Lok Sabha Debates

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Lok Sabha Debates Eig~~~_Series, Vol. V No. 39 WedDesday~ May 8. 1985 Vaisakha 18. 1907 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES.. (English Version) Second Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) (Vol. V contains Nos. 31 10 40) L()K SAUHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price IRs. 4.00 '.,' , , I, L L " ., ~ , I .,'.~ " r 'f ,'r,:' .... {.:"I , ~'. I , • :1 1 •• • ' , I I, I \ • ',I ~ ',~ , I', ,.' ,I r",',,' .' '~ " 1 ,,"',"1 , ','I,' t : f" , : , ," '/" L , ".' r r .,1: I_)" 1 "), , " \ . ~ : , '[Original, ~nglish, proceedings included in E'nglish Version ,and Original .H,indt, proc'~'eding. included in Hi.ndi Version', wiJl b'a treated '81 o authorilativ.' and nat the t'8n~'.,tJon thereof] CONTBNTS No. 39, W,dM,day. May 8, 1985/Yal,"""a 18, 1907 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions: *Starred Questions Nos. 7S0 to 755 1-31 Wti tten Answers to QuestioDS : Starred Questions Nos. 156 to 770 ... 32-49 Unstarred Questions Nos. : SS42 to 5620. 5622 10 5778 ... 49-270 Papers laid on tbe Table ... 271·276 Calling Attention to Metter of Urgct Public Importance- 276 Reported supply of maps of sensitive and restricted areas in Kerala and Indo-Burma border by some Don-official agencies to some foreign agencies witbout obtainiDI prior clearance Shri Indraji t Gupta 276 Shri S.B. Chavan 376 Shri lai Parkash Asarwal ... 283 Shri Zainul Basber 296 Shri NarayaD Choubey ... 30J Matters under rule 377 (i) Need to constitute a Commission and take other effective steps to remove the lI'iovaaces of small regional now-papers Shri K'..N. Pradban ••• 306 (ii) Need to initiate necessary measures to stop UD­ authorised reproduction of books of Indian authors in Baglades Shrimati Geeta Mukherjeo ... 307 ',,' .The sigo+marked above the name of·. Member indicates tbat the question was actually asked on the floor of tbo HoUlO by that Member. COLUMNS (iii) Need to instal a Radio transmi tter in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh Shri NirmaJ Khatri 307 (iv) Need for a new railway line to link Chamrajnagar with Mettupalyam Shri V. Srecnivasa Prasad ... 308 (v) Need to upgrade the Khanpur Ahir Flag Station in Rajasthan 8S fuUfledged Railway Station Shri Ram Singh Yadav ... 309 (vi) Need to review tbe decision fo disband tbe O.N.G.C. Regional Office at Madras Shri K. Ramamurthy ... 309 (vii) Need to publish Gurudev Tagore's Works in aU reaional languages to promote national integration Shri Priya Ranjan Das Munsi 310 (viii) Need to take steps (or regular suppJy of improved quality of essential cammodities in Car Nicobar Shri Ajit Kumar Saba ... 311 (ix) Need to exempt marblo from tbe levy of excise duty which has resulted in closure of small marble units RajasthaD Prof. Nirmala Kumari Sbaktawat ... 312 Finance Bill. 1985- ... 314-40(; Motion to Consider (Not concluded) Sbri Visbw8n8th Pratap SiDlb .t. 314 Sbri C. Madha v Rcddi ' .. 319 Shri DiDesh Singh ••• 329 Shrl R.am Sinab Yadav ••• 336 Shri V.5-. Vijayarasha van ... 342 Sbri Ami! Da na ••• 346 ('Ill COL~ Sbri Nohaabbai Patel ••• 358 Shri Raj Kumar Rai ••• 362 Shri G.L. Doara ••• 36S Sbri P. Selvendra ••• 370 Shri Girdbarl Lal Vyas ••• '74 Shri Yoaeabwar' Praad ••• 379 Prof. NaralD Chand P.ruhar ••• 384 Dr. P. Vallal Peruman ••• 392 Sbri Ram Pujan PateJ ••• 3M' Sbri Um. lCaDt Milhra ... 399 LOK SABRA DEBATES LOKSABHA [English) THE MINISTER OF STATE IN TBB MINISTRY OP ENVIRONMENT AND RVednejday, Alay, 8, 198'1 FORESTS (SHRI VIR SEN) : (8) aDd (b). Stales have been advised about suitabJe Va;,akha 18, 1907 (Saka) structures. activities and prosrammea for environmental management. As tho Departments of Environment have recent" been. set up, it is too early to make a review The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of of t'heir activities. the Clock (c) The Government has already crea­ [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] ted a separate Ministry of Environment" Forests for better coordination of tbe [Trons/at Ion) schemes in both the departments. How .. ever. there is no proposal to merge the two MR. SPEAKER: We are starting with Departments. a very mild temper today. (Translalion] Shrimati Chandra Bhanu Devi. PROF. CHANDRA BHANU DSVI: [English) Mr. Speaker, Sir, it has been stated in the annual report of the Department of SHRI BHAGWAT JHA AZAD : Good Environment for the year 1984-8.5 that the start, Sir. industries in Gujart, Karnataka and Mahara- . stra have done a Commendable job in MR. SPEAKER: WeIJ begun is half controlling industrial pollution in com· done. parison to other states. I would like to ask the hon. Minister whether the Central Government would issue special direction to ORAL ANSWERS TO QUEST[ONS other States also to take concrete I!Iteps In this regard ? (Translation] SHRI VIR SEN: Mr. Speaker, Sir aU .. Review of State Government Activities the states have been issued directives that they should forn ulate their schemes rcgard­ In the Field of Environment" ing envirC!lftment and when these scheme. are forwarded to us, we review them. *750. PROP. CHANDRA BHANU nEVI : Win the PRIME MINISTER be PROF. CHANDRA BHANU nEVI: pleased to sta te : I would aJso like to ask the hOD. Minister if the Central Go~ernmeDt have (8) whether Union Government are formulated any time bound programme to r~viewing the activites of various State have an effective control on increasing Governments in the field of environment : po1)ution in metropolitan cities? If so what are the main features of the programme' (b) if so, the broad details thereof; and SHRI VIR SEN: Sir, The Pollution (c) whether Government propose to Centra) Boards of all the states bave beeD mcrae the Departments of Environment given this direction that they should for­ and Forests with a view to have a unified mulate the schemes and when the schemes authority for 8 better coordination of the are received by us, the Board would review ,~bem~s iQ ~be flel4 of eQvironment 1 lilem ~nd we would ta~e action on them, s Oral ,,4111"'" MAY 8,198S (B'II.rII",) i •.,iviDg to them 80 tbat they can become effective? The Minister has not replied to SHRl EDUARDO FALBIRO: Mr. tbis question. Or is it that you also do Speaker Sir, tbis is one of the examples of Qot want them to become effective? tbe lap that v~ry often exists between the philosophy and the commitments of tbe MR. SPBAKER: And do you want. Government of India and tbe level of separate Ministries in tbe States also? implementation by the State Governments. Now we are having a Ministry of Bnviron­ SHRI EDUARDO FALEIRO: Separ­ ment for several years at the Government ate Ministries or there should be separate of India ts Jevel. But is it Dot a fact tbat departlments. If they are not there, tbey there are several major States like Maha­ should be directly under the Central rashtra which up to now not even have a Government. They have no money. What Department of Environment? And where are you doio8 about it ? the Departments of Environment do exist, they are not functioning and one of the SHRI VIR SEN: On this question, of major reasons for their not functioning is course, we win request the State Govern­ lack of funds. I would like to know which ments to look to their demands also. are the States which up to tbe moment do not have a Department of Environment PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE : I and what steps the Government have taken am going to ask a question that has become to increase the financial assistance to the highly explosive and controversial today. Departments of Environment in the States, Environment is connected with pollution. and secondly, now at tbe Centre we have It is connected with congestion in various a very well carved out Department of States. Environment. They have merged the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry MR. SPEAKER: I know that you will of Forest but tbjs is not being implemen­ be doing this. ted. I would like to know wby tbis ' is not PROF. MADHU DANDAVATB being done at the State Government level Congestion in cities is connected with also. What is tbe dialogue you are having environment. If the congestion in cities with the State Governments so that wha t is to be avoided, in that case various areas you are doing at the Centre namely having bave to be deveJoped and regional econo-' one Ministry for Environment and Forests mic imbalances have to be removed and iI ,110 done at the level of tbe State Bombay hinterland has to be developed. Governments. Instead of that the Government is thintin. of a very wrona and irrational path of SHRI VIR SEN: The pollution control banning influx of population in any measures have to be implemented by the city whether it is Bombay or Cal. St~te Governments. The Central Govern­ cutta. And jf tbat is done, as has been ment can give only instructions and advices. indicated by the Chief Minister of Maha­ The implementation part rests with the rasbtra in his Press conference yesterday. State Governments. it will mean the violation of Article 19 of the Constitution, which says all citizens As far as the question regardins how sha)) have tbe right to move freely throub. many States have set up departments, I out tbe territory of India. Therefore. will may inform' the House that four States the MiDister give an assurance tba t such have a division each under some other an irrational measure of decongestion will department and fourteen States and one not be followed, but they wiiJ have an Union territory have set up Department of economic balance in different regioDS so Bnvironment. Five States and two Union that nobody will take such an irrational Territories have got separate divisions.
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