1 1948 Pheasant Liberations 1Jan. 6 1948 in Review 1 Jan. 1 PREDATORS 1949 Band-Tailed Pigeon Report 11Nov. 3 Colorado Senate Keeps Bear off 1949 Game Outlook 8Aug. 1 Predator List 6June 8 1949 Hunting Regulations 8Aug. 6 WATERFOWL ILLUSTRATIONS ( Continued) No. MonthPage No. Month Page Annual Waterfowl Inventory Held 2Feb. 2 "One of our dams would have done Duck and Goose Increase Reported by the job if they hadn't destroyed Fish and Wildlife Service 4April 8 the plant cover above here" 7July 3 Duck and Goose Numbers Increase 5 May 8 Prevent Forest Fires 11Nov. 5 Duck Hunting Made Hard 5 May 7 "Why doesn't Farmer Brown try Information Please 6June 7 contour farming 9 " 6June 3 Migratory Game Seasons Set 9 Sept. 3 Pacific Waterfowl Flyway Charts Committee Meets 4April 5 Fur Catch Report, 1948-49 Public Shooting Grounds Hunting Trapping Season 7 July 4 Report, 1948 3March 6 Organization of Oregon State Sauvie Island Shooting Area 9Sept. 4 Game Commission 9 Sept. 3 Waterfowl Regulations by Flyways 10Oct. 7 Who Kills the Ducks 8Aug. 8 2nd Waterfowl Season Opens December 19. 12Dec. 1 1948-49 Duck Stamp Sales Break Record.. 11Nov. 8 Fisheries East Lake Rainbow Trout 4April 4 Fishery Biologists Seining 2Feb. 1 Fly Fishing on McKenzie River 3March 1 MISCELLANEOUS Game Commission Makes War on Trash Fish 10Oct. 4 &5 Areas Needed for Habitat Improvement Hunting and Fishing, It's a Big Business .12Dec. 4 &5 Program 7July 3 Lake Trout 12Dec. 3 Ask Landowner for Permission to Landing a Trout 4April 3 Hunt or Fish 7July 8 Pulling a Fyke Net from Leaburg Canal. 3March 4 Boating Hazard on Lower Deschutes 6June 2 Rainbow Trout Weighing 15 Pounds, CVA Fish and Wildlife 6June 1 3 Ounces 11Nov. 6 Distribution of Individual Resident Rainbow Trout Weighing 231/2 Pounds 11Nov. 7 Hunters by County 3 March 6 Sign Along Smith River 2Feb. 7 Expenses of Average 1948 N. Y. Deer Sturgeon Weighing 1100 Pounds and Hunter 12Dec. 7 Section of Sturgeon Pectoral Fin 11Nov. 4 Game Commission to Furnish Sportsman's Clubs with Multifiora Rose Plants 6 June 7 Fishways and Screens Hunters Urged to Watch for Birds 11Nov. 5 Experimental Electric Screen, Hood Hunting Accidents in 1948 1Jan. 2 River Dam 1 Jan. 1 Information Please 6June 7 Hood River Below Dam 1 Jan. 1 Let's Be Consistent 11Nov. 5 New Diversion Dam, Ana River 10Oct. 3 Log Jams 6June 3 Old Controls on Ana River 10Oct. 3 Oregon Big Game Hunters Rate Higher Main Water Control Dike .10Oct. 1 Than Other States in Returns 4April 1 Our Wildlife Today 4April 8 Hatcheries Pintail from Labrador Recovered Deschutes River from Oak Springs in England 9 Sept. 5 Trout Hatchery 11Nov. 1 Seeing is Believing 9 Sept. 5 Mid-winter, Wizard Falls Trout Hatchery 1 Jan. 1 Smelt License Sales High 5 May 3 New Building, Diamond Lake 1 Jan. 5 The Raw Fur Market 2Feb. 3 Open Air Building, Diamond Lake 1 Jan. 5 The Young and the Old of It 12Dec. 8 Liberations Too Many Fish! 3March 2 What About the Multiflora Rose ? 3March 1 Airplane Being Loaded with Fish 6June 5 Wildlife or House Cats' 11Nov. 4 Dipping Hold-over Trout 4April 5 30 Million Fur Skins Produced Fish Distributed 4April 5 Yearly in U. S. 1Jan. 6 Pack String Loaded with Fish 6June 5 Weighing Fish Before Release 1Jan. 7 Maps LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Angling Regulation Zones 2Feb. 4 Big Game Cascade Mountain Region 6June 6 Hunting Pressure and Kill 8Aug. 8 Antelope 8Aug. 1 Watersheds of Oregon 1 Jan. 7 Bull Elk Going Over the Top of a 5 May 1 1948-49 Distribution by Flyways of Hunting and Fishing, It's a Big Business. 12Dec. 4 &5 Waterfowl, Hunting Pressure and Kill. 8Aug. 8 Photographed During East- ern Oregon Cold Spell 3March 2 Public Shooting Grounds Successful Deer Hunter 5 May 5 Aerial View of the Narrows, Malheur Refuge 10Oct. 6 Cartoons CartoonDeer 12Dec. 8 Upland Game CartoonPheasant 10Oct. 8 Band-Tailed Pigeon 7July 5 Don't Say It, Sign It 1Jan. 3 Band-Tailed Pigeon in Benton County.... 7July 7 Joe Beaver Cage in Which Quail are Transported.... 3March 3 "Flip -flap Pete is a one-man fire crew"8Aug. 2 Cars of Hunters at Commercial Pigeon "Fred Farmer lost his home in the Shooting Stand 12Dec. 6 big forest fire last summernow Hungarian Partridge 8Aug. 3 I'm losing mine" 9Sept. 2 Hungarian Partridge Eggs Being "Is this the forest litter you're always Unpacked 9Sept. 4 talking about, Joe ?" 5 May 3 Parked Cars of Pheasant Hunters 10Oct. 3 ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) No. MonthPage No. Month Page Conservation in Action 11Nov. 8 Pheasant Hunter and Dog 8Aug. 5 Deer Hunters Mail Your Reports! 10Oct. 2 Pigeon Hunters 11Nov. 3 Effects of Logging Operations 1 Jan. 4 Forest Camp of Fishermen 5 Pigeon Hunters Being Checked 7 July 7 6June Quail for Transplanting 9 Sept. 1 Hobo Lake from the Air 6June 5 Ringneck Pheasant 9 Sept. 1 Kale Plants and Snow Covered Kale Field 9Sept. 7 Shipment of Hungarian Partridge Eggs . 9 Sept. 4 Life Photographer, Allen Grant 11Nov. 5 Typical Pigeon Habitat 7 July 5 Log Jams 6June 3 Valley Quail and Mountain Quail 8Aug. 4 Multiflora Rose 3March 7 Paulina Creek 4April 6 Miscellaneous Paulina Lake in Winter Dress 4April 1 Close-up of Multiflora Rose 3March 7 Ranches in North Powder Valley 2Feb. 3 Conservation in Action 5 May 8 Weekend Fishing Scene 4April 7