Local Dentist President of Elected Medical Ass'n NAAGP Hoi Meet Sunda1
mmMg . cH#lW«* V/J- EDICAL ASSOCIATION MEETS HERE JUNE COVERING HOME OWNED EVANSVILLE fi HOME OPERATED AND ADJOINING TERRITORY THE EVANSVILLE ARGUS VOL. 1—NO. 1 EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1938 5c PER COPY JAMES SWAIN Six Colored Train Prominent Doctor Celebrates 25th Year As Principal • * Employes Are Hurt Local Dentist Elected NAAGP Hoi FACES ELECTRIC In Wreck Disaster Is Honored 1 CHAIR JULY 1 Colored Porters Assisted In President of Medical Ass'n By Outpost Meet Sunda Saving Many Passengers Dr. William F. Dendy, presi lectures on surgery, diagnoses, Rev. M. R. Dixon, president James Swain, 17-year-aid lad, MILES CITY, Mont.—(ANP)— dent of the Indiana State Medi dentistry, X-Ray treatments and Dr. A. H. Wilson, vice com is to be electrocuted July 1 for mander of the local} chapter of of the local N. A. A. C- P. an! Six colored employes of the Chi cal, Dental and Pharmaceutical other subjects of a medical na nounces the regular meeting o\ the murder of Christian Breden- cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul rail Association, announces that the ture. the American Legion, was re kamp, local groceryman. Swain road suffered injuries (extent of quested by Mr. William Hyland, this organization at the Com--* fifteenth annual session of the As a grand climax to the munity Center Sunday, June 26, in company with James Alex which was not immediately de association will be held in the Commander of the local Funk- termined), last Sunday night when meet the local committee has at 5 p. m. The other officers of ander, a youth of 16 years, went Community Center Building, planned a dance to be given in houser Post of the American to Bredenkamp's Grocery, cor the Olympian, crack Milwaukee Legion, to write an article on his this organization include:»'A.
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