Henry Mc Dowell, Former Local Man Hit by Auto And

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Henry Mc Dowell, Former Local Man Hit by Auto And '„« y. VOLUME 48. No 9. South Amboy, N. J.,-Friday, June 1, 1928 Price Four Cent*. HENRY MC DOWELL, FORMER LOCAL MAN DEFER DECISION FINE MEMORIAL PRIZE WINNING HEALTH PLAY BY LOCAL, , ON ROUTE CHANGE DAY SERVICES HIT BY AUTO AND DIES FROM INJURIES Director Dey Offers New Plan to Three Cemeteries, Memorial Fountain STUDENTS TO FEATURE SCHOOL EXHIBIT , Board for Cheeiequake Road. i and City Hall Grounds Visited. \ • ' • • •. • ... Exhibit Of Special Activities Of*Publio School Boys Ana\ Seventy-two Year Old Man Crossing Street Near Highland Decision of the State Highway In tribute to the memory of South Coimmission on the plan to re-route Aitrtboy's gallant sons, who have ans- /Girls' To Be Open For Public Next Tuesday Afternoon Park Home When Struck—Driver Of Car Speeds Away Route 4 out of this city via the wered the call of their country in Cheesequake Road was held over to time of war, have 'passed to the great ' and Again In Evening—All Should See The Exhibits But Is Chased And Caught By Motoring Police Officer next week on account of a new plan beyond, memorial services under the •Henry McDowell, of Highland Park submitted to the Commission by Dir-direction of Luke A. Lovely Post, An exhibit of the special activities and formerly of this city, who was ector of the Board of Freeholders American Legion, were held-on Mem- in the public schools will be given William S. Dey. Mr. Dey's plan is to orial Day. j next Tuesday, June 5th in the high struck by an automobile while cross- DIES FROM SECURES EVIDENCE sc hoDl ing Raritan avenue, Highland Park, have the new thoroughfare on the The occasion was marked by the Vf\H ni\7nT?ri7i ' building °n John street. There last Sunday morning, died yesterday line of the present Rosa's Corner first public appearance of the recent- full 1/1 »Ullv£i will be on display the result of the afternoon &% four o'clock in St. Pet- route, but would add about 500 feet ly organized Daniel B\ Sharkey Post, ~r°T~ A ' i. ' w j year's work In manual training, ait, ers Hospital, New Brunswick, from Sayrcvillc Man Fir«t Held at Lockup to the length of the highway favored Veterans of Foreign Wars, which ha_d d In Another Worn-, mechanical drawing, and household v the injuries received. Some hope and Then Removed to Hospital. by the stete. Mr. Dey at a meeting a fair sized delegation of members in an .Homo Eary Morning HouMiarts. Several phases of t,he work in. of the Commission on Monday stated line and whose colors massed, with ihad been held for his recovery, but Michael Saiiolak, of Sayrevillc', „'physical training and music will be yesterday morning due to the serious that the property owners would be those of the American Legion Post, +,'ti demonstrated in two programs given aged about 40 years, was found near willing to grant dhcir land without were carried atHhe head of the par- iU 1 a internal injuries, he took a turn for the Raritan street ibridge over the wait™ ai;d"p^haP8 ma'n7 o^ r >'Tf-'y at 3:30 in the afternoon cost to the State for the building si ade." and at 8:1!i ln the evetll T prize the worse. railroad tracks Tuesday afternoon in the road on this alignment, which Besides the American Legion fir- of the old familiar sayings apply, "B- »* wize was • seventy-two a semi-conscious condition, apparent- seemingly, to a series of incidents health play. "The Rainbow Bridge to yearMrs, olMcDoweld and wal s born in Kingston, tlbey all want, instead of the new in-ing squad and delegations from the Good Healtih" will be a feature on ly suffering from alcoholism. When tersect/ion wihich would require tak 1,-cgion and Veteran Posts large that were noticed and experiencep d by N. J. He_was a resident of this city brought to the City Hall ,by Officer written by the seventh grade class for about sixty-six years, and moved ing additional property. numbers of Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts a member of the local ipotice 'force in hygiene, under the direction of O'Connor on complaints of residents and 'members oi' the Polish-American and a fnir companion that had ap- ss to Highland Park to live--with rela- of the vicinity of the Bergen Hill plied to hi™ for help late last Satur- ;Miss "***Mary nmmmHillma n ananad wowon .tanfirst tives following the death' of his wife Society wore in the line of march. ze ln the comt co test anti se railroad station, the man was pro- Shortly after nine- o'clock, the pro-day night-and early Sunday morning, j '"' pr. l.n th?ye^SUt e" ntec t teand " here about two years ago. He wasnounced drunk by Dr. A. Meacham LUCY SMART IS It -seems that bhe fair one, a Par- a pensioneer of the Pennsylvania cession, with music furnished by the "ft. °"_ * i and was placed in a ce31 to sober up. Italian Cornet Band of Perth Am'boy, lin woman endeavoring to secure a Railroad, having been an engineer in By eleven o'clock that night, wfo«n divorce from her husband some time to these entertainments and" bo in- the local yards. : SOME HIKER left the Legion home on David street spect the work on display. There is - the man did »no: jieem to recover, it Woman Picked U'^Here Sayi Sha'i and proceeded k> the memorial foun- since but lacked sufficient evidence The deceased is survived by three to wholly convince the judge before no admission charge. The folllowing brothers, Harvey and William, of this was tle'ewiod ri8v \blo to take him to Hiking from Pacific to Atlantic. tain at-the Central station plaza, is a synopsis of blie program: the City HOBJ)| for observation, where a wreath of poppies, symboli- whom the case was heard, applied to city, and J«3m, of Irvlngton, and one A middle aged woman giving hor the officer for protection for herself Tuesday, Jun« 5th, 8:30 P. M. sister, Mrs. A, H. Slover, of this city, Without Y6C0VI to any extent, name as Mrs. Lucy Smart, and claim- cal of blood red poppies of Flanders 1. The Italnlbow Bridge to Good tibe man -died. *|hortly after five fields, was placed upon the fountain and two friends wtho were willing to irom winose home the funeral services ing Los Angeles, California as her be witnesses in a visit to a house in Health, Prize Health Play, cSventh will be held on Monday aiteraoon at o'clock on WedneJilay afternoon. The home,. was picked up on the streets by Vice- Commander Welber of Dan- Grade. body was taken to the morgue of The iel F. Sharkey Post, after which the Muehanicsviille section to sec if her two thirty o'clock. Interment will be here Tuesday night and put in the erring husband was visiting the' pri- 2. Songs Fourth and Fifth Grades. made in Christ Church cemetery. Mr. Gundrum Service where it was view- City Hall for safs keeping over night. Legion firing squad fired three volJoys 3. Rhythmic Games and Songs: ed on Thursday by the Coroner. in salutij and stood at present arms vate home under suspicion us shelter- McDowell was a member of Good The woiirmn claimed aha spent her ing the .present object of his atten- First and Second Grades, "We* Wil- Samaritan Lodge No. 62 .Kaiights of Through' Officer Olsen of the Say. time hiking from the Pacific to thewhile Assistant Scoutmaster Skew of lie Winkle," "Httmpty Dumpty," i reville, police depanbmen^ the man's the Boy Scouts, sounded taps.. tions. And the officer gave in to her Pythias, and, the Brotherhood of Lo- Atlantic ocean and "back again for tihe plea, although it was sam&what be- "Luibtoy Lou," "Oats, Peas, Beans," f comotive Engineers and Firemen^ family was located on Mlary street, tan en t of her health. She had just The cortege fihen proceeded across "Did You See the Muffin Mtn?" Sayrevillc .It is tJiouiglht the mancompleted an eastward trip and wasBroadway to Bordentown avenue and yond the usual range of his duties. - He was struck by a car driven by was .coming to this city from his own And was the erring husband loca- "PisMng"; "Jingle Bells"; ''Boy; Giovanni Swxpelllti, of Nev York starting back again she said. When Christ Church Cemetery, where Com- 1 Blue"; "Carrousel". town; when he collapsed. she claimed to have friends in Perth mander Rosenberg of the Legion and ted .'. He was. BnVbarassingly so, not City, who made an effort to g*t »way only for himself but for a married 4. Brill, Fourth Grades. after the Accident, but was caught oi- Funeral services will be held from Amboy that sh« intended to visit, Commander Connors of the Veterans, 5. March, FifUh Grades. St. Stanislaus church, Sayreville, on she -was allowed to go her w»y early •performed the memorial ceremonies male friend of his too, it is said. ' lier a chase by Arthur Kaflchell, While the officer's heavy tread TueBdiay, 8:1B P. M.( 1. The Bain- member of the police force of Uni Saturday morn nig at nine o'clock, on Memorial Day and given wishes of these organizations, and* a stirring bow Bridge to Good Health, Prize > and interment will be made in St. of good luck on her long journey. plea for tihe continuation of the spirit pounded up the front steps and on City, who h*j»pened to be driving Stanislaus cemetery, under the direc- across the front porch, while his club Health Play, Seventh Grade.
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