Columella – Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vol. 8. No.1 (2021)

Comparative study of flowering phenology of selected life forms in urban and rural environments. Preliminary results


1: Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary, Páter Károly u. 1, 2100., e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Global climate change has unforeseeable ramifications for the ecosystem of our home planet. In Europe, more than half of the flora may become endangered by the year 2080 as a result of climatic changes. Urban climate conditions are considered similar to the changing global climate conditions. The concept of our study is based on the Space for Time Substitution method, utilizing its advantage of saving time and resources compared to long-term monitoring. To find out how excess heat in urban environments af- fects the phenological flowering patterns of we planted specimens representing 6 different life-forms of the Raunkiær system (phanerophytes, chamaephytes, hemicryptophytes, geophytes, hemitherophytes, thero- phytes). Each category was represented by at least 5 species and each species by 5-5 specimens in Budapest, Füvészkert and in the MATE Botanical Garden of Gödöllo.˝ All the species in the experiment averaged at 7.62 days earlier flowering onset in Budapest. The peak of the flowering had 12.94 days of difference, while the end of flowering had 2.9 days of difference, with the earlier being Budapest. There is a strong significant difference (P < 0.001) in the onset of the flowering of cordifolia between the locations, regarding the peaks of flowering there is a strong significance (P < 0.001) for Inula ensifolia, regarding the end of flowering there is a strong significance (P < 0.001) for Polygonatum multiflorum. To clarify other driving forces and the role of abiotic parameters in the flowering phenology patterns, further study is required. Keywords: Reproductive phenology, plant life forms, climate change, heat island, botanical garden Received 30 January 2021, Revised 7 February 2027, Accepted 7 May 2021

Introduction pected during the next century (MEA 2005). This change has unforeseeable ramifications United Nations 1992 Framework Conven- for the ecosystem of our home planet. In Eu- tion on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – refer- rope, more than half of the vascular plant encing prior research results – clearly states flora may become endangered by the year that the mean temperature of the planet 2080 as a result of climatic changes (Thuiller Earth is rising (http1). By today the the- et al. 2005). ory of global warming is widely supported Unfortunately, this significant environmental by multi-disciplinary research, including the crisis is unsolved to this day (IPCC 2007, 2007 IPCC report (IPCC 2007). Accord- Hufnagel & Sipkay 2012). Based on current ing to the World Meteorological Organisa- research it seems that climate change can no tion’s study, compared to the average mean longer be stopped. Therefore, it is crucial temperature between 1961 and 1990 by to investigate possible adaptations (Li et al. 2015 the difference reached 1 °C, and by 2019). 2020 Global Mean Surface Temperature was around 1.2°C warmer than the pre-industrial Urban climate conditions are considered baseline (1850–1900) (http1, http2). The similar to the changing global climate con- last decade (2011–2020), is the warmest on ditions; therefore, many researchers study record (http2). Another 2–4°C rise is ex- urbanized areas as small-scale experiments,

DOI: 10.18380/SZIE.COLUM.2021.8.1.25 25 Columella – Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vol. 8. No.1 (2021)

or models, of global climate change (Ziska and the interrelation among phases of the et al., 2003). Thus the urban environment same or different species (Lieth 1974). Many is suitable for the application of the Space research shows that temperature change sig- for Time substitution method. Which method nificantly affects the life cycle of (e.g. encompasses analyses in which contempo- Scheifinger et al. 2003, Kunkel et al. 2004, rary spatial phenomena are used to under- Hansen et al. 2006, Lehoczky et al. 2016). stand and model temporal processes that are Towards the end of the last century, phe- otherwise unobservable, most notably past nological observations were recognized for and future events. This method is used to pre- their capability to visually and quantitatively dict the effects of climate change on biodi- assess climate change effects on ecosystems. versity, identifying general trends, therefore Several studies demonstrate significant shifts its application saves time and money com- in phenological phases of plants across Eu- pared to long-term studies. (Pickett 1989, rope (e.g., Menzel and Fabian 1999; Men- Blous et al. 2013) zel 2000, Chmielewski and Roetzer 2001, Thus, it is key to examine the patterns and Schleip et al. 2009). Shifts in phenological shifts in the patterns of flowering phenol- events in the Carpathian Basin are particu- ogy in urban areas compared with rural larly poorly documented, with a few excep- ones. Cities are strongly affected by climate tions coming from the works of Keresztes change. (1984), Walkovszky (1998), Schieber et al. Fifty years of data from the Copernicus (2009), Eppich et al. (2009), Molnár et al. Program on more than 100 000 European (2012), Varga et al. (2012), Lehoczky et al. municipalities confirm that the continent is (2016), and Szabó et al. (2016). Keresztes heating up at every latitude. In a third of (1984), Walkovszky (1998), and Varga et al. these municipalities, the average tempera- (2012) are focusing on their study on Robinia ture has risen by more than 2°C between pseudoacacia, a non-native species for the the 1960s and the last decade (http3, http4). Carpathian Basin, however, there is a lack of The survey compared the mean tempera- studies with emphasis on native species’ phe- tures of the municipalities of the period be- nology in Hungary. There is less available tween 1961–1970 with the period between phenological data on wild-growing plants, 2009–2018. According to the report of this then from cultivated species (Walkovszky program mean temperature of Budapest in- 1998, Hunkár 2012). Szabó et al. (2016) creased from 8.04°C to 12.04°C, and in showed in their study based on the long-term Gödöllo˝ from 7.56°C to 10.76°C. According data from the Hungarian Meteorological Ser- to this change (4°C and 3.2°C), both cities vice recorded between 1952 and 2000, that belong to the top third of the data. The in- native plant species advanced their flower- crease in the capital city Budapest was 0,8°C ing time (1952–2000) by 1.9–4.4 days per bigger than that of Gödöllo,˝ which is a small decade. town with more green areas. According to In the last few years, more and more the report, it is clear, that capitals and their researches use remote sensing to detect suburbs are affected most significantly, es- changes in phenological patterns between ur- pecially in central-eastern Europe. Riga and ban and rural areas (Yao et al. 2017, Luo Budapest are the two European capitals that et al. 2020, Jia et al. 2021). In Northeast have warmed most of all. China, the start of the growing season in Phenology is the study of the timing of recur- old urban areas had become earlier and the rent biological events, the causes of their tim- differences of the start of the growing sea- ing with regards to biotic and abiotic forces, son between urbanized areas and the ru-

26 DOI: 10.18380/SZIE.COLUM.2021.8.1.25 Columella – Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vol. 8. No.1 (2021)

ral area changed greatly during 2001–2015 Walkovszky 1998, Eppich 2009) confirmed ( 0.79 days/year, P < 0.01). Meanwhile, the that flowering phases advanced during the length of the growing season in urban ar- 20th century, which is connected with the eas had become increasingly longer than in increasing temperature. Szabó et al. (2016) rural areas (0.92 days/year, P < 0.01) (Yao examined flowering phenological records for et al. 2017). In China, the time of the start six species (Convallaria majalis, Taraxacum of the growing season of inland cities of officinale, Syringa vulgaris, Sambucus ni- Liaoning Province had negative correlations gra, Robinia pseudoacacia, Tilia cordata) with urban size. Specifically, when the urban based on phenological observations from the size increased 10-fold, the start of the grow- Hungarian Meteorological Service recorded ing season advanced by 10.03 days (Luo et between 1952 and 2000. Altogether, four al. 2020). Other research, based on MODIS from the six examined plant species showed data, claims that overall in China, the phe- a significant advancement in flowering on- nology shifted earlier by 8.6 0.54 days set with an average rate of 1.9–4.4 days ± for the start of the growing season in ur- per decade. The examined species showed a ban core areas compared with their rural difference where flowering occurred on the counterparts. (Jia et al. 2021). A compre- Great Hungarian Plain before West-Hungary. hensive understanding of species phenologi- Using a long-term data series of 144 years cal responses to global warming requires ob- (1851–1994) Walkovszky (1998) showed 3– servations that are both long-term and spa- 8 days advancement in the flowering date of tially extensive. Long-term data series deriv- Robinia pseudoacacia, relating the event to ing from the same place are rare (Hunkár et the mean temperature of March–May. Templ al. 2012). It is also very important to choose et al. (2017) examined the flowering phe- the correct methodology for the research. nology of plant species a 3000-km-long, Primack (1985) described the methodology North-South transect from northern to east- of collecting flowering phenology data. For ern Central Europe over the period 1970– the observation of individual plants, he sug- 2010 to identify the spatio-temporal patterns gests counting every flower open on the en- biogeographical regions of Europe. The re- tire plant on every day that the plant is in sults show that Continental, Alpine and Bo- bloom, to note the date of first flowering, real regions have a greater shift in flowering the date of the last flowering, and the date phenology (2.2–9.6 days per decades) than in on which the most flowers are open (date of Pannonian and Mediterranean regions. maximum flowering). According to him the duration of flowering may be an appropriate Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC; Sec- statistic for comparative purposes for species retariat of the CBD 2002, Convention of Bi- that begin and stop flowering abruptly and ological Diversity 2010) define the role of have about the same number of flowers open botanic gardens, so they have responsibili- per day. ties in research, teaching, and public educa- tion in the field of botany and in conserva- Previous research on the Carpathian Basin tion both in ex situ conservation and in in situ (Keresztes 1984, Walkovszky 1998, Schieber conservation serving resources for restora- et al. 2009, Eppich et al. 2009, Molnár tion projects. Botanic gardens are contribut- et al. 2012, Varga et al. 2012, Lehoczky ing to climate change-related research. The et al. 2016, and Szabó et al. 2016) did project of International Phenological Gar- not follow Primack’s method but still pro- dens (IPG) started in 1957 and now en- vided important data. Several previous stud- compasses 50 botanical gardens across Eu- ies (e.g., Menzel 2000, Roetzer et al. 2000, rope and collected 65 000 observations of

DOI: 10.18380/SZIE.COLUM.2021.8.1.25 27 Columella – Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vol. 8. No.1 (2021)

23 plant species during the decades (Pri- of precipitation is 514 mm) (Dövényi et al. mack & Miller-Rushing 2009). This project 2008, Orlóci et al. 2019). Within a radius used clonal plant material to reduce the of 250 m around the two botanical gardens, amount of genetic variation, so that variation the following local climate zones (LCZ) are in phenology reflects the influence of envi- present. In Budapest: LCZ 5 - Open mid-rise ronmental factors rather than genetic differ- 60%, LCZ 6 - Open low rise 20% LCZ 2 - ences among individuals (Primack & Miller- Compact mid-rise 20%. In Gödöllo:˝ LCZ A Rushing 2009). - dense trees 40%, LCZ D - low plants 50%, This study aims to find out how excess heat LCZ 6 - Open low-rise 10% (Stewart & Oke in urban environments affect the phenolog- 2012, http5). In the text, we refer to the ex- ical flowering patterns of species belong- periment locations as Gödöllo˝ and Budapest. ing to different life forms, and how differ- For the 34 species, 34 homogenous row ent the effect is in colder rural mesoclimac- shaped patches have been created within tic environments. To observe this, we planted the two selected areas with 5 repetitions by plants representing six different life forms species and by location. in two distinct locations. One was in down- town Budapest in ELTE Botanical Garden Ex situ phenological experiment (Füvészkert), and the other in MATE Botan- We planted specimens representing 6 dif- ical Garden of Gödöllo.˝ The flowering of the ferent life-forms of the Raunkiær system plants was recorded between the 1st of March th (phanerophytes, chamaephytes, hemicrypto- and 25 of December in 2020. We hypoth- phytes, geophytes, hemitherophytes, thero- esized locations with higher mean tempera- phytes). Each category was represented by at tures would result (i) in an earlier onset and least 5 species (Table 1) and each species by (ii) and an earlier end of flowering, compared 5–5 specimens in both locations. to colder locations. The observation units were put in standard- The following abbreviations were used: sized flowerpots with a diameter of 27 cm for Phanerophytes (Ph), Chamaephytes (Ch), phanerophytes, and 14 cm for the rest, con- Geophytes (Ge), Hemicryptophytes (He), taining at least one specimen from the given Hemitherophytes (HT), Therophytes (Th). species. We tried to maximize genetic con- formity in each species. This was achieved Materials and Methods by using clones in phanerophytes, obtained from the Hungarian University of Agricul- Study area ture and Life Sciences Soroksári Botanical Examination covering the entire vegetation Garden. In the case of seed-sown species, the cycle of species have been implemented in propagating material was collected from one the Experimental Site of Hungarian Uni- specimen per species in the Gödöllo˝ Botani- versity of Agriculture and Life Sciences cal Garden and the Eötvös Loránd University Gödöllo˝ Botanical Garden (47°35’36.2"N Botanical Garden Füvészkert, while in the 19°22’06.2"E, 250 m elevation, mean annual case of other species we obtained specimens temperature is 9.7°C; the average amount propagated from the horticulture of Beretvás of precipitation is 560 mm) (Dövényi et és Társai Kft. We collected and planted the al. 2008, Szirmai et al. 2014) and the specimens to the experimental patches dur- Eötvös Loránd University Botanical Gar- ing December of 2019. den Füvészkert (Budapest 47°29’05.6"N To minimize external factors, we used a stan- 19°05’05.7"E, 114 m elevation, mean annual dard soil mix and we put the plants in the temperature is 10.4°C; the average amount patches of similar characteristics and fol-

28 DOI: 10.18380/SZIE.COLUM.2021.8.1.25 Columella – Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vol. 8. No.1 (2021)

Table 1. The species included in the experiment grouped by life-forms

Ph Ch He Cornus sanguinea Dianthus plumarius Euphorbia polychroma Prunus spinosa Sedum album Ajuga reptans Ligustrum vulgare Vinca minor Inula ensifolia Prunus fruticosa Thymus vulgaris Sedum acre Cotinus coggygria Cerastium tomentosum Briza media Prunus tenella Globularia cordiflora Rosa spinosissima Ge HT Th Iris pumila Daucus carota** Hibiscus trionum Polygonatum multiflorum Dipsacus pilosus** Solanum nigrum Convallaria majalis Dipsacus lacinatus** Silene latifolia Galanthus nivalis* Capsella bursa-pastoris Portulaca oleracea Eranthis hyemalis* Malva sylvestris** Consolida regalis Papaver rhoeas

* the species were introduced after the start of the growing season, therefore were not in- cluded in the record ** resulting from their life-form, flowering in the first year is not expected (Krumbiegel, 2008) lowed the same protocol during their ob- Ligustrum vulgare (Ph), Prunus tenella (Ph), servation. In practice, this meant frequent Rosa spinosissima (Ph), Dianthus plumar- weeding and regular irrigation during the ius (Ch), Sedum album (Ch), Vinca minor summer months. Observations were realized (Ch), Thymus vulgaris (Ch), Cerastium to- weekly on the same day of the week from mentosum (Ch), Ajuga reptans (He), Inula March to December of 2020, on both loca- ensifolia (He), Sedum acre (He), Briza me- tions, collecting flowering phenological data. dia (He), Iris pumila (Ge), Polygonatum For the study of the flowering phenological multiflorum (Ge), Capsella bursa-pastoris data, we used Primack’s (1985) method. The (HT), Hibiscus trionum (Th), Solanum ni- timing of the start, peak, and end of flow- grum (Th), Silene latifolia (Th), Portulaca ol- ering was recorded in an Excel sheet. We eracea (Th), Consolida regalis (Th), Papaver recorded the end of flowering when there rhoeas (Th) flowered. In case of Portulaca was no more flower on any of the speci- oleracea (Th) we could only infer the flow- mens. The peak was the first day from all ering from the fruiting because there was no the dates when the specimen had the max- flower detected at the times of observation. imum number of flowers noticed. In case The flowering of the Papaver rhoeas (Th) of solitary flower we recorded the number could only be detected on one of the loca- of flowers, while in case of Briza media tions, on the other a short flowering period (He), Capsella bursa-pastoris (HT), Sedum could be inferred from the buds and fruits. album (Ch) and Thymus vulgaris (Ch) we Therefore, these two species were excluded recorded the number of inflorescences for from the evaluation of the flowering data. each observation unit. During the growing On both observation locations only Prunus season specimens of Cornus sanguiena (Ph), tenella (Ph), Dianthus plumarius (Ch), Se-

DOI: 10.18380/SZIE.COLUM.2021.8.1.25 29 Columella – Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vol. 8. No.1 (2021)

dum album (Ch), Vinca minor (Ch), Thy- ference, while the end of flowering had 2.9 mus vulgaris (Ch), Cerastium tomentosum days of difference, with the earlier being Bu- (Ch), Ajuga reptans (He), Inula ensifolia dapest. (He), Sedum acre (He), Briza media (He), Globularia cordifolia (Ch), Inula ensifo- Iris pumila (Ge), Polygonatum multiflorum lia (He), Polygonatum multiflorum (Ge), (Ge), Capsella bursa-pastoris (HT), Hibis- Dianthus plumarius (Ch), Thymus vul- cus trionum (Th), Solanum nigrum (Th), Si- garis (Ch), Cerastium tomentosum (Ch) and lene latifolia (Th) flowered. All species – Capsella bursa-pastoris (HT) had an earlier except Iris pumila (Ge) – produced enough onset as well as an earlier end of flowering in flowers for statistical analysis of the data. Budapest compared to Gödöllon.˝ The flower- ing of Sedum album (Ch) had an earlier onset Statistical analysis in Budapest and a simultaneous end on both Figures were created with Sigma Plot 12.0. locations. The flowering of Hibiscus trionum For statistical analysis, we used Windows (Th) and Vinca minor (Ch) started earlier Excel 2016, while we calculated the two- and ended later in Budapest. The flowering tailed t-test to show the difference between of Ajuga reptans (He) and Iris pumila (Ge) locations. The results shown in the figures started later and ended later in Budapest. The are the averages and standard deviations for flowering of Prunus tenella (Ph) started later each species in both locations. in Budapest and ended at the same time. The flowering of Solanum nigrum (Th) and Se- dum album (Ch) started in the same week and Results ended earlier in Budapest. The flowering of Silene latifolia subsp. alba (Th) started in the From the 16 species flowering on both lo- same week in both locations, but in contrast cations 12 species Globularia cordiflolia to the former two ended later in Budapest. (Ch) (Figure 1), Briza media (He) (Figure The average duration of the flowering of all 2), Hibiscus trionum (Th) (Figure 3), Si- species was 4.72 days longer in Budapest lene latifolia subsp. alba (Th), Inula ensifo- compared to Gödöllo.˝ Flowering duration of lia (He), Polygonatum multiflorum (Ge), Di- Hibiscus trionum (Th), Silene latifolia subsp. anthus plumarius (Ch), Sedum album (Ch), alba (Th), Globularia cordifolia (Ch), Briza Vinca minor (Ch), Thymus vulgaris (Ch), media (He), Sedum album (Ch), Vinca minor Cerastium tomentosum (Ch) and Capsella (Ch), Capsella bursa-pastoris (HT), Ajuga bursa-pastoris (HT) confirmed our hypoth- reptans (He) and Iris pumila (Ge) was longer esis, by flowering earlier in Budapest than in Budapest, compared to Gödöllo.˝ in Gödöllo.˝ From the listed species the aver- age difference in the onset of flowering was According to the statistical analysis, there is 10.66 days. Solanum nigrum (Th), Sedum a strong significant difference (P < 0.001) acre (He) started the flowering on the same in the onset of the flowering of Globularia week on both locations. Prunus tenella (Ph), cordifolia (Ch) between the locations. Polyg- Ajuga reptans (He) and Iris pumila (Ge) onatum multiflorum (Ge), Cerastium tomen- started to flower earlier in Gödöllo,˝ contra- tosum (Ch) and Capsella bursa-pastoris dicting our hypothesis. Species with the ear- (HT) showed a medium significance (P < lier onset of flowering happening in Gödöllo˝ 0.01). There was a still significant but weaker had an average difference of 2.2 days. All the connection (P < 0.05) for the onset of flow- species in the experiment averaged at 7.62 ering of Thymus vulgaris (Ch) between the days earlier flowering onset in Budapest. The two locations. peak of the flowering had 12.94 days of dif- Regarding the peaks of flowering there was

30 DOI: 10.18380/SZIE.COLUM.2021.8.1.25 Columella – Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vol. 8. No.1 (2021)

Figure 1. The flowering period and pattern of Globularia cordifolia.

Figure 2. The flowering period and pattern of Briza media. a strong significance (P < 0.001) for In- (Ch), Cerastium tomentosum (Ch), Capsella ula ensifolia (He) medium significance (P < bursa-pastoris (HT) and a weaker signifi- 0.01) for Globularia cordifolia (Ch), Di- cance (P < 0.05) for Polygonatum multiflo- anthus plumarius (Ch), Thymus vulgaris rum (Ge).

DOI: 10.18380/SZIE.COLUM.2021.8.1.25 31 Columella – Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vol. 8. No.1 (2021)

Figure 3. The flowering period and pattern of Hibiscus trionum.

Regarding the end of flowering there is a observation stations between 1951 and 1995. strong significance (P < 0.001) for Polyg- At almost all stations, the plants tended to onatum multiflorum (Ge), medium siginifi- bloom earlier in urban areas than in sur- cance (P < 0.01) for Globularia cordifolia rounding rural areas by about 2–4 days. (Ch), Thymus vulgaris (Ch) and a weaker Jochner et al. (2012) investigated the role significance (P < 0.05) for Sedum acre (He), of elevation and urbanization in the shift of Dianthus plumarius (Ch) and Cerastium to- flowering phases of tree species, and an ad- mentosum (Ch). vance of 2.6–7.6 days was observed between an entirely rural area and an entirely urban one. Roetzer et al. (2000) showed, that in Discussion European cities with strong urban climate effects e.g., Munich, Vienna and Hamburg, Our results show that the onset and end phenophases are beginning 3–16 days ear- of flowering occurred earlier in the capital lier. His results are in agreement with our re- city with a higher mean temperature than sults as the plants grown in Budapest have on in the lower mean temperature rural area. average 7.62 days earlier onset of flowering However, the flowering period lasted longer compared to Gödöllo.˝ This result could mean in Budapest than the rural area with a 3°C that downtown Budapest is strongly affected lower mean temperature. Only a few studies by the urban climate effect. Researchers at- (e.g., Roetzer et al. 2000, Ziska et al. 2003, tribute advanced flowering in urban environ- Neil & Wu 2006, Jochner et al. 2012) fo- ments to the Heat Island Effect (Neil & Wu cused on the difference in phenological pat- 2006), which is clearly noticeable in our re- terns between urban and rural areas. Roetzer sults as well. et al. (2000) analyzed data for four spring- Extension of growing periods in urban habi- blooming plants from 10 central European tats has also been reported in the northern

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hemisphere (e.g., Zhang et al. 2004, Neil and can be answered. Peñuelas and Filella (2001) Wu 2006) while possible protracted flow- showed that the advancements of phenologi- ering periods within urban landscapes are cal events were significantly correlated, with poorly studied, especially in Europe. Davis temperature increase over the 30 years be- et al. (2016) examined eucalyptus trees in fore then, however, the significance of other streets in Sidney, Australia, and observed, factors is unclear. According to Rathcke and that 3 tree species from the family Myrtaceae Lacey (1985) and Neil and Wu (2006) pho- showed a significantly longer flowering pe- toperiod, temperature, and soil moisture have riod on the streets of the city than in their nat- been recognized as the main environmen- ural habitats. Our results are consistent with tal triggers for leafing and flowering. Zhang this study, as the species participating in the et al. (2004) claim that it is the interac- experiment had a 4.72 days longer flowering tion between temperature and photoperiod period in Budapest compared to Gödöllo.˝ that is responsible for initiating flowering Sz- Compared to the onset of flowering there abó et al. (2016) claim that the flowering are significantly fewer studies regarding the phenophase shows the strongest correlation end of flowering and the possible advance- with the average air temperature of a few ment of it. Masetti et al. (2015) studied months preceding the event, while Eppich et Tilia europea in Florence, Italy, and con- al. (2009) came to the conclusion that the ⇥ cluded that both the start and end of flow- average of the daily temperature fluctuation ering advanced by 1.4 days in urban ar- in the given period and the number of frosty eas. In our experiment Globularia cordifo- days are the most important triggers for flow- lia (Ch), Inula ensifolia (He), Polygonatum ering phenology. To clarify the driving forces multiflorum (Ge), Dianthus plumarius (Ch), of flowering phenology patterns we installed Thymus vulgaris (Ch), Cerastium tomento- micrometeorological equipment to continu- sum (Ch), and Capsella bursa-pastoris (HT) ously measure abiotic parameters on both lo- started to flower earlier in Budapest com- cations. pared to Gödöllo.˝ All the species in the ex- periment had an average of 2.9 days ad- vancement at the end of flowering in Bu- Acknowledgements dapest compared to Gödöllo,˝ which is in agreement with the observation of Masetti et This research was supported by the ÚNKP- al. (2015). 20-3-I New National Excellence Program Nail and Wu (2006) observed the phe- of the Ministry for Innovation and Tech- nomenon that early spring bloomers in these nology. We are grateful Dr. Ildikó Pándy environments tend to be more sensitive than Hungarian University of Agriculture and mid- or late-spring bloomers. For the fu- Life Sciences’s head of Botanical Garden ture investigation of this conclusion, we will and László Papp botanist in ELTE Füvészk- introduce 2 early spring bloomers Eranthis ert for the professional and technical help hyemalis (Ge) and Galantus nivalis (Ge) throughout the year. Furthermore, thank goes from 2021. to Beretvás Kertészet, Lajos Magyar and Is there a significant difference between the Magdolna Sütöriné dr. Diószegi members years? Exactly with which abiotic parame- of Hungarian University of Agriculture and ters do the flowering phenology correllate? Life Sciences, Faculty of Horticultutral Sci- These are questions to be addressed in future ence, Institute of Sustainable Horticulture, studies. Department of Floriculture and Dendrology Based on our result, not all of these questions for providing us with the plant species.

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