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-'~-._._."ce"Q"'.1IIII4".".IIIII'Il$lIIi¥)IIIII')I!II, 111$11II411II5.".011I4 : liS11411I4- ••. II!IJ '.OIllll ')III.••III•• C '.C)lllO.-l•••••••••• , ..41Q QlllldIlldJIlIS"'.SIQ$IIl oe I!JIlI IIlC " IIlC.,•••.•• IIl.".".II .•clClslIC a.lQSs )IIIc a.. s)lllllo.. e•• s..s s ,•••s III.IIlS.. q., All the News of All the Pointes • • • Ev~ry Thursday Morning, rosse , , , ews Complete Ne'ws Coverage of All the Pointes VOLUME 21-NO, 18 Entered as Second Class Matter 7c Per Copy at the Post Office at Detroit. Well. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, MAY 5, 1960 $4.00 Per Year 24 PAGES THREE SECTIONS SECTION I Voters' League Drives for Convention HEADI~IN.:S 'As1, All ResidentsfAsk Residents 0/ the " '. To Cooperate W~EK Ai Compiled hy the To Do The~r Part With Takel"s Grosse Pointe Ne¥,s Growth of About 1000 in Last Year Expected to Thursday, April 28 In Clean..Up Week Be Revealed; Workers T,HE FAMII.Y of Korea's (' , vice - president - elect, Lee Ki All Ve.terans Poong, were all' kIlled, includ. Municipalities and' Organizations Cooperating With ing the. vIce-president himself, in a dawn murder-suiclde pact, Annual Campaign Sponsored by Census takers of the this inornlng, Lee's oldest son, Pointe Garden Club Council Grosse Pointe School Dis- Army 2nd Lt. Kang Suk, 23, was. the executioner. He killed Clean-Up weekwill be officially launched this Sat- ~~~~~~t?~;in ~~~~ a~~~~~ . his father, who had been threat- urday, May 7 and will run through Sunday, May 15. The Some 20 workers will visit ened with death ai the hands newly painted banner at the Limits on Jefferson will be all homes in th~ area dur- of rioters for allegedly spon- the first reminder. Residents will find the door-hangers ing the last three weeks of soring the recent police brutal- distributed by the Boy Scouts another reminder, while May. ity used to quell the riots, and in tl!e various 'business areas, on Jefferson, on Mack, on School officials anticipate also killed hIs mother 'and younger brother. The young Kercheval, shop windows will display timely Clean-Up that the count will re;real fur- . man then .committed suicide. suggestions. ther growth in the distri~t. Kank Suk was the adopted son Many residents nave respond-~"'----------- .Last year's census found 63,211 ~f Korea's resigned President, ed to the "Sore-Spot" coupon persons residing in the five 8yngman Rhee. which appeared in this paper Help N eeiled Pointe communities and the and which will be found again , '. fraction of Harper Woods con. * * * this week. The Grosse' Pointe Fe' tained in the school district. Friday, April 29 Garden Club Council, which is' or enter S Typical an n u a 1 population NEw CHAIRMAN of the sponsoring the Clean-Up, drive g~:US in recent years havehov- board at Chrysler Corp. is Les- again this year hopes many Fund Drive ~:~r=~~d the 1000 mark, ter L. (Tex) Colbert. He was more replies will be received so The school 'census 10llows elected yesterday at th~ Qoa'rd undesirable' appearing locations close on the heels of the re- of directors meeting in. New can be taken care of. The Coun- Campaign Still Short More cently taken 'Federal Census York. Moving intO' Colbert's va- eil ti~sksinalsfiolUforeXPtliclt infor- Than $16,000 with Or.ly due to several circumstances. cated position as president, Is ma on ng ou coupons. State laws mandate that a William C. Newberg, Who, since HI-Y Helping Again 2604 Contributing school census be ,taken an. 1958, ha,; been executive vice. Some of these "sore-spots" Thus Far hually during the last 20 days president. -Picture by Fred Runnells will be channeled to the Blue of May. Also, the data required '" '" * The Grosse Pointe League of ,Women Voters JOHN LAKE, dir~ctor of the Grosse Pointe War and Gold Hi-Y's who always do The Grosse Pomte War for school purposes differs, Saturday, Aprit 30 launches an intensive campaig' n today to g'et signatures Memorial Center, signs one of the petitions lis MRS. such a splendid job of "Lot-Memorial Cen,ter is pegin- from that available from Fed. eral figures. Finally, the dead- A TWIN ENGINE RCAF on petitions proposing a Constitutional Convention. DOUGLAS GRAHAM and JOHN CARLSON look on. Cleaning"--Ilome may be taken ning the telephone follow- line for having final tabulatlons PLANE' exploded over Lake ' care of by the 'Y-Teens at. the' up phase of its arinual. for school purposes is conslder- Michigan, Triday hight, after • H R B· A'. ' High Schools, and certain alleys Family Participation Cam- ably earlier than the natlonal missing an emergency landing Memorialeal"ings on eal Estate n, t, tqu, es or street co~ers by the muni- paign. ,Extra lines have count can be, expected to be . at Mitchell Field; Milwaukee, ,"g clpal authorIties. b . t th C te ~eady , ..~e:~!;i~itr:t41::."~~rd~a~;~f:jb~1:oit..'I~:?t;~&ty.~L~~~?1;~~i~~~~'a~1€~~~ "I'm afraid they're all dead," the year is "Doing a Good Turn reach all families who have ney, Director of Pupil Person. laid Major PattI, Poberzny. air Council Ap'pr:,ov~ Pro'fect,. Atto~neys for 'Brokers a"d Property Own~rs Issue Joint R,ofary's, Annua",1EV,ent. to, in theOut'-of-Doors," the troops not yet contributed ~el JO~~e sGr~sse ~inte P~b- guard'maintenance' officer at ..... St t t r.:-. t'. l I' f Will concentrate on their own . _' C C 00 ys em. e e~p, a. Mitchell field. "The tempera- Congregation to Meet' .. , .':., a emen yues lo"mgega ItyO ' 'Be :Staged in' ~e~orial ,'yarw. and those in the neIgh- Volunteers are needed n;Jorn- sized the Importance of glVlng ture of UJe water is 35 degrees Ma '22 " Proceedings anel Attacking Adams ~enter ~our Days - borhood and in special '''sore- ing,', afte~oon ~r evening. the census workers, all of ~vho~ and no one could survive very , Y. .. " , , ' . _'__' sPots" such as "Good-Humor" Luncheon WIll be'served to any- haye perfo:-nned this function In .' . - Hearings 011 the alleged Gros,se Pointe screening stops near schools one who can stay Illl day. Th~se p.nol' year~, the fU!lest cooper~. long." The old B-25 plane was • The Farms C'oun.cIl meet- Isystem by I,'eal estate organizations in the Pointe were The GroSse~PointeRotary The 'mayors and city man- are simply ~inder calls takfug tion .. All mform.ation sou~ht IS . enroute to Truax Field In ~g Mrmday evenmg' g~ve begun Monday, May 2, in0 . 'ICJub's .'annual Antiques agersofthefiveGrossePointes far less than a minute to make. requU'ed I>Y law and will. be :a~~:~;~~::~:~~rw: Its approval t~ a pl~ 'Yh1Ch the Cadillac 'Square build- Securities Commissioner, Law- Show will openin the War have been contacted and prom_Anyyolunteers who would pre- ~:nd~~~ Wlth proper discretion, N h Am. Air calls for a ma.Jor addltlo, n.to m' "", DetrOI't. ' rence Gubow, to have the issue Memorial Cent e r next ise full co-operatfon The Shores fer to call from their own s . the 30th ort encan G P M al Eo: TueSday, May 10. and run (Continued on Pare 2) homes, the Center will most "It is unfortunate," Dr. Maw- Defense Command Region. r 0 sse omte emo~ The first witnesses called clarified. gratefully provIde with lists. hinney said, "that two census. * * * C~urch, 16 Lakesho~e road. were.Paul Maxon, 79 Deeplands, Legality Questioned through Friday, May 13.. ------ The Center's Drive to date counts OCcur so close together. Sunday, May 1 . The proposed addItion was the secretary of the Grossi;! The joint statement of the The show will be open from WON .ti° 1 has receiVed $33,618.44 from However, there seems to be no fJ1'StpreseIl:tedto the congrega- Pointe Brokers Association, one att0t;neys also questioned the 1 to 10 o'clock daily and ad- lns a ona 2,604 givers. There remains alternative. We need our pupil ferW~E~:Ro~~~s~O :::.: tion of over 3300 meml}ers by, of the three corporations in- legality of the issuing of the mittanceis by'ticketavail- W °ti° H' $16,400 to get in by May 30, the ~ount, age 5-19: by this summe~ , , the R~v. BeIVam deH.eus At,;. volved. in the inves.tigation, and subpenas for the::4 witnesseS, abIc: through any, Rotarian Tl ng OnOTS day of the wind-up of the cam- if local plannmg is to be ae- garet's. fiance, Anthony Arm- wood 1!1 a Ietter on Apnl 29. At Earl H. Grady, a private de- and severely criticized the in the' area. Tickets also' __ paign. .. comp1lshed by the opening of strong-Jones, ,before the wed- that tim~ Mr. Atwood called at- 1ective. methods used in sewing these may be pu..r,c..has,'ed at the Second place in a llJltional '. school in' the fall and if we are ding next Friday, is up to the tention to the need for more. "shotgun subpenas." It also writing contest for high school Team Captains and m-person to be eligible for the various Royal Family. The title of Duke church school sPace and for the An mng~temen\ on:e suggested that, the hearings door for $1.00 each. ., students has been won by Miss foll?w.up w.orkers under the co- state ser/ices and funds due in part °ith or of Edinburgh was given to the reconditioning of.