Emergency Response Plan 18 October 2016

Cluster Planning 55,000 90,000 Tents 90,000 Shelter kits 140,000 206,000 - Figures: Camp/Site Plots Camps & Shelter Alternatives Shelter Alternatives NFI Kits Heaters 1.2 - 1.5 million people impacted 1,000 7,100 18,000 25,000 up to 1 million 11,600 44,000 40,000 66,000 25,000 displaced Current Stock & Pipeline 36,300 32,000 50,000 90,000 140,000 vs UNHCR Gap: 700,000 in need Cluster/MOMD UNHCR UNHCR Gap Cluster MOMD UNHCR UNHCR Gap Cluster UNHCR UNHCR Gap Cluster UNHCR UNHCR Gap UNHCR UNHCR Gap Cluster Planning for winter is separate

Chamishku Berseve 1 Planned Capacity (plots) TURKEY Khabat Berseve 2 2.800 Dawadia Plots in UNHCR Constructed/Supported2,000 Camps Zakho 1,000 Rwanga 500 Amedi 200 Community B 0 Bajet Soran Debaga 3 3,000 Kandala Mergasur Barzan Ü DAHUK Dahuk B Amalla 3,000 SYRIAN ARAB Al Walid REPUBLIC Sumel Mahmudia Dahuk B Hasansham 2,900 Shariya Kabarto 1 Khanke Shikhan B Kabarto 2 1,600 Rabiah Domiz 1 Domiz 2 Essian ISLAMIC Amalla Mamilian Janbur Sheikhan Choman B Mamrashan Soran REPUBLIC Debaga (Extension)* 1,000 Garmawa Choman BNargizlia OF IRAN Target 20,000 plots B Zumar Akre B Nargizlia Nargizlia 2 Zelikan Zelikan 1,000 B Telafar Tilkaif Basirma B Camp 4th Camp in Salah Al Din 1,000 Aski Mosul Bardarash Darashakran Total B B Ba'Shiqa Leylan 2 1,000 Shaqlawa 18,700 plots Kawergosk B Talafar Hasansham Gawilan University 1,000 Al Hol Camp Rania Baharka camp Hasansham(2)B Pshdar Mosul B Kalak Sinjar Qarah Qosh Rania B Tal Aswad 1 Alwand1* 700 Sinjar B Khabat Harshm Capacity Hamdaniya St. Elijah Church Ankawa 2 Erbil B Qoratu Wardak 600 Mosul Sananik 112,200 IDPs Erbil B Tazade* North Kanhish village 500 Al Hasudiya Gwer ERBIL Koisnjaq B B 10,000 1 Family per plot and B Qushtapa Olympic Stadium in Tikrit 500 Ba'Aj Camp 5,000 Shura Dokan 3,000 6 Individuals per family Debaga 3 B 2,000 Al Alam 500 1,000 NINEWA Surdash 400 Debaga (Extension) Debaga BB Debaga 2 B Surdash* Qayyarah-Jad’ah B 400 B Qayyarah Airstrip Hasiyah Al Qaiyara Makhmur * Tazade, Alwand1 and Surdash were constructed by the Government and Kharaib Jabr Ijhala Dibs Debaga (Extension) by the Emirates Red Crescent Dabes Bazyan Chamchamal1 Ba'aj BChamchamal SULAYMANIYAH Camps/Plots Construction Khazir Shirqat Bustan Al Sheuokh Sulaymaniya Arbat B Ashti B Under construction (5) (9,000 plots) Barzan Kirkuk Nazrawa Arbat UNHCR Protection Monitoring for Mosul Response Tulul Baq Camp Yahyawa Shirqat Laylan Planned (2) (1,500 plots) Hawiga B KIRKUK Bawa HHs Assessed (Baidawa) Daquq Chamchamal 1,685 Hawiga Darbandihkan HHs missing documents 67% B Potential (3) (5,000 plots) BBLeylan 2 9,247 Individuals B Constructed/Existing camps with spare capacity (5) (3,200 plots) Tikrit Kalar HHs with unaccompanied Assessed and suitable emergency 2,586 2,674 2,032 1,955 or separated children 2% B Al Alam Tikrit University Tazade site or camp by other partners B Tooz Al Alam/Rubeida B 4th Camp in Salah Al Din Camps and emergency sites include locations B SABKHAT BOlympic Stadium B ALBU within the broader Mosul corridor. GHARZ Kelar Qoratu Ru'ua SALAH Tekrit AL-DIN B UNHCR Funding Requirements IDP Camp ANBAR USD 196.2 million required KRefugeea'im Camp DIYALA Al-Obaidi Alyawa Camp Daur Al-Wand 2 UNK B Main Road 48% Alwand1 Samaraa' Road Samarra Cent. USD 95 million committed

Heet Al-Hwesh Al Adheam City Ana Khalis

Thethar Mansouriya Committed Town Balad 20km Muqdadiya Baladrooz The plan includes a small return component of 10,000 IDP families. The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Sources: UNHCR Registration Unit, UNCS, UNOCHA, UNHCR CCCM Cluster. Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_WGS_1984