Ltieorising Taw* Thesis Submitted for The
·Private and Public aspects of Trespass : Problems of 'ltieorising taW* by: P.c. Vincent-uones Thesis submitted for the degree of PhD Department of Law, Sheffield University October 1982 194 Ch. 5. Concrete p:trticular and concrete totality of law scecurirs relations of p?ssession and se~ration. (1) The concrete p:trticular (initial object): the ~l ri2ht to exclude. The concrete particular, and therefore the point of departure for con- crete analysis, is the ri9ht of the sUbject to exclude the world from interference with F?ssession of land. This is the simplest and most irreducible element of the law as it is expressed in a histor- ically determinate and socially constituted practice, at the concrete level of the Apparent movement and in the corresponding organization of legal categories •. This particular "right" is interp<;>latedwithin the structure of Society at a definite stage in its historical development in accord- ance with an economic determination yet to be specified. It may form the basis of legal claims by private individuals or non-human legal persons such as Corporations and Public Authorities (its limits are not exhaustively defined in its interpellation of human subjectsl). Yet its sphere of influence extends far beyond the resolution of dis- putes, informing the concrete practice of legal subjects in everday social situations: it is the foundation of the Company's exclusive control of production within the enterprise, and of the individual's reaction to intrusion: "Hey, you there, what do you think you're doing 1. Since not all legal subjects are "human", the mechanism of interpellation cannot completely account for their creation (requiring as it does a human "recognizing" subject.) [see Hirst, 1979/813] 195 in my garden?,,2 It is not necessary, to justify this starting-point, that legal sub- jects should "know" that their practice in relation to the possession of land is founded on this simple right, or that they be able to explain their attitudes by reference to it.
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