
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent and Systems (IROS) November 3-7, 2013. Tokyo, Japan

Temporal Logic Motion Planning in Unknown Environments

A. I. Medina Ayala, S. B. Andersson, and C. Belta

Abstract— In this paper, we consider a motion planning eventually bring them to safe areas. Given that the environ- problem from a specification given as a syntactically co-safe ment is only partially known, the robot will need to gather linear temporal logic formula over a set of properties known information about it in real time and use that while planning to be satisfied at the regions of an unknown environment. The robot is assumed to be equipped with deterministic motion and so as to satisfy the task specification. accurate sensing capabilities. The environment is assumed to The example described above is an instance of the Si- be partitioned into a finite number of identical square cells. By multaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) [5] problem. bringing together tools from formal verification, graph theory, Motivated by a wide number of applications that fall into and grid-based exploration, we develop an incremental algo- the SLAM framework, this paper proposes an algorithm that rithm that makes progress towards satisfying the specification while the robot discovers the environment using its local sensors. interleaves the use of formal methods, graph theory and We show that the algorithm is sound and complete. We illustrate classical exploration techniques to solve the path planning the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach through a problem in an unknown environment subject to temporal simulated case study. logic specifications. Specifically, given a known set of labels capturing certain elements of interest that can be discovered I.INTRODUCTION during the robot’s navigation through an unknown environ- ment and a temporal logic formula over this set of labels, The flexibility of model checking and automata game we obtain a trajectory that satisfies the formula. techniques, and the proven expressivity of temporal logics Our approach to solving the planning problem takes ad- allow the use of formal methods to extend the applicability vantage of automata-based model checking [6] and runtime of classical problems. In particular, one of the areas verification techniques [7]. We exploit the automata-based within the robotics community that has greatly benefited model checking framework to find a trajectory satisfying the from the use of formal methods is path planning. Temporal formula given the current information about the environment. logics such as the Computation Tree Logic (CTL) [1], However, the incomplete knowledge of the environment Continuous Stochastic Logic (CSL) [2], Linear Temporal potentially has a negative effect on finding such a trajectory. Logic (LTL) [3], and µ-calculus [4], have been effectively Even though the formula is not yet satisfied, there may exist applied to express complex high-level planning specifica- at least one trajectory that does not violate the formula. tions. Furthermore, the adaptation of existing off-the-shelf We use the runtime verification setting to monitor a set of model checking and automaton based tools makes it possible potential trajectories that lead to unexplored areas of the to automatically generate the solution to the path planning environment and select the path that does not violate the problem from such specifications. formula, provided one exists, and is the most promising in In general, solving the path planning problem by means terms of the satisfaction of the formula. of formal methods requires a priori knowledge of the robot’s Our work is related to the problem of reactive synthesis, workspace. There are many applications, such as in search in which a finite state satisfying a desired output and rescue operations, where the robot must deal with an behavior subject to a temporal logic constraint is gener- unknown or partially known environment. Despite this lack ated regardless of the input applied [8]. In particular, [9] of knowledge, the robot may be required to plan a strategy presents an approach to automatically synthesize a hybrid that fulfills certain requirements based on the mission at controller that guarantees a user-defined specification while hand. Consider, for instance, a robot deployed in a building exploring a partially known environment. As new regions after an earthquake. Prior information about the building of the environment are detected, the specification is rewrit- may be available in the form of, for example, a blueprint, ten and re-synthesized. Related work includes also [10], but the disaster is likely to have significantly altered the which considers the synthesis of controllers in environments environment. The task given to the robot could be to look with uncertain, but fixed structure. By locally modifying a for survivors, guide them while avoiding unsafe areas, and nominal plan if it fails, the controller is able to deal with unexpected changes in the environment. These works are This work is partially supported at Boston University by the NSF under restricted to the class of Generalized Reactivity (GR)(1) grants CNS-1035588 and CMMI-0928776, and the ONR MURI under grant N00014-09-1051. formulas [11]. Unlike these approaches, in this work we use Medina Ayala is with the Department of Mechanical , An- syntactically co-safe LTL formulas to express the mission dersson and Belta are with the Department of Mechanical Engineering and specifications. Syntactically co-safe LTL formulas not only the Division of Systems Engineering, Boston University, MA, USA, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] describe finite horizon specifications, expressing a wide A. Medina Ayala is the corresponding author. spectrum of high-level robotic missions, but also belong to

978-1-4673-6358-7/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 5279 the class of languages that are monitorable [12]. Model checking on the TS T for an scLTL formula φ can Other related work includes [13] where the control syn- be conducted by the parallel composition between T and a thesis problem on a graph is constrained to maximize the DFA A that accepts all runs satisfying φ. accumulated reward locally while satisfying an LTL mission Definition 4. Given a TS T = (S, s , ∆, w, Π, l) and a DFA specification. In order to solve this problem, a receding 0 A = (Q, q , Σ, δ, F ), their weighted product automaton is a horizon controller is devised to guarantee the fulfillment of 0 DFA AP = (Q , q , δ , w ,F ), where Q = S×Q is the the specification in infinite time. Even though this work P P 0 P P P P set of states, q = (s , q ) is the initial state, δ ⊆ Q ×Q can locally synthesize a control strategy while satisfying P 0 0 0 P P P is the set of transitions defined by ((s, q), (s0, q0)) ∈ δ if and the specification, it still requires knowledge of the graph P 0 l(s) 0 representing the workspace a priori. In contrast, our ap- only if s →T s and q −−→A q , wP : QP × QP → N is a proach incrementally builds the transition system describing weight function such that wP ((si, qk), (sj , ql)) = w(si, sj ), the motion of the robot while exploring the environment to where (sj , ql) ∈ δP ((si, qk)), and FP = S × F is the set of find a path satisfying a given specification. final states. An accepting run τ = (s , q ) ... (s , q ) of AP de- II.PRELIMINARIES P 0 0 n n fines an accepting run q0 . . . qn of A over the input word Definition 1. A weighted finite deterministic transition sys- l(s0) . . . l(sn−1). tem (TS) is a tuple T = (S, s0, ∆, w, Π, l) where S is a finite For a DFA A, let A(q) be an identical DFA except for the set of states, s0 ∈ S is the initial state, ∆ ⊆ S × S is the set initial state, which is redefined in A(q) as q0 = q. Let φ be Σ φ φ φ φ φ of transitions, w : ∆ → N is a weight function that assigns a an scLTL formula over 2 , and let A = (Q , q0 , Σ, δ ,F ) positive value to each transition, Π is a set of observations, be the DFA accepting all the words satisfying φ; i.e., Π ¬φ ¬φ ¬φ ¬φ ¬φ and l : S → 2 is the labeling map. L(φ). Also, let A = (Q , q0 , Σ, δ ,F ) be the DFA ∗ 0 0 accepting all the words falsifying φ; i.e., L(¬φ). Let u ∈ Σ For convenience of notation, we use s →T s if (s, s ) ∈ ω ∆. A finite trajectory of a TS is a finite sequence τ = be a finite word. u is a good prefix for φ if ∀σ ∈ Σ , s s . . . s , where s → s for all 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 1. The uσ ∈ L(φ). On the other hand, u is a bad prefix for φ if 0 1 n k T k+1 ∀σ ∈ Σω, uσ ∈ L(¬φ). Furthermore, u is an inconclusive finite trajectory τ generates a finite word π = π0π1 . . . πn, ω where π = l(s ) for all k = 0, . . . n. prefix for φ if and only if for all ∀σ ∈ Σ , uσ is neither a k k good nor a bad prefix. Definition 2. [14]. A syntactically co-safe LTL (scLTL) A monitor is obtained by defining a Finite State Machine formula over a set of atomic propositions Σ is inductively (FSM) constructed as follows. For the automaton Aφ, the defined as follows: function F φ : Qφ → B (with B = {>, ⊥}) is defined. The set F φ(q) = > if and only if L(Aφ(q)) 6= ∅; a state q evaluates Φ ::= σ | ¬σ | Φ ∨ Φ | Φ ∧ Φ | X Φ | Φ U Φ| F Φ to > if and only if the language of the automaton starting in φ ˆφ φ φ φ ˆφ where σ ∈ Σ is an atomic proposition, ¬ (negation), ∨ state q is not empty. Using F , let A = (Q , q0 , Σ, δ , F ) (disjunction), and ∧ (conjunction) are Boolean operators, be the DFA with Fˆφ = {q ∈ Qφ|F φ(q) = >}. Analogously, ˆ¬φ ¬φ ¬φ ¬φ ˆ¬φ ˆ¬φ and X (next), U (until), and F (eventually) are temporal set A = (Q , q0 , Σ, δ , F ) with F = {q ∈ operators. Qφ|F ¬φ(q) = >}. Then, ˆφ φ φ φ ˆφ The semantics of scLTL formulas are defined over infinite Definition 5. Given A = (Q , q0 , Σ, δ , F ) and ¬φ Σ ˆ¬φ ¬φ ¬φ ˆ¬φ words in 2 . Intuitively, X σ asserts that σ becomes true in A = (Q , q0 , Σ, δ , F ), we define the FSM M = (Q,¯ q¯ , δ,¯ λ¯), where Q¯ = Qφ × Q¬φ is a finite set of the next position in the word; σ1 U σ2 expresses that σ1 is 0 states, q¯ = (qφ, q¬φ) is the initial state, δ¯((q, q0), a) = true until σ2 becomes true in a word; and F σ states that σ 0 0 0 φ ¬φ 0 ¯ ¯ becomes true at some position in the word. More complex (δ (q, a), δ (q , a)) is the transition function, and λ : Q → specifications can be expressed by combining Boolean and B3 is the labeling function defined by temporal operators (see, e.g. (3)).  > if q0 6∈ Fˆ¬φ Let L(φ) be the set of infinite words satisfying an scLTL 0  λ¯(q, q ) = ⊥ if q 6∈ Fˆφ formula φ. L(φ) can be described by the deterministic finite  ? if q ∈ Fˆφ and q0 ∈ Fˆ¬φ. automaton defined as follows. The defined FSM M is the monitor of an scLTL formula Definition 3. A deterministic finite automaton (DFA) is a that yields >, ⊥ or ? for a word that is a good, bad, or tuple A = (Q, q , Σ, δ, F ) where Q is a finite set of states, 0 inconclusive prefix, respectively. q0 ∈ Q is the initial state, Σ is the input alphabet, δ : Q × Σ → Q is the transition function, and F ⊆ Q is the set III.PROBLEMFORMULATIONANDAPPROACH of accepting states. In this work, we consider a ground deployed σ 0 0 We use q −→A q if q = δ(q, σ). An accepting run τA in an unknown planar environment containing a known of an automaton A on a finite word σ0σ1 . . . σd over Σ is set of labels. These labels capture the presence of certain a sequence of states τA = q0q1 . . . qd+1 such that q0 ∈ Q, elements of interest within the environment. For simplicity qd+1 ∈ F , and δ(qk, σk) = qk+1 for all k = 0, . . . d. of presentation and to keep the discussion focused on the

5280 algorithmic part of the problem, the underlying framework means of a search algorithm [20]. Once the shortest obstacle- used in this work is a partitioning of the environment into free paths to each frontier region are obtained, the word finitely many identical square cells storing the occupancy generated by each one of them is analyzed by a monitor condition [15] (either obstacle free or occupied) and the of the scLTL formula representing the robot’s specification. labels holding true in each cell. As a result, the minimum number of letters to be appended Given the discrete of the environment model, the to each word in order to satisfy the specification is obtained. robot’s motion is also discretized. More specifically, the robot The robot then moves to the frontier region that minimizes can move from its current cell to any of the adjacent neigh- a cost function combining the traveling distance and the boring cells provided they are not occupied by an obstacle. monitor function’s output, by following the path given by In principle, this assumption can be applied to robots with the search algorithm. After achieving the selected frontier realistic dynamics, such as unicycles, cars, and quadrotors by cell, the robot measures its environment and updates the map solving input-output linearization problems, partitioning the of the environment and the product automaton by inserting robot’s workspace using simplicial and rectangular partitions, new edges and nodes in the automaton graph. The cycle and assigning vector fields in the regions of the partition [16], is repeated until either a satisfying trajectory is found or [17]. the environment has been completely explored, i.e., no more Initially the robot knows nothing about the environment frontier regions can be detected. except its current cell and the set of labels it may encounter within the environment. Assuming the robot has perfect lo- calization, it can determine its current cell exactly. Then, the robot gains information about the environment by means of its sensors. Every time a new sensor reading is obtained, all the cells within the sensors’ range are updated and integrated into the robot’s knowledge. Such an update includes the accurate identification of the labels corresponding to each cell within the sensor’s range, as well as their occupancy condition. The robot maintains the currently known map and the history of each one of the cells it has moved through starting from the initial cell. Hence, we consider the following problem. Problem 1. Given a mobile robot deployed in an unknown partitioned environment with a known set of labels, plan a trajectory that satisfies a syntactically co-safe linear tempo- Fig. 1. A schematic representation of a robot’s grid-world, which consists ral logic specification over this set, if one exists, or determine of Free cells (in yellow), Obstacles (in black), and a Goal (in green). The robot is represented as a red disk. Fig. a) depicts the actual topological that one does not. structure of the environment. Figs. b) - d) represent the knowledge gained by the robot about the environment while accomplishing its task specification. Our approach to Problem 1 relies on modeling the motion The gray cells correspond to unknown cells and the cells labeled with “F” of the robot within the environment as a TS T , (see Def. 1). represent frontier cells. Each state of T corresponds to a cell in the partition with an assigned set of labels. Notice that T captures only the segment of the environment that has been explored so far. A IV.MOTIONPLANNINGFRAMEWORK robot trajectory is defined as the finite sequence of states of As outlined in Sec. III above, our approach attempts to T that have been traversed since the robot’s deployment in find a trajectory that satisfies a temporal logic specification the environment. expressed as an scLTL formula φ in an a priori unknown The main idea behind the solution to Problem 1 builds on environment. As seen in Alg. 1, we divide our approach into the combination of automata-based model checking, monitor- the initialization and the trajectory search procedures. based runtime verification, and frontier-based exploration Lines 1-4 of Alg. 1 are run only once and are responsible methods. We incrementally construct a weighted product for the Initialization of the algorithm. In line 2 of Alg. 1, automaton AP (see Def. 4) by adding the new information we construct the DFA A that captures the temporal logic the robot obtains from the environment. After each update, specification φ as in Def. 3. In line 3 of Alg. 1, we construct an optimal accepting run of the product automaton is sought the FSM M representing the monitor of the specification as by means of the graph algorithm presented in [18]. If no defined in Def. 5. solution is reported based on the the partially known map, The rest of the algorithm (lines 5-14) is executed until frontier cells are determined. A frontier cell is an obstacle- either a trajectory satisfying φ is found, there are no more free cell that is adjacent to at least one “unknown” cell [19] frontier regions left in the environment, or all the paths to (see Fig. 1). Adjacent frontier cells are grouped into frontier the frontier regions violate the specification. The latter case regions. Then, the robot calculates the shortest traveling implies that the robot is not able to satisfy the specification. distance to a representative cell of each frontier region by The procedure Find Path takes as inputs the DFA A, the

5281 FSM M obtained in the initialization procedure, and the set as in Fig. 1.c), its transition system includes the currently C of new cells detected by the robot’s sensor and gives as an and previously seen cells. output a trajectory to be executed by the robot. This can be achieved by dividing the procedure into three stages: tran- B. Incremental Automaton-Based Search sition system update, incremental automaton-based search, Naively, searching for a trajectory satisfying an scLTL and frontier-based exploration. formula φ when only partial information about the system The transition system update (line 7 of Alg. 1) incorporates is unveiled can be achieved by constructing a new product the newly discovered information about the environment, automaton each time T is updated. In order to alleviate the represented by C to the model representing the motion of the time complexity of this process, and to take advantage of robot. The updated transition system is then used to construct recent advances in graph algorithms, we integrate a method the product automaton incrementally in line 8 of Alg. 1 based on the Incremental Breadth First Search (IBFS) algo- and an optimal robot trajectory is sought. If this search was rithm [18] into our framework. unsuccessful (lines 10-12 of Alg. 1), a trajectory is planned The algorithm starts by defining two types of trees, trees by means of the frontier-based exploration stage. In what rooted from the automaton’s initial state qP 0, and trees rooted follows, each one of these stages is fully described. into every vertex q ∈ FP . After the transition system has been updated, the algorithm scans the tree rooted from the Algorithm 1 The temporal logic path planning algorithm automaton’s initial state qP 0 and identifies the path q0 −qcur, where qcur is the state of the automaton corresponding to the 1: procedure INITIALIZATION(φ) current’s robot cell. Then, this tree is expanded by scanning 2: Construct DFA A corresponding to φ the set of new edges generated after the transition system 3: Construct FSM M corresponding to φ update and augmenting the arcs rooted from qcur. If no arc 4: end procedure is found, the algorithm terminates, otherwise the expansion continues from the newly added set of vertices. Similarly, 5: procedure FIND PATH(A, M, C) the trees rooted into vertices q ∈ FP are also augmented and 6: repeat expanded if possible. If an arc (q, q0) with q rooted from 7: T ← Transition System Update(C) 0 qcur − q and q rooted into a vertex in FP is discovered, 8: AP←Incremental Automaton-Based Search(T , A) the path obtained by concatenating the qcur − q path, the arc 9: return τ 0 0 00 00 (q, q ), and the q − q path, with q ∈ FP is an optimal 10: if τ 6 φ then trajectory satisfying φ. It can be shown that such a path is 11: Frontier-Based Exploration(C, M) also the shortest path [18]. 12: end if 13: until termination conditions are satisfied C. Frontier-Based Exploration 14: end procedure The frontier-based exploration stage is triggered by the absence of an accepting run in the product automaton AP . At this stage, the robot identifies the set of frontier cells A. Transition System Update that are visible from its current cell. Frontier cells that are Under our framework, given the absence of a priori knowl- immediately adjacent to each other and share at least one edge of the robot’s environment, the complete transition Cartesian coordinate are then grouped and the center of the system is not accessible. The construction of the transition set represents a candidate frontier cell. A trajectory linking system T is performed in an incremental fashion. T models the robot’s current cell and a frontier candidate is called a the motion of the robot within the cells of the environment candidate trajectory. that have been identified so far. We initialize the set of The objective of the frontier-based exploration stage is states of T as a single state corresponding to the robot’s to find the candidate within the frontier cells to which a current cell. An update in T is the outcome of the robot’s candidate trajectory not only minimizes the distance to be local sensing providing a new set of states to be included traversed by the robot, but also is most “promising” with in T corresponding to the set of cells within the robot’s respect to fulfilling φ. Therefore, we propose an ordering sensor range. Moreover, we define unit weight transitions relation of the frontier candidates based on the trajectory between all adjacent cells in this range and identify their length to the frontier found by using a search algorithm, such corresponding labels. Thus, the updated transition system as A∗ [21], and the monitor’s output of the prefix generated inherits the set of transitions, weights, and labels from the by such a trajectory. In other words, we assign a weight w(i) recently discovered cells. for every frontier candidate i, defined as: As an example, consider the environment illustrated in w(i) = m(π ) · exp(−γ · l(τ )), (1) Fig. 1.a). A robot deployed without having any prior in- i i formation in such an environment starts by measuring the where m(ui) is the output of the monitor describing the cells within its sensors’ range (Fig. 1.b)). The robot’s current future of the prefix πi generated by the candidate trajectory knowledge about the environment corresponds to all non- τi and l(τi) expresses the trajectory length. The parameter γ gray colored cells. Once the robot travels to a new cell such expresses the importance of the path length over the future

5282 Fig. 2. Snapshots (to be read left-to-right) from a movie showing the robot’s motion produced by applying our path planning algorithm to satisfy Specification 1. The robot is represented as a blue triangle and the arrows coming from the triangle represent the robot’s sensor measurements. aspect of the trajectory. Eq. (1) allows us to establish a candidate maximizing Eq. (1) is selected and its candidate trade-off between the cost of reaching a frontier cell and trajectory is traversed. the utility of reaching that frontier cell. Moreover, Eq. (1) allows the robot to choose a more distant frontier if the D. Soundness and Completeness candidate trajectory to that frontier is more promising in The soundness and completeness properties of the algo- terms of satisfying φ. rithm are summarized in the following theorem. For instance, consider Fig. 1 and the specification given Theorem 1. Given a mobile robot deployed in an unknown as ¬Obstacles U Goal. The robot’s knowledge in Fig. 1.b partitioned environment with a known set of labels capturing is not sufficient to obtain a trajectory satisfying the specifi- certain elements of interest at its regions, and a specification cation. In the absence of occlusion by obstacles, the robot given as an scLTL formula over these labels, the proposed chooses a cell from the frontier candidates (in red) that allows algorithm returns a solution to Problem 1. it to obtain more information about the environment without falsifying the specification. This is depicted in Fig. 1.c, which Proof. Consider that an empty run resulted from seeking shows the system after the robot moves to the frontier cell a satisfying trajectory in the product automaton, i.e., the selected in the previous round and augments its knowledge of formula cannot be yet satisfied. Let π be the word generated the environment. The process is repeated until the robot ac- by a candidate trajectory. If π violates the specification, the quires the information needed to satisfy the task specification monitor function evaluates to 0 discarding this trajectory. The (Fig. 1.d). Note that one can also incorporate the appropriate algorithm then prevents the formula from being violated by approach to reason about occlusion into the planning process. selecting a trajectory that does not falsify the specification. To compute the future aspect of the prefix generated by the Each time the transition system is updated, the algorithm candidate trajectory τ, we do a breadth first search on the updates the corresponding product automaton. If there exists automaton graph of the FSM M representing the monitor a path concatenating the robot’s traversed path and an accept- of φ to obtain the distances dbad, dgood to the closest bad ing state of the product automaton, the IBFS is guaranteed state q⊥ (i.e. λ(q⊥) = ⊥) and the closest good state q> (i.e. to find this path. λ(q>) = >) . These distances are then used to define the The algorithm terminates when an accepting run has labeling function λF : Q → Z [22], been found or when there are no frontier cells left; i.e., the environment has been completely explored and yet no λ (q) = d (q) − d (q), F bad good accepting run has been found in the product automaton after where dbad and dgood evaluate to ∞ if no such state is the most recent update of the transition system, or all paths reachable. to frontiers violate the specification. In order to project the computed aspect into the satisfaction V. IMPLEMENTATION AND CASE STUDY value domain [0, 1], let ξ : N → [0, 1] be a strictly monotonic function. The future aspect of a trajectory τ generating a In this section, we first describe the software implementing prefix π is given by: our algorithm. Then, we show the results of our simulation when applying the algorithm. m(π) = ξ(exp(f(π))), (2)

1 A. Software and Simulation Implementation where ξ(x) is chosen to be equal to 1− 1−x , and f(π) is the difference between the shortest bad prefix and the shortest The controller presented in Alg. 1 is implemented in good prefix for φ that is an extension of π. In the case the the Matlab environment. In our implementation, we use candidate trajectory violates φ (i.e., m(·) = 0), the candidate scheck [23] to obtain the DFA A corresponding to the frontier is discarded, and one of the cells adjacent to it within scLTL formula φ. Furthermore, the FSM M representing its region is chosen as the new candidate. Finally, the frontier the monitor of φ is obtained by a slight modification of

5283 the LT L3 [24] tool. Our incremental automaton construction efficiency of graph search algorithms, and the efficacy of uses a modified version of the IBFS code [25]. exploration techniques to solve the considered problem. To Our simulated environment comprises a 2-D workspace illustrate the effectiveness of our approach, we implemented partitioned into 400 cells and a mobile robot provided with an the devised algorithm and applied it in a simulation setup. accurate radial laser range sensor of three cell range. Within the environment, we consider four areas of interest denoted REFERENCES by the following labels: Safe (SA), Critical Functional (CF), [1] M. Lahijanian, S. B. Andersson, and C. Belta, “Temporal logic motion Critical (CR), and Power Supply (PS). Critical and Critical planning and control with probabilistic satisfaction guarantees,” IEEE Trans. Robot., vol. 99, no. 6, pp. 1–14, 2011. Functional are terms used in search and rescue operations to [2] A. I. 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