Democrats Net $10,000 His Return Entry Into the Coun- Code

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Democrats Net $10,000 His Return Entry Into the Coun- Code Weather Distribution • Mr, Today Ml ftferfey. WfcWy iet**nd 17,275 ttopftnlWMn late tomtrnw, } Independent Daily f Mfh,**"> !•« tonight 1». \ MONDAY mnuaiiriuDiir-ttT.m J SH I -0010 9m weather p«fe 2. • • V • iuwtf dtDy, lio&day t»n*a§fc Friday. Second CIUB Post*** VOL. H NO. 48 Ptld «l IUd Bull iuK u Addition! ifeUlsf OttlMl RED BANK, N, J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE GoulartNears Brazil; Civil 77 Die As Airliner War Feared Explodes, Crashes SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP)—Vice President Joao Goulart today reached the fringe of the Brazilian border for a dramatic return to claim the presidency that could plunge South America's biggest nation into Suspicion civil- war. Beaming with confidence, Keaper Urges Of Bomb the 42-year-old vice presi- €are, Caution dent bided his time in-.-Mon- FREEHOLD — County Prose- tevideo — only about an cutor Vincent P. Keuper today Probed hour's flying time from the urged motorists to drive with rival Military forces care and caution during the Labor CHICAGO (AP) — A JockeySd cautiously for position y week-end. Trans World Airlines Con- whl|e «» available traffic •till hundreds of miles apart. stellation, carrying 72 pas- Brazil's three military chiefs agencies are doing their utmost headed by Wir Minister Marshal to safeguard the motoring public, sengers and a crew of 5, ex-, Odylio Deny*, announced yester- constant vigilance must he the motorist's contribution if the trag- ploded minutes after take- day a combined operation had off early today, plowed in- been launched to subdueuhtpnK ic toll of highwayacridents and Goulart 3rd Army in the south- destruction is to be reduced," THIS EXCEPTIONAL PICTURE watMaken by a passenger to a cornfield near subur- ern state of Rio Grande do Sulh, e said.. through cabin glass of one of the French cableway cars ban Hinsdale and burned. the vice president's home. Tuesday just after < jet plane broke cable and one of Police said there were no There were reports of small- Kale landings at several points Court Rules th* cart (right) began fall to ground hundredt of feet survivors. but no figlhting was reported. below near Chamonix. Two other cabins, upper center, It was the third worst com-! Goulart, blackballed for thDavie s Appeal are pictured momenti before they alto plunged. Thete mercial plane accident within the1 presidency by the military chiefs w»re the three death cabins. Picture became available 49 states of the U.S. mainland. CIVIL DEFENSE SHELTER — Dr. Warren Fowler, right, director of Civil Defense and as being pro-Communist, told The FBI has been called in to Disaster Control in Red Bank, watchet workmen Lester Hankt, on roof, and Ed Michael.- newsmen in the Uruguayan capi- To Be Heard in Milan yesterday. Passenger who took it was trapped investigate the possibility that tal his position i« "shaping up a bflmb may have caused ttie ton, erect a civil defense fallout shelter on Steinbach's parking lot. An eighta'neh FREEHOLD - County Judge some 18 hours before rescue. good" a« the week-long crisis crash. layer of land surrounds the shelter, protecting it from radiation, Dr. Fowler said. Elvin R. Simmill yesterday de- created by the sudden resigna- "We havv> men on the scene The family shelter it 44 square feet in area. tion of President Janio Quadros nied a motion by Keansburg Bor- investigating the possibility that teemed to.near a showdown. ough Attorney Benjamin Gruber a federal law may have )»en vio- Will Return for dismissal of the appeal of Nix Official Support lated," a spokesman said. "Some Goutart did not say when, Edward J, Davis, convicted of of those who saw Ih* crash where or how he would make violating, the borough heating ray there was an explosion." Democrats Net $10,000 his return entry into the coun- code. For Charter Change try. But he has proclaimed at Judge Simmill denied the mo-j •very step of his slow journey tion on the grounds that the case j KEANSBURG — Councilman; that they were members of a by air to help a Plate; Hughes Chides Mitchell on Beaches back from a Far Eastern tour Should not be decided on a techni-, Martin C. Lohsen, and Benjamin igroup reportedly circulating a pe-the crash victims. cality but on its merits, and setAndreach, Democratic leaderj tition seeking a change in the lo- The plane, en route to Los An-j DEAL —More than 250 Mon- county Democrats' biggest mon-iwas recoiling with another blast that took him to Peiping: "I am mou tn Countv returning to Brazil to assume!Sept. 22 for a hearing. here, denied reports yesterday!cal government here. geles after stops in Boston New . Democrats —whoiey-making event in history, he'on the beach issue. ai in for Mr. They told a Register • reporter York, Pittsburgh and Chicago [haven't won a County office insaid. Ij Mr. HughesHuOh« , a formefm r state and the presidency." i •« * B dismissal, more lnan M The leftist Labor Party leader Gruber had claimed that Edward that they also had heard the re- crashed into a sparsely nettled yyears-paid $50 Beach Issue (county judge and Mercer County • emphasized he favors a constitu- F. Juska, attorney for Mr. Davis, idil dii b dd !eac!eachh laslastt ninif?hhll tt00 bu0bu0V UUP lhlhe e While diners were-relaxing iniDemocratic leader, has said he Murphy Quits: ports. residential district but did nonott I961 f?f? VV PP Wh.._ „ ...!favor. s l - - tional government founded on had failed to. notify him 10 days I96 1 i f tt d lh t lb ll fd !favor "e openih^ of coastal Denying he was connected with touch any of the five homes in campaign for state and coun- the pplus n country club , welel fed s the openih^ of coastal Christian principles and de- prior to the hearing date, beacn any such movement, Andreach|the new development.' ty elections. :with choice,victuals, and enter-| es to all bathers regardless elared: "I am not a Communist."] Mr. Davij was convicted in Board Post said, "I would be against such, a I Burns Furiously of loca Marshal Denys, the frrrtyMunicipal Court in June of vio- move. Mayor Collichio is tryinsj The flaming four-engine plane shrimBesidep sa t ththee roasDeatl beeGolff andianand lajned Jid mb yRose tunefu, candidatl Ann De eHughes Marcoicnar8edl tharesidencet the GOPJ^ididate. /«ind he ha. s Mrongmafl masterminding bhelating the borough heating code to do a goo;dd jjo b and f believe plowed across a ppath some two Country Cltfb , thpe prograg m in- ,James P, Mitchell,/]o{ Uttte (See BRAZIL. Pag*2) 'as a private contractor, and re-In Raritan l rex,"'' supports -f, "restricted beleft alone and given j blocks long, witnesses said, and, eluded Richard J. Hughes, cand^u * i \. '" beaches." ceived i to. ty a job. Thra!,bor-|^uwed.Jujtousjy• after.JwrowinjId^li^Wfema;, wh*AleJetf «« i r. i ]f envictton reaigrSi'as lht0 'Racial Issue' 1 1 enough problems with- the'rain-softened com fieWaiready goinjpftsid with hi* Re- lfM.llCilPlv important Mr^Da^ls **s s#rvlng^»« bor- ber of the Board of Education out getting into an uproar overrf some I0 acrel- j publican—foe—a«out seasnore:. '. Replying to a statement by Mr. ough plumbing and heating in- last nighti ia. government change.h " Wreckage of the. plane smoul- beaches; and U.S. Sen. Harrison; A* J fl * Mitchell Wednesday that he be- spector. He has since been fired Board President Robert J. Cor- The Democratic leader also dereired more than four hours rfterJA. Williams. Jr. I/HOP- \J 1(111718 lieves beaches—shwtd- be open * Partkl^Oi as heating inspector. .iaid a change of government "is the crash, which occurred short-! The dinner, according to Paul without regard to race, or creed, Mr. Davis was convicted of j sin" , the las, t thing the borough needs ly after it left Midway airport Kiernan, chairman, will net thel'fl lef/lff l/tn ' Mr. Hughes charged his opponent h th( hj fie Democrats mate than I10.0OO. Itl MJ19VUI VlfJIl failing to file a diagram of- pi ,s mov,ng out of the -^^ «h( ^ at 3 a.m., EDT. ' Democrats more than {10,000. Itl had introduced a "racial issue." Atom Found h( (See AIRLINER, Page 2) establishes the dinner as ' the Mr. Hughes said: posed work with hi, request for,township oosoonn . HiHiss resignat.o resignat.onn interes,cd jn guch a movement wa Wlth xeL SEA GIRT — A spokesman , BERKELEY. Calif. (AP) - An heating.permit, which he filed ^ tc 1 Wlth "*xeL Neither man could say who was "On July 14 ... during a press i hih h fild *" ^° ^ "* for James P. Mitchell, Repub- conference ... (when) I was important new particle of theas,,a p private contractor. behind the move. They said, how- lican-candidate for governor, ^are'this atom has been discovered by contracts for the 1961-62 school . a volatile Is- The 'borough heating code re- year for .Mrs. Helen Voss, Mid- ever, they heard the petitions accused Democrats last night four ' University of California called for a change to a mayor- Raritan High School sue ... I said—for the record- physicists. quires that a diagram of pro- dletoWn, $4,000; Mrs. Anne Sczer- of distorting the. GOP position' that I opposed beach restrictions, posed work accompany the ap- form on whether beaches should be zenic. Brick Townsbp, K_m; that I had chafed over them since They never saw it. Nor did theplication. would do a borough open to all bathers. highly specialized instrument with Richard Rierersen, Belmar.! »w»y boyhood.
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