The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Tru st


l'RESIUEN1 rh e R t. H on. Sir J oh n Latham , G.C. ~I. G., Q .C. CHAIRMA N Dr . H . C. Coombs EXEC T IVE DIR ECTO R Hn gh H unt HON . ~ECRETARY \l a11ricc Parker

STATE REPRESENTAT IVES: \ew ,0111/i \Va le, ~Jr. C. J. A. Moses, C.B.E. Queensland Pro fessor F. J. Scho nell \ Ve1'LCrn Au~Lra li a Profe ssor F. Alexander \'iuoria Mr A. H. L. Gib son '>ou1h Aus1ra lia Mr . L. C. W ate rm an ra ,ma ni a Mr. G. F. Davies

Forew ord: In its first SMson th e Elizabethan Tru st Op era Company prese1Jted a season of f our M ozart Operas . Thi s was an am­ ... and the best bitious beginn ing and sho wed beyond doubt that an enormous way to trave l demand f or classical opera exists in thi s counlry . A prngra1m1Je u•hich i1J ENrope or Am erica UJould be regarded as fo od for the is by connoissem only, here pro1•ed a popular di et f or all. This season pro vid es an opp ortunity for the presentation of some operas that are ?l'ell -known and well-loved, more samples TAA fflleOIJJJl/1 fro111 the- world 's storeho use of operati c treasures. The cost of Peopl e who like the best include TA in their such a season is very great. 111/e are m ost fortunate in I he genero us supp ort of Stal e Go1,ernmenls , City Councils and in the prcferenc:es. They enjoy the luxury and superiority co-operaliolJ of th e Au stralian Broadcasting Commi ssion, UJhich of TAA Viscount s - the quiet, poi ed performa nce alone makes p ossibl e the continued lif e of th e Company, but it of Rolls-Royce turbo-prop motor s, the highly is Hpon you, the theatr e-goer of , that the Opera must efficient pressurisation and air-conditio ning. alway s most rely. the accomp lished hostess service. O11r Nationa l talent fo r the performan ce of opera has amply demonstrated itself both at hom e and abroad; if thi s talent goes f orwa,d wit h the widen ing appreciation of the art, th en the future of the lyric theatre in Au stralia is assured.

Next time yo u mak e a11i11 terstate jo1m 1ey, hook to fly by ' AA NPV57 1______CHAIRMA N .

: :: ,::: ::::: :: ::: :: ::::::r ; ; :; ;; ; ;;;;;; 5 ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ; ·· ii'. H !! ~c 3

nr I' n h ii ,. d IIA~fHE R\\\ ~ H as achieved brillianL success as lyric-dra matic soprano since leaving Au s- 1ralia in 1936. Before going overseas she was a violinist with Conservatorium ancl Philharmonic orche slras, and a spor tswoman of championship sta ndard . She was engaged for princip al roles with the Vienna State Opera after studying lan ­ guages and opera in that city, and shortl y afterward$ was asked to appe~r with the lat e Sir Henry J. Wood at the opening -of Lon­ don's Promenade Concerts. During World W ar 11 she combine d ambulance drivi ng in London's East End with concert and opera tic performances, severa l of which were given in air raid shelters during the "blitz" . Followi ng a recital tour of Australia in 1946, she returned , as the lu st post-war guest artist , to the Vienna State Opera . This was followed by a rec ital tour of Sout h Africa , a series of app eara nce s in all the leadin g opera hou ses and concert hall s in the United Sta tes and Canada , British Isles, East and Central Africa and . In addition to being the first British artist to sing in Ru ssian in Moscow's Bolshoi I heatre since the Revolution , she was also the first Au strali an to sing in thi s, the world's largest opera h ouse. Following her appeara nces with the Elizabethan Tru~t Opera Company in "" and " " , she will return to concert and TV in the United Kingdom , to be followed by a tour of the Uniled ·1ates and Europe , includ­ ing Scandinavia.

. . ~ ...... - ~ ...... • .e .• .• .e .• .e .e .••• . . .I . ~ ...... -- ' ...... ~ ...... ~ ...... - ...... ·.·.· . . I .••••••• ...... , ...... ·.·.· ...... ' I • .• .• • • • • . • ...... "...... ·...... ·.·.·.·.·.·.. -.·-~·:·.·.. ~ ·.·.·.·.·.· ... - FUR SALON 7TH.FLOOR. THE TRUST BUILD ING 155 1309 , KING STREET • BW 137KING° sf N.EWTOWN LA3441 At MissendenRd.Corner


Return s to Au sualia for the litst 1i111e since 1946, 10 appear in " La Boheme" and "The Bart ere d Bride" for the Elizabethan Tru st Opera Company. :\ ow p1in cipal oprano at CO\ent Gar­ den. she was recently acclaimed by the London p1ess for her int er pretation of Gilda in " Rigol etto ", whil st guest arti st with the Sadler's Wells Op era Co111pan1. Recog ni sed as one of th e foremost opera lie and oralm io ~opranos in England, she won the ,\l elba ~cholarsh ip in 194 1. and la1e1. wi1h the help of the citizens of Balla- /;, 1at, \'i cto , ia (her birthpl ace), she ,111died ff at Londo n \ Ro)a l ,\ cade my of lllu sic. Dur­ ing he1 fn,t ,ear at the Acade m1 she won a [11r1he1 ,c holar, hip and th e Qu een 's 1'1ize. After th1ee years with the Sadler's \Veils Compan y she made her first app earanc e with the Ghndcbou1ne Companv in Stravin sk\ \ "The Rak e's Progre ss" at the 1953 Edinbu1gh Fcsti,al. J he role of Mimi in " La Boheme" is one of her mo st famous, alt hough she ha, c,tab lished , uch a formidable rep erto ire in both opera and orator io during the la,1 few )ea , s as to m ake selec tion difficult. 1 ear ly one hundred worker s are includecl in he, orat o, io re pertoir e, making it one of the mo st comprehensive of any living singe r to-day. In addi tion she ha s sung the role of "11'1ena" in Arwel Hughes' opera of the ~·:: ,_: a_:_e,;..:_~~ ~~~ ,,~ ~.lsh National Opera Compan ~y_.______,:,



One of Au stralia' s leadin g teno rs, he is known both here a nd overseas fo r hi s performances in opera , oratorio and on the concert platform . On comp letio n of th e Elizab et han Opera Compan y's 1957 sea ­ son , he will return to Sadler's \,Velis Opera Compa ny, of whic h he h as been a member since 1955 .

. C\"tt~on 1{.\'\'f- THEATRE \l-' NEWT OWN FRIDAY, 4th OCTOBER, 1957

THE AUSTRALIAN ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TRUST presents the World Premiere of Visibly HEALING Better TV "THESHIFTING HEART" by RICHARD BEYNO • Alum inised tu .be !. for deepe,t 'bldcks' and brighte st "whites' with d f1dl range of in­ between shade\, HEALING Wi th an All-Su,r Cast

• Opti cal filter safety gl ass to eliminate gla re LY DALL BARl.lOUR NEVA CARR-GLY RI CHARD BEY ON and reflection. Manhattan TOM FARL EY DJ AH SHEARING FR A K WATERS • Healin g signal ock to screen out static and prevent ''roll over" ,ma· distortion. 17" X 21" GO RDO ' GLE ' WRIGHT K EITH JAR VIS • Du M ont Stead i beam lo bring you uniform Produ ced by 1\'l'A Y HOLLI ' WORTH picture quality whether the t-,tion sig nal is steady or v-,ryrnq Consolettes FIR T PRJi,E : Sydney J ourna list Club Pl ay Competition . 1956. • 10 channel turret tuner lei receive all c.h..•rnne1 that may be clllolted from ,\djucli ca t01s: Pla ywright s' Advison l\oarcl • Aut omatic eladrostdtic focus -,nd twin con The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust troh to orolect ag

9 Sopranos


THE SPIDER WILMA WHITNEY For centuries in the Japanese theatre , the Kabu ki dramas have used " interp retative make-up" - standard co lour s and pa ttern s for different per so nality types. The face of a good man, for instance, is painted white; the face of a wicked man is pain ted red - the exact shade of red determined by the extent a nd degree of hi, wic,cdness . Thi s gentleman is cast in the role of the Spider - the mo st wicked character of them all. Theatrical make-up , whether it be used in Japa n, Australia or any other part of the world. is based on oih and waxes. SHELL scientists in laboratories around the world arc constantly improving the quality and ver satilit y of these materials used for theatrical purposes. Sl,oll sen •cs Australia . e YOU C ' BE SU RE OF SHELL 476/ E JOY MAMMEN 10 11 *Recapt"u t1ethe thr' ill! Sopranos of the Opera Sea&ot1

with these magnificen* t recordings by the brilliant soloists ...

ELSIE MORISON JOAN HAMMOND 33 THE (Hondel) Complete record- ki~harJ1t!wis,MNr~~~n~n~=a~~'.eHTuhd°d"!~~ 33 OPERATIC AND SONG RECITAL field Choral Society and Liverpool Phil­ (With Orchestra) OALP 1076 harmonic Orchestra, conductor Malcol m Sargent. (Organist Ernest Cooper.) ll0CX.11 46/ 8 lJ SONG REC ITAL OBLP 1073 l3 THE BEGGAR'S OPERA (Goy Popu.c h, MADG E STEPHENS FLORE N CE PON G Austin} . Recorded by a Double Cast Actors and Singers : Elsie Morison , John Cameron. 33 PUCCINI OPERATIC ARIAS OBlP .10B6 ; -.,_,_,_,, ~~ Ar~o ~~~he~sra and ChorusoCLP.~OS~~i 13 VERDI OPERATIC ARIAS OALP. 1407 33 ISRAEL IN EGYPT (Hondel) . Recorded ;n i {See General Ca tal ogue for co mpl ete list English Elsie Morison, Monic a Sinclair, I of Joan Hammond's records.) Ri, hord lewis. Hudder~field Choral Society and Liverpool Philharm onic Or chestra , con­ ! ___.,_ ___ I ductor 330CX.1347/8 0------I i other outst anding OPERATIC RECORDS fr om the Tlw ign of a I catalogues of "His Master 's Voice ," Columbia, Decca 1 SUPERIOR HOTEL I u If/ ell Li keel * So Economi cal TOSCA TAL ES O F HOFFMANN I * l3 TOSCA (Puccini) Complete reco rding with G;gi; OALP 1020/ 1 33 TALES OF HOFF MANN (Offenbach) . Com­ The Carlton Hotel-Sb Castlerea g h Street, Sydney. BW 5541. I n TOSCA (Puccini). Complete plete record ing film from the Sound Tra ci The Rex at King's Cross-58 Macleay Street, Potts Poinr. FL 3341. recording with with Robert Rounsville, Doro thy Bond. I The Rex at Bondi-Corner Beach Road and Glenayr Avenue. FY 7247. Maria Meneghini Callas Giuseppe Di Stefano , Tito Gobbi ' LXTA.2S82/4 The Rex at AiMlie, Canberra- ·limestone and A inslie Aven ue. J 3351. 330CX. I094 / S The Rex at Cammeray -Mi ller Street, Cammeray. XB 8952. 13 TOSCA (Puccini) . Complete recording with 33 I The Rex at Kogarah-Railway Parade, Kogarah. LW 5651. Renata lobaldi LXTA.2730/1 ~fe~:s r~:or~i~;F~ A~r~nJ~ff()~~~;-~~~~~~ Orchestra and Chorus. Conductor And re t~:~:: :i ~hrr~;~~Thi~r~~~~brThi~~ulRa1~~· Pagew oo d. FJ 6046. LA BOH EME Cluytens ...... 330CX.l 1S0/2 i The Seobreeze at Tom Ugly's Point. LJ 1211. The Rex at St. Marys- ueen Street, St. Mary s. St. Mary, 346, 33 ~A BOHE~E . (Puccln;J, Complete record­ innwith G1acmto Prandelll , Renata Teb aldi I H, de Gueden ...... LXTA .2622/j BARTERED BRIDE All l~ex 1/otels are famous for - l3 L~ B~ HEM E {Puccini) , Comple te recording 33 BARTERED BRIDE- Ov erture (Smetana ). I w it ~ Victoria De Los Angeles , Jussi Bjorling, Philharmonia O rches tra, Conductor Paul MODERN and CO 'IFORTABLE ACCOl\lMODATION Luc1ne Amara, Robert Merrill. OALP.1409/10 * Kloti k; ...... lJOCX.1164 i * QU LITY MEAL * EVENING ENTERTAINMENT Available now at all Int er- Hote l Acc.ommod at io n Ser vice on Req uest I Gf.l ~~ FL 3341 i leading record stores W ed di ng s C o nvent io ns, e tc . cat ered for. ~ ~- •-- u_ ,,_ .,_ .,_ ., .,__ o_Rl.192/o_ ,,H_.;.P. I 12 13 Tenors



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BOOKS ON OPERA ... Act I: The Church or Sant' ndrea della Valle. THE DECCA BOOK OF OPERA I 64 h1 fo11c L irtir6s rt o ly 1Jxom1nod by th,rty .1x 1eod ng i, '-h t A rd b K1o;b, r lllu roted. • .\ngcloLll, an e,caped prisone1, enters the Church, remO\es a ke) Price 49/9 (Postoge 2 6) [10111 it, hiding place in a shrine, and hides in the Atta,,u1· Li Chapel. THE VICTOR BOOK OF OPERAS, by Louis Biancolli and Robert Bag•n The Sacri,Lan enter:, with a bunch o[ paint brnshes he ha, deaned 101 iJot Is �rid t t he grr>of 1pero• Comp1et, ly revised inciuding oddd no t.H ro� r r v u y mi tod. 11 udac. D doto !ed 1i·t f 01 R.C A. Victor Operatic i\la1io C.avarado,:,i, a religious ani:,L, who i, painting in the chu1ch. c. ord� Vv, u +roft1d. 1\la1io emer,, unco,·er, the can\'as, a painting 0£ i\far) ,\lagdalen. rh Price 62 6 ( Postage 2 -) Lhe ',acri,Lan leaves, Angelotti, thinking he i, alone, lca,t, hi, hiding MODERN OPERA STORIES, by Gladys D•vidson

+h r y p;: darn lpF ty Br platt. I le recognises C:a\'aradossi as a political >)mpathi,er, and e�pla1m hi, t,c.1pc from the pri;on ol 'ant' r\ngelo. The a1 ri,al ol the lamous Price 26 (Posl•ge I0d.) i ,i11ge1. l mra, who is in love with ,\lario, pmtponcs r\ngcloui's e:,cape. J OPERA BIOGRAPHIES, by Gladys Dovidson "-"' A. ro t +h v s ond r E nqer o notiono o ,,.. ave be me She lt·a,c,, and the t1vo men, startled b) a ,·annon hot, huniedl) �,. r uc1+ " qe thP. w r d ll1u l•oted. i� Price 26 - ( Postage I -) e,cape. Sca1 pia, Lhe h:11ed chief ol polite, enter,, orders a search of the 'j OPERA WORLD, by Daniol Blum chapel, and fmd, enough e\'idemc 10 cominu: him ol ?lfario's pail in A I I P rd he 952 1953 a1d 95] 954 , o,on ol lhe Mel ivpoliton '- • the e,cape. f t f1 ,:1;1d the St,n Fr nc1 Opuro toqti•hor with op1ous llustrot1on• c the nPw pr duction rind the leading inqers. C. nto1n olc; authoritative art r f )pnrc1 Eur >pP rind t"I lunt c t thA Aflding mus,r nnf�r*o1ners Price 51 6 (Postage I 2) Act 11: The fan1esc Palace. POCKET BOOK OF GREAT OPERAS, by Henry W. Simon •nd Abroh•m Veinus P f' di , >rr pa r rod· ph qroph ftr r � tor erious tudy )r 1mple 'J mca ;mill, Lo sing in a cantata, bC'ing ptc,cmed in honou1 ol a sen ·nr If 19 poqe , lr t nd o bb-poge +hemot gu,d, Price 4/9 (Postage 5d ) 1 cponed ,ictor) 01er Bona pane. \ Vhilst -,he is inging, Scarpia's men captmc Ca\'a1ad11,,i. ,\t 'carpia's command, To:,ca goes to his apart­ ment, and is forced Lo listen to the 1ortu1 e ol CaYaradossi. She pleads OUR L.P. RECORDS INCLUDE for him, and Sca1pia, imem on his own conquest of Tosca, offers LO SMETANA: Bartered Br de (Cumplete Record,ngl. Solo1Sls Ch r nd stage a fal e extcution in return !or her compliance. As he turns to lr hestro of Prague No•ionol Opera J l.P. s. LPV9 1/ IJ £8 12/6 embrace her, :,he stabs him, and steals from the apartment, taking the safe conduct leLLer given her b) Srarpia. PUCCINI: c, o' (Highlights) One l.P 12" Soloists and Milon Or heslr•. N.00201L £2 12/6 PUCCl�I: 'La Boheme' I Opera or Orchestra). One L.P, 12' Andre Kosteloneh and his Orchestra. Act I 11: Castel ant' Angelo. KLL502 £2/ I 1/- 'l he firing part) conduct Cavaradossi to the roof of the castle when BOO KS L. P. R E C O R D S the jailet tells the artist he ha one hour before execution. He begins MUS IC to write a farewell letter to Tosca, who then enters, shows him the letter ol ,afe conduct, and tells him that the execution will be a fake-part of her bargain with carpia. Cavaradossi asks at what price the bargain wa · made. She tells him and explains the laying of Scarpia. The firing part) arrives, ·avaradossi falls, in what Tosca supposes to be a pre­ tended death-but carpia has tricked her. Her lover lies at her feet­ a corpse. Cries came from below as Scarpia' murder is discovered. Jn despair, To ea throws herself from the parapet.

16 17 ELIZABETHA:N THEATRE * ,...,,. (I S('(IS0/1 l'llftllllett('('(l Fritl(ly, 61/, se,,lember, 1957 TIIE \llSTH \LI \N ELIZABETHA THEATRE TRUST

presents * THE ELIZABETHAN TRlST OPERA COMPANY * in * * \111,11 '" I'{ (( l'\I I ih1l'llo ll\ llli1.1 .111d (,1.1

with TJIE �n DI\E, SY IPJION\ ORCIIESTHA ),t'ildt·I ROBER'! 1\ll l.Ll�R I\\ "''" 1<·,, of J he Australian Broadcasting Commi"ion C.011ductm. ERIC CLAPII 1\I

CII \RAC:TER",: . \LJ I: l'hc Chui eh of Andrea della Valle, Rome. Flot ia l'c ,11 JH,1 (C.h1tl ol l'olH l') JOI! Sil\\\' Ccs.uc \11gl'lott1 (an l·'l,l)>t:d 1'1i,011t·1) 1\El L EA� TO • ",ani,1;111 JOH ' YOU C THERE WILL BE TWO l TER.VAL OF FIITEE MINUTES EACH 'ipoletta ( \gl'nl of Police) CREGORY DEMP�EY Gaolet OEL IcCABE :-.111�ical Di rector - - - - JO EPH PO T Sciarrone (a Gendarme) DES PATTER O 1 f P1 odu tion b) - - - - AR1 OLD MATTERS A Young Shepherd J DITH STAFF <;cene1, and o,tumes de igned by TIM WAL TON < HURCH O!Ci\11ARIE�. CHOR!� J £RS. �OLOIER�. Cl 11/E.i �. ET . PAMELA COLE.?-1.\1', ALERIE EARL. DOROl HY HI l Cll, ROSALIND KEE '£, MARGARETH LAN I 'GAN, UETTl'-!E • McCAUGHA , GLORIA McDO ELL, GWE DELL OBERG, JA 1E ROSS, JUDITH TAFF, ELI/.ABETH WEST, JOSEPH DREWNIAK, Music taff: ANTO Y FE F.CH, WAVER EY FORO, JOHN GERl\IAIN. LEO ERIC CLAPHAM GEORG TI T ER McKERNA , MURRAY MARDARDY, NOEL McCABE, PETER GEORGE HUMPHREY NORTH, WALTER RYCHTOW Kl, FERDINA D TO Cl, Gl'-10 ZA CA 'ARO. With Messrs. GERARD FIELO, IlRUCE LA RENCE, WESLEY LAOD, • DUDLEY O'KEEFE, DO POWELL, BRIAN RICHARDSON, MAX BROW . ARTHUR KEN EDY. General Manager - - - ROBERT QUE TJN Musi<-ul Direclor uud Princ·i ut Com/11t'lor Opera Staff: p P1odt1< t11111 l>i1t.'llOJ \I !:.I•.\\ II \\G JOSEPH POST ",t,1gt· \l.111ag<.·1, \I 111. J HO�IP�O\, JOII\ UOWEY , ..,,,1.1111 '-,rage.· \Lu1,1gt:1 RICH \Rll \IOONEY Fi1st conducted grand opera B11,111t·,, \I.rnagn * l Ol I, \ \ \ EY\\E:--1 and "mphoni at the age of 26. Now one Opc.:1a '-it:rrc1a1, JIFI E\ \I, \RA of Ali..tralia\ mrn,L distinguished conductors, * his wo1 k i, known th1011ghout Amtralia and Clud \kd1.inisi \OR\1\\ P\Rk.E.R ;\Cw /ealand.'( ll lll.111 \I E:\ YOl 'IC Jn 19•1i he wa, appointed a,;ociate con­ P1 op<·11, \(a"lt'I l R \ \ l \ H)I \I ER ducto, of the SHlne, '>ymphony Orcl1e>1ra. \\ ,t1d10IJC \lt,11<.·.,, \I\R\ 1'0:\0'1 and m 1918 was mvi Led by the new I) ,formed \\',irdroln \l;P.,tt·1 Pllll IP COPE Au,tralian '\atio11al Opera Company LO be· C:oifle111 PA I �IIA\V come p1 i1H i pal conduuor. ' lie ha, the distinction of being the fir,t Pt1hlu11, RO:\ ;\ I I L '\ l'l Ill I( 11 \ I' l\ I ID. '"lney /\u,11 ahan to be sent 011 exchange lO Eng­ Rq>1<·"·ntatne: llF. l l\' B\ I F\I \ 'I) land with a B LI C. conductor In 1953 he conduuecl the Roial Performance of "Tales of I loflm,11111", 1d1ich Her �lajest, the Queen a11c1uled al 1he Ptincev,. 1lieau-c, �felbou1nc. Elizabethan Theatre B, ,tllangement with the ,\.B.C., he was appointed mu;ical director and principal (,l'IH.:1;,1( \l,lllagt·J J \\IF\ �111 l \ co11d11uo1 rm the 1936 Elizabethan Trust Mozart Opera 5eason Commonwealth ·1 our \.,slstant �1anagn \I\R\ R\\1110\ and {011111111e, i11 1hat capacitv for this season. I rca,un·1 P\ l I I \ RR l• l I ( hid \It-, hani,t TOR )Oil\ ( l l (,\I()\ I Chief F.leu1iua11 I LI/\ IHTII \ '\ ROBER I C:ll'\\'lN(,JI\\I iJ!lusical Staff (;hid P1oper1y �la\lc1 l lll \TIU I \C k. HE l l 1\0\ 1'11hliut, RO\ PI l rJ, \ l'l HI I( I I\ r PI\ I. Ill ... ERIC CLAPHA:\l

The �la11;.1gcnu:nt n·,et,t.•_., 1lw 1iglu 10 m,tkt• ,Hl) aht·�a1io11 in tht· ca,t \\hich 111.n ht· rendered nclcs,:11) b) illne,, or ill1) olher 1111,n rndablc <.n1,e. ..\ :S:ew /ealancle1, he became the The ;\l,111agc1ucnl lt'Sl't, er, till' 1 igh1 of n..·fusin� .ulmi"ion H� lhl: Theat_rc. Tnking pholog-raphs dn1i11� th<.· fll'tfmmanu.· of 1111, p1ocluc11011 1, prolulH_ lt·d. 111�t pianist a11d conductor with �he Bo10\an· �moking i, 1101 pc1 milfl•d in 1hc \11\ll11t·1. costumes performances. by IllE TALE\ Ol HOH' I.\:\\ b, anangcm,·nt w11h fh<' '\a110nal I hcatre \!o,crncnt, llklbo111ne P,ojcc:101 Slides pamted b) DES�IONDF DOWl\l '(, (.\BC TV). Pointe and Characte1 Shoes and Tights supplied by J. BLOCH. or . ydne,. G EORG TI 'TN ER: Had his first experience of conducting as boy conducwr with SENIOR SERVICE cigarettes and pipe tobacco supplied b) \I' l) & H. 0 WILLS the \'ienna llo\>' Choir. Later became a pupil of world.famous conductor and (AU T.) LTD VATRJC vacuum cleaner for theatre use supplied b • VATR! di,cctor of \'ienna State Opera, Felix Weingartner. Conducted th.e Au.ckla�cl ELECTRICAL APPLIA CES LTD. All minerals supplied by courtesv S HWEPPES Chmal ocict)' and Auckland String Players for several years af�er �1s arnval 111 LTD. PHOE IX sewing machine for costume work supplied by courtesy of J. PIERRE \'cw /ealand in 1940, and after joining the ational Opera durmg 1tS 1954 ew COUVE ,· CO P'1\' LI ll "L\STlGF �TRF I Cl! NYLO'IV' /ealand tou,, 1etu1ned with the Company to )dney, and conducted subsequent h) PRES I ICE 1 'ESCAFE supplied bv comtcs) ESTLE'S FOOD SPE IALITIES (AUST.) LTD. ,ea,011s in Brisbane and ewcasLle. Members of the ST. JOHN A \tnULA CE BRIGADE arc in aucn

HIGHOPERATIC RECORDINGS FIDELITY FROM ���·.v-� You can cnJoy living performances from the world's fines! operas and artists in your own home with these wonderful D.G.O. high-fidelity recordings. Many more are available.

MADAME BUTTERFLY-PUCCINI ung in Italian-Entrance of Bu11erfly, Flower Duer, One Fine Day, Love Duet. Maria Scader, soprano; Herta Topper, contralto; Cornelius Van Dijk, tenor. Chorus of the Munich State Opera -Munich Philharmonic Orchestra. Con­ ductor· Heinrich Hollreiser. 10" L.P. llV,. 17017 LPE JOHN SHAW GREAT OPERA CHORUSES I ,ccrpls from Don Pasquale (Donizctti)­ Fau�l (Gounod) Bartered Bride (Smetana)­ fhe Merry Wives of Windsor (Nicolai)­ Lohcngrin (Wagner) - Die Meistersingers (Wagner)-Tannhauser (Wagner)-Chorus of OPERA CHORUSES (lllustralod) the Bavarian Radio. 1 Soldiers' Chorus - "Faust" 12" l.P. ll /,. 19048 LPEM (Gounod); Servants' Chorus­ MARRIAGE OF FIGARO-MOZART "Don Pasquale" (Donizetti); Excerpls in German Annelies Kupper, Chorus of che Blessed Spirits­ soprano; Mrria tadcr, soprano; Elfriede " 0 rphc u, and Eurydice" rro1,chel, soprano: Josef Metternich, ; (Gluck): The loon Chorus­ Josef Grcindl, bass. The Berlin Philharmonic "Thc l\1crrv Wives of Windsor" Orehcsira onductor: Fritz Lehmann. The ( icolail · Bavarian Radio Orchestra. Conductor: Fugen 7" E.P 45. 30204 EPL Jochum 12" L.P. ll'/,. 19066 LPEM ALAN LIGHT - F,cerp1, in Italian Ri1a TRISTAN AND ISOLDE-WAGNER Streich. ,o prano; Petre l·.,ccrpt, in German Astrid Varnay, soprano; Munteanu, tenor; Hermann Herta I opper, al10: Margarete Klose, alto: Kim hdc, baritone: Kurt Bohme, Borg. hass: Wolfgang Windgassen, tenor. bass Munich Philharmonic Wurllemberg talc Orchestra. Conductor: Orcl,c,1ra Rl.\'i Simphoni Ferdinand I eilner OrchesCra. Berlin Wurncm­ 12" L.P. ll'/,. 19018 LPEM berg late Orcheslra, Stuttgart 1------, Conduc1ors Ferdinand Leitner. e 1s Arl ur Rother I ��li p: e�:+ri��l t'�:tstrtes, I Street, Sydney, 10" L.P ll1/, 17011 LPE I 69-7) Clarence I ��1ut� th 0 r t I D1.1·1nh111"cl hi' � Q i\5st c1�� Phfli:S,if PJ1�do� \�d D.G!&� �:?:�:; sheeh. Or, 1f you are, send us the names of vour I I friend\ who would like to receive them. I PHILIPS I NAME ------·-- I I I ELECTRICAL I ADDRESS ------I INDUSTRIES I I NEIL EASTON 22 Baritones


• • • Producers of the Operas

ARNOLD MATTERS: Ha s returned to Australia to produce "Tosca" and "O tello" for the Elizabethan Tr ust Opera Company . Known affectionate ly as " J\!r. Sadler's ,v eils' ', cine to hi s length) association, both a, bass-baritone gue t producer and foundation membe r of the Company, The very life-giving propertic~ of the ,un itself are captured in he was given his hrst importa nt engage ment as assis tin g artist b) Dame Nel lie Melba , who heard him sing at a concert in Ad elaide. every drop of Chateau I anunda Brandy. Jn addition to a building repertoire of 90 principal operatic roles, he ha, The gra pes-maturing in the bountiful Spring and Summer abo sung lieder and oratorio . H e appeared as Sir Rob ert Cecil in the Coronation opera, "Cloriana", before Her Maj esty Qu een Elizabeth. sun,hine of the famou, Barossa Valle) in South Australia ­ absorb the sun's Yitai properties and arc then picked, prcs ed STEFA HAAG: Has ach ieved mu ch distinction as an opera producer in Au stra lia and distilled to provide th e nation's finest pure gra pe bra ndy. since his arr ival in I 939 as a member of the Vienna Boys' Choir . Hi s produ ctio n of "The Consul" crea ted theatrical h istory when pre sent ed by the ational Theatre Moveme nt in Melb ourne , and prior to leaving to further hi s studi es in Europe he also produced " Cosi Fan Tull e" and "T osca ". Last year he produced "The J\!agic Flute" and "C osi Fan Tutte" for the Mozart Opera Season rour of Australia .

ROBl LOVEJOY : Is one of the mo st versatile pers ona liti es of Au stralia n theatr e. CHATEAUTANUNDA Actor, prod ucer and designer, his work is kn own through ou t Au strali a and ew 1 Ze~l~n~, and in London. ~is settings for '.'The Rival s" in 1956 won the Sydney 5/J;,e cA>aNtly r/ 0t:1 lh1olt"u1t Cnt1cs Award for the years best production , and were also featur ed in Vogue mar,:a,ine . In 1953 he _ wa s ab le to study over~eas tr ends , assisted by the Inter ­ N .S.W . AGENTS : TUCKER & CO . PTY . LIMITED , 335 KENT ST. , SYD NEY nauona l Theatre In stitut e (UNESCO) Travelling Scholarship. In addi tion to produci ng "La Bohem e", he ha s also de signe d and prod uced "'T he Relap se" for CT3 3 the 1957 Elizabethan Tru st Drama Company Tour of the Commonwealth . ' 24 2/i ;;; ~ ...i 0 '° · ·-- 11- 1,_ ,,_ o_ ,, ... \) C: ~ 0 ~ .c E 3 0.. i .. :3 Other Notable Australian ~ g Singers I , . - -0 APPEAR! G WITH THE COMPANY 0 u .. ""§ ·a. C: ., i J ,., PA IELA COLE IAN , VALERIE EARL , DOROTHY HITCH , ROSALIND ;..... C: ~ KEE E, i .r, '"' ~ I MARGARETH LAN I GAN , BETTIN£ McCAUG HA H GLOR IA McDONELL , GWENDELL OBERG , JAN 1 E ROSS, ELIZABETH i ~ i WEST, JO SEPH DREWNIAK , A1 TONY FENECH , WAVER , EY FORD , ]] .: i E.., i JOHN GERMAI LEO McKER 1 AN , MURRAY MARDARDY , NOEL McCABE, PETER NORTH , WALTER RYCHTOW KT, FER.DI, AND i ~ [ 0r I TONG !, GI 0 ZANCA ARO . .:, I I i §, •:•,-o- 0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 1>_ u_ 1>_ 0-o- u-- o- o-- o _ o_ o_o __ _.; ~ i" ;:ll Elizabethan Theatre Repertoire i PREMIERE , SATU RDAY , 31st AUGUST ~ ~-. AUGUST, 1957: e ~ Salurd ay, 31st La Boh eme il E >, SEPTEMBER, '- 8 ! 1957: 0 ~ ~ fonday, 2nd La Boh eme \I, .. ..,:, ..u Tuesday, 3rd Otello .Q 0 W ednesday, 4th La Boh eme ~ ,£ Thursday, 5th Otello Friday, 6th Tale s of Hoffmann Satu rday , 7th ( fatinee ) La Boheme ,,, Saturday, 7th V) I>-, ... V) (Eve nin g) Otello 0 ., ;g V) -0 .!, ., 0/J ~ .1:) I>-, e:· u C 2 :9 ·c Ji ., :'$"' B u .t E C J\Ionda y, 9th Otello ., -~ -0 C 2 ·3 "' c.."' ., -0"' ~ ::, (j .2 er Tu esday , 10th ·a. 0/J ::, -~ i'.l Kl ., 2 La Bohem e ::, -0 5 :,.., '"cr V) ...... V) '"cr -0 C ~ --.:: ., .s v\lednesday, 11th c:; ::, 0 ..c c Otello 0 :.2 .; E C -~ & E "' c.. -5" ::, ~ c:; ~ c.. Thursday, 12th T ales of Hoffmann ... C ... "' 8 -0 ·g 0 C ~ ., 0/J C ., ~ '" ..c bO 0 C ., ., 8 u s Friday, 13th To sca 8 ~ C E ., § ., C ~ ~ ~ o:l :c::l "' Saturday, 14th (Ma tin ee) 2 ..c "' 1l 0 ~ -5 .s -5 Tal es of Hoffmann '3 u E c.."' -5 c.."' :,.., ...... 1:) s ... c.. u c.."' -~ Saturday, 14th (Eveni ng) 0/J ~ "' "' ., ..c ~ 0 0 La Bohem e 0 ..c"' os; -0"' ·- .,c .1:) -5" -5 cc c· ...... E Monday, 16th To sca "' "' -0 .,a b ::, 2 0 "' ~ u V) ...... ::, ...... 9 .1:) 'iJ 0 0 r' 0 -~ uesday, 17th La Bohem e ..c"' 0 ·- 0 ' ;J 0 ] o:l"' G' ~ ;.::i C ::, E "' V) .1:) -5 u ..c ..c W ednesday, 18th ..c ... V) u C c.."' To sca. ... "> .:; u c., " ~ ::, e, ., :--, -0 " ... c.. "'C C ~ ...... "' Thursd ay, 19th Tale s of Hoffmann ~ ., ·o -5 8 ~ -5 ~"' 0"' -5 0 ..c ~ B 0 "'> c.."' u ., ·;;; 0 Friday, 20th The Bartered V) E u C ~ 8 u "' 0 Bride c.. ... "' ~ -5 bO > c:; at urda y, :.2 ... >, -0 "' C 21st (Matin ee) To sca V) "' C <:: E B C ... :.2 ..c C -5 ... :3 " 0 ... ..?!: fr c.. ... ~ 8 -~ Saturday, ., ci:: ~ ·- ...... -5 ~ c.. 21st (Eve nin g) Th e Bartered Bride -0 J:: :.a"' .g "'> u u tJ c3 B > "' ... -5 -o" V) 0 ::, ... > c.. C ~ Monda y, 23rd ...... 1:)"' ·o ., ., -t V) Th e Bartered Bride -0 "' ~ C § .1:) ~ ... C ] E"' :.2 E ::, -0 C ::, ~ ., ,.!,: <:: ~ Tuesday, C I>-, ... 0 ·c ... ' ;:l 24t h To sca c.. ... E .1:) ... "' .s ~ .§ 0/J >,"' ::: 0 ;J ·a. ::s W ednesday, .s "' ::, ... '"2 0...... ~ ,,; 25th Th e Bartered Bride C 0 c.. 0 ... ~ U) ... ~ l1'l ... "' ... l1'l .t! .1:) c.. Thursday, "" u -0 l "' CX) '" 26th To sca ~ "' ..c V) -0 ..c "' C: ..c ... --5 < "'u "'C -; .9 "'e, u Ji c:; ...... u ~ .1:) ·;;; ., 0 .9 ., 0 Friday, 27th .... The Bartered ., j: 0 ... ..0 Ji Bride ... -0 ~ ';:l - V) V)"' ... !., e, ti .s -5 aturday, 28th p:i .s E 0 :'$ 0/'I (Matinee) Tal es of c 0 >- c:; 0 0 :, Hoffmann ... "' -5 tl " n. Cl g bi) bi) aturday, u -0 ~ l'.l ti ::s 0 ,9 28th (Evenin g) To sca ... "' "'... 8 -~ C -0 .1:) "' -5 ~ ·a ~ -0 "' "'C .s E ·c ~ ~ V) ~ -g ·a. ., Cl d ..c"' I>-, I>-, ... 0 .1:) ~ ::, ::, -~ "' u 0 .,... I>-, ij"' u ... ~"' V) :.2 c.. " 8 ...... C ..c"' 0 j ... 0 ... -8 ... c.. ., bi) -0 ... "' V) ...... "' ... ::s ~ a 8 ., ...... 9 ~ 0 -B -B bO ~ V) --5 ..!!! > " 27 "' 1 ~ ... .9 "' .s ..0 0 ~ Design ers /or the Opera s TIM WALT0 1 ("T he Bartered Brid e" and "Tos ca"): Was trained by Profe ssor Emil P reetorius , innovator of the Wagner Bayreuth Festival. Work ed with both 1 ichola s Benoi s in Milan and also with his father , Alexander Benois , who with Diaghileff , created Russian Classical Ballet. In addition LO designs for the , ational Theatre Movement , and ' s P rincess, and Lillie Theatre , his designs were used in the Trust' s 1956 production of Mozart's "Cosi Fan TutLe" . LOUIS KAHAN (" Othello "): Born in Vienna of Russian parents , he studied art in Pari s and i, now living in London . H e first cam e to Australia in 194i , after servi ce with the French Foreign Legion in Algiers . H e has designed costumes for Gl yndebourne . set s and costumes for Sadler 's ,~1ellc s, and ombined stage design with portrait work whilst living in Melbourne . A NE FRASE R (" 1 ales of Hoffmann "): Young Melbourne commercial anist who turned to stage design at the suggestion of Ray Lawler. She later designed the sets for "Summer of the Seventeenth Doll", used in both the Australian tours and in London . H as designed for opera , drama and ballet. H er set for Act II Swan Lak e for the current Borovan sky season was a selling for Dame Margot Font e)n . No w travelling in the United Kingdom and Europe on UNESCO LT .I. Scholarship to follow current theatre trend s. ORES HARDlUNGHAJ\ r (La Boheme) , well-known Melbourne pain ter and designer, who has designed seuings fo1 " La Bohem e" , is consid ered LO be one of the most c,p cncn c-ed de~ig-ner and :,cenic arti sts in lhi s countq . H is many out standing ,e t, h,n e bee n used b) J. C. Williamson Theatre s Ltd. , Tivoli Circuit , Prince Edwa rd J hea t re and Au sLralia11 film and Lelevision organi saLions.

( MQlfil@fil~&&il PTY. LTD. KINC SIZE WINE, SPIRITAND GENERAL MERCHANTS Offer you Quality Wines in Bulk "SKYCHIEF" ... means more con:fort on interstate trips FLOR SHERRY ... 30/ - per gallon SWEET SHERRY Spaciousness is the keynote of " Skychief" comfort. In width, 18/ 6 DRY SHERRY 18/ 6 in headroom, in length, you find the generous dimensions that BROWN MUSCAT 18/6 mean greater flying comfort . In every respect, dimensions of an R.R. PORT 18/ 6 A.N.A. Douglas D.C-6B are greater than any other passenger SAUTERNE ································ 16/ - airliner operating in Australia. This extra roominess allows you CLARET ...... 12/ 6 to move about-to stretch your legs-to really appreciate your X SPECIAL CLARET ...... 14/ - trip between capitals . Next time you fly-wing your way with BURGUNDY 14/ - CHABLIS . A..N.A. and enjoy the difference. 13/ 6 HOCK ...... 13/ 6 FRONTIGNAC 21/ ­ Minimum guantity-2 gallons . We also offer you imported Italian Olive Oil s, Ol ive s, Anchovies , Che ese , Sardines, Sala me , etc. For reser v a t ions ph one A.N.A. or yo ur n ea re st t r av el ag en t. 106-118 COMMONWEAL TH STREET, SYDNEY 'PHONES: BA 4243, BA 4244 A G 732 FREE DELIVERY 28

29 A ustralian Elizabethan Theatre Trust If you wish ·to join those who are already supp orting the Trust venture througho ut the Commonwealth, you may do so by paying an initial subscripti on of £5. Subsequent annual subscriptions are £5 and are due on the l st July, and are payable bef ore th e 31st D ecember. Membe rship entitl es you to priority booking f or tw o seats at any given THE performance. Inf ormation 1·egarding th e work of the Trust and coming prod11ctions wiil be regularly sent out to members. Yo u may also assist the work of the Trust by giving a donation, ELIZABETHANTHEAT RE TBUST and ·the Tms t welcomes all donations, wh ether they be large or small . Many of the seats at th e Elizabethan Theatre, Sydn ey, have been given by f1'iends of the Tru st, both in A ustralia and overseas. A chooses donation of £10 will provide one seat, and a plaque bearing the 11ameo f the donor will be fix ed to th e arm of the chair. Sho11ld you be desirous of joining the List of D onors, please leave your name and address at the Manager's Offi ce. BLOCH'S

For ballet, p oi 11te tmd charac ter sho es

in BLOCH'SBALLET CENTR E SPECIAL MATINEE PERFORMANCES All Ball et and Theatrical Requir em ent s Tu esday , We dn esday, Frida y at 2.15 Saturd ays at 10 a.m.

124, Oxfo1·d Stree t, Sydney , .. W. A Pro e of Thr ee Ori ginal Ballets e ''BALLET ACADEMY " 8 "WA KOOK A" Tele pho ne : FA 54,52 Choreogra ph y- Ch oreograph y- Eleonore Tr eiber Valrene Tw eedie Mu sic ar ra nged by- M usic by J ohn Ant ill Georg Tintn er A.ll sho es mad e to suit e "SIGRID " Ch oreograph y, Lau rel Mart yn ind ivid ual requiremen ts Mu sic by Edv ard Gr ieg Book now- Paling's, Nicholson's, Theatre (LA673 4 )

30 U~ :!:1:~ :!:l:~ :t:t~ :t:i:~ :i.~J:~ 5.:1:~:r,:~~ 5.;i~ l:i~ :!:!:~ :f:!:~5.1~ t:!: 31 General Manager A full range ROBERT QUENTIN of lacet General lanage1 of the A11stra­ lian Opera Company, he was cd11cated ac recording Lancing and Oxford (M.A . degree) , and came to Australia whilst serving with :\'aval Intelligence . He produced a number of pla) S at thi s cime, including "J\-Iourning Becomes always Electra" . and was stage manager for Cyril Ritchard 's post -war tour. On returning LO England he joined the available Old Vic, Staff, first as a stage ditector for the Bristol Old Vic. and later as staff producer and touring manager for the London Com­ pany with whom he made extensive tours of South Africa and orthern Eu rope. He has \ \'hatc1 et yom ta stes, N ichobon 's directed and managed compan ies both in tan ,uppl) the di,c:, )OU want. Out Repertory and in the W est En d, and in 1954 toured the United Sta tes, lectu rin g in un iver ­ < ompkte range ol long -pla ying and sities. He produced the successful mus ical ,tandanl recmdings embraces all "The Boy Friend" for the Elizabet han Trnst , t I pe, ol mmic opera, t lassical, to11red Australia last yea r as ge nera l manager for the Eliz abet han Trust Oper a popular and ja11 b) the world's Compa ny's Mozart Opera Seaso n . l01 cmmt at List,. ,\II lab ·Is, all speeds arc tocked in our new , enlarged Record De­ partment. \\'c al o ha\'C a wide selection ol. po1 table gramophones, electric International Film Gala n:rnrd l 1la) ers, record storage albu1m, record racks and all type ol ,tee! and sapphire needles . In 1957, featuring Spcc ial attemion given to coun- OCTOBER G reek romantic comedy, W INDFAL L IN ATHE NS . . . sophis ticated colour co medy of manners 11y dicms. Packing and postage from Chekov, THE GRASSHOPPER ... A u,trian extra on all items. 4th-7th art ,tudy, THE TITAN , STO RY O F MI C HEL­ ANGELO . . Harold Lloyd in classic silent comedy, SAFETY LAST . . . unique American CALL OR \VRIIE TO -DAY docu mentary, HELEN KELLER I N HER STORY ... SIX-HOURWEEK -END J apanese feature from Berli n Fest iva l •.. Swed­ i,h dra ma, FRENZY, wit h MAI ZETI ERLI NG .. films from Germany, France, Ind ia, China, America. Prize-winnin g a mat eur films. In all, Grounds of sixteen major pro g ramm es. Boo k now! Sub - Sydney University scription List is limited . Keep watc hing Satur ­ day's Herald for a dditions .

- l l6 George Street, Sydney. SYDNEY FILM FESTIVAL GET THE BEST T Advanc e boo~ ings and programme information from "YOU Morgan', Books hop , Paling 's, N icholson' s. Inqu iries: BM 2830

32 33 Memor io Club. Mrs. H. H. McNall, Miss Gladys H. Mar s Mrs. Paul Martin, Mrs. Seat Donors B. M. Matthews, Matthews, Thompson & Co. Ltd., Professor W. Milgate, Malco ndustries Ltd., link Belt Co. Ply. Ltd., Malleable Castings Ply. Ltd.. E. W. Fittings Mony po'rons hovu ossisted the Elizobethon Theatre in re-seoting the stalls of the Pty. Ltd., J. R. Tregoning Ltd., Mrs. K. E. Miller, The Millions Club of N.S.W., Dr thoofre by d0nof ng th< sf of o oat or seofs. Their name will be affixed to these S. J. Minogue, W. I. Miskoe, C. J. A. Moses, C.B.E., The Musical Association of N.S.W., hf!.rs t \tnnd �· a memontC" of their generosdy Nally Limited, The Notional Cash Register Co. Ply. Ltd., Nock & Kirby Ltd., W. H. Tho cost of each stall chair is £10, with the donation being deductible from taxation. Northam, M. R. Stedman, A. E. Millward, R. E. Pirani, D. D. O'Connor, Dereka Ogden, Should you be desirous of joining the list of donors, please leovo your name and address The Old Vic. Australian Tour Company, 1955, The Old Vic. Trust Ltd., Sir Laurence at the Manager's Office. Cllivier, Josep� Sankey & Sons (Australia) Ply. Ltd., John Lysaght !Australia) Ply. T 10 �lizobothon Theatre management, • • mork of apprec1at1on list below donors limited, George Patterson Ply. Limited, Mr. 0. E. Phillips, Gwen Plumb and Thelma hond ot lime of this programme going to press. Scott. "In memory of Mrs. E. W. Ardill (Founder of the Playgoers' Club)' "The A F Albert Elso Albert, Sir Bronson Albery A1on M Allon ILondon), Vesta Bottery Playgoers'" Club, Maurice Point, Parke W. Pope, Celia Pringle, Lt.-Col. J. B. Pye, Co Ltd A: R. Allen, Mr. G. McEncroe Amory Mr. W M Leonord, Ampol Petroleum Terence Rattigan, Eric Ray, William Rees (Sydney), Mme. Pierre Remond, L. B. Rennie, Ud Dr. Edith Anderson, Aquilo Steel Co. Pty. Ltd., M. A. Armstrong, A. E. Armstrong, 'Jan Rennie, Mrs. A. Repin, Desolie M. Richardson, Richard Rodgers (New York), M.l.C., Ben _Arnott, Arts CounC"il of Ausfral,o IN.S.W. Division), The Sydney Savage Mrs. A. B. F. Rofe, Mrs. C. E. Rouse, Anna Russell, Dr. Maurice Ryan, Norman Rydge, C 1ub, Ausfrol1on Broodcosting Commission Stoff Social Club, Australian Notionol Airways Phoebe Ryde, Alan Rydge, Peggy Sager, St. James' Players (Townsville, Queensland), 1 •y. Ltd., G. D. Banks. C. Borcloy-Smith, Lorelei Booker. Bennett & Borkell Ltd., Norman Geo. H. Sample & Son Ply. Ltd., Preston G. Saywell, T. A. R. Saywell, Mrs. J. K. M, Borrell, Effie M. Borrell, Neil M. Borrell Mrs. Neil M. Borrell, Trevor J. Borrell, Schortl, T. R. M. Scott, Peter Scriven, Peter Scriven Puppets, Ronn Shafto, Mrs. Ronn A. Bosser illiom Becker, Phyllis Benjamin M.l.C.. Tosmonio) Michael Benthall (The ""'. Shaf o, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaw, 'Simon and Laura" and "The Deep Blue Sea" )Id V, I. D,ck Bentley. Beryl Newell, Elsie Boyer, Mr. 0. D. Bisett, Bitumen & Oil Company. Mrs. W. Hermon Slade, W. Hermon Slade, Slazengers-the Choice of Cham­ Refineries !Aust.) Ltd , Blaxland Roe Pty. Ltd., Edouard Borovonsky, The Borovonsky l Smith, W. J. Smith, Jessie Ballet Co., 1955, Lady Viol�t Broddon Holbr 1oks, Mrs. Gordon Brody, Brennan's Pty. pions, Mr . Non Smith, Mr. Frank Smith, Mrs. E. 0. Nige Ltd .. Jomes Brennon, The Br isbone Arts Theotre The Br,sbone Repertory Thootre, British Smith, A.C.I., A. E. Smith, Ellen Smith, Hon. L. S. Snider, M.l.C., Mrs. L. S. Snider, Olga Stacey, Mary Eliiabeth Mitchell, W. C. Stevens Ply. Ltd., Nancye Stewart and Bollo_t Aust,rolo�io_n Orgonisotian, Mr. ond Mrs. Wolloce Browne, I, C. Buckinghom, Buckinghom s Limited, Mr. Ernest Buckwalter. Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Burbridge, Mrs. Jomes Mayne Lynton, Sophie Stewart and Ellis Irving, Victor Stiebel (London), Professor Mrs. P. Strauss, Sunbeam Burn,. Mr. Reg. Cohill, Miss Thereso Cahill. Conberro Repertory Society, Miss B. M. A. K. Stout, The Strand Electric Co. (London and Melbourne), Copel, M,ss E. N. Copel, Mr, A. C. Corr Corner Air Conditioning Ltd., Garnet H. Carroll, Corporation Ltd., W. S. Tallow, Mrs. John K. Thompson, Dame Sybil Thorndike, Tecnico limited, Miss B. Tildesley, Miss E. M. Tildesley, H. S. Nicholas Memorial Fund, Allan O.B.E., Mrs. C. Cossimotis, Sir Lewis Casson, A. J. Chown John Clements, The Clock G. Toohey, Mr. H. Tronser, Twelfth Night Theatre (Brisbane), Members of the Union Milk Bor ond Tobacconist Pty. Ltd., Dr. Kevin Coon, Marjorie Evelyn Coles, Kenneth Theatre Repertory Co. (Melbourne), 1955, United Dominions Corporation (Aust.), H. C. Fronk Coles, Commonwealth Fi_lmcroft Laboratories Pty. Ltd., Dr, H. C. Coombs, Mrs. McIntyre, Mrs. H. C. McIntyre, University of Melbourne, Roland Walton, W. D. T. Ward, H._ C. Coombs, Cottee's Pos51ono limded, Noel Coward, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cull, Warner-Lambert Ply. Ltd., A. M. Watson, Mr. V. G. Watson, Waugh & Josephson Ltd., M,ss L. A. Cull, Norman Cull, Harold S. Dorko, Dorothy A. Darke, Colin Lloyd Davies, The Students of Wesley College, University of Sydney, George H. West, Miss Dorothy Mr. and _Mrs. N. F. Dowson, "Dear Charles" Company, Australia, 1955, Mory J. Denison, White, Dorothy Crosby Whitford, Mr. and Mrs. Archer Whitford, Mr. and Mrs. David W. E. Dickson (Presiden(, Legislative Council), Mr. C. Doring, Mr. and Mrs. Marcel John Whitford, Jerome Whyte (New York), Harold Williams, W. M. Williams, D. Wilson, Dekyvere, Mrs. R_obert Dixson, Herbert M. Douglass, Dorothea Dowling, Mavis Dowling, Miss P. F. Wilson, Miss Beatrice Wines, Googie Withers, Valrie Electrical Appliances Mrs. Anne Downie, John S. Dry dole, Drysdale & Sons, Miss Joanne Duff, The Eagle & Ltd., Viennese Theatre, Peter Jon. Yeend, Mrs. P. A. Yeomans, Eliiobeth Zieman, Globe Steel Co. Ltd.. Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Edwards, Mr. & Mr<. S. O. Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Field, J. L. S. Mansfield, Peter Galanis, Clive Ogilvy, June Ogilvy, Wynum J. A. �enson, Vivion Edwards, Dr, Horace Eizenberg, Dr. R. L. Ernst, A. W. Fairfax, Lady M. Fairfax, Rhoda M. Felgote IM B.E. Br,sbone), Miss G. F. Walker-Smith, Mr. J. A. Mercury Theatre (Queensland), Presented by the Vic-Wells Association in Memory of Ferguson, Ion De Farron!,, Noel and J�dith De Ferranti, Fosseys Pty. Limited, Anonymous, Lilian Baylis, Presented by the Vic-Wells Association in Memory of Emma Cons, Mr. Patrick Donnell, Mrs. Florence L. Ratcliffe, C. Aickin & Sons Pty. Lfd., Rockhampton M�s . H. F. Fnend, A. Ben Fuller, M,ss Margaret Gant, Mrs. Selma Gardiner, Georin- . Club of 0 Riordan Ltd,, Mrs. E. M. Ge_elon, J�mes Brunton Gibb, Gilbert & Barker Mfg. Co. Little Theatre, Mackay Community Theatre, Mr. Aubrey L. Gibson, Soroplimist (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. Sydney De Vnes (Bwtone), Miss Margaret Gillespie, Girls' Secondary St. George, Bowral Choral Society, Dr. John McKee, Mrs. Emily Rothery, Dr. R. McV. Schools Club, Mr. Denn,s Glenny, Mrs. Maurine Goldston, Marjorie E. Goodsoll, J. W, Coffey, B'Nai B'Rith Sir John Monash Lodge, Ray Lawler, Wogga Waggo School of Goodsell. C.M.G., Sir Eugene Goosen,, Jone Gordon (Bungendore), Kathleen Gorham, Arts, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rudder, Mrs. Rex Carmichael, Yoss Repertory Society, Helene The Governors_ and Direct�rs of the Old Vic., Mollie Gowing, Betty Greenfield, Jim Kirsova, Mrs. C. M. Ahier, Mr. C. M. Ahier, Miss Gertrude Pohlmeyer, Moya Feledy, Greenfield, MISS _Doro Gr1mley, Mrs. C. M, Guiney, Dr. C. M. Guiney, Anonymous, Francis Feledy, Arthur Jacobs, Esther Lansdown, Penguin Club of Australia, To on Old Croft Hallam, Sir Edward Hallstrom, Oscar Hammerstein, 2nd (New York), Koy Vagabond, P-,etry Society of Australia, United Artists (A'sia) Ply. Ltd., Queen Victoria Hammond, Paul Hammond, Mr. M. T. Hansen, Mrs, M. T. Hansen, Gerard Harkins, Music Club, In Memory of David R. Evans, Mrs. Jean B. Saywell, In Memory Mercia Mrs. Gerard Harkins, L. G. Harrison, Mrs, A. W. Harvey, Stanley Howes, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon Maguire, Mt. Isa Amateur Theatrical Society, Sydney Kindergarten Training Col­ lege ( 1956), Miss Carrie Moore, Mollie M. Hayes, K. J. Lawrence, Dr. G. A. M. Hey'don, ;;;•ude Healy, Jnr., Katherine Hepburn, Robert Holpmonn, L. R. Hewitt, East Bros. Y- L td., Mr. F. Hogon, Mrs. A. Hordern, Jnr., Wallace Horsley, Viola Horsley, Women's College, University of Sydney, Wives' Group University of Technology, Stanley Bruce H_orsley, Mory Horsley, Patricio Horsley, Ion Horsley, Mrs. R. M. F. Houghton, Ken­ Owen & Sons Ply. Ltd., D. V. Casbolt, Mrs. Myra E. Armstrong, Mr. M. V. Armstrong. neth Wdkson, John Gloss, Ernest Turnbull, Hoyls Theatres Ltd., Mr. John G. Hurley, G. I. D. Hutcheson, The Independent Theatre (Sydney), Olive lngoll, A. C. Ingham Pty. Ltd .. Dr. W. W. Ingram, Elsa Jacoby, Ion Jacoby, Jocqmor (London), Mrs, G. A. Johnson, Henry for the ELIZABETHAN THEATRE Jones & Co. Ltd: _(I.X.L.), Mr. Robert Kopferer, Sir Norman Kater, T. Kelly, N. M. Kelly, This programme is designed Woolworths, Or1ginol Displays Ply. Ltd., Joseph H. Barrett, Claude R. S, Archer, by John F. Abbott, Fred J:i· Lester, _Raymon? J. �irby, Moya Kirby, Jomes R. Kirby, . Kevin RON PATIEN PUBLICITY PTY. LTD. J. Kirby, Jom�s N, �irby, Phyll,s K. Kirkpotnck, Miss B. M. Knox, Miss A, B. Knox, . 421 Sussex Street, Sydney. 'Phone: BA 2098 Eve Lander, V1v1en Le,gh, Mrs. E. 0. Lemaire, Bill linnit (London), The Austin Motor Co, (Aust.) Ply. Ltd., George Lloyd, Nu/field (Aust.) Ply. Lt'd., The British Motor Cor­ to whom oil advertising enquiries should be made. po_rolion (Aust.) Pty._ Ltd., Gilbert Lodge & Co. Ltd., Foster Morfin, Nigel B. Love, Printed by PEERLESS PRESS PTY. LTD.. 5580 George Street, Sydney. Miss Margaret Lundie, John McCollum, McCothies Ply. Ltd., Mr. B. P. McForlon Dr, M. B. Mcilrath, Mr. F. J, McKenno, C.B.E., Miss Jeon B. McKenzie, Nellie Stewori �4