1909-04-07, [P ]
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tsh scsiesg^^iwStitfi ^ Ar* WJr *» "GIVE DS LIBERTY OR GIVE ITS DEATH!" HE HAS AN ABSENT PAR*. M*HHH <1« HI I M I4IIM Recruit Glad ra Start Toward Itait Olorjr aa <!CarA>, ikt PIMltr," POLITICS "The son of a wealthy old friend of OP TH9 DRY LWIE5 OF IUINO>» mine, being stage struck, joined with MilII« « IUIIM ttWWH TWENTY CINTUfttea a 10-20-30 opera company. I mat blm loafing and strutting about -a hotel lit Keeplav the Tmnir fill' * . LOOK DOWN ON Y«U Duluth, Minn.,'' said the veteran actor The American people need nbt b* E6® - ON TO VICTORY J to a- representative of the New XOrk frightened -by the proposal to-revive Telegraph. ' . : -"i apedai war taxes as sn emergency " 'Come over to the opera house and nieasur* for Increased nstloiial see the show,' said he. GREAT WEALTH AHS HAFFIHES8. ~ antiseptic. Thousand* otToldlers were treated with •nues. ' 1 "I went, but 1 saw no signs of thi* standardized amounts of', thia vaccine. At to .whetner It it vastly more Important that : v . By Andrew Caraegl*. 1 young man on the stage, nor was hit the results justified the trouble and dlssgreeable effectt American consumers: should get lower .. name on the program. Afterward 1 Beyond a compctence for old age, prices on life's real necessities than which need not; be peat and may pf the treatment there la great diversity of Opinion. • met him in the lobby of the -hotel, i Tbe atatlsllrs of the British war office were considered that they should rebel against com- "'I did not recognize-any of the be very small, wealth lessons rather pa.ratlvely slight direct taxes. Also.th* than Increases human happiness. unfavorable, and the prophylactic Inoculations .have been - characters as you,' I remarked. 'What officially discoutbiueji Wright has claimed that th*. stamp tax and othera of like nature " . part are you playing?1 » ; ^ Millionaire* whp, l augh ire rare. can be removed as aoon'as the revenues ITie deplorable family qnarrels general results were/favorable, and In tbls opinion h* '"Why, I am playing the part of' Is supported by tbe majority of the medical men who - go" back to normal. Ther* will b* no Carlqs, the Fiddler,' said he. which *0 often afflict th* rich-gen- followed the experiment*. " butlnesa apheavai, such as attends a . CtMM-l' IA « •rally hav* their riae In sordid dif - "'There was no such part.' Metacbnlkoff li»s placed the great weight of hlir judg general tariff-revision, elther ln levying - - "'Oh, yes there was. -Didn't yob ferences abput money. The' most the stamp tax or It* subsequent r*- mlserable ot men a* 'old age ap- ment ln: favor of the titUlty pf a continued trial Of the kfiM notice how they talked about him? $ prophylactic. Accordtng to -Wrlght, the most eiact data •o**l-^ - ' ' proache* are those who have made the first act. In order to get the chornk ore those In regard to the army-men Isolated at 'th* .But tb* nob of th* latu* lie* deeperv^^.^ t, money-setting'.their* god; like files off stage, didn't the soubrette ' pht siege of Ladyamlth, and here there were only one-eighth, Economic experts predict thst "down-,'" / on th* jfbael, these unfortunates her hands-over her eyes, look off XL as many cases among the.vaccinated aa among tb* on- ward" tariff revision will speedily re- - fondly believed they were really* 4 E. and say: "Oh, girls, Carlo* til* iJTDREW CA12TBQ1B. vaccinated, with the mortality very much:lower In th* - suit In %or* revenue to the government 'vA?' driving It, only' to fln^ when tired Fiddler Is going, to have a dance dh former. Wright has found that especially good protec than th* present tariff law give*. , the green; let us hasten or wa witT and crating N*t that It is lmpossibl* for tbem to get stimulation of legitimate Industry, and _ j-: off, snd tbey are lost—plenty.'to'retir* upon but nothing tion Is afTorded by two succeMlve vaccliwttlons. H* now . miss It?" Then burst Into song arid Injects scbcutan*ouBly In'the OrSt doee about 1,000,000 the Jarger purchasing power of'wages, - '. I skip off? You bet they did. •- -7 to retire to, and ao tbey ehd a* they began", atrlvlng to Will' indue*, a trim^ndous Increase in " add to tbeir-uscleai hoard*, patting into nothlngnet*. dead typlibid bacilli,'and ln^ttie second, given approxi "Then again. In the second met; mately a week later, 2,000,000.—Harper'a. ' , th* aggregate volume of business. The ' when the bell Is tolled without,-don't leaving their money behlnd for heir* to quarrel Qvef. - people will be .able to buy more conK" the prlmn donna say; "Hatlr that Gigantic fortune^ .ln th*; natuf* of thing* mnat be forte and luxuries,. More of both' wlll -bell! That bell can stand ah • awful fewer and harder tojiulld ap in th* future than in the 0KAVE DANGEB.dF THE TOO-FOHS K0IHEX. have to" be produtied. ; Jot harking, for who Is palling the past"' Most great ebt^rlwa am V* In the corporate By Edith ShMckletoo. ihe reduction of Imposts on steel,* rope but Carlos the Fiddler?"; - . form. TJie writer knows^but one man sow lxi active bual- When a.fonian declares: "I am complete- - lumber, leather aifd other importftit" . ".'That Is true, young man, but they ness who J* likMy to liave an e'xceptlolially large estate', ly bound up in my children," or, "I tav* no schedules will at pii«*. result in In- - only talk about you. You do not show and th* foundation of that waa laid more than half a 'Interests outside my home," a chorus of com-, creased ^onsumptl<Hi. Lower prlces for . yourself on the stage during the whole century afco by tb*j>urcha*e of timber landa which have mendatlon of theae callous confessions arises. rails will stimulate railed building performance.' • • »> increased enormously in value. Meanwhile, odr' immedi Thla overdeveloped maternal InBUnct, with and renewals; Cheaper lumber will : "'"'I am aware of that, but-you matt ate duty la to distribute surplus wealth to the best of lts almost Invariable accompaniment of,snob- ten#; tens of thousand* of wage earn^' remember I am_as yet a raw recruit, uur abilities In inch forma as we believe best, calculated , ; iilsbness, la just as dangerou* to the nation'a ers to build homes. The same general' still 1 fee) I am on my way to fame to Improve existing conditions. We mutt all Itafn thv welfare as the overdeveloped self-preeervatlv* law applies .to all th*. important schedL- • r and glory, though the path may he great troth Hut only compelence ls desirable, aimoet nec instinct that impels ineii.*of the -Rockefeller ale*. •. strewn with-thorns.' .. : . essary, wealth non^estentlal,, and when lt doia cotne It is type to selte and hold everything that happens' to b* bower^priccs snd Increased, use ofv "Ob, if the hope and optimlim only a sacred trust. to be admlnlstered only for th* gen knocking around, and-there is no place for either of daily commodities will' add to the na- youth_could be with , us in our later eral good. ' ... them in the true democracy. tion's geheral vfealth. Prosperity" will , _ . years," slgbed the veteran actor. -. - The havoc that can be wrought by a single specimen be distributed.' The trust baron* who = " VA00IVAT10H fOK mHOlS. ' ^ of the fond mother Is instanctd In history,'and baa ln- are now figlitlng "downward" revialou- ... " ' - ' By Dr. J. C. Tortty. siilred at leaat one great navel. All tb* misery and will have to manufacture'more good* • wfcik Typhoid fever is one of "the** dlstlnctlyely tragedy |n '.Trilby" cam* through a fond mother of. tfi*y to approximately keep up their -rolam*'. human Infectious disesse* for which pre nufllgnarit type- Thla apeclmen'aald ah$ was acting for; >)f profits. Also, tlrey w'll. have to ac« - K ventive vaccination* have been attempted. the good of her child. To make thla atatement la on* of cept a legltimate return on actualju- . Tlje results ;are of general Interest because the creature'a' habits, though she really has not .th* vestments. of tbe widespread prevalence of this fever. faintest notton of what reaily ia tbe "good of her child." . This all works otft to the economlC - —Ohicago Journal. Pfelffer and Kolle Reported In 18S6 the phe Tlie appioved methods of dealing with the fond moth advantngc of t)i<p t>cople. When trade - nomena -following the ^injection Into man of er nuispuce are' educational rather than destructive.: It Is ^restored tff normal channela by Fool—I woke, up last* night wltli the bacillus typhosus killed by beat -Their Is poaslblethat none is past'redemption. Even an ac'' genulue tariff revlaion the bonest com- - 81QBB OF AOS. bye her sign the bill o' sale. She MAKKO A TIGER SIT DOWN. start- I dreamed that my watch wil didn't know nothin' about bills o' sale. •nost lmportnnt observatlon ^as that'thebe in tW* one may be led Into way* of grace by being act to blnations of capital.will still be reap- gone. Drool—Well, was It? Fool—No,- jections Imparted; to th* blood oi buman belngs specific consider her offspring... Let her carefoily note their re- Ing a fair, profit.*. And the national So, I am- growing old, you say-l ' " Camb would call her an' hand Tier a Method* l'«ed to' Train the Beaut but lt-.was going. ^ pen an' tell her to sign an' she'd sign. bacteria-killing prepertle*, Just; a* they protected guinea semblance to; ber husband's sister* (whom sEe possibly treaaur};, though temporarily depleted I walk in ,*-^ecjwpit way; for Show BailscM,.