The Loyolan 1935 Loyola University Chicago
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Loyola University Chicago Loyola eCommons Loyola University Yearbooks University Archives & Special Collections 1935 The Loyolan 1935 Loyola University Chicago Recommended Citation Loyola University Chicago, "The Loyolan 1935" (1935). Loyola University Yearbooks. Book 12. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives & Special Collections at Loyola eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Loyola University Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of Loyola eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. 1 v. y / d Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois EX LI BR I S_ THE 1935 LOYOLA 1935 L Y LAN THE ANNUAL PUBLICATION By THE STUDENTS OF LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGOILLINOIS COPYRIGHT W. J. GORMAN EDITOR-IN-CHIEF E. X. CROWLEY MANAGING EDITOR CHICAGO, 1935 CONTENTS FACULTIES SENIORS CLASSES SPECIAL GROUPS ALL-0 ACTIVITIES SOCIAL LIFE D E D I C A T I THE TWELFTH VOLUME OF THE LOYOLA N IS DEDICATED TO S A M - UEL I N S U L L JR. IN RECOGNI- TION OF HIS LOYAL SERVICES O X THE ADMINISTRATIVE COUN- CIL, AND IN APPRECIATION OF HIS ENTHUSIASTIC CONTRIBU- T I O N TO THE W E L F A R E A X I) P R O G - R E S S OF LOYOL A U N I V E R S I T Y . FOREWORD FATHER JACQUES MARQUETTE. S.J., AND A SMALL PARTY OF MISSIONARIES PADDLED THEIR CANOE U P THE CHICAGO RIVER IN THE SPRING OF 1674 AND LANDED AT WHAT IS NOW" THE FOOT OF THE MICHIGAN AVENUE BRIDGE. FATHER MARQUETTE WAS THE FIRST WHITE VISITOR TO THIS DISTRICT. AFTER HIM CAME MA N Y M E N W 1 T H THEIR FAMILIES AND IN THE COURSE OF YEARS THERE GREW UPON THE SITE OF FATHER MAR- QUETTE'S FIRST LANDING A GREAT CITY, A CITY DESTINED TO BE ONE OF THE GREATEST COMMUNITIES IN THE WORL D. THE PROGRESS OF ALL CIVIL- IZATION, AS EXEMPLIFIED IN THE RISE OF THAT COMMUNITY IS DEPENDENT IN LARGE PART ON THE EFFORTS AND ENTER- I PRIZE OF T S M E M B E R S . BUT M ORE IMPORTANT IN THE AT- T A I N M E N T OF THE ULTIMATE RESULT IS THE SPIRIT WITHIN THE 1 N D I V I I ) U A L , THE S P I R I T THAT TELLS E I M HTS EFFORTS WILL BE AVAILING, THAT HE HAS THE ABILITY TO SUCCEED; THAT SPIRIT IS FAITH. N M E M R I A M JAMES C . DALY, S.J. DR. STEPHEN GALLAGHER DR. J A M E S J . MO X A H A X DR. ED W A R D R . MARCINOWSKI DR. D A X I E L McHATTON . I JOSEPH S R E X E R , S.J. FELIX SAUNDERS H E X R Y S . SPAI. D I X G , S.J. S I A F F . I) WILLIAM I . G O K M AX K ITO R-IN-CHIEF E D \Y A R I) X . C R O W L E Y . M A X A G I X G E D ITOR ACK FLO IJ ERG LITERARY EDITOR "JACK HE N NESS Y S E X I O R E D I T O R "EDWARD W . S C H R A M M . PICTURE EDITOR "PAUL ARTHUR, J O H X BOW' M A X . B E R X A R D B R E X X A X, THOMAS BUCKLEY, F R A X K G A R - - V E Y . M A R T I X KENNELLY, BOLESLAUS P I E TRASZEK, JAMES QUI X X , E DWARD W SCHNEIDER LOYOLA 1II1II1I41H1IIOI SC1EWCE *4 %• VII Ill 111 u ^xA LJ _) ' 3 ' J v^- fete£- : utt£^\^fl ^Lk ra& hBBM^^^^ ^_ V ""H^ LIBRARY O GRADUATES OF LOYOLA UNI- VERSITY TAKE WITH THEM I X T THEIR VARIOUS FIELDS OF EN- DEAVOR A FULL APPRECIATION OF THE VALUE OF RELIGIOUS FAITH. THEIR STUDY OF THAT FAITH HAS BROUGHT THEM TO KNOW ALSO THE VALUE OF ITS MORE MATERIAL COUNTERPART. THE M E X U X D E R W H O M THEY H A V E STUDIE D DURING THEIR FOUR YEARS IN THE UNIVERSITY HAVE IMPRESSED UPON THEM MORE T H A X RELIGIOUS FAITH. THE JESUITS HAVE EXEMPLI- FIED IX THEIR OWN LIVES A MORE T H A X RELIGIOUS FAITH. THEY HAVE SHOW X THEIR STU- DENTS THAT MEX MUST HAVE FAITH IX THEMSELVES A X D THAT W HEX THEY HAVE, THEIR W O R K W I L L B E W ELL D O X E . UNIVERSITY FORMALLY. The Administrative Council consists of several of Chicago's leading business men, whose duty it is to consult with and to advise the Presi- dent of the University, on all matters of University business. The coun- cil had only one general meeting in the year, on the night before com- mencement. President Wilson and the members of the council feel that their accomplishments can be greater if each committee meets separatelv with the President. The achievements of the different committees under the general chairmanship of Mr. Stuyvesant Peabody; of the Finance Committee, composed of Messrs. Samuel Insull, Jr., Charles F. Clarke and Matthew J. Hickey with whom Mr. Edward J. Farrell, legal ad- viser of the council, usually meets; of the Public Relations Committee led by Mr. Edward J. Mehren and composed of Messrs. Martin J. Quiglev and Lawrence A. Downs, and of the committee on buildings and grounds composed of Messrs. David F. Bremner, Edward A. Cudahy, Jr., and \Yaltei J. Cummings, are eloquent proof of the soundness of the plan. One of the most important progressive acts of the council during the yea; was the extension in scope and numbers of the system of administrative com- mittees begun four years ago. Problems, the responsibility for which was formerly concentrated in the President's office, are now divided among the committees. With each problem receiving the undivided attention of a com- mittee, the natural result is increased efficiency. The efficiency with which the council decided main' problems of major importance during the past year has earned for them the unceasing gratitude and confidence of President Wilson and of the entire University. " Above: Chairman Stuyvesant Peabody. Top rote: Bremner, Cudahy, Downs, Hickey, Mehren. Bottom rozv: Clark, Cummings, Farrell, Insull, Quiglev. «««»«« 4 «» X« Regents and deans of the colleges of the University compose the Academic Council. It is the duty of the group to meet monthly and to decide matters of policy affecting more than one division ol the- Uni- versity. Several changes were made in the membership oi the Academic Council during the year. At the beginning of the year announcement came that the Reverend George 1.. Warth, S. J., had replaced the Rev- erend Edward C. Holton, S. J., as dean oi men (>t the University, and that the Reverend Dennis F. Burns, S. )., had replaced the Reverend Thomas A. Egan, S. |., as regent of the School of Raw. Other new members were Dr. Paul Kinierv, assistant dean of the Graduate School, and Dr. James A. Fitzgerald, assistant dean of the Downtown College ol Arts and Sciences. Still later in the year one Reverend John P. Noonan, S. J., came from Detroit to replace Father Burns, who became president of Xavier University in Cincinnati, as regent of the School of Raw; and the Reverend P. Farrell, S.J., became dean of the new Jesuit college at West Baden, affiliated with Loyola. Standards of the North Central Association change, and one of the duties of the council is to keep pace with the new regulations. Catalogues of the various departments of the University were made uniform in appearance in the past year, and strides were made in improving the publicity of the Uni- versity. One of the council's important acts during the year was the introduc- tion in the Graduate School of the degree of Master of Education. " Above: President Samuel Knox Wilson, S.J. Top row: Chamberlain. Warth, S.J Kiniery, Noonan, S. J., McCormick, Ahearn, S.J. Bottom Row: Egan, S.J., Gerst, S.J Fitzgerald, Finnegan, S. J., Moorhead, Logan, Steggerl. F A C t y C A A T E S GRADUATE SCHOOL §EMIM/1R ROOMS «.»%»* KiHOOl Francis J. Gerst, S. J., Mean . Paul Kiniery, Ph. D., Assistant Dean . William (.'lardy Austin, Ph.D. Earl Patrick Boulger, D. D. S. Theodore Elliot Boyd, Ph.D. Simon B. Chandler, M.S., M. D. Edgar David Coolidge, B. S., I). I). S. Charles I. Doyle, S.J. -\ J. Martin Essenberg, Ph. D. Harold N. las. M. S., Ph. D . Stanli Fahlstrom, U.S., M. D. Emmanual Bernard Fink, Ph. D., M. D. James Augustine Fitzgerald, Ph.D. Ralph Homer Fouser, B. S., I). D. S Arnold Garvy, S.J. Francis Joseph Gerty, B. S., M. D. Marion Gilman, A.M. Victor E. Gonda, M. D. Eneas Bernard Goodwin, A. I'., S.T. I'.. J. D. Thomas L. Grisamorc, Ph.D.. D.D.S. William Michael Hanrahan, M.S., M. D., F. A. C. S. Valeria EC. Huppeler, M.S. Jerome Jacobsen, S.J. Thesle >. Theodore Job, Ph. D. William Harding Johnson, Ph. I . Rudolph !•'.. I >. Kronfeld, M. Herbert Landes, M.S., M.