Seven Mile Cullunghutti AA Beach NP

BROUGHTON ! LOCRCAEEK LITShoYa lMhaAPven Heads Currambene State Forest No.148

BOMADERRY Compartments 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042 32> CREEK SHOALHAVEN SOUTHERN REGION: NOWRA MANAGEMENBEVTAN AREA RIVER On FNSW CREEK unsealed Scale: 1:100,000 gravel roads REGATTA CREEK


! NR Greenwell CURLEYS CROOKHAVEN Point BAY RIVER Culburra-O!rient Point Swamp NR




Woollamia NR ! Towns & Localities Major Rivers Sealed Road Major Forest Road Minor Forest Road JERVIS BAY State Forest National Parks !Huskisson Planning Unit Formal MROeOsNAerve MOONA Vacant Crown Land InformaCRl REeEKserve

Non Forest Softwood Plantations DUCK CREEK Freehold Water

G Emergency Meeting Point Evacuation Route P Helicopter Landing Site Haulage Route 86 87 88 89 290 91 !!< Prepared By: Kate Halton ^ Lot 19 Harvest Plan Operational Map Lot 18 Lot 17 Compartments: 1038, 1039,1040,1041,1042 Lot 35 Version:1 REGIONAL MANAGER APPROVAL State Forest:CURRAMBENE No: 148 K$ ...... 32> APPROVED: Daniel Tuan On FNSW Saltwater Swamp NR SOUTHERN REGION - Native Forests unsealed DATE: 18/01/2013 Map Sheet:NOWRA 9028-3S gravel roads

XX XX !!< XX Lot 41 A!@XX !@XX XXX Butterfly ^ 1039 Mountain Bike 6130 Track 61 5 H XX Superbowl Mountain Bike Track 12 H K$ Lot 5 15 H H K$ 10 H XX XX ! 1038 2 ! 11 H 6 ^ ! H! 13H XK$ K$ !!< !!< H X !!

! K$ X !!!

?!?! !!< ! H 16 7 ?! 29 K$ XX H 4 H 29 H! H H 1040 Jervis Bay NP ^ 19 14 1 H B 8 H! K$ H G 17 #^ XX

H ! ! !@Lot 0 H 20 H H18 Lot 13 XX H 9 H 21 24 Lot 52 # C !!< Lot 50 Lot 49 !@ !@ Lot 12 ^ !!< H XX A XX E 22 LEGEND STREAM EXCLUSION ZONES (EPL IHL 2 & TSL) XX 25 BOUNDARIES NXXON HARVEST AREA PSN 406 H State Forest Boundary Harvesting Protection (FMZ 3A) Feature Filter Strip Protection Zone Operational Zone 1042 Compartment Boundary Unmapped N/A N/A N/A 28 H! Non Forest Use (FMZ 7) Powerline 28 Proposed Control Line 1st Order 23 Non Forest Use (FMZ 7) PAipeline 5m 5m 10m ^ X 1041 ROADS X 2nd order 5m X X 1041 Majjor Forest X Non Forest Use (FMZ 7) Telstra Line 15m 10m 26 H 3rd order 5m 25m 10m X Miinor Forest Owl Landscape X EPL Standard Existing Ridge & Headwater Habitat (40m) 4th order 5m 45m 10m (Crown Lands Owned) RU3 Excluded Forest FAUNA FEATURES XX A RESEARCH PLOTS EPL Standard Existing (Minor) Wetland & Buffer (20m) A Powerful Owl Sealed ^ E Permanent Growth Plot H! 50m exclusion around dam Glossy Black-Cockato DUMPS & CROSSINGS ^ Glossy Black-Cockatoo Feed Tree H Temporary Dry Weather 50m exclusion around green ?! A XX & golden frog records Sooty Owl !H Permanent Bee Set Down !@ Masked Owl Probable EEC-Swamp Sclerophyll Existing Crossing on Coastal Floodplains DRAINAGE Eastern False Pipistrelle Mapped LIC Drainage NET HARVEST AREA !!< Green & Golden Bell Frog TENURE RU1/FMZ 3B Catchment-STS light/Med # Grey-headed Flying-Fox National Park Estate RU2/FMZ 4 - STS/Light/Med # Little Lorikeet Private Property Swift Parrot ^ SAFETY POINTS ^ White-footed Dunnart ^ Vacant Crown Land ^ G Emergency Meeting Point ^ Gang-gang cockatoo OCCUPATION PERMITS X Yellow-bellied Glider (Feed Tree) 27 K$ Endevour Energy Locked Gates X Yellow-bellied Glider 0 125 ^250 500 750 1,000 ! ! Mountain Bike Club Track XX Meters Scale:1:15,000 XX Contour Interval 10m A XX XX 286000E 87 88 89 290 91 G:\PLANNING\HarvestPlans\South Coast\Currambene\Cpt-1039-1042\2012_GIS\HP_BB_1039_40_41_42_12\HP_BB_1039_40_41_42_12.mxd 84 85 86 87 88 89 ^ Prepared By: Kate Halton Worrigee NR Burning Opera#tional Map !!< Compartments: 1038, 1039,1040,1041,1042 Version:1 Lot 19 XX REGIONAL MANAGER APPROVAL State Forest:CURRAMBENE No: 148 Lot 18 ...... 23> Lot 17 APPROVED: Daniel Tuan On FNSW SOUTHERN REGION - Native Forests unsealed Lot 35 DATE: 18/01/2013 Map Sheet:NOWRA 9028-3S gravel roads XX K$ Saltwater Swamp NR

!@ XX XX !!< XX Lot 41 A!@XX !@XX XXX ^ 1039 6130 61 Butterfly 5 H Mountain Bike Track

Superbowl Mountain Bike K$ Track 12 H Lot 5 15 K$ H 10 H !@ 1038 H XX XX ! 2 ! 11 H 6 ^ ! H! 13H XK$ K$ XX K$ !!< !!< !< H X !!

! K$ X !!

E ?!?! !!< ! H 16 7 ?! K$ XX H 4 H 29 XX H! 29 1040 H 19 H14 1 H B 8 H! K$ H LEGEND NON HARVEST AREA 17 #^ XX

BOUNDARIES ! Harvesting Protection (FMZ 3A) H State Forest Boundary ! !@Lot 0 H 20 Compartment Boundary Non Forest Use (FMZ 7) Powerline H Proposed Control Line Non Forest Use (FMZ 7) Pipeline H18 Lot 13 ROADS Non Forest Use (FMZ 7) Telstra Line 9 Major Forest Owl Landscape H Minor Forest Ridge & Headwater Habitat (40m) H21 # EPL Standard Existing C !!< Lot 52 RU3 Excluded Forest 24 Lot 50 (Crown Lands Owned) Lot 49 !@ EPL Standard Existing (Minor) Wetland & Buffer (20m) !@ Lot 12 Sealed 50m exclusion around dam DUMPS & CROSSINGS ^ !!< H XX 50m exclusion around green E 22 H Temporary Dry Weather & golden frog records 25 PSN 406 XX XX !H Permanent Bee Set Down Probable EEC-Swamp Sclerophyll H 1042 28 Existing Crossing on Coastal Floodplains H! 28 DRAINAGE Mapped LIC Drainage NET HARVEST AREA 23 A RU1/FMZ 3B Catchment-STS light/Med X^ XX 1041 XX TENURE Jervis Bay NP RU2/FMZ 4 - STS/Light/Med 26 H National Park Estate XX Private Property SAFETY POINTS Emergency Meeting Point X Vacant Crown Land G X BUSH FIRE MANAGEMENT ZONE OCCUPATION PERMITS RESEARCH PLOTS H! Strategic Fire Advantage Zone K$ Endevour Energy Locked Gates E Permanent Growth Plot ! ! Mountain Bike Club Track A XX STREAM EXCLUSION ZONES (EPL IHL 2 & TSL) Feature Filter Strip Protection Zone Operational Zone FAUNA FEATURES !!< Green & Golden Bell Frog A Unmapped N/A N/A N/A ^ Powerful Owl Grey-headed Flying-Fox Glossy Black-Cockato # Little Lorikeet 1st Order 5m 5m 10m ^ Glossy Black-Cockatoo Feed Tree # Swift Parrot 2nd order 5m 15m 10m ?! Sooty Owl ^ White-footed Dunnart 3rd order 5m 25m 10m !@ Masked Owl ^ Gang-gang cockatoo 4th order 5m Eastern False Pipistrelle X 45m 10m Yellow-bellied Glider (Feed Tree) ^ ^ X Yellow-bellied Glider 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Contour Interval 10m 27 Meters Scale: 1:15,000 ^ 284000E 85 86 87 88 89 G:\PLANNING\HarvestPlans\South Coast\Currambene\Cpt-1039-1042\2012_GIS\HP_BB_1039_40_41_42_12\HP_BB_1039_40_41_42_12.mxd 85 86 87 88 89 290 Lot 35 Prepared By: Kate Halton Harvest Plan Forest Type Map Version:1 Compartments: 1038, 1039,1040,1041,1042 State Forest:CURRAMBENE No: 148 32> Lot 41 On FNSW SOUTHERN REGION - Native Forests unsealed Map Sheet:NOWRA 9028-3S gravel roads Lot 52

1039 Lot 41 Lot 41 6130 61 Lot 1

Lot 5 Lot 5 1038


29 29 1040

Lot 13

Lot 50 Lot 52 Lot 49 Lot 12

1042 28 1042 28 1041

LEGEND FOREST TYPE BOUNDARIES Coastal Moist Forest State Forest Boundary Compartment Boundary Spotted Gum ROADS Coastal Dry Forest Major Forest Low Quality Forest Minor Forest EPL Standard Existing Non Forest (Crown Lands Owned) EPL Standard Existing (Minor) Sealed Spotted Gum DRAINAGE Mapped LIC Drainage 27

0 125 250 500 750 1,000 1:15,000 Meters Contour Interval 10m G:\PLANNING\HarvestPlans\South Coast\Currambene\Cpt-1039-1042\2012_GIS\HP_BB_1039_40_41_42_12\HP_BB_1039_40_41_42_12.mxd

285000E 86 87 88 89 290 Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area


Currambene State Forest - Compartments 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042

Certification This plan has been prepared in accordance with the Integrated Forestry Operations Approval issued under the Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998. The Standard Harvest Plan Conditions for Native Forest Operations in Southern Region, South Coast apply to this operation. Prepared By: Kate Halton Endorsed By: Kevin Petty Approved By: Daniel Harvest Planning Regional Tuan Planner Manager Manager Signature Kate Halton Signature Kevin Petty Signature Daniel Tuan Date 16/1/2013 Date 16/1/2013 Date 18/1/2013

Note: Approval includes the Harvest Plan Operational Map (HPOM) and Burning Operational Map (BOM) with the corresponding approval date displayed on the map, verifying final approved version. Other maps included with this plan are Locality, Forest Type, Roading and Cultural Heritage (limited distribution).

Description of Proposal

Harvesting of native forest Harvesting of native forest, Single Tree Selection Silviculture subject to the Southern Region, IFOA requirements will be undertaken within this planning unit. The primary product of the harvesting is poles & piles. Parts of felled logs that do not meet high quality log specifications are segregated and graded into other classifications such as salvage sawlogs, pulp logs & miscellaneous timbers e.g. split & round posts, firewood, mining timbers & craftwood. The availability of miscellaneous timbers depends mainly on forest types, log defectiveness & market conditions at the time of harvesting.

Clause 22 Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA) Consideration All relevant factors have been reviewed taking into account the volume and monetary value of each forest product to supply Term Agreement Holders. The harvesting operation also complies with Clause 22 of the IFOA.

Attachment 1: Site Safety Plan prescribes safety requirements and Medical Emergency Evacuation Plan for this harvesting operation. Attachment 2: Roading plan prescribes roading requirements for this harvesting operation. Attachment 3: Burning Plan prescribes burning requirements for this harvesting operation. Post-harvest burning should be confined as far as practicable to the Net Harvest Area. Site specific burning exclusions associated with other tenures, regrowth patches, and exclusions (flora, fauna, cultural heritage and other exclusion zones) are explained

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

within the relevant sections of this harvest plan, in the critical boundaries section of the burning plan and indicated on the HPOM and BOM. The BOM and critical boundaries section of the burning plan also considers exclusion zones in compartments surrounding the planned compartments. If the post-log burn escapes the containment lines, the burn supervisor should use this information to assess if it is necessary to extinguish the fire or if it is acceptable to allow fire to burn out to a secondary control line. During the planning stage the location and type of control lines required to contain fire within the nha are considered and listed in the control lines section of the burn plan. Snig track patterns should be designed to double as bare earth control lines for each of the proposed control lines specified in the burn plan and for any other critical boundaries identified during the operation (e.g. nest exclusions, regrowth patches). Where this is not practical, the Contract Coordinator is to assess the need for a bare earth break to be constructed close to harvesting exclusion boundaries and seek advice and approval from the Operations Team Leader for the additional earth works. The Contract Coordinator/SFO must record the following information in the burn plan and prior to burning use this information and any other relevant information from the CC/SFO notes to brief the Burning Supervisor: · Any new critical boundaries identified during the operation, · If works required for existing and proposed control lines were carried out, · If proposed control lines were deemed to be unsuitable (e.g. a proposed new road did not get constructed or where a mapped drainage line didn t occur to the full length as mapped), · If proposed control lines are no longer required (e.g. a section of the net harvest area did not get harvested) and will therefore not undergo post-log burning.

Area Identification and Yield Estimates

State Forest Compartment/s Region Management Certification Area Currambene 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042 Southern Nowra AS4708:2007 ISO 14001

Cpt Cpt Cpt Cpt Cpt Total 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 Plan Compartment ID 20065 20066 20067 20068 20069 NA Gross Area (ha) 181 220 249 345 172 1167 Net Harvestable Area (ha) 20.3 61.6 173.6 147.6 82.2 485.3 Harvest Area (ha) 20.3 61.6 173.6 147.6 82.2 485.3 Quota Logs (HQL) 1m /ha 1m /ha 1m /ha 1m /ha 1m /ha NA Poles 30 30 30 30 30 NA High Quality Small 1m3/ha 1m3/ha 1m3/ha 1m3/ha 1m3/ha NA Salvage 0.5m /ha 0.5m /ha 0.5m /ha 0.5m /ha 0.5m /ha NA Pulp 80 t/ha 80 t/ha 80 t/ha 80 t/ha 80 t/ha NA (66m3/ha) (66m3/ha) (66m3/ha) (66m3/ha) (66m3/ha) Estimated Total Yield 98.5 98.5 98.5 98.5 98.5 NA (m3/ha) Estimated Total Volume 2000 6000 17000 14500 8000 47500 (m3)

Slope Class % of harvest area 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 0-20 100 100 100 100 100

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Forestry Corporation of NSW Southern Region Harvesting Plan HP_BB_1038_1039_1040_1041_1042_12 Compartments 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 &1042 Attachment 1 Site Safety Plan


Emergency Plan Information

(a) Mobile Phone reception on work site: Ö Good Poor Nil Nearest reliable reception: Butterfly Road/Tallowood Road

(b) FCNSW Radio from work site: Contractor Radio at work site: Channel No: 236 UHF Channel No: Call to: Batemans Bay Contractor Radio No: Call sign from: Your name Call to Bush Boss:

(c) Emergency meeting point for ambulance: Junction Forest Road and Butterfly Road. 1:100000 map sheet: Kiama 9028 MGA zone: 56 MGA Grid reference: E285485 N6128749. Lat/Long for GPS: 34 57' 46" S 150 38' 58" E.

(d) Closest Helicopter Landing Place: Open Paddock at intersection of Princes Hwy and Forest Road. 1:100000 map sheet: Kiama 9028 MGA zone: 56 MGA Grid reference: E281033 N6130277. Lat/Long for GPS: 34 56' 53" S 150 36' 4" E.

(e) Procedure for obtaining Ambulance assistance: Dial "000" OR Call Batemans Bay Forestry Office 1300 880 548 for Ambulance assistance. Dial 112 only as an alternative to 000 if you have a GSM digital mobile phone and you are outside your own provider s GSM network coverage area.

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

"000" Operator Question. Response 1. Police , Fire , Ambulance? Ambulance.

2. Suburb (State Forest name): Currambene (Nearest town or named locality): (Nearest Ambulance station): Culburra Beach

3. Address: (Nearest named State forest road): Butterfly Road.

4. Nearest Road Junction: Butterfly and Forest Roads.

5 Local Government Area: Shoalhaven Shire Council.

6. Nature of the problem: Give details of accident, number and condition of casualties.

7. Where is the accident: Work site location (Centre of Compartments).

MGA Grid reference: Zone 56 E286753 N6128885.

Lat/long for GPS: 34 57' 36" S 150 39' 52 " E.

8. Directions to navigate from Ambulance Station to meeting point:

Directions from Culburra Beach Ambulance Station: · Head west along Culburra Road towards for 5kms, · Turn left into Coonamia Road and travel 4.5km to the end, · Turn right into Forest Road and travel a further 7.5km turning right at Butterfly Road intersection.

9. Injuries?: Give detailed information about the condition of the casualty.

10. Call back No.: Give your Mobile Number. or Batemans Bay Office:1300 880 548.

11. Name of Reporter: Give own name.

Site Specific Identified Hazards

Assessment of existing hazards was undertaken at the time of planning. These hazards are in the attached table and where appropriate, control strategies have been applied. Where no control strategy has been described, the contractor must develop appropriate strategies as part of the contractors Safety Management Plan. A copy of the hazard assessment and control strategies is provided to assist in the development of the contractors Safety Management Plan for this harvesting area.

All additional site hazards identified during harvesting must be assessed and documented in the CC, SFO and Contractor copies of the site specific plan.

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Identified hazards requiring risk assessment and control strategy in Safety Management Plan

IDENTIFIED HAZARD RISK SUGGESTED CONTROL STRATEGY RATING 1. Adjoining roads of various 1 Warning signs at FCNSW intersections, road traffic levels closure on FCNSW roads. Implement Traffic Control plans (specified in this harvest plan). 60km/hr speed limit on all State Forest gravel roads unless otherwise signposted. Compliance with FCNSW lights on policy. 2. Overhead powerlines or 3-4 Refer to FCNSW safety standard 1.3.12. cables Assess every individual tree for directional felling and degree of risk. Do not fall trees towards overhead hazard if within two tree lengths. 3. Underground cables, 6 Minimise ground disturbance across or along pipelines cables & pipelines. Increase depth of earth cover if required. 4. Hazardous or dead trees 1 Refer to FCNSW safety standard 1.3.9. Assess area within two tree lengths of work site. Assess risk, mark any Distinctly Dangerous Trees with the symbol & if necessary remove hazard or move work site. Use machinery to assist with hazard removal if possible Contractor is responsible for implementing control strategies during harvesting. 5. Overhead hazards 1 Refer to FCNSW safety standard 1.3.9.Assess associated with dumps overhead hazard within two tree lengths of the dump. Assess risk, & if necessary remove hazard or relocate dump site. Contractor is responsible for implementing control strategies during harvesting. 6. Dust from passing vehicles 2 Restrict speed to minimise dust generation, slow along dirt haulage routes down when passing vehicles. Turn on driving and hazard lights to increase visibility. 7. Overlapping of harvesting 2 When working within locked gate area, operation with Endeavour harvesting crew must liaise with Endeavour Energy powerline clearing Energy crew to coordinate worksite barriers and operation. communications.

8. Mountain Bike riders in and 2 If bike riders are found riding in the harvesting around harvest area. worksite, the contractor/CC/SFO must stop the riders and explain that the Occupation Permit for the bike track is currently closed. The CC should report any such occurrences to the HTL so that the matter can be raised with S.C.U.M Inc. 9. General public entering the 2 Take extra care to ensure signs/barriers are worksite (this forest is highly erected in a way that the active worksite is used by the public). clearly defined.

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

10. Other

Hazard Nos. 1/2/3//5/6/7 are shown on the attached HPOM

Traffic management/road closures The logging contractor is responsible for traffic control on all roads when felling is within two tree lengths of the tallest tree to be felled of the road or snigging on roads or loading is occurring within 10 metres of a road. Warning of trucks entering must be displayed 200 metres either side of all State Forest road approaches leading to areas where harvesting operations are in progress.

Warning of timber harvesting operations must be displayed 200 metres either side of all thoroughfare State Forest road approaches leading to areas where harvesting operations are in progress.

This plan identifies haulage from the compartment will be west via Butterfly Road (Forestry Corporation of NSW owned), turning right onto Forest Road (Shire Road 90km/hr) to the Princes Hwy. The intersection of Butterfly Road and Forest Road has been assessed as achieving a minimum of 180m sight distance for traffic travelling in an easterly direction along Forest Road, but not for traffic travelling in a westerly direction. Therefore prior to haulage commencing, a suitably qualified person must implement TCP195_ ForestRoad_eastern_approach (attached to this harvest plan) on the eastern approach to this intersection.

Road intersections outside the control of Forestry Corporation of NSW are not covered by this plan or any Forestry Corporation of NSW Traffic Control Plan. Haulage contractors must abide by RTA road laws and standard operating procedures in relation to haulage routes outside the control of Forestry Corporation of NSW.

HP_BB_1038_1039_1040_1041_1042_12 6 21-01-13

Forests NSW Southern Region TCP195_ ForestRoad_eastern_approach : Intersection of Butterfly & Forest Roads (modified from RTA Traffic Control at Work Site TCP 195)

Butterfly Road (Forests NSW owned)

Haulage direction to compartments Forest Rd (Shire owned 90km/hr)

Haulage direction to mill


90m 90m



Log Haulage - Intersection of Butterfly Road (Forests NSW Rd) with Forest Road (Shire Rd 90km/ 1 hr). Sight distance restricted to <180m when travelling in a westerly direction along Forest Road towards this intersection.

LONG TERM USE ADT < 1500, <20 Truck Movements, Sight Distance Restricted Prepared by Kate Halton, Red Card Certificate No. 5192033072 on 28/12/2012 Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Silviculture and Harvesting Prescriptions

Compartment 1038 Compartment 1038 Year 1951 1959 1968 1975 1990 1993 1996/97 1997-99 2002 2003 2004

TSI X X X X Ö X X X Ö X X HR Burning X X X X X X X X X Ö X Wildfires Ö Ö Ö X Ö X Ö X X X Ö

Logging X X X Sawlog Sawlog Misc. & Sawlog X Mining timber X X X m3 1961m3 1128m3 2694m3 210m3 Compartment 1039 Year 1946/51/68 1974/75 1981/82 1990 1991 /92 1990/94 1997 1999 2002 2003/04

TSI X X X X X X X X Ö X HR Burning X X X X X X X X X Ö Wildfires Ö X X Ö X X Ö X X Ö Logging m3 X Sawlog Mining timber X Furnace poles Sawlog X Mining Timber X X 2649m3 40m3 190m3 1544m3 96m3 Compartment 1040 Year 1946/48/51/64/68 1975 1976/78 1979/80 1981 1982 1993 2003 2004 TSI X X X Ö X X X X Ö HR Burning X X X X X X Ö Ö Ö Wildfires Ö X X Ö X Ö Ö Ö Ö Logging m3 X Mining Timber Fencing Timber Sawlog Mining X X X X 630m3 10m3 1532m3 Timber 37m3 Compartment 1041 Year 1951/64/68 1975/79 1977 1977 1990 1992/94 2002 2004 2006/09 TSI X X X Ö X X X Ö X HR Burning X X X X X Ö Ö Ö Ö Wildfires Ö X X X Ö Ö Ö Ö X Logging X Mining Timber Poles Sawlog X Mining Timber X X X m3 3700m3 200m3 5259m3 470m3 Compartment 1042 Year 1951/56/68 1975/78 1975/76 1975/78 2002 2003 2004 TSI X X X X X X Ö HR Burning X X X X X Ö Ö Wildfires Ö X X X Ö Ö Ö Logging m3 X Sawlog 1546m3 Poles 780 m3 Mining Timber 1046m3 X X X Ö - applies, X not applicable

HP_BB_1038_1039_1040_1041_1042_12 8 21-01-13

Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Compartment No. of Samples BA Average (m2/ha) BA Range (m2/ha) 1038 1 18 18 1039 1 18 18 1040 4 17 12-22 1041 2 17 16-18 1042 2 18 18

Silvicultural Planning Single Tree Selection The STS tract (485.3 ha) consists of a mixed aged mature stand combined with even aged regrowth/early mature trees and will be harvested under a light/medium single tree selection (STS) regime. The objective within the 485.3 ha net harvest area for this operation (resource units 1 & 2) is to remove 25%-35% of commercially mature trees (targeting poles) whilst retaining and minimising damage to young regenerating stems, seed trees, habitat and recruitment trees. It is envisaged that the next harvesting operation in this compartment would be on average 30 years time. The STS tract for IFOA purposes includes the net harvest area (resource units 1 and 2) of compartments 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042 as indicated on the HPOM. Single Tree Selection (STS) must remove no more than 35% of the basal area (BA), while retaining a minimum BA of 10m2 per hectare within the tract.

Resource Species Composition Stand History Stand Structure and Condition Unit (Refer to HPOM for detail) 1 & 2 Overstorey dominated by · Harvesting operations for · Even aged regrowth spotted gum, ironbark, sawlog, fencing, poles and dominant stand with blackbutt, stringybarks & mining timber have been scattered patches of mature turpentine. carried out throughout the to overmature trees. The 70 s, 80 s and 90 s. Various regrowth component shows wilfires have covered most of good signs of growth and the area from the late 40 s to vigour, whereas the remnant present. overstorey is in poor health · A large proportion of the area with signs of limited growth underwent TSI operations in potential. In the 2002-04 TSI the late 70 s, early 90 s and areas, heavy coppicing 2002-04. occurs. 3 Spotted gum, blackbutt, · Harvesting operations for The stand predominantly turpentine, yellow and white sawlog, fencing, poles and consists of even aged stringybarks, blue mining timber have been regrowth and/or early mature gum, ironbark, bloodwood carried out throughout the trees which are showing signs and scibbly gum. 70 s, 80 s and 90 s. Various of good growth and vigour. wilfires have covered most of There are scattered the area from the late 40 s to overmature remnant trees present. which are in poor condition.

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Harvesting Prescription

Resource Unit % of NHA Silvicultural Treatment (Refer to HPOM for detail)

1 &2 100% STS medium/light: Remove merchantable poles and trees of sawlog size with defective crowns/limited growth potential. Retain and protect from fire/harvesting damage: -stems which do not meet pole specifications which have good form and vigour. -habitat and recruitment trees as per TSL, -retain additional dominant and co dominant trees of good form and vigour to ensure the total BA removed across the resource unit is no more than 35%. Retained trees should be evenly spaced throughout the resource unit. Note: The area of each silvicultural treatment must be mapped and recorded in the Post logging information section of this plan.

Special Requirements

Non-harvest areas The HPOM indicates the non-harvest areas in the compartments, as detailed in the legend. Harvesting disturbance is not permitted in non-harvest areas unless authorised by the Regional Manager. Post Log Burning Timing Parts of compartment 1039, and 1041 are within a Strategic Fire Advantage Zone for Shoalhaven Bush Fire Management Zone (refer to Burining Operations Map for detail). To maintain the values of this zone, where practical the CC should manage the configuration of harvesting so that harvesting is completed in this area by July 2013. This will enable the post log burn within this area to be carried out prior to the 2013/14 Wildfire season. Noxious Weeds/Disease/Pests Hygiene Requirements Compartments 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042 are within Shoalhaven Shire Council which is a designated red zone for Myrtle Rust. In order to prevent the spread of Myrtle Rust all harvesting machinery, equipment and vehicles heading south or west from Shoalhaven Shire Council must be inspected for vegetation containing Myrtle Rust and if present be washed down prior to leaving this local government area. Permanent Growth and Research Plots Permanent Growth Plots A PGP (PSN 406) is located to the south of 1042/2 Rd (see HPOM). The PGP is to be treated the same as the surrounding harvested area. The Contract Coordinator must collect all metal measurement tags from trees fallen during harvesting and return them to the Resources Team Leader Batemans Bay. Research Plots In compartments 1039 & 1040, between Wandoo and Snowball Roads a silvicultural trail was set up but has since been abandoned. Any posts found in this area may be removed and the area is to be treated the same as the surrounding stand.

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Any other inventory plots located during the harvesting operation are to be treated the same as the surrounding area. Private Property Private property occurs adjacent to the northern and southern boundaries of the compartments, as indicated on the HPOM. Private property owners have been notified of the scheduled harvesting and post-harvest burning. Contact details are available from the Batemans Bay office. The table below lists neighbours who adjoin the compartments:

· No harvest disturbance is permitted on private property. · Harvesting debris must not be left within five metres of the boundary fence lines. · Any damage to fences must be repaired by the contractor. · Access roads must be maintained free of debris and in a trafficable state.

Crown Lands Crown Lands Lot 0 falls within compartment 1042. This area must be excluded from harvesting and burning. The boundary of Lot 0 is not formed by a natural feature such as a road or stream and therefore must be marked in the field using gps. Part of Butterfly Road and Cpt 1042/2 Road runs through lot 0. Department of Trade and Investment Crown Lands has granted permission for log haulage and routine road maintenance to occur on these sections of road. During the operation these roads must be used and maintained in accordance with EPL best practice. Occupation Permits S.C.U.M Inc. Mountain Bike Tracks An occupation permit for S.C.U.M Inc. Mountain Bike Club exists in compartment 1038 & 1042 (Superbowl Track) and in compartment 1040 (Butterfly Track). The club has been notified that their club activities must cease in the areas where active harvesting is occurring. When active harvesting is taking place within the vicinity of the Occupation Permit for the tracks the entire forest will be closed to S.C.U.M Inc. When harvesting is taking place in areas outside the Occupation Permit for the tracks S.C.U.M Inc. may be permitted to use the tracks provided that the boundary of the active harvesting operation is clear and that no trucks will be hauling along roads used by the club. The CC must communicate with to communicate the details (timing and location) of forest closures. When harvesting within the Occupation Permit, damage to the tracks should be avoided by: · Where practical, not falling across the tracks.

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Southern Region – Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

i Removing heads/debris which have accidentally been felled accross tracks. i Snig across rather than along tracks. i Any hazards should be flagged/gps’d. Shoalhaven Water Underground Pipes Shoalhaven Water hold an occupation permit for water pipes along Pipeline Road (Refer to HPOM for detail). Harvesting machinery must not cross over the pipe unless to arrange a site inspection and site specific measures to protect the pipe are developed.

Endeavour Energy Powerlines Endeavour Energy hold an occupation permit for powerlines in the northern sections of compartments 1038, 1039 and 1040 (shown on HPOM). In February 2013 Endeavour Energy will be carrying out maintenance works to the powerlines. These works will involve locked gates being placed at the entrances to roads which lead to the maintenance works (refer to HPOM for location of gates). During these works, harvesting within the locked gate area should be avoided. If there is a need for the harvesting activity to occur within the locked gate area, the contract coordinator should contact Planning Manager Kevin Petty to obtain contact details for Endeavour Energy. The harvesting contractor must then liaise with the Endeavour Energy crew to ensure both worksites are managed safely (eg coordination of radio communications, worksite barriers, through traffic procedures) and should include an induction into one another’s site safety plans. Apiary 10 apiary sites provided in the table below are located within the planning unit as detailed in the table below. Contact details are available from the Batemans Bay office. Name of permit holder Permit Number

i The Contract Coordinator must provide the apiary permittees with at least two weeks advance notice when bee boxes need to be removed or relocated. i A permanent apiary set down site is located on dump 23 (see HPOM). This site must be levelled and free of debris at the completion of logging. The other 2 permanent set down sites within the nha are not log dumps and will not be affected by the operation. i Permanent sites must not be ripped.

National Parks and Nature Reserves Jervis Bay National Park neighbours compartment 1040 to the east, however is not adjacent to the nha and is unlikely to be affected by the operation. Saltwater Swamp Nature Reserve forms the northern boundary of the nha of cpt 1040. This boundary is not formed by a natural feature such as a road or stream and therefore must be marked in the field using gps. The contract coordinator must contact NPWS, 1 months notice prior to marking this boundary to arrange for a NPWS employee to be present.

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Southern Region – Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area i No harvest disturbance is permitted within National Park or Nature Reserves. i Harvesting debris must not be left within five metres of the boundary fence lines. i The contractor must repair any damage to fences. i Access roads must be maintained free of debris and in a trafficable state.

Underground Cables A dial before you dig request query of the compartment that underground Telstra cables are present in the southwestern corner of the nha in compartment 1038 and the western side of the nha in compartment 1042 (Refer to HPOM for detail). Dial before you dig and field markers (where located) have been used to indicate the approximate location of the cable on the HPOM. Prior to any harvesting or roading activity taking place in the vicinity of the cables, the Contract Coordinator should inspect the area for markers or other evidence of the cables and flag with marking tape. When carrying out harvesting or road maintenance activities near cables, minimise ground disturbance across or along and increase depth of earth cover if required.

Any damages to cables must be immediately reported to Telstra on 13 22 03. Forest Management Zoning

FMZ 3A Harvesting Excluded, FMZ 3B-Special Prescriptions (Catchment Protection), FMZ 7 Non Forest and FMZ 4- General Management (normal harvesting prescriptions apply) occur within the compartment. Refer to HPOM for more detail.

FMZ 3B (Special Prescriptions-Catchment Protection): This zone is in place to contribute to the Jervis Bay Catchment Rural Environment Plan, in which Forestry Corporation of NSW is required to maintain forest cover within the management zone. The light/medium STS silviculture specified in the Silvicultural Planning section of this plan are sufficient to protect the values of this zone. No further management prescriptions are required.

FMZ 3A - No harvesting machinery or harvesting activities are allowed in this zone. As this area doubles as an owl landscape exclusion, fire should be excluded. FMZ 7 – This zone is comprised of underground Telstra cables, above ground electricity cables and underground water pipes. Refer to the hazards table and the occupation permits section of this plan for further details.

IFOA Required Approval of Forestry Activities

All areas of Stream Exclusion Zones require prior Regional Manager approval before forest harvesting related activities (eg: road or snig track construction & reopening) can be undertaken. It is the responsibility of the Contract Coordinator to identify any exclusion areas which will need to be crossed during harvesting. The Contract Coordinator should then contact the Harvest Planner to obtain the necessary approval.

Cultural Heritage

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Southern Region – Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Cultural Heritage - Due to the confidentiality of the Cultural Heritage sites, a Cultural Heritage site map will only be attached to the specific copies of the plan. All 10 metre radius exclusion buffers are to be marked in the field as hard exclusion zones (i.e. pink & yellow tape) where logging and/or road works are scheduled to be undertaken. All operators must be taken to each site within the planned area before any activities are commenced.

Flora and Fauna

Refer to TSL Booklet for Conditions Mark-Up Conditions During the pre-harvest mark up the SFO/Contract Coordinator must search for and record threatened species habitat features consistent with Conditions 5.2 and 8.6 of the TSL. Searches for threatened species features must be conducted within that portion of the net planned area where harvesting will occur, and within 50 metres outside this area (eg HCVOG, etc) (conditions 5.1, 5.2 of the TSL). Where any of these features are found, the feature must be recorded, the Harvesting Plan, including the HPOM, must be amended accordingly and the appropriate condition applied.

Species adequately covered by general prescriptions: The following species have been recorded in or around the compartments and are adequately covered by the general prescriptions. No further protection measures are required for these species: Sooty Owl (Tyto tenebricosa), Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami), Eastern False Pipistrelle (Falsistrellus tasmaniensis), Common Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii), Greater Broad-nosed Bat (Scoteanax rueppellii), White- footed Dunnart (Sminthopsis leucopus), Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) and Yellow-bellied Sheath-tail Bat (Saccolaimus flaviventris),

Tree Retention Recrui t men T re e s / Zone Ha bi tat T ree s / 2 ha Si g ni f ic a n t Foo d Re ta ined T rees S tag Re t en i on P r ot ec t i o n f (o nl y i f s af e ) Re s o urce 2 h a

Regrowth <10 <10 √ √ √ TSL condition 5.6c 5.6d 5.6g 5.6e 5.6 f √ - Condition applies

General exclusion zones General exclusions as listed below are shown on the HPOM. Feature/Condition TSL Occurs within Planning Unit

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Southern Region – Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

cond’n Rainforest 5.4 Has been assessed & is unlikely to occur in the field. May require further investigation#. Riparian Protection Zones 5.7 Yes Ridge & Headwater 5.8 Yes (40m total width) Habitat Wetlands 5.9 Has been assessed as a risk that it may occur in the field (an area of probable wetland-0.6ha/20m buffer, is mapped on the eastern edge of nha for cpt 1040). May require further investigation#. Heath and Scrub 5.10 Has been assessed & is unlikely to occur in the field. May require further investigation#. Rocky Outcrops and 5.11 Has been assessed & is unlikely to occur in the field. Cliffs May require further investigation#. Endangered Ecological NA Has been assessed as a risk that Swamp Community Sclerophyll Forest on Coastal Floodplains of the North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bioregions EEC may occur in the field. May require further investigation#. Harvesting, harvesting machinery and post harvest burning must be excluded from all areas of EEC. #SFO/Contract coordinators will continue to conduct on the ground mark-up & searches and report back to foresters/ecologists any features requiring further investigation.

General Threatened Flora and Fauna Prescriptions Feature Records in 1038, 1039, Licence conditions 1040, 1041 or 1042 under the TSC Act Threatened Frog General No 5.12 Protection Measures Bird Nest and Roost Site No 5.13 Protection Tree Bat Roost Protection No 5.14.1 Subterranean Roost No 5.14.2 Protection Significant Subterranean No 5.14.3 Roost Protection Protection of flying-fox No 5.14.4 Camps Burning Net planned area 5.16 Ground Habitat Protection Net planned area 5.17

Species & Site-Specific Threatened Flora and Fauna Prescriptions

Contractors and supervisory staff must immediately report any sightings of Schedule 1 and 2 species to the Harvesting Team Leader. The Harvesting Plan must be amended to include additional prescriptions if necessary. The following species have been recorded within or nearby the area and the associated prescriptions must be implemented:

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Southern Region – Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Threatened species and habitat features Records in 1038, Licence conditions within trigger distance 1039, 1040, 1041 under the TSC Act or or 1042 relevant Site-specific prescription Green and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea Yes (50m 6.1 exclusion around each record and dam) Powerful Owl Ninox strenua, Yes 6.4 Masked Owl Owl Landscape Exclusion Tyto novaehollandie. Zones occur in the compartments. Specified Forestry Activities are prohibited within these “hard” exclusions. Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor No 6.5 Regent Honey eater Xanthomyza phrygia No Yellow-bellied Glider Yes 6.13 Petaurus australis Large-footed Myotis No 6.15 Myotis adversus

Gang-gang Cockatoo Yes 50m exclusion around Callocephalon fimbriatum nests. Note no nests were identified at the planning stage. Little Lorikeet Yes 30m exclusion around Glossopsitta pusilla nests. Note no nests were identified at the planning stage. Little Eagle No Inform ecologist Hieraaetus morphnoides immediately if this species is detected within any of the cpts.

Fisheries Licence Conditions

There are no known records of threatened fish species or class 1 or 2 aquatic habitat relevant to this operation. The conditions of the fisheries licence are not triggered for this operation.

Soils and Water Protection

Refer to EPL Booklet & Standard Plan Conditions Site-specific EPL Conditions

Elements Conditions Unmapped Drainage Lines EPL does not apply: refer to drainage feature protection below. Drainage Feature Protection See HPOM for widths

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Inherent Hazard Class 2 Dispersible Soils No Seasonality Harvesting Exclusions No Seasonality Burning Exclusions No Log Dumps Refer relevant conditions for IHL Snig Tracks Refer relevant conditions for IHL Roads See Schedule 5 of EPL Booklet Slope limits for harvesting Refer to Schedule 4B.3 of EPL

Drainage Feature Protection Filter strips (EPL), Protection Zones (EPL), Operational Zones (EPL), Protection Zones -hard (TSL) and Protection Zones -soft (TSL) must be retained along all drainage lines, prescribed streams and watercourses within the net planned area of the compartments at minimum widths as stated in the Table below. Table 1: Minimum filter strip, protection zone and operational zone widths for mapped and unmapped drainage lines, prescribed streams and watercourses in native forests in Inherent Hazard Level 1 & 2 (metres measured along the ground surface) Stream Order EPL Filter Strip EPL Protection Zone EPL TSL Protection TSL Protection* Operational Zone (hard) (soft)

Unmapped N/A# N/A# N/A# 1st order 5 5* 10 2nd order 5 15* 10 3rd order 5 25* 10 4th order or 5 45* 10 greater Note: *TSL Protection zones (hard & soft) are contained within the EPL Filter strip, which have the greater level of protection. # for this operation Forestry Corporation of NSW has chosen to harvest this area without EPL coverage. All EPL conditions continue to apply except for the rules applying to filter strips, protection zones and operational zones of the unmapped drainage lines. Refer to Best Management Practices for unmapped drainage lines in the standard conditions. Harvesting of unmapped drainage lines, MUST NOT occur in unmapped drainage lines which are running or holding water. It is the responsibility of the Contract Coordinator to inspect each unmapped drainage line prior to harvesting it, to determine if it is running or holding water.

Log Dump Location 26 log dumps are indicated on the HPOM. Field location of log dumps must utilise the most level site available consistent with the location indicated on the HPOM. Inherent

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area hazard level 2 Conditions 26, 27, 28, 30, 31 and 33 of Schedule 4 of the EPL must apply. Expected Felling/ Extraction & Loading Method The expected felling method is mechanical, extraction method by skidder, and loading method is by excavator.

Drainage Feature Crossings 2 road drainage line crossings (named B are C) are approved for use on drainage features. (Refer to HPOM). Crossing details are contained in Attachment 2 of this Plan.

Mass Movement Compartments 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042 are not in an area identified as having a potential for mass movement. No specific prescriptions relating to mass movement/snigging are required.

Suitability of existing log dams and gully stuffers There are no known log dams or gully stuffers on snig track crossings in the compartments. Condition 47 of Schedule 4 of the EPL must apply.

Road Works The HPOM indicates the location of existing roads and crossings. Feature Length &/or Number Work Required Existing Roads 11635m /11 Yes New Roads 0 NA Existing Crossings 2 Yes New Crossing x NA Borrow & Gravel Pits x NA Roading and Crossing details are contained within Attachment 2 of this Plan. The roading and crossing works must be undertaken, by contractor or FCNSW staff, prior to the commencement of harvesting activity in the area served by the road or crossing. FCNSW will supervise and pay for the maintenance works. Within the compartment boundary only roads that are shown on the HPOM as EPL standard or sealed may be used for haulage. Refer to EPL Schedule 5 Operating Conditions for Roads. Roads within the compartment boundary may be used with Contract Coordinator approval for snigging or extraction provided they are drained to EPL specifications.

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Legal Conditions

In 2001, the Commonwealth and NSW Governments signed a Southern Regional Forest Agreement which, among other things, allows for the supply of timber for 20 years from public lands under the following NSW legislation:

· Forestry Act 2012, and · Forestry & National Park Estate Act 1998

The latter Act provides for the Southern Forest Agreement and Southern Integrated Forest Operations Approval (IFOA), both approved by NSW Government Ministers in May 2002. This harvest plan is issued under the authority provided within the IFOA. The IFOA also contains three licences issued under: · Section 55 of the Protection of the Environment Act 1997 (EPL) · Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (TSL). · Section 220ZW of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 (FL).

This harvest plan will be managed in the field under: · Licences issued under the Forestry Act (2012) · Forest Practices Code part 2 (Timber Harvesting in Native Forests - 1999) and part 4 (Forest Roads and Fire Trails - 1999) · Standard Harvest Plan Conditions for Native Forest Operations Under the IFOA, Southern Region-South Coast Area. · Forestry Corporation of NSW Corporate Fuel Management Plan 2008. Harvesting operations must comply with all of the above Licences and the Code (unless otherwise specified). Futher information is available from

Pre-Operational Briefing

I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Harvesting Plan for Compartments 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, in Currambene State Forest and that I have been briefed on the conditions of the Plan and understand the supervision and operational control requirements as explained to me by the Harvesting Team Leader or his/her delegate. Position Name Signature Date

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Details to Record in Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes

· Dates of commencement and cessation of logging · Record the commencement and completion of harvesting at each dump · Record the occurrence of temporary stopping of harvesting at each dump. · Situations where drainage could not be completed due to saturated soils must be recorded in Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes. · Record the commencement and completion of each construction, upgrading or maintenance of drainage feature crossings by snig tracks or extraction tracks. · Bi-weekly checks of road drainage structures during haulage operations. · Record the date of checks, drainage structure compliance and the any repairs required within the specified time period. · Records of Threatened Flora and Fauna identified during compartment markup. · Minor variations associated with moving or adding dumps. · Daily events of importance eg. Instructions to crew, work activity. Post Harvest Mapping Features Confirmation Checklist

Feature Planning Reason GIS update Harvesting Comments Updates (Error/New) tool Updates completed? Soil Regolith No Mapped Drainage No Rainforest No Rocky outcrops No Wetlands Yes New Yes Cultural Heritage No Existing Roads No New Roads No Heath No Powerlines etc No Other Yes Error Yes Ridge & headwater realigned.

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Contract Coordinator Feature Usage Record

Dates of commencement and cessation of logging Date of commencement of logging: ______Date of cessation of logging: ______DUMP USAGE RECORD · Record the commencement and completion of harvesting at each dump · Record the occurrence of temporary stopping of harvesting at each dump.

Dump Start Finish *Track Date of **Temporary track Date number date date drainage temporary drainage completed resumed completed cessation within 5 days within 2 days (yes/no) (yes/no)

*At completion of snig track/dump, track drainage must be completed within 2 days unless soil is saturated. *At temporary cessation of snig track use, track drainage must be completed within 5 days unless soil is saturated. Situations where drainage could not be completed due to saturated soils must be recorded in Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes.

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes

Date Event Signed

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes (continued)

Date Event Signed

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes (continued)

Date Event Signed

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes (continued)

Date Event Signed

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes (continued)

Date Event Signed

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Clearance Certificate

COMPARTMENTS: 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042


To ...... Contract Coordinator

I request approval for me to move my logging crew and all associated machinery from the above-mentioned area to the next compartment in accordance with Section 3.5 of the Forest Practices Code.

I certify that: (a) all permanent roads, trails and mitre drains have been cleared of harvesting debris; (b) butt damage to retained trees has been kept to acceptable limits; (c) all trees marked for removal have been felled; (d) utilisation limits have been satisfactorily met; (e) stump heights conform to requirements; (f) all hanging trees have been felled and brought down; (g) all log dumpsites have been satisfactorily restored as required; (h) harvesting debris is not accumulated around retained trees; (i) all accumulated litter has been disposed of properly; (j) all filter and buffer strip requirements have been complied with; (k) all snig track, extraction track and temporary logging road drainage has been installed satisfactorily and other required rehabilitation work has been completed; (l) all necessary repairs to damaged roads, signs, fences and other structures have been carried out. (m) ______(insert quantity) rubber flaps have been recovered in a satisfactory condition and reported to Operations Branch for collection. (n) all machinery, equipment and vehicles have been checked and are free of noxious weeds, diseases and pests.

I believe that I have met all my obligations under the conditions of the Timber Licence, the EPL and TSL which apply to the compartment just completed, as stated in this Harvesting Plan.

Signature...... Name...... Date ...... Contractor

As a result of inspections of the logging operations made in accordance with this Harvesting Plan, I am satisfied that, to the best of my knowledge, the contractor responsible for this harvesting operation has satisfactorily completed all work and approval is given for her/him to remove her/his machinery and equipment and leave the area/commence operations in another compartment.

This clearance does not release the contractor from any obligation to undertake any remedial work if subsequent deficiencies are shown to result from inadequate practices during the harvesting operation, which are found during any inspections of the area made within 12 months of the date of this post-harvesting inspection.

Last inspection was made on ...... (Date)

Signed ...... (Date)...... Contract Coordinator

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Post Logging Information

Record any circumstances of significance relating to the harvesting of this compartment. Please draw or include any annotations on the attached operation scale map.

Summary of silvicultural treatment Treatment type Area (ha) subject Number of AGS Comments to treatment gaps created (Contract Coordinator estimate) Australian Group Selection Single Tree Selection Thinning/Spacing Post Harvest Silviculture

Actual area harvested (record on attached HPOM)

Give reasons for harvestable areas that were not harvested (eg. Too steep, defective timber). Make reference to map.

Post Logging Basal Area sweeps

Dump No# Sweep 1 Sweep 2 Sweep 3 Sweep 4 Average

Post BA Average m2/ha Pre BA Average 18m2/ha Comply with maximum STS BA removal of 45% or Thinning BA removal of 60% Y/N

Possible next cut (tick appropriate boxes)

Main product type Anticipated volume Time to next harvest H M L 0 to 5 years Girders 5 to 10 years Veneer 10 to 20 years Poles/piles 20 to 30 years Quota 30 plus years Smalls/Thinnings Salvage Pulpwood/chipwood

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area


Summary of Roading Requirements

Length of existing roads/trails to be maintained 11635m Length of new roads to be constructed 0m Number of existing crossings to be maintained 2 Number of new crossings to be constructed 0 Length of road >10 0m Mass movement prescriptions apply No Dispersible soil conditions apply No Seasonality provisions apply No

Note: Maintenance works not completed by Operations must be recorded and passed onto the Contract Coordinator Harvesting for completion and documentation. The start and finish dates of all maintenance and construction must be recorded on the individual roading sheets along with other relevant changes or explanations. All rubber flaps on minor forest roads must be removed and replaced with trafficable rollover banks on completion of operation.

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area


Road/Crossing Name Works Required Date Date Signature Started finished Butterfly Road Grade Pavement. Carry out roadside clearing where required. 4200m Install/maintain mitres/spoon drains. Install 14 rubber flaps. Install gravel where required. Ops/Contract Coordinator Comments:

1041/7 Road Clear fallen debris. Grade pavement. Roadside clearing where required. 420m Install/maintain mitres and spoon drains. Install 3 new rubber flaps. Ops/Contract Coordinator Comments:

1042/2 Road Reshape/grade pavement. East of dump 22 widen pavement. Carry out 1100m roadside clearing where required. Install/maintain mitres as shown on roading map. Maintain spoon drains. Install 3 rubber flaps as shown on roading map. Ops/Contract Coordinator Comments:

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

East Sump Road Section this road north of Butterfly Road does not require work. This 2235m road has recently been graded and the structure of drainage spacings complied with EPL at time of assessment. The section south of Butterfly Road requires grading/reshaping of pavement (particularly in rutted sections) and widening in sections. Existing mitres are to be reinstated. Install new mitres as per EPL specification. Natural crests and depressions also form drainage on this section of road. Ops/Contract Coordinator Comments:

Oak Road Install 1 mitre and 2 rubber flaps. Existing rollover can be retained as is 410m or removed and replaced with a rubber flap (which would make the total rubber flaps for this road 3). Ops/Contract Coordinator Comments:

Wandoo Road Grade pavement, carry out roadside clearing where required. Maintain 240m existing mitres and 1 rollover.

Ops/Contract Coordinator Comments:

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Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area

Snowball Road Grade/reshape northern 600m. Reinstate all existing mitres and 850m install new mitres and rubber flaps as shown on map. Existing rollover may be left in place or replaced with a rubber flap. Ops/Contract Coordinator Comments:

Musk Road Nil work required for first 230m of this road. For the last 500 m, 730m reshape/grade pavement. Carry out roadside clearing where required. Install new mitres as shown on map and reinstate existing mitres. Ops/Contract Coordinator Comments:

1040/4 Rd Grade/reshap0065 pavement and carry out roadside clearing where 250m required. Install mitres as shown on map. Ops/Contract Coordinator Comments:

1040/5 Rd Nil Work required. Road is open and graded, drainage spacing complied 420m with EPL at time of assessment. Ops/Contract Coordinator Comments:

1041/6 Rd Reshape/grade pavement. Carry out roadside clearing where required. 700m Install mitres as per EPL.Ops/Contract Coordinator Comments:

Crossing B & C Refer to Crossing forms. Note: Maintenance works not completed by Operations must be recorded and passed on to the Contract Coordinator.

HP_BB_1038_1039_1040_1041_1042_12 32 21-01-13

Existing Road Description Road Name: Snowball, Musk, 1040/4 & 1040/5 Rds Assessors Name:Kate Halton/BJ Brown Features Works Plant/Material Snowball= 830m, Musk = 670m,1040/4= 250m, 1040/5 = 340m Pavement Grade/reshape pavement where required. Grader/dozer: 10 hours

Roadside Clearing 3 metres either side where required.

Gravelling N/A

Drainage Install rubberflaps & mitres. Maintain existing mitres & spoon drains - Rubberflaps x 2 ensure clear & working.Leave RO in place or remove & replace with RU lab 1 hrs, machine 1 hrs Erosion control Natural vegetation, slash, seed/mulch

ROADING FEATURES Date of Assessment 5/3/2007 & 12/12/2012 Rubber Flap Final Road Use: Retain

Mitre Drain Date Work Started / / Pipe Date Work Finished Rollover Drain / / Spoon Drain d Drop Down Structure


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ge na i a Dr n n i a t n i a M . s e r t i m & s p a l f r e ubb r ll a t s n I 5 x s ap l f r ubbe R

ng i l l e v a r G /A N

ng i r ea l C e d i s oad R ed. r i u q e r e r e h w e d i s r e h t i e s e r t e m 3

ed. r i u q e r e r e h w t en m e v a p e p ha s e R / ade r G

nt e m e v a P rs ou h 0 1 : r e z do / r ade r G

5m 2 4 = d R k a O , m 0 10 1 = 2 / 2 4 10 = , m 560 1 = p m u S t s a E

al i r e t a M / t an l P es r u t ea F ks r o W

wn o r B J B / n o t l a H e t a K : e m a N s or s sses A

Rd ak O & d R 2 / 1042 & ) n o i t ec s n r e h t u o s ( p m u S t s a E : e m a N d a o R

on i t ip cr s De d a o R ng i t s i x E

Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area


This burn plan will be managed in accordance with the principles detailed in the Forestry Corporation of NSW Corporate Fuel Management Plan 2008. All practical measures will be taken to ensure fire is contained within predetermined control lines and to prevent entry into exclusion areas. However due to the unpredictable nature of fire from time to time fire may escape the containment lines and enter exclusion zones. In these instances the Burn Supervisor should inform the Operations Team Leader to discuss suitable strategies to manage the escaped fire.


Planned Burn Area: NHA of compartments 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest LGA: Shoalhaven Season: Spring for SFAZ area, autumn / winter /spring for LMZ area. Bush Fire Management Zone: Land Management Zone (LMZ) and Strategic Fire Advantage Zone (SFAZ) (refer to BOM map for details).


· To reduce fine fuel loads to 4-8 tonnes/ha. (assisting future fire suppression) · A burn coverage between 60-80% of harvested area. · To contain fire within harvested area. · To minimise mortality in trees retained under condition 5.6 of TSL (H & R trees and feed trees). · To minimise defect damage to retained regrowth stems. CRITICAL AND NON CRITICAL BOUNDARIES

A summary of critical boundaries where burning must be excluded are listed below (refer to harvest plan and BOM for further details). Critical boundaries within the planned compartments: · Exclusions for Owl Landscape, Ridge and Headwater, Green and Golden Bell Frog records, probable EEC (Swamp Sclerophyll on Coastal Floodplains) and probable Wetlands. · Note the FMZ 3A is not a critical boundary, however as it doubles as Owl Landscape in compartments 1041 & 1042, it should be treated as a critical boundary for this burning plan. Critical boundaries outside the planned compartments: · National Park and Nature Reserves · Private Property. · Vacant crown timbered lands · Exclusion for Ridge and Headwater. REGIONAL BURNING GUIDELINES

Max Temp (°C): 25 Min RH (%) : 30 Max Wind Speed (km/h): < 20 Southerly aspect < 15 Northerly aspect

Max BKDI:< 70 Max FDI: 8 ( subject to area assessment). Scorch Height: 0.6 x dominant tree height

Max Fuel Moisture Range: 12-25% Max Rate of Spread: 300m/hr. Average Flame height: up to 4m

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Fine Fuel loads: 50-150 tons per hectare of logging slash, 10 20 tons per hectare in between tree heads.

Fuel arrangement: Multi-tiered structure (litter, grasses, shrubs, eucalypt regeneration and mature trees)

Terrain (gross area): 0%>30 , 0% @ 25 -30 , 0% @ 20 -25 , 20% @10 -20 , 80% @ 0 -10 slope.

Time since last burn: 2003/04 (Broad area hazard reduction)

IMPORTANT BURNING PRESCRIPTIONS · A small test burn must always be lit prior to main burn. This will assist in determining FIRE BEHAVIOUR and IGNITION PATTERNS. · Seek information from Harvesting Contract Coordinator on regrowth excluded burn areas. · Sections will be lit by drip torch to a determined ignition pattern. · Areas will generally be burnt from ridge tops down and into the wind to minimise excessive fire behaviour. · Minimise fire intensity in regrowth stands. · Where one or more of the parameters detailed in the regional burning guidelines is not met, burning may still be conducted provided the other parameters will provide favourable conditions for burning to meet the burn objectives. Any decision to conduct burning outside of the parameters must be fully documented by the Burning Supervisor in the field copy of the burn plan.



Refer to Flora and Fauna sections of the Harvest plan document.

The burn crew should be aware of and look for any H & R trees, Allocasuarina feed trees, eucalypt feed trees, stags or yellow bellied glider/squirrel glider sap trees where logging debris is stacked >1m high within the 5m radius of the tree. If any are found, minimise damage to these trees by not directly lighting within 5m of the tree.

SOIL, WATER & AQUATIC HABITAT: Refer to Soils and Water and Drainage Features sections of the Harvest plan document.

· Preferred months of burn March to August

· Fuel moisture differentials will be utilised to minimise impacts upon drainage features within the burn area

· Harvesting of unmapped drainage lines was planned to occur within these compartments. To ensure that >70% ground cover within the modified harvest zone of the unmapped drainage lines is not compromised, the burn supervisor should pay particular attention to the fuel moisture content of unmapped drainage line and not deliberately burn heads within the modified harvesting zone.


Refer to the cultural heritage section of the Harvest plan document to determine if there are any sites and if so refer to the cultural heritage map for the location of the sites. Significant sites, e.g. scar trees, groove stones, should be raked around to prevent fire damage. It is not necessary to exclude fire from isolated finds, artefact scatters or open camp sites.

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CONTROL LINES: EXISTING Description of Work Required Completed Description of each control line Yes /No Currambene Powerline Track, Pipeline Road Nil Butterfly Road and Tallowood Road. Other internal EPL standard roads (East Sump, Brush up/clear vegetation from road. Oak, Wandoo, Snowball, 1040/5, 1040/4, Musk, 1041/6 and 1042/2) Roads not used for log haulage in the harvest Brush up/clear vegetation from road. operation which form nha boundaries (1039/1, 1042/1 and 1040/2 Roads). 2nd Order Steam which forms southern nha Near ground elevated fuel moisture content boundary in cpts 1041 & 1042. >16% Boundary between nha and probable wetland Near ground elevated fuel moisture Content exclusion. >16%

Check for trees that could burn down and fall over any boundary roads and wet down, rake around or remove as necessary PROPOSED Description of Work Required Completed Description of each control line Yes /No Boundary between nha with Private Property, Design snig track patterns so they double as bare Saltwater Swamp Nature Reserve, Vacant Crown earth containment lines. Where this is not practical, Lands and exclusion for probable EEC. CC/SFO to instruct contractor to construct a bare earth break (drained as per EPL snig track conditions) along boundary of the exclusion. Boundary between nha and exclusion for Ridge & If possible design snig track patterns so they double Headwater/ and Green and Golden Bell Frog. as bare earth containment lines. Where this is not practical, it is NOT necessary to construct a bare earth break along boundary of the exclusion; the practice of no direct ignition will be followed. Scar trees, grinding grooves, nest trees, quality Design snig track patterns so they double as bare regrowth discovered during the harvesting earth containment lines. Where this is not practical, operation. CC/SFO to instruct contractor to construct a bare earth break (drained as per EPL snig track conditions) along boundary of the exclusion (after seeking approval from Operations Team Leader).

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SMOKE HAZARD AND MANAGEMENT: Smoke / Hazard Reduction Signs required?: .. YES NO (R tick to indicate) Smoke Dispersion Forecasting via BOM utilised?..... YES NO (R tick to indicate)

Safety Considerations (pre-burn) DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Personnel Names of fire crew documented daily.

Visitors on site Visitor on site induction carried out

Neighbours Documented in plan notified Traffic control Traffic control signs to regulate traffic if required

Smoke management: Assessment of prevailing winds at the time of burn. Road side signs warning of smoke hazard.


Activity Specifications and tasks Responsibility Signature (inc date) Fuel monitoring Regular monitoring prior to burning

Weather monitoring Conducted prior to and during burning operations.

Trail preparation Mineral earth control lines prepared prior to burning to contain fire within designated burning block. · Dozer/grader · Hand tools Neighbour liaison Notification and communications documented.

Liaison with fire & as above emergency authorities Media releases To advise local community of SF burning activities.

Radio station notifications as above

Equipment Ensure all required equipment is available.

Communications as above

Visitor Safety Burn is sign posted. All visitors to report to burn supervisor immediately

Burn approval Daily burn approvals given by delegated officers

Supervisor to initial

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Neighbours . Contractors . Lessees .... Apiarists . . Shire FCO .. Govt Agencies .

Notification Register: RFS (Rural Fire Service) Name Position Phone Number Notified FCO

NEIGHBOURS: (Refer to compartment planning folder for details prior to burning) Owner Postal Address Lot / Plan Phone Notification Reply Letters sent Received

APIARISTS: (Refer to compartment planning folder for details prior to burning)

Name Site Number/s Phone Number Notified

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(tick daily when briefed) SITUATION DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - Burn area to be treated (location, boundaries, control line types and exclusive areas) ...... £££££££ - Burn area characteristics (e.g. terrain, forest cover, sensitive areas, etc) ...... £££££££ - Burn area access by road class (checked beforehand, dead ends, watering points etc.) ...... £££££££ - Fuel Loadings and fire behaviour prescriptions for the HRB area ...... £££££££ - Staging areas...... £££££££ - Expected weather ...... £££££££ MISSION - Overall aim of the hazard reduction burn ...... £££££££ - Site specific aims for sections of the HRB (eg, protection of patches of advanced regrowth, rainforest pockets, buildings, bridges, etc.) ...... £££££££ - Secondary aim/s should the HRB escape ...... £££££££ EXECUTION - Plant and manpower resources (FCNSW, RFS, OEH, others) ...... £££££££ - Division of burn area into Sections ...... £££££££ - Starting points, starting times, finish times (start down wind if possible) ...... £££££££ - Safe approved lighting patterns and directions ...... £££££££ - Work down-slope, keeping below active fire (except where good fuel breaks occur) ...... £££££££ - Location and activity of other burning crews ...... £££££££ - Personal and crew safety - buddy system when lighting up ...... £££££££ - Progress reports at pre-designated times ...... £££££££ - Maintain awareness of other burning crews (do not light up below other burning crews) ...... £££££££ - Expected fire behaviour, trouble points and contingency plans ...... £££££££ - Actions to be taken in the event of an escape e.g. to pause the light-up ...... £££££££ - End of burn debrief e.g. reporting areas requiring follow-up patrols after burn ...... £££££££ ADMINISTRATION - Reporting field fire weather to the office at regular times ...... £££££££ - Receiving forecast weather reports from office ...... £££££££ - Logistical support (fuel, food, water, heavy plant, back-up crews etc.) ...... £££££££ CONTROL, COMMAND, COMMUNICATIONS - Chain of command (burn supervisor and sector bosses) ...... £££££££ - Communications systems for fire-ground and command (UHF & VHF radios, mobile phones) ...... £££££££ SAFETY - Medical Emergency Evacuation Plan & Site Safety Plan ...... £££££££ - Areas of likely tree or limb falling hazards (methods to identify/mark hazards) ...... £££££££ - Look up and look around procedure (for self and workmates) ...... £££££££ - Location first aid kits and first aiders ...... £££££££ - Pre-burn safety actions including Smoke Hazard sign locations, traffic control plan etc ...... £££££££ - Location of safety zones, and escape routes ...... £££££££ - Safe parking of SF vehicles within the burn area and vehicle speeds during the burn ...... £££££££ - Crew vehicles to have headlights and flashing beacons on where practicable ...... £££££££ - Schedule adequate rest breaks and set appropriate work pace ...... £££££££ - Ensure crews have access to supplies of drinking water ...... £££££££ - Visitors to the site are inducted into the SSP ...... £££££££

Day 1 - Burn Supervisor Date .. Day 2 - Burn Supervisor Date .. Day 3 - Burn Supervisor Date .. Day 4 - Burn Supervisor Date .. Day 5 - Burn Supervisor Date .. Day 6 - Burn Supervisor Date .. Day 7 - Burn Supervisor Date .. Day 8 - Burn Supervisor Date ..

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PROOF OF DATE SUPERVISOR OR EMPLOYEE NAME ACCREDITATION RELEVANT (E.g. FCNSW AGENCY RECORDS) SIGNATURE Incident Controller Burn Supervisor Crew Leader Crew Leader Crew Member Crew Member Crew Member Crew Member Crew Member Crew Member Crew Member Crew Member


Resource State Forests NPWS Brigades Contract Coordinator Signature Incident Controller Crew Leaders Crew Members Tankers Slip on Units 1+ Dozer n/a Helicopter n/a Radios handheld UHF 1 per person Weather monitoring equip. 1 per crew

BURNING OPERATIONS RECORD Forecast Weather and Indices (Obtain from Office) See attached daily weather forecasts and relevant indices obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology. Near Ground Fuel Moisture Content Readings Control Line/Feature Date Location (GPS coordinate) Fuel Moisture Content (%)

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Burn Site Weather Readings Take daily on site readings (hourly if possible) and note un-forecast weather changes. Temp RH Wind Wind Sp. FDI FMC % COMMENTS Date Time (%) Direction (km/h) (°C)

FIRE BEHAVIOUR PREDICTED ACTUAL Flame Height ROS Assessment Flame Height ROS Comments Date Time (hrs) (m) (m/hr) Method (average) (m/hr)

Ignition details DATE (s) .. Type: Aerial / Ground Method: Contour / Ridge / Road edge / Top disposal Pattern: Line / Spots Incendiary Capsules used: ______(aerial ignition only)

Ignition details DATE (s) .. Type: Aerial / Ground Method: Contour / Ridge / Road edge / Top disposal Pattern: Line / Spots Incendiary Capsules used: ______(aerial ignition only)

Ignition details DATE (s) .. Type: Aerial / Ground Method: Contour / Ridge / Road edge / Top disposal Pattern: Line / Spots Incendiary Capsules used: ______(aerial ignition only)

Ignition details DATE/s Type: Aerial / Ground Method: Contour / Ridge / Road edge / Top disposal Pattern: Line / Spots Incendiary Capsules used: ______(aerial ignition only)

HP_BB_1038_1039_1040_1041_1042_12 40 21-01-13 Southern Region Cpts 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 & 1042, Currambene State Forest, Nowra Management Area


Estimated burn coverage (% of net area): ..%

Estimated burn coverage: .ha

Fine fuel reduced to an average of : .t/ha Estimated area of crown scorch : . % OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW Burn complete? Yes/No Follow up action required ? Yes/No Burn contained within planned boundaries? Yes/No Burn coverage objective met? Yes/No

Fine fuel reduction objective met? Yes/No Environmental prescriptions met? Yes/No Threatened Species License conditions met? Yes/No Fisheries License conditions met? NA fisheries licence not triggered for this operation

Remedial Action required (if any):______

Remedial works certified complete.

Work Supervisor______Date:______

Comments:______Attach additional pages as required

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