Technology review of urine diversion components Overview of urine diversion components such as waterless urinals, urine diversion toilets, urine storage and reuse systems Imprint Published by: Design: Deutsche Gesellschaft für creative republic Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Thomas Maxeiner Kommunikationsdesign, Frankfurt am Main Sustainable sanitation - ecosan program Photos: Postfach 5180, Cover: © Philipp Feiereisen, Steffen Blume, Lukas Ulrich, 65726 Eschborn, Abdoulaye Fall, Sören Rüd, Robert Gensch, iStock Germany Back: © GIZ, Steffen Blume, Elmer Sayre, Sören Rüd, Patrick Zimmerer, Alexandra Höhne/Rwanda Village Concept Project, T +49 61 96 79-4220 Elisabeth von Münch, Stefanie Lorenz F +49 61 96 79-80 4220 Inside: © Elke Mühlegger/EcoSan Club Austria, Patrick Zimmerer, E
[email protected] Philipp Feiereisen, Julia Littmann, Håkan Jönsson, Abdoulaye Fall, I Steffen Blume, Philipp Feiereisen, Robert Gensch, Heike Hoffmann, Arne Panesar, Michael Kropac Place and date of publication: Eschborn, May 2011 Authors: Dr. Elisabeth von Münch, Dr.-Ing. Martina Winker Responsible editor: Dr. Elisabeth von Münch Acknowledgement: Nathasith Chiarawatchai, Florian Klingel, Christine Werner and Patrick Bracken (authors of an earlier version), Dr. Håkan Jönsson, Dr. Elisabeth Kvarnström and Dr. Arno Rosemarin (reviewers of the current document) Printed on 100% recycled paper Technology review of urine diversion components Overview of urine diversion components such as waterless urinals, urine diversion toilets, urine storage and reuse systems 4 Foreword 5 This publication is an important contribution of the GIZ program “Sustainable sanitation – ecosan” as it pulls together scattered knowledge around the topic of urine diversion in a concise manner. The program is commissioned by the German Federal Minis- try for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).