Antonine Plague 7, 195, 197, 201–217 Demographic Effect 195

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Antonine Plague 7, 195, 197, 201–217 Demographic Effect 195 INDEX Abolition of memory 85 n. 27, 268, Antonine Plague 7, 195, 197, 201–217 267 demographic effect 195 Abrittus 106 in Egypt 204–206 Abrochia 205–206 Antoniniani 247, 251, 252, 256, Accessibility 271 286–288, 300, 303–306 Acclamation 323 n. 29, 328 Antoninus Pius 26, 199, 298, 369 as Imperator 64, 329 Apamea (Syria) 99, 100, 101, 102, formulas 332 103, 106 Account money 250 Aphrodisias 35 Achaia 27, 113, 124 Appianus 157 Ad edictum praetoris 265 Apollodorus of Damascus 146 Adaeratio 227, 228 Apollonius of Tyana 397, 399 Adulis 242 Appointment policy 112 Aemilius Aemilianus 116 Aqueducts 186 Aemulatio, aristocratic 69, 70, 72 Arabia 264, 269 Aerarium 224 Area Palatina 329 Africa 5, 26–27, 48–49, 57–60, 106, Arenas 186 108, 114–116, 118, 120, 122–124, Argenteus 257 222–225, 231, 272 Arius 417 Ager Gallicus 166 Army pay 250 Ager per mensura extremitatem Arrien de Nicomédie 102, 103 comprehensus 230 Ascension to the throne 327–336 Ager publicus 157 Asia Minor 27, 113, 122–123, 133, Aggregate income 185 137, 148 n. 42, 203, 220–224, 227, Aggregate production 197 253 Agricola, life of 106 Assaria 253 Agricultural change 197 Assayers 246–247 Agricultural decline 197 Asses 253 Agrippina 89 n. 35 Assidui 158, 161, 162 Aila 235 Athens 371, 399, 402, 406 Ala Contariorum 101 inhabitants of 406, 408 Alamans 104 Atmospheric metal pollution 189 Alani 102 Attalus 156 Albano 103 Atticus, A. 106 Alexander of Aphrodisias 408, 409 Attius Suburanus, Sex. 68 Alexandria 236, 371, 408 Augustae 267, 302 Allectus 53, 54, 55 Augustus 23, 67, 70, 71, 162, 164, Ammianus Marcellinus 145–147, 149 262, 263, 298 Ampli cator 272 Res Gestae 78–80 Anatolia, inhabitants of 107 Aula 331 Animal bones assemblages 191 Aurei 248, 249, 250, 254 in Roman Italy 192 Aurelianianus 256 in the provinces 191 Aurelianus 17, 51, 73, 107, 108, Annales 184 118–119, 122, 295 n. 11, 249, Antiochia (Syria) 34, 134, 136, 256–257 295 n. 11, 303, 306, 307 n. 59, currency reform 256 308, 371 Aurelius Theokritos 320, 322 O. Hekster, G. De Kleijn, and D. Slootjes - 9789047420903 Downloaded from Brill.com10/03/2021 02:20:46AM via free access 440 index Aurelius Victor 98 Caledonians 49, 55 Aureus 252, 253, 256, 257 Campania 158 Avidius Cassius, C. (suff. 166?) 125, Candidatus 115 127, 132–134, 136, 138 Cappadocia 102 Caracalla 45, 46, 48, 49, 99, 100, 101, Baebius Massa 75 114–115, 122, 265, 266, 267, 312, Bagnall, R. 205 315–326, 333, 367, 369, 371 Balbinus 287, 433 Carausius 53, 54 Balkans 99, 101 Carinus 52, 118, 303, 305, 433 Ballista (artillery) 141, 145, 148, 149, Carus 118, 303, 305, 433 150 Cassius Longinus, L. 155 Ballista (praef. praet. of Castrum 329 Valerianus) 107 Cato 160 Bank 250 Censors 163–164, 168, 170, 172–174, Bank money 245 179, 222 Bankers 247, 253–255 Census 162, 172–174, 178–179, 181, Basilica Nova 73, 74 215 Bataves 104, 370 \ gures 162–165, 168–170, 178, 181, Berenike 234 215 Bichapour 106 \ gures, augustan 172, 174, 179 Bildung, see also education 400, 402, decentralized 173–174 405, 408, 410 Ceremony 328 Black Death 185, 201, 205–207 Cheiroballistra 141, 142, 143, 144, Black Sea 432, 436 145, 150 Bolsena 272 Cheques 245 Bona castrensia 368 China 184 Bona paganica 368 Christian texts 12, 13, 419–420 Bonosus 52 Christianity 199, 359 Bourgeoisie 184 Chronological resolution 193 Bremenium 266 Chronology of archaeological Brenner, B. 198 \ nds 190 Bretagne 107–108 Cicero 414 Bretagnes 107 Cimbric war 156 Britannia 46–48, 51–52 Citizenship 198, 370–371 division of 46 Civilis princeps 263, 264, 272 Brittones 49 Civitates decumanae 226 Brown, P. 183 Civium capita 180 Building activity 26, 38, 53, 189, Claudius 89 n. 35, 292, 330 212–214 Claudius Gothicus 262, 272, 433 Bullion 245, 246, 254 Claudius Pulcher, Ap. 155, 164 Burgundians 48, 51 Climate 195, 196 Clodius Albinus 114, 263, 280 Caesar (as name) 68, 70 Clysma 238 Caesar 23, 37, 62, 68, 70, 80, 86, 271, Codex Justinianus 369, 371, 374, 376 292, 297–306, 308 Codex Théodisianus 269 Caesonii 111 Codices Gregorianus and Caesonius Bassus 119 Hermogenianus 358 Caesonius Macer Ru nianus, C. Coin hoards 284 112 Coin types 285 Caesonius Lucillus Macer Coinage 17, 32, 34–38, 40–41, 49–50, Ru\ nianus, L. 115 52, 54, 196, 227, 229, 245–257, 276, Caesonius Ovinius Manlius 280–309, 433 Ru\ nianus Bassus, L. 117 martelage 266, 270 Caledonia 45 Coloni 198 O. Hekster, G. De Kleijn, and D. Slootjes - 9789047420903 Downloaded from Brill.com10/03/2021 02:20:46AM via free access index 441 Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium Deditio 230 (CCAA), see also Köln 30, 34, 35, Demographic history 186 37, 43 Demographic transition 184 Comes 114 Denarii 246–247, 251–253, 257 Commodus 72, 111, 113, 275, 298, Designation 329 332 Devaluation 256 Concordia 271 Devictor 272 Conditor 269, 272 Diet 191 Consecratio 297 quality of 193 Constantius Chlorus 262, 269, 272 Digest 269, 356, 359, 362–363, 371 Constantinus I 17, 55, 73, 74, 103, Dio Cassius 12, 13, 99, 100, 101, 237, 261, 262, 269, 270, 272, 315, 263–265, 268 316 n. 15, 359, 372 Diocletianus 3, 23, 30, 52, 54, 55, 73, Arch of 272 111, 125, 199, 237, 271, 275, 312, Constantinople 74, 328, 331, 333–334, 315, 324 n. 33, 358, 359, 433 419, 423 reforms 249, 256, 257 Hebdomon 328 Diogenes of Oinoanda 407 Hippodrome 328 Discontinuity 184 Constantius I 54, 55 Discours 265, 273 Constitutio Antoniniana 9, 198, 360, Disease 196 361, 364, 371 Divus 265–266 Control of an imperial mint 306 divae 266 Coptos 240 diva memoria 269 Corpus Iuris Civilis 370 divina lex 269 Cosa 158, 164 divine association 286 Cost of wage labour 187 divinum iudicium 269 Cremna 148, 149 Dokimastai 255 Crimen maiestatis 269 Domar 187 Cultores 268 Domestic animals 191 Curator 24, 78, 113–118, 120, 122, Domitianus 72, 292, 299, 304, 370 124, 137 n. 35 Domitius Corbulo, Cn. (suff. 39) curator alvei Tiberis 114 128–130, 133 curator rei publicae 113 Domus 267 Curia 329 Domus Augusta 266 Currency 245, 246, 248 Donatistenstreit 421 Currency decree 257 Drei Kapitel 419, 423 Cursus honorum 118 Donau 27, 35 Drachmae 253 Dacia 101, 108, 126, 268, 295 n. 10 Drains 186 Dalmates 104 Duncan-Jones, R.P. 195, 197, Dalmatia 108 210–211 Darab 106 Dusandria 177 De Calataÿ, F. 188 Dutch Republic 186 Debasement 196, 246 n. 4, 247 Decennalia 340 Economy Decius, see also Traianus Decius 116, change 188 302, 303, 306, 433 growth 184, 191 persecution 13 recovery 199 Decline 16, 157–158, 163, 167–169, Edessa 106 177, 183, 185–188, 190–191, 193, Edictum Diocletiani 257, 266 195–199, 202, 209, 216, 237–238, Education, see also Bildung 87 240, 243, 246, 355, 359–360, 365, legal 358 371, 408–409 Lehrstühle, see Philosophy 402, 406, Decumani 224 408 O. Hekster, G. De Kleijn, and D. Slootjes - 9789047420903 Downloaded from Brill.com10/03/2021 02:20:46AM via free access 442 index Egypt 107, 122, 127, 133, 196, Gallienus 6, 8, 23–24, 34–38, 40, 204–207, 233–236, 242, 247, 50, 98, 103–104, 107–109, 292, 250–251, 253, 256, 311–326 304, 307, 315, 321, 323, 326, 337, Elite 14, 18, 24, 87, 112, 123, 157, 411 187, 198, 202, 233, 261, 351, 401, legionary coin-issues 49 405, 410–411 Genius 319, 320, 321, 324, 326 family 111, 119, 121–123 German peoples 28–29, 31–32, 36, incomes 185, 197 87, 103, 106 Emesa, inhabitants of 104 Germania 46, 49, 106–108, 113 England 186 Inferior 35, 107 Epallagè 254 Superior 114 Ephesus 253, 271 Germanicus 127, 129, 134, 262 Epidemic 185 Geta 267–268, 287, 292, 320 n. 22, Epithet 311–326 322 n. 25 Equilibrium 196 Gibbon, E. 16, 183, 365 Equites singulares Augusti 105, 108 Gordianus I 48, 59, 62, 287, 397, Exchange banks 254 433 Exchange commissions 254 Gordianus II 59, 61, 287, 433 Exchange rates 252, 253, 256 Gordianus III 47–48, 62–65, 106, Exemplum 76, 80–81, 83–85 116–117, 122, 287, 302, 398, 433 Gracchan land reforms 167, 170 Face value 252, 254 Gracchus, Tib. 155, 156, 157, 158, Facundus of Hermiane 419 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166 Faustina 267 Gradus Palatii 329 Faustina the Younger 292, 298, 299, Greek language 269, 362–364 307 Greenland 188 Femur 194 Grenoble 109 Feriale Duranum 262 Gresham’s law 249, 251, 252 Finley, M.I. 183 Firmator 269 Habermann, W. 205 Fistulae aquariae 211 Hadrian 34, 278, 299 Flaminius, C. 166 as builder 213 Florus 367–369, 371–372 Pantheon 72–74 Fogel, R. 193 Hadrian’s Wall 45, 374 Forum Augusti 70 Hatra 142, 143 Forum boarium 267 Heliogabalus 114, 278 Fragmenta Sinaitica 364 Herennius Etruscus 287 Franks 37, 41 Herennius Senecio 75 Fronto 264 Hero of Alexandria 146 Fruits 191 Herodianus 12, 13, 99–102, 263–264, Frumentum 268 aestimationem 226 n. 38, Hispania Tarraconensis 108, 272 228 n. 46 Historia Augusta 100 emptum 226 Historia Lausiaca 379–383, 385, 388, Fundator 269 390–391, 394 Hoards 247, 249, 250, 251 Gaius 363 Honestiores 198 Galba 67, 68, 70 Hopkins, K. 188 Gallia 17, 27, 107, 225, 339, 348, Horster, M. 212–213 350–351 Hostilianus 287 Lugdunensis 107 Hostis publicus 265 Narbonnensis 107, 109 Housing 186 Gallic Empire, see Imperium Galliarum Humiliores 198 O. Hekster, G. De Kleijn, and D. Slootjes - 9789047420903 Downloaded from Brill.com10/03/2021 02:20:46AM via free access index 443 Ice cores 188 population 162–164, 167, 170, 172, Ideology 62, 64, 70, 74, 230, 270–271, 178, 214–216 277–280, 282, 297, 313, 331, 337, Iulia Domna 9, 267, 268, 292, 307, 344–345, 347–349 397 of stability 291 Iulia Mammaea 267 Ideological war 348 Iulius Priscus, C.
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