Hifi/Stereo Review March 1959
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STEREO POWER AMPLIFIERS --k o 2000 YEARS OF THE PIPE ORGAN RECORD CLASSICS FOR $1.98 4_ - 35¢ cab* J . %.1í 7 I / biot we = - 1 1;L am. 00 1,1 i ---y r--- OPTOW 000LO -- (pago 35) _ a ) a C7 z--. i lar A N 6 dDItn 3AY GNV1HOIH 61Z2 saY4oH1. 3 a Oars;Qetiro HARK AUDIOPHILE! Here is a Stereomonophonus Record with a Pigmented Compound that will reduce Crossover Distortion by a minimum'of ,Plus or Minus 4 D. B. are you sitting in the middle of this stereo jargon that is conjured to justify the high price of stereo records? There are absolute electronic añd record pressing quálity limits regardless of the price of stereophonic discs. Stereo -Fidelity manufactures tb the highest standard attainable in the recording arts. Equipment "and materials used are identical and in some cases superior to records, costing more than twice. as much. A complete cátalog assures 'you of every type of program from oratorio -to Dixieland. From the esoteric mystery of Russian folk songs to the stereo scored magnificence of "101 Strings" available at .better music counters ,everywhere. SOMERSET TH WONDROUS WORLD O it 11110211111, 1-\ at a sensible 2.913 for each 12 inch STEREO LONG PLAY STEREO FIDELITY IS MANUFACTURED BY MILLER, INTERNATIONAL CO., SWARTHMORE, PA U.S.A. sn t'tr in the first name hig fidcIit' turtbIest JAE. le ith hysteresis_, motor* at ' $ 9 5 net r K33H REK-O-KUT RONDINE KIT i '`Hysteresis motors are used in professional broadcast and recording studios. Specifications: Single -peed (331/3 rpm). CrownSpindle Belt Drive. Assembles in_30 minutes or less with ordi- nary tools. Built-in strobe disc. Noise level: 52db. $4911í turntable only. Toriearms - from $27.95; Bases - from $10.95; Mounting Boards from $4.95. Ir I I Rek-O-Kut Co., Inc. Dept. MR 3819 108th St. Corona 68, N.Y. Please send complete' information on the new Rondine REK-O-KUT K33H Kit with hysteresis motor. HIGH FIDELITY TURNTABLES Name TURNTABLE ARMS Address Export: Morhan Exporting Corp., 458 Broadway, New York 13, N. Y. Canada: Atlas Radio, 50 Wingold Ave., Toronto 10, Ontario City Zone State RK30 Róndlne-the Hysteresis Line...Engineered for the Studio...designed forthe home! blAñctt 1959 3 THE PAGE Serving the owners of Garrard- worid's finest record playing equipment- and other discriminating listeners. New 1rLPÁ/i1 Precision Stereo Arm for optimum performance with any stereo or monaural cartridge Smallest number of pivots reduces traversing friction ` \ to absolute mhelmum. Maximum freedom -of ' vertical movement is achieved by spring -loaded N \\ ` needle -typo ballbearing pivots, as in the finest chronometers. True professional performance results from Single hole mounting...lust measure Pfuginsh.il-the ideal die cast aluminum arm tit. radius, drill one itgtó,and mount stereo arrangement for construction. combining -no elaborate templates required; quick change of cartridge. low mass and rigidity. Arm Designed accommodate not only eliminates Knurled knob-quickly and to accurately every stereo and monaural resonances, also adjusts height for any turntable. but it pickup. tracks perfectly at the minimum pressure specified by the cartridge manufacturers. Coinslot stylus pressure adjustment easily accessible. ' simple and accurate. ,- -i1C Preinstitfed tone arm rest and safety lock. 4°"4 , 1. 'i Pm wired for stereo. Simplifies Glistening whkte enamel .a installation since leads end at terminal and chrome enhances your block. entire record playing installation. There's a Garrard'for every high fidelity system. Fully wired for Monaural and Stereo 'records. New Comparator Guide - FREE Garrard Sotrs`Corporatlon, Dept. Cit.t_il Port Washington, New York: Please tend your now comparator guide which compares all Garrard players and their advanced,leatures. RC95 eC8E RCtil/t! TA/57 301 am Yodr1Tén Sqvr Ortne Mew. Stem lraasaIptlen Te uaalctlon Manual Dann Chanel DUMPY ro» An. luintabls ~Maier Pion Name Kr:A 55150 54r.50 119.50 159,50 551.50 53250 GARRARD, SALES CORPORATION, OIV. OF RR!TISH iNOUSTRIÉS CORP.. PORT WASHINGTON, N. y Address - Canadian Inquinos to Ches. W. Pólntorp Ltd., 6'Atcine Aoo., Toronto Tcrtito,ies othor then U.S.A. and Canada is Garrard Enainoorinq & MIO. Co.s Lid.. Swindon, Wills.. England City State FEATURE ARTICLES HiFiREVIEW Musical Oddentities 8 Nicolas Slonimsky A celebratod musical lexicographer spots'the unusual-from Beethoven March, 1959 and Napoleon to Paderewski's dog Vol.2 No.3 Upbeat on Two Counts 35 Morton Gould The pertonol thoughts of hi -ti's most versatile Publisher music man Oliver Road Editor Have Pipe Organ-Can't Move 38 Robert Hazelleaf Oliver' P. Jerre!! A theater organ enthusiast tells about the inside anatomy of o monster and how it grew Musk Editor David Hull Beginner's Luck 42 David Hall Art Editor The novice collector who Saul D. Weiner knows what to look for con build d basic hi-fi library al rock -bottom cost Associate 'Editors Hans H. Fantel Warren DeMoffe On a Chassis Built for Two 45 Warren DeMotte Checklist and review of nine Assistant Editor dual power amplifiers designed for use with stereo preamps Rodney H.'wntrams Contributing Editors The Basic Repertoire: Part 5 of the "First Fifty" 49 Marlin Bookspan Martin Bookspan Ralph J. Gleason Beethoven's "Eroico" Symphony has Stanley Green phonographically challenged two Hat Hentoff duress conductors-some more than once George Jelllnek David Randolph Jahn Thornton The Well -Tampered Claviers 51 Hans H, Ftzntel Duo pianists Ferrante & Teicher Advertising Director pioneer o valid experiment? Mere John A. Ronan. Jr. gimmick? Monstrous perversion? Which? Advertising Manager Herb Olsaw REVIEWS ZIFF-DAVIS PUBLISHING CO.. Orie Park Your HiFi 'Concert 63 Martin Bookspan, David Hall, U`eorge Ave, New York lb., N, Y. William B. Ziff; Jellinek, David Randolph, John Chairman of the Board 51946-1953) William Thornton Ziff, President; W. Bradford Briggs, Execu- tive Vice President; Michael Michaelson, Vice President and Circulation Director; Hershel B. Sarnia, Secretary: Howard Stereo Disc Reviews 81 Marlin Bookspan, Ralph J. Gleason, Stoughton, Jr., treasurer; Albert Gruen, Art Hentoff, Director. Stanley Green, Nat George Jellinek, John Thornton BRANCH OFFICES: Midwestern Office 434 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 5, III., 'Toe Berry, Midwest Advertising Manager; 91 Ralph J. Gleason, Stanley Green, Western Office, Room 412, 215 West 7th Your Entertainment Mood St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.; James R. fierce, Nat Hentoff Western Advertísing,Manager; Foreign Ad- vertising Representatives: D. A. Goodall Ltd., London; Albert Milhado & Ca., Ltd-, 100 John Antwerp and Dusseldorf. The Stereo Reel Thornton SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Forms 3579 and all stroscription corre- spondence should be addressed to Cir- AND culation. Department, 434 South Wabash COLUMNS MISCELLANEOUS Avenue, Chicago 5, Illinois. Please allow at least four weeks for change of address. 53 Include your old address as well as new HiFi-ndings --enclosing if possible an `address label HiFi Soundings 6 Acrosound Ultra -Linear II Amplifier; Bell from o recent issue. 6060 Carillon Stereo Amplifier; Jerrold CONTRIBUTORS Just Looking 10 Master TV -FM Home System Kit; Knight Contributors are advised to retain a copy KN-1260K Ducted -Port Enclosure Kit; Ste- of their manuscript and illustrations. Con- phens Trusonic B-100 Speaker System: tributions should be melted to tho New Bookshelf 16 Stromberg-Carlson SR 490 AM -FM Tuner York Editorial office and rust be accom. panied by return postage. Contributions are handled with reasonable care, but this .26 Advertisers Index 105 magazine assumes no responsibility for their Sound and the Query safety. Any acceptable manuscript it sub ject to whatever adaptations and revisions The Flip Side 106 are necessary to meet requirements of this publication. Payment covers all author's rights, titles and interest In and to the Cover illustration by Chuck McVicker material accepted end will be made at our current rates upon acceptance. All photos end drawings will be considered as part of material purchased. REVIEW is published monthly by Ziff -Davis Publishing Company, William B. Ziff, Chairman of the Board (1946.1953), at 434 South Wabash Ave., Chicago 5, III. Second class postage paid at Chicago. Illinois. Authorised by the Pelt Office Department, Ottawa, Ont., Canada as second class mailer. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono year U.S. and possessions, and Canada 54.00; Union all other foreign countries 55.00. anno Average Net Pan-American countries $4.50; i paid Circulation Copyright 1959 by ZIfF-DAV)S PUBLISHING Company All rights reserved o0 123;953 eY X1,1` J use this check list when selecting the record changer for HiFi Soundings your stereo/mono high fidelity system By David Hall RUMBLE, WOW AND FLUTTER-These mechani- cal problems, especially pertinent to stereo STEREO-A SPUR TO MUSIC LISTENING reproduction, require maximum attention to design and engineering for suppression. I-ic who has been lured by the sonic blandishments of stereophonic hi -11 Check the new GS -77 is likely to agree that things will never he quite the same. Gone arc the RECORD CARE-Dropping reccird on moving days when one could flop an LP on the record player, set the volume level turntable or disc during change cycle causes and settle back to enjoy a favorite symphony, the M:mtovani strings or grinding of harmful to grooves. surfaces selections by the Modern Quartet. Now you don't dare sit back- Check Turntable Pause feature of new Jazz GS -77. stcrcophonie hi -ft compels active listening. Similar to TV, it demands undivided attention. STYLUS PRESSURE-Too little causes distor- tion; too much may damage grooves. Check this feature of the new GS -77: difference As the era of disc stereo rounds out' its first year, records and equipment in stylus pressure between first and top rec- show significant improvement in quality and operating case. Cartridges ord in stack does not exceed 0.9 gram.