
Yoga’s Light


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How to Complete this Program

Thank you for choosing an Exercise ETC correspondence program for your continuing education needs. To earn your CECs/CEUs you will need to read the enclosed book. After you have completed the book, take the test that is included with your program. Remember to choose the best or most correct answer.

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After completing this course participants will be able to:

1. Identify the eight limbs of .

2. Explain the ground rule to be followed when practicing yoga.

3. Explain diaphragmatic breathing and its importance in yoga practice.

4. Explain how to make sure students are breathing from their diaphragm.

5. List the benefits of yoga practice.

6. Define .

7. Explain the process of two-to-one breathing.

8. Explain the purpose of two-to-one breathing.

9. Explain how to perform the three-part exhalation.

10. Explain how to learn ujjayi breath.

11. Explain what the nadis are.

12. Identify what can be used as a learning tool in yoga practice to help guide students into the areas of their body they need to work on.

13. Explain what forward bends do for the body both physically and emotionally.

14. Explain what back bends do for the body both physically and emotionally.

15. Explain what twist poses do for the muscles and the organs of the body.

16. Identify which pose is known as the king of .

17. Identify which students should not practice headstands.

18. Explain what sun salutations are frequently used for.

19. Identify the order of the poses used in the practice of surya namaskara.

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 3 20. Explain chandra namaskara.

21. Identify which pose is referred to as the king of salutations.

22. Explain the intention of the earth salutation.

23. Explain the intention of the self salutation.

24. Explain the meaning of prana.

25. Explain how the technique of feeling the flame is used to practice feeling a direct sensation of prana.

26. Identify the breathing practice that fans the flame of the solar plexus and distributes life force.

27. Identify and define what the practice of pranayama is used for.

28. Explain how to prepare the body for the practices of pranayama.

29. Identify the location of the sushumna nadi.

30. Identify which students should not practice the alternate nostril with retention exercise.

31. Identify which yama values moderation in all areas of life.

32. Identify the first yama and explain which moral principle it refers to.

33. Explain the concept of asteya.

34. Identify which yama values nonpossessiveness.

35. Explain what the niyamas are.

36. Identify limb of Raja Yoga the niyamas are.

37. Identify which niyamas is the personal observance of contentment.

38. Explain the focus of the practice for saucha.

39. Explain which asanas are used for deepening tapas.

40. Identify which of the niyamas is the observance of surrendering to divine consciousness.

41. Identify which poses can be used to help students adapt to unexpected change in their lives.

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 4 42. Explain what happens to the third chakra when fear takes over our lives.

43. Identify which asanas are used for dealing with fear.

44. Explain why yoga practice can help students regain patience in their lives.

45. Explain how to perform one-step meditation.

46. Identify the sixth limb of Raja Yoga and explain the objective of this limb.

47. Identify which postures improve circulation, stimulate the nervous system, and generate a feeling of well-being.

48. Explain what the chakras are.

49. Identify the building block chakra on which the other chakras rest.

50. Explain how chakras that are balanced and chakras that are out of balance affect our bodies.

51. Identify the seven chakras.

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CEC/CEU Test for Guiding Yoga’s Light

Please choose the BEST answer for each question

1. The eight limbs of raja yoga is a ______.

A. Traditional path to enlightenment and liberation from suffering B. Progressive series of disciplines that purify the body, mind, and spirit C. Series of lessons designed to help a student of yoga learn to meditate D. Discipline of mental yoga intended to eliminate distractions from the mind

2. ______are the subtle energy channels of the body, and ______are the postures or yoga poses.

A. Prana; asana B. Nadis; prana C. Nadis; asana D. Asana; chakra

3. The link between body and mind is the ______.

A. Consciousness B. Breath C. Asana D. Spirit

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the first few weeks of a yoga class?

A. To challenge themselves, students should be encouraged to push through pain during physical practice B. The primary focus of new yogis is on asana and on opening the outermost layer of consciousness C. Breath awareness should be demonstrated and taught during every class D. Students should be taught to accept their body as it as in the present moment and to never force asana or breath

5. Which of the following statements regarding the information to give to students new to the practice of yoga is true?

A. Yoga is practiced in bare feet so shoes and socks should be removed for class B. Make sure to eat a hearty snack just before coming to class C. Yoga is just a workout so let go of any competitive mindset D. All of the above are true

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 6 6. To help release and erase tension, yoga uses ______and ______to open constricted areas of the body and mind.

A. Asanas B. Meditation C. Breathing D. Both A and C

7. The one ground rule to be followed when practicing yoga is to ______.

A. Try to push your body past its physical limitations B. Try to achieve perfection when doing yoga poses. C. Listen carefully to what your body tells you and honor its messages D. Allow your yoga instructor to determine what your body can do

8. Reclining twists can be used as an opening asana to help beginning students ______.

A. Open their back and feel their spine B. Stretch their ribs, waist, and hips C. Feel and release their breath D. All of the above

9. Yoga encourages proper breathing be used to do all of the following except ______.

A. Bring down our blood pressure B. Increase our heart rate C. Relax our muscles D. Clear our minds

10. ______breathing is the term used for the proper and complete breathing that is the foundation of yoga practice

A. Deep lung B. Open mouth C. Diaphragmatic D. Closed mouth

11. Which of the following describes the correct technique to use to make sure students are breathing from their diaphragm?

A. Tell the students to soften their belly and have them place their right hand on their abdomen and their left hand on their chest; tell them they should feel their right hand move up as they inhale and down as they exhale while their left hand remains relatively still B. Tell the students to soften their belly and have them place their right hand on their abdomen and their left hand on their chest; tell them they should feel their right move down as they inhale and up as they exhale while their left hand remains relatively still C. Tell the students to soften their belly and have them place their right hand on their abdomen and their left hand on their chest; tell them their right hand should remain relatively still while their left hand should move up as they inhale and down as they exhale D. Tell the students to soften their belly and have them place both hands on their abdomen; tell them they should feel their hands move up as they inhale and down as they exhale

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 7 12. Both the ______and the ______poses open the intercostals muscles aiding in diaphragmatic breathing.

A. ; clam B. Reclining side stretch; sitting side stretch C. ; reclining side stretch D. Clam; standing forward bend

13. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the benefits of yoga practice?

A. Yoga is a practical philosophy that teaches us both self-discipline and self-awareness B. Yoga introduces us to inner awareness and gives us the gift of stillness C. Yoga sharpens the intellect and improves concentration D. All of the above are benefits

14. Which of the following asanas helps many beginning students find secret blocks of trapped energy that cause tension through the back and hamstrings?

A. B. Reclining leg cradle C. Spinal rocks D. Cat stretch

15. If a student’s pose is stiff, forced, or breathless, the student should first ______.

A. Take several deep breaths and then try to get into a pose again B. Move on to a different pose and then come back to the difficult pose and try it again C. Get into and connect with their breath, and then flow with the breath into the pose D. Take a deep breath and then slowly exhale as they get into a pose

16. Which of the following describes the correct technique for performing the twisting triangle?

A. Stand with feet one to two feet apart; bring one hand toward the floor and reach toward the sky with the opposite arm; squeeze the shoulder blades together B. Stand with feet three to four feet apart; bring one hand toward the floor and reach toward the sky with the opposite arm; squeeze the shoulder blades together C. Stand with feet three to four feet apart; bring one hand toward the floor and reach toward the sky with the opposite arm; spread the shoulder blades wide D. Stand with feet one to two feet apart; bring one hand toward the floor and reach toward the sky with the opposite arm; spread the shoulder blades wide

17. In yoga practice ______can be used as a learning tool to help guide us into the areas of ourselves that we feel we need to work on.

A. Tension B. Pain C. Fatigue D. Stiffness

18. The ______pose can help to identify if anger and frustration are lodged in the hip area.

A. B. Gomukasana C. Naukasana D. Standing yoga

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 8 19. Learning to lengthen the ______is used to help in learning how to willfully relax.

A. Spine B. Breath inhalation C. Muscles D. Breath exhalation

20. Which of the following statements defines hatha yoga?

A. The union of opposites in order to reach mental, physical, and spiritual balance B. The physical practice of executing particular postures with breathing which then leads to harmony among body, breath, mind, and spirit C. A method of separating opposites (ha means moon and tha means sun) so that each can be identified and stretched and strengthened D. Both A and B

21. The process of two-to-one breathing ______.

A. Shortens the exhale so that it is half as long as the inhale B. Lengthens the exhale so that it is three times as long as the inhale C. Lengthens the exhale so that it is twice as long as the inhale D. Balances breathing so that the exhale and inhale are equal in length

22. The purpose of practicing two-to-one breathing is to ______.

A. Teach us how to meditate B. Prepare the body for activity C. Calm us down, release mental tension and induce relaxation D. Achieve mental alertness and help us think clearly

23. The three-part exhalation is performed by ______.

A. Taking three short breaths in and then exhaling in three short breaths B. Taking a normal breath in and then dividing the exhalation into three equal parts C. Taking two short breaths in and then exhaling in three long breaths D. Taking a normal breath in and then exhaling in two short breaths and one long breath

24. Which of the following statements describes how to learn ujjayi breath?

A. Learn how to deepen the breath by contracting the abdomen during inhalation and expanding it fully during exhalation B. Whisper “ha” with mouth closed on the exhale and whisper “ah” on the inhale, then gradually open the mouth C. Whisper “ha” with the mouth open on the exhale and whisper “ah” on the inhale, then gradually close the mouth D. Learn how to deepen the breath by expanding the abdomen fully during inhalation, and partially contracting it during the exhalation

25. There are over ______nadis, or subtle energy channels within the body through which prana, the ______, moves.

A. 72,000; vital energy within us B. 50,000; vital energy within us C. 72,000; feeling of harmony D. 50,000; feeling of harmony

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 9 26. Nadi shodhana is a breathing exercise that focuses on the two main nadis, the right nostril ______and the left nostril ______.

A. Ida; pingala B. Pingala; ida C. Ha; tha D. Utrasana;

27. The ______brain handles music, color, complex memory, images and holistic thinking and is activated by ______.

A. Right; the right nostril B. Right; the left nostril C. Left; the left nostril D. Left; the right nostril

28. Which of the following statements describes the correct position of the feet to make a strong, well- balanced foundation?

A. The weight of the body should be evenly distributed between the outer and inner foot and between the heel and ball of the foot B. The inner foot should feel heavy, the base of the big toe should be lifted slightly and the heel should stay grounded C. The arch should feel lifted and light, while the inner heel and base of the big toe stay grounded D. Both A and C contribute to a well-balanced foundation

29. Forward bends do all of the following except ______.

A. Stretch and lengthen the muscles of the legs, the lower back and the pelvis B. Stretch and lengthen the spine C. Stretch the back and stimulate the liver and pituitary gland D. Stretch the upper back and stimulate the kidneys and adrenal glands

30. The ideal asana for examining the ebb and flow of the mind is the ______.

A. B. C. D. Vrikshasana

31. Which of the following statements regarding is NOT true?

A. Backbends open the chest, abdominal organs, and pelvic regions B. Backbends are quieting and settling C. Backbends improve circulation along the spine helping relieve depression D. Backbends bolster a sense of openness, confidence, and bravery

32. The twist poses do which of the following?

A. The twist assists in releasing tension from the body B. Twists tone and cleanse the organs, release and strengthen the muscles of the back, and strengthen shoulder joints C. Twist activate and exercise the kidneys and abdominal organs which improves digestion and removes sluggishness D. Twists do all of the above

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 10 33. In a twisting pose, before beginning the actual twisting movement you should ______.

A. Inhale and hold your breath as you begin the twist, or rotation, to the side B. Align the spine by slightly lifting the sit bones off the floor C. Lengthen your torso as much as you can by pressing downward and reaching upward D. Compress the spine in order to decrease the space between the vertebrae

34. The headstand is known as the ______.

A. King of asanas B. Most complex of asanas C. Easiest of asanas D. Oldest of asanas

35. All of the following can contribute to the challenge of accomplishing headstands except ______.

A. Lack of enough strength and flexibility in the shoulders B. Fear of turning upside down and possibly falling C. Too much flexibility in the shoulders and lower back D. Weak lower back and abdominal muscles

36. Headstands should not be practiced by someone with ______.

A. Heart problems and/or high blood pressure B. Cervical spine injuries or osteoporosis C. Detached retina or glaucoma D. All of the above

37. Which of the following statements regarding asana and peace is NOT true?

A. Asana practice brings about a peaceful frame of mind B. Asana practice helps us learn how to force and control the events in our daily lives C. Asana practice helps us become clearer and calmer, more awakened to truth D. Asana practice helps us become more sensitive, more conscious, and more aware of ourselves as bodies, minds, and spirits

38. Sun salutation is frequently used to do which of the following?

A. Relax the body and prepare the body for rest B. Warm the body for doing more challenging postures C. Expand the chest and abdomen is order to breathe freely D. All of the above

39. Which of the following is the correct sequence for executing the first five postures in surya namaskara?

A. with hands in anjali mudra, tadasana with arms overhead, , plank, uttanasana B. Tadasana with arms overhead, tadasana with hands in anjali mudra, uttanasana, lunge, plank C. Tadasana with hands in anhali mudra, tadasana with arms overhead, uttanasana, lunge, plank D. Tadasana with arms overhead, uttenasana, plank lunge, tadasana with hands in anjali mudra

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 11 40. Which of the following describes chandra namaskara?

A. The moon salutation discovers the lunar, cooling, female energies associated with ida, the left nostril B. The moon salutation discovers the lunar, cooling, female energies associated with pingala, the right nostril C. The moon salutation discovers the lunar, cooling female energies associated with ida, the right nostril D. The moon salutation discovers the lunar, cooling, female energies associated with pingala, the left nostril

41. Which of the following statements regarding Chandra namaskara is NOT true?

A. Moon salutations are said to be most beneficial when practiced early in the morning B. The moon salutation cools and calms the nervous system C. The intention of moon salutation is to connect with the cooling, female energy of the moon D. Moon salutations cultivate a calming, rejuvenating quality

42. Which of the following is referred to as the “king of salutations”?

A. Moon salutation B. Sun salutation C. Universe salutation D. Star salutation

43. When practicing the star salutation the body is expanded into the shape of a ______.

A. Triangle B. Pentagram C. Rectangle D. Octogon

44. The star salutation postures should be held for a minimum of ______.

A. Three minutes B. Two minutes C. Three complete breaths D. Two complete breaths

45. The intention of earth salutation is to ______, and it may be taught ______.

A. Warm up the body; on a mat on grass or sand B. Warm up the body; without a mat on grass or sand C. Feel the earth beneath the feet; without a mat on grass or sand D. Feel the earth beneath the feet; only on a mat on grass

46. The intention of the self salutation is ______.

A. To honor what we hope to become in the future B. To honor the inner light of all our friends C. To honor our own inner light and accept ourselves as we are right now D. To honor the compassion in our heart we for others

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 12 47. Which of the following statements describes prana?

A. The universal energy that animates all living things B. Anything that animates life both in the body and in the universe C. Life force that signifies the energy that flows through the nadis D. All of the above

48. During the practice for maintaining pranic balance, you should ______.

A. Learn to release your prana outside your body B. Notice when the mind wanders and how long it takes to come back to the moment C. Separate the mind, body, and spirit so each can be celebrated separately D. Learn to face negative or draining situations directly

49. A technique called ______is used to practice feeling a direct sensation of prana.

A. Spreading the warmth B. Inhaling the experience C. Feeling the flame D. Visualizing the breath

50. When practicing warrior I, you should sense the pranic energy ______.

A. Running from the back heel all the way up to the fingertips B. Running from the pelvic floor all the way up to the fingertips C. Running from the front foot up through the pelvic floor D. Running from the front foot all the way up to the fingertips

51. Asana practice that helps us understand how the mind affects prana, helps us ______.

A. Identify when, where, and how we are losing or blocking off energy B. Work with and through stress, negative situations, and behaviors to create a calm, mindful mind C. Learn to spend time with people we find toxic without losing all of our prana D. Both A and B

52. The breathing practices, ______, fans the flame of the solar plexus and distributes life force.

A. Nadi shodhana B. Agni Sara C. D. Shirshana

53. Pranayama is the ______of the eight-limbed royal path as taught by Patanjali and the practice of pranayama is the ______.

A. Fourth limb; use of breath to spread life force B. Sixth limb; use of breath to bring life force under control C. Fourth limb; use of breath to bring life force under control D. Sixth limb; use of breath to spread life force

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 13 54. To prepare the body for pranayama, the practices you do should stretch and strengthen the anatomy around the ______and ______.

A. Lungs; diaphragm B. Lungs; spine C. Lower belly; pelvic floor D. Rib cage; pelvic floor

55. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the practice of pranayama?

A. Pranayama relaxes the respiratory muscles of the neck B. Pranayama improves digestion, vitality, perception, and memory C. Pranayama tenses the muscles of the face which improves concentration and confidence D. All of the above are benefits

56. An invigorating, energizing, and purifying pranayama that cleanses the nasal passages and lungs, stimulates the brain, and energizes the body is ______.

A. Ujjayi breath B. Anuloma krama C. Kapalabhati D. Nadi shodhana

57. The ______nadi runs along the spine and ends at the crown chakra, and is considered the most important nadi in the body

A. Pingala B. Muladhara C. Ida D. Sushumna

58. The alternate nostril with retention exercise should not be practiced by anyone with ______.

A. Chronic eye problems B. High blood pressure C. Chronic problems in the nasal passages or ears D. All of the above

59. The ______is related to the immune system and is linked to the ______which, when overworked, can weaken the immune system

A. Manipura; lungs B. Manipura; adrenal glands C. Muladhara; lungs D. Muladhara; adrenal glands

60. Which of the following yamas values moderation in all areas of life?

A. Aparigraha B. Brahmacharya C. Satya D. Asteya

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 14 61. Ahimsa is the ______of the five yamas and refers to ______.

A. Second; the practice of nonviolence B. First; truthfulness C. First; the practice of nonviolence D. Second; truthfulness

62. Which of the following statements best defines Satya?

A. Satya translates as avoidance of distortion, embellishment, or any fabrication of truth when the veil of self-deception is removed B. Satya involves refraining from physical violence, from criticism, and from judgement C. Satya involves teaching nonviolence, patience, compassion and love D. Satya involves learning to balance the dual nature of man in order to awaken unlimited energy

63. Which of the following statements best reflects the concept of asteya?

A. Straining yourself in an attempt to complete a pose that is too difficult for you to complete B. Overhearing someone talking about a solution to a business problem and then claiming credit for the solution yourself C. Watching someone complete a difficult posture and wanting their strength and flexibility for yourself D. Both B and C

64. The foundation of brahmacharuya is ______and the asanas for deepening are any variation of ______.

A. Letting go of past pleasures; surya namaskara B. Moderation in all aspects of living; chandra namaskara C. Moderation all aspects of living; surya namaskara D. Letting go of past pleasures; chandra namaskara

65. The key to aparigraha is to ______.

A. Increase and strengthen your attachment to the people in your life B. Learn to let go of attachments to possessions, people, thoughts, or ways of doing things C. Practice the asanas you feel you are capable of doing perfectly D. Learn to appreciate and value all the possessions you have acquired and realize the happiness they bring you

66. The niyamas are ______and are the ______limb of Raja yoga.

A. Five observances; third B. Five truths; second C. Five observances; second D. Five truths; third

67. Which niyamas is the personal observance of contentment?

A. Santosha B. Saucha C. Svadhyaya D. Tapas

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 15 68. The focus of the asana practice for saucha is on ______.

A. Acceptance of our body B. Cleansing the body and mind C. Becoming aware of the divinity of the supreme intelligence D. Bringing our full attention to the present moment

69. ______requires a sense of inner acceptance and not comparing yourself with others.

A. Svadhyaya B. Ishvara pranidhana C. Santosha D. Tapas

70. The asanas for deepening for tapas finish up with the fire series of leg lifts which includes all of the following poses except ______.

A. Double-leg lifts B. C. Bicycling D. Marichyasana

71. Ishvara prandhana is the ______niyamas and it is the observance of ______.

A. Fifth; surrendering to divine consciousness B. Third; determined effort C. First; purity of mind, heart, and body D. Second; surrendering to divine consciousness

72. Yoga poses influence emotional states. For instance, backbends, because of extensive inhalation and opening of the chest can ______, while exhale intensive poses, such forward bends, tend to ______.

A. Calm an agitated mind; elevate a low mood B. Elevate a low mood; calm an agitated mind C. Help us find inner peace; strengthen our immune system D. Help us identify where we are blocking off energy; relax tight, tense muscles

73. ______works on releasing tension in the hips, ______releases frustration in the back and ______works on the acupressure points related to general bodily frustration, body aches, digestive problems and fear.

A. Reclining twist; naukasana; cat stretches B. Naukasana; reclining twist; cat stretches C. Reclining twist; cat stretches; naukasana D. Cat stretches; reclining twists; naukasana

74. If we could get used to the feeling that the world is turned upside down that comes from the inverted yoga practices of ______, ______, or ______, it would help us adapt to unexpected change in our lives.

A. Agni sara, surya namaskara, B. , surya namaskara, kapotasana C. Shirshasana, sarvangasana, D. Halasana, sarvangasana, kapotasana

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 16

75. The ______, the center of our will, power and inner strength shuts down when fear takes over our lives.

A. Third chakra B. Fifth chakra C. First chakra D. Fourth chakra

76. Asanas for dealing with fear may start with ______to stimulate circulation in the spine and make us feel more vital and alive.

A. Forward bends B. Backbends C. Reclining twists D. Namaste circles

77. To learn about giving up and letting go of our emotional baggage, we can use the yama ______.

A. Santosha B. Asteya C. Ahimsa D. Aparigraha

78. Which of the following statements best describes why yoga practice can help us regain patience in our lives?

A. Through our asanas we are brought back in touch with our physical bodies and we can begin to notice our bodily sensations of impatience B. When doing asanas such as vasisthasana, do not try to push away any impatience-driven anxious thoughts, but be mindful that they are part of the moment and will pass C. Impatience can be viewed as a positive emotion when it is used to help us push past resistance and go further in paschimottanasana and vasisthasana asanas D. Both A and B

79. ______means fully experiencing what happens in the here and now and it is the ______of yoga practice.

A. Mindfulness; heart B. Patience; core C. Mindfulness; core D. Patience; heart

80. Which of the following describes how to perform one-step meditation?

A. Lie in shavasana and let your mind become absorbed in the sound of the inhale and the sound of the exhale of your breath B. Sit in the and practice using an internal mantra such as, “I am strong”, with the “I am” on the inhale and the “strong” on the exhale C. Walk very slowly and each time you take a step forward, mentally say, One. As the opposite foot comes forward, mentally say, Step. As you do this take in all that’s happening at that moment D. Walk forward very slowly and with each step forward, count a set of in-and-out breaths as one until you reach 10

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 17 81. The sixth limb of Raja yoga is ______and the objective of this limb is to ______.

A. Saucha; cleanse the mind of negative emotions and thoughts B. Dharana; hold our concentration in one direction C. Niyamas; offer practical advice for leading a healthier happy life D. Pranayama; use the breath to bring life force under control

82. The mindfulness of gratitude practice begins with the ______, which is like an adjustment for our feelings.

A. Gratitude of Heart breath B. Gratitude of Mind breath C. Connecting with the Heart breath D. Heart Center Awareness breath

83. Which of the following postures improves circulation, stimulates the nervous system, and generates a feeling of well-being?

A. B. Uttanasana C. Wheel D. Both A and C

84. A yogi eats ______and never to the point of feeling completely satiated, but only eats until he/she is ______at each meal.

A. Only organically grown foods; is one-half full B. Fresh vegetables, whole grains, and fruits; one-half full C. Fresh vegetables, whole grains, and fruits; three-fourths full D. Only organically grown food; three-fourths full

85. Which of the following is the correct order of the postures for practicing intention vinyasana?

A. , adho mukha shvanasana, balasana, urdhva mukha shvanasana B. Balasana, urdhva mukha shvanasana, balasana, adho mukha shvanasana C. Balasana, adho mukha shvanasana, urdhva mukha shvanasana, balasana D. Adho mukha shvanasana, balasana, urdhva mukha shvanasana, balasana

86. The chakras are the ______major energy centers in our bodies, and they are arranged ______.

A. Seven; vertically from the top of the spine to the base of the spine B. Seven; vertically from the base of the spine to the top of the head C. Eight; vertically from the top of the head to the base of the spine D. Eight; vertically from the top of the spine to the base of the spine

87. The building block on which the other chakras rest is called the ______, and when it is balanced, we have good physical energy and health

A. Sahasrara B. Anahata C. Svadhisthana D. Muladhara

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 18 88. A person with a first chakra that is lacking energy may experience ______; a person with an excessive first chakra may experience ______.

A. Constipation; diarrhea B. Diarrhea; obesity C. Diarrhea; constipation D. Constipation; obesity

89. When the second chakra, svadhisthana, is balanced, we ______.

A. Develop strength, will power, and courage B. Experience happiness, joy, and sensuality C. Are able to give and receive love D. Both B and C

90. The second chakra seed sound, ______, should be chanted as you bend forward in .

A. Ram B. Iam C. Vam D. Ham

91. Which of the following chakras is associated with the element of fire and vibrates to the color yellow?

A. Muladhara B. Visuddha C. Anahata D. Manipura

92. The third chakra ______, is located where the body’s energy battery is stored, the ______.

A. Manipura; naval B. Manipura; sciatic nerve C. Sahasrana; crown or top of the head D. Ajan; eyes

93. The center of the chakra system is the ______chakra, ______, or ______.

A. Fifth; visuddha; throat center B. Fourth; anahata; heart center C. Third; Manipura; naval center D. Seventh; sahasrana; crown center

94. When practicing heart-opening vinyasa, you should emphasize ______and hold each position for ______breaths.

A. Opening the chest, lifting the sternum, and expanding the anatomy around the heart; seven B. Opening the chest, lifting the sternum, and expanding the anatomy around the heart; five C. Lift the lower abdomen upward so the naval center appears to concave, and drop the chin toward the chest; five D. Building strength in the abdomen one side at a time with Warrior I, Warrior II, triangle, and triangle with arm wrap; five

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 19 95. The first chakra that is primarily focused on the spiritual plan is the ______chakra, ______, the ______.

A. Fifth; Anahata; throat center B. Sixth; Ajna; spiritual eye C. Fifth; Visuddha; throat center D. Seventh; Sahasrara; crown center

96. The ______chakra, the spiritual eye, ajna, is also called the ______.

A. Fifth; third eye B. Third; third eye C. Sixth; heart center D. Sixth; third eye

97. The asanas for deepening for the practice of chakra six begins with ______.

A. Balasana B. Padmasana C. Earth-to-eye squat D. Eye exercises

98. When performing padmasana during the practice for ajna, chant ______, the seed sound of the spiritual eye, with each exhalation.

A. Om B. Ram C. Vam D. Ham

99. The seventh chakra is ______and is located ______.

A. Svadhisthana; in the lower abdomen B. Manipura; solar plexus C. Sahasrana; top of the head D. Visuddha; throat center

100. Which of the following statements best describes the Five Tibetans?

A. The Five Tibetans are holistic practices that help clear the mind and improve the memory B. The Five Tibetans are a series of exercises that keep the chakras spinning normally and in harmony C. The Five Tibetans are five observances that offer practical advice for leading a healthier, happier life D. The Five Tibetans are five moral disciplines and restraints to be applied to our daily lives

101. Which of the following is not one of the five rites of the Five Tibetans?

A. Leg lift B. Updog and downdog C. Padmasana D. Table lift

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 20 102. “The light in me bows to the light in you”, is the translation for ______.

A. Anjali mudra B. C. Namaste D.

103. The three variations for the shavasana pose are ______.

A. Basic pose, towel or mat beneath the knees, knees bent B. Basic pose towel or mat beneath the head, knees bent C. Basic pose, basic pose face down, knees bent D. Basic pose, basic pose arms overhead, knees bent

104. Shavasana can also be practiced in a chair by closing the eyes and bringing the palms to rest ______.

A. On the arms of the chair B. Across the abdomen C. On the thighs D. Across the chest on the upper arms

105. When lying in shavasana, ______is/are used to clear the mind of the past and future and to bring a wandering mind back to the present.

A. The eyes B. The breath C. Visualization of a favorite place D. The inner light we see

©2008 by Exercise ETC Inc. All rights reserved Page 21