Present: Mr. P. Sampson (Chairman) Mr. J. Anderson Mrs. C. Clark Mr. G. Collender Mr. E. Handley, Mrs. H. Lewis Mrs. M. McDonald Mrs. B. Stanley

Members of the public – 6

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - received from Mrs. A. King

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - there was 1 declaration of interest.

i) Mrs. Clark – 18.3 Heartstart – personal interest.


3.1. It was NOTED that the Swallowfield Show would take place on 24th/25th August. 3.2. It was NOTED that the Swallowfield 10+3 would take place on Sunday 21st September.


4.1. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th June 2014 were agreed a correct record, with two corrections: Item 3.4. attach list of participants in working groups and representatives on outside bodies to be added. Item 3.5. SWE should be AWE

4.2. Clerks report on matters arising and outstanding actions from the last minutes.

Matters Arising

3.2 Issues raised by parishioners at the Annual Parish Meeting – feedback received from Mrs.Lewis.

3.5 A proposal for Health and Wellbeing has been received from Mr Anderson. An item would be added to the agenda for September.

7.2 Internal Audits - Enquiries have been made with other parishes. The Finance Working Group would discuss at their next meeting and bring a proposal to the next PC meeting.

7.3 A meeting between the Finance Working Group and the Tennis Club is being organised, however, it is proving difficult to find a date when the appropriate people can meet.

7.5 Bat Survey at Fieldfayre - the first survey has been carried out. There is still evidence of the bat colony which was present during the last survey, but no evidence that bats are currently using the space or the features put in when the roof was replaced. There is no evidence of bats in the roof space over Flat 1. A second survey would be carried out on Friday 15th August.

9.1 WW1 – material for the banner and brochure has been submitted.


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9.2 Parish Data - discussed ways to make parish data more accessible with Mrs.King. Mrs.King is putting together the information.

10.1 Equipment for the Riseley Teen area has been ordered by the contractor. Waiting for confirmation of delivery/installation dates.

11.1 The tree survey would start on 15th September 2014.

16.2 Refurbishment of the main hall floor has been completed. Discussions/investigations about care are on-going.

16.3 Riseley Memorial Hall Emergency Lighting - further investigation required about what needs to be done.


See above for on-going actions 3.2 [1], 9.2 [6], 10.1 [7], 16.3 [14]. All other actions complete.

5. QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC (relating to Planning issues only) NB: this is not a verbatim account of the comments

Mrs.Greenway – O/2014/1681 – the developer’s assertions about the impact of traffic are not true, there would be considerable impact. The recent traffic lights on the Basingstoke Road (at Hyde End Lane and near Beech Hill Road) have caused considerable chaos, resulting in traffic queued up as far back as Charlton Lane. The original application was turned down and there doesn’t appear to be anything different in the new application.

Mr Robins – MB/2014/1574 – on 6th April 2014 the government introduced new permitted development rights which allow existing agricultural buildings to be converted into homes. Farley Farms has submitted an application for prior approval for change of use of an existing agricultural building with 3 houses (1 of 2 bed and 2 of 3 bed). Use of the properties would be unrestricted and it is likely they would be let. The immediate neighbours have been informed and at present one has expressed support.

6. PLANNING Chairman of Planning Committee: Mr. J. Anderson

6.1 Current Applications MB/2014/1574 – application for prior approval for the proposed change of use of existing agricultural building to three to three dwelling houses. Tanners Grain Store, Swallowfield Road, RG2 9LA

Proposed Response: The Parish Council has been informed that this proposal has been enabled through Central Government policy which permits the change of use of redundant farm buildings into residential use subject to certain constraints which appear to be met in this instance.

This being the case, it would appear there are no grounds to object despite the fact that the change of use would otherwise be contrary to policy CP11.

In practical terms, the change of use would tidy up the site, eliminate a source of vermin and benefit the neighbouring residents.


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The Parish Council is concerned that any conversion to residential dwellings that results from the change of use is sympathetic to the neighbouring properties and the location. A conversion into three residential units seems rather excessive in this location and space. There is also a potential need for accommodation for agricultural workers at this location and the Council wonders if the regulations would allow the imposition of an agricultural tie.

It was PROPOSED and seconded that the Council’s response would be as detailed above. All in favour.

CLE/2014/1544 – application for a certificate of existing lawful development building use class B1, B2 and B8. Loddon Court Farm Beech Hill Road

Proposed Response: The Parish Council is concerned about the very narrowly drawn neighbour consultation area and feels that more residents in the mobile home park should be consulted since this affects the private access roads for the mobile home park and the vehicles and operations are a source of noise. It would appear from past meetings with residents of the mobile home park that the extent of this use has grown over the past 10 years and so the claimed level of use should be carefully scrutinised to ensure that it isn't exaggerated and relates to a sustained level of use over the full 10 years. Many of the mobile home residents have lived there for a considerable time and should be in a position to provide the necessary evidence.

It was PROPOSED and seconded that the Council’s response would be as detailed above. All in favour.

LB/2014/1627 - Proposed internal alterations to listed building plus re-opening of original window openings, additional roof lights following removal of existing roof lights. Removal of front door and replace with window, replace front window with door. Erection of front porch following removal of canopy. Plus proposed renovation of barn with additional windows and glass panelling. Plus proposed erection of timber stable on existing hardstanding on site of historic agricultural shed. Dovecote House, Swallowfield Park, RG7 1TG

Proposed Response: The Parish Council considers that the reinstatement of some of the former character and place of the original barn, undoing some of the unsympathetic conversion work dating from the 1980s would in principle be a good thing. It appears that the applicant has gone to considerable lengths and expense in developing what seem to be high quality and sympathetic plans. Therefore the Parish Council has no objection to this application subject to the plans meeting all relevant requirements regarding alterations to listed buildings. It was PROPOSED and seconded that the Council’s response would be as detailed above. All in favour.

O/2014/1681 - Outline application for up to 120 residential units with associated infrastructure and access to be considered. Land West of Beech Hill Road, Spencers Wood RG7 1HL

Proposed Response: Mr Anderson stated that the previous application had been refused. The land was not designated as part of a settlement, so contrary to policy CP11. There is nothing materially different about the new application and nothing has been done to address the issues raised. The infrastructure is not geared up for additional traffic from the Beech Hill Road onto the Basingstoke Road, this issue is even more important now with increased traffic expected along the Basingstoke Road from the proposed development at Willow Tree


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Works. It was agreed that the council’s response should be the same as last time with an emphasis on the highway concerns.

It was PROPOSED and seconded that the Council’s response would be as detailed above. All in favour.

HH/2014/1625 – Application for prior approval of the erection of a single storey rear extension which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 4.5 metres, for which the maximum height would be 3.0 metres and for which the height of the eaves would be 3.0 metres. Lowlands, The Street, Swallowfield RG7 1RB

For information only (Neighbour Consultation Scheme)

6.2. Appeals, Results and Enforcement

6.2.1. Appeals F/2013/1325 - Application for the erection of close-board fence parallel to the highway. Retrospective. Arkley, Lambs Lane, Spencers Wood. PC had no objection to the original application. Allowed on appeal.

6.2.2. Results CLP/2014/084 – Application for a certificate of proposed lawful development for the use of existing outbuilding as ancillary living accommodation to main dwelling, and erection of a single storey extension. Whistlings, Spring Lane, Swallowfield. Notification of Planning Permission Is Required of Certificate of Lawful Proposed Use or Development

F/2014/0503 – Application for change of use of land to residential curtilage erection of a fence and associated landscaping. (Retrospective). New Stables, School Lane, Riseley To note the application was approved at committee with conditions.

6.2.3. Enforcements  To note 1 Closure Notifications received – No Breach of Planning Control annexe is unoccupied and no manifestation of separate use established. (Confidential).

6.3. Arborfield Community Forum – to note that Mrs. Lewis would attend. Mrs. Lewis expressed concern that very little notice or publicity was given for a public consultation organised by the Marino Family regarding development of the houses on the Hogwood site at Arborfield.

7. FINANCE (Budgets/investments/sinking fund/grants/properties/risk assessments/insurance) Lead: Mrs. Clark

7.1. Accounts – the accounts were circulated. Mrs. Clark NOTED that the RFO was creating new codes to allow detailed tracking of specific budget items as requested by Mr Sampson.

7.2. Maintenance Contract for 5 street lights in The Street - it was PROPOSED and seconded that the contract with SSE would be signed. All in favour. 1

1 Clerk 4

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7.3. Public Sector Deposit Fund – it was PROPOSED and seconded that the signatories for this account would be Mr J. Anderson, Mrs. C. Clark, Mr G. Collender, Mrs. A. King and Mr P. Sampson. All in favour. 2


1 Moorepay - Payroll costs for July 26.72 2 Playground Facilities - Deposit for teen area at Riseley 2420.50 3 Stratfield Saye Estates - Rent for Riseley 600.00 4 D2D Distribution - Distribution of newsletter 312.00 5 Parish Council .net - Website hosting 144.00 6 WBC - Rates for Flat 1 68.42 7 WBC - Rates for the Marshes 159.09 8 John Dollin - Summer newsletter 878.00 9 PIMS - Repair faulty float switch 158.34 10 GLS - Floor pads, air freshener 112.62 11 Calico Trust - Half yearly rent 250.00 12 Cobwebs - Office cleaning 30.00 13 Cobwebs - Parish Hall cleaning 14 CCB - Annual membership renewal 75.00 15 Wood recycling - Annual cost for emptying bin 62.40 16 Grundon - Bins at Parish Hall for June 81.62 17 Grundon - Bins at Riseley Hall for June 81.62 18 Mrs. C Clift - Hall deposit refund 200.00 19 Mrs. S Masood - Hall deposit refund 50.00 20 Public Sector Deposit Fund 31700.00 21 Payroll - July 2970.23 22 Pension - July 794.08 23 Tax & Ni - July 700.80 24 Bank charges - 13.06.14 - 13.07.14 8.00

It was PROPOSED and seconded that the bills as listed be approved for payment, with the exception of 13) as the invoice had not been received. All in favour. 3

Stratfield Saye Estates – it was NOTED that thanks were due to the Stratfield Saye Estate for the one-off reduction on the ground rent (hall, car park and orchard) at Riseley from £900 to £600. 4

Marshes House and Flat 1 Fieldfayre – it was NOTED that Council Tax is being paid at both these properties but that a 50% reduction has been agreed for Flat 1 due to it currently being uninhabitable. WBC have allowed a 100% reduction for one month on The Marshes House, enquiries would be made about whether this could be extended. 5

2 RFO 3 RFO 4 Clerk 5 Clerk 5

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9. PARISH VISION (Parish plan/future of the parish/WDALC/BALC/AWE) Lead: Mrs. King

9.1. Parish Data – it was NOTED that Mrs. King is collating all the information she has about the Parish into a document which would be made available.

9.2. WW1 9.2.1. WWI Banners and Heritage Trail – Mrs.McDonald expressed thanks to the Clerk for all the research carried out in her own time and to Mrs.Clark for proof-reading the items. Once the banners have travelled around the Borough they would reside in the Parish Hall and the council would encourage local groups to display them at other locations in the parish. 9.2.2. WWI Memorial Garden – it was NOTED that the meeting on 3rd August was cancelled. Another meeting would be scheduled once there is progress to report. 9.3. Borough/Parish Working Group – it was NOTED that Mr Sampson and Mrs.King attended the first meeting of this group on 15th July 2014. Officers were appointed and there was a general airing of views by the parishes to WBC.

10. RECREATION (Play areas/skateboard park/recreation grounds/football pitches/mpg court) Lead: Mrs. Lewis

10.1. Riseley Rec Play AreaThe equipment for the Teen area has been ordered and would be installed as soon as it arrives from the manufacturer at the end of August. 10.1.1. Upgrade to surface under the seesaw – it was PROPOSED and seconded that quote PF701.143 be accepted. To install good quality synthetic grass around the see-saw; install an area of synthetic grass at the entrance gate; remove moss and algae from the safer surface areas. £2,286.28. All in favour. 6 10.1.2. Installation of 2 new pieces of equipment – it was PROPOSED and seconded that quote PF 701.160 be accepted. 1 snail seat and 1 double springer. £1,918.55. All in favour.7 10.2. MPG Court – it was NOTED that for Health & Safety reasons a quote for £720 to replace damaged fencing around the MPG court was accepted by the Council prior to the Parish Council meeting.

11. ENVIRONMENT (The Marshes/Van Demans/Swallowfield Meadow/Community Orchard/biodiversity/footpaths/waste) Lead: Mr. Sampson

11.1. NAG – it was NOTED that the next meeting would be held on 9th September, 9:45am at the Parish Office. This would also be the AGM.

11.2. Allotments – it was NOTED that an email had been received from the Allotment Association regarding break-ins at the allotments. The members have been advised to mark and photograph all their equipment to aid police when items are recovered.

11.3. Telescopic Posts at Riseley & Swallowfield Meadow – it was PROPOSED and seconded that a quote for £700 to install telescopic security posts be accepted. All in favour.8

6 Clerk 7 Clerk 8 Clerk 6

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11.4. It was PROPOSED and seconded that all beds around the War Memorial and in front of the Parish Hall be improved. All in favour. Granite Cross Memorial – it was agreed that the beds around the memorial would be tidied up in readiness for the WWI Heritage Trail being launched on 14th Sept 2014. After discussion, it was PROPOSED and seconded that the quote for £440 to carry out work on these beds be accepted, subject to a detailed specification being received and approved by Councillors in email. All in favour. 9

12. HUMAN RESOURCES (Appraisals/recruitment/staff training) Lead: Mrs. Stanley

Nothing to report.

13. TRANSPORT (Road and traffic issues) Lead: Mr. Handley

13.1. Charlton Lane consultation exercise – This was discussed at length. Mr Sampson expressed the opinion that the flyer to residents should be limited to a single page explaining the difference between the ETRO and advisory signs with the request that WBC, as the highway authority, be contacted directly with resident’s concerns and requesting that a copy be sent to the Council for information. Mr Collender disagreed and requested that the survey data is collected by the Council and that the Council submitted a response reflecting the collected data. It was agreed that Mr Handley would draft an explanation of the situation and tidy up/shorten the questionnaire. This would be distributed via email for consideration by Councillors. 10

13.2. Riseley Gateways – it was NOTED that Mrs.King and the Clerk met with WBC on 7th July 2014 as there had been a change of personnel. WBC have now confirmed that there is enough space at the chosen location and have asked their suppliers for a final quote on cost. WBC has also agreed to set up a speed collection system in September when the holidays are over, this would then be compared with previous data. Further suggestions were also made: marking the roads with 40mph, more repeater signs, talk to the police again. It was agreed to review after the investigations are complete.

14. COMMUNICATION (Newsletter/website/Annual Report/media) Lead: Mr. Collender

14.1. Newsletter – it was NOTED that the deadline for the next copy was 30th September 2014.

15. RESILIENCE (Flooding/ditches/rivers/ Flood Resilience Group ‘FRG’) Lead: Mrs. McDonald

15.1. It was NOTED that the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (DRAFT) is now available on the consultation section of the WBC’s website. The consultation is open until 31st October 2014. The FRG would be responding.

9 MM/Clerk 10 EH 7

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15.2. FRG – it was NOTED that the meeting on 31st July was re-arranged to 11th August, but this meeting was cancelled due to the fumes from the main hall floor refurbishment. A new date would be agreed.

16. HALLS (Maintenance/website/involvement with users/Marketing and Entertainment Groups) Lead: Mrs. McDonald

16.1. Halls Working Group – it was NOTED that the group met to carry out a maintenance audit, which would now be carried out 3 times a year. A list of items which need to be addressed has been handed to the Clerk, who would arrange for the relevant action. The PC would like to formally thank Mr Hibbard for redecorating the Rose Room. 11

16.2. Riseley Village Tea Room – it was NOTED that the Council would need to seek permission from the trustees at Stratfield Saye before RVTR could apply for planning permission to erect the sign. 12 It was PROPOSED and seconded that the design and proposed location of the sign be approved by the Parish Council. All in favour. 13 It was NOTED that the AGM would be held on Monday 8th September at 7pm in the RVTR. Mrs.McDonald and Mr Sampson would attend on behalf of the Council.

17. PROPERTY (Fieldfayre, The Marshes) Lead: Mrs.Clarke

17.1. The Marshes House - it was NOTED that The Marshes House is now vacant. To comply with insurance requirements, the property is subject to weekly checks which are recorded on an inspection log.

17.2. Fieldfayre – it was PROPOSED and seconded that Fieldfayre would be discussed in Part II. All in favour.


18.1. AWE – it was NOTED that the AWE Local Liaison Committee Meeting on 4th June 2014 was attended by Mr Jeff Moss and that the minutes had been received.

18.2. Swallowfield Show – it was NOTED that the organisers of the Swallowfield Show had been hit with unforeseen costs and were requesting that Parish Council loan them the blue plastic chairs at no cost for the 2 days of the show. It was PROPOSED and seconded that the fee for the chairs be waived; it is unlikely that the chairs would be required by anyone else. All in favour. 14

[Mrs.Clark did not take part in discussions on the following item]

18.3. Heartstart – it was NOTED that the Heartstart group are working very hard on fund raising for 3 defibrillators to be sited in Swallowfield, Risely and Farley Hill. They have a demand to run more Heartstart courses, for which no charge is made and have requested that booking fees be waived for use of the Davies Room for six 2.5 hr

11 MM/Clerk 12 Clerk 13 Clerk 14 Clerk 8

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sessions. It was PROPOSED and seconded that the booking fee be waived (£123.75) and that the Heartstart group would be asked to liaise with the booking clerk so that slots could be used to minimise any loss of revenue. 15

[Mrs.Clark re-joined discussions]


19.1. Russell Players – receipt of a letter from the Russell Players was NOTED. A copy of a letter sent to the WI on behalf of the Russell Players apologising for disturbance caused during a WI meeting had been received.

19.2. MPG Court – receipt of an email from a local teenager was NOTED, requesting football goal posts be painted on the end walls of the MPG court. Mrs.Lewis and the Clerk to investigate. 16

19.3. Receipt of an email from a local resident was NOTED, expressing concern about traffic on The Street, the Willow Tree development and children playing on the corner of Trowes Lane.

The meeting was temporarily adjourned for the next item


*NB: this is not a verbatim account of the questions and answers but information is provided to give a flavour of what was said.

20.1. Mr Norris – ETRO, are the signs in Riseley included? How widely would distribution of consultation leaflets be? Offered to help with distribution in Riseley. The signs in Riseley are included in the consultation, but are not subject to the ETRO. Leaflets would be distributed to Swallowfield and Riseley. The PC thanked Mr Norris for his offer of help.

20.2. Mr Norris – Play Area at Riseley, when the play area is complete would the Parish Council consider putting up a plaque saying ‘Courtesy of Swallowfield Parish Council’ as many residents don’t realised that these play areas are the responsibility of the Parish Council. The Council would consider the proposal.

20.3. Mr Norris – Riseley Gateways, what happened to the speed cameras promised? Mr Sampson stated that there has been a change of personnel at WBC and nothing more has been heard. The PC would try to establish the current position.

Mr Norris – could an invite be extended to WBC to visit Riseley to see the situation in person and to take part in a joint speed monitoring exercise with him? An invite will be sent to WBC saying that a local resident has requested a joint speed monitoring exercise. 17

20.4. Mrs. Greenway – there have been 2 dangerous back outs from Charlton Lane onto the Basingstoke Road, caused by lorries turning right into Charlton Lane from the Basingstoke Road, which is allowed. The lorries met an on-coming lorries already in Charlton Lane where there is no passing point. In one case unmarked scaffold poles

15 Clerk 16 HL/Clerk 17 PS/Clerk 9

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were sticking out from the back of the lorry. Both incidents could have resulted in serious accidents and have been reported to the police.

The ETRO has made a huge difference to our lives personally and is a good compromise as there is no magic solution to the problem.

20.5. Mrs. Greenway – why is Fieldfayre to be discussed in Part II? It involves finances relating to an individual.

20.6. Mr Greenway expressed concerns about the proposed ETRO/traffic sign consultation being proposed by the Council. He said that he thought the consultation would not necessarily get accurate information because people would not take into consideration the danger of the junction and that the bias of opinion would influence the Council’s feedback to WBC.

20.7. Mr Monk – the plants around the War Memorial are too high, they should be kept at knee height.

20.8. Mr Monk – what do the council know about the Gypsy & Traveller site identified for Beech Hill? Mr Anderson stated that this site is covered by West Council who are working on their plan for allocation of sites for Gypsy, Traveller & Travelling Showpeople . They have started the process of identifying suitable sites.

20.9. Mr Monk – please would the Council contact Mr Robins of Farley Estate to confirm their verbal conversation that the fence on Church Road would be located further back from the road to allow better pedestrian access. Mr Robins would be contacted by the Clerk. 18

20.10. Mrs. Monk – would the Caretaker be able to paint the lines for football goalposts on the MPG court? The Council would consider the proposal.

21. URGENT MATTERS AND/OR ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA Items for the September agenda: Gypsy and traveller local plan (GTLP) Draft Options Consultation Rose Room Wheelchair ramp Proposal to consider having a Health & Wellbeing Working Group (JA)

22. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 9th September 2014 at 7.30 p.m. in the Rose Room, Swallowfield Parish Hall, Swallowfield Street, Swallowfield .

18 Clerk 10