SElF-DRIVE TOURING GUIDE ,'0--- -- -- maps_ . Joint pub(katlon by: HeINl Map s f'ty ltd PO 8o~ 4365 Eight Mile Plains 411 3 Old S E A Ph: +61 7 3340 0000 Fa~: +61 7 3340 O()99
[email protected] www.hemamaps.oom ,,' I N D I A N Wild OistOVery Guid e ~ ® I'D Bo~ 1696 Town5'l ille 481 0 Old www.wikldiscovery.«Wl\.au o c E A N wwwJcrozelLeom lsi edition 2nd «Iition 2010 I56N 978-1-86500-542-3 Copyrigh t T•• o Ia n Glover ft lm Ze lP 1010 M;!PJ ~ Hema Map$ Pty ltd 2010 IQl!9g~ pbie RiSe dlita ~ GCO$cienc:e Austl'1l lia Ehg tC!9'(jphs o Photograp ners, as indicated 2010 Authors: Ian Glo.m & len ZelP Publi shers : Rob Bot!jheim, Ian GloYer & len Zei t!' Produ ct icn Manager: Gavin J ilme5 Edi tor: Nalalie Wilson ClIrtegraphm: Ce rt Doeco a , Paul van-Cuylenburg Graphic lksigner: Debbie Winfield Prin ted by: Sin~ Cheong. Heng Kol19 ~ 01' W.ari~ & .ropical 8io!ogV lamu Cao~ Uni",,"';ly Photographs Front eoW!r: Nea r Windorah photo s pntim~9c. Copyright: AU rlgnts ~rVaI. No Pirt cfthis publicl'lion m~v be .. producd. ste>red in or intro du~~ to. ~t r1 e vaI S'1stem. or IllIn5rnitttd, in lOy term or by ;..,. mullS {eiettroJ1ic, mecNniGI. photocopyi"90 ~rdiog Of oI~isel, withcut the F ~r wrltkn pcrm;1.5:on 01' the pllbJisher of thisbcol!. Oisdll~' The I'I'bli!oh ~ C8Mol ac:upt ICSflOI"ISI bIIity for i ny amrs or orNssiar.s In this book.