Leader Moran Star Outhelder Columns Puts Indians Tris Speaker and His Big War Club That Speaks Creates Nine On Ball Map From Misfits PhilHe Accom- Much Better Player Wonders With Lot g^ker Than plishes on Defensive of Cast-off Players the Great Ty PHILAPELPHIA. Auf. 11..Every Ity W. J. MACBETH once in a whila some one wonders why clubs, like individuala, Pat Moran, of the Philiies, lsn't con- -*0m* of baseball lucky. The Red Sox, for lidered one ©f the greatest . juit born Pa6 more world's championa and fight- managers, thereby giving lBiur.ce, consijeration for what ha has done . a third consecut.ve pennant. for man in baseball. lucky enouKh t0 S° on than any other There is a -!ub more ' valuable aaset Pat, in fact, is the recipient of ,ftfr lo* r-: favorable than any other not loaiaf, but selling, for a rec¬ publicity So, man in the two major leagues. Nfl tum. ord one ever writes or tays anything bad They did say -»* wou'd without about him. Ha always is referred to _ smithereena Tris »:i to to talk and But the Hub outt'st was gool as a jolly Irishman, ready Speaker. .mile while he's doing it. rtoojh to spare the king of outfielders, doubly by the sale, in that Moran's accomplishinents this year wd proritp.1 in his team into a hot raca SBtaae*" *r*d** oS' the Cleveland Indiana throwing t And with the (jiants for the leadership of eoat ade» la year. ot /penr.ar.t the Indians still re- tho National Lea;-uo is worthy wnnant contcnder than any aad Wi r< main so long as more consideration, perhaps, rja'.n, :;' '-(' tht' stunt ho has Mnce ho lupplant- ¦. Plat* pu.ied SnealiT la a leader of the ' .'¦ tw0 ed Charles Pooin flj or m thi He has dono more w.th a of what he can now show. Quakers. tha fl <'ts. ia a team of has beens ar.d mlflfttfl than Speaker, in York hava accomplished rreater ball player than . Cer- New Oiaatfl Ulttly he is far better defensively. He with a high-salaned team of atara. wi'l cover acres nu>re ground, and do Make Good Showing it graeefallyi ''" ian throw much bet¬ ter and more accurately than Cobb. Tho C.ianta wero expected bt a ma¬ jority of critics to have it all aettled Almo-t jr'l Fqual and laid away along about this date. Offensively. Tris is almost the equal But they haven't done it yet, and ln- has not the wonderful dications now point to an>thtng of Ty. He speed right et of the Gcergiaa, and therefore has to but a pleasant journey for Herzog kit more c.eanly to get his base al. tha rest of tho season. He is neither so daring nor Pat Moran's innV.d, composed of knocks. CastoiT Bert »o flashy on the base paths ns the tem- ancunt Fred Luderus, peramental Tiger. Yet it is question- Niehoff, Rookio McGaiflgan or Compe- ible if Speaker's supenor defenaive tent and Castoff Milton ability doe- not pretty nearly offset Stock, is tho main reason whv, wh»n :'ence. rated alongsido Grover Alexander. In the opinion of the amarteflt base- The.-e two things, backed with tho ball generals of the last ten years, Ty comeback of Gavvy Cr.tvu'h, tho con¬ Cobb i» the wonder of the game. lt ia tinued good baseball of l'ode Taskert jer.era.iv lor.ceded ne is and has been and Georgo Whitted, tell why the the greatest all round player of his¬ Philliesjire whooping things up tory. it ia equally true that Speaker Ihe Philllei would not bo io good jjs been and is the greatest defensive in a as tho Glaatfl, for itr of all time. Thia opinion is the Giants consi*t of nion who would baied on the sound judgment of old- be practictlly unbeatablo ln a world's timers **he w.re familiar with Bill series. But it's going to take a Io' Lanf, who was considered the king of of baseball and a lot of hard flffhi . fardtn.rs till Speaker won his niche to keep Pat Moran fr im taki.ig tho ia the hall of fame. race right down into the home:an Fflael eonsecutive sea- ark, tons aad Wi the slugging laurela of third annual track and field gamei of orgamzci baeeaall. He had annexed tho Catholic Young Men'i pioceian mos: of the other titles. too.base Union held at Hillsido l'ark, IMlevllle, .,', getting, runs batted in. Newark, yesterday afternoon. Tho SpeaMer, ia h:s might, aiways has "Tabs" romped ofT wlth rtrst placo by b«»n considerate of the righu of scoring 41 points, while tho St. Josephs, never been known to of Weat New York, ln lecond place. othtrs. lie hns only tallied 17 pointa. St. Rose of uiurp his rights to the base path when 11 isr.l -jjurpation hazarded the life and Lima's, which waa third, icored limb tf a rival. Speaker, like Wagner, pointa. would aacrifice his record Eddie Garcey, who ran for "Tab*," base-running won tho one-mile from to a rival of the handicap ipare guardian paths acratch beating out Joo McSorley | fran- the cold steel. Speaker, therefore. Zuna. of 4 min¬ if one most Frank Garvey's timo of the highly respected utes 31 4-6 leconds waa considered ex¬ aad r'nerally beloved players of the for the waa. ceptionally good rough dirtj Haa F,-ar track. Garvey also ran tho last leg ot Inspired tho medley relay raco, which tho "] Cobb sacrif.ces his chances to no- won, and pulled through with a lil body. Indeed, many times he has been On tha winning team wlth him were IMaed of cutting down wil- Charley Walaha, Gus Pesch and Miko eedlessly. There is little Doyle. doubt tbat Cobb often rete away with Wonderful Career of Tris The lummarlest achievements be- Thrae-mlle Wm by *t*ka T-¦' T. A. dar.rg base-running bandleap. BT, ' eauie B S. (110 jorrta) Jaraaa M<-f\rraji. M I -¦ of the fear he has ir.spired with IJma (acrauni, aerot: Ar ir :.. kii ready spikes. Year. Club and League. Pos. O. A. B. R. tt I B Faatf'.y (IM -..ird* tt.irj. Tltaa, u 4 Of the two. has the "ru>tlrnte. Uadln r T. A. B 3. iE Oirnay. Speaker, perhaps, 1905 Ft. Worth Polyteehnlc i, A. Der*.!i, M Doylm St Bort o* Llma ^.ore of a a1»06- rieburae. North Texaa. O. K. 84 287 35 77 33 -ju»-ii*.-ty, E aUaj kiag-pia -luccer c1908.Littl* Rock. Southern I.eague. O. F. 127 471 81 165 28 Tin.-.. 1:214-9 aaiociatfE. I'uring his long affiliation 2 100-yani daah hai, " <>. F. 31 118 12 26 I -e wonderful Red Sox he stood 1908 Boston. American League. ll^ly 1-arr.lly 'I'tj ja.- ll f. A. O. F. 143 544 73 168 35 B H.. aaoof 1 (4 yard I .» a hitl r head and shouldors above 1909 Boaton, Ameriran Loegue. third I3**4j yarfU). Tlm-. 10 2¦'. aM hii teamrr.ates. Cobb has had 191