CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E584 HON

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E584 HON E584 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 2, 2017 IN RECOGNITION OF ABIGAIL house of Engine Company 286/Ladder Com- I want to thank Rep. GUS BILIRAKIS, with YEAGER ON HER OFFER OF AP- pany 135 was flown at half-mast on the whom I co-chair the Congressional Caucus on POINTMENT TO ATTEND THE evening of his death. In addition, many Hellenic Issues, and Rep. DONALD PAYNE, Jr. UNITED STATES MILITARY Queens residents paid their respects with a for joining me as co-sponsors on this impor- ACADEMY makeshift memorial outside the firehouse on tant resolution. Rep. PAYNE’s father and our Myrtle Avenue. We believe that William’s dedi- former colleague, the late Rep. Donald Payne HON. ROBERT E. LATTA cation to protecting Queens citizens from harm Sr., was a great champion in this effort to re- OF OHIO and his service to the Queens community will turn the Parthenon Marbles to Greece. I am never be forgotten. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES proud to continue to call for an agreement that As a heroic New York City Fire Department will put an end to this centuries-old dispute, Tuesday, May 2, 2017 (FDNY) veteran for fourteen years, William not and I urge my colleagues to support this reso- Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my great only risked his life in the line of duty for his lution. pleasure to pay special tribute to an out- profession, but he also volunteered at the f standing student from Ohio’s Fifth Congres- Bethpage Fire Department on Long Island. sional District. I am pleased to announce that Congressman SUOZZI and I commend Wil- WELCOME ALEXANDER FANCOURT Abigail Yeager of Holland, Ohio has been of- liam’s unwavering selflessness that led him to MORRIS, JR. fered an appointment to the United States Mili- dedicate both his career and free time to pro- tary Academy in West Point, New York. tecting fellow community members. HON. JOE WILSON William was not only a hero in the FDNY, Abigail’s offer of appointment permits her to OF SOUTH CAROLINA but he was a beloved father, husband, broth- attend the United States Military Academy this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fall with the incoming Class of 2021. Attending er, friend, and neighbor. Outside of the uni- Tuesday, May 2, 2017 one of our nation’s military academies not only form, William enjoyed being the drummer in a offers the opportunity to serve our country, but heavy metal band and being an active pres- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- also guarantees a world-class education while ence in his daughter’s school. William is sur- er, I am happy to congratulate Alex Morris, the undertaking one of the most challenging and vived by his wife, Marie, and his 8-year old Deputy District Director of the Second Con- rewarding experiences of their lives. daughter, Isabella. gressional District of South Carolina, and his Abigail brings an enormous amount of lead- Congressman SUOZZI and I offer our deep- wife, Rebekah, on the birth of their son. Alex- est condolences to William’s family, friends, ership, service, and dedication to the incoming ander Fancourt ‘‘Court’’ Morris, Jr. was born at and the FDNY during this difficult time. Class of 2021. While attending Springfield 3:19 a.m. on Wednesday, April 12, 2017, at High School in Holland, Ohio, Abigail estab- f Palmetto Health Baptist in Columbia, South lished a tutoring program at Holland Elemen- INTRODUCTION OF HOUSE CON- Carolina. Court weighed eight pounds and fif- tary School, received a Youth Jefferson Award CURRENT RESOLUTION EX- teen ounces and measured 21 and 1⁄4 inches for Public Service, and was ranked third in her PRESSING THE SENSE OF CON- long. He is the first child for the happy couple class. GRESS THAT THE PARTHENON and I look forward to watching him grow as he Throughout high school, Abigail participated MARBLES SHOULD BE RE- is raised by talented parents who will be dedi- in soccer, cross-country, track and field, and TURNED TO GREECE cated to his well-being and bright future. swimming, earning multiple varsity letters. Abi- I would also like to congratulate Court’s gail also served as a Student Ambassador to HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY grandparents, Debra Morris of Elgin, South the Springfield Local Schools Board of Edu- OF NEW YORK Carolina, and Major General Robert and Bar- cation. I am confident that Abigail will carry the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bara Livingston of West Columbia, South lessons of her student and athletic leadership Carolina. Congratulations to the entire Morris Tuesday, May 2, 2017 to the Military Academy. and Livingston families as they welcome their Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. newest addition of pure pride and joy. in congratulating Abigail Yeager on her offer of Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce a Concurrent f appointment to the United States Military Resolution expressing the sense of Congress Academy. Our service academies offer the fin- that the Parthenon Marbles, currently held in PERSONAL EXPLANATION est military training and education available. I the British Museum, should be returned to am positive that Abigail will excel during her Greece. Approximately 200 years ago, while HON. LOUISE McINTOSH SLAUGHTER career at West Point, and I ask my colleagues Greece was under Ottoman rule, the British OF NEW YORK to join me in extending their best wishes to nobleman Thomas Bruce, seventh Earl of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Elgin, removed over 100 pieces of sculptures her as she begins her service to our Nation. Tuesday, May 2, 2017 f known as the Parthenon Marbles and trans- ported them to the United Kingdom. The Mar- Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I was un- TO HONOR THE LIFE OF FDNY bles were part of a frieze that adorned the avoidably detained and missed Roll Call vote FIREFIGHTER WILLIAM TOLLEY Temple of Athena. In 1816, the British Par- numbers 237, 238 and 239. Had I been liament voted to purchase the Marbles from present, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on votes HON. GRACE MENG Lord Elgin and they now reside in the British 237, 238 and 239. OF NEW YORK Museum. The other half of the Marbles that f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES comprise the frieze are in the New Acropolis Museum in Athens alongside plaster replicas IN RECOGNITION OF OLGA BUDKE Tuesday, May 2, 2017 of the Marbles that were taken. Despite years ON HER OFFER OF APPOINT- Ms. MENG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today along of good faith efforts by the Greek Government MENT TO ATTEND THE UNITED with the support of my colleague, Congress- to retain the Marbles, it has been unable to STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY man SUOZZI, to honor the life, service, and negotiate an agreement with its British coun- bravery of New York City firefighter William terparts to return the Marbles to Greece. HON. ROBERT E. LATTA Tolley, who was killed in the line of duty on I am pleased that several Members of the OF OHIO April 20, 2017. British Parliament have recently expressed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congressman SUOZZI and I are saddened support for transferring ownership of the Mar- that New York has lost such a beloved hero. bles back to Greece and return these cher- Tuesday, May 2, 2017 William Tolley was a courageous firefighter ished artifacts to their rightful home. The Par- Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my great with Ladder Company 135 in Glendale, thenon marbles are some of Greece’s greatest pleasure to pay special tribute to an out- Queens and a respected community member examples of artistic expression and beauty, standing student from Ohio’s Fifth Congres- on Long Island. Thousands attended his fu- and should be on display in their country of or- sional District. I am pleased to announce that neral at St. Martin of Tours Church in igin. They are vital pieces of Greek history that Olga Budke of Findlay, Ohio has been offered Bethpage, Long Island, and many Long Island belong to the Greek people. This resolution an appointment to the United States Air Force residents decorated their streets with red rib- calls upon the two countries to come to an Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. bons in remembrance. William’s memory was agreement to finally return these treasures to Olga’s offer of appointment permits her to also honored in Queens as the flag at the fire- their rightful home. attend the United States Air Force Academy VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:02 May 03, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02MY8.009 E02MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with REMARKS.
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