TRIANGLE TRIBUNE.COM 1998 15 YEARS the Triangle 2013 Budget Showdown

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TRIANGLE TRIBUNE.COM 1998 15 YEARS the Triangle 2013 Budget Showdown WWW.TRIANGLE TRIBUNE.COM 1998 15 YEARS The Triangle 2013 Budget showdown loomsBy George in Curry WashingtonPresident Obama has rejected the GOP de- NATIONAL NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION mand for specific cuts in exchange for rais- ing the nation’s debt limit to pay its outstand- RIBUNE WASHINGTON – After blinking during a ing bills. “One thing I will not compromise TTHE TRIANGLE’S CHOICE FOR THE BLACK VOICE New Year’s Day showdown with President over is whether or not Congress should pay Obama that could have triggered across-the- the tab for a bill they’ve already racked up,” board spending cuts and significant tax in- Obama said in his weekly address. creases, Republicans are poised to seek deep VOLUME 15 NO. 3 WEEK OF JANUARY 20, 2013 $1.00 Republicans are opposing that position. WEEK OF JANUARY 20, 2013 cuts in spending that would violate the “bal- “I want to raise the debt ceiling, but I will anced” approach to the deficit that the pres- not do it without a plan to get out of debt,” ident has advocated. Sen. Lindsey Graham [R-S.C.] said Sunday on In an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This CNN’s “State of the Union. “If you raise the Police Week,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch debt ceiling by a dollar, you should cut McConnell (R-Ken.) said Republicans will not spending by a dollar. That is the way to go basketball consider additional tax increases to help pay forward.” tourney down the nation’s debt. As the Los Angeles Times noted, the fiscal “The tax issue is finished, over, complet- cliff debate underscored the geographic di- honors ed,” he said. “That’s behind us. Now the ques- vide within the Republican Party, as the po- tion is what are we going to do about the sition taken by McConnell and Graham illus- fallen biggest problem confronting our country trates. The newspaper reported: “Almost 90 officers and our future? And that’s our spending ad- percent of Southern Republicans voted diction. It’s time to confront it. The presi- against the ‘fiscal-cliff’ compromise. At the dent surely knows that.” See BUDGET/2A Gangs’ use Focus on of social Royal media on Ice Cream theBy Caitlinrise Owens THE DURHAM VOICE sit-in Gang members’ use of social media sites goes beyond reflect- ing their identities and gang-re- lated behaviors. It helps create them, Durham gang prevention officials said. Many young gang members actively use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. The ef- fects of social media sites on gang activity are increasing, said Chad Martin, staff member of the resident services branch of the Durham Housing Authority. Martins’ work includes finding ways to improve the education Dr. King (second from left), of public housing residents, Ralph Abernathy (far left) many of which claim gang mem- and other activists on a vis- bership. it to Durham. Social media allows for the North Carolina Republicans hold the gavel in the state House and Senate as well as the governor’s mansion with STAFF REPORTS spread of gang culture and the Pat McCrory succeeding Democrat Bev Perdue. glorification of this culture. DURHAM – Durham’s role in “Everybody can get on the the civil rights movement makes Internet now,” Martin said. “You Martin Luther King Jr. Day that can connect to anybody.” much more important to remem- Social media has further ex- ber King’s contribution to socie- posed at-risk youth to gang cul- ty. ture, Martin said. It has made N.C. Moms Rising, Northgate learning gang-related behaviors New era in N.C. politics: Mall and a number of area moth- and terminology easy. It has also ers’ associations and nonprofit increased gang affiliation oppor- organizations will come togeth- tunities for teenagers who have er to commemorate King’s life grown up surrounded by gang what we’re going to begin doing today. ing at some issues that may be coming with a focus on Durham’s his- presence in their neighbor- GOPRepublican agenda control, at We’re going to have some toughDems work down from the federalout government” toric Royal Ice Cream sit-in with hoods, schools and entertain- ahead of us, but we all love our state such as the Affordable Care Act. a special children’s program ment sources. root of legislative, and we care for the next generation of Graham said McCrory has already event featuring civil rights era “A lot of our kids will not have leaders for our state so they have the sent signs that he’ll govern as a con- music, educational readings, re- any affiliation with gangs,” executive branches same quality of life that we’ve enjoyed servative rather than the centrist tack lated crafts, freedom songs and, Martin said. “But I can go to By Herbert L. White for so many years.” he took as Charlotte mayor. His ap- of course, ice cream. [email protected] YouTube, I can go to Facebook, Roberts maintains McCrory and GOP pointment of Art Pope, a major finan- The event on Monday at 10:30 and I can look up how to throw North Carolina political muscle be- lawmakers will need to work together cier of right-wing causes and candi- a.m. and again at noon is free up gang signs and the gang longs completely to Republicans, who in pursuit of a singular agenda, a de- dates, as budget writer and former and open to the public, and takes slang.” control both chambers of the General parture from the previous four years Wake County schools superintendent place at Northgate Mall’s Center Gangs present in Durham in- Assembly and the governor’s mansion. when former governor Bev Perdue, a Tony Tata as transportation secretary Court. clude the Crips, Bloods, People With Governor Pat McCrory’s swear- Democrat, often sparred with the surprised political observers. Designed for school-age chil- Nations, Folk Nations, Latin ing-in on Jan. 5, the GOP controls every Republican majority in the General “The governor selecting Art Pope as dren, it will feature discussions Kings, MS-13s, Surenos, branch of state government. As a re- Assembly. As governor, it’ll be incum- budget director should give everyone and learning about the civil rights Nortenos, Brown Pride Locos, sult of redistricting that ensured a bent upon McCrory to set the tone. grave concern,” Graham said. “This guy sit-in movement and specifical- United Blood Nations and Vice Republican advantage, the GOP has a “I think it’s a question of how McCrory has said in previous statements that ly how, in one of the earliest sit- Lords, said Detective Elliott 77-43 majority in the House of works with the leadership,” she said. Smart Start and early childhood edu- ins, a group of three women and Hoskins, vice president of ad- Representatives and a 32-18 bulge in “I think he’s going to have a very good cation need to go and so what budget four men from Durham sat at the ministration of the N.C. Gang the Senate. relationship with the Republicans and the governor submits and the General Royal Ice Cream Company on Investigators Association. “Basically, the Republicans and Pat that’s mostly what he needs. I think Assembly accepts will have a wide June 23, 1957, to protest segre- Many kids have to look no fur- McCrory can do what they want to do,” range of impact throughout the com- gation. ther than Lil Wayne’s latest mu- they’re going to look for McCrory to set said Davidson College political science munity.” Organizers and participants sic video for exposure to gang the tone in Raleigh.” professor Susan Roberts. “It’s just a The legislative plate is bound to be Said Roberts: “They’re going to be will honor their efforts by shar- culture, Hoskins said. Some ing stories, readings of Andrea gangs have emulated famous matter of the priority.” full. McCrory has stressed rewriting the looking at the budget, funding of For Democratic lawmakers, the 2013 state tax code and economic develop- schools and I think also renewable en- Davis Pickney’s children’s book rappers and made their own mu- “Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood sic videos, also full of gang ref- session cements the party’s minority ment as high on his priority list. Hot- ergy. That’s a big consideration. I think role for the foreseeable future, but re- button issues like the voter identifica- one of his priorities is … to make some Up by Sitting Down,” singing of erences. freedom songs, related crafts A YouTube video titled duced clout doesn’t mean going total- tion law Perdue vetoed last year or the difficult choices about how he recon- ly silent. N.C. Sen. Malcolm Graham, a Racial Justice Act that GOP lawmakers ciles the philosophy that he cam- that convey the meaning of jus- “Welcome 2 Durham 2!!… The tice and freedom, and an ice Charlotte Democrat, said the party’s want scuttled may move further down paigned on, that (he would be) gover- controversy continues” contains cream social and sock- hop fea- best strategy is to counter absolute GOP the priority list. nor of all the people… to be moderate.” various Crip references, both by turing civil rights era music from power with progressive alternatives. “I don’t think he’s going to want some Graham, who is a contender for leader name and by Crip slang, and Durham’s DJ PiddiPat. “Our perspective is do what we can, piece of legislation right off the bat that of the Mecklenburg County delegation, takes place in some of Durham’s Continuing King’s commit- which is not very much,” he said.
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