Town Council MINUTES OF THE PLANNING MEETING HELD IN THE TOWN HALL 18 July 2012 @ 7:30pm Present : Cllrs A Blake A Martin (Ch) D Middleditch R Stott D Swindells

Apologies : D Crewes (Personal) L Heggie (Personal) R Rose (Personal)

1. Chairman’s Welcome and Public Forum.

i. Housekeeping. Cllr Martin, Chairman, explained emergency procedures, exits, local hazards and location of wc’s. Mobile phones and electronic equipment to be switched off or turned to ‘silent’. ii. Public Forum : One Member of the Public - Mr Coombs regarding Planning Application B explained he hasn’t yet purchased the property but has made an application for change of use in the first instance.

2. Apologies for absence. Members noted one vacancy on this Committee to be filled as soon as possible.

3. Members Declarations of interest – None but to be advised if any become obvious during the course of the meeting

4. Planning Applications and other planning matters.

Plan A PA12/04690 : Extension of time for erection of dwelling and garage (Decision Notice Comments C2/09.00629 dated 26 June 2009) Penmellyn House, Lower East Street, St Columb Supported

Plan B PA12/04569 : Change of use of redundant police station to residential use Devon and Constabulary, Police Station, Road, St Columb

Members supported this application as the building lends itself to becoming a dwelling at the end of a row of similar buildings and better to be one dwelling than turned into flats Supported

Plan C PA12/05117 : Certificate of Lawful Development for existing use/development for the erection of a dwelling Lacy Green, Rosevanion, St Columb

Members supported this application but with some caution given the details in the Supported report attached to the application itself. with caution

Plan D PA12/04122 : Removal of existing shower, C and wash up facility and construction of a replacement in the same location Trewan Hall, Trewan, St Columb

Members supported this application as historically the applicant is know to carry out works sympathetically to the surrounding area and to a high standard. This application will improve the site Supported

Plan E PA12/03719 : Demolition of existing workshop/store and replacement with new smaller workshop store Eretiz Barn, Ruthvoes, St Columb

Members supported the development but with reservations as to the actual use as the plans more resemble a pair of semi detached houses than a workshop. Supported with

Suggest a Condition be attached that the building is used (at least for a period of time – reservations perhaps 5 years) for the purpose stated in the application .

Plan F PA12/00829 : Demolish existing bungalow and replace with 3 bedroom house with detached triple garage and office Polsue Bungalow, Goss Moor, St Columb

Members supported this application but had some concerns regarding the height of the building , being significantly different to the current building and in such an open and obvious location

It should also be noted that different names appear on the plans (Blight and Johnson) Supported

Plan G PA12/05258 : Development of 8.3ha Solar PhotoVoltaic Farm along with attendant equipment and infrastructure Land North Wes of Southmoor Farm Winnards Perch St Columb

Members saw no reason not to support this application Supported Correspondence

a. Publicity for applications Noted b. Cornwall Council : Lists of Planning Decisions Noted c. Enforcement Notices 15.6.12 – 21.6.12 Noted d. S38 adoption notification for Browning site Wreford Close St Columb – phase 3 Noted

Date of next Meeting 6 August at 2:30pm

Signed : Committee Chairman Date :