BOOKING ID NO: ORANGE BASTION EXHIBITION SPACE APPLICATION FOR HIRE YOUR DETAILS NAME OF APPLICANT: ENTITY (IF APPLICABLE): ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: VENUE DETAILS PURPOSE OF HIRE: DATE REQUIRED: ONE VAULT REQUIRED: BOTH VAULTS REQUIRED: ACTUAL DATES OF EXHIBITION FROM: TO: EXHIBITION OPENING DAYS/TIMES: REGISTERED AS A CULTURAL ORGANISATION: YES/NO If “YES” please enter registration number If “NO” and you are a cultural entity, you must register your organisation with Gibraltar Cultural Services Before you can apply for use of Orange Bastion Exhibition Space OR If “NO” and you are not a cultural entity or do not *wish to register (see terms and conditions) GIBRALTAR CULTURAL SERVICES LTD 308 Main Street, Gibraltar T: 20075669 F: 20067241 E:
[email protected] COMPANY REG. NO. 706512 working for H.M. GOVERNMENT OF GIBRALTAR BOOKING CONDITIONS PLEASE ENSURE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE COMMITTING YOURSELF TO 1. A deposit of £100 is payable at the time the booking is confirmed by Gibraltar Cultural Services. This deposit will be refunded, after the event, only if it is established to the satisfaction of Gibraltar Cultural that Services no damage or loss whatsoever has been caused and that everything has been left in a proper, clean and tidy condition. 2. Orange Bastion is divided into two separate vaults which can be hired independently. If you require both vaults, there is a hire fee of £100 per week, alternatively you may hire a single vault for £50. The hirer is responsible for ensuring due payment is made to Gibraltar Cultural Services promptly upon termination of the hire period.