Peace Psychology Newsletter of the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association
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PEACE Psychology Newsletter of the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association Volume 17, Number 2, ISSN 1935 – 4894 • FALL/WINTER 2008 Fall/Winter2008 PEACE Psychology From the Editor Contents From the Editor ............................................2 I am a political junkie. There…I said it. Meanwhile, back at home ........................... 3 Indeed, I have been in 7th heaven for the Striving for Peace with Justice .....................5 past year or so as the U.S. Presidential elec- tion process has heated up. I used to reli- Peace Psychology Notes: Boston .................6 Michael R. giously watch the Sunday morning political Reflections: Boston ......................................8 Hulsizer, talk shows—until my three year old began Editor Change Has Come to America ....................9 to take an interest in the television (I can- Drawing Lines in the Sand ........................10 not for the life of me understand why he Americans & Japanese 9/11 .......................13 does not like “Meet the Press”). talk radio, mass e-mails of uncertain origin, and thousands of internet hate sites is the Supplement on APA Torture Referendum This election cycle has been extraordinary allegation that Barack Obama is a Muslim. Original Text of Referendum .................14 for many reasons. First and foremost are The typical response to these allegations the politicians themselves—representing Message from APA President ................15 from the candidates and every respectable the most diverse slate in U.S. history. The news organization is a quick assertion that The Holocaust: Lessons Not Learned ....16 fact that this election cycle comes after the Barack Obama is a Christian. However, Nagorno-Karabakh .....................................21 failed policies of the Bush administration former Secretary of State Colin Powell underscores the importance of this election Universal Peace Day ..................................23 under President George W. Bush, in his in the U.S. and across the globe. The global eloquent endorsement of Senator Obama Update: Durban Review ............................24 economic crisis has only furthered the im- delivered on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Internationalizing Psychology Education ....26 portance of this election. October 19, provided a response that I Early Career Award .....................................27 wish would have been more pronounced As an academic, I love politics because it during the campaign: Reports .......................................................28 enables students to see psychology in ac- Announcements ........................................31 tion. Every one of my classes, from social I’m also troubled by, not what Sena- Directory ....................................................34 psychology (social influence) to statistics tor McCain says, but what members of New Members ............................................35 (sampling, polling, and margins of error), the party say. And it is permitted to be benefits from the inclusion of politics. Un- said such things as, “Well, you know fortunately, this election has also provided that Mr. Obama is a Muslim.” Well, the ample material for my prejudice and dis- correct answer is, he is not a Muslim, crimination class. he’s a Christian. He’s always been a Christian. But the really right answer is, This edition of Peace Psychology For every “ism” I cover in class (e.g. racism, what if he is? Is there something wrong was produced by: sexism, ageism, lookism), an example from with being a Muslim in this country? The Michael R Hulsizer, Editor the current campaign is just a quick Google answer’s no, that’s not America. Is there [email protected] search away. For example, racist images of something wrong with some seven-year- Senator Barack Obama have appeared on Judy Stainbrook, Design Director & old Muslim-American kid believing that Associate Editor; [email protected] waffle boxes and food stamps. Governor he or she could be president? Yet, I have Palin has been called “Caribou Barbie” and heard senior members of my own party Author contributions are acknowledged had to defend questions about her clothing drop the suggestion, “He’s a Muslim and in the bylines. The opinions of individual budget (despite the fact the other nomi- he might be associated with terrorists.” authors do not necessarily represent nees regularly purchase apparel from high This is not the way we should be doing those of Division 48. end retail stores). At 72, John McCain has it in America. consistently fielded questions about dimin- Published by Division 48 of the ished cognitive abilities and the possibility Researchers in the social sciences have American Psychological Association. that his running mate is one heartbeat away demonstrated the lengths to which indi- from the Presidency. These are but a frac- viduals will go to divide and maintain the Printed by: tion of the examples that have appeared Acme Printers - Lithographers world into ingroups and outgroup: Us and during the campaign. 36 W Lockwood Ave., Them. Once the world is separated into good and evil, sacred and profane, human Webster Groves, MO 63119 However, the smear that has stuck through- and subhuman, it is not such a stretch to out this campaign, largely on conservative engage in prejudice, discrimination, vio- 2 PEACE Psychology Fall/Winter 2008 Meanwhile, back at home... Deborah Fish Ragin President Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence t the beginning of my term as President-elect, I attended a Through newsletters, mailings and e-mails we Division Leadership Confer- have tried to keep all our members informed ence sponsored by APA. The organizers of the of new developments on issues relevant to our lence, and ultimately extermination. The conference warned us that our year as presi- Division. One major issue was and is the work articles in this edition of the Peace Psychol- dent of our respective divisions would go by on the moratorium issue. By now, many of ogy newsletter address the processes that quickly. They were right! you know that earlier this year the Psycholo- lead to the separation of Us and Them, gists for an Ethical APA (Ethical APA) spon- identify factors that maintain these divi- It seems like it was only yesterday when I sored and presented a referendum calling for was preparing to assume the responsibili- sions, highlight the dangers that can result a moratorium on psychologists’ involvement ties of president. I remember quite well the from such simple categorizations, and the � in military interrogations. So much has been main issues that I faced in January: plans for written on this referendum, including in this steps that can be taken to reverse these the 2008 convention, specifically plans to edition of the newsletter, that I will not re- trends. I hope you find these articles in- honor the pioneers in peace psychology, the view its history here. But, it is important to formative. special recognition for the humanitarian note that Ethical APA was successful in put- workers, the Division’s continuing efforts ting the referendum to a vote of the full APA This is my first edition at the helm of the to obtain a moratorium on psychologist’s membership, and the membership soundly Peace Psychology newsletter. I cannot help involvement in military interrogations, supported the referendum. We congratulate but feel that I am filling some very big shoes and the unbelievable defeat of the amend- Ethical APA on their success. given the wonderful job JW P. Heuchert did ment to extend voting rights to the four COR members who represented the ethnic in this same position over so many years. As many of you also know, the referendum is minority psychology associations. Midway now in the hand of APA’s Council of Rep- I would like to thank everyone who con- through the year, another major issue pre- resentatives, the organization that is respon- tributed to the newsletter and assisted me sented itself: the 2009 World Conference sible for drafting the final resolution that will throughout the process. Please continue on Racism. These issues and others made become APA policy. This process of drafting to submit your thoughts, announcements, for a busy and at times challenging year. the resolution is very important because the short research reports, and contributions to I have enjoyed every minute of this year, final resolution will become APA’s govern- the address below by February 28, 2008. challenges notwithstanding, and offer my ing document. I am confident that Division sincerest thanks to the members of Division 48 members join me in asking that APA and In Peace, 48 for the honor of serving as your president COR prepare a final document that is consis- for 2008. tent with the intent of the referendum that was supported by the APA members. I would like to take this moment to review some of the important and notable events A second critical issue which we addressed of this year. If you were able to attend the this year was the amendment to give voting Michael R. Hulsizer, Editor 2008 APA convention in Boston, I think rights to the four ethnic minority psychologi- you would agree that the luncheon for the cal association representatives to the Council Department of Behavioral and pioneers in peace psychology was a wonder- of Representatives (COR). You may remem- Social Sciences ful tribute to the individuals who helped ber from our earlier communications that the Webster University establish our field. That special event, to- amendment sought to grant voting rights to 470 E. Lockwood Ave. gether with the recognition of the humani- representatives from the Asian American St. Louis, MO 63119 tarian workers at our joint social hour with Psychological Association, the Association [email protected] PsySR, the special student’s session, the in- of Black Psychologists, the Latino American vited addresses and symposia and a host of Association and the Society of Indian Psy- other paper and poster sessions made for a chologists. The amendment was narrowly memorable Division 48 program.