LakeLake ErieErie andand St.St. ClairClair RiverRiver toto DetroitDetroit RiverRiver EcosystemEcosystem

DanDan O’RiordanO’Riordan U.S.U.S. EPAEPA RegionRegion 55 Lake Erie is Unique

ƒƒ biologicallybiologically productiveproductive ƒƒ CarolinianCarolinian ZoneZone ofof OntarioOntario 100+ Canadian Species at Risk and 36 globally rare species ƒƒ highhigh speciesspecies richnessrichness ƒƒ oneone thirdthird ofof thethe GreatGreat LakesLakes basinbasin populationpopulation ƒƒ mostmost stressstress fromfrom urbanizationurbanization andand agricultureagriculture ƒƒ vulnerablevulnerable toto aquaticaquatic NISNIS invasionsinvasions 144+ NIS in Lake Erie basin Lake Erie

St. Clair – Lake St. Clair – Detroit River Primary threat to biological integrity: Non- There are currently 34 non-native species in Lake Erie. Altered favor non-native species

Zebra Native Freshwater Mussels

FrequencyFrequency OfOf DeadDead FishFish SpeciesSpecies ObservedObserved AlongAlong NYNY LakeLake ErieErie Beaches,Beaches, SeptemberSeptember 20012001

7 other species

3% rock bass 5% smallmouth bass 11%


freshwater Information from NYSDEC drum PercentPercent MortalityMortality OnOn NYNY LakeLake ErieErie ShorelineShoreline ByBy SpeciesSpecies ObservedObserved -- FallFall 2000

Mallard D uck 0.33% Common Crow 0.34% Bonaparte's Gull 0.67%

Ring-Billed Gull 31.54% Red-Breasted Merganser 45.64%

Herring Gull 4.36% Great Black- Backed Gull Horned Grebe 2.35% 2.01% Black Duck 0.34% Bufflehead Mortality: 5,000-6,000 Birds 1.68% Common Loon 10.74% Non-native

Cercopagis Non-native Introductions

? Nutrient concentrations and cycling


Zebra Microcystis Mussels “ WHERE IMPAIRED Islands OH, likely in ON Sand/ Beaches Sand: OH, PA, NY, ON; Cobble: ? Unconsolidated shore bluffs PA, likely in NY, ON Interdunal OH, PA, ON Sand dunes OH, PA, NY, ON Submerged macrophytes PA, NY, ON Floating macrophytes NY, ON, likely OH, PA Emergent macrophytes MI, PA, NY, likely OH, ON Wet meadow OH, PA, NY, ON Mesic prairie OH, ON, likely PA Shrub swamp OH, ON, likely NY, PA and OH, PA, NY, ON Upland marsh OH, NY, likely PA, ON Mesic forest NY, ON, oak-hickory in OH, beech-maple in PA Swamp forest OH, PA, NY, ON Endemic Species

Lake Erie Water Snake ContaminantsContaminants continuecontinue toto cyclecycle throughthrough thethe sedimentssediments andand thethe foodfood webweb

Lake Sturgeon - Making A Comeback

Activities to Enhance Biological Integrity

LakeLake ErieErie LaMPLaMP 20022002 Activities to Enhance Biological Integrity Activities to Enhance Biological Integrity

ƒƒ St.St. ClairClair RiverRiver habitathabitat andand nonnon--pointpoint sourcesource improvementimprovement projectsprojects

ƒƒ LakeLake St.St. ClairClair CoastalCoastal HabitatsHabitats RestorationRestoration ConservationConservation ProjectProject

ƒƒ OntarioOntario EnvironmentalEnvironmental FarmFarm PlanPlan && OntarioOntario RuralRural CleanClean WaterWater ProgramsPrograms Activities to Enhance Biological Integrity Activities to Enhance Biological Integrity What actions are needed to understand and improve the biological integrity of Lake Erie and the St. Clair River to Detroit River ? ActionsActions NeededNeeded

1. Minimize and control non-native species. ActionsActions NeededNeeded

2. Promote the protection and restoration of habitats across jurisdictions. ActionsActions NeededNeeded

3. Implement activities that manage nutrients. ActionsActions NeededNeeded

4. Improve data collection to facilitate informed decisions. BiologicalBiological IntegrityIntegrity

LakeLake Erie:Erie: mixedmixed toto mixedmixed deterioratingdeteriorating

St.St. ClairClair RiverRiver –– LakeLake St.St. ClairClair -- DetroitDetroit RiverRiver Ecosystem:Ecosystem: mixedmixed